The Brussels Post, 1903-7-16, Page 2senneesocvmsessessokeenesesseessoseeetessegeseeeeeness STRONGER THAN DEATH A RANSOMED LIFE tioseogel ioott9o'®tr3rtsst491woosi flpos000lte sseastesorb3PnE4Jtt CIIAPTI 1t I. "Mad from Life's history, Glad to Death's mystery Swift to bo hurler, ,Anywhere, anywhere Out of the world," As he glided on swift, - smooth wheels along the broad h:nlbankment from Westminster towards tho City his eyes lit for a moment. on the figure of a young girl wulkiltg close to the river wall far on in front of 11101, It was a casual., almost tut uncolsclaus glance, She ettug1it his eye because sh0 was so straug'ly out of kooping with the .glad Jun", morn- ing, The air was brisk and the sky blue. The beautiful world looked its best. In. the gardens to the left children sported, '11101 sparrow's chirped, and flowers Woolliest; on the right the bright river rippled and s11ul'd in the sunshine. But in every dine of that dropping figure mfsory Made itself felt. SIIr' was, in appearaneo, litho more than a child. Tho shabby black dress clung close to her slender form, told a thick coil of yellow hair hong disordered over her shoulder, She „calked swiftly, yet falteringly, with sudden stops and quick glances at the water. All this the keen dark oyes of the num noticed half -consciously ns he closed in on her at the rate of ton yards a secon11. Ten seconds lora and he hod gone by. and she in the sante 00 2u,•nt had died; on so slight a thing life hangs, But suddenly, just as 110 was close behind, the girl swung herself over the low wall of the Embankment, Hud went down with a splash into the watrr, 110 dropped of behind his hirycle at t'0 spot where she had vanished; his spinning pedal grated harshly on the ic:>rbstone, and 110 was over the -Lnlllluuc,t^'1t wall so swiftly after her that it scvtucd bit, one plunge. Ile saw the dark outline far clown dimly through the water caul • struck out for it, Tho liulp figure yiddod liglctly to his touch as ho wont piungillg up to the surface of the river. Luckily the tide sot strongly, and it dozen strong strokes with the quick current carried flim to the lauding -stage of the steamboats, close tit hind. A human cargo had just been land- ed there; and a cheer broke out as he rescued the. stage with his hurihon, and a score of willing hands wtro stretched to help him, But he need- ed no help. Lithe as a rat 11e clambered on to the stngo, making! nothing of his burthcn. With stlrngth and dexterity coulbined be pushed o1• edgod his way rapidly through the crowd, still carrying tho I limp, Jight form, from which tine i water dapped, A crowd had already gathered out- s'dr•, and thele was another cheer as he came upon the footway. his 1):11 f.gure showing clear over the throe„ ho raised his hood unt1. beck, 1.i .3 10 a passing hansom, la an faetnnt it dashed -smoothly up to the krrl.stono beside hila scattering the crowd _ reckles:4y to right and 101.). 4, 'To 1110 hospital, sir?" said the driver, as the n)c•olscious girl was littal 10 the seat. "No; 111, Cecil I1oto], tis fast as You cut drive," 1d0 St0ppcd 111 beside his charge, and tht•y were 111,iHod away, the crowd still elwering, and the Mot it - Ode policanan showing in the dis- ta112,0—late, 'l'he hansom dashed :headlong from the busy street into a quiet court-: yard, an 00015 of rest in the vary; Loa's of strident London. All round the place were men and wolnru lazily breakfasting, ('hafting, lounging, or Smr,king• in the shady: verandah. Every eye teas tallied 011 the hansom that cherged ful•iou.ly in 1 (tad polled up sharp, wt111 a scram- I bl0 and scuffle of 1s'heols ao11 bout.., i at. 1110 hotel door, "l'hoy saw a tttll non leap not dripping wet with a girl dripping wet in his mins. SIa toss)d tho driver a sovorcign, and disapproved into the hotel. Yet. not s,, fust but he was reeognlzed by the fashionable crowd that clustered in the scram- doh or loitered round the door. "It's Dr. VITian AIola, " said an ; A.mr:ric•al, clr2n-81110ed nntl long- faeed, who was dawdling over his breakfast i21 tho verandah to the right of the entrance, "Thr. smart- est nous In :London, I Natio: gives our Edison lits.'" "And the riehos1,'' added his plac- id, eolntnonplace wife, •'They say he's 210111) us many millions (1a ho can count on his singers." "And the ltan1soaest," cried the dainty daughter, sparkling with vivacity, "1 sow 11m Last week, when 115''(1 what you call 'rarrfed 1(18 hat' at. Lords. '1'Ix' 4(041, were cheering like mad, and he looked just too fetching In tlauu'ls." IlrouwhIle Dr, \'121(211 Ardol, care- less of (moment, with his helpless burlhcn wont up the brolul, shallow steps of the great marble 8laircaSo 1210 at tt 111110, At. tho second land- ing 11e came face to face with the head-rhaluhl'rnlaid, a stout, uliddla aged woman, who 5tured in (mon- eyed lew'ildrrmCnt at the dripping linin fwd the dripping wauliut in his arms, "Show me to a vacant bedroom," he said. hi that clear, 1020 tone which begets obediea•e; "gat - hot- water buttes and flannels, and n flask of brandy. Quick, woman! it's a mutter of life or death!" Very softly he ]aid his burthen down on the deep velvety carpet of. the roost. The water sli•oulned from her in little ponds and rivulets, or stood out in bright. round brads on the thick tufts of the carpot. As she lay there, with the clamp gar- l1t101115 clinging to her motionless form, to 011 inexpcl'ienced eye 51e was quite dead, 11(r body 0)1(1 limbs were limp as a n'tt•ly-shot bird's. Dor face wore death's color; 'Own. was no breath front her lips or 02011ol at her heart. But .1)r. Ardel did not despair. In his dark ryas Otero was a resoluto Icon:ideas, of oto 1t'll0 hos often bat- • 11011 12t close quarters with death, land won. lie plucked a plump vet - vet cushion from the couch and set it under the girl's Shoulders, s0 that the body lay in a slight slope on the floor, Thou he put back the thick dank coils of doad gold hair that foil across ler face, and pressed 1110 while (hooks gently with his finger- 1 (ills till tho small blue lips opened, • the double role of narrow white teeth uncleafhed, and. tho tongue's tip showed. Leaning over t110 body, !he firmly pressed her elbows to her sides, and slowly raised ]ler arms till they were extended at full length over hl,r head. Again and again. smoothly and slowly, the 010(10n was rcpeatecd with patient persist - once. The chambermaid cane softly into the room, laden with hot-wal.er bot- tle, 1lanncis, and brandy -flask. "'Take oil her boots and chafe her feet," Dr. Arden ordered, without 1 ceasing a second from his work, The wounin had leen a nurse in her titae. With the quick freemasonry i of the hospital these Inc•l'a'w each 1 Otter in a moment, as 011]1111' and t soldier know each other in mufti, Shr, 01,10(1 0t once, quietly a1(1 dex- ter0usly, crouching on the carpet . with the little naked feet, pure and 1 chill as white marble, in her lap, t Up tool down, up and down the s limp 0.1(18 lnovecl a score of times Ilt least 10 n minute and a half, and Still tier girl lay lo all seeming i (load, Dot the doctor's quick oye saw a 13112);;0. 11ts head wont clow/1 t close 10 her ]cit side, and his ear, 5(nsitf v4 as a hunted have's, rather felt that hoard a faint pulsation b like the quiver of a thread. Steudfly they 1V0rlmd on, t:hoso two, 3n silent, patient c011111ct with 1hr1at en iug death, so silently that A the ticking of the doctor's watch s was 111)) only souu(1 heard in tho 2 room. 'Ton his finger-tips touched the girl's sling wrist, and he broko the silence at. lasl,— '01'he brandy, nurse," I( With his lingers still on ler pulse = he lot. 0 dozen chops of the strong spirit trickle from 1 h spoon through the blue Ups. Yost the threadlike li qui'.r was /nosy perceptible, and a t .dint glow like the flickering rose y tint fn the Moist of an opal slowed a Saverfn(ly in 111e white cheek, 11osp1tal dh:ciplino had hitherto li kept the n(u•so silent, but now the e woman In her eonquered the Hurst). "Is she dead, doctor?" she asked, with a gasp of 1111(11821 ruger11ess. "No; 1101. like to dio, 1 hope. (lot Iter to bed 2102 its quickly as you can; light 1110 tIro ill the room and set the 111)1 -valor bottle at hat' foot. 1 will rotors fn lwooly (Bout( VI III that g vo you haw enough?" "1'1'uly, sir; a qu01'10e of an ho will do," 110 pared up and clown 11114 rorridt ilnpultont ly, and was 11011 in L roma sharp at the appointed time A warm lire blazed cheerily h, 1 2)40421 ntld the girl was in bed, tl nuts' standing beside "Conscious yet?" 1e asked abr(lp ly, "1o, doctor; showed no sign Again he let the brands iric'klo slowly through ha* lips, 1'1x' faint 20241) 11111 grow Steadier 011 her drool and the pulse boat lucre evenly at 1114 11t1ger-1,lps. AS he bent 11(er ht the eyelids reiso1l without wnrni❑ and oyes blue ns forget -010 -Hots 1001 al straight foto 1111, own; ((1gveh' a fit's); 311(1 re11)0nnbl'ance and miser dawned slowly la their t1•olshiec depths and her whole body gtlivere as (hough with !lain. The pain 111 her taco shadowed th Clark 11,5 that gazed upon her, s 111'111 2.115 1115 sympathy. A fain pitiful 1001111 was heard, told her lit moved in vain moonlit to speul 'Then his face suddenly took 011 look of 00nuu011d, Once, twice, ihre tines his hands toyed in 1.041 pas8(14 before tier eyes. 110mu'n hrnnce 0nd pain died at once out c her f0c0; softly the lids began t droop tilt the long dark lashes rest ed an the white cheeks and she lo placid nod motionless. "Sloop!" he Saul softly, with hi if lis chose to the s1o11-like ear Oa peeped from 110 thick cluslel's o yellow hair, "Sloop!" and the a SiVer Cann, bock faint and far -awn from the mystic: region of dreams almost llliell tine wall of 111)4 room from door to eating, "I n){ 11 5 said. It look t t '1111(," he I o•., ,.. ]t a 124 1)o •o hair r t a t o gloss' h wluhl:l,, Yet 111 best of Inv life 38 gots., for (*sot•, the intoxirnling, es• uherltfl. delight 1)1 youth is lost to •s. sur', 1111(1 old .,go creeps on, wills In - Oil 111110 (1,;4,11 bahinnl, Ilut 331(10)ny 1(l' 1houg'hlr won't ltd)) 1)r hiudor. Lrl 1110 ,'nJoy !lm' 218 it goes, for death n• t'11(1s till." ho Tho sof(-footed welter stoic. into the room, and nuisr'lrssly as 110 he gonia 111 an Easton), story sot the to lunch 011 the table, 1t. 11(18 all 1Xtpt151le 111'1('11--esqu1s- 1 hely ('01,091 Illni Fi'L•2'a(), \•i.'..1(111 Ar - del enjoyed tho dainty 1'inllds and of delirale winos with 1111 keen Lippe - We of health and the fllstidfo.s pal- ate of the epicure, 110 threw tip the window, lit a cigar, and dr /opal again into his ,115,1' -chair, Tho sky w't1S still clouds m loss (1101 the sunshine 1111g111 rut the g,. river, 'I'I1e summer air hraat11011 soft- ly into the r00m, 111s thoughts 1'11)1 {t in the sumo current as before, What y a pleasant, bea11liful world it is! .2t hole happy is Dur 111'e in int how full d of. varying (lrllght, If it could only lust! So his thoughts ran hncossa.nt- e ly on (ho two great problems -11M o and death. t An hour later he forint( 1111 girl is still stooping' and the nurse rending c. at the 1rinduw, She ros4 and stood a before 111111 130nwredly with folded e hands its he altered. d! '•1 shall not, require you for half is • on hour, nurse," 110 said, nod she If1loft the roost, glad of the respite, o' As the dour closed behind her 11e -: turned to 1110 bed with a purpose in 0 n y P 0 n "1 sleep." ^1?org't v0ur sorrow's," he whist rood lack, "Sleep a restful slot' till 1' toll you to awake," Slto breakneck a gentle, placid Ifttl sigh and nestled her cheek cosily t 110 yielding pillow; her breath cion soft and slow, and her sweet lip parted in a happy smile. Pity, keen almost to pain, was f gnzeu on ler. Then for the first time bar loveli- ness dawned upon him. Till then she. had boon to him a more ahstrac- liol, a life to bo fought for told saved. Now all at once her beauty thrilled h110. The small thin hands, nuns what) 118 the snowdrops, lay loosely on the counterpane; rho love - 1y face 1145 frontal in a thick tangle of gold eals. The delicate linos of the eyebrows, the silken fringe of the ladles, shoved in cleat•.outline On pallid 0)1(84 and forehead, But thy waste words, when words fail nttcrly to solve the subtle mystery of those soft, tender curves and tints of woman's lovaliitess that 1111 1110)1'8 soul with such passionate delight. ' Poor child!" ho said softly; "so coling, so beautiful, with lltu stretch - ng long b0fo•c her, how silo 111053 lave suffered to seek (loath willing - y! Stoy with her, 11111.10," he said o ilio woman who stood by silently. `Let her have a little milia every tali -hour till I retulrtl, She will take t without waking, Above all pings, she needs rest." "But doctor," the woman protest - d, "1 must first.— "I will see to that," the doctor nterposed. "I ant going straight o the manager," 14'ithout a 2•0•t more the nurse et busily, obediently to her task, There was notch whispering and urning of heads in the great hall of he hotel as ho walked through to he 1na)nag,d''S room, liven in the Iggost 110111 in Iilluope, ih', Vivian Aoctel was a personage, and 0 vague ver5i0n of the rescue had already am buzzed about the place, "Uerlaltlly, doctors" tho manager aid courteously, in reply lc, 1)1., 191(1'8 explanation and samost, "It hold be exactly as you 91081)0. I will see to it myself." "Can you telephono to my place at one() for a change of clothes, and have them sent up to whatever bath -room they give me?" "1'11 levo it done at once. 110 you now, your bicycle hos just come in. 1'he cabby wont back for it," ".I'm glad of that. Than was a Ilio device of my own attached which 7 should not liko to ho5o, 11111 o1) kindly lnavu it put by carefully, (191 give tho man who brought it a. o'erolgn, 1 will stay on horn for a tli1 to 100ic after my patient. 1 an 110(11 a bedroom told sitting -roost suppose?" "Of course, Your usual rooms,,' 711, Arden emerged radiant from his alb, every nerve tingling, 0vel;y oln warm with vitality, a superb picture of l'ign'Ol1S manhood. The cold plunge into the Thames, the long wait in his wet clothes, had not hurt hint in the least. The waiter showed hint his sitting - room, and 110 hastily penciled a luncheon menu, at once choirs and substantial. Then, when the man loft (ho room, he plunged into a huge 011.5y -chair at the boW windoW, and looked out o11 tho Thalnos, lost In thought. "Why did she. do ]t?" he 3)0)1(iert'cl; 101 (0111(1 she do it? She must yr suffered terribly; that, at least, plain, when she went, to 311.112, 22014 death for lelinf, She had got ese two most precious things—lira x) youth—tool she triad to fling 11h mosey, A dozen Soc•0))(1(4 more ul it tens all over; her young llfe c1 gone onl lily tho !intoe of a 1001311 1 candlo, lost fm ever 311 calk d,trio uro•5, 1'rn'inF; un 1.rare 110• 1,d Yrt she cunu01 b • morn flan I -n ''"4,•a o" 4.K44, )4'1,0 I414l 1110 eI>t of 11rr youth,the loSt Of her lo. 10, a I,) r, 1,01) 110. "te tV lOr- tr l ( both 1 Lav).'l1. 1' r, I n Iwo loth 1 {1, stretching 01)i . 4,P my n I 1 20,11 .1 r•orrld do us .14'11 I 11. i!''1 II •r) 10 51i)311141 .m ., t 1 1 ,,. in 1(0)101 1Ip "a! 1. ,.In; t l . d ll,' Cool' 1:- 44 ir 1' ,. 414.(1 Noised ta' 1 44 :;l 1 1001.4" 111121 Emaciated By ey its4s 'e5111) SUfiered Greatly Prom Ba.oi(aoho, Sleeplessness anti 19eadaohi— Now Snthusiastio in Praising Lar. Chases Ki,lnoy-Liver Pil.s, One feature of kidaey disease Is the gradual loss of flesh and wasting away of the tissues of tho body. Slowly and 8110,130 the victim feels strength and vigor Obb1ng away and realizes his awful condition.. The following letter suggests a smugly which has brought back health and llappinn55 to 1.housaud5 of sufferers from Iddnoy 211500se, Sir, William F. JTnldileh, Pct l Rollinson, Ont„ .,tors:- i Wait for several yea) 5 a greet I.110,11 fr c 1t) 4.4 tiny trold,l• Plum 10141 b tlu'Od (112» t,lsr T an now l ,,gliiy ,)'r. I1 111 c nal 10111,),, 111 5112'31 R ' '.Yell ti4vre um; et 111. t 44 1- t 11 filpa,'it,l). ,l w, 4114 l .) ) 1+ 2,1 1,11) 14. Slliou 's a,. I 1 1014•'1'. t .,dlilt I 1.1' 1,1) ,p•- ( .' •1 r<):I: t tn•rl 51 1,0 4.4,1111/11).1) , • 5)' l 1; 2.1 r,l,1, 1 1,,1...1 4. 414104 04.41 311 d ,, 4.0 dr.•;nau:'ul 04, 1 1 I•' 1. i 011 I r`rl 1'1..y ,..,• 1.1. 1,).,, 111' 4i It a t)I I began using Dr, (lhaso's ICidhoy- Liver kills, and, lifter using a tow boxes 1 lens again enjoying health and vigor as the worst svnl,ptoni5 'ql had entirely passed away. When 1 110 think of my pr0sent good health in is comparison with my miserable con- 1,) dttlon of three yo0r5 ago 7 would is, not go back to may farmer state for 4,l arty amount of money, 1 may bo 1>e 1."n u's'ed enthusiastic oyer 111•. Ill Sims. '32 1 iOney-Livor Pill:), but, cora 1,n sot ring 1.111. benefit derived from q) toot,. 1 Pave )'very raison to be," b1 A(11r(.' ns ;toy do, dirootly on the 113 liver, I.:dnn,.4 and bowels, 11r, (1, c n Nionesal icer Pitta insar0 floats 4,i the blood. good rirc01111 ion and 1 'net's r.ow11110(2 of 110 (31 • I'i 12 t 0 r Ia 3 1n ). l '0 11 •1 1 ( 1 '•2' i)i ),11 ( 1-.2'. 6 til rll n Io' 111 ' ->' i • r= F? 1 r:, '3 ( ,n r1.1u' 1 : r 41 61 i 1 ' ) ' 1 ' 1.*' 114, ;1.1 f•„1 1 : ). aline A 2., 111 e .. `. 11.r".1 • 9 :, 1 ., ,0, 11.0 1)d• ')) ... " i ,, , 1 his 0y0S. Yet Inc paused. for a m0- meat or two irresolute. 2 "is it fal'?" he asked himself, "to capture the secrets of her life 1t•1111e I she lies there hclpl0s8 and 2111(011- !5c11)uS? '1',, unveil her soul 1)8 the i penilent'5 before the 411081?” 310 looked again 111 the slecpi131 gill. "An innocent young face," ho nnlscd, "that Speaks of life and heart in/1010M auk pure, Sorrow, Snot shame, has brought her to this pass, 1t will be less pain to toll hot story thus, and I must know all, that I may help her as I wish to '1111p hors" Ile touched her forehead lightly with his finger-tips, and a slight quiver passed t1111(1lgh nor body at Ids touch, "Do you hear mo?" he asked, in clear, low voice; and the answer came backs clear and low, "I hear." 'Tell nue ,your name and age?:' "Lucy Nay; not quite sixteen." "Where have you lived before you cable to London?" i '7n Kent, close to Canterbury." "Tull me of your life?" 1 "My father was a doctor. Wo 1 were very happy 312 our little home, I but he died last year of a fever 1 caught from a poor patient. lits !death left us lonely and very pool', I and11'0 canto to London, mother and r I, to earn ouown bread, Wo want- ed to teach music, for neo could both play and sing, but no one would (lire us, It was a heart -breaking ('nllnre. Our little stock of money slowly drained away. Mother grow w.(ite and worn, At last I got a place as governess, and the 1(0010 wino pleased and k11111 to 1110 11t 11r8t, 1211(1 Said I 11(15 C10(0' and taught. wolf, I and hie looked til littlo brighter. I "But after six mouths there w'as a • ch1ugo. The only son carte back( front college. Ito was very gay and lrloasnnt-spoken, and for a while the !louse 1.118 brighter for his presence. Above all things, ho loved to cool) to the nursoey or school -room to play with his little sisters. 13ut One day his mother found him there, and was strangely tingly, She 12211)01 him out of the room, and thou said things, of which 1 only vaguely guessed the memling, that outdo 110 hot with shame. 1 went back to moldier 11nd told her, and she 11•as angrier than 1 was, anti pitied 1110, and cried 0100 1)10, tlnd 11,VC4 were (ll - most humor together, But tie mon- ey I luui raved slipped away, and I coald earls no more; and 1t) had Vely little food, and mother faded slowly, growing every clay paler and thimur. Yesterday she (13or1, "Them 7 was very lonely and mis- erable, and had no one to turn to for help or )1040. A woman who lived in the house, a young woman, canto to ata and whispered vile thing's of her 0111 life, and frightened mo, I had no means to live. I had no wish to live. I was longing to b0 with mother and fathor, at rest, At 01051 it las only a fete days noon life, a few days of misery; and 1 thought the gond God w'ptdc1 portion 1110, 1 had 5lll'tl.•red So 1011011, 1 20218 half mud with grief and holger IN Inn I went down 1.0 tile. river, 7 had heard it 1:'158 no 00sv death, but 1 11(28 fr ;)110110(1 at 111e look of tho later, and T walkod a little tray by the rleerdd) trembling, Then all at once coura310 00111e to 4,e, and 1 climbed over and teapot] in, "1 r,mnmber the rush through tho air. I remember rho chill touch of tho tenter, 1 refnembcr no more till T 0pen0d 111y 43/08 for a m0nlent—it wattled in a strange, itteg1, 11tuldsone rooms, A lean was hanging over 111(1 111050. 03/13) 5eelned--•" lint 11110 the clear, 1011nnaldhlg whisper broke in on her words -- "Sloop," and the 1111!'11111511o11 sen- tence died upon her lips, and with 0 cordent113 litho 81);1 she passed n31a)n in10 a (loop, dreamless, hyp- notic Slumber, Ito took the litho hand 111 his own, The soft, lyn1111 touch of it lnld its story of reviving health 110)34 strength, tool th1 31111)11' heat easily and steadily in the 8)101 blue-vclacrl wrist. Just then a tap (11)11)0 to tho door told inn 1,ur511 cnteiv'r1, "1 hope 1 hnvo not 8layed too long 1)11(53', 4431'• "You (n'?"in good (fele, moo, Shot will sle.'lr all night 1114 5Le s11,1113 0'V 2i1 ' and T ] 241.0 her early )• ail i] V , the morning. Yon can take nl.r, your own rest 11111:1)111 a• o' (1,) f lar 2)111111)110(1,) The first r:h'a00•r 111) 111x' Illnus'S 1.," I hr' "'Marjory." 111 151 1, The •'1:3'1,1"0111" f"Iln'1,d her a soaf latch" 4949t.D2'RI.A"tLdtt.W).Y' 19Y.lt''Iki"1Rr' 21(16 X1+1 " p2,1 of ON FU. S'l'AC'li111(I i4(IA:LY, (111;1,.1:55, .111,1• tho small grains Intro boo out the dues't0u of wilt:ha r of 10 to 'laul( is 011e 14911ch (2eiy flume most ct011110 for h1ul)5•clf, if a flatus] ling 111)1('111(10 Cali lit'. Set'11rt'ld at Hile and the g111111 11(00411(x1 nod store to tt lain, it is hJ' for the safest tent most 0conontieal plait, for no In.a tar how well 81111111 in'ltins a' litu.k011, 148'L'e Is mora Or !ass (len gal' of thole being lujured by dash lag rains, 1110 FJ'urlc8 11t'ust sitmrcl 101g en 01411 so that thy grain 18 thorough ly dry before it is put illio the bbl 11021•evcr, where many pooplu in tit )10fgtll1orhoo31 1141)11 to l.ln'ash 11.011 the 0301011, 11 is n.l1110431 iu11'0sSihl to got a ulp,rl(no 1)t. the rhg11't time 1lfany' ileitis of grain arc serillusl d0.1111g021 by being' left u,istaclunl Tho sntost phut, t.herofuro, i8 3 stack and them tiu•c:dh as )102(ll a 1)001411210, 11t ('1nosf0g n 5110 for 4)1(11cs. h 3102(1114(1 rntiroly by. cfrcunistleur0s If a barn or :Chad 124 111.11311)11( 1'01 51(111)131 Ilnth11'8twil grain, and it is practically 511(4, t)ora, use i1 by 4,i 111'(0115, if shollor is IDA ayailnblc stack where the straw lolly 110 1111 17091 to hest advantage 110 411(111• and food for live Hi 00k, 1'11 loan, sect301)15 of 1111' 21'1st, the sin•aw is either burned or stocked in the field, where it may 1.01. and be plowed un- der'. In this also the wheat luny Is STA CKED 1W91131111 CI 11011'5, l'i'st decide whether you wont a rot121)1 stacks or a rich. A roust stack will probably withslaaul the e3a'ts of clashing rain better than a rick, '1lhwever, ricks are more easily mode and Etre quite popuhrf fn uluny suctions, 321 the great northwest it Is 1110 con1100)1 jernot1ce to place the wheat in round stacks. The first essential is making a stack is to have a good foundation. This is ordinarily 800)1(091 by build- ing a boo 8,9locic in the colter of the spot when) the stack: is to stand. Continuo s1Ltin31 Isun'dlcs upon It, gradually sloping thea) 1 )1ln and more until (210y 1200 al5u:0st level 2')181 the outer course is rearhnd, care being always takon Unit most of th0 bundles do not toltch the ground, When the foundation is conllplet0c, the chief tiling t0 I0ok after is to sec that the middle of tae stack is 0111'03'S kept high x111 solid. Do this by laying extra courses of btnldlos, walking back and forth 081 th0m, and having (ho 111a15 who pitches 00111 the wn.go)1 always throw 1110 bundles on the center of 3510 stack, Gond stackers do not stop on the lrunr)105 in (51e outer moon. This leaves them lo.nso. They will sot lo mote than the. hundlos in the. c'0nt-cr and ormsequently Will slope forward, making an outer hty2' al02(1,51 d1YIPER ('10 U S TO WATER - 'When the8u Lao polutn are ear0ful- ly looked after and allcaaiv11 Is giv- en to laying the outer course of buiellos so Lroy will not s1tl,, a gond 8Lnalc i5 a co,taluty, Of cu0rst, a 51) 00ther looking, and in coality n bootee )'tock, cull be 1110111• 21311) 8)2)14,1 1100ldles than with the large whit 11.1111 outs tl•(51) 2'1', alit Ol• 1;y0. 3,1:011 the stack:ur,.1)0311ns to "draw in," this 10 1st be chow g, u2fulllly 81) th',l't the water 4,'i"l be turned , off 1.n,, 11:1y, couscquentl • hogill bef0ro the stock shows too groat a height, 05 it m.ake5 u.nIlcoisary work to 1ri'(• 1 it to the top of a 1.0;1' high ('1091(, A'htn the toil has been rc'a. belt, 1)51' great care in cou(plc•t- i11g it. ]f a Myer of 1n•uirie 11x3 or rye stray be placed on top ((20) pr1- pc' 1y weighted (11112')), there 11111 he little o• no trouble in knotting the stook from laking water. This, however, is • 4 n' std n >• c• 'c 1 )u l) 4,l i I s s101t11111(11 Il t 1, tho t0./ 1 car q y d 11. carefully breaking and pincing tht' longest bt.tnilea, which should be s0lected eh; ring the comit sluctlon of the stack. As a 'rule cap shads frotu shocks are best for this 31120130104 , At intervals of 2 o' 13 feet along Che top insert 1101)1ter 8tc148 13 by > foot long, to ]co(p the bunI(111s 3n place. Witdh the slack during a 14001114y porfod and if any b,1123les aro 1)102011 oP, see that they are put bade at 01110, aro that to my 1(now1l(lgo there Is not a Trap grog')) 1,31at fur11dshos 50 chonply, abuluklnntl,v nod in NO short a time, so la''o a quantity of 3m - mus for surceoding (lops, writes Ids, \'nn 10Nl, \1)111' 1 se11 1111•g0 (.3E1(1)(1(211111Ues of th,u), 1111y bre (11)l'ny5 sown its a 1411111'11S ert117 11,1,91 often 11111'11 ant to he a Wulrnl• Prop by d114- po.ing' of then 111 flim n()51)'Jsl'l. 1 Il1ld1 11)1s so 8alisfactaly 131)11 o'4, 11),1' 11 81111111 f1u•111 con; isti)g of Montt. 1111 t acres, 01a1y llVllllnhln oar 111 1110 l• talo summer or fall IS 511.10)4 to 111.1'- 1_ 1i145 of d11Ter,n1 vlu'icl3)8 41141 scone - t, tunes 10111l4t c1o1'ai• west is 11)1\ell (1 in. 1 It )1010100101(5 oceua'5 That 1,n 011- (_ e2,11e0111)13' lnl'f;e crop is I•(130t@1 {(Here u t>ofe is looked for. The past. foil, _ owing to 1.11 early 1411,11 very de- _ 5(1•uclive 1)051, 111,1011 oecurrc'91 In our vicinity, hundreds of mous of _ corn w'eto 01111051 (lithely 11'i'l rmy,(l. - '1')lol' ,'rope, Ful'h 118 into beans, lo - i, i 0)11101,8. Ind vines of all dca('ri,P- lions sufirrld 1)kcwise, Di our 01.11 ('101' 1011 lu'l'ls of cowpeas (1•udd soy 1. h5lln8 lure ](ills! outright, The 5U1i11g of hhis entire 11e11 t0 11ur111518 „. in into 1(1111 lung hotoro tho killing front 01011rred produced n truly 1011_ o 1tel•tll Crop, s 1'110 r0Su1l 1 .11o3t for nest yaw. • This field 1411)1 110 hese(' crap of 1, 1021.11ra, 2')111\4, 1211,pplelllenit'd with 5evorn1 1013s of deruyecl turnips nn • err(•, will not 01)1,• tubi' aal ideal hold for gl'oll•ing'regal u•hlas but 1.111 g112140 a hog, crop of (Illy 1C11l,Cd Rt. a 1 1'lnrparatIvely smell outlay for en- ri'hfng' the poll. The 1,11110 1 have Sheila! iulluw'ed in 31101•ing snmr'thing 120- .1 sido8 weeds on the soil has herrn a 10111'0o of R great deal of s,ntishie- rion in nrniult11inilb soil fort ility and 1 is one of 1111 s4e2('ts of raising good 2'(•31(11 allies, A PEW 1'Oi.NTF.l lei. 1 Tho loan should bo a nlaelalfaRtar- ing extublishminit, 501311)g no rale materiel, nothing but the t;n5sll0d product, There is no ec(nucnuy in raising ('Ottlo, growing food nod hnr'vosting it, alien Soiling 10011 to a feeder to finish the Product. The g'rotties't profit on modernist priced land Is made ily growing s110)1, together with such e0dp8 e8 they can harvest iheuva'ivos, They ran gather their own fell cheaper than any ono else cuss do it. As farming lands 1dv'a.uc0 112 price improved syslonu1 and 1.>usfn(ss nre- tholds must be (1(10)11 d, C'h)itp far- ming on rosily hood novae paid 0)151 100er will pay. 111'ud splitting narrow tires o1 wagons pull Very heavy 11111101' pre - soot c•ai(lito(lS of 1091 roods. Wide tires net as rollers and 1ullprcls•O the roasts, while the murOW tires nut deep channels to 11o1'd 11'utor, All kinds of farm implements last much Ringer if housed and ahe wood- en parts contact with paint or lin- seed all. CROW The reasons I advocate tho grow- ing' of turnips of an 01111 natal scale SOUR SWILL 13AD FOR SWlfil?, one of the chief reasons wkly some pig raisers fail to secure tho sue - Es se w'h'ich their neighbors 011Joy is toot os tho kitchen 1,fu:0 is a1l01- ed to become fermented before being Lod. It is a 1)1181.ak0 to inutgin0 1101.1 ovury'tling a pig will eat 15 good for him. 5le has really no gren1er neo', nor does his system cull for food strongly (101,1, than a elan would have for piokios at every moat, Those Is no more active ag- ent in promoting indigestion in pigs of all ages and in ohc0l(i,lg rapist and unprotltl2blc growth than s0111r 529111, It lcocpa young wigs thin in flesh and ailing', and for •older tiles, aid hl0o(1 501'8 in pall] Eli, it commonly puts than ,,IT their feed. 11111 :0 o•erything coming room tho kii.el-en stho111c1 1111 made 11.140 of, its awe! 111(330 should be knot cloak. 'l'uIso it all flown to t110 pans while! fresh and fund at mice; nothing can ho gained by debts', aa' mush nosy bo lost. 132,((0((2 CHASE'S 0113 Gummi Co4 fCtr(1 .1 11 1 1s seat direct to 1110 diseased parts by the Unproved Mower. Profs Ito ulrcrs, clears iho air passages, slops droppings In tho tt - threat and parinannnily cures Catarrh and tiny Fov,r. Blower free, .411 dealers. or I)r, A. W. 01,254 7y, hledlelno Co„ 'foronlo snd. I)uahlri Mistress ((Whig visitor in 1(11c•hen) —"Who is this, Nary?" Harry (cnn- fused)—"illy brother, 111'01." Miss tress (suspiciously )—"You're not much alike." 1\l0ry (slan11uering, apologot.fcglly)—"11'0 wore, m'1u; but he's just had his board shnvod oft, ctrl that nnal(05 him look diheroni, m'm," Jim Dumps ?vas father of a lass 3,Vho, by her brightness, led her class, The teacher asked Miss Dumps the question: "How can you best assist digestion?" "Gy eatilcg 'Force.'" When told to lint, This story tickled "Sunny Jin1." Tlls netebsto•sarve Cerss1 4 1' .••••• of dlilod :t Jt 1e the dA -B -C "'h, Goy GIS And ftos11ily, "My littlo hey was ver 11011 rind err•. '1 n^ Y I n vtatn ')' '1.Ivnu( risk.4,.r•n cot *or •.r 4a•of t (.i c nl.dtr)I] ,11.7 col {f, ,(, _a.r1 t ovr M1r.i ,, tto tea,. to hl ldu'1vh,[r. r ?'all no2yrst f it rt ^.5100 01130 1,00 of 3.15 rp(1, eel" 1 lg 24.,.1 1lealthy, ,/ili l fend 1. l(e '+t ' •'1,"Ilse, 3 , t.. 0 ii l ,r,^ IN 1118 ]Y[.AJ,lST'Y3S EON TIT 'T .ELS E W ' E .AR OF HIS. TORIC V1a.LTVE. history of tho—Three Most Int. portant 01'nanno)lts on the Crown, The 01054 important historic low - els in tho pl(seu4 imperial 07'0'1'11 a'o 110 large spinel ruby 1n tho cntlier of l.ho front 0)'055 5Iatere, the h,.vgo pale napp1il'u on the circlet of till) (')'024'1 !n front, mat tho small, hot 11)101y colored sapphire in the celll0r of the cross -3))21('0.15101'o.1110 mound at the top or 110 crown, 'J'ho history of iho so-called ruby Is well known and i5 of great inter- est. ]n the (02110on11i century, says 1111•, Cyril Davenport hi Tho Con- noisseur, it belonged to the King of (Irana4n, and 1'cd'0 1.110 Cruel, Bing of (',ostIlo, 1.011110(1 this king tu1M)' the guise of frioodslnip in the Alcnzar at Seville. I)et•e ho ',vas mua'do sd for the Nalco of his jewels, ru'long which was this stone. J'etlro afterwards gave it to 1.1111(21.1 the, Illacic Prince, iftot' tho bathe of Nclvurot.to, as a 1111,111 of gralitu)de for his successful help, and it, is also, supposed to have been worn in the crown of Henry V. of Agincourt, On. this occasion it may hnvo h01p0(1 to Save a Icing's life, as 11e Duo d'Alen- con aimed a blow at lioness which 20115 turned by his crown, Bien R'O].IN OVItn HIS I::E.L,1:IIT. The stone is a finely colored, deep red spinal, a mineral 20111011 18 (hfot- ly fo'mld in the mineral bods of (.'oy- lon, Burma and Siam. Like most Ori(ntal stones, this particular jowol has boon pierced; the top of tho piercing is now filled with a small 1'uby sot 11 gold, and tho sono is an1alt, but polished t)1 tho natural irregular /su1rface, It is irregularly (trop-shapod, and about two inches 101`11(i '191( second notable jrn•el in 1113 M21)001(11 crown is the largo pale sap- phire ill the front of the circlet. It was t=orn in the crown of eilltrhs 1T„ and ultimately became 1110 pro- perty of Cardinal York, who be- queathed o-queathed it to 1110 Frior0 Kogent, aftorw'artl George 1.V, The Prince gave it to tilt, Princess Charlotte, hut on ler death it 11115 rell1l't10d, 11S it was properly c01181drrc'd to be et crown jawed. It is partially= pirrcod, which 111ay mean it was inilw¢lod t0 bo used as a bead, but 1101'1.)' finish- ed; or it knight perhaps have boon MP:sor1011 to serve as a support for 011 aigrot, in which case a half - piercing would be enough. It is out cncahcchol, as most ancient and nlndlaeval stones 'ver0, (1.1111 as col- ored 8tone5 should be, tho coigns be- ing triulnlod into the form of a long Symmeh'icn1 oval, N0 doubt this is all Oriental 510)111;. it Is about two inches in length, I;D11'ARD 7'11111 CON1e1ISSOIt'S mncrald is notch smaller and of a drop (''0lo•; It 1115 been r, -out fn brilliant form, probably for Charles which 10125 gill 10 u11a1o('ossllry. .It 1S Said CO have been taken out of the Confessoe's ring, which was buried 1'1111 him, 01'11 it has 111e roll-. utltiou of being a1 antict1t0 to cramp. A story told about it re- lates that the Confessor, i)1 one of his walks about, Wbstmiuslor, mot a beggar who asked for alms, '1112) the saint being at that moment, short of money, gave hilts his ring in charity in the name of Sl.. John, 3on'o limo afterward sone English pil- griu1s, traveling in Inn Dols, Land, got into di,fncultics and 001(201130)1 an old mon, a strlul31ar, 21.310 1111.ppane1 to be in their company. On hearing that Oa travelers wane English, ho rovealtol hunc(lf i:4, 1)1001 us Saint John, the :special patl•on of EsliVa'd, Ring of England, 0.1191 he 118sist02 them Out of their troubles, and. ga1•o than a ring to take hack to their n,0101)ch, 2)111 tho Incasngo that ho would moot him fn Paradise in Six months' time. 1(31011 in floe 331110 11(1 vartl 1r0012cd 0110 ring, hr, 4,t onto rerng,jlv1d it 118 111,1 ho hod given 1 it ' s nl.ins r bog .r 1 O the til c t Lr 1 ga ,Hud. when he ilial, according to 1310 saint's prediction, it was bu14d with 111)0 in his shrine at \Wesl.,ltinsler, l'A09.' vs, P'!C•'I'fON. A story (01118 from 1'ttri5 w1iell 8008 to show that, 1Vh'ilo (lotion is continually borrowing fact, fact docs in torn occasionally t03(o the 11111111- ti2•o from fiction. '111113 corned),, from. high -life is as follows: A 111.1.11 and Ids fife engaged a smart. staid Ser- vant., and til few clays utter 1.4110 girl had.co.me.int.o the house a duloctdvu called and asked to 800 ]ler. As soot as the girl cuan0 into the room 110 detective throw hi 11180f 51(1011 her turd Seized her by the hair, which canto oil' and s.howod the 11014ly- cropped 314(111 of a young 1111111 under- 1100tl1. The s1111)108cd 1111011 11')28 (i, 3'0142131 (+1101 11'11.0 bel0ng1+d io a holsobroa1ing gnllg, ]t was his pian to get into It house as a 8er2•- mit and to 11201 out where all 1.110 valuables 2101.0 kept. Iio than tools inurreSsiOns 111 wax of th0 I(cy8, and so got possession of the moors, and jovtdry, (11h08o ht) cors•0,1011 to 1118 accontpliccs outside, (41)41, having cleared 010 1101100, wont off to look for another 5ibutttiol, It is bin 0d. that OW police were put on his traclt by it. recent 1'1.011011 n(4•vel which deals with a 511111(17' 'circumstance. 'Phe question is whether the no.v01 diri a good. thing In su,gl;081.ilrg Ute crime to filo pollee of a had one 113 giv- ing the idea to the thief, "Nosy, 14110lo'n," said one of alto pasty wit ,n hall go'n.1 de+"j4, bIt0 -1_0 w0,ods i.)1 seai;Ob 4,C td+ „'1!111., 120 111)1(11 31(115 ytl 1K'Ct,1, .til fll,U,om, hooter, (tri•, at"il wt vont to h"ttr 1(1,(n,t. no) 04 of 1).0 n14:11115' 11.('1'''4 ('1l'Ve 1,c211. i'' (1111 1 oO,1 Nal '.o (04," "\'q1'•„ 3 if nitl ire 041 f4,1'11.111. 154!1 dig - 1 v. "If I oa 0'S 1 t 2 0 1 l'tti•2')' 1.u; r, )111. I -a'): 1,11 111 'co' I'et,a e' 4,l 11•(•24 1 1ti1 '1')d, r e't ( ('f("r" '11)41re, 11,11'1.1" 1111")''1''1'1 in 11 t:hl 1 a•y !!t,, 1^v I1.,'d 'rid 11. . ai11 )'r l f ly '.l'll '1 "'' ; k1 'v 1 I'1 1 t'0'n, 1 Pal' t""r 11 1' lata 1'ti you 'all -vsn"' 2')'1•,;f••32.10 the real '• "A el0(I.-ilt.,3.1 fis