HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-2, Page 5JULY 2, 1908 BUSINKOS CARDS. M °uNonBt.Y TO,ell. 9Oot1.1, AZia?ioils'. 411 00.8,10KEN- 1 X v • lermor of Marriage Licenses. Ol. 01 et. at Omer y, 1 urnherry reel., I.rel 1.;i1/S..R$4$ 100,11 ALV4---1.' UN • P3:0011014191)11au several good Forum for 'Wu aild to rout, 0000 terms, in TOwnshIps at Morris and Grey, b' B. SCOVII,Brinisol M. MBRMSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON. ONT, MESS JEAN M'LAUCIILIN, -00110111 0 - - AND - ORGAN, ox;rx... ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI nefrouseen, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. E. Estelle Griffin TEAcumit or VOICE, CII1LTUEE Pupil of Miss Eva N. Roblyn, of London. Penile prepared for Conservatory exrans, f,A111 .visit Brunie every Townley, Leesouu given at the home of W. II. Kerr, John street. J. L.ECKIE, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT 4, ti & 5 Per Cont. Office over Rursley's Drug Shore, Nov. ard, 1902. 80-11111 Brussels, Wellington Mutual 'Fire henbane° Co., nsTABLTellion 1840 Insurance taken on the caeb and premium note system at current rates. B fore Union Ins eleowhero eall on e undersigned Agent 01 0110 Cornpiloy. GEORGE ROGERS, Tirussole, .116.0•SOMAWCAVEMMAIROIWROMISINUMII AUCTIONEERS. F t,S• 0O, 0;111.:Too.A1.1 EiroAr Nbo ftLu0ol',Ii'000 00 better men, in loss time and loss elliages than any other Anotioneer In Emit 01111000 00 he won't Charge anything. Dates and orders eau always ho arranged at this office or by personal appliostiOn. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, nudersigneil, who is well norplainted throughout the =orb part of the County and who has had businees with a large eir- ole of farmers 10 and around this 'ocean''', begs to inform the community that he has tither] out an Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron and offers his services to all purposing to hold sales. THOS. NEWSOME, Brussels, VETERINARY. T D. wAstwioE - tY • 'Honor GI thluem of the Ontario Vot- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals In a compet. eat manner, Partionler attention paid to Veterinary lientisin". Calls promptly at- tended to. Gigue and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Tirrnberry et., Brussels. LEDA AND CONVEYANCING, \iv M. SOUL AIR- / . Barrister, Benetton Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. Oillee-litewart's Aloe!: 111000010,111101 Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. F. BLAIR, SARBISTER, SOL- . 10IT0111, &o, BRUSSELS. - Unice over Stauditrd Bank ; Solicitor for Township of Grey, II owiek Mutual and the Metropolitan Runk. Private and Company tummy to loan at lowest rates. ItEDICAL CARDS. ' J. A. M'NAUGHTON,' M. It., V. 101,, Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Someone, Ont. ',Men nate. of the Royal Col- lege of Phyeicianu and Lieentiate of Mid- wifery, Edinburgh. far -Telephone No.14, Residence -Mill street, Brussels, DENTiSTRY. DR. R. P. F--EILD, DVATIST Graduate of ,1 he Royal College of Dental Surgeone of Ontario and Filet (Anse Honor 'Graduate of Toronto University. Officio 0080 (0 Brew oi's Photograph al levy , DitTISSELB, T'S ALL RIGHT and Students may enter LISTOWEL ‘d,0 oar time, SPRING TURK BI4GINS 4.1.1., 813. Two courhos,-Coinmerpial 010)1 1101.000nd. 010000for College Jou rind. • A, 8011130120311, tr. L. President, Ifoorebary, sHiNm ULLO British C0111111 bin lied Cedar Shingles AND-- , North Shore rime and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notioe, Teatime -tee Fuenielled lor all kinds of Beilrlinge. Workman. elate and Material Gnatanteed. AMENTO r3=5='=10:0AaVale'elele-le"-X-1 thr Motto "High Grade Work 01111" CENTRAL STFIATFORD, OT. Our Graduates readily swum pea positions bureaux° (tablet gre•lo train. lug premiums Wein te render lirst.ein is servloes. linsineee men want first - ohm workers and have no time To waste upon the other Mud. Coin. memo 0 imam noW aud bo i•eatly 100 a position in Oro Fall, Write for ha11.0- 00010 catalogue, W. 3. ELLIOTT, P2,111011)4, r 8111811.e.-±ee."-'41=1 9i5trut 'CW. F'carrivbitteta. Miss Janet (look Waft Unhed 0110120101096 bo De, 1) 111 Dunlop, of Shollow Lake, ou Tuesday, June 80.01. Speingbank Oreamery 0o, shipped 110 boxes of butter on Tuesday of laet week for Toronto oold storage. Ohms. Shaefer watt st Owen Sound on Monday of last week, where he took the boat to Mattitonliu 'eland. Fordeffell 111000 Band furnished muaia at the lawn saial on Wm. EMU!' lawn, Gorrie, on Tuesday evening of last week, The Bell Telepboae Oo. bad a gang of men et work hot week, petting oo another wire on the telephone poles, making the line metallic. . Exoursion to Toronto and Niagara Falls on Tuesday, July lib, under the aespicee of the Harriston Blabodiet church. Pare from Funitvioh 8218, Good for 8 days, tit lest toot. Mrs. 3. Doherty and son Jack left for Poplar Hill, where they will epeud the Summer, Mrs. /I. B. Ootnbe had the misfortune to fall in coming dowtstaire at her home in Mitohen, and sprained her ankle. 'James Snell has beet) appointed Die. tact Supreme President el the Guyon and Brea° district of tbe Sale of Bow laud. 01. gem ycar•old daughter of Geo, &Leaned wes thrown out of 10 bammook, and alighting on her ehonlder, broke the elaviele or shoulder bone. 20 00 the intention of the Band Oom mittee to Fee that benehee or settees ere pub in place around the market eguare, for the convenience of Hutment who turn out to the band oonoerts on Timm:lay evenings Oapt. M. D. aloTaggart Was appointed as obit of the commiseioners of three to ieguire into the games of the reaut ithaidouts which occurred at the rham battle held in London ouirrichty,• where- by a civilian received a bullet through the hand, besides the other mina affairs. Gorr The V delle ia lemidaying ilia week. Miss Lizzie Damage teff for au extend. ed visit with friends in Toronto and Br( Atone. Exeureion to Toronto and Niagara Falls on Tusedey, July 7. Pate from Gorrie $2 80, good for three days. Robinson had the misfortune to rite his thumb and first 11 940 a severe 0011 while ahapeniug a large knife. Wm Reseal, left On Tuesday of last week for Maaleod, N. W. T., where he will spend the remainder of hie days with hie eon Rube, who ie C. P. 10, 0001100 agent at that place. Oct Monday aternoou of lest week sante moieties? at John Datient barn ratl- ine Ben. Stafford fell from the plate to the ground, 10 distanoe of 28 feet, sustain. Ing a severe bruise ou his 10108, and getting h bad shaking up. An est which might have proved Jabal was dono at the borne of Rev. 11 J. Garbutb on Sunday avoniug 21st utt., when his young eon, Egbert, about Ogee years old, took a della of poisoti in mistake for medieiee. A. Dr, was summoned and won had the little fellow out of danger end he is now all right. Wm. Doig and family left last week for their new home iu St. John N. B. Mr. and Mrs. Duig Rave been readouts of our town for a number of yam and will be mined by then: tnany friends who all wish them edam iu their 'new home. At a epectiel meetinti of Cana Gerrie No. 67, 0. 0. 18, on Monday evening Mr, bag wee presented with a beautiful gold ring by.the Court. ?alma fewest. TM re were 210 tiakete sold at Statuette fur the Model Farm Excurelon. The dates fix, 81 for Beeforth Fall Fair a'e Thursday and Friday, September 24th and 25th. The 01 10101 °overlook are holidaying here. They era both Leathers on the Bruce p. ?tient a. Polioo Magietrate Beattie had rt busy time !at week, havieg had no fewer than eix alma to dispose of. The Senior Benson went to St, Marva on Weduesday of lea week, to pley iheir firet game in the intermediate 00( 101, Inning by it soore of 7 le 4. Matthew Leo,Doreey, third eon of Mrs Jobe Donley, of Seaforth, who was a bright, proniteing young 110(1 1) 28 yeas of age, paned away at the residence his mother here, on Tuesday of last week abet, an illness of about six week,. The autograph guilt made by the Lodi 0' Aid of ,the Peesbyterien oleuioh, and exhibited at their hamar hate a abort time, me purollased by W. D. Stewart, of St. Paul, a former Seaforth boy, who desired it as e. souvenir of his' native town. The many friends of Miss -Kate Brawl, foot, daughter of Mayor B.:010foot, who hoe been tura uttly ill for tope wake, in tetratford, will be pleased to bear that she 111 neW improving I110,.ly and good hopes are enteetaittecl ter her complete re °every, ilistanonen DEFEATS Beseral.-The Sea forth Hurons took the Berlin Rangers into Mann last Friday evening by defeat. Ing them by the elate soore of 1 to .0, The Hurons put up ain excellent artiole of ball, and ,kept the Berlin team germane all the time. Their combination Wile the beet gale in Berlin for many years, and only the magnittoent playing of the Bettor de• tepee saved them from leaving more than ono goal scored on thcm, The Rangel forWaed line Waif ineffective, and °mild bob find the goal when there was DM opinlittri. The [tanners anticipated an easy anon and played eocorchngly, thus losing the gatne. Seatorth scored their Witlbro.1.4,• T II ft ""'i)84.Lb POBT goal in the second 1., vlilleten.1;ev the play w rte, in HP 'furl/18 territory, Brave I. of Be:forth, we the referee, , • , :iti 'ly iM : partial, The teeet• 1 ,7, • 119)) -000.', Gravest bllOka, ; had haul( 8, I 0, 13111e, Maenad, ()hada Northfor. ! nought, J. MeDonalci, MeDonald,'Mor. riate, Brownlee Re niwirs (0) -000, 13-0,vo ; bnoloi, 10114,11, If ruger hal t • bathe, td. I bet , Ray tn0A, 1)870 10 forwarde, 11'b',, 0)10, A liocehmer, Ileeh trier, Itritelner, en - Fele fir, ' DeWitt MoTebish, of Dettoit, itt ybei 1. Mg 801 1110 Mole of J. A. Andereort, There were 100 Helots gold at Blyth stab,» fur the excursion to the Model Farm et ue'plt. lireend Oak, engiueer at the Myth flour mill, WKS ril:.rried on Wednesdey of Met week to NI 040 Sarah Mains, yonngest daughter of the late Jame e Maine, of 20.111,11. 48 were writing on the alto -nue exereittaion at Myth panto solicol. atm :u. 1. nr,ok, ot winghfm, and 11080 Annie Iltuntitun, of 1.341.11, were the preeid log rots npners. el re, Wrn. Meliungh, of Dungannon, mother of nye. Joao:, Stotbereof Blyth, died tat her home in Dunga,nnon cm Sum day, 210 ult. On April 17th lea Mro. $(10,11ougli and her egad life partner oele. batted their diamond wedding and (me week after rhe 'dipped and fell to the grouted, recoiving iojuriee whioh eoelitted her to her bed ever 81000 0(1') which end• el is liar death. Mrs. etallougn was 11 pioneer of Huron County end the fear. al on Tuesday was very largely ateudeci. 011011(2 V 00540. Oux2.-After averel neonate of failing health Jaa. Maxwell, of the Bleavale road, reined away on Wednesday of last week, DroeaSed was a 000 of Robb, Maxwell, or,, and brother of Rea. Maxwell, jr,, of Wineham. Elo was 45 years+ of ago, and was born in Prinoston, Ont. When hie parents teams to this Ruffin of oonntry nearly forty.three years ago, deeeased was but two yeere ut age. He Iowa e widow and three yunng Bone. Ono cad feature of the oecurrenue is the fact that blo fether, who was attending:the General Aseanbly, could not get home in time for the helmet. In a family of eight, this is the lira breach by death. Daeased was a member of the Presbyterian Cheroh and enjoyed the respeot of an who bad known him from his °Arty boyhood, The funeeat melt plate on Friday. TlinNIVERRY GOIMIL.—Atioules of Coen. oil meeting bald iu Oakes offio,e Blue. vale, On Monday. June 22nd. Members of Oonnoil all present, the Reeve in the chair. The mmutea of last meeting read end adopted on motion of Mesas Moe - grove and Rutherford. Mosgrove reported that along with a repreeerrative from Grey townohip bad let 0. job of gravelling on boundary to Robb. llupiee 80 18 cents per yard and appointed A. Wright iuspecnor. Work aornpleted and payment reoommended. Also along with a repreeeniative from Morrie township bad let a joh of rebuilding °elven on boundary opposite lot 49 to Mesas. Duff and Stewart at $85, each township to pay half oast. Mr: Rutherford reported that [flag with a representative of Out. Mai 000(101109 hod let 0 job of gravelling 80 yards on boundary opposite lob 2 end oleo a job of gravelling 72 ycle, opposite lot 0 to Thos. O'Mally at $40 and appoint. ed P. Linnetb, inspeolor 01 85 20, eaob t twnebip to pay half cost. Coupland- Kelly-That Mr. Moegrove examine road on Morrie original boundary, opposite lote 49 end 50 and take such aotion as to gravelling as ho tnay think neowteary for the present year,-Oarried. Conpland- Mougrove-That the Reeve and 111r. Kelly examine the North end of 25th aide line and expend Willtb they consider neceestery at the present tittle in eating hille.-Oar• ried. The following amounts were patt- ed and cheques issued 0-Robt. Ilupfer, guteelling, Grey boundary, $40 00 ; A. W,'ight, inspeetion on Grey boundery, $2 50 ; Robt. Enpfer, repeiring oulvert, Howlett boundary, 88 ; A. BleTaviale, re pairing bridge floor, $1,75 ; John Mete oaf, plank for Enliven, $1 50 ; David Dunkin, repairing road machine, $5 75 ; F. IL Bostt, repairiog road meshine, 01150 ; Thos. O'Malley, gravelling °Urea howld 111.1.2 62 ; vcr wrma, ONanlin 50 coma; John (80)', ing 10,1 lend,,(", IWO 116 : .J , l'ott l.111 r alt m canton, 3 0000, , Car et, •, 1...o r I. 'de' bodge, 81 05 Tbe fonewtng toseounte were paid for grovel 0 -John AloBurney, SS 00 ; it Novae, 88 50 ; jamas Mo. Dollglal, 116 $6 ; JOhn Klog, .110 ants Joseph 11.,F9ins, 86 70 ; Devitt Wendt, 118 80 ; 0%1r' II•tdie, 64 20 ; Robert Web, son, 112114 ()outdate! . Rohe] forst- Theft thio eting do now adjourn to meet in the OlerIc'n arta-, ntaaeete, oo Saturdny, July 18.1e, 100 10 o'olook J01111 Bonarse, Clerk, <farm 11, After a lingerieg 0 Is,e from a ovmpli. {Alden of (Beaten, Thomas Horton pese ed away at Brandou, Mr. Jae keen, Provinonel Seo, for the Sunday School association of ()aerie, WM the gueet of hie annain, Mut, J. 0. Stottemen, Word bee been received here from Mrs, W. Levy, formerly of Dile plate, contain. 009 (110 end information that her daughter Elsie had departed thie life on the I71h of May. Rev. E Medd left for Maskeka in the hope of improving hie health. On and after the let Sunday in July hie work will be taken by Rev. David Wren till about the middle of September. The aouttell hoe three propositions before them for better fire protection and street watering. One is, to prouure 50 site, mot a windmill laud talk and oink a well. This would eat about $500, An• other 01(0 15 to purchase a gasoline engine instead of 80 vFindmill. This would oost more but would be more serviceable as 11 (meld be used whenever wanted either in wind or ulna Still another is to build a bank at the power boucle and arrange with Mr. Welsh to supply water at a oar. lain sem per manual, The fourth and best of all in oar estimatiou is to plaoe a task ap in the 00011000 00 the village and eonneet with Mr. Welat's er H. Cook's mill by piping and have the water pump. ed es needed. Cnoclearl New potatoee are now on the tnarket, and though not large, are dry and nioe. There is oonaiderable complainine about undersized bass being hooked and taken home by Ferns people. Strawberry growers have lost a large part of their crop this season, the oon• Outlet rate making it impossible to gather them. Mgr. Seindees, of the Organ Co , and several other citizens have completed arrangamente for tolling over the Bramp ton Gee and fuel Um, and, it is under- utood, will pale the businesa for ell it is worth. A large staff of men are engaged at the old Chry stet boiler shop at the station, preparing the iron for two new salt pant, to be phoned in the Leal Huron and Manitoba Milling Oompany's salt block, at the harbor. If re. Wm. McCreath remind home from New Brunswick, New Jersey, on Monday of lost week. The lady was so. oompauied by Mro. William Motlreath, jr., and infant am who will visit at the old home till the end of July. Rev. Mr. and Mre. Wm. Stoddart, of Lebanon, Kentucky, have arrived in the old town on a month's vacation. mr, and Mrs. Stoddart look ae though the South agreed with them, and they are fairly in love with their distant paetor- ate. The mayor reported that Mr. Somer. vine, (thief engineer of the G. T. R. had been in town and with bine baci gone over the line of the road from the grove to the harbor, to oonsider the *posed ruination of the grade, and he had pro tnised to have profile survey made. He had conferred with shippers regardiug the switches asked for and bad promised attention to needed dock repairs. 01. .Doonen MARRIAGE -The botne of Jas. and tetra. Horney, Harm Road, was the sOone Of a pleasant event on Wednes. day, June 17s11, when their two dacightera MilleeS Lnoy and Birdie beredne the brides of Banat Kneealeaw and Alexan- der MoGregor. Tbe home wee tasteful. ly &moulted with flowers and at the boar appointed the brides entered the parlor on their father's arnis to the )Wen's 2ress Shoes must be fashionably correct. Ours are. These shoes are comfortable because they fit inside. The outline is handsome and the shoes are made to keep their shape and appearance till worn mit Prices are right for right goods wc--- I UST now we offer the following inclueement in Merin! Patent Bale, op -to -date style 0010 1100, Goodyear welt, patent colt vamp, great $ 4 leather to wear I eegul ar prima $4 GO, on sale now at ra'We altvays try to handle reliable (mode and at the Outset margine. Repairs in Shoo promptly dene. OUR PIABNESS DEPARTMENT is booming and why? Balance the quality and naafi are right. Trunks and 'WWII very &cap. Duelers, Lap BOO, tea., at, lowest priests. 11V"18OR. SALII-Two comfortable dwelling beeves .00 z. nzonAtnns. et 00 o o 1 - anted! PHOPIVfill Highest Market, Price paid for Wool in Cash or in ex- change for Goods, We have a fine Aesortmettl. 01 YARNS, TWEEDS, CARPETS, FLANNELS, SHEETING% KNIT GOODS, ETC., ETC. Custom work such as Roll Gard- ing, Spinning, Knitting, etc. attented to as usual. 110 E& 00. Opp. Central Hotel, Brussels. strains of the weddiog numb played by Miss Knight. They were prettily gown- ed in white organdie, trimmed with lace and inertion and oarried pink and white roses. Little Alma Robinson, wIio acted as Hug bllarer, looked very sweet, dressed in pale blue. The nuptial biota were tied by the Rev. J. W. Robinson, of Vie toria Street °berate. About forty gueste witnessed the eerernony. After oon• gratulations a dainty repaid was partaken sI, and an enjoyable evening wee spent. The brides were the reciplente of meny useful pregeote. Ifixeter. Dr. and Mre. Anderson have moved to Grand Band for the season. Onunoillor Creech handed the Advocate one day last week several stalks of wheai taken from hie field that measured five feet ten lathes. W. R. Lovett, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis, etill oon. tinned to improve and is able to leave hie bed oow at abort intervals. Wes A. Dorrington and Miss 01. Wald• ron will spend their vacation in Elegised. They sail from Mootreal on July 4011, 00 the steamer Parisian of the Allan line. John Evans, of town, has metered the contraat for the brick work and John Somerville, of Kirkton, the carpenter work, of the new maned to be erected at once in anneotion with the Thames Road Presbyterian Church. In response to a deputation the Reeve of the town celled a imolai meeting of the (toenail to meet a deputation for the pa. pose of diseuesing matters pertaining to the reensaitation of the Baud, The de. putstion, Ed. Christie, W. O. Huston, George Hausa and O. H. Sanders, and Connoil conferred very barmonionely to. gather end the outoome is mat gratifying, the Connell granting the stnn of $100, fifty of whioh is to be paid at once and the balance Ootober let, provided the Band tenty on the street at least onoe a week. A bandmaster ie to be engaged and the matter of re.organizieg at onoe commenced. W hig'Ioaos. Wingham lacrosse olnb will play their next schedule game iu District No. 4 with Luoknow on Friday, July Brd. Government Inspector Nash was here inspeating the electric light metree, of whieh there are about 125 in town, Dr. J. S. Jerome, who recently moved to towo from Blyth, has opened a dental office in the Gregory blook, opposite the Qu, en's hotel. 00 candidates wrote here sa the Entrance exem. Mr. Waters, of Ford. wich, was 111 obarge, and was aseisted by 0000. Bailey, of Blyth, Rev. H. Priest, n pastor of Wingham Baptist ober,* eon's 14 yeare ago and now a missionary in Tani, India has in company with his wife and chilli been visiting in Wingham. The Western Foundry Co's works were (nosed down last week, owing to some trouble with the worktnen. In the mean- time some neoessary additions and repairs are being made to the plant. The bloak in whieh 0. Jerome, former. ly 00 Wingham, 17100 09005519 a photograph gallery iu Arthur, was completely de. greyed by fire On Sunday evening 21st ult. Mr, Jerome saved nearly all of hie effeabe. Thee. S. Hrunphries, cf Oehawa, a former resident of Winglattn, watt renew• kg old aquaintaneee in town for a few days lest week. Mr. Hun:Than 1,11 Wingham 11 yeers ago and title is his first vi.it to town in that time. The following are the ofileers for the ensiling term i 83 11110 10 T. of T. 1-Seleot Councillor, Jno, Kerr Vioe, Florence Perk ; Chaplain, W. Hall ; Barad, Frank Kennedy ; Asa. Herad, Gore. Brandon ; Reo. Beo., In, Brandon ; Fin..Seo., Mag. gin Tibbs ; Trate., Walter Rose ; Guard, With Walker ; Sentinel, W. 0. Tbomp. can ; Auditor°, H. Woke, W. Thompson. For 0011)0 1,8)01(0 980811 37(0. Sperling has been having ormaiderable trouble with thesalt well on Wm, Arbuokele's farm ite East Wstwanoeb. The well bed been blocked in soma way and i1 was iwpooeible to pump btine frc,m it. It has been de. aided to drilla new well and work wee commeneed lard week, It will take Forme two months' before the new well will be completed and it will be =Henry to keep the drilling maohinery at work night and day in order to complete the work in the two months. The Man spoke of the Ternisannelng Itailwny was driven at North Bay. B. J. Crane, a Toronto traveller, was drowned while Belling in Oaledon Lake, A; negro was aerated at Merriton051 enspiolon of being the murderer of Glory Whalen of Collingwood. John Pranele Tamblvn has been ap. pointed poatmeetee of Oahawa, vice the late James Carmiehael, who died ou Sum day lat. Sir Charles Topper, Bart., and Lady Tupper loft YellOotiVer en rents to Eng. kw.d. They will return to 'Vancouver about Ohrietentae, • Spait This week We reoeivod 3400090 of Boots and Shoes whioh pets our stook of Footwear in good elutpe. We are doing a large trade in this line. We dna a growing demand for a better qtmlity of Boole and Shag and to mea the demand we have ideated cm with Inglatoles0 gonde fon0 the welbknown faotories of J. D. iting tfu 00-t John.MoPherson 81 0o, and the Peerless tor men, women and children. We oleo carry a large aria of Eaateru Show a lower prieee. Iiebow we mention a few Ilea tellieb will give you a faint idea of the Oak we carry Ildett's rine Dongola Simea, in all sizes, at 81,50, $1. 75 and $2. Men's 13010 Calf and Fine Dongola Shone, 3. D. King & Co's. make, extension sole, Goodyear welt, in patent leather, enamelled and plain, at $226, 82 50, $3 and CI 50. lYlen's avy Plow Shoes 00 80a, $1., 01125 and 111 50. Boyo' Staudt -Led School Shoat, $1, $1 25 and 101 50. Lichee' Dongola Sham in all fazes, at 11125, $1.50 and $2. Ladiee' Fine Deegan and Viol Kid Shan extension sole, Frenob heel, Goodyear welt, at $2.50, $8 and $8 50. Women'e Pebbled and Glove Grained Shoee, for everyday wear, good value at $1.25, for $1. Ladiee' Oxford'', in Dongola stud pateut leather, in all sizes, at 51, 61 25, $1.50,112 and $2 50, Won:teens Low Shoes, laced, a great snap at 60o, Young Men's Athletic Shag, made of aroma calves, with rubber soles, regular lariat 050, for 50o. Mimes' and Obildreent Shoee, Oxfords and Slippers, in great variety at all prices. McKinnon & Co., Blyth. ereetteelleMPEEESESBMilen HAVING FERCHA.SED THE Brussels Woollen Factory and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines and other necessary 1VIachinery, we are prepared to pur- chase any quantity.of Wool for cash or exchange for goods. We have in stock a large assortment of- - All -wool Blankets, —White and Gray Sheetrings, —Plain Flannels, — Checked Flannels, —Fancy Shirtings, — Ladies' Wool Dress Goods, —Light and Heavy Tweeds, 1 —Underwear for Men and Boys, I—Men's and Boys' Stockings, 1 —Ladies' and Children's " I—Boys' Sweaters, —Yarns, all kinds and colors. ;WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE. W. & J. LOCKRIDGE BRUSSELS WOOLLEN FACTORY. • • • SUMMER AY S aro here and this means that Canned Goods and such Delicacies will be in big demand, such as Canned Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Lobster, Salmon, Smelts, Shrimps, Haddie, Kippered Herring, Sardines, Lunch Bacon, Pork and Beans, Fresh Herrings, Sm. ICE CREAM and SODA FOUNTAIN DRINKS. Fresh Fruits of all kinds. All Goods in our Grocery Depart- ment are New and Clean. TRY OUR 270. TEA. W. A. GREWA.R. • e 200 Buggies, Must be Sold this Season, The Finest line to be seen in any town Carriages in Ontario 'will be found at Ewan & Co.'s Warerooms TUF2NBERRY STREET. BRUSSELS. —We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac- tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs. • —You can save money by examining our stock before purchasing. —Satisfaction assured. Prices right, EWA& BRU SSELS. N