HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-9, Page 61319,ITAIN'S LITTLE YAKS 01110RE NEN WANTED i" THE CRY OF GENERALS. John Bull .Always Goes Into a War in an Tlnprelnared Fashion, Fi ons Somaliland has come the usual cry for "Vlore men," which al- ways makes itself heard whenever John 13u11 engages in any warlike operations; aad it is officially an- nounced that General Manning is to flet Strictly on the defensive instead of chasing the savage foe. It is ludicrous now to look back upon the tea-party of 1901, when a tiny force of no more than one thousand five hundred men chased the Mad Mullah out of British into Italian territory, and then was re- called, under tho impression that its work was done. At this present writing, it seems that the smashing of the Mullah would have been one of the most serious "little wars" which Great Britain had ever under- taken. 'Twas ever thus. John Bull al - nays thinks .he is going to found 3'mpires with a corporal's guard. Ile strolls into a war in the most ease -1 ll and unprepared fashion, and the usual outcome is a swift and sudden' disaster, with the usual sequel of a try for "more men." It is unneces- sary to do more than allude to the listoric instance of the South Afri- can War, when the "fifty thousand corse and foot going to Table Bay" Ixpected their work to be over in three months, The event proved ;hat nearly three hundred troops had ell their 'cork out out to get it lone in three years. THE 'LULU WAR fives a very good instance of this easy-going temper on the part of Iohn Bull. The terrible disaster of lsandlwana gave England a nasty shock, when a British camp was rushed by the Zulu impis and the troops annihilated. Five hundred men and thirty officers were among the slain, including Colonel Pulling, Major White and Colonel Durnford, R. E. Moreover, the dusky foe got away with one hundred and two wagons, one thousand oxen, and two guns, besides one thousand rifles and o large stock of stores and ammuni- tion, Inquiry showed that the disaster aright have been averted by the use of cavalry, which had been pressing- ly sought for by the conunamder-in- ahiet, Lord Chelmsford, and Sir Bartle Frero. Of course, as soon as the steed was stolen, the home au- thorities made haste to shut the stable door; and eight thousand more troops were hurried out in the course of a week or so, later follow- ed by the 17th Lancers, who were to rain glory on the decisive field of illundf, Sir John Tennicl, with his usual aptness in grasping and giving pic- torial point to a situation, depicted a stalwart Zulu at the blackboard, lecturing John Bull on the text: "Despise not your enemy." To despise his enemy was ever a pet weakness of the Britisher; and commanders in the field have had to urgently appeal for reinforcements to the home authorities ever since the days of Wellington in Portugal. Dur- ing the first Ashanti War, the coma wander -in -chief (now Lord Wolseley) Slated IN NEARLY EVERY DESPATCH en the pressing need for "more men." However, Mr, Cardwell, the 'hon War Minister, apparently deem- ed, with Shakespeare's "Henry V.," the "fewer men, the greater share of glory" ; for the general's appeal was but grudgingly responded to. The same drama was played in tho Soudan in 1885. It needed the fall of Khartoum and the death of the heroic Gordon to awaken John Bull to the seriousness of the situation. A vote of censure was moved in both Houses of Parliament on the, Minis- try then in power; being defeated in the Commons, though it passed the Upper Chamber by a substantial lnajority. Soon afterwards the Grenadiers embarked at Gravesend for the seat of war, and other troops were speedily sent out. Later, the New South Wales contingent sailed, this being the first time a Colony had sent troops to help the Mother Country at its own expense. But the happy-go-lucky Briton may console himself with the fact that ho Is not the only banana on the bunch. Other nations -Franco and Spain, for example -have made the same mistake in underestimating the pow- er and resources of those opposed to them. 4 SEE TOLD TETI WRONG MAH ,A,n amusing street incident hap- pened recently. A young lady left her husband's side to look in a win- dow. On leaving it, she took, as she thought, her husband's arm, and continues] her conversation. "You Noe," she said, "you don't even look at anything I want snot t to see. You never came how I am Aresleed; yen no longer love me. Why, you halve not even kissed me for a week, and-'-" 'IMenlam, I am sorry; hut that is my ntisfontJdno, not my fault," gait] the Man, turning round. The lady looked at him and gasp- id. She haid taken the arm of the srong man. I1 4110 truth Is mighty mat will prevail, it should allow more signs Yf becoming pnevalent. Mos, Nageby (inypatiea3tly calling) .-•"Nora drop 'veryfling at woe, and 'Colne tee me!" Nora -- "Yes, 1Vtanager "That young. woman Slam I placed at this counter a year age.. already knows more about ,the business than you do, and I Sind bat I shall bane to put hor at the toad of the depari:mont, though ]' ear it will be rather unpleasant f"e' ott to be under her orders." Merl, "Oh, nily I am getting Mid tie , heft, W Oro married ite1 1 irloiSt" AFTER OTHER Irma. FAILED. PI'. Williams' Pink Pills Restore o Young Lady to Full I•Iealth and Strength. Doctors and nurse's 1' c01nmend Dr, tVillianrs' Pink Pills because they have seen their wolnderf111 power to Make new, rich, red blood, and to cure all diseases duo to poor blood or weak nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Fills aro not a =man= medicine. They do not purge and weakest They contain no Poisonous drugs. They aro safe, sure, simple, stimu- lating and scientific, 'Platt is why these pills should be taken by all who are weak, bloodless, nerveless 0n'd sickly. hero is a bit of very positive proof of the wonderful pow- er to conquer 'disease which Dr, Millions' Pink Pills possess; Miss Esther E. Lewis, Lynn, N. S„ says: "At the age of sixteen my health failed inc completely, At that tiino I was attacked by 1a grippe, which Nae followed by measles, from the titer effects of which I was left in a deplorable conalltion, I became very pale, suffered from headaches, dixri- ress and want of np3letile, I. tried several medicines, but they did ale to. good; on the contrary T was frorwing weaker and finally became 10 bad that I would take spells of inconociou5ness lasting from fifteen minutes to an hour at a time, and I tad become so weak that I could hardly move about. At this stage I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and I have good reason to bless the day I began their use. had only taken thein a few weeks when I began to recover and under their contin•ucd uso for some time longer I fully regained my former goad health. I will be glad if my experience will be of benefit to stomp other poor sufferer." When buying the Pills see that the full name, "Dr, Williams' Pink Pills I for Pale People," is printed on the wrapper around each box. Sold by all dealers or sent by nail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 52.50 by writing the Tlr. Williams' Medi- cine Co„ Brockville, Ont, STORY OF BLAug GEORGE THE MEN WHO HAVE RULED OVER SERVIA. The 0brenovitch Family Were Kings lfor Nearly One Hundred Years. The Kingdom of Sorvia, in which in ono Shlort swift hour a few nights ago a dynasty was extinguished for- ever and the stage swept clean for the coming of a now regime, is in the center of the corer -troubled Bal- kans. The blue Danube bounds the little kingdom on tho north, and separates it from Austria-l:Ilunge y; to the west, between Service and the Adriatic, are Bosnia and Monten- egro; to the east is Bulgaria, and to the south is Turkey, Servia's tra- ditional foe. Hers live about 2,- 500,000 ;500,000 people - a people whose hot blood and whose semi -non-ac- ceptance of the conventions of mod- ern European civilization could scarcely be more viv[dly illustrated than in the tragedy that was play- ed recently in the palace at Bel- grade, The little kingdom has always been the center of plots and count- erplots, violence, and intrigue, hboddsbled Slid oppressioll. For cen- turies it was a Turkish province, with all that that means in the way of tyranny and the systematic blot- ting out of national life. Christ- ians have suffered there from out- rages which make the recent trou- bles in Macedon'Ia trifling. The main industry is swineherding, and the condition of society has been vividly suggestod many tinges lately in descriptions of Ring Milan, King Adex;aalder's father, or of Queen Dra- ge, ;'Sten it was said that they wero considered dissolute even in such a co'tnitly as Serlia. These facts should be kept in mind in viewing the recent tragedy there., and it dliOiYd be remembered that the word Icing" may mean anything from a monarch of all the Russians to a Polynesian chief. A VIOLENT MAN. The Rarageorgevitdh fanvlly, fn whose interests the late massacre at I3e}gracle was brought about, dates its power from Kara George, or Black George, who, in 1804, after th'o massacre by the Janissaries, headed a revolution. against the Turks, Ile was the son of a peas- ant, and it was told of hint that in the revolution of 1787, when Ito was fleeing from the Turks, and the Riv- er Savo proved too much for the old nlau's strength, end he refused to go 011, Black tleorge shot his father dead rather than have him fall into the hands of the Turks. When he was almost as leader he reminded his followers of his violent character, "I cannot make speeches," said he, "but those 101)0 disobey me I shall ]till," IAis only brother was one of the first to suffer this fate. To the SATISFIED MOTHERS. When sales are large anti incOeas- Ing, when customers are satisfied to the extent of continuing to buy the same remedy, then it must be ad- mitted that tho remedy has real merit. Baby's Own Tablets occupy this enviable position, Mothers having once tried them seldom fail to duplicate the order - no other =needy for children can truly claim as much. Concerning the Tablets air, C. W. Stradferd, (general deal- er), North '{Vpiliamsburg, Ont., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets have alarg a sale andevery Pt rchaser is s snore ihan satisfied, We use them for our baby ea d have found them all thia, iS ciaimoo for them." Baby q Own Tablets euro colic, indigestion, con8tipation, cl&arrhooa, 84111 le fevers and all the fninor ilia df little ohos. 'late mak° baby brigg�si,v� tett# a and happy and a jottitlhc hontdy, Sold by tdaleggists os' will bi treat by mail at 95 &tete u bolt Try 0wsi tog. the Dr.Willlamm. ItedlAfalle Iiot ONeviikis Oota end Blaelc George remained a peas- ant in matner Gild In weeds llo was innocent of the 113'h'abet, and he could not sign his name at the bottom of a State pastor, but it was to trim, nevert1:eless, that Salvia owed her independence, For ton years Black. Gorge and his people fought tho "Punks, while tho Napelieonie wars wore going on in the rest of 1'`tu'epo, loud in 1815 they won a partial recognition of their iilepeelidence, 1t was not Meek George, however, who was ill power when this happy ending of the struggle was brought about fiat - ally by the fall of Napoleon, and the subsequent rendjiustn ent of 1 1- rop•ean atairs. After leading his people by the sl!eev strength of Itis personality, establishing a sort of Government, and starting schools, his heart seemed to fail him, an/1 in 1812 he had buried lus money; and retired into Austria, Many of the prireipal men followeal him, but ono neon, 110, too, a Peasant, 18110531 Ob- renovitch, had refused to leave his country. Whether a traitor, as some call him, or an astute states- man, as others view hint, Milosh meling'01, by playing a double pol- ic'y, first to negotiate himself with the 'Puu'lts, and then, when the time came to throw them over, and be- come the guerilla chieftain of bis own people. 1b, ton. was a swine- ]end, end a man of great brute strength. In his vo1•atntary exile Black George heard of him, and re- solved to come back. In '1817 11e secretly crnseed the frontier. Those was no room for two 01:Foreme chiefs in the Servien Councils. A brigand was ordered to send Irlilosb either Thank Grorge's head or his own. The old hero was assassinated as he slept, and his head sent to the Turkish 1'asita, From that moment dated the feud between the two fa- milies which resulted in the death of Aloxan"ler, the lest of the Obrenl- evltchs, at the lien)ds of rho adher- ents of the family of K,arageorge- vitch, 4 "I'm nfrntd," said the family man, "that my eldest son is inclined to fro fest," "Fon can euro him of that.." "How." "Get ]rim a job as a messenger )joy." i' HE NM NOT LACE H1S SHOE TILL DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DROVE AWAY HIS RHEUMATISM Story of W. J1 Dixon, Has Set the Rainy River Settlement Talking. Barwick I'. 0., June 29. - Am- ong the letters Hero the cure of \Villfu:m J olm Dix- on of Rheumatism is caus- ing much talk. The story of the cure, as told by Mr. Dixon him- self, is as follows: "During the summer of 1901, I had an attack of Typhoid Fover, and after I got over it Rheumatism set in. I had pains in my back and in my right hip so bad that I had to use a stick to walk and had no comfort in sleeping. "1 could scarcely dress myself for nearly two m.ontils, and for throe or four weeks I could not lace melt right shoe or put my right leg on my left knee. "My brother advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, and after tak- ing tluee boxes, I began to walk, do my work and lace up ln3' shoes. And the best of it is, I have had no Rheumatism since." Dodd's Kidney Pills take the uric acid out of the blood and tho Rheu- matism goes with it. Over 140,000 London children ab- sent themselves from school most of the time;, 12,000 never attend at all, "What do you thlnk of married life?" aslwd the henpecked man, ad- dressing the youthful bridegroom. "Bliss is no nano for it," said the young husband, enthusiastically. "You aro right," said the henpecked one, gloomily, "bliss is no name foo ' flow's This We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by hall's Catarrh Cure. 1`. J. O1IENLP 8s (Jo., Toledo, U. We, the undersigned, have known L'. .7. Cheney for the lust 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by tllela' firm. P. 1.3-4T .0 1.1.01IAX, Wholesale Drugggists, Toledo 0. WALDING, JSINNAN &MARVIN, Wholepala Druggists, Toledo, Atoll's Catarrh Cure is taken In£or• nally, acting dlrently upon elm blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. l'ncce 75e, per bottle, Sold by all druggists. Ball's Family Pills are the best. )ITU-BARBA ROUS FUEL. During the major's stay in India he had cultivated a curried liver, and his native cook, whom he had vain- ly tried to educate 03) to European cookery, was not of tlto kind to im- prove it. One day, however, some rhubarb arrived, and, as the major was very fond of this delicacy, he handed it to the cook, "You know what to do with that?" ho staid, for many provious lessons had boon given 0003110 in the art of preparing rhubarb. "I'vo got to go on parvule now, See this is ready for dinner," In diuo course the major returned, and was mot by his cook with many 51800118. ..Sticks damp, sahib!" he c ried distractedly, "No dinner ready. %ip�sro won't light!" And when the major proceeded to the kitchen and found his cook had been trging to tight the fire with the precious rhubarb, his relnauics Wore qurrled as Well as his liver, F1ib'bert-"Your rich uncle says he want0 to ba cremated." Gang- leigh-"Yee; but he is in no hurry, about 14,'1 Shut waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun' light Soap, as ..�> t -f. The hopeful man never gets eny- thing, but he has lots of fou ]ccep- ing on guessing, INSURANCE. STATISTICS. If all the persons whose lives are insured by the ninety-four life assur- ance companies of Great Britain were unfortunately to die in a night, the companies would stand to pay out float morning the satin of $4,344,542,975 That, according to the Board of Trade statistics, is the total of the assurances at pre- sent in force. Besides this there are rather over 2,000 ,000 annuities; Mioard's Liulmeht Curtis D3114ruff1 'Phe man who does tipo little thieg well is always ready to do the big thing better. Tho Great Prairie Investments Company, Limited, advertisement appears in this issuo. Tho invest- ment is an unusually attractive one, The company have purchased four hundred and fifty acres in Winnipeg at a low figure and are laying it out in lots, The advance in value since the purchase has been suffici- ent to make the investment safe and at the rate 1Vinnipeg is growing largo profits should certainly accrue. It should be worth while for anyone having some surplus funds for invest- ment to obtain the pruspeotus of the company and look into the met- ter.-Dom. lat- ter: Dom. Med. Monthly. NATURE'S COMPASS, In the tropical northern territory of South Australia travellers need not carry a compass. Nature has provided a living compass for them. The district abounds with the nests of the magnetic or meridian ant. Tho longer axis of these nests, or mounds, is always in a perfect lino with the parallel of latitude, point- ing due north and south. Scientists cannot explain this peculiar orienta- tion. FOODS OF ROYALTIES. The German Emperor is particular- ly fond of thrush salmi, a hind of stew made of thrushes, Queen Wil- helmina of Holland prefers roast joints, and the Ring of Spain likes underdone beef. Custards aro the favorites of the King of Italy, while cod fried in ell finds favor with the Czar of Russia, and mutton is chos- en by the President of the French Republic. Tho grandfather of the King of Italy had a peculiar taste for a monarch -ho preferred bread. and cheese, and used to carry it about with him, even to the opera. Our own King has a special liking for well -cooked muttonchops, Agent -"There is the best protec- tion in the world. Tho burglar no sooner enters the house than it gives you the alarm," Mr. Harris -"Haven't you Foe that will alarm the burglar?" BINDER, TALK. Stomp of the important features of the Massey -Harris Binder are: 1dOL1)TNf3 DIVIDERS. - No bolts or nuts to unscrew. You merely re- lease a spring on the outside Di- vider and unhook the inside one to fold them. A youngster can do it easily and properly. The Dividers aro very rigid in their working pos- itions, and remain at whatever angle they are folded over tin con- veyor canvas, FLOIATIIvG ELEVATORS. -They itea'ally float. The grain cannot ftialc or choke in the Massey -Harris elevator, no matter how much it is bundled, S1b141PLE KNOTTER, •-• Capable of adjustment to take up wear. REEL. - Suited for handling crops under all conditions of wea- ther or land. It will pick up tang- led or laid grain and lay it neatly en the table. It also handles long 01' short grain with splendid ste- VoROLLER BEARINGS throughout to lighten the draft and make the work easy for the Horses. The beasts know wheel thoy aro hitched to a il2assey 1,rris-it runs so easi- Plants with white blossoms have a larger proportion of fragrant spe- cies t11a11, any others; next, come red flowers, then yellow, and then blue. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia Swoden has now 751 newspapers and periodicals, intruding 52 dailies, Stockholm has 12 dailiesr'a large number for a town of 820,000 peo- ple, ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, Sett er daliotised !mope anti blemishes Erdal bnlsea, b.on5 spavin, boo swoon^ etidos ria o ntiTlie, splints, g y. tSpiwe 1 tor' Sad swodeo throat, of err l c. ltd tfloei .uso. of l lbeach, Care a er the most wohdoMlil iitemtsh Care over knawn- Britain had now 150 newspapers known as "Tinos;" 100 "Advertis- ors"; 140 "News"; 70 "Guardians"; 48 "Standards, Mlnard's UJnimeet Curds Burns, etc, BULLI8T-PIIfbt0pD DRAIN, Although his brain hos been pierc- ed by a bullet, an lualsan named Michael Meet:art is doing well. The strange part of his injury 10 that Macceri says it never gave hint moll trouble except to a8Teet sight- ly his eyesight. Alm:earl, after ho was shot, was able to walk through 0110 streets and go to a police -ata - whore he n1Ran his complaint in person, Ito is a ,young man of twen- ty -ono and enjoys 015010us health. Jester- "[loos old Skinflint has his troubles." Jirnson-"What! Wily, he's malting barrels and burials of money," Joster--"I know; but the price of barrels has gone up," HOME ,SWEAT HOME ; with &eJIc1ow' on the table and a few friends to enjoy it, there is no place like Home, „re Y� s ar •Yfr, e t sT , � %! Vire r� t' a Painters' Thoughts Thinly of eyery good point a perfect Paint Brush should have and you'll have a mind picture of Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the: world produce%p and is sold only Fire lead packets. Baarfa, i 01.4ed and Green. can tea drinkers try "Salads" Green tea. 's t -f PLAN NOW FOR SUMMLR TOURS No platter whore you aro going, if in the United States, write to i!'rod, P. Fox, care Lackawanna Railroad, Buffalo, N. Y., for rales and routes Very cheap excursions during the =miner to Atlantic City, Boston and New York. Excursion rates now in effect to all resorts, Plan now. II?S ACKNOWLEDGMENT. "I never heard Dinsmore acknowl- edge that he was growing old before to -day." "Ifow did he acknowledge it?" TIo annouaieod that bio felt just as young as ho ever did." Icor Drrr Slaty Years. AN OLD AND ITCLL•Talay HaeteDY. --Tyra Wioslo e'n soothing Syrup hes been used for over sixty fees. by ,alkene of ,ethers for their uhlb,en while teething, ,rich perfect tumult It soothe the child softens the gums, alleys all pain, emus wind collo, and Is the best remedy for Olarrbwo. a plet,ant to the las e. Sold by druggists In every part of the War,. Twooiy.0,e omits a bottle. Its value Is h,oaieuleble, Be cure nod ask for Mrs. Winston'. Soothing Syrup Sad take no other kind. 23-74 "Maud has a most wonderful pow- er of imagination." "Really? That's the very last thing I should have given her credit for," "Oh, it's quite true, I assure you; she actually fancies that she's good- looking." 'ISTIAN ENDEAVOR, DENVER For the International Convention at Denver, July 9th to 18th, the official route selected by the Trans- portation Managers for Ontario and Quebec is via the Chicago and North-Western and Union Pacific Railways. Special train of tourist stooping cars through to Denver. Tickets on sale July lith, 7th and 8th. Return limit August 81st, 1903. Very low rates front all sta- lions in Canada. Write for official Christian Endeavor folder, rates and full information to B. H. Bennett, 2 Gast Ring street, Toronto. WORLD'S LARGEST DIAMOND. The famous Excelsior diamond, which was discovered by Captain Fid. Jorgenson in South Africa, is now at Amsterdam, where it will be cut and polished. It weighs 971 karats, and is the largest in the world. Its value is 115,000,000, St, Martin, Que., May 18, 1895. A. 0. RRICHARDS & 00, Gentlemen, -Last November my child stuck a nail in his knee eau ' Ing inflammation so severe that was advised to take him to, Mont real and have the limb amputatedi to save his life, A neighbor advised us to try MIN.' ARD'S LINIMENT, which we did, and within three days my child was all right, and 1 feel so grateful that X send you this testimonial, that my experience may be of benefit to others, LOUIS GAGMIER. T59 Single Man (to himself) -"I am surd that darling little angel loves me, She takes me into her confi- deauee and tolls me all her troubles." Same Man (some years later) -"Con- found it alll From morning till night, and night till morning, when I'm at home, I hear nothing but tales about tiro servants, the butcher, the butler, the baker, the candle- stick -maker, and all tho rest of 'em," Mlnard's Liniment for sale everywhere wife, "I don't believe you've hoard a word I've said, and hero I've bean talking for half an hour." "Well," said the pondering husband, "who could believe it? Yott seem just as fresh as when you started," DENVER A,ND COLORADO. On 3.1111e 800 to July 10th inclu- sive, the Waabash will sell round trip tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo, Colo., at the lrweet ever made from Canada„ all tlekots good. to return until A15ust 81st, 1008. On July lot to 1.0th inclusive, spe- cial low rate excursions to San F1'anetseo, Los Ange,es 01' San Diego, Cal., good to return until August 81st. Tickets gond to stop over Som thirty days west of Erst Colorado point. This will be the grasedest opportunity ever given passengers to visit Colorado and California, Diverse refutes going Said returning, All tickets should read via Detroit and ovor the great t•Vnbaslh route. For full particulars address any Wabaeh Agent, or J. A. Richard - eon, District Passenger` Agent, Northeast corner (fling and `.!Mango streets, 'T'oronto, FLEXIBLE noj sSig BRIDLED `." The bridle can be easily removed and replaced —is not affected by water, oil or paint—works on a pivot and thus keeps the bristles elastic, SOLD BY ALL. DEALERS 011 :;1,"'Ct" SSE7ay 1P, SO,y 45:zs".mtvf l'�•". SC7m[a Great Prairie advert ort Co, Llru'r1 D. Capital, 41 50,0110. Divtdcd lute 30,000 shares of 41.10 each. TORONTO OFFICE: 71 Victoria Street OFFICERS ANO DIRECTORS President: R, L. Joynt, Esq., M,P,P., Toronto. Vico-Presidents.-D. W. MclOor- chel', Barrister, Winnipeg; R. A. Pyne, Esq., M,D., M,P.P., To- ronto. Dire"tors: John Sma11, Esq., Collector of Customs, Toronto; Chas, Young, M,P.P., Winnipeg; E, Morgan, Esq., Junior County Judge, Toronto; R. W. 13111, Esq,, Winnipeg; T. W. Andrews, Esq., Winnipeg; A, E. Howey, Esq„ Winnipeg; J. J. Borebank, Esq., Toronto; H. M. East, Esq., Barrister, Toronto; E. Campbell, Winnipeg. THE GREAT PRAIRIE INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED, have purchased a huge block of land within the corporation lim- its of Wimlipeg and embracing 1,500 building lots situate in the best residential section, where the impulse in values will be most keenly realized. This land is beautifully wooded and is con- ceded by all Winnipeg investors to be tho best residential part of the city. A street car lino is now being completed, which pass- es within a few rods of the north end of this property; and another line is projected to run on the east side of it. J. J. BORa11ANK, Secretary A VALUABLE INVESTMENT 11 is not unreasonable to expect a realization upon this property within twelve months of from 200 to 500 per cent. It has doubled in value since an option was ob- tained about eight months ago, before being finally purchased by the Company. Whatever the pro- fits are, officers of the Company and shareholders are 011 tho same footing, and the Company's books are always open to the in- spection of shareholders. 1111 cheques payable on account of stock should bo made payable to the order of Tho Trust and Guarantee Co., No, 14 King St„ West, Toronto. Write for prospectus, STATEMENT OF ASSETS Tho Company, has purchased 4,500 building lots, 25 x 130 fent. Total frontage 112,500 fent. The Compeers estimate en pre- sent values of rho land is from $2.00 to $10,00 par 107t. (accord, into to locat•lon This would yield at even an average of 53.00 per Toot 8337,1011 00 Cost of land, advertising, e1• panneof management for the ensuing year, approximated at 110,000 OD Profit balance to Company 8127,000.00 our (BRANDS. -King Edward 1000e " floodlight n 005 E1 Eagle " icua 1-2ooe " Victoria" "Little Comet" fi NULL C 0 CANADA Don't Exporimont with other and Inferior brands, USE • EDDY'S } L—f Georgian .ay's Favorite Summer Hotels THE BELVIDERE PARRY SOUND THE SANS SCUM MOON R1v10It P.O. Write for rates, JAMES K. PAISLEY, Grand Union ISotel,, OTTAWA, CAN If soiontido principals count for anything the patent inflated air pad truss ebeuld bo a suoeoss. It hotds the ports in ouch position that with fair play they must boat, 1t is light and comfortable 10 wear, and your confidence is restored the moment it is adjusted. yon Mtg. rfoor,o.iHeernia irSpeoiaiietx,t130 Spading Ave„ Teronea, Write now. 22-47 • YOUR OVERCOATS and faded Sults world look bettor dyed. If no agent Of ours In your town, write dlreut Montreal, Box 15& BRITISH AINER)008 DVEISO CO. ,b--•714 Dominions Lhluiu SLeam3hlps Montreal M Ll0erpnol. Roston to Liver. pool. Portland to Liverpool. Vla Qu0enm town. Large and haat Steamships. Superior aceommodatlon Iger slilclasses of pa+m:gor . &done and Staterooms ire amidships, Speelal attention has been even to rho Second Saloon and Oterd.clane ecoonmo0atiol. For Alae Wetmore and an particulars, apply to nay Again Nebo Company, or " 1 a D. T rranoe h 00.. Melanin, tate64, Bestow 7) Montreal and i.'ortiend 8-60 MEI DS Latest Novelties, all styles. Correspondence invited, IL'n- close 20 stamp for circular. ENE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY 00,1 P. 0. Box 1142, Montreal, ISSUE NO. 27-03 NTSOMITN b CAMERON ha1711 8. of 0550s' Canada Lia Bnildg, Toronto. ISISERIVERIO A TE �P Writs fur lieu 8dilaa ORANGES LEMONS We have Mexicans, WE California Navels, HAVE Valencias, and TI•05 Sevilles., BEST .®.LOT,.E,TAT L.M. Carload every week. All the above at olarleet prices. We can also boodle your Mutter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syrup and other produce to advan- tage for you. CU11 DAWSON COMMISSION CO., Limited., s. Oor. West Market at, TOISONTO. On,_ilhe Lcrhvn Libby Luncheons We gel' the product in kevepceblgrune "font ahoy end yon dad the most exactly as Hien Us. Wo t them Up in this way. potted nam, Beef end Threes) Os Tontine (Whole), Voll Loaf bcvhicd Gahm, Crlcttet'Beef Sliced Smoked Seof, Etc, All ,1010003 Savor 11>_od3-001010111'. 01111 wllo'hosoisa, YourgrocerghmM 101'.Iht0, 2,,3118—flee blnklut")far, to i1inlro Oaa'tb"Thhtan aiRat 13nuat 0re20stnmpa far bb•,•'a Ig.1(100 tiro Worla, Libby. 140l eill air Libby' Ch: