HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-9, Page 8EXTRACT
Is a concentracted extract of Malt and Hops.
Many people, especially during the warm
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will be found a most desirable and invigorat-
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000TfEP.N RttTENSION W. 0, & B.
Trains leave Bruessls Station, North
and. South, as follows;
GOING BouT'H G01E0 N0E7'P,
Main 7:10e.m i Mixed 10330a.m
Mixed 10.00 a.m Mair ...1:17 p.m
Express 8:05 p.m 1 Express 8:17 p.m
nral 11e s Items.
A obiol'g among ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'llprent it.
Orr the weeds.
Smoot, Board will meet on Friday.
Moron TOM'S Cons Show here on Sat.
P. AnruNT reoeived a oar of B. 0. Shing•
lee this week.
Tao town grading machine was at work
an Wednesday.
Tno,Salt Works shipped 4 oars of their
celebrated salt this week.
BneexEs at poet for 30 days. Very
beat build, EWAN & Co., Brussels.
ALF. Maxon shipped a oar of wheat
and aear of oats from Bruaeele since last
VERY little bneinesa was transacted on
Monday at the Council meeting outside
of pearling a few accounts.
Una. ALEX. HUNTnn has purchased the
Aldridge cottage, Thomas street and
will move their it is stated.
2 Cans of oats, oue to Montreal and
another to Portland for export were for-
warded from Bruaeele by R. Graham.
SEVERAL people are ohjeoting to the
Council permitting the Uncle Tom Cabin
Show to pitch their tents on Victoria
DRUoGiST Fox will attend the Masonic
Grand Lodge next week at Toronto as
the representative of St. Johne Lodge,
Tao POST issued this week, in pampb•
let form, the minutes of the Druggists'
Divisional Association meeting reoently
held at Owen Sound.
IT ie said a wedding was consummated
on Wedneaday in which two Bruseelitee
are concerned bat the foots are not in our
possession intha meantime,
A number from Bruaeele attended the
Garden Party et Sunshine on Tuesday
evening. MIoabe Minnie MaNaughton,
Lily Sharp and Laura Nichola took part
in the program.
Tint thanks of Ton Posy are reoorded
John Tait
for a
of newP otatoe
bearing the pleasing name of "Early
Sunrise," We are pleased to make the
acgnaintanoe of this aboioe line of
R. 8. PELTon, formerly of Bruesele and
Atwood, bas purchased the St, Lawrence
News, published at the tows of Iroquois,
Dander Co., and ie now in possession.
He disposed of his Grimeby fruit farm at
a good advance, We wish him 'moms in
his new location.
complete the cement abutments of the
Bonmiller bridge in the coarse of two
weeks. The steel euperetrnatuxe will be
put on this Fall by the Kinnardine Bridge
Co. who are flniehing a new bridge at
Lower Wingham at present.
THERE is a wilderness of weeds on
some lots and on some streets that should
be out dowo before they seed. No time
for delay either. The Council should
make some arrangement about mowing
the long gratia on thestreets also, where.
by people would have certain privileges
to cut it it they no desired or else have
the Council pay for the work done.
AT the meeting of Court Printout
Alexandria, 0. 0, F,, last Tuesday even-
ing nn interesting report of High Court
prooeedinge was given by Past Ohief Ran-
ger John Shortie and Chief Ranger Bar.
gess. A oomroittee Wan appointed to in-
terview Rev, T. W. Owens in referencia
to the annual sermon to be preached some
Sabbath in September.
IT is announced that the Metropolitan
Bank has strengthened its Board of
_Direotore by the addition of D.E. Thom.
eon, K. 0. W. D. Rose, formerly Aesiet-
ant General Manager, hoe been appointed
to the poeition of General Manager in the
place of F. W. Baillie, ittr. Roes hashed
a long experience in the banking business
and is widely and favourably known in
financial circles.
Outten SERO[ON,-NBxb Sabbath morn-
ing, Jnly l2tb, the Orangemen of Brun -
cels Lodge, No. 774, and friends will
attend eervioe at the Methodist snorers
at 10 30 o'clock, when the pastor, Rev. T.
Wesley Oosene, will preaoh the anneal
earoion, Brethren are asked to aesemble
en the Lodge room at 10 a. m, so ors to
marob to the charob. An orange Illy
a boquab will be Worn instead of the usual
INTERMEetATn FOOT BALL, --Berlin and
St, George are biiled to play their fine)
game at Berlin on Friday and it ie ex -
patted that Brussels will tackle the
vietore Tuesday evening next in whioh
ever place their opponents reside, A11
being well the last match will be played
fn Bruesele on Friday evening of next
week, One of the warmeet oonteeted
games of ball over . peen in our town le
expected when the rivals meet, as Con
Loy/ have their eye on ,that Intermediate
ohampioaship cup no en to 14ee5 ocmpany
with the juniors,
J. CLEGo shipped a oar of cattle to Tor-
onto last week.
THURSDAY was one of the warmest
days this Summer.
A OAR of hogs WKS Bent to Oollingwood
by George Beet on Wednesday,
THERE are no appeals eget net the equel•
izetiun of the 0o. Council this year.
6 Oone of baled hay were shipped this
week by Alfred Booker to New York.
A oar of hogs and 2 oars of cattle were
shipped by R. Feegueon last week to Tor.
WE are °tearing Panay Muslin&, Ging-
hams and Dreae Goods.
Goo. E. Kure, Wingham,
A Garden Party ander the al upioea of
the Lady Mainsheet) will be held in the
near future,
Arrangements are completed and Sum•
mar Horse races will be held on the fine
A. mile track Brussels on Anguet 19 and
'20, 51400 in purees.
A Ono of butter Wae chipped by W. W.
Harris to Stratford for cold storage and
another oar by Robb. Thomson went to
Sydney, Nova Scotia.
LAST week Thos. Ballantyne Bold hie
house and lot on Thomas street to James
MaArter who gets posseeseioo nest Fall.
James Ballantyne ie the present tenant.
ont the Iragaoie Hotel in Petroliaa to
Johnston Broe, and will likely go to the
West and strike some of the hustling
towns or cities.
D. EwAN ct; Co. disposed of a dandy
wire wheeled pneumatio tyred buggy to
Oounoillor Alfred Backer. They also
sold 0 set of pneumatic tyres and 2 sets
of hard rubber tyres to Ben. Dark.
NEIL S. MCLAUOELIN has purchased the
house and lot opposite the ()ober Car
riage Factory from W. F. Vanetcue, of
Wingham, pay 8700 for it. Mr. Mao.
will move tohisnew quarters and make
it his home.
Tao Odd Fellows' decoration service
had to be postponed spin last Friday
evening owing to the heavy rain. It is
probable after the two postponements it
may not be held at all thin Beason owing
to the diffiaalty in eeonring flowers in the
heat of Summer.
Bantams has no reason to kink over
this week's sporting record. The Junior
Foot Ball ohampionohip for Western
Ontario and let prize in the Bowling
tournament against the crooks of three
counties are not to be sneezed at. Then
we are figuring on another Foot Ball
championship too.
ST. Joan's Lopez OFFloeoa.-Following
are the officers for St. John's Lodge, No.
284, A. F. it A. M,, Brunets, for the
current year •-
Jas. Fox, L P. M. ;
J. H. Cameron, W. M. ;
M. Blank, S. W. ;
J. Ballantyne, J. W. ;
I. 0. Richards, Chap. ;
A. Ooaeley, Prete. ;
J. Wright, Seo, ;
0. H. Dodds, S. D. ;
W. Pennington, J. D. ;
W. J. Ballantyne, 8. 8. ;
Ed. Oaldbiok, J. S. ;
E. T. Greeneidee, I, G. ;
J. Y. $1. Kirk, Tyler.
Officers were installed on June 24th,
EWARDiThe following obituary notioe, taken
from the Elora Express of July 8, refers
to a brother of Mrs. (Rev.) Jno. Rose, of
Brussels, who was an ooaaeionel visitor
to the manse here and known to a 001:13 -
her of the readers of TEE Posy :-Soaroe-
ly a year has elapsed since the eobjeot of
this obituary underwent an operation in
the General Hospital in Guelph, for
stomach trouble. The operation nearly
ooet him his life, but he rallied, and bie
friends hoped that a useful lite would be
prolonged for yearn, but hie phyeioian
knew it would only he a abort time ere
he was gathered home. He had just
returned from a bneineee trip to Scotland
before the operation and was nob feeling
very strong, but wan hopeful and cheer.
fol, and submitted to the surgeon's skill
with manly Courage and resignation.
All that medical skill and good nursing
could do fell to his lot, but friend nor
physician could not save bie mortal body
from the grave, and he passed to bie
reward as above stated. William B.
Watt was the youngest eon of the late
Alexander Watt, and wag born at the
homestead in the township of Nichol,
near Salem, in whioh locality he hes
oontinually reeided since hie birth. He
was an importer and breeder of short
horn cattle, and his encase was very
marked. At present the herd nombere
over sixty head, and the imported sire at
its head Dost a round twelvehundred
dollars. As an exhibitor at Toronto and
other exhibitions year after year he was
very eueoeee!ul, which the large number
of gold, silver said bronze medals attain&
He wan amonget the foremost judges in
the Province and hie eorvicee in that
oapaoity were scoured for exhibitions ars
tarWest ars W Winnipeg. [peg. Tho father, the
late Alexander Watt, the eons as J, dt
W. B. Watt, and latterly the eons separ-
ately have done their fall share in im.
proving stook in this section of Ontario,
and in fact throughout the Province, and
in many of the States of the Union. W.
B, Watt iia loss to this Western Penin.
gala. He Was a man of retiring diopoei.
tion, modest ae a lady, publlo spirited
withal, a man amongst men, and had ars
many true Mende in the circle et his
home as any man in the Deminion. He
wan a life-long member of Knox church,
Tt•f E
Dominion of Canada Charter
C&.S ITa L P1tid up $1,000;000
ltifsEut,C - . $1,000,000
S. S. 000000 - - 700E•Pnlie0RNT
0, D. MABa00,
TR, S. na0OaaAw
S. General Banking business transacted. Panner's Notes
Discounted. .Sale Notes bought or held for Collection,
ON 'PES SAVINGS BANK -Deposits of 01,00 and upwards r0ooived and
interest at the highest Bank rata allowed, from date of deposit to date
of withdrawal, on the daily balance,
tO'Partioa holding important papers, notee, &o„ may deposit them in
our bank vault for safe keeping -free of charge.
Prompt and Careful Attention,
Good 'renns.
G. F. 13LAlR, Bolioitor, A. E. MELLJSH, Managet, BRUSSELS,
was twioe sleeted as an Elder, bot was
oouteat to serve as abairman of the
Board of Management. He was a
generous contributor to the fends of the
church, a regular worshipper, and was
always ready and willing to do hie full
share in the advouoement of the clause of
his Maeter. His loss is mourned by a
faithful wife and mother, two sone and a
daughter, the eldest of whom bae jest
attained his majority. Mr. Watt's life
was insured in the Capade. Life for five
thousand dollars, and in the Sone of
Scotland for one thousand dollars. The
funeral was largely attended on Friday
afternoon, notwithstanding the downpour
shortly before and the threatening as eat
of the weather. There were oue hundred
and twenty-five oerriagee in the proms.
cion together with a number of pedes•
lriane. The hearse was at the cemetery
when the last of the mourner's were
leaving the homestead. The pall•bearera
were all neighbors, namely : R. J. Mo.
Queen, Fred. W. Ewing, Aaron Harper,
John Robb, William Ewing and John
French. Mies H. A. Thompson, the
faithful nurse in attendance during his
illness, Bent a sheaf of wheat tied with
white ribbon ; Mrs, A, Carter, Elora, a
handsome bogoet ; the family, a pillow
of exgaieite white rosea with the endear•
ing word "Father" ; and the Dominion
Short Horn Association a magnificent
wreath of flowers. Rev. Donald Mo3en.
zie officiated, giving out a favorite hymn ;
Rev. 3. H. McVicar, of Fergus, read a
portion of Scripture; Rev. H. R. Horne
invoked the Divine blessing. Rev. D.
McKenzie, in the coarse of a very im.
preaeive address, spoke of the influence
of a good man's lite on the community
in whish be passed hie days, and of the
tenting impression for good the damaged
had left upon the chorea of time ; of the
hope of the Christian, and the everlasting
reward awaiting him. The exprseeion of
ainaexe sympathy wag very marked at the
home and at the family plot in the cern.
etery. Rev. John McInnis, for whom
the deoeaeed bad a strong affeotion,
offered up a prayer at the open grave of
a most impressive character, and own.
mended the widow and fatherleae child.
ren to the care of their Heavenly'Father.
Most of those present lingered until the
grave was filled and the Iaet sad rites
completed for the one who was 80 well
beloved in the community in whioh he
had passed all his days. Regaiesoat in
HYatnNEAL.-The Cavalier Co. Repub.
Bonn of Langdon, North Dakota, of July
and, gave the following particulars of
it wedding in wbioh the bride is the
daughter of a former well known resident,
a grand daughter to Mre. Tboe. Dunford
and a neioe of Edward Danford, of
Brussels :-"A wedding of more than
ordinary note was solemnized yesterday
morning at 10 o'oloak by the uniting in
marriage of Mise Carrie E. Danford t0
James H. Welsh, by Rev. Danger, at the
home of the bride iu Harvey township,
in She presence of numerous relatives
and a few intimate friends. This happy
event united for life two of the oounty'e
most popular young people, who have
Grown up from obildhood in Harvey.
The bride is the eeoond daughter of
Harry and Mre. Danford and is an ex.
oeptiooally charming and talented lady
with a•wide oirole of friends, while the
groom is one of the promising young men
in the community. At the oonotueion
of the wedding deremony a wedding
dinner was served to the invited guests,
after which the bridal couple drove to
Langdon, where they took the altorn000
train for an extended trip to the Pacific
ooaet, where Mr. Welsh baa some land
interests to look after at the same time,
At the depot was congregated a large
number of friends, who by the way had
not forgotten to bring a good supply of
rioe for the occasion and rise poured from
every direction with the reealt that tboee
who were brides and grooms many years
ago, as well as those who bad never been
through the mill, got their full share.
The good wishes of hundrede of friends
go with the young folks on their wedding
trip and a sate return is the wish or all."
The many friends of the bride wish her
and her buaband.many happy years.
"Sant chosen King" will be next Sab-
bath's Sunday school lesson, See notes
in this inane.
The Junior League in oonneetion with
the Methodist ohuroh is having a vacation
during the school holiday Beason.
James Jouee will sing a solo in aon•
ne0tlon with the union eervioe in the
Methodist church neat Sabbath evening.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jno. Roes'
disoonree was on Gideon and in the even•
ing the theme Wan "Ohriptian 'Leal"
Sabbath morning nest the reverend
gentleman will oonolude his aeries on
Gideon by referring to hie death.
Next Sabbath evening a union service
in the Methodist ohuroh will be addrean
ed by Rev. 'J. G. Shearer, Secretary of the
Lord's Day Alliance. The usual eervioe
in Melville and 8t. John's churches will
be oanoelled 100 that occasion. Bey. Mr.
Shearer is a very onthueiastie man in hie
Next Monday Rev Jno, Rose, B.
and Mime Ada and Bertha will leave
for a 6 weeks' vacation in Muskoka,
Huntsville being their poet office addraee,
Mre. Roen, owing;toher rhaematismria a
little fearful of undertaking, the outing so
with Mies Argo will spend the Summer
at the manes here and visiting relatives
at local pointe, Melville ohnroh paipit
will be enpplied dating Mr. Roee' absence
by a etudeat, 1), 0. MoGregor, who ie
now at Petrolea, Mr,MoGregor le high.
ly spoken of.
"Golgotha" was the pastor's theme last
Sabbath morningin'the htethodietohurah.
Rev, R, Paul gave a13i.Con tenary addraee
in the evening on 'How progreseivo work.
should be done", He emphasized plain
preaching ; the better preparation of
the Sabbath eoboollesson by teaohere and
pupils ; theneoeseity of Epworth Leap
lore standing trne to their pledge ; and
the wisdom of geuorone financial con-
tributione to the enterpriees of the
aortas. It is 52 years eine° Rev. Mr.
Paul entered the Methoiilot ministry,
He eaperannuaded 16 years ago and Dame.
to Braeeele to reside but has never oeooed
hie active life.
A special meeting of Maitland Presby.
fiery was held in Melville obaroh, Brus• 1
eels, on Friday morning of last week to
deal with a call to Rev. L. Perrin, of
Georgetown, front Wroxeter chord), Rev,
J. J. Hastie, of Belgrave, was Moderator
pro tem. The call Was sustained and
transmitted to the Tarouto Prbeebytery,
Jno. R. Miller and W. S. Molieroher,
represented the congregation and Merits.
Wyllie and MoTavieb the session. Rev.
Mr. West was appointed to present the
call before Toronto Prepbytery on Tues.
day. If auoepted the indaotion will take
plaoe on the eeaood Toeeday in Septem.
bsr, Rev. A. 0. Stewart, of Belmore, will
preach ; Rev. Jae. Malcolm, of Teenwater,
will address the minister ; and Rev. W.
J. West, of Blnevale, will counsel the
congregation. The eatery offered is $800.
A note from Toronto Presbytery says a
special meeting will be held on July 21st
to consider the ease,
People We Know.
Mrs, Eph. ()ober was a visitor ab Ethel
last week,
Mies Ida Williams is here from Strat-
ford on a visit.
Frank Roobe, who has been at Patrolia,
ie book to town.
Walter Lowry was a visitor at London
during the past week.
G. la Blair and 'Bone were in Goderioh
for a few days this week.
Mise Lila Bartliff, of Clinton, wen -
visiting in town lhie week.
Mies Helen Beattie, of Seaforth, i
visiting at Dr. MaNanghton'e.
Mice Stella Sperain left on Saturday
on a visit with reletrvea at Henfryn.
Mre. George Thomson and Mies Alice
are holidaying at London, Hamilton and
Councillor Vanatooe and Mise Freda,
of Wingbam, were in town for a few
daye tbie week.
Wm. Wilton has been on the elok liet
end is none too well yet but we hope he,
will conn be better.
R, Wiiliameon, wife and daughter,
and Edward Lowry, wife and eon spent
Sunday in Wingham.
Mise Ella Milhaneen, of Atwood, was
visiting her cousin, Miss Carrie Mil•
hansen, fox a few days.
Mise Buneton is home for her holidays
from Walkerton, where she ie engaged in
a millinery department.
Mies Teenie Sample and Glynn Cousley
are away to Sarnia on a holiday visit with
relatives for a few weak,
Mre. F. Baines has gone to Constance
where she may be for some menthe keep•
ing house for her brother,
Geo, and Mrs. McDonald and baby, and
Mies Mary King spent Sunday at J. D.
Warwick's and Dr. Toole's.
Arthur Irwin, of Toronto, was visiting
friends-intown, Doming up Saturday with
Huron Old Boya'exoureion,
Wm. Cameron shows very little im-
provement we are sorry to state and is
kept a prisoner to his home.
Mies May Govenloak, who was visiting
her aunt, Mre. Omens, last week, returned
home on Monday to Winthrop. •
;no. and Mre, Stuart and Mies Mf'-
dred,of Pittsburg, P. A., are the guests
of J. and Mre, Tait, Qceen el., Brussels.
Mrs. Jno. Downing left last Monday
for a holiday outing with friends at
Huntsville, Braoebridge and other places.
Mre. W. Gordon and Miers Robson
Dark are away on a vacation with re's..
tives in Manitoba, with Neepawaaa head.
Mre. Skelton has been visiting 08 11e0
mother's, Mre. Thuell'e. The former ie
bothered with rheamatiem in her
T. A, Hawlcino is in the County town
taking part in a mnsioal examination
under the direction of the Toronto Con.
e t
N w oo , formerly Lar a
g met y of Brnasels,
hoe returned toListowel from the West,
where he hae been engaged in evangelistic
work ae vocalist,
Mrs, David McKenzie and Mies Jinni°
McKenzie, of Wallace, and Jno. Macrae,
nt Guelph, ware viettore at John Mo.
Kenzie's lost week,
J. M, O'Connor has gone to Port
Stanley where he will enjoy Lake Erie
breezes for afew weeks with hie daughter,
Mrs. (Rev ) Steele.
Jno, and Mrs, Cotter, and San idel and
Mae, Garter attended the wedding on
Wednesday of a graud.daughter to the
fernier at Kinburn.
Walter Smith, who received a stroke of
paralyele a few weeks ago, effetbing hie
left side, doge not make the improvement
hie friends would desire.
Mre, F. H, Gray and children have gone
to Bayfield where they [4311 spend a
month.' Mr. Gray enoompanied them to
this resort last Saturday.
Milton MoGnire, Who is oesieting in
the photographing bootees(' in Mitohell,
with W. W. Burgoes, is enjoying a holt.
day under the parental roof,
Mise Maggie MoNadghtonishome from
TSinoardine where she holds a position.
for holiday visit, Miee Maintop, of
Saginaw, ie visiting WOO MoNeughten,
duLY 9. 1903
tand;lyd, :Bank
of Canada
0:],B'2'ka dY.sr 1>:a:a;a 167,:3
01 one dollar and npworde
reeelVed and int, retb allow-
ed in Saving' Bank at
highest rate from date of
deposit to withdrawal
Int eres1i
Deily Balance
made, Notes Cashed,
and every n000mmoda•
Mon afforded the res.
poneible borrower..
FARMERS' SALE NOTES Oaahed Collected ; or maybe left for safe -keeping only
for wbioh no ol1arga is made,
This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business,
1a'Every convenience afforded ongtomera living at a distance.
W. Eagle, wife and daughters, Amy
and Minnie, of Toronto, were the gueste
of Dr. McKelvey and family, They were
part of the Huron Old Boy.' contingent,
Ed. abd Mrs, Parker, of Owen Sound,
were the guests of Jno, and Mea, Carter,
Mill street for a few days This week.
The Dame to attend the wedding of Jno
Carter's daughter at linbarn.
The latest word from Sault Ste. Marie
coueerning the ease of W. R. Stretten
says he has not regained ooneoim:erten
although be appears to understand a
portion of what ie said to htm.
Lorne Danford lett Brussels on Bat.
nrday for a holiday trip to North Dakota
and Manitoba. He will be away for a
couple of months likely and will combine
a little business with the pleasure.
Ben. Dnrk was taken seriously ill last
week with it heart trouble and for a time
his life was in jeopardy but we are pleased
to elate that be is able to be about once
more and will soon be ae smart as usual
we hope.
Mise Milbaoeen, of Elmwood, and
Master Jack ltlilhaueeu were visitors
with Station Agent Milhaneen and Oster
during the peat week. The young gentle-
man is the =eh beloved eon of one
genial agent.
Danoan McMartin and family were
here this week renewing old acgnaintan-
oee. They are residents of Heneall. It
ie about ten years since Mr. McMartin
removed from town but they still keep
track of all that goes on.
Mrs. George Good Wee renewing old
friendebipe 1:1 Brussels. She and Mr.
Good have been residents of Toronto for
some year') yet are kindly remembered by
a goodly number in town. Mrs. Good is
a aieter•in•low to Mrs. A, Good, of Brne-
Mice Nora Retinae, daughter of Dr.
Holmes, of Brussels, arrived home from
the Pacific coast, after an absence of 8 or
9 menthe, on Wednesday. Her grans'.
mother, Mre, Chambers, aoacmpanien
her on the journey is now visiting Mre.
The following letter is written by our
townsman, John Caber, who left last
week on a burliness and pleasure trip
combined through Manitoba and the
Northwest and poesibly on to the PattiS&
Coast. We hope to hear from Mr. Oober
several times before his return to Broe•
eels. He Bays :-
To the Editor of Tun Tour
DEAR FgIENt,-By the blessing of God
we have come thus far :safe and by the
protecting oars of God we expect to get
cafe through to our journey's end. So
far we have had a delightful trip. We
met with Rev. Mr. Lake and bin good
wife at Toronto and took up a batt) in
colonist dining steeping oar, My brother
and I took the tipper berth, and Mr. and
Mre. Lake the lower. At meal time we
go "snooks" out of 3 hesitate making
quite a variety, Mre. Lake toting a0'
gook and a splendid one she ie. As to
company I most say we etruok a coach
nontaiuing specially good company, al.
though coming from all parte. I ate sore
by all odds the greater part are Christiane.
Daring Sunday we had Iota of flue Bing
lug and at 8 o'clock in the evening we
bad a good sermon preached to us by
Rev. P, Cober, of Beriin, on this text,
"Buy the Truth and sell it nob." After
preaching a most enjoyable fellowehip
meeting was held and it wits eurprieiug
to see the number of bibles that were
brought into nee when the Scripture lee.
eon was announced, viz , John 14 obapter,
and the interest taken in the whole ser -
aloe, Just at the olose of the service we
name in eight of Lake Superior light
house and soon after ran through a few
tonueie and as it was then about ten
o'clock and dark we took to our beds.
Perhaps never in my life I felt the im•
portanoe of the little child's prayer as at
this partiaolor time, palming at a fair
good speed through deep outn and won-
derful embaakmente alternately for au
all night's run, Now I lay me down to
Bleep, if I should die 'before I wake I pray
the Lord my goal to take.'[ Thank the
Lord this morning we came out of our
berths unharmed and in gond health.
Although a little later in the morning
than at home, on amount of wishing to
have the oondaotor make bie monde
punching the tickets so as to save
disturbance. We (that ie all in this oar)
had the reading of Soriptnre and family
worehip same ars we would have at home
only a larger family. The lesson read
woe the Sabbath Sohool lesson for next
Sabbath, I meet not weary you and as
we are nearing AIaonao station I wish to
poet this, eo say Good bye. God bleu
yon, Yours, &o„
JOHN Conon.
HARMON.-IN Brunets,on June 30, to
Mr. and Mtg. Louie F. Harman, of
Shoshone, Idaho, a daughter.
WuLaa-Dungoon,-At the reaidenoe of
the bride's tether, on July 188, bq
Rev. Mr, Dougan, Mr, Jae. H. Weleb,
to Poise Carrle B., second danghter
of Mr. and Mre. Harry i)unford, of
Langdon, North Dakota, formerly o1
Fteonan.-.In Grey, on July' Otb, Angttet
Fischer, aged 80 yore and 18 der,
WnoanN.-In Morris on July 711, Mary
Whalen, wife of ladward Lamb, aged
93 yore,
70:R%:r0f ".E1r3 3A:Awa;er..E:'_^k3.
Fall 'Wheat 70 71
Earley 40 41
Peas 00 00
Oats 30 80
Butter, t' be and rolio ., 14 16
Hoge per dozen 11 12
Flour per owb, 4 00 5 00
Pobatoes (per bus.) 60 00
Apples (per bag) 40 60
Tiny per 101 8 00 0860
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hoge, Live 5 40 5 40
Wool 15 16
Hides trimmed' 0 871
Hiders tough .. 5 5
AN A 1 driving horse for sale,
BRm:earnE SOWS, e0me in farrow, for
sale. JON. loNGLER, - Lot 20, sou, 9, Grey,
13enfryn P.O. 48.9
0oao onTAnLE house for sale or to rent,
Mill street, West. Apply � t0
Hogan and lot for sale or to rent.
Medium street, frame andgood garden, on
Jelin. Btroe0,Braeeela. Apply at THE POST,
FOR SALa,-A good lot on Alexander
Btroot. Near school and. ppostofce ; good
garden, Apply to WM. 0A1001N,.
01.8 - Brussels.
ANY person wishing to buy a bay rack
would do well to call on the andersigued,
He has a number of. thorn 1for sale. DANL.
NEABEL, Lot 04, Oon. 18, Grey.
0 V make pante and vests. Price per
job 01.20 and 81,00. 3A000 FIIRTNEY,
40.8 Enter son, Man.
4 acre lot for sale in Ethel, There 10
also abauk etablo, fruit trees, &o., on lot.
Property in good shape. JAS. OSBORNE,
12 SALMI shop and tome. Excellent
stand. Apply immediately, BOR 8,
44.6 Blyth, Ont.
The value of Paris Green
depends upon its killing
power. That's what you
buy it for. An inferior qual-
ity is dear at any price.
Our Paris Green
is bought direct from the
manufacturer. Its Ipurity
and strength are guaranteed.
It is the best and goes far-
thest and costs no more than
the ordinary sort.
Drug Store.
good lot for sole on Queen street,
Brussels, For further particulate apply to
MARY CAMPBELL, Brussels P, 0, 8811
acres of land, being Lot 14, Cou, 13,
Grey, Por farther information apply to the
undersigned ou the promises, THOMAS
LE ARk1SONT. Oranbrook P.0, 03.0
for Salo. Eligible for registration,
Per prion. terata and ' other partioblera,.ap-
ply to 1, D. MoNAIll, Lot 22,00n, 13, Elroy,
or O ran brook P. 0. 30.01
Short Horn Bulls, from imported,
stook,for sale. Also sows and. heifers, fm,
portd and home bred. 72 bead to select
from. D. A111,14E & SON, Maitland Bank
800011 Farm, Ethel Ont, - 30.81
C. 0. P.
Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0, 0.P.,
Brussels, meets in their Lodge Room, alas.
hill Blook, on the tad and last Tueedays of
Oaah month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome. JAS. BURGESS. 0.E.
Bulla for Bale. One is 1 year old and
the other two younger. Also several regist-
ered Oo70 and Heifors, Apply to JAMES
SPEW, Lot 80, Con. 0, Morrie Twp., or Brus-
sels P. 0, 22.01
Painting, Paper Hanging, &c.
The undersigned is prepared to attend to
all orders for Paper Hanging, Baleominiag,
Glazing and Painting lu a workmanlike
manner and at reasonable rates. Oarpen•
tering also attended to.
41-8m John street, Brussels.
of all
Muslins, Ginghams, Prints, Light Dress
Goods, Men's Light Weight Clothing and
Shoes -all this Season's goods -new and up-
to-date. But all must be sold this season-
no old-fashioned last season's stock for us -a
general clearing up every season. Bargains
in every department for all economical buyers.
Dress Goods Iu tins.. '
s Gln hams
Prints, Dr. an�ngs, �urtaiins
C 9
7 '
den S G �!Underwear,
fiats and.and.Gaps,
Money Saved' is Money Earned
Come Direct to the Money Saving Spot.
"`86-arca='3 t
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.
Garfield House, Brussels,