HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-2, Page 6VESSEL AFLOAT 350 YEARS AN EivonsTE TN ENGLAND wolucED 125 TEARS,. Schooner" Raven Sailed During the Reigns of FiveBritish 112onarchs• What ship In the world can boast such a record as the Anita, which has just been sold to be broken up? She was registered at the Port of Gee itoa, and has been afloat since the days of Columbus. She was built in Genoa in 1548, and her last voy- age hes not long been over. It was from Naples to Teneriffe, It is true she was 805 days on one voyage from Baltimore to Rio de Janeiro, • but what is that to a ship which has weathered such countless storms and tornadoes in all parts of the world? The sturdy old vessel has been engaged in the carrying trade + between Spain and the United States. Of course, she has been ea- ' o-' paired frequently during the many long years of her life, but still her originai style has been preserved, and she still exhibits her high bow and stern and lavish carvings of oak. Al- though she was not so fast as mod- ern vessels, her owners managed to make a good living out of her. The schooner Raven of Beaumaris is a famous old vessel. She has been engaged in the coasting trade during the reigns of live British monarchs. In fact, her age is 114 years; but the grand old ship has been taken to Carnarvon Harbor to be broken up, thus ending a prosper- ous career. A FINE OLD WARSHIP. is the old seventy -gam frigate Anne. She was crippled and run ashore off Dungeness in Admiral Torrington's battle with the -French fleet in 1690. For a full 200 years she 1115 been embedded in the sands there. She has become visible once more, for the hulk now shows plainly at low tidos close in to shore. FYpeditions are being organized to raise some of her old brass guns. A still older warship is a Spani- ard which has been discovered lately under 200 feet of water off Messina. From this vessel six guns have been recovered, including two sister guns seven feet long. These bear the date 1662 under the Royal escutcheon of Spain—which makes it pretty certain that she was sunk in some naval en- gagement in the seventeenth cen- tury. A grand old steam engine is that which has been taken out of a Bir- mingham company's milts. This is the oldest steam engine'in the world, and has been working almost to the present day. It was started in 1767, Ever since then it has run cu the same lines upon which it was designed. It has WORKED CONTINUOUSLY during a perieed greatly exceeding One and a gparter centuries. A veteran six -coupled locomotive is No. 2258. This was erected sixty years ago by Messrs. Robert Steph- enson and Co. at Newcastle -on -Tyne, and has been in constant use until a recent date. Now she has been plac- ed on the retired list of the North- l8astern Railway, She was built in 1848 for the Blythe and Tyne Rail- way; in fact, she was one of the earliest locomotives built. During her career she traveled it distance approaching 1,200,000 miles. Fancy a man eighty-two years of ago competing in a six -mile walking Match! Yet such an occurrence ac- tually took place not long ago The event was a walking match at the Tee -To -ruin Grounds, Stamford Hill. All the competitors were over fifty years of age, and a curious assemb- ly they were, They were attired in every imaginable athletic costume, the favorite seeming to be pink sa- teen running trunks. Some of them, however, turned up in all the glories of circus tights. The winner turned out to be J. Miles, of Worthing, a Yuan sixty-two years of age.—Pear- eon's Weekly. HOSPITABLE PAT. A certain sportsman took a shoot- ing in Ireland. He was assured that it was a good sporting terri- tory. When he arrived this was corroborated by the head keeper, a typical Paddy. Tiro latter declared drat the country fairly bristled With pheasants. So they went out after them and in a day put up five. erne next day the•tennant inquired after partridges and was told the .name tale; the shoot yielded about six. Woodcock, grouse, eapereailize, every kind of game. -Paddy told "itis 'onner" were as thick as leaves in autumn, but they could not be Tound. At last ire said angrily, "Are there many rhinoceroses on the estate?"- "Shure, yer 'onner," drawled Pat very slowly, "not litany, not many," but brightening up, 'you may put up two or three round the lake in the summer." Long before the summer, of course, the tenancy would be at an end, 'You confounded rascal," roared ,the tennent, "what clo you mean by telling me all these lies?" ?'Shure," said Pat with a true Hi- bernian grin, "an' wouldn't I be givin' yer 'onner a -pleasant an- ima?" WINDMILLS GOING AGAIN. In Germany electricity, among other curious results, has rehabili- tated 1;he discarded windmill, At Noreschai•m a windmill supplies pow- er for thirty-six incandescent lamps that light a largo paint factory. Another in Schleswig-Holstein keeps up a steady current of thirty volae. eat Dusseldorf a windmill winds up a heavy weight of which the descent Works a powerful dy+ na`mo. Mrs, Jones—"011, clear me, please i len ver haw f.n word this trI,. -•-- $`.. -..bruin j� My Int hon I watt t0 tell him illy that the baby is sick, the cook 10 lihr t4 wateri e, is lea1ci ; and 1 v 1 1 to W t o ]to w�ant 1 l 1Y o We1 irltt at Onae," .eelegrapltisee-"'Oh, if you want, him iO come home at ones you had bot- it say, 'Good noweeneorao iml»gdl- telYel .W , 1 , ,. ; , ' A WOMAN'S ADVI0 . To Those Who Suffer From Head- aches, .Bacbtaches and Ailn>ents Pecultae to the Sex. Every woman needs plenty of pure, rich, red blood and sound nerves to carry her safely through her times of pain and sickness, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are good in a special way for women. They actually make new health -giving blood, They give ease, strength and vigor. They stimulate all the organs to perform their func- tions regularly and well. They ban - Isla all pains and deprossian, all headaches and backaches, and all the secret distress that only a woman knows. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills bring the sparkle to dull eyes and the Posy glow of health to cheeks once pale and pinched with silent sulfaring. They bring health and strength when all else fails. Here is a bit of strong proof from Mrs, John Mcherr, Chickney, N.W.T., who says: "For some years I was greatly afflicted with the ailments that make the lives of so many of my sex miser- able. I tried many medicines, but found nothing to relieve me until I began the use oe Dr. Williams' Pills, These pills have made mo feel like a now person; the almost tlnuous suffering I endured has ed away, and life no longer s the burden it once, did, I other women who have been sin ly benefitted, and I think the pills are worth their weight in gold t who suffer front female eompl or general prostration." All over the land aro suffering men who can obtain new health and strength through the use of pills. Only the genuine should bo taken and these bear the full n "Dr, 'Williams' Pink Pins for People" on the wrapper 'around every box. Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box or six box. 52.50, or sent by mail by writin the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat, 4. r • n Pink 0On- ?ass- know eems dlar- O all flints wo- these ams, Palo at s for g to GROWTH OP AUCTION SALES, Should be Established in Each Electoral District. It is recognized by all breeders of live stock and by all others who have paid any attention to stock breeding, that in order to produce good animals we must use only good sires of the proper type and bred in proper lines, The farmer must not only use the best class of males, bat he must feed tho off- spring liberally if he expects to se- cure a profit from his operations. These two conditions must go to - nether, Recognizing this fact, the Live Stock Commissioner, Mr, le, W, Hodson, has for years been endeav- oring to perfect plans for distribut- ing as many good sires as possible among farmers in all parts of Can- ada, The remarkable development in Great Britain of the auction sale system of selling lire stock led 1]fm to advocate a similar method here, In Britain there are at many points fairs or markets on certain days, where cattle, sheep, swine and other animals are regularly auctioned oG. From reliable evidence and personal observation this syatem was found to work satisfactorily, entirely do- ing away with huckstering, and giving to the seller the full value of his animals as determined by public competition. After discussing the question with the various live stock associations, it was concluded that the adoption of the auction sale principle would be of great benefit to Canada, and the Department of Ag- riculture offered to assist in starting live stock sales in each province. Several provincial sales have been held and the feeling in favor of them is growing rapidly. Similar independent combination sales are being held in many parts of Canada and a Ano pavilion has been erected especially for auction sales at Ham- ilton, Ont. It is not the intention that the Departmont of Agriculture shall long continue to assist these sales, but only until they are well established and self-sustaining, It is hoped that eventually MONTIILY OR WEEELY SALES will be established at some central point in each electoral district, At certain seasons of the year pure- bred stock for breeding purposes would be sold; at other tines store and fat animals, including cattle, sheep and swine, in fact everything a farmer has to sell, This is the 501110 principle on which most of our cheese is now sold. In Great Britain very little stock is sold except at these auctions; nearly every town or village has its weekly, monthly or fortnightly sale, and the auclionoers have well equipped yards and sheds itt which to sell. The educational value of these sales is a noticeable feature, for a poor animal will bring little looney, while a choice one will bring a good price. This is an object Lesson for the farmers who attend. In this connection the sale ostab. 1is1106 under the auspices of the Ter- ritorial Cattle Breeders at Calgary is worthy of mention. At their sale in May, 1008, an averago of 596.88 was made on 268 head. The high- est priced bull Was a Hereford sold by Oswald Palmer, of Lacombe, for 5800 to A. B. Macdonald, New Ox- ley. Mr, Palmer sold throe Here, fords for an average of 5181.60 por head and the Mosso= Boyd Co., of Prince Albert, sold 0 head at an average of 5122.88, .kfessrs, J. ea W. Shtu•p, of Lacombe, obtained the highest ever'agc for Shorts ent% ]rav- ing sold 9 heard at an average of $150.88, the lowest price being 5140. The highest priced cow wee sold by Geo. Cleary of ennisfail, for 5150 to Dr, J. P, Creamer, of Qu'Appolle. The Calgary sale is steadily grow- ing in extent and in the prices com- mander, In 1002 an average of 597.75 was made on 220 head, and M the previous year 64 animals brought an average of 585,17, This year two carloads of stock went to British Columbia and it is expected that next year at least five carloads will bo taken by that Province. Ter- ritorial breeders evidently intend to give Ontario a hot fight in the pure-bred stock market. Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. BABY'S WELFARPI. Every mother is anxious for the health and welfare of her little ones, and Baby's Own Tablets is the best medicine to make baby well and keep it well, Thousands of mothers keep the Tablets constantly in the house —they say they would not be with- out them. As proof of this Mrs. Geo. Inflgcrb, Wellwood, Man„ says; —"having used Baby's Own Tablets for some time, I caa truthfully say that they aro the best medicine I have over used for little ones. i think so highly of the Tablets. that I always keep them in the house," A medicine, like .Baby's Own Tab- lets, which so many mothers praise, is the right one for your little ones. They are guaranteed to contain nei- ther opiates nor other Irarnrful drugs and can be given to the youngest in- fant with perfect safety. Good for teething 'troubles, constipation, diar- rhoea, simple fevers, worms and all the minor ailments of children. Sold by druggists, or may be had by Mail at 25 cents a box, by writing the Dr. Williams, Medicine Co., 13rockville, Ont. • BURGLARS' SUPERSTITIONS.. Strange Beliefs of the Professional Thief. The habit and repute theif, born and bred in the city slums,is always superstitious and cowardly, Ae be- lieves in the power of witches, omone, and the protecting properties of amulets, talismans, and charms; and when searched at the police -of- fice there is usually found in his pocket, or concealed about his per- son, bits of coal, rusty ]corse -shoo nails, lucky stones, and rings. He parts with these articles, on which he relies for safety in the hour of peril, with the greatest reluctance, and stipulates with the turnkey to have them returned either to him- self or friends. The bur'glar's greatest enemy in his nocturnal wanderings is a dog, whose presence ]re, even dreads more than the policeman or detective. To protect and safeguard himself against caniuo attacks on his person he car- ries about with him a sprig of the grey limewort, which, when used as an amulet, is an absolute preventive against the bites of dogs. This plant when used internally is said, on the authority of Bacon, to re- move hydrophobia. There is also a curious supersti- tion common amorng all classes of the genus law -breaker regarding tiro power of a candle made from the body of a young woman. The be- lief is that such a candle not only renders the perpetrators of robberies invisible, but that it throws the vic- tim or victims into a state of deep somnolency. Within the last two years four ignorant Russian peas- ants murdered a girl and made can- dles out of her body. Before the murders were executed they confessed that they committed the crimp to flake themselves invisible while per- petrating a robbery they had plan- ned. In the Scotch Criminal Code of .the eighteenth century there are express penalties against this hideous candle superstition. The thief has implicit reliance in the foreknowledge claim- ed by gipsies and other people, and ho has been known to pay blackmail to professed exponents of the "black art" who threatened ]rim with all manner of perils, A thief who has the misfortune to be arrested two or three times red-handed in company with a chum is sot down as "un- endly," and is carefully avoided and shunned as if he were suffering from some contagious disease• It is these ostracized thieves in the comnion- wealth of crime that are utilized by detectives in their explorations. 4 HIOW SEA -BIRDS DRINK• The means by which sea -birds quench their thirst when far out at sea is described by an old skipper, who tells how he has seen birds at sea, far front any land tbat could furnish them water, hovering around and under a storm -cloud, clattering like clucks on a bot tray at a pond, and drinking in the chops of rain as they fell, They will smell a rain squall a hundred miles distant, or oven farther off, and scud for it .with almost inconceivable swiftness. i .aa Nintai, 010 08x7 Utal41Ey;, to- ovoro lIt c 8}Ifl Sslbl4 � . There! 4a a►Is arisen. .mrd act Iall. Prtaa. 2501 ebil Semi Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolen, nor the surface off linens, EbED V CES EXIPE1tI.S E& Ask for the Octnson mar. tr. 001 A GENT WANTED—To handle on gged nn.. commission, ol13' Elevators in this llistrfot. A reliable firm or man, prefer- ebly connected with building business, Address Cm/sultan Otis Elevator Com- pany, Limited, Hamilton, Ont. If scientiflo principals count for anything the patent inflated tar pad truss should he a eeceesa. It bolds the parts In such position that with fair play they must heal, It is light aadsomfortablo to woar, and your eonlldcnco le restored the moment ib 1s adjusted. You can procure It only from the Belt and Truss ;titch Os,., Ilan la Specialists, 433 Spading Aro„ Toronto. Write now. 22-47 LUCKY BOOXSELLIr7RS, A Manchester second-hand book- seller has just had a rare stroke of luck, A Welsh laborer from the neighborhood of'Llanarth took a sackful of old books and pamphlets to a second-hand dealer at Lamp- eter, who bought them for 10 shil- lings. Two of, the old books wore sold for half a sovereign to a buy- er, who afterwards sold them to a Manchester firm for 1;4. The firm has just sold one of the books for 4400, it having been discovered by them to be a copy of the Latin prayer -book of 1516. Now the book is advertised for sale for ;01,000. MVtSSEY-aTARRIS CORN E1AR. Vi9XSTEIt. 117A!SSEY-HARRIS CO,, Limited, added the Corn I3te,rvester to their long lino of u1p-to-dtute farming im- plements because their numerous patrons wanted a 1Massey Barris corn Harvester, Irs success in the heavy crops 01 recant years has been marked. Its excellent work and wearing qualities pronounce it a suitable mate for the Massey -Harris Grain Binder, which is sold by the tons of thousands every year, The Massey-13;arris Corn Harvester has as, all -steel frame. The Gears are the largest in use on corn bind- ers. The Dividers are of ample length, and the machine has a wide range of tilt, The Bloat Pan can be raised or lowered to suit different lengths of corn, This admits of the Bundles being property bound. The Knotter is the famous Massey- I6a.rris Knottor, which has done such unfailing work on the Grain Binder. The MasseyHarris Corn I3iar'vestor should be the choice of every pro• gressive farmer who appreciates quality, and wants good value for his mpnoy. Of all newspapers in the world, 68 in ovary 100 aro printed in the Eng- lish language, tlnars's LIMN cures carpel is coils, Ireland has 255 poultry for every 100- isrhabitants; England only 04 for the same number. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- pnt Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disinfects and cleans at the same time. A little dhap four years of age met with the misfortune to have his hat blow into the river, When he reach- ed Bone his father said to him' "It's a wonder you didn't blow overboard, too." I couldn't," was the quick response. ='I was fastened to my feet!" - Mlnard's Holsten# Cures Distemper, Last year 3,862 widowers and 2,- 045 widows among London's popu- lation got married. UIIEAP• EXCURSION TO DENVER. The Wabash will sell round trip tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs or PueLlo, Col., at less th-an the one way fare• tickets on sale July 0th, 7111 and 811x, good to return any' time before August 81st, 1003. Passengers going via Detroit and over the great Wabash line, can go via Chicago and Ontalaa, return through Kansas City and St, Louis without extra charge, This will give passehgal's the grand opportune ity of seeing the World's Fair build. Inge at St. Louis. All Wabash trains stop at the Pair grounds. For full particulars address J. A. Richardson, District Passenger Agent, northeast corner King and Yonge streets, Toronto. 4' OSTRICH FARMING. The oslir'ich farm at Phoenix, Axle zone, gathers its harvest of feathers twice a year, Although the i bust- Hass was begun only fifteen years, ago evith a small mtmber of birds, the flocic now numbers 1,000, The annual yield of each birch is valued at 580, the eggs at 51.50 spell; anti as an ostrich's life, barring fatali- ties of battle, averages 70 years, it may bo readily seen that the pro- prietor of the farm bas a valuable business inveotrnent, 'LVILL MONSI 0L iLIIDHO "Then again" said my non-musi- cal friend, who was in one of his hypercritical moods, "what- is 'chamber music?' " " 'hf t produced by] T t uthe tab we, p yr replied, oonclusivoly, for we were not disposed to treat bis querulous- ness seriously. i$SUE NOai; 26-03 WAS NEVER ILL. .A fact more remarkable than cen- tenarian longevity itself in report. ed in the ease of a man of Italian birth hared Antonio Novorilli, who has just died at Sarajevo, in Bos- nia, at the ago of 105. It Is re- corded of 11nn that only last year, being then 104, he cut a newest of teeth, Novorinl was bot'n in Pa- dua., and entered the sarvleo of a Moslem landowner in ilosnla abaft sixty years ago, Iso has never known what illness was, and died suddenly whilst drinking a glass of aerated water. Miss Withers'"I presume Mr, Flipp made his usual weekly call on you last night?" Miss Callow— "Yes; and I must say that he made a fool of himself," Mies Withers— "Proposed to you, eh?" i , HOW'S This ! we offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Uatarrh that 500001 be cured by Hall's Uatarrh Cure. 1'..3. 01 101111Y de 0o., Toledo, U. We, the undersigned, have known 1'. .1. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe hlm perfectly honorable in 011 business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made byl,�hor their ;VAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. WALDING, 1CINNAN Qc MARVIN; Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, U. Hall's Uatarrh Dare is taken Inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials seat free. Video 75e. per bottle. Sold by all druggists, ' Hall's Family Pills aro the beet. "Young man," said the pompous individual, "I did not always have this carriage, 'When I first started In life I had to walk." "You were lucky," chuckled the youth. "WBren first started in life I couldn't walk,'1 For Orrr atxty Years. As OLD inn Wznf,=ralse Ran any, — Mrs wiuelow'l soothing Byrn.. lane boon mod for over elsty rostra my will Ione of mothers for their children white g meant eant It soothe. the child soften t10 gum., allays all pain, cores wind collo, and is the best remedy for Diarrhmu. In pleasant to the tea., Sold by dregglats In every pori of the world. Twenty -ere 00nte0 bottle, Be 001110 is Ineoledablo. Be eure,end salt for Mr., Winslow's Soothing Syms cud Lake uo other kind, 23-74 There aro in the world 8,000 firms making tenni tions of war. 900 of these aro American. (MInard's Llninrenl Cures Colds, etc, Glass cannot be blown into vessels of more than 26 gallons' capacity, except by the use of compressed air. PLAN NOW FOR SU10(MER TOURS No matter where you are going, if in the United States, write to .Fred. P. Fox, care Lackawanna Railroad, BulTalo, N. Y., for rates and routes. Very cheap excursions during the summer to Atlantic City, Boston and New York, Excursion rates now in effect to all resorts, Plan now. The Russian Empire holds the rec- ord of having under its sway 65 sop- arato and distinct racial groups. At the Yarmouth Y. M. 0. A. Boys' Camp held at Tasket Falls in August, I found MINARD'S LINI- MENT most beneficial for sun burn, an immediate relief for colic and toothache. ALFRED STOKES. General Secretary, 715 There arc certainly not more than 10,000 wild elephants left, against a quarter of a million in 1875. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR, DENVER For the International Convention at Deliver, July 91,h' to lath, tho officialroute selected by the Trans- portation Managers for Ontario and Quebec is via the Chicago and North-Western and Union Pacific Railways, Special train of tourist sleeping cars through to Denver. Tickets on sale July 6th, 7th and 8th. Return limit August 31st, LOOS. Very low rates from all sta- tions in Canada. Write for official Christian lendeavor folder, rates and full information to B. In. Bennett, 2 East King street, Toronto. Thirty-nine per cent, of English lunatics recover, 42 por cent. of Scotch, and 48 per cent. of Irish. iMlnard's Liniment Cures Clphfhsris,. "Do you admire mother-of-pearl?" "Well, no; I married her, you see." "Married whom?" "•PlIly, Pearl, of course." ENGLISiI SPAVIN LINIMENT Remoras all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blond spay7ln, eoEurhs, Militate, ring bone, sweeney, strafes, Bare460 by re use sof ono n bottle. cWeerelutn ed the most wonderful Blemish Ours over known. inizimiszEgiaguscogramorsexeseuppq A Tamil Coolie had the first to do witics 1 That was in iaicitsilrna the deliestte shoots and leaves that E1f'e selected for Blue Ribbon alone. IF you. ttmote that teat you will thanit the Coolip for geioili>end the right shoots. . , Mack. Mixed, Ceylon Gratin, ?`,Ask fog Rod Label FORTY CE,IOTS-6`1101OLSP BE WXIfTY 4 What are poor paitttt; made for ? rev Sale. We don't make them. Our paints are made right—they cover the most surface and give the best protection. S, dus a post card, mentiouing this paper sad we'll send you a booklet ahoprink trove tome beautiful l Ones;lave been painted Milt obr palirtu. A• RAD4SAT 6 SON. Palet makers. • MONTREAL. Vtad. 184f, 14-26 11 PILLS AND < yINT a -.NT should he in EVERY CANADIAN HOUSEHOLD. 0114 . Pea PILLS tee n93,0XFORD ST llretF 24$5TRAPID LOx500. ?ljit t,, REDUCED COPIES OF GENUINE LABELS. Pill:—Black on Green. Ointment:—Brown and Green on White. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are of immense value to the weak and ailing. Although thoroughly searching, their action is so gentle that delicate persons need have no hesitation in taking them; indeed, they should never be without a supply. The Pills give speedy relief in cases of Headache, Biliousness, Nausea, Dizziness and Trembling Sensations. Females will find them highly efficacious. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT is pre-eminently a household remedy; once used it is sure to have a permanent place in the family medicine cupboard. It quickly allays inflammation and irritation, and is in the highest degree soothing and healing. Apply.,, it 'to Bruises, Eiurns, Scalds, Cuts, Wounds, Boils,, Abscesses, &o. It also relieves and cures Bronchitis, Asthma,, Sore Throat, Quinsy, and other affections of the Throat & Chest. ' `1sh`it?et'1:4: :)-'1.'ti!ef'4''r '-.hi .i1e 7, ieiaan 'ir•' S'!r 13-33 aikr57.517'.5ay' 0000 iidtbrieleginec,^51, 's" THE ADVANTAGES of our Savings Department are not confined to residents of To- ronto. 13'e have every facility for taking charge of either large or small accounts of per- sons anywhere in the Domin- ion. Oer new hook, "SAVING MONEY BY MAIL," will be sent free on receipt of your ad- dress. THE CANADA PEFRMAPNENT AND WESTERN CANADA f510RTOAOu CORPORATION TO1ONTO8TREOT • TORONTO 1.2 27 RUBBER GOODS Latest Novelties, all styles. Correspondence invited, En- close 2c stamp for circular. HSE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., 1'. O. Box 1142, Montreal., 6$G eiml ewi!'r ll s ti a r a y' Favorito Summer Hotels TETE BELVIDEFRE PARRY SOUND THE SANS SOUGI 1110017 RIVER P.O. STICCIET CLEANERS OF PARIS. Write for rates, The street cleaners of Paris foam JAMES K. PAISLEY, a little army. They number alto- gether 8,880. They are divided in- Grund Union Rotel, 1.0 brigades, under the command of OT I'AWA, CAN• 44 sp,po1'iritendents and 159 fore men. Five hundred srveeping mor A WEAKNESS OVERCOME. chinos are treed, atter these, with the water carts, find employment for Flossy—"What a haughty air Alice 1,600 horses. The cost of the ser- has; sho used to bo so bashful," vice works out at about sixpence a Memo— `Yes; she finally per - square yard por anittun, seeded herself that she's somebody,- tms-• —11.118.414r^ - Alt Pi}! ri )rl.'a e Metal Qrii?a81lentAF4 sce t andsonee Slable and lowp I pays for front !+gii>dilivislopfencoontonnlote,eemoteries,otobardalotoietate. l5§1041 U ip.ifor 2D CENTS PENN i4UNNING FOOT. abent the cheapest tenon /mean pat np• Write for tall llartlealien. SAM ■`a e a our Notting. ,a . ��f�'rI •�' l?eo Page rat= frost; nit k' tr7 N AB. Theo rage wire 7es100 Oo., Limited, WbitterviUe, Oa0002o. • P.Q, pad St. John H.R. 1. 4 2—,2 Dyeing a Me fling I For the very heel a end your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." Look for agent In your town, or send diner. Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to Liverpool. Beaton to Liver- pool, Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens. town. Ursa and Nast Steamships Superior nacommodotlon tor all Wane, of passengers. Saloon, aed Staterooms rte amideblpn. Special attention has been given to the Second Saloon and Third -clans nocommodation. Por, ?skeet passage and all particulars, apply to any 15.00 of the Company, or -- blghord. Mla. h Cc, D. Torrance 00,., 1?'litata8L.Bo.loa M001eooland Portland, 109-6 ORANGES 1 LEMONS' Wo have Mexicans, WE California Navels, HAVE Valencies and THE nM Sevilles. ,Il'''iy ! �.f...0�'.�I3'.d3,.i 3.11 Carload every week.. All the abov.( market. prices. We can also handle get Butter, Eggs, Pouitry,Q1 Maple Syrup and other produce to adv, tags for you. 185 DAWSON 00e11i1155108 CO., Limitot, Oor. West Market 8t„ TOE ONTO._ 41$ ELEVATO RS HYDRAULIC, BELTED, WAn ERS FOR ALL PURPOSES. CANADIAN OTIS ELEVATOR CO.' Limited tiatTtlltOnt Ont AGENTS AG WANTED Sae etur adver0somont fee Agent In thin paper. c.vi:;'hd'4iw"gi4.'YV411r 1;eat",,yl ;'i,'