HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-9, Page 1Vor.31.. No. 02
.•._ ._..._ ".
New Advertisements.
Local—Ewan & Oo,
Greenadeeth—Jae, Fox.
Extent malt -1'", R. Smith.
Born for sale—R. Lontberdale.
Fall term—Central Beelines Collage.
Hot weather goods—MCliiun011 & 00.
lkji$11.ict ClU�a,
A DANDY Mean,—G. II. David, the
well known G. T. R. elation foreman
here,eold his driving mare Met week to
A, Rintoul, of Wingham, for Kidd Brae.,
of Listowel, for the handsome Cum of
$800, She wae bred from Damo and was
highly prized by her owner who bad
dozens of obanoes of diepoelog of her bet
had declined all previous offers. She ie
e fine mare, a dandy driver and quiet so
that a lady oan drive her. What Mr,
David will do now is not pertain but we
predict be will invest in something
Fall wheat will Boon be ready to
J E. Ooombeo wife and family are re
uewiag old frieudehipe in this locality.
A few from this Iooality have been
writing at the examinations at Bruesela
this week.
lvir. and Mrs. Eagle and the Misses
Eagle, of Toronto, were vinAoto at Wm,
MaK.elvey'a dnriug the past week.
Mies Brydon, ',later to atre, Walter
Innis, arrived here from Celia:mule the
other day. She baa been in the West for
several years and will enjoy a visit bare
for a time.
S7t' it 1 ftp .e
WaltonOrtngemen will spend the 190
at Blyth.
Lewis McDonald shipped a oar of tum.
bar from Brussels this week to Toronto.
The addition of window awnings to Dr.
Irving's Comfortable residence is a deaid•
ed improvement.
Miss Orittenden, of Dyer's Bay, ie
vieitiog Mra. Wm. Neal. The visitor ie
a oohooi teacher.
The manse looks very math the bolter
of the modern additions of verandah,
porob, &o. A neat job woe done.
Rev. A. AlaoNab, el. A., preaohed at
Molesworth lest Sabbath evening, making
hie third service for the day, viz ;—
Walton, MaKillop and Molesworth,
Next Bebbatb morning Rev. J. G.
Shearer, General Secretary of the Lord's
Day Alliance, will preach in Daff'e ohurab
in this place at 11 o'olouk. He is au en
thneiaetic worker along this important
Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. Alfred
Audrewe preeohed in the Methodist
ohurab. The reverend gentleman has a
fluent, pleasing delivery, has had a wide
and varied experience and will no doubt
do well here. Mrs. Andrews is visiting
ber non in Hamilton.
Mr. Davidson, of 'Toronto, pouduoted
servioe in the Presbyterian !March last
Sabbath evening. He is a brother•in•law
to Jas. Smillie and Tboe. MoPadzean,
He gave a very good address. Mr.
Davidson is an Elder in Weetmineter
churob in the Queen City.
Townsntr 0ovNom: 0ounoil mat at G.
R. Holland's, Beechwood, on Tuesday,
June 80th, Members of Council all pees.
ant. Mioutee oe former meeting read
and adopted. As there were no appeals
to Assessment of Drainage Bylaw, No,
97, it was Anally passed. In the petition
of W. 3. Barron and others for improve.
ment of stream under the Manioipal
• Drainage Ant .the Council authorized
F. W. Farnoomb, 0. E., London, by By-
law to make a report, plans, pr. Ale and
estimate on the Bald requisition. The
Heave wan authorized to have a surrey on
sideroed 80 and 81, Con. 11 to put road in
proper plane, The following expenditure
on roads were made to inolnde, tile drains
onlverte and bridges under twelve feet
wide, but not award Braine, and eewor
pipe, lumber, gravel and bridges; John
Murray, from lot 1 to 9, 9100 and 990 00
sideroad 5 and 6, eon. 1 and 2 ; Oberlin
Little, from lot 10 00 18, 9100 and 9150 on
eideroad 10 and 11 ; John M. Govenlook,
from lot 19 to 26 9100 and $400 on North
gravel road f John S. Brown from lot 27
to 85 $100 and 930 on Bon, 8 and 9. The
Bolton and Canada Co. Dream were both
given Pasohal Pigeon an bis were the
1pweet'tenders, Amounts were paid
amounting to 9258 65. Connoil adjourned
to meet at Leadbary on Thursday, Ang,
6th, at 1 o'olook.
JNo. 0. Muounina Clerk.
131n ero.aite.
Miss Polly Duff is bane from Lietowel
for a visit,
Mina Eliza Mesmer its Welting her brother
at Hamilton.
R. N, and Mos, Doff Mies Alice were
visiting in Lietowel this week.
Mrs T. Coniten and Ed. Oonitee ware
visiting eh Molesworth thio went
'Thomas Diment, of Toronto, was aloft, -
leit•ing, hie parents here oval! Sunday.
Minna Annie and Belle Richardson, of
'Brussels, are visiting at John'Bnrgeea.
Mre. William Diment, of Wiogbane,
visited at Thomas Coulters' on Tuesday.
Mtaeee Annie McDermott and Edna
Patterson were visiting friends tet Ethel.
John Armetrong, of Toronto, spent
Sunday with hie eieter,Mrs. Chas. Bar.
George and, Mra, McDonald and. eon
Camrrou ware visiting in Brnseels this
Rev, W. J. .West nae returned from at.
tending the General Aeeemuly' nh Vim.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon, of Whitby are
vieiting their daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) W.
tT. Wept,
The Garden Party, whish wag to bave
bean held on Mr, Wecmau's lawn last
Friday evening wae poetponed on account
of the wet weather,
Mrs, R, N. Scott, of Galt, has boen
visiting Mrs. Robert Maxwell, of the
Bluevale road,
Mies Annie stud James Riohardeon,
of Toronto, have bean vielting relations in
Bluevale and vioioity,
Quitonumber r one
a t u be. fc here attended the
Garden ]?arty held at William J,i,meB
Johaston'e on Toeeday evening.
Mrs. Wulmeley, of lleyfield, who lived
here some years ego has beau renewiug
old acctuaintanoee in the village.
Cris atif/ roolr.
The palntere are at work on Kuox
Churnh and a great improvement will be
noticeable when the jab le done.
Mise Aggie Calder was at Goderioh
tbie week trying a piano examination in
oouneotion with the Toronto Conserve,
Rev. D.13. McRae ie expeoted home
next week from British Columbia and
will reenme his paetural tlutioe on Babb
bath, 19th Met,
Oranbrookwan largely repreeented at
the Junior Championship Foot Ball
match played at Brunelle on Taeaday
evening between Berlin and Brunets.
OniTvAeY.—It wae quite a surprise last
Tuesday to the people of tbie oommanity
to learn that Aaguet Becher, on the
Brown farm, had pasted away the even.
Mg before, He had suffered on Saturday
previous from a etroko of peeralyeie and
had not rallied. Mr. Fieober was born
in Hanover, Germany, in 1848, and tame
to Canada in 1845 with his parents.
They lived in Fullerton end Logan town
ships, Perth Co., before buying the 200
acre farm here 2 years ago. Deoeaaed
was married twine, Hie fleet wife was
Mies A. Bath, who died 23 yeare ago,
leaving 6 Children. The widow wae e
Mise Gloor, of Logan, who with 9 obit.
dren survive. The enbjeot of this notion
WEN a hard working man whose health
bad not bean very vigorous for the peat
10 yens, His age was 60 yearn and 10
days. The funeral took place on Wodnes
day anathema interment being nide at
Brussels cemetery. Bervioe wait held in
the Lutherlan Morel in this village
after the burial, As the Done of deceased
had leased the farm prior to the father's
demise the fetidly will continue to re.
aide on the plane. The bereaved aro
sympathized with.
N. Cook, of Heneall, visited in tbe
village last week.
Mina Neale, of Listowel, was the gnest
of Mice Bray last week,
D. Stewart, of Bluevale, was a guest at
0. So,ith'e on Thursday.
Mrs. Detweiler, of Berlin, is the guest
of her father, Jno. eauoteon,
Mies Lizzie Bannon hoe goes to Ford.
wioh for a few weeks' holidays.
Herman Morrison, of Kincardine, spent
Dominion Day at hie home here,
A. and Mre. Wallace, of Toronto, are
the guests of Mre. T. G. Hemphill,
Mrs. W. Greer, of Wiarton, is vielting
her parents, Jae. end kin. Paulin.
Air. Peroy, Oolporteur, is spending e
fete weeks in end around the village.
About 25 from here attended the L.
aareiou to Niagara Falls on Tuesday,
Jae. Molwen, of Midland, is spending
his vacation in and aronod the village.
Byron Simmons, of Toronto, visited
hie parents, 0. and Mrs, Simmons, over
Waldo Haetinge has gone to Harriston
wbere he has enured a situation in a
shoe fanny.
Mieees Miller, Crawford and Weir, of
Toronto, visited with friende in the
anlage over Sunday.
W. and Mre. Foster have oommeno0A
housekeeping in Mre, 81, Miohael'e rest
dance, Howlett street.
Geo. Fenton, of Toronto, a former
resident of this village, to tinting relatives
and Cid friends for a week.
J. Nicholson and P. MaTavieb left for
Manitoba on Saturday where they expeot
to spend the next three months.
J. Rae, H. leloLeod and W. Miller
were in Clifford ou Saturday assisting
the Batmen team against a team in Olit
Alvin Hemphill has enured a situation
with a drug firm at Little Onrrent, Re
is et present, visiting hie sister, l4ire, 0.
Cook, at Eieneall.
Stole ea Wortble.
Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Itiem•
Nab, of Walton, peenohed an excellent
discourse in the Presbyterian ehoroh.
Rev. A, 0. Tiffin, the newly appointed
Methodist minister, wae here last Seb
bath for the 1$rea lire is a young man, a
olear thinker and apleasant speaker. We
hope he will have a eu000esful term 00
Trowbridge oironit.
ADnnooe AND PANfintiV rioN.—An enjoy•
able time was spent et the manse on tbe
night of the and Mate the occasion being
the preeentntion of a parse containing
956 00 to Rev. G. and Mrs. Ballantyne.
The following appreciative address wee
read by Rev. A, MacNab, and the present.
',tion wag made by Robert Elliott ;—
$eu. George and Mrs. Eallallt yno
Dear Friends,—We, members of St.
Andrew's Oharoh, Molesworth, have
learned with regret that you are about to
leave us, For a period of over nine
one yea have been pastor of our oan
gregation, end we have enjoyed .your
ministrations among ne, We have been
much impressed with yoter nntiring
labours in behalf of the oongregatioe;
with your unfailing attention to the sink,
and your readiness to oondnot prayer
meetinge among the nines of the, people,
We have been very grateful to Mre. Bal.
lantyne for the help the has go ungrodg
ingly rendered both art organist, end for.
a time an leader of the congregational
prates, ae well ae for her nanny other ante
of kindnete to tho Congregation, We beg
you 60 eooepttide puree es a tangible
proof of our esteem and regard, end we
would eesnro you and your estiennble
wife of enroontineal regard for yonq, and
our 'lot be
of our hope that whorever y
hereafter net, the lines may fall to you
and your family, in pleaseht pinoes, We
Will not goon forget you, and we !tops
that we may not be forgotten by you,
l:ignod in behalf of the Congregation,
Janine fifeemze,
Mr. Ballantyne made a lettable reply, iu
which be exp reseed hie thanks for the ma
Failing sympathy of his friends during
the nine years of hia paetorate to Moles.
worth and for the uuoeaeing kindness
that he bad experienced at their kande.
Wherever his lot might be oast, lie would
ovary with him, rte would also Mra, Bal.
lantyne very many pleasant memorise of
the years they hod spent among them.
After the enjoyment of a sumptnons re -
pest, lOire. Ballantyne suing very beautiful
ly a number of botch Bongo to the delight
of all prompt. With meaio and cora
venation the time slipped agreeably away,
and when "elder'a hour" had arrived,
seal, and all set their faces toward
ase: rateen,
Ferman are nay haying.
Miee Mary A. Dilworth, of Toronto, is
visiting ber brother, R. Dilworth.
Mise 13, Pearson is borne for her Sam•
mer holidays. She ie a mediae in Turn•
Fail wheat and Spring orops look well.
Ray greatly improyed in the peat two
Mise Annie McKay, 9th eon., of Gray,
is visiting with friends, at Monorieff and
Oermnnnook, for a few weeks.
A good deal of the road work done is
very patchy as there is not enough of
etatats labor on ninny of the beats to do a
proper job.
Sam. Lamont iv aotively at work with
scenic views and a neat piotorial arrange.
meet of the Lord's prayer. He's quite a
pushing ealeeman.
Thio week Mies Bertha Armstrong,
10th sou., was away tit Goderioh
trying a piano playing examination,
Her father acoompanted her,
James Delitohell, 12th eon., left last
Saturday for a holiday visit with relatives
and friends in Manitoba and the North.
west. He'll enjoy it we have no doubt,
Mies Lizzie J. Mot,auablin arrived
home from Salt Coats, Northweet Terri-
tory, on Monday evening for a holiday
visit of a few weeks. She is it enoceesfnl
teacher and a welcome visitor.
Hugh Porter, 9th eon„ had a gnooeee-
ful bee hauling brink on Wednesday.
Mr. Porter intends to veneer kis hone in
a week or so. John Hollinger of the
same line, ie siring his hoose a dress of
John MoVioar and wife, of Detroit,
were here visiting Mre. D, Livingston,
Jae. Straohan and the McNair families.
He is a cousin. They were going to
Roobester to visit Mr. MoVioar'e mother,
who le 87 years of 000.
John Blake, 14th eon,, ie home for his
vacation from Keut Go. where he has
been teaching. He has resigned hie
eohool and purposes taking np the study
of medicine : and will probably attend a
Detroit Ooilege, Mr. Blake is a clever
young mac and will do well in whatever
calling he mete hie lot.
It is said that Joeeph Bowman, a for.
trier tireyfle, has sold kb farm adjoining
Wingham to Mr. Armour, of Wawanoeh,
who gets possession after this orop.
Prise paid is put at 96,800, a considerable
raise on whet Mr. Bowman paid last
Winter for it, He also gate a number of
odde and ends of rents, wood, &o., that
altogether will net him a tidy gam. We
did not hear what be intends doina.
Last went B. Laing Bold hie 100 wore
farm, 5th con., to Jena Wilbee, of Ethel,
for the lam ol. 95,000. The purohaser
gate poeeeseion next March. Mr. and
Mrs. Laing will probably lento in Ben.
eels and enjoy a well earned rent. Will,
Wog teaks of trying his fortune in Wis.
cousin. It is !bong 25 years eine Mr.
Laing came to Grey and tbemany friende
of the family will be pleased to know
that they intend locating near by,
Sauna Raron',—Tho following is the
report of 13,5. No, 9, for June, Sr. 1V,—
Lorenzo Bray, Norman McNaught,
Harry MaNattgbt. Jr. IV.—Henry Mo.
Kay, Maggie Mena, Hobert aloKey. Sr.
1IL-30110 Huston, Jr. III, Gerrie
Sobnaok, Catherine Brown, Tena Sieling.
Sr. II. Myrtle Cummings, Janne Hue.
ton, Willie Hislop. Jr, II,—Alex. Spelt..
an, Alice McKay, Edna MoNaught. Br,
Pt. 1j'.—Grace Schnook, Jessie Mann,
Bessie Mann, Jr. Pt, II.—Bert Snelling,
Beth MoNanght, Violet Malley. Sr, Pt.
L—Emily Smith, Ruby McKay, Fred.
Hodge, Jr. Pt 1. --Harold Livingstone,
Garby Snelling, Roy Bitting,
MIee HATTIa Oaonoeean, Teaoher,
Dominion Day passed aver quietly
Morrie township dounoil minutiae may
be read on page 8.
Crops are looking well. A good many
are at the hay this week,
We nongratelate Don. MoKenzie on
passing hie, first examination before the
Medical Connell.
Mint Lizzie Bowman tvae at Goderioh
this week trying it piano examination.
She is quite a mneinian.
Robert Armetrong, formerly of the 4th
eon., loft Seaforth this week for Willow
City, North Dakota, where be will visit
for a time.
A 99100 Garden .Party was held at
Knox church, Belgrave, on Jnae, 25th.
Wingham Band attended and fuenfahed
good music.
Last week'Drnggiot Modal!, wife and
obildren of Ohatbain were visiting at
Ales.. MoOall's 7th line. Mre. McCall
and Children will extend their visit.
James,Ruseell le over on W flying vieit
from Michigan, He may take bank a
notnber of lioreog with him. It is a good
while eine ear. R, wag in this locality.
It ie said tbet the foundation of the
new shed at Buntline hoe swanked, 1t
wae built of Cement by a Blytb fide.
Tele Is a bad job; ae it will give Cement
walla a bad name but it oannoe be helped.
The Monne of Batteries 'sateen line
engaged the serving of Mies !Marlon Mo
Kenzie ae toaoher at a salary of 9800 00
per annum. Ws expeet be will do well.
Miee Bfelby, who hag been teenier, will
attend the Normal Sobool.
JULY 9, 1903
W H. KERB, Prop,
David and Mrs, Walleee arrived home
this week from a meet enjoyable visit to
the "Son," Winnipeg and other points In
Miss Sabena Jaoltson, of Mimiao, who
accompanied Mre, P. Jaokeon to tee
Weat, will spend two menthe vieitiog at
ria Hartue Deloraina
Portage la•Praa y, ,
Herniae., Stratbelair and other plane.
At John Boub'a ou Thnreday of last
week Peter Jackson's sawing manilas
Out 10 Cords of hard wood in 45 minutes,
R. Thne11'e engine supplied tbe power,
This is hustling thee work' et a lively
rata. Thera was 95 or 40 cords out al.
D. S. Meiklejohn, formerly of Morris,
oral litter a maiden of Wingham, hue
opened au up to•dete grocery in Bole.
eovain. Hie friends in tbie section will
wieh him enure. The people of that
Western etown will find him a reliable
bneitiree man.
Last week lure. George Jackson wars at
Stoney Creek to see her nephew, Arthur
Jaokeon, who had kis left leg amputated
last Maroh. He ie getting along well and
in arranging for en arti&aal limb. Mre.
James Jackson, who had been visiting
her eon, returned borne last weak.
Mrs. Edward Lamb departed tbie
life Tuesday of this week at the advano.
ed age of nearly 98 years, The funeral
took plane on Thursday forenoon to the
R. 0. .graveyard in Morrie township,
Donned wae a kind hearted old body.
who will be kindly remembered by many.
Rev. Robert Maunder, of the Bay of
Quinte Conference, ie home for
a vacation. He has travelled two
years and will nosy attend
Viotoria College, Toronto. Earnest
Meanders ie also home from from Belle.
vide College. Wo with them continued
A fine time was enjoyed at the Garden
Party at James Russell's, Sunshine, last"
Tuesday evening. Talent was present
from Blyth, Belgrave, Brussels and other
points and a successful result was arrived
at, the financial side showing $35 00 to
the good, The new pastor, Rev. Mr.
Joule, 000apied the chair in a very pleas.
ant manner.
Tan POST is pleased to bear that Miee
Rose Clark, daogbter of the well known
Township Clerk, took First-class honors
in her recent Conservatory examination
in piano theory oapturing 96 ont of a pos-
eible 100. She was at Gabriela this
week et another exam. Mies Clark ie
certainly deserving of Credit, and we
wish het continued moons.
Last week Robert Nichol, 6th line, took
a trip to Hamilton and other point's look.
lug up good swine. He pnrahased 2York,.
shire Bowe of real merit from J. E.
Brethour, of Burford. The mother of
one of them won at the Royal Show is
England and the sire was awarded the
eweepetakes at the Pan American. Mr.
Nichol is determined to sustain hie name
for good Yorke.
The barn of Wm. Skelton, 8th line,
was struck by lightning about 9 a. m.
last Friday, end ooneidereble damage
was done, the fluid making seven breaks
in the stone stable walls, chattering tbem
considerably. One gable woe knooked
out, one rafter torn off and 4 others need.
ed repairs. Building was insured in tbe
MoKillop Co: who allowed Mr. Skelton
945.00,00 repair the damage done. George
Jaokeon wae busy this week at the repairs.
The wonder was that the barn wan not
burned down after receiving such a charge
of electricity.
Mies Ella Lamont, teacher at Hills -
bug, Out„ is home for her vacation.
The Sabbath eohool of the Presbyter-
ian ohurab bere held a eunoeeeful pto•nio
on Dominion Day.
Several from here witueeeed the Foot.
ball match at Brunets last Tuesday even.
ing between Berlin and Brunets Juniors,
The last two Bebbethe Mr, Donaeneon,
a student, took Charge of the services in
the Presbyterian Church and did bis
part we I.
Mies Ida Oole left Saturday morning
for a three months' visit to the great
Northwest. We wish her a pleasant
time and hope eke may return muob
improved in health.
Prinoipal Dobson and family bave gone
to Bala, Mnekoka, to visit Mre. Dobson's
brother, Ray. Mr. Maley, who was or.
dained and induoted as Preebyterian
minister last May. The reverend gentle.
man took the Customary additional step
of entering the benediotine army last
month. We wish them a happy and
prosperone life.
Reesman DI'LOTIA,—This week Justus
Lake arrived book from the Central
Businens College, Toronto, where he has
spent the past 10 months, We are pleas-
ed to hear that he oaptnred diplomas in
short hand, type writing and tbe nom'
menial noun. He took 2nd honors..
Mr. Lake Is receiving the congratulations
of his many friends who wish him every
Mooers, He expecte to go to Milwaukee
to take a position but will spend a time
in Winnipegbefore Crossing the border.
Dunn on JAOon GILT,,--An()Id Country
newspaper speaks toe follows of au nnole
01 Isaac Gill, enter, of this locality :—
"At the attuned age of 86 years, the
well knows and popular landlord of the
Angel Hotel, Topoliffe, bee just panned
away after a very ehort illness, Jacob
Gill was•one of tbe beet known man in
the Country side and bad made a very
large oirole of friends among the viaitore
to the annual fair and to Topoliffe as a
health and pleasure resort, and hia burly
form' will be`muoh mimed. The inter.
ment tools plane in the Pariah Oharoh•
yard, on Taeaday afternoon, Rov. Oanon
Quitter impressively oondaoting the
funeral Ceremonies, Mies Dfokenson
presided at theorgan, and on the sad
procession entering gave a beautiful
rendering of But the Lord is mindful,'
and the "Dead North in Saul on re-
turning. The faverite hymn ,Rook oe
Ages was alto sung. The Chief mourn,
ers.were J. and Niles Gill, Mr, and Mrs.
Wilson (Darlington), J. T. and Mre, Gill,
`ll Mr. and Mrs. 0leasb
F, and Mre, Gill, Yi
Herbert GUI, and Mies Wilean, and
amongst the company present were B,
Dickinson' Mr. Wella, Ibir, Iteynard, T.
.10..Imeeon, E, Deena, T. Wood, Mr.
end Meg, Tether, F. Barker, 3. Packer,
MU, Barninghom, Mr, Coates, Mrs,
Holgate, Mtse Whittaker, Borgeent
Franke, T. Walker, etc, The ooflin—a
very large one—wae of uupoliabad oak
with magpies braes mountings and Meld,
the undertaking being well Carried oat by
J. l3ndson, There were beautiful wreaths
beating inscriptions from MieGill,
and Ms, Wilson,
Albert and Annie, end
granddaughter, Lilian, At the inter.
went a navel and a0oommon eight WAS
witnessed. Present in the obgreb and
following in the procession arm in arm
Sergeant Freeke (a Crimean veteran)
and Thos, Walker, whose united ogee
amount to over 180 yeare, these paying a
Ian mark of respect to their lata old
friend, who had reached the ago of 86
years." Another paper seye ;—"Iu the
village obnrobyard at Topoliffe, near
Thirsk, the remains of Jacob Gill, late of
the Angel Inn, Topoii'10a, were buried on
Tuesday, Mr, Gill was in his 87th year,
and lied been a licensed viotualler for 64
years. He had occupied but two lioeused
premises, one in the village of Ripley,
and tate other at Topoliffe, where he died.
He had occupied the Angel Inn for over
half a century," Mr. Gill was the bus
tee of one of the largest eetetee In
Brussels Juniors Win The
Junior Championship.
Tho !toys Reserve Great. Credit For
Their 1'1nen,
Last Friday afternoon the Junior Foot-
ball team of Brunets went to Berlin to
play the first of the anal matches in the
Western Football eeeies, The Berlin
Newe.Reoord of last Saturday gives the
report of the match as lollowe :—"Foot•
ball is a mighty live inane in Brussels,
Their junior team is a dandy. They put
a kink into the Junior Royal champion.
abip aspirations on Friday evening, by
defeating them at Victoria Park by a 2-
1 score. The visitors, 15 in number,
name in at 5 23. They drove the 16
miles to Seaforth where they entrained
and on their return at night drove the
same ground again, all for a game of ball.
They are the 000lest, surest and aitogeth•
er the Cleverest junior team that has been
in Berlin this year. Thoy won ou their
rnerits, Notwithstanding the rain and
the heavy, elippery ball, they played ex
cellent combination. Moreover they pot
up a Olean gentlemanly contest in wbioh
they played the ball and not the man,
The Royale lost the game on the forward
line. More than enough thanes were
offered to win the game, had our boys
shot, instead of monkeying around and
dribbling. Their oheoking—and the
feeding of the half bathe, wae not op to
the standard. A number of tbem had
to be warned about tripping and one of
them was fancied for an offenoe. Bras.
sale scored in eight minutes on a pretty
rash end eight minutes after Berlin even•
ed ap, Brinker, shooting it in from the
left. Berlin passed up several dead euro
goal obanoes both in this and the eeoond
halt; It took the viaitore 17 minutes in
the second half to score the eeaond goal.
The locate have a alma to win at Brum
eels in the final game, but the home boys
have the advantage of one goal. The
teams :—
Ainley .GoalaokBrinker
Sanderson $0 ff Diokert
Lindsay f l Devitt
Balker Dingley
W Good 1I *Backs Seibert
McLeod 1 Koehler
Smith Gugetsburg
Oanmtt erou - .Forwards Eby
J Brnker,
!referee,. S, N. Brown, IiarUa,Seebaob
Tuesday evening atm float game was
played on Victoria Park here in the
preeenoe of a large number of enthueiaetio
epeotatore who clearly noderatood the
dfffionit teak before on juniors in win.
Hing from ss ap•to date a team ea the
Berliners. The Eaeternere arrived on
the afternoon train quite determined to
wipe out the one goal advantage the Brae -
eels lade bed secured at Berlin. To make
the matter a little more Certain they
brought two new forwards along from
somewhere who etrengtheaed their play
very considerably.
The evening was fine and the ball
lively, an much so that the sphere wae
often in the air to the great advantage of
the visitors who are bead as well ae feet
artiste in football and speedy in addition.
Ira Gerry, of Brussels, woo referee, Mr.
Brown, of Berlin, having officiated in a
similar temente, in the' former match.
Brussels scored in the fleet half although
Berlin kept them buoy, the play being
well up toward the home team's goal but
the flue defence plus Roy Ainlay's work
in goal bade defiance to the red hot am
Gaulte, After halt time rest the time our
boys usually shine, the Berlin ebootets
had the better end of the play and things
looked only, particularly after the referee
allowed a penalty kick, over a scrimmage
immediately in front of goal, wbtok
Emery scored 1 for the visitors with a
well directed shot, but after. many ape
and downs and hard work the whistle
blew and the Boone for thetwo meanies
stood Brnseele, 3 goals to Berlin's 2 giving
the much novated Championship to the
It wae bot much wonder that a series
of 0000108 oheere ;rant the afr ; ,hot bate
were waved and that the ohampiono were
t•eoeived with loud aoolaim. The jubila
tion wae kept up until 11 p. m. with
bonfires, fire oraokero, balloon, Band, &C.
The winning of the Cap is no small
bettor to oar team who won every game
of the 0 in the seriee, wring a total of
10 goale to 4 by their opponents and won
ont from a uc well known aggregation
as Beeljn.
In Tuesday's match Berlin played a
splendid gelled, better 'than Brunets,
but deopite their beet endeavors they
Could not get the sphere between the
etakee. The only change on the make-up
of the teems from the lint given above
wag the enbetitation of Moser onaEmol'y
for Guggtebteeg and Beneath on Berlin
Sumo 0f the players bad Close Work to
weigh down to the limit of 180 pound's
and the shedding of peas and vigorous
exercise were neoeseery to aoaomplieh
this in eome wee, Yon did wen boys
and Tea Pon has no fault to And with
you. If the Intermediates can pan out
ae enooessfally we will be well planed,
The ate reoeip to on Toeeday avenin g
were 950 00.
Promotion In Continuation and
Public School Classes.
Following ie a report of promotions in
Continuation and Public School Classes
in Brands Public School :
Honore 75%—Paas 50%.
Names in alphabetical order not in
order of merit.
notate 1&2.
Form III to Form IV determined by
Departmental Exam.
Form II to Form III :
B Henderson E McKinnon
L McArthur E Wilton
Ainlay M MoArter
F Abbey D McDonald ......
R Brown M McRae
L Dioheon 0 McCracken
R Formai 0 Pugh
B Hingaton ...... I Raynard
S McNair A Smith
B McNair
Communion Wolin.
Form I to Form II:
F Davidson L Turnbull
R Deadman A Roes
A MaQuarrie...... B Rose
R Ainlay J Mooney
J Armstrong J McCracken
R Bryan's A Richardson
M Dark .. J Straohan
L Danford F Thomson
D Ennis M Taylor
W Farquharson ..
Mies 0. E. SooTT,
J. H. OAnanoar, Principal.
noon 3.
Jr. 1V to. Sr. IV
H Brothers
J Bloomfield L Sinclair
E Colvin J Wilton
J Doll W Williamson ....
G Ewan T Zimmer
W MoQnarrie
From Sr. 1II to Jr. IV :
Armstrong F MoKenzie
M Brothers W Straohan
K Deadman W Turnbull
P Leatherdale ..., V Wilbee
M Miller
E Adams
E Ament 0 Holmes
P Balker Ar Jonsson
0 Bell Al Jaokeon
N Brown A McMillan
F Oampbell L McCracken
S Campbell 5 Moore
J Cunningham .... F MoKenzie
R Cunningham.... L MaArter
K Harbottle 0 Scott
W Henderson .,... A Thomson
Jr. III to Sr. III :
T Armstrong H Moore
E Good 0 Simmons
J Leckie S. Walker ........
Paas -
13 Ament F Scott
MBirt W Boon.........,
A Bishop E Spleen
T ()ober J Wilbee
E Colvin E Wilton
W Wilton
0 Donbow
E Ewan
F Mainprise
noon 5.
Sen. II to Jun. III :
Ament N Ewan
0 Ament ........ M Jones
W Aflame Z Lfndiay
W Bell 0 McMillan
I BaOorkleyber B Leckie
E A Rose
DeW ConnF Soott
B Currie
F Gerry A Robb
J Henderson V Walker
0 Jaokeon E Wilbee
W MoOraoken
From Jen. II to Sr: II :
) Armstrong E Gilpin
E Deadman H Good
V Ainlay J MoNiohol
W Ainlay W Millon
J Cooper H Mooney
Campbell E Plum
S Fox W Sperling
B Harris S Spouse!
LBR Hsiste E Somers
L Lamont M Thomson
0 Leckie.......... B Welker .....,
W Long M Walker
W Long G Wilbee ........
n000t 0,
Close V to Jr. II. E'Ament, H' Arm.
steong, E Oooper, G oousley, P Dark,
G Kerr, W Kerr, E Lamont, W Mc-
Lachlan, F Robb, I Sttaoltau,' 142.Thomp.
son, B Warwick, K Wilton,
Class IV to Class V. -E Barkley, H
Burgess, R Fox, J Jaolteon, H Lowry, H.
Lowry, 0 Shaw.
Ohne III to Class IV.—S Brothers, 0
Crooke, 0 Doll, N Fox, E Holman, A
Moore,17 Boss, H Simmons, A Wilton.
Glace II to Claes III.—M Bishop, L
Rooker, 0 Clatter, T Deadman, L Lowry,
V MoOraoken, I MoLaohlan, R McKay,
P ninon, Ci Walker,
Plage I to Claes IL —R Berkley, ,A,
Ballantyne, H Ballston, E Cooper, E
Cooper, 0 ()ober, G Colvin, I, Dsnbow,
W Harris, J Babkfrk, .A. Lookridge, fe '
Moore, A McLachlan, E Toole, S Tura.
bull, H Walker, B Wilbse,
MTea 11, WA.eoa,
X. Snnxol
T toll r.
Min as ,
Mies J.N.Rrrlta
To the Editor of Tae PoeT.
Dana Snt,-1 noticed in last walk's
Expos:her an editorial on "Patronage,"
If the editor could only, by writing 'such
an article, get ell other people to thiol
as he would wish, be would attempt to
steal the rights of the Liberal members
of this County ; rights given them by the
people and refused to him, It le the
wonder of many that when he want no
far that be did not advooata that this
right was the right of defeated Liberal
uooeeded in
oandidatee, and bad he a
impressing tbie on the Liberal's of Huroo,
as he Could just as easy ae what he at•
tempted, he might have enooeeded in his
desire which is a little deeper than the
principle he advocates. 1 think Liberals
in Huron are just as capable of judging
the rights of their members and of giving
as impartialan expression of their views
as the editor, eepeotally when beie an
interested party, and won't be caught
with any each nonsense.
Why did he not practice those ideas
when be wae a member, and why didbe
not nand by hie party when he last ran ?
lie might now be in a position so that he
would not require to write end' artiolee
opposed to the principles of responsible
government. Yours,
Bowling Tournament.
Brussels \ytus In the Consolation.
Taeaday and Wednesday of thin week
the annual Bowling on the green Tourna-
ment was held at Seaforth and ettraoted
27 rinks, from London Goderioh, Clinton,
Wingham, Brussels, Stratford, Mitchell,
and Seaforth. Oar town was wall repro.
eented by two riuke oneekipped by D. 0.
Roes and aniseed by J. Ferguson, A.
Ooneley and F. Downing, and the other.
ander the guardian rare of Dr. MoNangh-
ton with T. Ferrow, Harry James, and
H. L. Jackson ae his copartners. Brns-
sele was in it all the way through play.
ing 16 games out of which they only lost
5. Mr. Rose' rink won 4 fine leather Club
bags, valued at 990 as let prize in the
Consolation series and our other rink won
2 games in the Consolation before they
were knocked out in the semi finals.
The let trophy prize went to Weld's
rink, London and the 2nd to Steele, of
The Jaakeoo rink of Clinton Captured
let 10 the Aeeooiation games and Doher-
ty, of Mitchell, 2nd and in the Consolation
Braeeele took first and Pearoe's rink Bea.
forth 2nd. Play wae not oompleted until
9 o'clock Wednesday evening.
Braeeele rinks were drawn as follows
in the various competition during the
Iwo Jaye when scores were as under :—
Stratford— Brueeels—
Trow,sk........13 Roes,ek 15
ItaNeugbton, skip, drew a bye.
Steele, ele 18 Roes, ek 9
Weld, sk„...... 19 MoNanghton, sk,12
In the Aesooiation Series
Riobordson, ek,.. 8 Rose, sk 21
Jaokeon, ek 18 Roes, ale 12
Bright, ek. 11. MaNaaghton, ek.22
Holmes, ek 9 MoNanghton, ek.22
Jeffrey, ek 13 ' sk.12
Consolation Competition
Galt, ek 10 Ross, ek 12
Clark, sit 12 Rose, ek........ 13
Hutchinson, sle11 Roes, ek 12
Hoover, ok 7 Ross, Ok 15
Pearce, ilk 10 Ross,sk,,...,,,18
Mitchel l—
Dunbar, ek 6 ItfaNaughton, ek,16
Jeffrey, etc 38 McNaughton, ok.16
Pearce, ek 17 MoNanghton, ole, 8
Frank Gerry is holidaying at Seaforth.
Nelson Williamson, of Toronto, wee
here over Sunday.
Mina Mary Roche bag gone to Petrolee
for a vaantion with relatives.
Juo. F. MoCrae, of Toronto, was a
visitor in Brussels during the week.
Mrs. R. Leatherdale and Mieaae Pearl'
and Laura aro visiting in Hegrieton,
Willie Long and John and. Joe Wilton
were holidaying at Kincardine lest went.,
Min Ida Zilliax and Willie, of Lino.
wet, ween renewing oid ftiendehipe in
Mr. and Mrs, McAdam, of Owen Sound,
are visiting Mrs. Jae. Beattie. The ladies
are einem.
Oonnoillor Harry Willie, of Seaforth,
ie away to the West on te Matinees end
pleaenre trip Combined.
Mrs. Prate and eon Walter, oforonto,
were visitors with relatives in 'Bennie
and locality during the pant week.
Robert MaAipine, of Toronto, Woe Rare
on the Hurno hid Boys' Ilxoureion for a
few doe, Mao. doesn't upend all hie
time with the boys when he homes here