HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-9, Page 5JULY: 9, 1903
I�N.r •,aiuur� a„4a�rtL+.,.,' 1iwYn,Wafw,neu4M,.-w1'.r.nrL..Eli,.ens„rt.!.'!+�.:i.w!Mi„r,n,..Mu,M,•in'.W.M.iE•wa4�wMlra.
Dont, F.8. 80o21T, Brussels,
Il o. A. —
,Mglt gT�I1N
W • leaner of Marriage Lioonses, 05•
tleoat 01'oeery, 1`urnborry etroet, 1'mach..
, D1t1 H(ONan line Bevnr'a goa i on18 000
sa1u.5,11to rutxl, trn �ludlbwu
of Morrie and Groy,Dass lt'n8m. 800TP,Brnnulpse0al
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
are1x.s ONT-
E. Estelle Griffin
Pupil of Mies Eva N. Roblyu, of London.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory exams.
i 'N1I1 visit tern80010 every Tuesday.
Loosens given at the home of W. R. Kerr,
John etroot,
MONEY TO LOAN AT 4i, de & 5 Per Oout,
oaloe over IGnreley'e Drug Store,
Nov, erd. 1008. 00.8m Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insnrnuco Co„
1• enni lents 1840
Insurance taken on rho cash and premium
note system at current rates. 11. faro Maar.
ing elsewhere eon on themnlor1ig wad Agent
of We OomPGL01te11 ROORd013, Reagents.
•. nett, will sell for better prices, to
bettor men - in lase time and less charges
eawont churgo er Auctioneer in Datesst mime or
and orders
Dau always he arranged at thin uffioe or by
personal app an
The undersigned, who la well acquainted
throughout the moth part of the County
and who has had business with a largo Dir.
oto of farmers in and around this locality,
bee to inform the community that he has
taken out an Auotioneer'o Lioouoo for the
County of Huron and offers his services to
ell purposing to hold sales,
T14108 NEWB0M111, Brussels.
ARWICK—el • Honer Emanate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated amines -1s in n compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Sentlotr99 Galls promptly at-
tended to, 0ffioe au,I0armary—Four doors
North of bridge, Tnrnberry et„ Brussels.
Barrister, Solloitor, Conveyancer,
4 tartars
door or North of
&o. rai
1 dolic or rho tOeStant Standard
Solicitor for the Standard Sank,
1CIT000, Ro , BRUSSELS.-
Ulilee over Standard Bank ; Bolieitor for
Township of Grey, Elowick Mutual and the
Metropolitan T3 milt. Private and Company
money to loan at lowest rates,.
IE. D., C. 100,,
Trinity Uulvor0ity, hollow- Trinity Medical
College, Mombor Grillage of Physicians amt
Bnrgeolo Ont, Idoeutiate of the Royal Ou1-
lege of P' byoioiane and Liooutlato of Mid.
7+;19x11 Edinburgh. „VarTelephoue No.14.
I3eoidehoe—Mill street, Brenda, - • •
DR. R. P.. F.EILD..
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Eurgoonattf Ontario and Flrot•o1a0o honor
Gradnato of Toronto University;. Office
next to 131'05 r'8 Photograph O al cry,
13010081 015.
and Students may enter
at any time. BPRGNG '"HUM 13100I118
MAR, B0. Two 000x000—O0mn'ter01111 and
Shorthand, 8ont1 for College Journal..
President, -.. Som'otary,
British Columbia
1,e€1 Cedar Shingles
ASP --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels .Planing Mills
Auto Doors and Sash of all Pat
Went on hand or made to order
at Short Natio°,
NZetimaten Furnished for all
iisDlrn o8aeipandMateal Gran.
P. AM: +N ` ,.
Fall Term quo ktl Intl
fl Scores M Easiness Colleges have
applied to us for our gl'IL1111ateeto FLOGA
k as W0101.410 their 00110010. Tile 04
the evidence you 1108 looking for lis 00 I�
4 the BEST 001.10 N,. to attend, Thous.
iands of our former students .ere now
11 Ill Wetness life. Write for our hantl-
f surae oatul0400. II
W. J. P[,UI0TT, neinoipal. `t
4401'1 lay.
Rev. Mr. Garbutt reached his new itp
poiutM0nt at Wallaoeburg and was
heartily welcomed.
Thee. Henry, who has had trouble with
his eyes, left for aoothlr visit to the
hospital at Toronto.
Roy. J, W. Ilolmea arrived hero last
week and preached hie introductory rer.
mono last Sabbath, Wo wela0me him.
It is said Wm. Mose, one of oat' buoi•
18908 men, i0 in flnanuial difficulties which
we hope will soon be straightened out.
The monthly meeting of the Howtak
Ins, Oo. wee held et Gerrie 011 Saturday
June 27. The usual routine of business
wee got:0 throngb, and appii0ation0 were
reoeived footing up to it total of about
3260,000. The only loss of any 1o0ou0t
for the month 49190 Wm. Montgomery's
barn, whose claim was settled at 91,107,
31 e'tla.
The Yooag; People's society of,Trinily
ohuroh are preparing for a bazaar to be
held on July 13th.
hire. John Kennedy and eon left for
MoVille, Michigan, where they will spend
Rome time visiting with relatives and
Mies Any Bider, of bile Presbyterian
Ladino' college, Toronto, 118 Melting at the
home 00 her parents, Alex. and Mfrs.
E der.
Dont forget the Orangeoelobration at
Blyth on July 13151. Every preparation
is being made fora good time and the
entertainment of a large crowd.
;Eno. and Mre. Scott, of Dolomites,
Manitoba, are at present vioiting amoog
relatives and friends in Blyth and vicinity.
They left here for the West 19 years ago.
A brink bee was heid on Monday and
Tuesday to draw the brick for the 1301
grave English (Murch. The brittle has
been purohtteed from Fraser & Legnn, of
The Ladish' GuUd of Trinity ohuroh
are malting preparations to give dinner
on the ocotteion of the Orange ,olebration
in Byth on Monday, July lath. The
young people of Blyth Methodist ohuroh
will also sorra dinner in the basement of
the Ohnrnit cm same date,
Norman Dopp, of Tavieboab, has takers
a position on the Bee staff,
Fire pupils of the Atwood Poblio school
wrote on the reoont entrance examiootiou
held at Listowel.
Mise Edith Peahen. returned home
from Toronto, where elm has been at-
tending the Toronto Conservatory of
141 !oho.
Elute Council lead a busy day on Mon•
day of last week attending to the minter
opines nue appeals eg u bo assessment and
also re the voters' Rae
Henry Johnston, well driller, etrook a
g,eat goober for R. Ooxou, of the 14th
ooa., E'ma. The well is about 180 feet.
deep and the water gushes from the top
io-It oonotont, ebeady stream.
The Proepeotne of the Western ()uteri°
Portland gement Oa, Atwood, Ont., i8
now ready and will be distributed 00
rapidly as poesible. Jno. Currie, brother
of our esteemed townemau, Geo. Otirrie,
is the authorized agent of the Co. to sell
Wmso1—OO.R.—On Wed need ay, June
24•11 alt , an.ietereeting ceremony trau,
opired at the home of Singleton Wilson,
wlio last year removed tram the 8t11 eon.
to Ninette, Man. This event wee the
marriage of his eldest daughter, Maud, to
Henry Dean Qook, a prosperous youlig
farmer of Fairhnll. The unplial knot
was tied by Rev. A. J. Saunders, Baptist
lntnieter of our own village and a former
pastor of the family. It is needless to Bay
that Mr. Wiloou'e family were delighted
'to have their former pastor present and
he wan tgnelly delighted to be able 10
perform rho Important function. Wo
extend be,rtiest oongr0tulatione tp the
bride and groom and are pletteed to know
that Me. Wilson in prospering in the
Went. We have also bele informed that
Rev. Mr. Saunder0 ie o,j'1ying hie trip
immensely and is greatly taken with the
Weetero c aclry.
L'I0CA&110 Vv.
30310 Joyht. acoompattird by his son
Weider, left for a three weeks' trip to
N w Yurlt.
There 10090 130 tickets sold at the
Lnokuow giddied for the excursion to the
Gue1111 Model Farm,
Brno :County Old Boys will run an
nxourelon from Toronto to Southampton
and Wiart'ta on July 100h, returning on
the 18th, 93 85.
The members of L. 0. L. No. 428, will
attend divine service in the Luoknow
Presbyeerian eiinroh, on Sunday, July
12 h at 11 o'oic 011 a, in,
1fbv, Hootor Mackay, B. d.., of London
Jlioctioo, ooldco'ed.service in the Pres-
byterian ohnroh here on Sabbath fore.
nooneand in the emoting Rev. E. 0.
7391100, from Persia.
June 2011), 140 loyal oupporter8'of the
Sopoy Leorolse 01,,b j,urneyed by apooial
train 00 Kincardine for the purpose of
witnessing der boys' second victory in
the 0, L. A, In this they ware not
appointed for when the referee called
time the tome stood 0 to 8 in favor of
Look 00 W,
A very pleasant 0veni014 was spent at
the imolai given in the lineament of the
Methodist church on Tuesday evening of
laet week by the members of the Ep.
worth League to bid farewell to the Rev.
A. O. Hartle anti hie estimable family,
who have been transferred to L{ambeih.
The room arae tastily arranged and suit.
ably decorated, and the chair wee Oise
oupied by the president, 1), C. Taylor,
An tnbere0ting program of readings,vooai
1 d 1 r en b Mr
Maggie hunter mei '! 1 Armete. 1,p,
Johns Hiddrnd, 11 '1 • t 191. 0 cr, if
G. Mlnr,lo0l1, Jere eiI1 f o'1' 1e, A
, very plowing kite-, 1 more—r1, wa0
the preeentatiun te 110 li 'rim of a 150040
x011 br uti[uliY fl an,.,4 p1.041/19 o1 the
bible 01500, taken du hind of the ohuroh,
by Dr. Spence on behalf of the members
of the bible 010014. J017190 Bryan `on
hull u( of the nougregatiln eine presented
tlr. Harris with n 19,11 11194 perm! 1te a
token of their hien Halpern mil Ipproei,t
thin of 11I'. lfa,ris doom.; ilia three yea10
millinery it: the Luokrtow slime i.
1 atjt,M1t 11,
Thorn is taut of 0 Band Teernament
tieing held here in the Tall.
Duaoau Robb:eon da reonvering from
the OMB st,oite of pe'alyoio.
Bev. Mr. Ma'lott 01,11 wife left on Mon•
day of last week for Obatbam.
J. dt 0, MoDonell have the 80,101aot for
npetadda rooting of 4110 1.007 peek:Moo at
Mies Bail, who has had charge of L.
Reeni0'0 millinery depo'Lmcnl, for the
past two 1011.0118, left Met week for her
hot days.
J. E. M4oDcnell reoeived word a taw
days ago of the death of u riot, relative in
Salmon City, Idaho, who left un estate of
great value,
Dan. Ball jr., of Boehm, 1M,80., in home
visiting his parents at K,ppen• 1Ie hos
a good positi.'0, being on the staff of the
oily eneineor,
The bylaw re01410tiag pinioning sins
on one beeline& etr00te is beim; eigmly
0ofareed 'and Due by one they aro being
rehlotantly taken down.
Mise Be'I, of Blyth, who has been in
the employ of H. J. D. Quoit as steno
graphor and typewriter, loft on Monday
061101 week for her home in Blyth.
1[[,0(1818) vvei.
The Oraag„mou of North Perth and
West Wellington will celebrate the ad)
of Jaly in Palmerston.
The Toronto morning papers, which
are being sent by Stratford Mies 000-
neotion Mora then half the time and there
is a grod deal of Itfaitiog by the sob
Mrs. J. 11. Geuther and two children,
Mabel and Harry, left last week for
Obioago, where 'they purpose spending
two or three months vioiting Mre.
Gunther's mother and 010tern.
Olrarlie Zdliax'e yauog friends are
pleased to see him around again after
hie several weeks' oonfinemeut with a
fractured log, reoeived while playing
toothed at Milverton. He will have to
mos orutehes for a while yet.
Night constable Dorraut discovered
two town lade in R A. Olimie's grocery
store on Sunday uigbt of Met week in the
aot of helping themaalves to oaudy and
other things. The yoatbo, upon espying
the constable, made off, but one of them
was quiokly oo11,red, and the arrest of
the other soon followed. They were
landed in the lookup, where they were
kept for a day or two. Upon being
brought before lbs Police Magistrate they
were t'eleaeed on suspended sentence.
Should this not prove a endicient warn-
ing to them they. may look for a term
behind prison bare.
Crepe are looking well. Fall wheat.fe
lookiog Ane.
17 kilns of lime have been burned by
Meese°. Nioholeon so far this 008000,
Oe Snuday, July 1201, Rev, J. Ed.
monde will preach to the Orangemen at
Mrs. Frank Wheeler who has been very
ill for some time, ie improving, we are
glad to abate.
We welcome Rev. 4. E. Jones and
family to Belgrava and wish them a
pleasant stay.
Belgrav0 Orangemen will go to Blyth
for the 13th and will look hoe in thele
new outfit of belts and gashes, new tial,
and new claps with go'd braid, and the
number of the Lodge thereon.
A epaulet meeting of the Ashfield Wo'
men's Mi*oiouary Auxiliary was held ie
Slake's Ohurob for the purpose o1 saying
Niewell to their retiring Peesi11ent, Mre,
Osten. At the close of the program au
a11drer8 was rend by Mrs. Ferguson, and
a beautiful silver podding dish and spoon
was presented by Mies Berke.
.15 •r It rwl B 7M '+,J ti 13 IC IA es
71he twa Presbyterian ehurohre, ii:noa
ohnrnh, 131lg sw , e, d f' . tin, 1, , t 'Ya
WI/111.1 )1, n,:.lor the /'ns .4. of i '. J, J.
amnia ar,• ill „ vrrl t r , .=,n.,. onndi.
tto,, DWI] abnrabc0ate, .. tf„ , 010 of
Ir 11 i I/n., _err. lee
debt mei at the lee', c r niut 1 r
raised 1}1.02 for missions, _T
Bo uol. Iiis',o,t —'lin' fuliewing to ilia
Mantling of the pupils of 1i. ti No. 10, for
month „f ,l lin,. Avpnt a ettorub,neo 42
Ht. IV --00. it Matta 110 ; Lome Taylor
55 ; (leiia ltrothwotl 52 ; Clare R,ithwoll
50 ; Sophia Hparling 40 dr. 11/. --Boy
Oxtoby 00 ; Jae Coulee 60 . Alav Cxtnby
40 fir. II0,--Grupo Bpoirtut 80 i Ruth
Engler 00 1 Irene Fogel 113 ; (Mester
Baker (10 AndrewDonIl 60: LOaieEngler
48 ; Mary 11ay1or 40 Jr. 111.—F orenoa
Whitfield 78 ; Mamie Deumnn 78 ; Eva
Bothwell 74 ; Ototriie Buttory 71 ; Stan•
ley Hatehiueon 59 ; Willie Speiran 87 ;
J0e010 0.mpbell 02 ; John liollenbeoli ;
68 ; Melvyn Oxtoby 51, Jr. II.—Pearl
Oxtoby 82 ; Alma 1peir0n 70 ; Ket10
Denman 74 ; Wilfrid Whitfield f37 ;
Percy Ward O6: Jumes Doull 67;
Myrtle Bedew) 1 Blanche WhilA•Id 60 ;
Maggie Ward 40 ; Bert Amour 35; Sr.
Pt. II.—Irene Engler 71 ; Geo, Evans
08 ; Lily Evans 54 ; Iva Speiran 58 ;
Delia Whitfield 51, Jr. Pt, IL—dna,
Hyde 70; Marguerite Hetabi000n 01;
Willie Ward 58 ; Mary Machan 38 ; Rus-
set Coutts 50 ; Alex. Hyde 50 ; Minnie
Ilaooa 48, Sr. P>.I.—Freddie Cox. Jr.
Pt, I,—Ohrietie Engler, Hartwell Speirsn,
Lucy Taylor, Wee ey Ballantyne, Millie
Cox, Gordon Whitfield, Milton Ox.oby,
Carrie Ward, B. B. LAtiot+r, Toaoher.
ia,etitoz• Ch.
Roy Soott has returned home, and ie
now looking after the eleutrio Light
W. 01. Willis left on Saturday for Mani-
toba and the Northwest, combining bind.
nese with pleasure,
Will, McLeod played with the Puede
baud on Dominion Day at Paris, In the
evening he was the chief eutortainer in a
The new boiler chop in nonneetion with
the Bell Engine Works, Seaforth, is now
nearly completed and the machinery is
ell in piaoe.
Mre. F. W. Tweddle, who has been ill
in Toronto for some time, hue arrived
home and ie now doing as well as ooald
be expeotod.
A golf olnb was organized here with the
following tifioero :—Preeideot, T.F. Oole•
man ; searetery, G. E. Parkes ; exe0utive
committee, W. K. Pearce, W. Walker, J.
0, Greig. The olub have leased the links
on the Coleman property.
Miss Beatrice Scott, daughter of James
Scott, who graduates from the Toronto
0onr'orvatory of Music shortly, has been
offered and has aooepted a good position
in Brandon, Manitoba, for which plane
she will leave in a few weeks; when she
oompletes her etodieo in Toronto.
Mro. McLennan, widow of the late
Alexander McLennan, died on Tuesday of
last week. She bee been s long patient
enlierer, having been ill for about four
years. She had been a resident of Sea
forth for over 85 years ami was a good
living wmnau, worthy wife and an effect•
ienete mother. Fermat took place on
Ed. Mole who has been eleotrioian for
the Seaforth Electric) Light Company bee
resigned that position and left for Stent.
ford on Monday, where he hue eeo0re11 a
good situation with the G. T. R. as eleotri•
tion. During his stay in town Mr. Male
made many friends who are sorry to hear
of his departure end hope he may have
0000008 et Stratford.
Livery keeper Levy, of tide town, cam -
'1 IAB• week
' i Thursday of
mitred suicide on
by the nee of a gun, the charge entering.
his Bide. The earl deed was dote in a
bush not far from town. He bad driven
ont to that locality, tied his boree and on
not being aeon to return word was brought
to town about the horse and on searob
being made the body was. found. Life
was extinot boweger.
LAo0oesa.—An intermediate 0. L. A.
match was played at Brautford on Sat-
urday afternoon between the Beaforth
Beavers and the Brantforde, the former
winndug by a soon of 4 to 0. The Sea•
forth men were a good deal older and
more exporienoed than the Branttorde,
tress Shoes
must be fashionably correct. Ours are.
`These shoes are comfortable because
they fit inside. The outline is handsome and
the shoes are made to keep their shape and
appearance till worn out,
Prices are right for right goodsv''
i7 0. cS T.
1 IJST now we offer the following induooment in £01ea''a Patent Bele.
CJ up—to-dote style and toe, Goodyear welt, patent ooib 5aptp, great a
leather to wear l regular pride 94 50, en sale now at,,, $ �J a 00
ta"We always try to handle reliable geode and at the Monet margins,
Repairs in Shoe, promptly done.
rata HARMSO DEPARTM]IINT ie booming and why 7 Bemuse the quality
l_1' and prioe0 500 right. Trauk, and VaIioos very cheap. Desters, lap Rugg,
1110., at lowest pr0eri,.
r kOR SALE—Two oomfortabie dwelling hoiseo.
t.1, 1,e, Ito Bp010 lee were gist y 9, CIA
(Dr.) Spesob, Mied idlnma pear•, Nue ,I, CA .tea
1111 tll•:r •irfeaoe wee impeueltMile. li',
Vol.;. t of Toronto, made .,n *11109110
:der .. i the teams were : ' ltreutford
(h.,�x goal 010381.07, point ;
1) ,sol <„ , ::er.poinit I Hay, Wluinlns,
Dhwutt.e, ' '..euee field ; Adoma, een1re ;
Page, 11111, Hartley, home field ;
u t t
' a' 'arida. b a ar h
Kelly, outend Heys', i
a y,
—Mulcahy, goal ; Bell, point ; Jualisan,
IDover [mint 1 Grlvee, Broadtoot, 00,088en,
delirium 11 1,1 ; 0•' loud, uelitre ; Mo.
Dougall, Jackson, Johnson, 11onle field ;
Freeman, 0u1side ; M(Kay, inelde,
1ti1etc eo te*r•,
I'ix'ter OivioHoliday Augnt (3, 1000,
I. It Carding left fur Spokane, Vau•
oeuvar, lino 1''r,tuoi000 and other pointe
lloliso Amy Johns, who hag been attend.
ing Alma College, Bt. Themes, is among
the lumber of euoaoaeful Dime gruduatiog.
The remains of the late Mre, Mary
Welle, of Loo Angeles, Cal„ were brought
hero by train Monday of last week from
Ohnthem for burial,
Sunday night some mean person oe
per00ne entered Jae. Sean's garden, en
Main street, and After digging or other.
wise deatroying hie pstoh of ear,y potatoes
carried away the products.
H, N Anderson, the principal of cur
public school, has resigned as bo intends
quitting the profession, having been offer-
ed a muab more lucrative position as
partner in business at Sault Bt. Marie.
Mfrs. Martha Hawkins, Bimooe street,
met with a paiefal aooideot. She wee
about to 0(1 down on a chair when elm BLYTH.
misa olonlated its exact l000tion end fell
to the floor, dislocating the b joint..
F. W. Faapoombe, oLondon was
oarveying the course for the proposed
grunolithia walk to bo put down this Sem
mer on the East side of Main street from
Huron street to Hawkins t3, Bon's hard.
ware More and from J.. t'. Russell's black-
smith chop to the Main street Methodist
ohuroh and down to the eahool.
The death 000urred at Victoria Hospit•
al, London, on Wednesday June 24, of
Alioe Femme, daughter of Bam'1 Fruition,
of Exeter. The deeoaeed had been in
the hospital for several weeks suffering
from erysipelas and almost from the
iooeptiou of the disease hor life was des-
paired of, The remains were brought
here for burial.
We have just reoeived a large shipment of new emit; suitable ' for the
hot weather. Wholesale home are now betty with Full geode and 91011021000
to clear out Bummerp•,podo at a great redaction in priooa, We took advantage
0f title and oan now offer special values in the following Biwa :--OJ'aooy Una:
!tile, in Ano 10098 01 oolore, in striped sod floral deal mei worth 189, fop.
12i'a,...Plain lilaok Lawns, 46 foollee wide, *suitable for Bidet walote end
enol droves, worth 250, for 205,,,, Block Mewling, in fanny Moo etrlpee
and (Meeks, the oorreot thing for hot weather, at 180, 200 and 25o,..,
Blaolt Grenadines, Ane laoey effeota, in fancy stripes and cheeks, very
special at 500.. ,.Plain Weile Lawn, 1 garde wide, et 10e,120 and 15o.,
Spotted Muolin,Iu Ierge and small spots, et So, 1.00, 12}oand lSo •,Edna
White ludia Linens and Naineooke, at 114 o, 20o, 250 and 9850. Fine
White Organdies, very 'martial at16a,20aand 20.,.,White and Oream
Luobree, great stelae at 353 and 500.
We have lush reoeived 147 dozen Cotton
Hose, i0 all 81z.e, at special priooa s--
—Women's Black Cotton Bose, full size, a snap
at 5o and 10o.... Women's Heavy Ribbed and
olein hoes, worth 150, for 12)}o....Blas k Cat
Hose for boys, heavy and strong, feet blaok,
double knees, 0peoial value at 261,, 35oand 30o,
Ladies' Fioe Bslhriggon Hone, Hermedorf
dye, at 15e, 20o and 26a,
W0xaern anot .
Our Orangeman will celebrate at Blyth
next Monday.
A. H. Musgrove is presiding examiner
at Brnseele thio wo,k.
139 tiokete were sold here to Model
Farm Exoureiouisto on a reoont excise.
A reception was held for Rev. Dr. Gun.
dy,the new Methodist minister Friday
The lawyers of town will elope their
ofalse every afternoon at 4 o'olook and
on Batardny at 2 p. m.
Dr. and Mre. Irwin left to take the
Manitoba trip, on Saturday. Dr. .Itwin's
deutal olfloe will be closed from the 4th
until the 2511, during his abeonoe.
EL Kerr received a cable message from
hie daogbter, Mrs. Alex. Alderson, stat.
ing that aha had arrived safely in the
old land, and fonud the voyage beneficial.
Miss Kate Gandy, prior to leaving
Streebroy for Wtngham, was presented
with a silk umbrella, mounted with pearl
and silver, by the members of the Mission
Baud and her S. S. Masa.
The members of Court Maitland, 0an•
adieu Foresters will attend divine ser
Moe in St. Panl'e eburoh on. Sunday,
July 12th, at 4 o'elook p. m. The ser-
mon will be proaohed by Rev. Wm.
Inspector Greer wog in Wiugham Fri-
day of last week to identify
Williams'white, formerly of Port Hope,
and Frank Reed, colored, no home, who
were arrested and field on 800pioion of
being concerned in the Glory Whalen
murder at Oollingwood. Inspector Greer
decided they are not the men for whom
he 1s eearohing.
Robert Dreaver, a former well known
blaokemtth in Wiugham, met with a very
palatal aaoidene one day recently at his
shop in Carberry, Manitoba, Mr. Dreav•
er was ehoeiog a horse and another horse
standing near him commanded kiolting
and Mr. Dreaver wee knocked to the
floor and badly kicked and bruised and
008 'ankle dislocated. He lay for eeveral
days before his clothes could be removed
as hie injuries were so 00ver0.
The following from the London Adver•
tiger refers to a former well known Wing
hamite, who was for some time oondao•
for on the L. 13. tk B :—"Ooudnobor Par.
ker, of the G. T. R. W iudeor a000inmode.•
tion bee gone to Saratoga, where be will
attend a oo0veution of the Master Oar
Builders of America this week. Mr,
Parker has patented a device to prevent
the steam pipes in passenger oars from
freezing and he will exhibit it at the con-
vention, The device ie said to be one of
the heat yet beeped) 00 the attention of
the railway aompaniee, and it is under-
stood that a number of the roads, includ-
ing the Grand Trunk, are about to adopt
Highest Market Price paid
for Wool in Cash or in ex-
change for Goods.
We have n enc
Assortment of
Custom wont such as Roll Card-
ing, Spinning, Knitting, etc,
attented to as usual.
Brussels Woollen Factory
and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines
and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur-
chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods.
We have in stock a large assortment of-
- All -wool Blankets,
—White and Gray Sheetings,
—Plain Flannels,
— Checked Flannels,
—Fancy Shirtings,
—Ladies' Wool Dress Goods,
—Light and Heavy Tweeds,
—Underwear for Men and Boys,
—Men's and Boys' Stockings,
—Ladies' and Children's rr
—Boys' Sweaters,
—Yarns, all kinds and colors.
are here and this means that Canned Goode and
such Delicacies will be in big demand, such as
Canned Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Lobster, Salmon,
Smelts, Shrimps, Haddie, Kippered Herring,
Sardines, Lunch Bacon, Pork and Beans, Fresh
Herrings, due.
Fresh Fruits of all kinds.
All Goods in our Grocery Depart-
ment are New and Clean.
W. A. G -RE @fW A .
• • • • •
The Finest
line to be seen
in any town
be Sold this Season,
in Ontario
will be found
Ewan & Co.'s Warerooms
—We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac-
tories in Canada, besides our own make of'rigs.
—You can save money by examining our stock before purchasing.
—Satisfaction assured. Prices right.
Opp. Central Jloteel, Brussels. I i WAN & Co., RBU S SE L st