HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-2, Page 1Vol. 81. No, 01 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1903 New Advertisements. For sale --Wm, Martin, For anle—Daniel Mabel, b'or oa.le—Teoo, Lenrmont, Qaperjne found—T7ra Poem. Clearing vale—H, A. Matohet0, trizi . '.ekvs, aunt eastowee . Haying ie at hand, P. Boobt's new Meru ie sheeted in and will be ready for hie hay Drop, Robt. Show will take charge of the ser. visa in the Hall next Sabbath evening. D. L. Straohan, Principal of Gerrie Pablio eohool, le home for hie Summar vacation. The picnic on Dominion Day attracted a large attendance and a very enjoyable time was apeet. An interesting address was given by G, F. Blair, of Brussels, last Sabbath even. ing on the great invitation "Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give yon root". E311tcevalee. Rev. Mr. Went is expected home next week. Rev. E. Barnby, of Milverton, visited at the Pareonage on Monday. Don't forget the Garden Party an Mr. Waemannei lawn, on the evening of July 8rd. Mr. Mallough and family left on Tues. day for Dangamton. Mr, Mailongh in• tendo to go out Woet, Ills utauy friends whit) him ea000se. Mr. Fleecy, the aolporteur for the Bible and Tract Booh•ty, who bile spent a month in this neighborhood, leaves this week for Wroxeter. John Wesley''. Birthday was observed in the Methodist S. S. on Sunday after- noon, the epeoinl program being need. The evening eervioe was also appropriate to the oaooeton, EC entr'rr Bob, what ie the nttrantiou down near Henfryn 2 Sam. Wright ie doing a mailing buoi• nese in the brink and tie line. A larpe number of folks attended the Guelph Exonteion last Friday. B. Collis hoe made improvements to his building's by putting up a new driving barn, E. and Mrs. Campbell's silver wedding was patronized by quite a few of the Henfry ni fes. 0. BawOinheimer has made improve. melte to his bonee by building a new kilohen and woodehed. A lively football match was played be- tween Ethel and Henfryn Saturday even- ing resulting in 7 to 0 in favor of Ethel. Being that the Ohoroh le closed bere on Sunday our town is rather dry but these last few Sabbaths our football team hoe made it a little more lively by play- ing football. "Remember the Oabbath day to keep it holy," Bells r eve. Trinity ohuroh congregation in Bel. grave hoe decided to improve their ohuroh. It in a good frame building, emoted in the time of Rev. Wm, Davie, at time rector of Wingham. A new atone foundation has recently been lald and it has been drolded to brisk the entire building one to erect a chancel with a vestry room oa one side and a Sabbath eohool library room on the other, The inside of the ohuroh ie also to undergo a thorough renovation, the whole to poet in the nei.;hborbood of 9900 or $1000. The members of the congregation are to be oongrntulated on their zeal and enterpriee, All they wanted was good leadership. Richard Proctor and the Rooter, Rev. Mr. Falmouth!, were around Iasi week eolioiOing eubeoriptione and they succeeded in reietug nearly the wbole amount needed. IO iet•xpeoted that the improvements will be completed in October, when the re opening eervieea are expected to be bald. Annexes AND Pn0ennoverron.—One of these pleoeing events whish teete of saoinbility, 000arred at the Methodiet Pareonage on Friday afternoon of last week when the good people of Belgrave and Sunshine oongregatione took it upon themeelveo to give their minister and hie wife a enrpriee previous to their removal Oto Oil Springs. The gifts ooneieted of a epouple at beautiful upholstered eaey admire, Rev.. M. Brown's being a orimeon eeee eeh upright chair end Mre. Brown's an `live plush molter. Following .address tae read by Mre. Jno. Clegg and the reeentation was mode by Mre, Chau. ` . rootor. jOat, Mr. and Mrs, Brown ;— We, the people at Belgrave and BAD. chine appointments, have gathered here this afternoon to express our regrets eon. earning your removal from our midst. Aa our pastor and his wife you,have gone in and out amoogot us with kindly man- ner and graolone deed whioh betokens the indwelling of a truly Christian spirit, You were alwaye .found faithful work. ere in the Master's vineyard, seeking to advanoe The righteous ovate and.kingdom and endeavoring to promote our epirit tel welfare. As a Mieoionery President Mre, Brown has 'been a persevering and helpful leader and oar pleasant meetings will remain a bright spot in oar metier. lee. As a Babboth eohool teacher the reeuit of her labors will bring forth fruit into Life Eternal we believe. Since com- ing amohg ie, you have coffered sad afflictions oe parents and in the lose of a parent. We have and de extend our earnest sympathy to yon. As we are permitted to goon in the days and years of Iife'e journey we more fully realize that partings meet come to hs all. Be- fore severing the flee between 00 we sok you to Raoept these ohaire as a goodwill token of oar appreciation of your oervieee and May God's blessing ever follow and rent upon your lives and Mime. Signed in behalf of • Sunshine, Mao. Toe. Onzett Belgrave, Muse O1rAe, Pnooeon. Aelgoeve, Juno 26th, 1908, Mr, and Mrs. Brown made very feeling replies, A short program, oonstetiug of maple and song, speech by George Hood, was given. An abundant lunch wile served on the lawn and the pr000ed fuse were brought to a sine by the (Moir oluging "When we all gather home in the morning" and Me. Brown pronounaing the Benediction, The oompany dieper- eed with hearty hendottakicg and fare. wells all ooenimous in having spent a enj tyable time and wishing the retiring pester nod hie good lady abundant ene- ma on their new obarge. i+ezetlealer v. H. Cameron is renewing old aoquaint• 100000 in this looality, Mies Minnie Dundee has returned home after a week's visit with friends in Stoat. ford, A. D. Small, of Toronto, hes been vieiting at the residence of Jno. Rea the past few days. Jamoe Harris had a cuoneseful plowing bee lent week. The evening {vas enjoy ably spent dancing. Rubt. Gray has bought a house and lot near Exeter. He will be ready to move there in a few days. Much aympathy is felt for Josbue. Pol• lard, who wag eo, soddenly end 0uexpeo0 edly bereft of hie lite partner. Mise Bolla Haakwell, who has been with Monde in the Classics City for terernl months, has returned hOmo, Word has been received from P. Smith who reached his destination in safety, If eatiiftod with the West be will noun a farm. Invitations ore out for the wedding of John McPherson and Miee Benne J. Farber. The important event will take pleo0 on July 8th. That the proepeo0e far the 0. P, R. line from Guelph to Godarioh are good ie certniely very encouraging to the farming community here. Tbelong distance from a railway station i0 about the worst draw• book we have. Cr ei lab rook. School Mussed on Tnaeday for Summer vacation. Robert Davidson, of Toronto, is vieiting hie brother, Thos. Davidson. A new ;tetras covering has been planed upon the Calder bridge, 1001 son. Mre, (Dr.) Turnbull was here for a few days on a visit from Goderiob. Jas. MnLnohlau bee improved the ap- pearenoe of hie floe farm by wire fenaing. Mre. Raddalz, of Detroit, is enjoying a visit with relatives and friends here for a few weeks. Several from this locality aetettded the pia Mu at Jameetown on Dominion Day and report a fine time. Mies Elsie Straohon, Jas. Sheehan 'jr ., and Jag. Innis of Jameetown,were oallero on Cranbrook friends last Sunday, Mies Lib. MoLaohlan arrived home last weak from Sault Ste. Maria where she held a millinery position and will visit at her home. The Christian Eudeavnr meetings in conniption with Knox church will be aanoelled daring the time the obeech ie being painted. Services in Knox Ohurob, Oranbrook, wilt be enamelled for the next two Bab Maths owing to painters being at work. Sabbath eohool will be held in the public eohool building, Mre. Joseph Knight has not been in very good health of late and her sister, Mies Mo$ay, of Brueeele, is assisting ber. We hops Mre. Knight will Boon be fully restored to good beeltb. Next -Sabbath afternoon Eli Smith and Rev. R, Panl will deliver addressee at the Methadiet church on the John Wesley Bi Centenary. The former wilt speak on "What has God done for the Yonng People through Methodism 7" and Rev, Mr. Paul will dilate on "How permanent work may be done for the future" Leet Sabbath Rev, Mr. Cooene prenobed a very appropriate discourse in whiob he re. viewed Wesley's life_ W roxe ter. Jno. Hamilton shipped a oar load of hoes on Monday. R. MoOraolcen, of Bruseole, visited in the village on Sunday. Mies Eva Gay, of Toronto, ie the guest of Mre, T. G. Hemphill. Mrs. Jae. Ballantyne spent several days of last week in Broeeeie. Miss Sara Bray han returned from a six weeks' visit with relatives. David Smith, of Hamilton, ie the guest of hie noels, Oliver Bmicb. Alvin Hemphill, of Walkerton, is upend• ing a few holidays at hie home here. Mies Jean Davideon left dor Galt on Friday where she will spend a month, Amos Gotten has returned from Dakota, after an abeenoo of three months, Mrs. John Hamilton and daughter, Eleanor, are the poste of relatives ]n Seafoeth John Hartley, was in Fordwiob lest week, looping after the Entrust exam. inatione there. Mre. Thos. Gibson, of Sault Ste, Matte, spent a few deem of last week with ber many friends bete. John Bray has sold his gr000ry busineee to Charles Baudereon who will take pos- eeesion next mouth. Mise Mary Sanderson has gone to Hamilton where elle will spend the Sum Ma with her sister, Mre. G. E. Dane. A fresh coat of paint has been added to the Walker Hones during the past week whiob greatly improves the appear. aims. ails, Brawn, of Toronto, is spending a few week et hie home before leaving for Tavietook where he bile parohased a drug buaineoi. F. Sanders spent a few dye in the village last week, settling up his bnefnees affairs, Bo and Mre. Bandere lett for Detroit on Friday. The etrawberry festival ander the auepioee of the Ladies' Aid of the Presby titian ohuroh, owing to diogreeable weather, wag held in the ohuroh base- mont, instead Of. F. V. Dioltson'e lawn, Where a moat enjoyable time was spent. The program was given by Mame. Stew. art, Avteon and Gilroy, of Benaeis, and Miss Spence and 0, Davies, of Ethel. The proceeds emouuted io 920, Deletion DAL—Tho 110th anniversary of Confederated' web celebrated bare 00 Wednesday in royal style. In the forenoon there was a sham ba0tlo under the onmmand of ()apt, Keine, of Gerrie, followed by a closely oonteoted gams of Poet bell between teams representing Wingham and Wroxeter, which resulted in favor of the former by 1 to 0. After .inner Football Marna from Forestville and Belmoro played the former winning by 2 to 0. Highland deeming wag grace• fully done by Mime Mabel MoDenald, of Wingham, with Paper MoDooald of the same town, playing the pipes. .6. Base Ball motah wee played between Brnes01e and Harrtotou and after a oloee scare wag captured by Brneeie by 7 to 6 and an innings t0 apart.. Atbort Paulin was the umpire, Fodowiug is the list of players and score ;— BunmeLm 10 0 BARRIe'roti It 0 Aallautyuo, o 0 0 Bradley, se 1 4 Fnlld, 10..,..... .... 0 3 McQueen, et 0 3 bloLaubblin, 2b. 0 8 Idoaorietr, p 1 3 l3rowu 9b 3 2 Tiiablo,c 1 0 Robinson, rt..,.,, 1 8 J Dowling, Ob 1 3 A Kerr of 1 'd lteevos rr 0 L. Sem It 1 2 Dowling, ib 0 2 Eggleston, se ... 2 2 Nileou tlb 0 4 Ardell, p 0 2 1'1,43114, If 1 2 Totals 7 24 0 27 Barristou ...,,....0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0-0 73rueselo 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 2 *-7 The musio dnriug the day and evening was supplied by the Maaonbee Band of Brussels and was mnob enjoyed. A die. play of fireworks completed day's pro. gram. iiltltcal. J. Caren ie getting along first class and will soon be hearty as ever we hope. The exaureionisee to the Model Farm last Friday from this ee0ti00 say they had a first-alase time. 91r. Militiamen, a otadeut, took ohnrge of the eervioe in the Presbyterian ohuroh here fast Sabbath afternoon. Some from this locality attended the funeral of the late Mre. Henry Buttery Saturday afternoon. She was Mre. J, K. Brown's mother, Miss R, Spence and Charlie Davies attended a Concert in the Presbyterian Church in Wroxeber last Friday evening and witted in the program. Mre. Wm. 8. King and Bleeder Peroy, of Wiogttam, and Mre. T. MoKinoey, of Biuevale, were the gueete of Mre. Jae. Xing for a few days last weelr. The following report shows the stand• ing of the pupils in the senior department of Ethel Public School for the month of Jane. 5th Claes—Examined in Comp., Geog., Read., and Arith. Total 450—E Harald 844 ; L. Simpson 268 ; M. Me Allister 209 ; B. Mason 206. Sr, 4th— Examined in Oomp., Geog., Aritb., Read. Total 450—B. McKee 882 ; M. Elliot 307 ; G. Gill 261 ; W. Badgely 178. Jr. 4th— Examined in Oomp., Geog., Rend., Arith. Total 400—M. Slemmon 336 ; L. Chem. beru 929 ; B. Eokmier 309 ; N. Simpson 281 ; L. Eokrnier 263 ; M. Imlay 261 ; E. Freeman 249 ; E. Wilhee 285 ; Ti Mc- Allister 291 ; E. Coates 290 ; I. Hoggarth 205 ; M. MOAlium 187. Ord Claee—Ex• amiued in Oonip., Geog., Read., Arith. Total 400—P, Bremner 310 ; E. O[oRae 302 ; P. Imlay 297 ; E. Dunbar 281 ; B. Bateman 266 ; G. McKee 267 ; J. Mo• Allam 266, L. Cooper 243 ; G. McAllister 241 ; E. Eakmier 285 1 K. McLeod 280 ; W. Barr 207 ; W. Pearson 188 ; S. Mo. Intoeh 179. 2nd Claes—Examined in Comp., Geoge Spell., Reed„ Arith. Total 800—R. Love 242, L. Straohan 286; 0, Haneald 228 ; V. McLeod 204 ; A, Cooper 199 ; R. Eokmier 196 ; R. Fraser 176 ; C. Davidson 169 ; J. Pearson 147 ; H. Eokmler 126. Guo. DOneoN, Principal, Junior Department — Jr. 2nd Claea— Alvin McKee, Irene Heath, Remaell Wil bee, Roy Gill, Oeleetine Dane, George Badgley, Alvis Fletcher, Joseph Cooper, Elwin Thompson, Allen McAllister, Luella Homy. Port 2nd Class—James Bremner, Moe Barr, Freda Freemen, Vora, MoOall, Wilfrid Eokmier, Florence McCallum, Aubrey Dobson, L'zzie Mo. Intoeh, Robert Thompaon, Merman Fogel, Pearl Maaoe, Senior Part First Claes—Verda Pollard, Annie MoAllioter, Clifford Dunbar, Elwin Dobson, Charlie Davidson, Pam] Gill, Stanley Btraohan, Edmond MoLeod, Rose Coates, Wesley Yeo, Oeoi1 Bakmier, Junior Part First Olase—Noble McKee, Grace Eoktnier, Olive Cooper, Wilfrid Thompson, Ruby Gill, Edith Heath, Norman Addy, Annie Ward, Pearl Bateman. Lane SHANNON, Teacher. MATRIDIONIAL.—From the Grand Forks' (North Dakota) Daily Herald the follow. ing interesting note ie clipped, the bride being a grand daughter of Jae. and Mrs. Laird and a aeioe of Mre. 0. Baynard, of Ethel ;—"On Wednoeday, June 24, at the home of Otte parents of the bride, Hensel, North Dakota, align Ohelia Arm 0trong and Alfred Beetling were united in marriage -in the preemies of to large company of invited guests, The bride le the eldest daughter of S. A. and Mre. Armstrong, who owns a splendid farm just Beet of the village, She has been a resident of this vicinity from ohildhood and numbers se her friends all the reef. dente of the viofbity. The groom le a prosperous former of Jolliette, where he hoe lived fur to number of yoare. The day wag an ideal one for a wedding, and the event was made the ocoaoton of an all day gathering of many friends, who in acme cases had not met before for yaaro, Promptly et noon the company assembled in the parlor, and al the grains! of Mendolesoho'e wedding marsh, played by Mies Myrtle Spading, rose me the quiet Summer air, the young people took their plasm'. beneath a large bell made of (erne and rosea, stattding there while the 001013313 ceremony was oondaat• ed by Ree,'Hooking, pastor of the M. E. dumb at Hensel. Atter the bride and groom had received the oongratnletiono of their Mende the oompany eat down to a sumptuous repast, and the • afternoon was devoted to visiting and jollity, In the evoking the young ooupte ware driven to Giaoeton, and took the trait for Grand Forks. The bride received a. number of beautiful and c00013' preeento, among them being a'ilandeomo gold wntoh . from the loon! Metbodiet aliurmh for whish elle Mee officiated as organist for several years, Among those preeent in Witten to the immedlato family of the bride were Mr, and Mee, Thompson, Mr. and Mre. Husband, Mr. and Mre. Rose, Mr. and Mee. Halliday, Mr, and Mrs, McKenzie, Mr. and Mre. Ault, Mr, and Mrs, Conlin, Mr. and Mr. and Mise McLean, all of Bengal, Mr. and Mre, Sperling and Mims Myrtle Bparling, parent' and sister of groom, of 30110tte, J, A. and Mrs. Herne worth, and H. and Mre, Meeherill, of Gleeetou, Robert and Mrs. Hall, o1 Duvalier, Edward and Mrs. Sperling, of Belle Plaine, Iowa, Mr, and Mte. Dickey and deugbtore, of Grafton, Mre, Laird, of Galt, Oot., and Geo. and Mre. Bernath, of Jolliette, W, P, and Mre. Davies, of Grand Forks. Mr, and Mre, Sperling will remain in Grand Perim a few days the guests of W, P. and Mre. Davies, and will Oben return to Jolliette, where the groom bee a oosy home prepared for the bride's reoeptioa," The relatives and many friends of the bride in this locality, Tux Poem in the number, will be a unit in wishing them to happy, prosper. sue sail on life's ocean. W stti ton. Dr. Binger, of Toronto, i0 Melting with Dr. F. 0. Neal. Mies Ida Smith, of Elms, ie visiting ab W. ed. Smith's. Mre. W. M. Moore and children, of Toronto, aro vieiting relatives in thio looelity, Mre. W. Hoy went to Fowlerville, Mich., on Saturday to attend her father, who io seriously 011, Mrs. James McDonald, who hoe been poorly for some moneho, is mash im• proved in health we ere pleased to state and will soon be convalescent we hope. CARD co' TwANxe.—I wish to express my Mortara thanks to the neighbors and Maude for their kind words and deeds in oonneo0ion with the illness and robes. gnent deoea°e of my wife, It will not be foreotton. J. J. POLLARD. Rev. W. W. Leech and daughter left here on Monday, the former oonolnding hie pastoral duties last Sabbath in the Metbodist ohuroh. He did a fine work bare oonoidering the adveree oiroum• stemma existing before hie arrival over the unsatisfactory removal of Rev. Mr. Oareoallen. Mr. Leeob ie a fine preacher, a good worker and hie stay here will be pleasantly remembered. Next Sabbath Rev. Alfred Andrews will preach the initial sermons of his pastorate on Watton oironit in connection with the Metbndiet church. The Wal. toniano ebonlu feel highly honored as the reverend gentleman was recently Presi• dent of the Manitoba Conference and both he and Mre. Andrews are splendid workers. We welcome them to Walton. He will preach at Providence at 10 30 a. m., Walton at 2 30 and Bethel at 6.30 o'clock on Sabbath. The anneal garden party at the manse OD Tuesday evening was largely attended, and daring the early part of the evening to most enjoyable time was spent and a first -oleos lunobeon partaken of, bat about 9 80 it heavy rain shower pit a atop to the festivities for a 138118013 thus pre- venting the rendering of the program, with the exoeption of the K. O.T. M. Band which played both before and after 1 the Bain in a highly creditable manner. The proceeds, e000rdingly were not eo large 100 uena), amounting to about 980. 030.9,—lb was a very sad surprise to the oommnnity lent Saturday morning to learn that Maggie Brown, beloved wife of Joshua J. Pollard, South of Walton, had passed away Friday evening about 8 o'olook. She was only ill about a week, heart failure being the saves of demise. Mrs. Pollard was a daughter of Wm. Brown, of Blyth, and was married to bar now bereft partner 4 years ago last Feb- ruary. Deemed was 88 years and 2 menthe old. The subject of 011e notioe enjoyed the love and good fellowship of a largo circle of friends welt will greatly regret her sudden demise, The fnneral took plane on Sunday afternoon, Rev. W. W. Leech conducted the eervioe at the house and Rev. John Holmee, of Blyth, of Pointed at the cemetery at that town where interment was made. The pall bearers were Ioaao, Robert and Jno. Brown, Wm. Newcombe, Samuel Code and W. T. Pollard. Wideepread oym• pathy is expressed for Mr. Pollard in the great lose he has sustained in being bereft of hie helpmeet. R'!cirri ta. Hay nutting has oommenoed. Alex. Nichol er. was on the eiok list Met week, Roes Stubbs ie home from a short" trip to Manitoba. Robs. Young and wife visited at Oran - brook this week, Walter Sharp, of Goderiob, was vteit• ing here during the past week. A 991 garden party was hold at Bel. grave on Tburodey evening lent. Rev. A. H. Brown preached hie farewell sermon on Sunday lent at Sunshine. The Orangemen will not walk on the 12111 this year. Do you see the point.? The Council stet on Monday of this week and passed a number of acooants, We were visited by light Amara of rain on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. John MoCrae, of Guelph, was a visitor at his nnole'e, K. MoKonzie'e, this week, Wm. Cunningham, 7th line, hag built a fine new wire fence on the front of hie farm. R, McDonald put it up. A. T. Cole, Bamnl Jordan, Be Martin and W. B, Wilkinson each bad the sir• cuter saw gutting wood Otto peat few deye. Mre. George Natick and daughter, of Teeewater, are visitors at Jame0 fehttrrie'e, 4th line. The senior visitor and Mre. Sherrie nen. are sisters. The new brink reoidonoe of Albert Crooks, 4th line, hag been Cashed along so wail that rho roof is on and plastering of the interior being done, Tuesday of thio week W. R. Mooney arrived home from Sault Ste. Marie, in whish looeliOy he has spent the part few menthe. .He Moire as if it agreed well with him. W. Miobie paid a vigib to hie brother at Heapeler who worke in one of the greeted woollen mine in Canada. Mr, Michie also went to Premien and reports the °rope ao looking poor in Waterloo, Mimeo; Dooket, of Alpena, Mlah„ are visiting with their unola and aunt, Jae, and Mre. Hell, on the GM line, A large number went to Gue'ph on the 20th. The G. 'MR, should have had a a few more amine ae the nolommodat00n was poor. The day was fine. A garden party will be held at Jae, Rnseell'o home on Tuesday evening next week, July 7th. We seieb every one a good time. A good program will be rehdared. Next Babbatb the new paster on the Belgrave olroait, Rev. Mr. Jones, will preach hie iatroduatory dieoonrses, He will be at the Sunshine Cherub Sabbath afternoon, Mre. Donald Currie, 4th line, is home from an extended visit with relatives in Hamilton. She wee aaoompanied by her grand daughter, Carrie Bayne, who will holiday here. The new residence of Albert Howlett, 7th son„ ie well on towards completion and will be a very comfortable sed modern home when flniebed in wbioh we hope Mr. Howlett and family will spend many happy prosperous years. Our hearty congratulations are extend. ed to Mies Marion McKenzie who wee among the enooeeefnl eladeote attending the Normal College at Hamilton. She now holds a protoeoional let elan teach- er's certificate and will no doubt summed well in the profeaeioo of her oboioe. Last Friday evening John Clegg and Jae. Oloakey arrived home from a four weeks' enjoyable trip tbrongh the West, They went as far as Banff and Edmon• ton and met with many former friends while en route. The orop prospects are prennnnoed as firet.olaee. The wire suspension foot bridge being pat tomes the Maitland river by Sherrie Brae., for passenger traffic, is about cora- plated. It le a 132 foot span with wire approach and will be a great oonvenienoe to them and their friends, The ontaome of this bridge is being closely watched and if satisfactory will be worth some. thing to the Page Wire Co. and their agent, R Oloee, of Ethel. Wm, Hodder, of Ohiango, is here. Hie wife has been taking Dare of Mre. S. Hod. der, mother to the former for several months, but the old lady has agreed to go to her son's home eo will hold a stale of her household effects on Friday after noon of thin week. Mre. Hodder is 87 years of age and along with her husband came to Morrie over 40 years ago. Mr. Hodder died 4 years ago at a good old age. Juror WHDDIN°.—The home of Henry and Mra. Oakes, 16th con., Godarioh township, was the scene of a very pretty but quiet wedding, on Wednoedoy even- ing, June 24th, when tbeir eldest dough. ter, Mise Laura F., became the bride of David Bosom, a prosperous young farmer of the same township, formerly of Mor• rie. Wedding Marob was played by Mies Goodwin, of Olinton, amain of the bride. Rev. J. Heiner, of Holmeoville, performed the ceremony in the preeenoe of about 70 intimate friends and relatives. The young couple were unattended. Bride was dressed in white and was given away by her tether. Congratulations over, they retired to the dining room where a choice and enmptao0e sapper was partaken of. The high esteem in whioh the yonng oonple are held was shown by the numerous and useful presents ready. ed. Mr, and Mre. Eaeom will make their home on the Maitland concession, May joy be their's in sailing over the sea of married life, �rere, . Farmers aro at their haying fu some places. Contractors are at work on Reeve Liv• inge0on'e barn this week. Jno. Oreerar, 9th son., spent Sunday with hie friend Aroh. McDonald. Mies Jessie Livingston Sundayed with her Gauein, Mies McDonald, 2nd con. We notice that Alex. Roe, who went to the Soo last Winter, hes returned home, Alex. McKay, 16th sou., who has been laid up for the past 10 weeks, is etii1 quite poorly, Mrs. Robert McKay is vieiting Mre. John Joao, of Grahnmville, South of Brneeele. The appeal drain snit threatened by D. Marsh has been withdrawn we are pleas• ed to bear. Saturday of this week Mre, N, M. Riob ardeou and eon Game leave for their trip to Manitoba. Edward Oampbell, 10th son., hag re. oently planed a new Thomas organ in hie borne purchased from an Attwood dewier. Mre, George McFarlane is holidaying with relntivee at Kincardine. She was a000mpaniod by her sister, Mre, 3. Doig. Mre, Little and eon, of Ingersoll, are %loiters with Wm. and Mre. Ellie, par. ante of the former, who live South of Brussels, The house of R, Bonn, blacksmith, Monorieff, will be veneered with brink in near future, le will be a deoided im• provement. The quarterly review in Bethel Sale bath Boheel will be taken charge of by G. F. Blair, of Brussel'., at 2 80 o'clock, next Sabbath. Wee Annie King, teacher iu Sbine'o oahoot,left for her home at Canfield, Haidimand Oa„ for the Summer vaca- tion last Saturday. We are pleased to taloa that lobe Mo. Naught, of the boundary, who had his leg broken, ie able to walk around, He may still be able to take his oontemplated trip to Manitoba,. The ohuroh pio•nio held on Monday ander the anopioee of Bt. Bridgeta ohuroh, in Connolly's grove, Logan at. treated quite a number from Grey town. ship. There was a program of sports, deeming, dao. It is reported that the proposed branoh of the 0. P. R. between Guelph and Godarioh may run through the Southerly portion of Grey township, We hope the rumor is o0rreot as it would peoee a great oonvenieno0. David Brown and Jas. Henry who were injured at a barn raising et Mr, Davey'e, in Logan, several enacts ago, are improv ing quite nicely. The former is able to get about but Mr. Henry'e knee oop woo broken se he ie shill a prieon00 to the hoose, W. H. KERR, Prop, alorlumererstammumuwaruiswerroi Mies Cameron, teacher in Monorieff ' PLl0lO0NAL f A10AOIO6PIISe galena], has gone to ber home in Kippen for the vacation. Soha01 oloaed on Mon. day. Surveyor Boll, of 8t. Thomas, was ex- amining the Beauohamp Drain Friday of last week. Hie report will be pre. united to the Coonoil, Patrick Blake, 14th oon., oontempla0ee taking a holiday trip through Minnesota, Wteconein, Illinois and other Btatee in visiting relatives and will no doubt spend en enjoyable time. Marshall Harrison end eon Frank, were recently away, vieiting relatives and friends in Ingersoll twenty, The former was laid up with eat in his arm eo took advantage of eoforoed holidays. The Sabbath School pio-nio hold in connection with Bethel Bahool was a very enjoyable affair. A good time was spent. A foot ball match between the 14th and 16tle concessions resulted in a tie, There were also foot ramie for the youngsters. Pio.nio wee held in D. K. Liviageton'e woods. D. Blank, of Algoma, has beau holding prayer meetings in the homes of Hugh Lamont and Wm. Brewer, 7th eon. dur- ing the past month. Mr. Blaok was vie• icing relatives in We vioinity and is en- deavoring to labor faithfully foe hie Monter even while on vacation. Hie many friends appreoiate the interest he has shown. Last Sunday the Quarterly review of S. S. lessons was taken by the following teachers and pupils of Smith's Bonday eohool :—Mre. A, B, Smith, Miss Lanes Cardiff, Reggie Freeman, Mise Kate Lamont, Lyle Riohardeon, Mies Vera Abbey, Mies Lizzie Lamont and John Reid. D. Black, of Algoma, also briefly addreeeed the school, P. MOArthur will occupy the Superintendent's chair der. ing Mre. Riohardsou'o alumnae and Sam.; for a few days. Lamont will teaoh H. W. Avfeon'e Bible George and Harvey Boohtenan are home Mrs, John Thomson ie vieiting at' Seaforth. Mies Maggie Beattie ie visiting with relatives in Wiar0o0, Mrs, Jae. Turnbull is visiting Mre. John Ament at Millbeak, Will. and Mime Mabel Eiayoroft visited Clinton Mende lent Sunday. Miee Mary Oantolou has been on the eiok list during the past week. Master DeWitt Nosing ie bolidaying at hie grandfather's, Trowbridge. Mies Kato Harbottle ie holidaying with her mother and ulster at Wiarton. J. Gordon, of Lnoknow, was in towo. visiting his daughter, Mre. Fletcher. Mise Maggie and John. Bielby, of Mor. Me, were visitors in town on Snnday. Mre. 0. R, Van0t0ne, of Southampton, was vieiting Mre. A. Geed this week, Inspector Robb is at Olintou presiding ata departmental examination thio week. Mrs. Howell, ot Platteville, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. T. Plum, Brumela, Mre. Bholdioe hoe been making a Met with her daughter, Mre. G. R. Muldoon. Mra, Frank Baines, was renewing old friendships in Morrie, Bmtehine local• ft W. D. Conley, of Stratford, was visit. ing under Obe parental roof for Dominion Day. Evelyn Geddes, el Deereit, le vie- iting her Meter, Miee Bardetto Geddes, in town. Alvin Hemphill and Mies L111, of Wroxeter, were selling on Bra00ele friends on Monday. Mre, E. 0. Lowry left Brussels thbt week for Port Huron wbere elm will vieit her daughter. R, G. Mo0raoken, of Walkerton, is enjoying a holiday with Brussels friends olaee during the Summer holidays. SILVER WHDDoNa.—On Thursday even ing of last week Edward Campbell and his good lady celebrated the 26th anniver• eery of their wedding at their home, 10th con., at whioh over one hundred guests assembled from the neighborhood, also from Attwood and Listowel, to extend their congratulations to hoer and hostess. A sumptuous supper was served in Mre. Campbell's well known style in a room gorgeously decorated for the 000a0ion with evergreen, hunting, Hage, &0., The Oahle'e were neatly arranged and loaded down with the beet of the land. While some were eatiefying the wante of the inner man, the aesthetic feelie90 of others were welled forth by piano 001000ione rem dared by Mise Irene Baker in her aeuel excellent way. After enpper was over the company was entertained by the fol- lowing program ;—Solos, Miaeee Maggie, Maud and Jennie Ooghlin, Darcy Greer. oey, J. Hollenbeok and R, M. Ballantyne ; recitation, S. B. Lamont ; instrumental°, R. Ooghlin and Jae. Oogblin. The pre. Rents were numerous and valuable among them being a silver tea set and two easy ohoira, all of whioh chow a mark of high esteem in whittle Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are held. About mid- night the oompany dispersed exoept te number of the young people who tripped the light fantastic till the wi oma' hours of the morning. The genial host and hostess left nothing undone towards the enjoyment of their guests and we hope that they may enjoy many mote happy end prosperous years. Oram.—On Thursday, June 25th, the spirit of Susan Lill, beloved wile of Henry Buttery, llth oon., paid Nature's debt. Elbe had for a long time suffered from rhnematiem whioh she bore patiently, On the Sunday previous to her death she was taken down by a paralytic stroke whish caused leer demise. The subject of this notice was born in Lincolnshire, England 1817. About 60 years ago she was married to her now bereft partner, Henry Battery, and with him Dame to Oanade in 1857, settling in Vaughan Township near Toronto, Alter a few years reoideooe there they began !arming on the lot now owned by Thee. Looking, Grey Township. 21 years ago they took up their abode on lot 20, eon. 11, Grey, where they have eines lived. Mrs. Buttery was a firm ooneietent Olethodiet in religion and will always be remembered by those who knew her to have done what eke could for the Master, Red to have followed the example set by Him. She was of a quiet gentle diopoei• Mon, a good neighbor, a faithful wife and a kind and loving mother. The family are William, of Grey ; Mre. JnO. and Mre. Wm. Snider, Vaughan twp. ; and Mre, Jno. Brown, Ethel. One eon Bard• ley died 27 years ago. Mr. Battery and family have the eympathye of many frieude in their sadden bereavement. In- terment was made at Oranbrook on Sat- urday, Rev, Mr. Ooeene conducting the eervioe. NON -JURY SITTINGS. Last week the non•jnry sittings of the Sigh Court opened at Goderiob, before Chief Justice Faloonbridge (the muoh left one gentleman in the Opposition's dissuasion of the Gamey Oomm]eeion) before the Legislature. The docket was as tollown :—Tiohburn vs. Tichbnrn—Adjourned owing to illneee of one of the defendants. Oonnelt vs. Jewell et al—Action for epeoiflo performance ot contract over purchase of land. Judgment reserved. Miller vs. Miller—Judgment onooneent minutes upholding will of the late An. drew Miller, r. Wroxeter, °abject to oar• Mit modifioatione.. A 13owiok young lady sued the exeou• tore of the Carson estate for a share of property as an adopteddaughter of the labs Mr.. Carson. The judge granted her 9700 and coats, Heys vs. Swartz --Action to 0ompel defendant to account for Certain timber pat on farm on whioh plaintiff held a mortgage.Referred to Local Master, The next oiOtinge of the Coorb will not be held Until Oot, 20, when Judge Britton will be ma the Bonoh, Mre. Gregory Langlois, abone 45 years old, living near Walkorville, made a dego perote attempt to kill herself by smash, Ing her skull with a hammer, Sho will die, for their Bummer holidays from their reapeo0ive eohool, Connoillor and Mre. Vanetone, of Wing. ham, were vieiting in Brneeele on Satur- day and Sunday. Mimeo Eva MoCraoken and Mary Forbes, and Rob. MoOraoken were in Wroxeter on Sunday. Geo. and Mrs. Longmire, of Brandon,. Mao„ were visitors with A, and Mre. MaGnirellaet Monday. Mrs. Andrew Carrie, en. 0f Seafortb, is vieiting with relative's and old friends in Brussels end locality, lilies Hanna and Lather Bell and Mise Peasant and Walter Hall, of Wingham, were in town last Sunday. Magee Vera Ainlay and Pori Backer were holidaying with Mrs. Mo. Intoeh, MoKillop, last week. W. and Mre. Gillespie, of Ripley, spent Dominion Day with Ohms. end Mre. Ritchie, parents of the latter. Mrs. J. A. Creighton, Princess street, was on the eiok 1100 last week but is mash improved now we are pleased to abate. Dr. and Mre. Graham leave for their Western trip on Saturday of this week, which will likely occupy two or three months. Misses Fanny and Florenoe Thomson were vieiting in Kincardine last week. Mina Wilda Berry returned with them for a abort Met. Mre. Harry Rogers and daughter Helen, of Obiongo, are visitors at Bar- rister Sinclair's. Mre. Rogers and Mrs. Sinclair are 0000100. 0. W. and Mre. Covens, of Trowbridge, were viettors at the Methodist Parson- age for a few days. Rev. T. Wesley Oceans be their eon. Oliver Smith, who has been attending Owen Sound Bneinese Oollege, ie home for his vacation. He will return in Sep. tember to complete hie emerge. Jae. Ballantyuoand wife, Misses Mary Roes, Jean MoLauablin and 14Iary Rober. ton were visitors with R. W. and Mre. Matheson atLaoknow on Wednesday. Robb. Beattie has taken a position in a feruiture More in Wiarton, leaving Brae - eels last Friday. He takes with him the best wishes of a large nirole of friends. Mies Jean and Phoebe Govenlook were vioitore with their sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Ocean, while en route from their schools in Brace Co„ to their home at Seafortb. Mise Mary Oliver arrived home on Wednesday teem Thesealoo, Algoma, where Men has been vieiting her sister, Moe. W. A. MoEwen, daring the past month. Mise Maggie Boott has returned to her position in London atter spending a few menthe reonperating ab the home of her sister, Mrs. P. Watson, Queen street, Brussels. S. T. Plum had a very sore time with the carbuncle on hie leg during the past week but his many friends will be glad to bear that he is making favorable progress although still confined to the house. Robs. and Mrs. Bleck, of Wroxeter, passed through town Thursday morning en route to Beaforth to eteend thefteneral of the late Mre. McLennan, mother to Daniel, Mnrdy and Alex. McLennan, formerly of Brneeele. Mrs. Jno, Leckie and three aODO and Mre, D. B. Moore, of town will take ad- vantage of Saturday's moraine' and visit relatives in Manitoba and new Octant, Rainy River, Winnipeg and Moosomiu will be the ebjeotive pomt0. Mre. Thomas Ballantyne, of Brneeele, formerly of Blyth, received a stroke of paralysis Thursday night, Jane 180b,. and has since been M to precarious atata. The left aide of her body is powerless, Her daughter is here wafting on her. Saturday Principal J. H. and Mre. Cameron will leave on a holiday tour with relatives and friends in Mani. soba and the Northwest. They will be absent' for a month or two. We witch them an enjoyable trip. Mrs. Cameron made a visit to the Great West 00 a lot. mer 000001On, Wednesday of this week John Currie end family lett Bruonele for Norbbfield, north Dakota; where blley purpose mak• ing their home, Both Mr. and Mre. Currie have resided fn Obis tonality from their childhood and leave many wabm friends behind them who will be Brea y Vaud to hear of their 0neab0s to the VIIOat,