HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-2, Page 8uS
That is the result when a patch of potatoes is well
sprayed with our Paris 'Green. It is very discourag-
ing after the work is done to find that your time and
money has been wasted. Such is very often the vase,
after using Paris Green. If you get your
25c. lb.
, I
ris Green 25cb
from us you can depend on getting it strong and pure.
We keep but the one grade and that is the best we
could procure. Give it a trial.
80000000 EXTENSION W. G. fe B.
Trains learn Brussels Station, North
and e3onth,asfolfows:
Rowe SOUTH Goias NOama.
SIali 7;76 a,m 1 Mixed 10;00 a,m
Mtxed.........00.00 a.reMail 107 p.m
Flxprese 8:26 pan1 Iexpress .•,_, 8:17 p.m
• resat.e s Items.
A ohiel's among ye takie' notes,
An' faith he'll prem i(.
Wake about the wire foot bridge 7
IhninOto meeting next Monday evening.
A. 0.11. W, Friday evening of this
THIS has been a great season for straw-
Tuxes from the East are very late
tbese days.
R. Gunn( loaded a oar of wbeat since
our last report.
Tagcarpeotere are at work on the frame
of L 0. Riobarda' new reeideeoe.
Weinnenee afternoon a number from
town attended the pio-nio at Jameotowu.
A 0Aa of Iambs was shipped by A. 0.
Dames to Baltimore, for export thie
Jouw GRAINGER is busy at the atone
foundation for his proposed reeideeoe on
Lis farm, Mill street.
THE flax mill finished up the matching
of last season's orop this week. No flax
has been sown this year in this 080110n.
Tan Maooabee Band went to Duff's
oburob garden party, Watton, on Toeeday
evening and to Wroxeter celebration on
Anon. HImLOP, M. P. P., handed Jae.
Jones, leader of the Macoabee Band, 510
on Thursday morning toward the new
uniform fund. The gift le highly ap-
"Two STRIKE," the well known old rave
horse, tarred up its toes, or hoofs, lest
week•at Paisley. Re had won many n
beat and was in training on Brneeele a
mile trach for some time thio season
BowaoNo and Tenuin continue to
enemas oonsiderable attention. Brussels
will be represented in the former at the
Seaford: toarnameot which will be bald
ou Tuesday and Wedoeeday of next week.
Two rinks will go from here.
PRINCIPAL Cexasooe in presiding at the
Junior Leaving Examination at Wing.
ham onb
fi areda and
Ethel Scott will relieve him for the bal.
anon of the exams. Bo as to permit of his
going west on Saturday's excursion,
Tan Junior Leaving Examination
commenced at Brussels Pubiioob 1
S o0 on
Thursday morning with A. H. Musgrove,
of Wingbam, as presiding examiner.
There are 17 oandidatee writing, Those
who take the fall course will fioisb on
Friday noon of next week,
DON'T Miss IT.—A. Junior champion.
ship match of foot ball between Berlin
and Brunets will be played on Victoria
Park hereon Tueedny evening of next
week. Tbie game will decide whether
Bruaeels or Berlin will bold the Cap for
1908. Both teams play great ball so a
lively game ie sure to be put on, A large
APPnALnn.—P. Barr has given notice of
appeal to the Division (kart against the
decision of the Magistrates in the wegee
dispute with George Murr, beard last
week. It will come up at the next court.
Oar opiaiou 10 that it and other similar
oases ahonld have gone there in the first
plans as the law is none too understand.
able in the Masters' and Servants' see•
Aoc1DExT,—As Hector MaQnarrie and
daughter were driving out of town last
Monday forenoon their horse in passing
the railway took fright at the trait and
ran away, The 0000pante of the buggy
were thrown cot and received quite a
01akiog up, their faces being bruised by
aanlact with the ground, No eerioue
results are expected to follow, It was a
oioee oali.
rOSTPPONOD Br ILLNet80.—Last Tnamday
eight, at 8 o'clock, Miss Margaret Com•
mon was to have been married to Theo,
Bird, of Detroit, formerly of Brunelle,
the wedding to have taken place at the
home of the bride's father, Thomas
common, at Roaevilie. Tuesday Mise
Common Wag stricken with appendicitis
one an operation waa pertormed late
Tuesday night by Detroit dootors. The
wedding invitations have been recalled
and the home where preparations were
in progress but a few hours before for a
large wedding party is shrouded in gloom.
EYMENaAL.—The Detroit Free Press
says of the marriage of young people
well known in this locality :-Tbe wed.
ding of Mks Bennie 56. Livingeton,
daughter of D, end Mrs. Livingston, of
Brunie, Ont., and Alton A, Wheeler,
eon of J, W. end Mrs, Wheeler, of Bel.
grave, Ont., took plane et the reeideeoe of
Bay. Dr, Jennfnge, Second avenue, Mon.
day adternoe0, Jane 22. The bride wore
a gown of royal blue point lane and ant
steel, and flarrled white bridal robes. A
wedding supper was guyed to the bridal
party at the Raeeatl House, after which
the coaple left for a trip to, Buffet° and
other Easteen cities. They will be at
'home 10 their 1000958 atter Angnet 1 at
667 Foaeth %venue,
3 Oen of salt, one to Quebec, wets
shipped by Brunie Works this week.
Geo, Baer shipped a oar of cattle and
2 oars of bogs, the latter on Thursday.
ALF. Beaune forwarded 2 oars o1 baled
hay to New York. He also ebipped a oar
of wheat,
Wx MOCALL's residence looks very neat
with the new dress of paint and other
improvements made lately.
Tar couple of oaaea of diphtheria are
oonvaleeoent and the Board of Health
once more report a clean record.
OAPERINE Toted on nideroad 8, between
cone, 16 and 17, Grey. Owner may have
the same by proving property and paying
for this notice, at THE POST.
HURON Old Boys' Excursion rune from
Toronto to Wingbam and Goderioh on
Saturday of this weak. The former train
will Dome up the W, G. & B, from
Now PoTATone.—Tbnreday morning
Tia PosT editor wag treated to a meal of
fine new potatoes by John Ooneley, who
has a splendid garden. The "Irishmen"
were of the Bovee variety and were a
large size for this season, Mr. Conley
tae a fine crop of early potatoes.
B. DARE hoe purchased a finelpneamat.
i0 tired top baggy from the Ocher Car-
riage Factory that appears to be the
correct oaper. The addition of the top
is quite an improvement. They turn
them out with either steel or wooden
wheele, The °ober etaff ie now buoy on
°utters for the next Winter's trade.
DIED.—On Wednesday of this week
William B. Watt died at his home at
Salem, after an extended Ulnae, at the
age of 56 years and 3 months. He wag a
mac of sterling integrity, his name
honored wherever known and his demise
will be greatly regretted. Mre. (Rev.)
Rose, of Brneeele, ie a sister t0 deceased.
The funeral will take place to Elora
cemetery on Friday afternoon,
Junin Fool BALL.—In conaeotion with
the Junior League Championship the two
teams in the finale are Berlin and Bros -
8.4s as the former defeated' .Galt last
week. Our boyo will go to Berlin op
Friday of We week and the return and
final game will come off in town on Tees.
day evening of next week. Brunets has
no easy P proposition g the ben Ia facing r
w e e do. but will e not 0 let them.
have it all their own way when they
meet. As tbe decision goes by goals
rather than games the oonteste promise
to be warm and we hope to see the oup
OOme here this Beason.
Seamus AOOIDNNT.— Laet Saturday
night Wm. R. Stretton, O. P. R. engineer,
was seriously injured while en route to
A on his engine. He was lean•
fag oat of the eab window when be reoeiv
ed a terrible blow on the head 'roma rook
embankment. In an uu0oneoioae con.
dition be wan taken to tbe hospital at
Port Arthur and it was feared he would
not revive but later reports from the
looter's anticipate bin recovery. Dlr.
Stratton is well known here being an old
Braeeelite and a eon of Oapt. Stratton.
He has been a engineer for a good many
years. Frank Stratton, hie brother, left
for Port Arthur on Tuesday morning.
We hope W. R. will Boon be able to pall
the lever as naaal.
ExooassoN To GUELPH —Annual amour,
Rion to the Experimental Perm at Guelph
although no partioular novelty, owing to
the euo0eneive years it has been on the
program, has loot none of its popularity.
This was proven last Friday when about
1,100 paeeeugere were landed by it at the
Royal City. A special train came up in
charge of Conductor Bender and when
the excursion pulled out of Brueeele there
were 900 aboard, 327 of that number
being tioketed at thie station. Station
Agent Alabamian had a busy time passing
ant the pasteboards. Ethel and Henfryn
contributed about 200 to the company.
The day was delightful and a most
enjoyable time was spent. Two engines
were attached on the homeward trip,
although a number of the exonreioniete
did not acme book until the next day.
The staff at the college did everything in
their power to add to the oomfort and
edieloation of the hundreds of vieitore,
who take epeoial delight in these annual
outings to Guelph.
Oosn'LIt1nNTAex.—The Daily Patriot, of
Charlottetown, N. S., of Jane 20, oontaine
the following oompiimentary notice hav-
ing referenoe to the father of A. E, Mel.
lieb, manager el Brussels branch of the
Metropolitan Bank :—The Patriot heart.
ily oongratulatee John T. Mellish, M. A,,
on receiving from King's college, Wind.
ear, the degree of Doctor of Civil Law,.
Tbie honor was awarded in course, Mr.
Mellish having passed a very oreditable
examination. Dr. Mellish has a splendid
record DA a etadentand educationist. He
wee educated at the Ptinoe of Wales Oal.
lege, Charlottetown, and at Mt. Allison
and Toronto 'Oniversities, receiving from
Mount Allison and Toronto the degrees of
B. A, and M. A., and from the last the
degree of L, L. B. Re has been head
master of the Cumberland 0onety
Academy, Latton tutot in Mt. Allison,
bead manor of the Academy, principal of
Aibro Street (taboo! and mathemattoal
master of the Halifax Academy, Bab.
sequently he was admitted to the bar of
Nova idootia and Prince Edward /gland,
and bite been praotietng hie ptoteeelon
here sines 1888, Mr. Melifab is one of
our best known 011101ne, and ban many
friends thronghont the provinces a8 well
as a large family eonnedtion in Prince
Edward lehtad,
THEE± l 1$ Cl b t 1!i O GST JULY 2 1908
Dominion of Canada (Jharter
CAPAPAL-PtlitlIle $1,0004000
nay. 1t, 11. Wntln0N, D. D„ • Paite)IRNT
8. J, M00110 • • 0100-Pnn0ID1NT
O. D. 0tAe8ET,
TIL43. 0)118081AW
General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes
Discounted. Sale Notes bought or held for collection.
AN Tilk SAl'lNGB IIANK—Pepnsits of 81,00 and upwards reeeiv911 AAnd ,
Interest at the highoat Bank rate allowed, from date of depoett to date
of withdrawal, en the daily balance,
Val. -Parties holding important papers, notes, he., may deposit them io
our bank vault fee sate keeping—free of °barge,
Prompt and Careful Attention, Good lariats.
G. F, BLAIR, SoRoltor, A. E. MELLISH, Manager, BRUSSELS,
Wit are olaaring Palmy alas/ins, Ging
hams and Drees Goode.
Goo. E. Knee, Wingbam,
REPA100 for Fleury .plows may b
found ab Dark's livery barn, Sawa filed
and put in good shape. Hem WILIAAMe
THE Orangemen from this locality will
go to Blyth to celebrate this year Owing
to the I2th oomiug on Sunday the 18th
will be observed,
A Soaeonman at Ripley remitting their
subscription to THE POST last week says,
"We cannot do without THE POST a0 it
brings back the days of yore."
fourth and last math)) in the League
aeries boa been shot on the Aseooiation
Range here wbeu the following eooree
were made :—
W, M. Sinclair 95 points
P. Hogg 91 "
Jae. Bowman 88 "
J, T. Rose 61 „
J. Hewitt 78 "
Gilbert Speir 78 "
D. 0, Roam 77 "
H. L. Jaokean 76 "
G. F. Blair 56 "
Dr. MoNangbton 47 "
Five members of the team are entitled to
second clan certificates their aggregate
soon in the four matches being as follows,
W. M. Sinclair 848, Peter Hogg 340, Jas.
Bowman 838, D. 0. Rosa 328, and Jae. T.
Roes 321.
OBIT —The Hensel! Observer gives the
(011010 ug partioalara in reference to the
decease of Mrs. Murray, aunt to tire,
Jae. MoArter, of Brunets :—On Monday
about noon Mre. Jarnea Murray who has
been ailing for the past feta weeks, paeeed
over to the great beyond. The deoeeeed
who had reached the good age of nearly
78 years was born in Scotloud and flame
out with her parents, P. and Mre. Moir,
in 1846, In 1849 she was married to her
now bereaved bookend, James Murray
and they resided on the farm ot1 the Lou.
don Road till about nine years ago, when
they moved to }Teneoll and lived retired.
They had been married 63 years. Mre.
Murray was an estimable woman of quiet
retiring disposition greatly beloved by
the individual member(' of her family
and reepmoteti by the circle of acquaint.
anile. She was a member of Carmel
Preebyterian cbnrob and took a deep
intereet in everything pertaining to its
growth and prosperity. Besides her Bor.
rowing boeband she leaves 5 - eons and 3
daughters to moaro her loss.
FOOT BALL,—Friday evening a Foot
Ball match wasla heret
ed between the
local tballiete
0o foo gad a pinked team from
Milverton and other points. The visitors
eaored in the first half on a bounoing ball
miejodged by the goalkeeper and this was
all the Flooring done. Brunets had the
better of the match all through, Milverton
playing a defence game almost entirely
in the last half and they did it so well
that our boys could not planb the sphere
between e e❑ the fie ge. They made many an
attempt but between a lively goalkeeper
and bad shooting there Wee no tally and
as a result the home team met the firat
defeat of the eeaeon. The Milverton
kickers put up a sharp, snappy game and
had on their team several very fast
players. There was a good attendance of
epeotatore who expeoted. Brussel(' to win.
The teame were composed of the follow.
ing players :—
MILyEieToa BnneeELa
Pheffor Gos1 R Beattie
Smith 100rry
8a0k8 1....A. A Robinson
R0000eon ) ( R Brown
Armstrong ,..... )7 1.84akd •(i .,.0 SandersonQuerle
Armstrong 0 m erin
BaughaW ,,. W Cameron
Goll T McRae
Steles Forwards TBailey
r+edernman ..:,.. W Good
0 Rae
Dane. MoLanoblin wen thereferee and
gave good satisfaction. Mise Carrie
Milhaneen received a blow in the face
from the ball while witnessing tbe match
but outside of the temporary shook was
not muob the worse.
respondent, ander date of lane 15, gives
the following interesting particulars of a
wedding in which the groom waskoown
to a number of our madame :—'QA. very
fashionable wedding took plane at the,
residuum of John end Mre. Pose, in
Burtch, near Brantford, at 3 9, m, on
Wednesday, when their only daughter,
Annie Pose, beanme the obarmiug bride
of W. Greensidea, Brantford, in the
presence" of a number of relatives and
Intimate friends. The 00remony was
solemnized by Rev. Mr. Smith, of 001.
borne street Methodist church, Brantford,
Prof, Geo, Fisher, of Brantford, rendered
the Wedding Mamie on the organ while
the bride entered the room which was
beautifully decorated with tone, carna-
tions and palms, leaning on the arm of
her father and oarrying a baguet of white
toee8. She was attended by Mies L.
Moir, of Brantford, who carried a bogaet
of pink carnations. George Greensides,
of Avon Bank, aseieted the groom, while
tittle Mise Feriae Fisher, of Brantford,
anted as flower girl and little Mies Cora
Long, of Brantford, wan ring girl. ,otter
the ceremony a enmptaone wedding tappet
Wag served. The happy couple left on
the 7.15 train from Brantford 108 Heepe.
ler, accompanied by Mr. and Mre. Green.
Bides, parente of the groom ; the grooms-
man and the bridesmaid abd Geo. Heyd.
Upon arriving in Hespeler they were
tendered a grand reception at the home
of Geo, and Mrs. Heyd, Silver Heights,'
where' about thirty of the neighbors, after
being dely acquainted With the new
gents, enjoyed a very natal evening.
Games et amusement were the chief
features of the evening, At 12 o'oloak
in cream and other refreshreente of a
delicious nature were served. The able
manner in Which the bosh and hostess,
- Mr, and Mrs, Ileyd, entertained, reflects
greet oredit upon tbem, The gathering
dieporsed at 2 o'olook," Mr. Greenaidee
e and bride were welcome visitors at the
parental home of the groom et Motes.
, worth and at Reeve Wilton's, Brunette,
THE POST extends hearty oongrabulatione,
Tns INTE0ME»IATEo,—Brueesle Inter.
mediate League Foot Bali team expeoted
t0 go to Berlin or $1, George on Dominion
Day to play one of the matches in the
finals but were unable to do no owing to
the tardiness of the two teams cautioned
in settling the question of eupremaoy.
They played one game at St. George this
week re.,albing is a draw, 0 to 0, and we
hear their next beat will be fu Berlin on
Friday, the 10th. The winners then will
have to meet Brussels in home and home
matches before the championship honors
are decided. This throw the games well
into the bat weather and is not ab all in
keeping with the sobedule marked oat
and deoided upon at the annual meeting.
Wbere the blame lies ie not very difficult
to surmise and some people think quite a
hubbub would have been kicked up if
the Northerly clubs had been trailing the
league matobee. A 1 foot ball may be
expected tvben the final games are played
as the teams are in good fettle and will
leave uo atone antorned to oepture the
euveted trophy. It does not ofteu 000ur
that two ohampionehips have to be fought
for by teams of two towns as will be the
case this time If Berlin defeats 8t.
George. The oonolnding game for each
oup will be played in Brn.eele so some
rare sport along foot ball tines is in store
for the people of this locality and win or
lose our boyo are deserving of generous
aapport. No dater have been arranged
for the games yot.
Olin—WEDBTItR.—The Winnipeg Prue
Preva of Thursday, June 18, givee the
following a0Oon01 of the marriage of a
Stratford roan and a former Stratford
lady, the latter a Brueeelite before woe.
Mg to Stratford 1—A very pretty house
wedding watt celebrated at the home of
John Herron, 468 Balmoral street, when
Robert Thomas Orr, of Stratford; Ont„
was united in marriage with Mies Nellie
Oeoilia Webster, second daughter of Mre.
Herron. The drewingroom was banked
with palms and blooming plants and jaet
over where the wedding group stood were
feetoone of smilax tied with white satin
ribbons. Mies Janie Grant, daughter of
J. R. Grant, presided at the piano and
played the bridal chorus en the prooeasion
descended the etaire and entered the
drawingrooln, The Rev. 0. W. Gordon
performed the ceremony and
mo after von•
1 Y
grarnl:trion8 bad been offered the party oat
down to a dainty wedding breakfast
provided by Mrs. Hample, The color
eoberea of dining room and tables was
pink and white. The young couple left
on the Eastbound express for their new
hone in Stratford. The family have.
been reeidaute in Winnipeg about a year
and oulythe t•
immediate relatives and
friends of the family were invited. The
bride wan gowned in a creamy white silk
eolinne over taffeta, the bodice decorated
with silk embroidery and ehiffoo. Her
veil was a sweeping one of tails, worn off
the face and °aught to her dark hair with
sprays of lily of the valley. Her bouquet
was bride roses and lily of the valley.
Her maid, Mies Webster, Were a very
pretty frook of white organdie over taf•
feta, and carried a bouquet of American
beauty roses. The bride's mother, Mre,
John Herron, wore a handsome gown of
blank taffeta relieved by touches of burnt
orange and laoe. The bride's going away
gown was a very ohiok affair of snowflake
omens cloth with black and white bat
to match. Many friends, both in Winni-
peg and the East, sent their good wishes
and substantial tokens of appreciation.
A surprise for the bride had been planned
by an uncle at Elgin, who managed to
have his present arrive just in time to be
pinned on her gown. It wee a beautiful
chatelaine watch set with a crown of
pearls. The groom's present to the
bridesmaid was a handsome monogram
locket, with chain attached and to the
groomsman an opal tie pin," The many
Old Mende of the bride in Brussels wish
her and her hneband a long and bappy
ellll)l1Cll tlf1431112'h
A special meeting of the Preebytery of
Maitland will tate plane in Melville
(thumb, Braeooie, on Friday, July 8rd, at
10 80 a. m.
Bev. E, 0, Esboo, a native of Persia,
who graduated et Knox College, Termite,
in 1894, end bas (ince that time been
laboring among hie fellow•oountrymen,
the Neetoriane, of Persia, with hie head.
(paeans at Ornomieb, will give a Lecture
in Melville ohurah on Wodneoday next,
Ja1y 8th, giving an account of hie work,
and also of the rendition, mammas and
customs of the Pet0iane, The lecture
will begin at 8 p. m. A °olfaction will
be taken in aid of Mr. Baboo's mineion.
Last Sabbath mooning in the Method.
tetchuroh Rev. T. W. Wens preaohed a
sermon reviewing the Lite and Labors of
Rev John Wesley. 11 wag a very nom.
pieta epitome of many facie and tnoldente
in connection with the memorable oeoreor
of the founder of the Methodist ohuroh.
In the afternoon at the Sabbath 'School
W. H. 'Salter, Ira Gerry, Miss Ethel
Scott and Mrs, T, W. 0o8en0 gave short
interesting papers on phases of Weeley'e
life ; Mise Maggie MoMaughtoo reeked
"The Lent Hymn in her usual capable
manner; the Junior League gave "The
F orget•menot Band" chorus ; and Miss
Carrie Hingeton tang in good voice
"Seeking fol me." The oolleotiOh was
510,25, At the evening aervioe the pastor
prealded and addreeeee were given by B.
Gorey and T. Farrow with a few worde
from Rev, 17, Peal who declined to enter
Standard Bank of Canada I rite
;510;,0,,'1.' .W7.+TG:E.E2107 1070
Of nnn dollar end upwards
re0erved and lat..res1 allow.
ed in Savings Bank at
highest rate from date of
depoett to withdrawal.
Int erect
PAIL? ON 510019
Daily Balance
Made, Notea Oaebed,
awl every aoeommoda.
tion offorded the ren.
poneible borrower.
t w
PARtnflt8' BA155 10051508 Gashed Colleetetf ; or may be left for safekeeping only
for which no charge is mole,
This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction of every form of Banking. Business.
"Evbry oonvenience afforded elastomers living at a distance,
upon hie topic owing to tbe lateness of
the hour, "The Outcast" was sang by
J. Leslie Herr, The thanllegiving offer.
ing taken during the day amounted to
5183 60 whichben boon inoreaeod einne
Sabbath to 5186 75 and a number of
fawnlike are yet to be beard from, 5300
was aimed at to apply on obprob indehted•
nese, Wbile abort of the figure asked tbe
response was ex0eedingly good and worthy
of oommendation,
The Grand Camp of the Sona of Soot -
land clotted in Brantford Wednesday
evening Inst week, after) a moat :wanes.
Ittl and harmouioue session. A number
of important questions were dealt with ire
the concluding hours of the session,
which was one of the moat notable of the
gathering. A Committee was appointed
to revise the o0rtatitutlon of the order,
The membsro 0111 ars :—W. Banks, of
Toronto, obatrman ; W. Scott, M. P„
Regina ; R. F, Sntberland, 141, P., of
Essex ; and W. McKinnon, .A. Commit-
tee wile also appointed to °lotions the
movement in favor of Dominion incorpor.
The principal distension arose out of
an agitation for an equalization of rates.
Al the oonstitnlion now elands there are
three separate rates for marabou, the
first for those who joined before 1895,
snood for those Nebo entered the order
between 1895 and 1699, and a third for
members who came in since 1899, It
Was proposed to make the last rate the
senora! one, bat the suggestions • was vot.
ed down.
The following officers end committees
were elected :--Grand °Lief, A, Fraser,
Toronto ; grand ohioftait , Dr, Gilchrist,
Orlllia ; grand eeoretary, D. A4. Robert.
son, Toronto, by acclamation ; grants
chaplain, Rev, J. J. Crawford, Niagara
Falls ; grand medinal examiner, Dr,
Wylie, Toronto, by aoclamotion ; grand
marshal], John McIntosh, Belleville;
grand standard bearer, Alex. Malin.
non, Tiverton ; grand eenior guard,
Peter Smith, Montreal ; grand
junior ;guard, George Hamilton, At,
wood ; grand true:nee, E, A. Mo.
Lauren, Toronto ; D. Motley, Whit.
by ; Dr. Thompson, Strothroy ; grand
pipe -major, Piper Beaton, 48th Highland.
ere, Toronto • $vane committee, G,
Locke Wilenn, Alexeudria; Dr, Fergasou,
Toronto ; Rev. Dr. MoOrae, London !
s and apP .i li a
o t nnn F. T. Means, e W.
Banka, Toronto ; ➢4ftaheil, Goderioh;
state of order, W. Bentley Greig, Ran.
Frew ; J. 3. MoKillop, West Lorne ; D.
A. McNabb, Orillfa ; insurance, Dr. Fer-
guson, Toronto; Duncan Monroe, Cnru-
wall; W. Barolay Graig, Renfrew; Boy,
Dr. MaOroe, London ; aaditurs, J. B.
McKay, john Tytler,
Deleon.—In Bengali], on Jane 29, to Mr.
and Mre. 13. Delion, a daughter.
Jtemeet—In Turnberr,y, on Jane 28, to
Mr. and Mrs
Watson Jowitt, e
TURVEY.—In ?Jerrie, on July 1st, to Mr.
and Mre. Wm. Turvey, eon and
DUNLOP—Ooon.—Ab the residence of the
bride's parents, Fordwiob, on June
80, by Rev. D. Rogers, D. Rolston
Dunlop, M. D., of Shallow Lake, to
Alien Janet E., eldest daughter of
111o, and Mrs. B. S. Cook, of Ford.
Desox—OAxns.-At the rosidenoe of the
bride'(' perente, on June 24, by Rev,
3. lluaaer, of S{olmeeville, Ur. David
Easom 00 Mies Laura F., eldest
daughter of Mr, and Mre. Henry
Oakes, all of Goderioh township.
SvooLINo—Auxamaoao —At Hensel, North
Dakota, on June 24, by Rev. Mr.
Hooking, Mr, Alfred Sperling, of
Joliette, to Mies Cholla, eldest
deaghter of Mr, and Mre. S. A. Arm-
strong, of Hensel, formerly of Ethel.
BUTT0RY,—Iu Grey, ou ,Sane 25, Saoen
Dill, beloved wife of Henry pottery,
aged 80 years.
POLLARD.—In MoHiliop, on buns 26th,
Maggie Brown, beloved wife of
Joshua J. Pollard, egad 88 years and
2 menthe.
MAXWELL.—In Morrie, of June 24, James
Maxwell, aged 45 years,
Woor.—At hie late residents, Salem,
Onb,, an July 1st, William Barrie
Watt, brother to Mrs. (Rev.) Rose,
Brunets, aged 66 years and 8 menthe,
FRIDAY, JULY 3. -'-Household farnitnre,
d;t„ et Lot 20, Ool, 2, Morris, Sale,
unreserved, at 2 o'elook. Mrs. S. Hodder,
proprietress ; F. S. Scott, aUOtioneer.
Bnexenxou aowe, same in farrow, for
Sale. JOB, 5,100!1018, lot 28, Con, 8, Grey,
matte pants and vests, Price per
job 31.20 and 81,60. 0,1008 Pt3fl''N41 Brum BY,
also as bank enable, sirulb trees, Seo.?onrlo6
Property in good shape. JAB, 09BORNE,
SMITE shop and tools. Exoelleut
stand. Apply immediately, 130X 8,
44.6 Blyth, Ont.
cores°timid, being Lot 14, Oon, 18,
Grey. For further information apply to the
undersigned se the premises. THOMAS
1EARMONT, Cranbrook P. 0. 61 8
tor gale, Eligible for registration.
Por price, tonna and; other partioulam, ap-
ply tn 3, A.11t0NAIR, Lot 28,Oon, 18, (trey,
or Orau brook P, 0. 86.10
Short Horn Bulla, trout imported
stook for sale. Also cows and heifers, im-
ported and Lame bred, 72 head to eeleet
from. D. MILNE & SON, Maitland flank
Scoop Parm, Ethel Ont. 86.11
C. 0. F'.
court Princess Alexandria, No. 24, 0.0. P.,
Rrueeels, meets in their Lodge Room, 13Ias-
111f1 Block, on the 2nd and lent Tuesdays of
aeon month, at 8 obloolt, Visiting brethren
always weloomo, JAS, BUR01008,
Bulla dor sale. Ona is 1 year old and
the other two yammer. Also several regist-
ered Cows and Heilere. Apply to JAMES
SP81R, Lot 80, Oon. 0, Morris Twp., or Brus-
sels 1'. 0, 22-14
Painting, Paper Hanging, &c.
The undersigned is prepared to attend to
all °arra for Pater Maugiug, Kalsomiaing,
Glazing and Paiatioo in a workmanlike
manner and at reasonable rates. Carpel.
tering also attended to,
41.8ra John street, Brneeele,
It fit a satiel0otion to Pee etylieli
mere in your 0errnepondepee
and it's a satisfaotiou tbat costa
nothing extra if you buy your
stationery here. Onr etooll le
'constantly renewed and is aiwaye
up to date. It includes the most
attractive styles in box and bulk
goods ; all the now oolore and
finest quality at 10o and 15o per
Drug Store.
Ba Lobo 16. and 17, Con. 1, Grey town-
ship, Huron 0°„coutaininB 106 aures. There
aro 85 acres cleared land balance hardwood
bust, priuoipally Imola, maple, °berry and
ask; good timber, There is a bank barn 600
80 feet, a flame bouse, good bearing orchard,.
fencesfo'good repair, 2 wells, Jo. Onlvt}
mile from school and 2 miles from pentofne°.
Branth Of Maitland rival crosses ono end of
farm supplying abundance of water. Farm
ie all eooded down mooting 10 acres, Poe-
eeselon on Jan; 1st, 1604, with privilege of
`>e tong In Fall wheat. Fur further partiott-
1 u•s ae to prion, terms, h•„ apply o ,300,
MoDONALO, Proprietor, W000sler 7.0, 49.4
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Enron, iu the matter of the estate of
Joseph'Stubbs, late of the Townehip
of Morrie, in the County of Huron,
farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given puraOant to the Re.
vleed Statute(' of Ontario, 1627, chap .129, see,
88, that .all creditors and others having
claims nattiest the estate of Joeoph Stubbs,
late of the Township of Morris, 10 the 000u.
tliy of MurOf, deceased, wall.
hdied 0n or about
fire 18111 day of May, A. D. 1906, at the mown.
eliipp of Morbiy, post,
p aid, are heroby liver b-
ed to nand by poet, prepatu, or to deliver to
Jam eels P. ell, Sunxe ue, or Itose etuab8,
Bmosels P. 0., Ole Executors of the estate,
or to G. P. Blair, of the Village of Brussels,
their Solicitor, on or before the 10th day of
July, A. D. 1506, Heir full names, addresses
and descriptions, and the fall particulare of
their claims and the nature of the securities
(if any) bold by them. And =Moo is further
elven that after the Bald loot mentioned
date, the said F.xeoutors will proceed to die -
tribute the assets of the Bold deoeasod
amonthe persone entitled thereto, having
regardonly to the ala nie of which notice
shall have boon • given as above required,
and the said Executors will not be respon.
Wile for the asee1e or any part thereof, Bo
distributed, to any person of svhose claim
notice shall not have been received at the
time of snob distribution,
et. P.1015,178 Rruneole, Ont,, •
00.8 Solicitor for Executers.
Dated at Braseela June 2505,1902.
of all
Muslins, Ginghams, Prints, Light Dress
Goods, Men's Light Weight Clothing and
Shoes—all this Season's goods—new and up-
to-date. But all must be sold this season—
no old-fashioned last season's stock for us—a
general clearing up every season. Bargains
in every department for all economical buyers.
Dress Good, 1iuslins Gin hams
! Ginghams,
Prints, Drapings, Curtains
lien's Clothing, Underwear,
Shoes ,Bat. and .
Bats Gast
Money Saved is Money Earned
(Come Direct to the Money Saving Spot.
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.
B:enfryn P.0, 4848
Coeteoneennn hoaae for Bale or to lent,
M11188tf et, West, Apply to
Honer and lot 100 mate Or to rent.AlCilliii'
112odium street,fralne and good garden, on
Jobn street, Brussels. Apply at TNN P050,
P010 Sita,—A, good 10 _ `
etr8et. ear o t m t on Alexander _
N a Loo It 1 pOstoMee ; good
garden, Apply t0 wet. MAItP IIrus els. MONEY ,
ANY p100011 wlebing to buy a hay rack
would do woll to °all on the ondoreigan4,blff('1� - - -
Re has a number of them ffor talo, .DANE, �.rl alrt,ei d Hous e
has a ember fon, ifor Ba House