HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-9, Page 411 lv' THURSDAY, JUL.I' 9, 1909. Tnet 36th Birthday of the Dominion of Canada, celebrated on Wednesday of lest week, found Mise Canada making marked and tnoet eatiefaotory prograee. TImee (leve been exoeptionell'y good and au era of prosperity eujoyed of no inooneidorabte vane to *bo people of thie country. 'While the beam ooutinuee in the Wester- ly portion of the Dominion the Eteterly and Central Pruviuoes have no oell to wear wry fawn nor Leer much alarm for the years to ooma. Some poeeamistio oroakere are banging their lip over the hard times that are to follow such a period ofmane but let us be satisfied to arose the bridge when we dome to it and not start weeping over ills that may never befall ae, Crop prospeote are quite favorable, prion and markets are keeping good and on the whole we heve e. goad right to sing the praises of the glorious Dominion end not forget the good Providenoe that hoe net our lot in such a highly favored land. Wooro in Goderieh last Monday after• noon the Editor of THE Pon had a eon. feranoe with Mayor Lewis as to the probabilities of the extension of the C. P. R. from Guelph to Goderiob in the near future. Two provisional routes Irelikely to'be surveyed the Northerly touching at Nlmira, Lietowel, Brussels, Blyth, and Auburn and the Southerly via Monkton, Leadbury and Clinton. The 0. P. R. people say in short, we will build the reed and operate it if the right of way is secured. It ie expected that a surveying party will be over the proposed routes and after that steps may be taken in reference to promotion. Brnasele, Grey and Morrie cannot allow this opportnnity to pass unimproved and the leaders in municipal %deal:cement should be on the alert regarding it. The question of trace• portation and oonvenieoce of passenger travel is one of decided importance in this day and the wide-awake municipal- ities are the ones that will ultimately laud at the top. Faty branaheo of practical education have been demonstrated more clearly by any organization than batter and cheese making by the Ontario Agricultural College, Dairy Schools, and last bat not leant the Travelling Dairy. The latter cams almost to the homes of the people and by practical tests and experiments proved beyond gaeetion that there was a right and a wrong method of butter making. What the value ofthen demon. etratione has proven to be might not be easily estimated but certain it is that the advantages were neither email nor unset• iefactory. This week Misses Laura and Annie Rose, of Guelph, have taken a trip to Nova Scotia where they will at. tend 30 schools ander the direction of the Government of that Province, in giving the praatieat training destined to plane thio Dominion in trout rank as butter makers. Some people profess to sneer at the necessity of this class of work bat the countries in the forward vanguard knee, of their value and have good sense enough to put into active operation the plane and methods warranting success. perjury, and theft of $80,000. Hie trial was fixed for July 20. ur 'on of the Western The r o ed dao :t T o e P P Canada Press Association to Montreal and Qdebeo bait been postponed owing to the Bete olaehing with the Manitoba eleOtlone. Huron Old Boys. tint rday'M f+xeurslo8L to Gederieb end Wingbant. About three hundred of Elaeon's Old Boys arrived in Gmderielt about noon Saturday, 6 oar ]Dade struck oil at Gnelpb for Brn:eels and Winghem and pointe in the North. No attempt at demon:tre• Won was made on the arrival of the train, owing to the beavy rainfall. They were entertained al Goderiob in the evening by an open•air oonoert given by the Goderiob Marine Band, Some of the ex00reinniete remained until Monday, when apodal trains carried the visitors home, Tbe armee of the Hnron Old Boys' Association this year are :—E. J. R. Demean, President ; G. A. Smith, Vico-Preeident ;R. A. Walker, Secretary ; W. O. MoTaggarb, Treasurer ; Hugh AlaoMatb, Dr. Sloan and J. ti. Willison, Honorary Presidents. Tbe Committee who arrenged this year's moat enooeeeful excursion are ;—J. McLaren, J. R. Lyons, E. Fioody, J. S. MoKirmen, S T. Onurnb, 31. 0, Limn, T. W. Gibson, C. 0, Mo• Douaid, W. 0. McKay, Geo. Deacon, Thomas Scott, E. W. Brune, W. Pender- gast, II. Veined ned end R. W. Murray. Tlhe excursionists enjoyed a delightful time. They were heartily welcomed and sorrowful Good byes spoken as the trains moved out. COL. THobtrsoa, of Haldimand Cm, hae btonght to the notine of the Dominion Parliament a question of no email im- portance viz the neaeesity of increase to the militia, ) ilit'a inth Ir e' attandano e at the annual drill. Ea urges that e. 91 00 per day be sabebituted for the present 50 oent rate and, judging by the epeeohee following hie, the trend of opinion leane to the $1 00. When men were plentiful and the country newer the old system apparently worked all right but with the many ehangeo a new order of things is necessary and 110 where more so than in the ont•of date program followed for years in the management of the militia. County Councils have been besieged an- naeliy for greets to supplement the 50a per diem in the hope of aiding the local offionre in malting a preeentabls turnout in oemp and even ibis has failed to keep up the attendance in many oases. Men wbo lire well acquainted with military life say there f9 great necessity for a general wad thorough overbauling of plane and methods before the militia eyetem will be on a eatiefaotory footing. We are of the opinion that in some notions there is too great a dietiootion drawn between the offiaere and men. In tba old land were the nobility hold sway ani commissions were bought there was room far a 10080009 of snobbery and class dietinotione, even if the offtoiety was often hollow beaded, but the rules and usages in thio land should do away with a Targe share of this Bort of thing and nommen oomforte and privileges should bo more generally shared ,as the privates are often Dolled upon to take "pot look," It is tt good sign when in revilement flap - portent of the Governmeot oall up such oases as the one Ool. Thompson has re• ferred to instead of throwing the onus upon the Opposition. Had the latter while in power done their duty there would eat be the demand now for radical and expeneive (Menges. George Rowley, ox Manager of the E1. gin Leen Hompany at St.'Phomae, was arraigned in nut charged with forgery, Hicks' Predictions. 13 v.Irt Hioka of 8t, Louis, in his July predictions says : "The first storm period begins on the 2nd and 3rd. ea a coueegaenoe of the pecu:iar position of Meroury the month is likely to ooma iu with Bloody weather and drizzling rain in many sections. On the 2nd and 3rd this unsettled condition will grow into more pronounced storm Conditions. It will turn much warmer • the atmosphere will grow muggy and close, the barometer will fall and some solid thunder storms wibh local rains will pari over the country in their usual order," The second storm period is cen- tral on the 9th, and promisee to be lees rainy although ehowereare predicted to be frequent. Daring the third period which is central ou the 15th Prophet Hiake gives a warning for people to ex. peat beat. "Another great wave," he says, "or pulsation of heat will arise at this time along with which the barometer will fall, and many electrical threeteuing storm clouds will rise on and touching the 15th. As a rule July brings some of the most ominoue looking Monde of the whole year, but they oftener .pass with high blaster, thunder, lightning and rain. Stroh wiil be the general outcome during this period with heavy dowopoare of rain over very limited areae. Ohauge to cooler will Dome about the 16th to 18911. The fourth etorni period is central on tbe 20th and it will be marked by great heat. "We believe," ,aye the forecaeter, in speaking of it, "that a general and per• sietent heated term win prevail at this time." Some heavy storms on and aboa: the 24th may odour. The 25th, 26th and 97th are ventre' days of a re• aotionary storm period on and about which days there willbe a •climax of Sommer heat unless severe thuudet etorm0 develop about the 24th. At this time au exoeasively warm wave may be looked for. About the 27th there will come a rapid fall of the barometer, gniokly followed by winked winds and thunder etorme is many parte of the country. Light rtios will a000mpany these storms in most planes with possible oloudbarote in moat localities. A rising barometer and a ohange to 000ler weather will follow these storms for a few days. Morris Council Meeting. TUB J 1tr Si. k' O 6 94130 ; 11, Bcem'cn, gravel, $6.20 ; J.1 fears auggeeled themeelvee as the tate of 13reokenrfdge, gravel, 3 66 ; Win Tittle, the little Data. 1 . Pr, t rgravel,7 00 • The new tiepin factory etnbratea two gravel, Geo. 000,$ g K I ratio v 1 awannah ravel $1.90 j wings aoveriag 98 fest ou F,ts' and New. Qarpo t, L � , m , Jae. Taylor, gravel, 90 ata, ; Geo. klo. gate streets, with eu interveuin,; etretnlh Pedant., plaueh broken ou E. Bontldaey, of 845 feet on Cambria Read, all 48 feet 92 60 ; C. Wheeler, o•ment tile, 91 26 ; John alcCraoken, tile dhoti to North Boundary, $260; J'e. Sherrie, filling Bole on river bask, $3.001 Chas, Pollard, gravel end work, 98914 1 Jett Bolger, in. epooling_on 9th line, 92 18 ; Jne, Bolger, inspecting on E. Boundary, $1 88 ; Ches. Pollard, nob treat ooE, Boundary, $60 17 ; Ohne. Pollard, oulvert on 7th line, $•110 1 1) Mabee'', gravelling and laspe0tieg, 912 20 ; A. T. Cale, re, airing read, 91 86 1 E. Lanndy, gravel, $2 88 ; Win. el ]obis, obovelling gritvoi, $2 00 ; lt. Veuetone, legal advice, 9100 • D. Sommerville, gravel, 90e ; A. Proctor, gravel, 94 15 ; '12.0. Brandon, gravel and damages, e7 04. The Council then sdjourued to retest again on the 3rd day of Anguef• next. W. OLAoo, Clerk. Work of tyle old Gerrymander. Io view of the fent that a new redis- tribution of the counties le being made, in which the Conservatives tbie lime have a voice ae well its the Libernle, the follow ing article from an old Dopy of the Glebe, showing how the Oounty of Huron was divided in 1882, may be of interest : "The story of the gerrymander of 1882 may be old, bat none the 'emit shows the diaadvatrtagee under which the Liberate fanghee. The fo'lowing sample, which shows the principle applied in framing the bill, id taken from a ,peed) by Dr. Maodooald, of MIMEO, and the facts have never been disputed. The tent that Liberals carried all three dose not alter the motive of the framers of the bill. The County of Helton in' 78 gave about 800 Liberrl majority. The Bret draft of thn bill of '82 divided the county in South Huron, Centre Huron and North Eur(u. The or ratty then held a population of 67,000, and oou d be divid• ed Into three aoustitueuciee,giving a little over 22,000 each, which was the unit to repreeentation. After the bill was ln• iroduoed, a dopotation of ponnereabivee from Huron oame to Ottawa. The very next day Bir John Maedoneld moved that another division of Huron should be made. Three municipalities were taken from Huron, to pat into North Middlesex and one into South Perth. And three other divisions of Huron were made. Iuetead of a North, Centre and South division it was East, Went end South. rewording to the vote of 1878• this mare lent Enron a Conservative majority of 93, West 130ro11 a Conservative majority of 116, and hived iu South Huron a Liberal majority of 1,000. At the same time the two municipalities given to North Middieeex had in '78 given a Oon• aunties majority of 115 and were in. tended to etrengthen Mr. Coughlin, wbo had a bare majority of 9 in '78. Osborne township tvhloh gave 60 Oouoervative majority, was put into South Perth, and from that riding was taken South Ent. hope, which had given a Liberal majority 193. This wag placed in North Oxford, to increase the Liberal majority of 800 already there. Then North Eaethope, which gave e msjerity of 309, was also wWed to North Geturd, to relieve North Perth, from which was alga taken Wal- lace, with a Coneervative of 60. Tbie was given to North Wellington, in tbe hope of defeating Mr. MoMallen, All this was done to "equalize the repreee0 talion," the Tories amid. Bat at the same time they formed fourteen ridings in which the unit of representation was 26, 825 and fourteen others in which the Coit w.te 15,625. In 1882 one Liberal member represented 8615 votes and one Conservative 2,540 ; in 1887 the Liberal represented 4,638 votes, the Onnservetive 3,365. In 1891: Liberal, 5 550 ; Coo- eervative, 3,150 ; while in tbie attention the total vote was ; Liberal, 182,000, with 36 members, and Conservative, .186,000, with 56 members, or twenty more members, for 4,000 more votes. Such WWI the effect of the gerrymander, and the sample method given above shows bow it was arranged to produce ibis effeot." In tbe Bill now before the Dominion Hones county boundaries are rigidly adhered to. The Council met as Ooart of Revision in the Oouneil room, Morrie on Jane 291h. The following appeals were disposed of —Hubbard Cornell entered M F 0. a lot 8, Don. 2 ; Joseph Hogg entered tenant 6 and 7G. S. Bluevale • F. Kaye entered MFS. 25, oon. 5 ; D. Halliday entered e F S, S. � 5, oon. 5 ; A. E. Jones entered 000npoot lot 21, Belgrave ; Alfred J. Lowry entered owner S. e 18 eon 5 ; Geo. Beet entered owner N. 24, Doo. 6. Moe - ed by Taylor, seconded by Shaw that the Court of Revieion be now oloeed and that the Aeeoeement roll ee now revieed and corrected be confirmed and established ae the AssetBement Roll for the Township of Morris for the current year. Carried. On motion of Shaw and Code M. Taylor wee instructed to expend 920 in gravel. ling on sideline between lots 5 and 6 non. 6. On motion of Code and Jaokeon the Reeve was instructed to have Martin'e bridge, let line, refioorrd. A oommuni cation was reoeived from E L. Diokineon on behalf of Isaac Ferrand claiming damagee to hie property in the oonetra0• Mon of the Lemont drain. On motion of Code and Taylor the Beeve was in• denoted to procure legal edvioe in the, matter from R. Vanetone, of Wingbam, and report to the Clerk, A, MoLaaoblin applied for assistance toward building a wire fence on East boundary eA lot 80, bon, 4, On motion of Jeokeon and Code Masers. Shaw and Taylor were iostruoted to examine the locality of the said fence and report at next meeting. Aocounbe were ordered to be paid as follows ;—Jno. McCall, three oalverts, 98 75 , Wm. Mines, gravel on North Boundary, $2 66; Mrs. Mnlligao, gravel on North Bound. cry, 92 24 ; J. D. Miller, gravelling on North Boaadary, 928 85 ; R Moffatt in. epeotieg work on North Bonudery, $2.60 ; Wm. J. Salter, gravel, 93,60 ; D. Irwin, gravel, $3.10 ; Jno. Dnakett, gravel,' 9210 ; M. Lamont damage hauling gavel 60 ale. ; W. J. Hendereon, do, $2.00 ; H. Kirby, work, gravel and dam. age, $80 15 ; John .Hunter, inepeoting, 93.00 ; Jno. MoOali, gravelling on the 9th tine, 928 00 I C. Taylor, inepecting, 94 ; It. B. Al000k, digging ditch on 6th line, Jae,OGolly, McElroy, f190ditch,$0 Wil. ton &'Purnbull, hardware for E. Bound. cry, 981.49 ; Wm, Skelton, gravel, 97 30 ; Jae. Tyne, gravel, 91.10 ; Geo, McCall, the fat oalverte, 95;00 ; 8. Irvine, gravel, 911 60 ; R. McMurray, gravel, 95 00 ; J, H. Sellars, gravel and damage, 96,27 ; Gen. Kerr, gravel, 93 71 ; R. Youth, job on Rae sb;11 26.60 ; M. wCts a gravel, 91.70 ; W. J. Sonob, gravel, $4, 0 ; Geo, I Pett000k, gravel, 91210 ; A., BMW, gravel, A, F. Gault, head of Oault Broe Aloutteai is ut:t rxC wed to live. George Kerr, Al onager of the W. were old Bank at Pickering, bag reoeived w t n f the drowning of hie eon John et Seem. mento, Cal. wide and two storeys high will] large , The boiler of n Grand Trunk Moored - basement. 'Thi bmldinge are of x very 1 live exploded at Stirling. Driver 6obert enbotantieI gnt0re, being built of eoltd MoAel(lle, of Pru•rboi•d' was fatally in oteue, brink eUU cement, ani are 009100' I prod, and it ,e feared Fireman Porter, of ed by llro a,1110 with Ontonatie lire doors, 11,llbronitr' may 110, reducing the decors by fire to a mi, i mum. The basement has a oetneult floor throughout, and the supporting poste, which are eel 8 feet apart, rest on cement piers. Tire floors are all double, the first being laid egnare and the upper (Begone', giving great firmness and being of ohne burning oonetruotion, The main shaft for delving the machinery is in the base- ment resting on broad oemeub pieta built 5 feet in the ground, obviating all jerrieg and ensuring almost noiseless tunitug. A Jose Weemso —On Tumidity even• ling of ]net week Carlotta Putti, eldeet duughter of ]'hos. Tilt, of the British Esohanee, and William Littlejohn, of the Grand Trunk R. R Detroit, where joined In holy matrimony, Rev. Mark Turnbull, reotor of St. George's, officiating, In l o• oordanoe with the prevalent fashion, their wereneither bridoemaid nor grnotna. man, but Mies Edna Tilt, neioe of the bride, was a pretty flower girl, The ore - many tools plane in the peeler which wife nicely decorated with palma and flowers, for the oaoeeion. The bride was given away by her father. She -wore, charming dress of obampagne crepe de chane, with teimmfttg of embroidered oh ffon, and carried a handsome brquet of white car• nations, and M1ee Edna wire utti,ed 10 white silk, As the oonolusion of the oeremouy, the party, no naively of rola• lives and dodo preemie friends, partook of a rooheroe wedding supper, during which Mr. and illro. William Lit ti, john were oongraiulated. 'Vile newly married oouple left by the 39e p. m train on Wednesday for Detroit, and they were given a right hearty seed off. The bride was the reeipieut of n very large number of valuable present,, silver artio:ee for table use being plentifully dietribnted omoug them. The groom's prreent to bride woe a handeene gold watch nun chain and a charming diamond pendent. TEM POST figuratively throws the old clipper after Mr, and Mra. Littejohn, and )nine with their many friends i0 wishing them a long and happy married life. eel O(te viola. Landlord Aabeson is patting a new front in the Signal omoe. Dr. Taylor has returned from hie boll, day trip to Dakota and other pointe in 11.S. Mies Lewis left by the King Edward on Monday of last week en route for a visit to friends in Winnipeg. Dr. Whitely has parohaeod the Horton property, on Waterloo street and St. George's Oreeoent, and will take poeeee. sion let November ;meant year. F. J. T. Neftel, who had been far from well for several weeks, woo taken serious• ly ill on Sunday rooming 28th nit. with paralyeie of the lett side, as a result of some nervosa or internal trouble. The fishing tag D. McLeod, built by , Marlton and mnabined by the Goderiob Engine 0o. left for Southampton, from winch port she will be tithed, Her trial trip was satiefaotory, but as her engines had only been fixed a few days, het speed Was not tested. Mee. W, D, and Mise Shannon arrived in town on their return from Dawson City, Yukon Territory, on Iueeday of last week after an abeenoe of one year. The ladies look none the worse for their year,, sojourn in the land of beet and front, and have praises far the oily of gold, and the many kindly people ib Don • tains. On Tuesday Mayor Lewis, Alex, Bonn• dere, president of the Board of Trade, and Janne Mitohell, eeoretary, went to Guelph on the invitation of the direatos of the Guelph Inaction Railway, to hole] au informal dieaneeioe over the exten- sion of that line to Goderiob. The de - potation wee joined at Clinton by W. Doherty, and Co. Ooanoilloe Cantelon, Dudley and Patrick, the two young eons of Dudley acid Mee, Holmee, owned a eeneation on Monday evening of last week by strayed away from home, and when derlcneee fell and no train of them had been found, the Ore alarm wan rung and from the assembled orowd Conebablo Gundry organized several searob pattern, one of which fatted the little obape out on the railroad rear Polley', farm, sate but sleepy. They had started off to visit their grandma et Ho'msevllle, euppoeieig in thole yettthful innoanoe they :mold walk there. The joy of the parents may be imagined for natureely many horrible leyoretvvich, Master Alfred Hosking, of Ripley, is speeding a few weeks visiting friends in and around the village. The baud and quite a large number from Fordwicb attended the piceni0 on the 6th con., Minto, ou Dominion Day. are. (Dr:) Armstrong returned home on Wedueenay of last week, after speed- iug a month with relatives in Bayfield, Seaforth and other pewee. 'i'be members of L. 0 L , 642, intend having their exeunt eermnn preaobed on Sunday, Jnly 12th, at 2 80 p. m., by the Rev. A. B. Dobson, in the Peeebyterian ohurah Our Village Trastsee had the township grader at work on a number of the streets on Taeedey of last week, and greatly unproved them. The Trustees are also puebing the eidewalka along Bs fast as poseibte and intend to make the village one of the finest in this part of Ontario. MATRIMONIAL—Ab 2 p. m., on Tuesday, June 80th, a pretty wedding was solem• sized is Fordwiah at Hilloreet, the regi• deuce of B. S. and Mrs. Gook, wbou tbeir eldeet denghter, lot(ee Janet Oook was married to Dr. D. Rolston Dunlop, of Sballow Lithe. The bride was attired in white silk ebirred ed train, elaborately trimmed with Insertions of cherry lace and wailed a beautiful bouquet of bridal roses and maidenhair fern. Her brides. maid was Miss Lilian Brenta, B. A., of Toronto, oho wore a dainty gown of Indian lawn with tucks and ineettione of Valenciennes, and carried a huge bogaet of Mereabnl Neil rosea. The groetneman was Dr. W. R. Cook, a brother of the bride, while little blies Nora Cook made a sweet little flower girl. The drawing rooms in whish the oeremouy took place were artistically deoorated with white and pink roam and ferns. The bridal party stood under a canopy of roses and ferns. After oongratutabione had been reoeived the guests assembled in the din- ing a daintylu ooheon was In roam where K served. The table: were deaoretad with roses and maiden -hair ferns. At six o'olook Dr. end Mre.,Duelop toots bite evening train for Owen Sound, whenee they intend touring the upper lakes, Atter July 20th they will be at home in Shallow Lake. Among a large number of beanbtful pre55015 an upright Morrie piano and several oherluee were espeoielly to be noted. The groom'e preeent to the bride was a beautiful ostrich feather bort and to the bridesmaid a pearl br000h. Canadian 1V e''vsi. Dodge Doherty died at Montreal. Hou. Hugh John Maodooald of Wi int peg ie recovering'. A youth named Miford Amos was drowned at Mount Forest', Louis Wood, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., WAS drowned in the oanal at St. Cethar• thee, Mee. William Hulse, of Fern Glen,, committed :wield° by swallowing Paris green. One hundred and twotty.ftve bboueand immigrants for Canada in one year is a good record. Charles Hedging, a Windsor switchman, had hie foot caught in a frog and was rim down and killed. John Hyderman, of Deserontn, wag killed in ett,inpting to get t•0 n moving train neer Trenton, tare. John Skae, a former resident of Oshawa, oonmitted suicide at a Nov Yorit heel by drinking onrbolin acid. The James Street Baptist Church, Hamilton, hag decided to call Rev, J. 0. Sycamore, of Brookville to the pastorate. Mr, Fielding bee given notion of a ream lutiun providing for a bounty of 915 par ton on lend produced from 0anadion ere. The Grand Trunk Mellon office tit Wet. erloo wee broken into ntpd the eofe blown up with hitro.giyoerihe, but the crane, men got no booty. W. E. Moore wee drowned iu Tlromp. eon': Lake, Mnekolta. Other drownings reported were a 0111 year•old boy at Bae. rie, another at teobnaygeon, and Herbert Corbett, of lnniefll. Nine etabloe on the Wtnnlp;teg fele grout:do wet° buoyed lent night, a'he loee 1e 910,000, bat a: the Industrial Ex• hibition wag to open in two weeps itis a eerioue hl00nvettienee to the direotore. Joseph 1'nl•••, honor Secretary of Bette, and Mr. Tup,ny, photographer of the Interior Department, left O,totve for Wnehington to photograph oertein done• menta in oonneotion with the Alaska boundary nese, The Minieter of Flnanoe hue given no- tion of a resolution giving the Clovernmenb power to 1/1005085 the I:ene of Dominion notes from 920,000,000 to 930,000,000, with a reserve in gold or debentures of 25 per Dent, guaranteed by the Lnperial Government. FRES CONSUMPTION HOS- PITAL. A Pitiful Appeal from a Poor Cone00 p. tiro —Money Urgently Needed to Curry on the 'York. The following letter is shown as one of many distressing appeals made by applie cants soaking admission to the Free Cone suntption Hospital; "I ata anxious to ntalre application 'on behalf of my daughter, Pauling, 'who has .contracted the' dread white plague' while lovingly performing her duty 1n oaring for her dear mother, who eight monthe ego euooumbod to the dread disease. Aline is a sad ease. For three long years my wife suffered from consumption, of which she finally died, leaving me alone to raise a family of children, one only five years old. My daughter, Pauline, who nursed her during her long illness, was my only hope, as she took Charge of my home, and now the hand of disease has fallen upon her. Her physicians have pronounced it a case of consumption, and advise an immediate removal to the Sanatorium. I am only a poor man, dependent on my daily wage, and the long arid heavy expanses of my wife's illness have so depleted my resources that I cannot possibly pay tlto expenses in an expensive sanatorium, though I would he glad to do so were it in my power. Oen you not receive her into your Free Hospital, and so snatch a young life from the wasting sutleringe of so terrible a disease? The doctors consider her case a curable ono at this stage, but delays would be dangerous. Hoping and trust- ing to hear from you shortly, and to receive the proper application blank forms, I am, yours in trouble and need." Everything possible is being done by the Association to meet the many and urgent calls from oonsumptives. Seventy-six patients are now being cared for in the Free Hospital, and not a single patient has been refused admittance because of his or her poverty. The great matter of concern with the management is the lack of funds. The question that is facing the Trustees to-dayiswhether they shall not be compelled to close some of the wards because of this. Readers of this paper who desire to help, can do so by Bending contributions, no matter how small the amount, to Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Kt., Vice -President National Sanitarium Association, 4 Lam- port Avo.,'Toronto, or W. 2, Gage, Chair- man of the Executive Committee, Toe mato. I • 1,7ANTl"D,—FAITHFUL PER, NON 1 hovel for well eetabliebed house in few eouite0, Dulling un ]plait' 5ha to fled 1111011M, 1.0041 term ory . 110 $1dld e,una 0, 7 twlo 810 70 n witch in atoll and 48950500 d e r. Position permanent, usingnn eoee' rut and rushing, Bomed self-aadroassd 9n v0frexnAa) ROVED, 815 Caxton g•' Gh100o, 40.10 Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, iu the matter of the estate of Joseph Stubbs, late of the Township of Morris, be the County of Enron, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, 1807, obap. 120, sec. 88, that all creditors and others buying 1,30 of thheiTow eli pst the lot lvfote otJoseph s, iu the Stubbs, tv of Huron, deceased, who died 0u or about the 18th day of May, A. D, 1008, abthe To wu • ship of Morris, aforesaid, are hereby request- ed tosend .by poet, prepain, or to deliver to James Rumen, Sooebto e, Or Ross Stubbs, Brussels P.O., the ➢x0001005 of the estate, or to G. IS, Blair, of the Village of Brussels, their Solicitor, on or before the 10th day of July, A. J). 1003, their full names, addresses allparticulars Of d f and d eaari ,tions and the 1 their claims)hebyd'the . oa,t of the further Of any) hold it them. And notice t ie mentioned d tit, that atter the said last sed to dad dis- tribute the said Executors of will alit deceasedd ce 'among rho sote of the meld ,hi seg rd t only itl persons entitled 0 thereto, having regard Duly to the Maims of which notice than have been : given es aboveregoirod, and the said Executors will 001, be respon- sible for the assets or any part thereof, so distributed to any person of• whose claim notice shall not hove been received at the Ulna of such distribution, G. F. BLAllt Brussels Ont., 60.8 Soltoitor for Reenters, Dated at Brussels June 23rd, 1003, REAL ESTATE. Troll SALE—LOT 207 AND L dwelling thereon, North-west aor1100 'William and Albert streets,13rueaele. 48.0 J. 113901(137, 11OR SALE. --VALUABLE 1' property at Ethel known as the ]Methodist t areonago. All!>]Yto JNO. 0013.311, Brueaole, 1AJ3'b1 TO RENT, BEING LOT 2p, Oon. 10, Grey. 'There ate 100 agree, 20 ander cultivation. Apply to J08EBH F. IIOIDMOND, on the promisee, or M000rieff P. 0. 21-tf T OUSE ANI) LOT FOR SALI>, 1. on Turoberry etreeb, Brussels known au Lite Somerset property, eligibly situated. Immediate possession, .lrol:farther partio- ulure ae to pt100, tonna, &o„ apply to D. lfe0'0'LUHi9ON, Let 10, 001,, 12, ),lal(illop, or f,eadbury 1'. 0. 33.17 A BAOR FICCE IN REAL ES— ahoy Block in the Village of Brussels. Those two fine stores must bo mold to elog0 out the Ato0augbey Gatate, Intending purpha00rs should Investigate at once. Apply to F, 8, SCOTT Or G L'B11AIR,VBoueesle,Ont;— I A.RIVI FOR SALE, BEING .L 8i Leta 10 and 17, 00n,1, Gray )Own. shin, Huron Co„ containing 100 notes, There are 06 dens cleared lend bemuse hardwood bush, principally beech, maple, allergy and an; good timber, 'bore to a bank barn 030 80 feet, a frame house, good bearing oroharrl, lances to gond repair, 2 wells, &c, Only e mile froth sohoel and smiles froth pootofltso. Branch of elaitleed river 0005008 0110 end of farm supplying abundanoe of water, Farm is all seeded down 010,01,110,11600080,' Pow eoesion nn Jen, let, n 1ns 1004;w ith privilege of hutigiuF,, n- tb tering, dmfurther t011O.to10NA;DPropritorr, WroxoiaPO, 8811 Strenuous Objections' are never made egainet feed edppiied by Alf.:IIaaker. A11 stoolt like it end thrive on it, and it is pronounced by all intel- ligent breeders to be inaompariably the best eold. Try a sample lot and you will never feed anything but our Keffar core and (ate. ,A.L1f. ]Backer. .reg•'^• .1,.•v;:>x0 AL•L.A.N LINE 1,1vurponl. and Lend Ierr' Royal .fall Steamers Fanny PROM D{ooTn0Ar, QnR10110 Bavarian Juno 13 0 n m. Jive 18 7 p.m Ionian ' 20 9 00 7 Tunisian " 27 3 ' ' " 271 " Parbii3O July 4 0 " July 4 7 " Pretorten 11 9 " 11 1 " RATES OP PASS LGE 1st cabin—'1'ireielau, Bavarian and Ionian 575 end upwards; Porkier', $70 end up- w,rda; Preterieu, $00 and upwards. 200 Gabis—Liverpool and Londonderry— Ravarian, Ionian and Tunisian $40 and 50_00; other steamers, $3750. London $2 50 extra. Sul Olen -820 and $26—Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, Londoo. Through Vegeta to 8 'nth Africa. Montreal to Glasgow direct—Corinthian Juno 17 • Sardinian July 1 (2nd end 3rd class only); Sicilian July 8—tat Clase, 390, 400 aid 070; 2nd Cabin, 535 ; 3rd Olase, $25. 'T, It. xlsltlt, Agent, Brussels. J uz.Y 9 1903 sol Any quantity of Wool wanted for 'which the Ilighest Market P1'ice will be paid. ALF. BAEKER 13PtUSS +LS. UJYCLES E.31), Bicycles just arrived this wee]:, will soli them at very close figures for the next 80 days. The Ladies' wheel is a beuuty, Call and en them, I expect to double the eales of them this year. I have also Berlins, Rneyales and Hyslop: wl,ioh I will sell at a reduotion, A. COUSLEYL EW YORK WEEKLY WITNESS The Rest all around Nnntlly Newspaper. An oxpoueut of applied Christianity; In- depondeut in Politica. Hes something of interest for every member of the household. Farm and Garden Department; Children's Department; Scientific Department; hplrit of the Prose, Nto„ Eta. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Tom Wtmxrtes and Tim POST combined, only 6101 a your. SABBATH READING. .( alxtcen-pllge 33'eolely Irnper, 8olcly ttatIgIeus Lr. Cbnrecter. No News ; No Polities. Stories ; Poetry ; Sunday School Lessou ; Christian Endeavor and Euworbb League Topics • Mothers' Sab- bath Afternoon with the Children ; Miscel- laneous lte1lgiouo Matter, ONLY 50 CENTS A YEAR The SAnnA•rrr B1t81)0N0 and 'TAR POST combined, only $135 a year. SPECIAL OFFER The WITNESS, BAnnA'rn 81A11INa and Tug Pool' oombiued, only $105 a year. Those three papers combined afford a liberal hone education, 1 The Post, Brussels. S. P. Before you begin to Pliint your house be sure you get the BEST Paint possible for the money and at'tbe same time give Best, satisfaction and longest wear. T�z Slie11ill—!11iaMs Pari gives these results :—It's a pure Lead, Zino, Linseed Oil Paint, thoroughly ]mixed ; covers more surface to • the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results than any ether. Try a gallon and see for. yourself.. For sale by— WILTON & TURNBULL. WAGONS, CHILDREN'S CARRIERS, DOLLS' CARRIAGES, ROCKING HORSES, WHEELBARROWS, , -CART, f.J CROQUET', & "THE POST" BOOKSTQREII