The Brussels Post, 1903-6-25, Page 8to u That i3 the result when a patch of potatoes is well sprayed with our Paris 'Green. Tt is very disoourag- ' ing after the work is done to find that your time and money has been wasted. Such is very often the case, after using Paris Green. If you get your 25c. Ib. .Green25"3' from us you eau depend on getting it strong and pure. We keep but the one grade and that is the best we could procure. Give it a trial. F. R. SMITH DRIIGGIST AND DISPENSING CHEMIST. OHMS TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTIMBN EXTENSION W, e. & B, Trains leave Braeaela Station, North and South, as follow: GoINa BOVTI1 GOING -Noma, Mali 7:10 6.1:13 I Mixed...,.......10:00 a.m Mixed , 10'00 sem I Mau 1:17 p.m l]xterese 3:38 p,m 1 Express ...... 8:17 p,m rota' °Ito.% Items, A dhiel'a amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. le rains very easy. 1t. Gene= =e shipped a ear of wheat this week. Two oars of baled bay were shipped by Alfred Baeker thio week, ARID crowd is expected on exoureion to Guelph on Friday of this week. Tunes from the East are late almost every day noww for some reason unknown to us. A. CunnIE, botcher, pnrohased a lamb • from P. Amens, tbat dressed 64 pounds. I0 was a dandy. Bnuessrs Base Bell team will play a game with Harriston at Wroxeter en Dominion Day, 0. 0. F. next Tuesday evening, The report of the delegates to High Cooeb is expeoted to be given, Tars week W. F. Stewart & Son for. warded a ear of flour to New York from whiuh point it goes to Sootlend. Tun bay orop on the Agricultural Park ie offered for sale by tender. For parti• milers see advt. or ask President Speir or Seorotary W. H. Kerr. Lose—A gold locket, shape of a three leaf olover, containing six piotnres. Fin• der will be rewarded by leaving it at Mtn Pose Publishing House. A shipment of blankets was made last week by Lookridge Bros., of Bruseele Woolen factory, to a Toronto dealer. They turn out a nice artiole. J. T. Rose has been giving interesting exhibitions of the development of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Oanada's Premier, at bioro er . It is decidedlyoute. 0 g y Is incoming freight tbie week were care ;focal, Dna for W, F. Stewart & Soo and the other for Lookridge Bros. M. M. Cardiff received e. oar of agricultural implements. Toni steel bridge heiog built by the 0o. to Stanley townsbip, near Clinton, is completed Rud aeoepled by Co. Engineer Ansley. The Warden signed an order this week for its meet, $1443. TUE School Arbitration at Gerrie on Wednesday did not sustain the contention of the applionnts in enlarging the Gerrie motion. Arbitration coot $54, Inepe08or Robb woe one of the five arbitrators. Tail three Junior departments of the town publics °oho I closed Titeeday after. . noon to make way for the Entrance Ex- amination and will not reopen until Monday, Sept. 7th. Rural schools aloes next Teasley and open on Monday, Aug. 17th, NETT Wednesday will bo Dominion Day and will be a pnblio holiday. The banks and other bueineee plaoee will be oloeed and the poet office will only be pen from 9 to 10 a. m,, an hoar after arrival of afternoon mail and from 6 to 6 30 o'olook. IINoroniue ABn1vRn.—The new uniforms for the elaooabee Band have come to hand and look vett' natty indeed. They are a dark blue trimmed with blank silk braid. A peak pap with gold chain ooutpietee the outfit. The turnout will be o. It. E. 0. Duntnrd & Son stippled the goods, With a little oars the uniform ehoe1d last a pond while. MA11RIED.—Lost Monday Rev. Dr. Jennings, of Detroit, tied the matrimonial knot between Alton Wheeler, son of John and Mee. Wheeler, of Morrie township, and Mise Beattie Livingston, daughter of Duncan and Mrs. Livingston, of ilia locality.. The young people are residents el the pity of Detroit and are well known to many in title locality wile will be well plo(teed to bear of their mouse. AT the annual election of officers in oonneetioo with St. John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Braesels, the following were ohoaen W.M., J, H. Cameron ; S. W., M, Bleak ; J, W., Jas. Ballautyne ; Sao., John Wright ; Tram., A. Coualey ; Tyler, J Y. 8, Birk, The I. P. M. is Jae, Fox, who was 0hoaen delegate to the Grand Lodge which will meet in Toronto next month, Thetallation of officers took place 4 n'St, Jollities daY1 Wedneeday evening of tbio week. The Lodge has had a ono. oeeefdl year. A car of cheese was ehipped by W. W. Harris to Montreal, Bnmseprs Salt Works shipped 4 care of dairy salt this week and received a oar of rook Balt. MILVEneon vs. Brussels Foot Bali mntoh Friday evening on Victoria Park, Brussels, Go and see it. Goo. BERT forwarded a oar of hags to Oollingwood on Tuesday and A. 0, Dames sent a load to Toronto on Wed needay. SINGLE tare return tiokete on the rail. waye for Dominion Day will be issued. Good going on Tuesday June 30 and to return until July 2nd. Mese LITTLE is clearing the balanoe of her stook of white and colored bat., trimmed and untrimmed, also flowers at greatly reduoed prices daring Jane and July. Tug Odd Fellows' decoration oeremoo. tea were postponed on Tuesday evening owing to the wet weather. Another date will be arranged for in the course of a few weeks. BEAnTIFUL.—Thureday morning Mrs. Peter Bebop, Albert street, very kindly preaented TEE Posx with a beantiful large bognet of pink rosea. Sha says the bush had over 200 flowers on it. Ownve to tbe heavy rain last Saturday afternoon the attrition sale of household furniture, &c., of John Ourrie, Prinoeee street, Braeeeio, was postponed until Bat. nrday afternoon of this week. TUE Band will play et a Walton garden party next Tuesday evening and will supply the music at Wroxeter on Domin- ion Day. They give a vatted and well played program that ie mire to please any organization engaging them. Besse a Volunteer Oo, arrived home from camp at London last Saturday afternoon. J. C. Tack was in charge of the officers' bill of fare and Saml. Smale catered to the wants of the rank and file. The boys are loud in their praises of Captain MoTaegart, Mrroaaooa Foot Ball team will be here on Friday evening to play a friendly meteh with the town seniors. A. fine game is expeoted as the visitors play good ball and will keep their opponents wide awake during its progreee. Game called at 6 30 sharp on Victoria Park, IL.—Last Sabbath morning as Welter Smit in t ar for ohuroh be ho b was await^g service be reoeived a light stroke of paralysis which effected bis left aide. Since then he has been coofioed to bed but is somewhat improved. He is about 76 years of age and hoe been a very native man and his many old friends hope be will soon be able to be about as usual. Bnueems Intermediate foot ball team exposited to play a league gems with either Berlin ar St. George on Dominion Day at which ever point the winners lived, bat up to the time we go to prase there ie no certainty about it se the two teams spoken of have not yet deoided the en- premaoy, We wonder who is to blame for o the dela and if the Exeon tiva isnot a Y trifle negligent in not having the aeries closed ap so es to allow a day or two for proper arrangements ie the finale 7 Tern Atwood Bee says :—Brueeele in. termediate football team played a tie game with Mildmay on the latter's grounds ou Monday. A special train of about 100 pereone was run from Bros. eels to Mildmay. A close and exciting contest was witnessed, the more being 1 to 1, which leavee Brussels one goal ahead on the round and winners in their group. They will then have the bye and will play the wieners of the Berlin Platteville 8t, George group. We with the Braeeele team 5000ees. They have a good team and the citizens of the town support it heartily. Go in and win, Brueeele. SPEABINe. of the Intermediate Foot Ball match between Berlin and Platte- ville the Berlin News Record of Taeeday says :—The Royal football olub le thank. fug it8 luck star that they were fortunate enough to pull out ahead by a goal in their match at Platteville a week ago. If they hadn't, they might not now be in the Intermediate rape, The Platteville club came to Berlin Monday evening and in a pouring rain fall tied our club. Bot thanks to the lead of a goal, the locale win out on the round, They now go up against St. George. If they win tbat round they have a' bard nut to crack in the Brussels eleven which has an an. broken record of victories. But just now the Royals and the football fans generally in town am oongratnlatiag them- selves on having won from Platteville. 1Ner003OR Roils A P1050ENOE9 --What might have been a very serioue aooidenb 000urred at the G. T. R. etatlon at Brampton Sntnrdey evening. As the 4 48 ex.pr555 was nearing the station the ears jnriiped the traok, owing, it ie sail, to an Unlocked twitch. The paseengere were in a abate of exoitement, but as the train was nearingatand0tili no one wee injured. Three care in all were derailed. The auxiliary arrived at 7 o'olook and is a short tittle (floated the trtok. Ioepeotor Robb, of Brussels, 10188 a passenger 011 the train.' Ha Saye there was te geed (leap ditch en either aide ready to receive them if the ears lied toppled over. Train did not crews at Bruseele unlit after 11 p. m, These i00ofdeet5 appear to be on uhneet every day's program, A JUNE WxolnNG,—A very interesting event took plane at the residence of Thomas Buie, John street, Brume's, ou Wadneeday morning, when his yoangest daughter, Mise Minerva, Was united In marriage to Jacob Hollinger. a prdeper_ sae young farmer of the township o Grey. Rev. T. Wesley Coming perform ed the ceremony in the pr8501008 of a few intimate friends and relatives. The young oonple were unattended and stood in a beautiful alcove alarm and emilax. The bride Was handsomely gowned .in blue vnille trimmed with white obiffoa and applique. Her travelling snit was blue Venetian, with bat to match. 'The peasants were numerous and costly. The groom's present 811 the bride was a gold watch and chain sot with meths, After partaking of a wedding breakfast 'Mr. 001 Mee. Hollinger left on the morning train for Toronto and other points amid showers o1 rine and goad Wisbee, May their joys be tnany and their troabias feW, THE 13 CJOS1IL 8 1'OiST �le�opo6lau BANK CAPITAL—Paid 1111 1EBSPRVP U1 rcctOe'e Slav, n. 0. WOMAN, n. A" TOEemENT 0. 0. 1100101/ • • • V30n•P1tit0IDENT O. n. MAss01', Tnae. DRA0;i1AW $1,000.000 i$1.000,000 General Banking bus`nsss transacted. • Farmer's Notes Discounted, Sale Notes bought ar held for collection. 1N VIM SAVINGS BANK—Deposits of $1.00 and upwards reoaivod and interest at She highest Bank rate allowed, from date 01 deposit to date of withdrawal, an the daily balauoe, l0•Partiee bolding important papers, notes, &o., may deposit them In our bank vault for safe keeping—free of o110rge, Prompt and Can'ol'nt Attention, Good Tuents. G. F, BLAIR, Solicitor, A, E. MELL,.ISH, Manager, BRII5817LS, A NEW wire fence has been put up at Brueeele cemetery. Wool, wanted ; edge 14o ; potatoee 76o. Seed oorn for Bale, GEo. E. KING, Wingllam, Boa SALE.—Four ebow mem (2 uprights and 2 flats) 3 tabes and a mangle, M118. Fmoromoit. BAND satohel last in Brussels. Finder will muob oblige by leaving it at Ton Pose Begun WAnxna has had a Dement walk put down from the street to bis residence, Tarnberry street. Juseroa Leaving examinations will open on July 2nd. Brueeele will be one of the centres for writing. Tan implement show room of Eli Moore, Mill street, ie being greatly im. proved by metallic aiding. N, F. Gerry hos the job. R. LEATBEnDALE hes pnrohaeed a well matched span of blaok borne to be need is oonneobion with the uodertakiug de• partment of hie Meioses. F1,Euns PLOWS.—Fermere wishing to buy the best plow made 8hoald oall on John Long, agent. I will also keep pointe at Alt. Basket's °Sloe, As there were only 115 privates in the 38rd Regiment this year at Oamp, the Oo. grant et per lay for each man amounted to $875 instead of the $600 as expeoted. Aux one needing lawn mowers and soiesore sharpened and made to work easy can have same done at T. MoGreg- or'e saw and tool shop, Ml first ;lase work done here on Mill street, Brussels. Fiume of this week is the date of the exoursion to the Model Farm at Guelph. Train leaves Brussels at 7.15 a. m. and will reach Guelph about 10 o'olook and retarning will leave the Royal City by epeoialtrain at 6 80 o'clock. Return fare from Brussels; good for two days, is only $1.15 for adults and 4 prigs for obildren under 12 years, 89 OANDIDATE9.--Wednesday morning the entrance examination in connection with tbie centre opened in Brunelle public school with 39 candidates present, 23 of that number being girls. The sub. jeote taken up were Composition, Geo. graphy, English Grammar and Dictation, Thursday's program called for Arithmetic, Drawing and History and on Friday English Literature, Writing, Physiology. and Temperance will be hue order. In• epeotor Robb is the presiding examiner. MAGISTERIAL—On information sworn to by George Marr. a Tenth of 16 yeare, against Peter Barr, of Morrie, for a blas enoe of $26 for wages, a Magistrates' 0Dart wee bald 1n the U nonoil chamber Monday evening before ReeveWilton, J. Leakie and'W. H. Kerr J. P's. Thre witneeeee were called by the p'aintiff and five for defence, the former swearing that the bargain was by the meth instead of 6 menthe whiob the defendant claimed. Judgment was given for claim, leas Li day's pay for inoompieted term. The Doses were $3.64. Mr. Barr may appeal to the Division Court, Barristers Qin• ;lair and Blair represented the respective partiee. Marc only worked for Barr about 2 months ineteod of the 6 he agreed to, by the contention of the latter, and for this violation Barr had declined to pay op trefoil and also for the oarelesa nese to ;aero r the stook avec which theose hvfo ar, STANDARD BANE.—The Standard Bank of Canada bad a good share of the pros• perity that fell to the lot of the leading Oaoadian °bartered banks in the year 1902.03, and the statement of the remit of its business of the past year, which was presented to the 28811 annual meet. ing of the shareholders was received in a manner that must have been exoeedingiy gratifying to the Directors and the General Manager. The net earnings were large, and, after paying the usual dividends, the Directors were able to add $76,000 to the reserve fund, whiob le now 92 - per cent. of the paid up capital of the bank, while the undivided profile at the close of the year on May 81 last were about doab'e those of the previous year. The note ntroolatioo of the hank is $878,. 060, the total public deposits $10,390,026.- 11, of which $9,218,21220 are bearing interest. The call loans amount to $574,• 128, and the bille discounted and advances current to $8,794,886. The full' report may be read in another column in this issue, Brneaele Breech of thie Bank has been in operation for a number of yeare and is well and favorably regarded. F. E1, Gray is the agent. marks, There are four or five in the team whose namee are most likely to appear in the honor roll berriug accidents in the last shoot. People We Talk About. Mrs, Thos. curry ie at Atwood on a vigil toter sister. Barrister Blair wee in Goderioh Thum day on legal bueiueae,. Miss Kitolien, of Paris, is vielting her amain, Mies Mary Slows Dunn. MoLanobiinsod E. G. Eggleston spent Sanctity in Seaforth. Mies Maggie and R. J. M1Lauohlia visited in Blyth last Ft May. Dr, Long and P. Douglas, pf Blyth, ware vleitore in town on Sunday. H. L. Jaekeon was on the eielt list with an attack of la grippe for a few days this week. - Miss Maggie E. Thompson, ot Wioni• peg, Mau., is visiting at Aaron Lindsay's thio week. W. A. Mettbewe returned to Canning. ton on. Tusedey atter a visit of several days in Bruseele, Mrs. Griffith, who bas been on the siok list for eome time, i0 now improving we are pleared to state. Mies Shannon, teaober at Ethel, spent Saturday and Sunday with- Mies Jean MaLauohlin, Brussels.. eei0eee Edna and Elsie Cooper have been eeriouely ill but we hope they will soon be all right again, S. T. Plum bas been laid ap Ino a day or so from a boil on one of tie limbo located behind the knee. Miesee Timm Gerry and Ethe' Po lib accompanied by Will. Leatherdete spent lash Sabbath in Seafortb, Mies Jennie MOArter ie home from Toronto on'a rearniting holiday. She will return to the Queen Oiby shortly, Robert Buchanan, of Westfield, was a visitor with his brother, Mark Buchanan, while en route to Gerrie to sit ou a wheal arbitration. F. H. Gilroy sang a solo at the even- ing aerviee in 000neotion with the Co. Obrietiad Endeavor convention at Blyth last Friday. Rev. Mr. Tbynne, who has supply ing the Preebyteriao church pulpit at Wroxeter for a.iew weeks, was calling on old friends in Brussels this week. Mae. and Mrs. Ritchie, accompanied by &Ire. Hallook, of Miobigan, paid avisit to friends at Olinton last week before their visitor returned to bar home. Wesley Walker, wife and son, of Wing. ham, were vieitiug G. L. and Mrs. Walker, Alexander street rascals, &Ir.Wa Welker's B last werer a few da parents bare for e y week also. Rev. Mr. Brown and wife, of Belgreve, were vieiting at bbe Parsonage last 1„ri- day, Mrs. Brown's Sabbath School class were photographed the same after000n by Artist Brewer. This week Wm. Martin ie away at Brantford attending the Grand ORME. of the Sons of Scotland as repreeentative of Camp Ben Lomoud, of Brueeele. We venture to affirm that no more enth: si• esti° Sootohman will be in attendaooe. Mre. James MoArter wag galled to Hen• sell on Wednesday to attend the funeral Of her aunt, Mrs. Jae. Murray, who died Monday n000 aged over 7 0 years. Fa t. ers,P takes place Thursday aftornoo1 1. Mr. Murray and a family survive wife and mother. Ray Leppard,of Toronto, grandson of Walter and Mre. Jaokeen; of Brussels, has taken let class honors in the eeaond, piano examivation at the Conservatory at Toronto. He ie only 12 years ot age' bat is a clever boy, Ray also metered two silver medals at the public school games in the foot racing department. Itis said that A, C. Demise, who gave up his p08ition on the 'Poronto market, will take it trip to the Northwest and may take part with a'big ranching come pany as one o! the managers. He would oortamiy fill the bill all right as be has had many years of varied ' experience in stock buying, loading, selling, grazing ttca. We would he sorry to lose Mr. Damee from Beagsele. Tan San Ring Maxine—The third rifle metal: in the league 0erie0 was shot at the local association range on Satur• day last, when the following score; were recorded D. 0. Ross 92 pointe Jae, Bowman - 87 P. Hogg 87 n J T. Rosa . 78 " W. M. Sinclair.....,78 " Gilbert Speir 70 " H. L. Ja000n 74 " Dr,•MaNaugbton .. 58 4" G. F. Blair - 47 „ 3'. Hewitt 86 " Mr. Roes ie not only high man in lhie Match bub has also the satisfaction of having made the highest some in .three ranges that bas ever beep made since the eoeooiation was formed. Hie more at 200 yards Waft 88, at the 500, 28 and at the 600, 31, Mr, Sinolair and Mr. Hewitt are, kept bogy these days explaining how they 'tell down." The farmer stye he felt "tired" that day and the ohanoee are that he did after geeing D. 0.'e eearm. The latter also telt weary and either his eye•eipbt wag defective or the eights on bis rifle were "out" Who next and lard shoot will bo held on thio 27111 after Which o0etiiloateb will be awarded to thoet'who hem token the meoeeSary peroentege of JONI 25 1903 Standard Bank of Canada r1-BTAS7.+TS3E1117 7,670 ASSETS—OYER TRIIITERIN KILLION DOLLARS Deposits 01 one dollar and upwarde reeetvod and interest allow - el in Savinge Banat et highest rate from date of de130810o withdrawal. Interest PATO ON TEE Daily Balance Loams Made, Notes Oaebed, and every a000mmoda• tion afforded the res. poneibie borrower. -vibe FARMEI'S' SALE NO'T'ES Gashed, Oollootatl; or may be left for sato-lteeptue only for whish no chard; is made. This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of- every form of Banking Business. r0 -Every oonvenienoe afforded onstoneers living at a dietaooe. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GRAY, Aaiun!. service three addressee will be given es followe :—"Thanksgiving" by B. Gerry ; "The work to be done" by T. Farrow ; "How to do it", Rev. R. Paul. The Bp - worth League will aim follow in the same tine, Eli Smith 5130011 ng on the topio "Whet bas God done for the young people through Methodism" : and W. II. Salter on "Whet should the young people de in return 7" A Thanksgiving offering of $300 is being asked for by the Trustee Begird, to be taken !bat day, se a proof of the appreciation felt by those who have shared in many benefits. MOM.0:7 Lownx.—In Brussels, on June' 24, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lowry, a eon, M1xosvLL.—lo Ethel, On June 21, to Mr. and Mrs. George M. Mitchell, a daughter, 112A.RRS�Ti- Onn—WEneren.—In Winnipeg, on June 17, by Rev. C. W. Gordon, Mr. Rout. T. Orr, of Stratford, to Mies Nellie Cecelia Webster, emend daughter of Mre. John ,Herron, 458 Balmoral at., Winnipeg; formerly of Brussels. Wnnnonn-Llvlxas1aN.—In Detroit, on anise 22, by Rev, Dr: Jenuinge, Mr. Alton Wheeler, drnggiet, of Detroit, to Mies Bessie Livingston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Livingston. Ro r+INOEB—ENNIB. In Brneaele, on J tine 24th, by Rev. T. Wesley Ooeens, Mr. Jacob Hollinger, of Grey, to Mies Minerva, youngest daurhter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ennio, of Br00eele, WRIGHT —In Turaberry, on Wednesday, June 17th, John Fraooie.. Wrigbt, •can of Frank W. Wright, aged 21 years, 8 moothe, 9 days. ATTGTTOS7 SAT+f7_ Toomox, Joos 30.—Farm, farm stock, implements, &o• Lots 16 and 17, non, 10, Gray. Sete, unreserved, at 12 o'olook. August Fischer, prop. ; F. S. Scott, aao, 011Ullf 10111311,,. Mr, Powell, a student, took ;barge of the melees in St. John's ohuroh loot Sunday in the aboenoe ot the inoumbeat. Rev, Jno. Roes, B A., preaohed at Ethel last Sabbath afternoon for Rev. D. B. MoRae and Rey R. Paul took three services on the Trowbridge oirocit, Last Sunday Rev, Mr, Webb supplied Rev, Mr. Lowe's work at Wfngham. Jamee Jones aooampanied Mr. Webb end sang a solo at the eveuiug eerviae. Com plimentary words were spoken of the services rendered by them. The Miesiopary addreee in Melville ohuroh halt Sabbath evening given by Mtge Roes on tiio experieuoeg elle mat with in her labore in Ohida was- very it teresting and will awaken fresh interest in that field of Missionary toil, Leat Sabbath morning ten members wine welcomed into full connection with Brunetti Methodist ohurmb by the peeler. Hie morning sermon wits on "bops" and the evening theme "The girding of the ship"i and wore well stored with good things. A reoeption sorvine wee also Laid in the League when the namee of a number of yonuig people were added to the roll, It was aonduated by President Salter. RT•OnooENABY.— Next Sabbath the Methodist aburob will 001011 ate the two hndretb anniversary of the birth of its foueder—John Wesley, Rev. lair, Omens will pr0aah a Bicentenary eermOO at 10.• 80 and a epeoial oervioe of music, short Addressee, recitotion5, &on will bo W- onted in re•esnted-in the Sabbath eobool in the atter. noon, In commotion with the Mooing ONE CENIT: A WORD COLUMN. BEnnenlnn Bowe, some in farrow. for sale. .100.1tNOLE12, Lot 29, Oon,6, Grey, Hspfryn P.O. 48.3 OOMr'oaTABLE house for sale or to rent, Mill street, West. Appy to 8505 JOHN BROADF00T. THE PEOPLE'S WANTED.—ONE WHO CAN make pante and vests. Price per job 51.23 and S1,80. JA008 PURIM WY, 40.8. Emerson, Man, CIOIV'IPORTABL E HOUSE AND l } sore -lot for sato in -nth el, Tbere is also u bank stable, fruit trees, &s., on lob. Property in good shape.. JAS. OSBORNE. 10R SALE, CHEAP, BLAOIL 1:. 50001100 chop end teals. Excellent Stand. Apply immediately, IOOX 8, 44.0 - Blybb, ant, a UNG SHORT BULL T N for tele. Eligiblene for raietrail n , For prim, terms and; other particle lata, up - ply to J. D. MaN 1R, Lot 22, Oon, 30, Gley, or Oraubrook P, 80-tf VOUR STRAIGHT SCOTCH Short Horn Bulls, from . imported stook for eale, Also cows and heifers, lm. ported and home bred. 72 Head to seloot from. D. 1311LNE & SON, Maitland Bank Stook Farm, Ethel Ont. 30.01 C. 0. I`. Court Princess Alexandria, No, 24, 0. 0. F„ Brassie mee18 in their Lodge Renal.'B1ak- hill Bloolr on the Sud and last Tuesdays of each mouth, at 8 o'clock. 'Visiting brethren alwaysweloome. eeee. BU1tt808$, 0.11, WALTER SM1TH, It. S. TIiORO' BRED SHORT BORN Le Bulls for Bele. One le 1year old and the other two yopnger. Also several. re Ist• ered Oawa and Ration, Apply to JA73018 SNUB, Lot 8O, 00n. 0, Morrie Twp., or Brus- eele P. O.' 02.10 Painting, Paper. Hanging, tic. The undersigned is prepared to attend to all of dere for Paper Hanging, lialsomining, Glasiug 'and Painting fe a workmanlike m00000 and at reasonable rates. .tarpon• tering oleo attended to. 16103. 001010011118, 41.•8m John 000508, Srueeels: Hay For Sade, TANDEM will be received for the bay crop growing on the tinny 1Braneh Ag1. Park, tip to July 27011, at OP. In. . 1110 highest or any tender not necessarily aemoepbad Ten- derer mems out all. weeds on the Park in eluding Mone, &a, 40-i .A8, B'Pi7 tit, W , 17. B10B1t, President, • Secretary. Public Notice. TARE NOTICE that the Oounoil of the 'Village of 131,1 ssele, in the Ooutty of Ruron, horolly give nobloe that they intend to pro• long the sower on the Wnet gide of Turn- bor'ry Street from the present tormiuns on Flora street Southerly to the southerly side of Thomas street, in the said Village of Brueeele, and to give oonnoobions 00 all 31,013000105 to 305 benefitted by such. Hewer by extabdiu5 laterals to the street "line of auobpropertlee and by patting in eateh bastne to remove the evatee 01 both teethe of the street aid to spay for the met of,the same by epeola1 aeeoseteent on ail proper- ties so tobo benefitted by such extension unless the own ere so to be benefitted on both sides of Turuberry etroet op 150e the 810.001810.0011y pe0ittoh 1050egairetl ,by Seaton 000 Of no bfnniclpnl Aot, Dated thf010th day of Jnoe,1518. P.8,80059 40.2 bibtit of the 'tillage of B'rueee10, OGIMINVISMINIMy BINDER TWINE '7LL 110 sold at the Itingaton Poulton' btary to lermel5 at the following prises nor pound, f, o, b. Eingeton :— Pure Manila, 000 ft. t0 -the lb,........... 10(0. Eini;ston 6peeiN, seem to the 1b,,. sic. in. per 1b, less on ton lots. Terms melt with the order. Allures all comminication0'to the War- den of the Ilingeton peuitantiary,Xiegeton, Ont. Papers inserting thin notice withoot au- thority from the Ring's Priutor will not be paid therefor. 40.2 1. M. PLATT, Rip piton, June 8th, 1900. Warden, A UCTION SALE OF FARM, t9 FA0'M 8300E, 1111LED1BNTe, FDRNI. Tn1B, &o —Mr. F. S. Scott, auctioneer, hes received instruobione from the undersig nod to sell by publlo anstl n at Lon; 10 and 17, Onu.10, Gross on TUESDAY, JUNE 8000, 1908, at 12 o clock, the following valnabio propey.ty, vis.: -1 horse O yeare old, 1 mare 3 veaas old,l 5103057 oars old, 1bone 0yrs. . old 1 oortl year old, 1 aged hone, 1 bored 10 years old, 7 ny oail'ed sows, 2 h0tfrrs yeare cid, Duo suewlpposed fn 0101! ; 4 hailers 2 yeare' old, s yearlrnge, 1 steer 2 yeare old, 1 thoru'•brod Ou'ham bull 17 months 01,1, 0 caivos,1 Yorkshire boar2 yeare old, 1 brood sowwitb. 0 of a litter, 1 sow supposed to be in farrow, 2 ewes, 1 lamb. about 100 hots, 1 Newfoundland dog, 3 p011,1 Massey -Harris binder, 1 McCormick mower, 1 Massey- }larria mower, 1 p puller, 1 land roller, 1 Frost & Wood horse rake, 1 diet harrow, 1 set iron harrows, 1 Doering drill, new, with 12 hoes ; 1 ssuflior now, 1 democrat, 3 plows, 1 Wagon. 2 sets of trucks, 1 hayand stack rack, 2 top boggios one 110W, 2 cutters, 2 pairs bob -sleighs, 11 seta of double Mimosa, 2 seta single harness, 1 fanning milt, 1 grain e,usliet, 1 euttiag hex..1 set scales (2,000 IUs ) hay fork. ropes, pulleys and slings ; 1010ne boat, a quantity of are -wood, a quantity of ]any. chains, shovels and numerous other articles, also all the Household furniture. The farm is known as the Bobort Brown farm, near.Oraubrook, oontaiulne 200 acme, and is one of the best farina in the township of Grey • good his -Odium, orchard, &o„ sad farm is In most oouvaulent location ; if not sold will be rented for this year by auction. Sale without reserve as, the proprietor is giving up farming. Terms—All (sums of 35 and under cash, over that amount 10 wontne credit will be gives on furnishlug approved. lolut notes ; 0 per neut. off for cash on cred- it amounts, Terms for farm made known on day of sale; 70 per cent. of moneyinay stand on mortgage at 4 and 44 per 00nt. 10 S SCOTT, AUG1:1411ISOHER, Auctioneer, Proprietor. Write —..-01.41•.,,. 111,1..,,^-. _ Right It is a 8a010000tion to use stylish mere in your oorreepondeuee and We a satietaatlon that coats nothing extra if you buy your stationery here. Our Moak le constantly renewed and fa always up to date, It inoludes the most abtraotive styles in box and bulk goods ; all the new colors and hunt quality at 100 and 15o per quire Drug Store. 'j"ARM FOR SALE, BEING Si Lots 10 and 17, eon. 1, Groy town- ebin, Huron 00., co otainiu g IOD aoree, There are 00 sores cleared lend balance hardwood bush, principally beech, maple, cherryand aslt;.good timber. There is a bank barn 80a 00 feet, a frame house, good bearing orchard. fences in good repair, 2 wells. &o. Onlyi mile from school and 2 milee from postal:oe. Bre nab of klaitland riven crosses one end of farm supplying abundance of water, Farm le111 seeded down excepting: 10 mares. Poe- 5505ian oro Jau. lot, 1004. with privilege of patting iu Fall wheat. For further portion. tars as to pries, terms, &o., apply to ono, MODONALD, PrOprietor, Wroxeter P.0, 49.4 Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, is the matter of the estate of Joseph Stubbs, late of the Townebip of Morris, in the Ooanty oI Huron, farmer, deceased. Notice le hereby given pursuant to the:Ro- vlsed Statutes of Ontario,1897,ohap,120, sen, 88, that tall ei•editois andothers hoeing ;mime aaalnst .the estate of Johapn Stubbs, late of the Township of Morrie, in the 0nnn- ty of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 381n day of Mal, A. D.1008, at the TO we• ship of Morrie, aforesaid, aro hereby request- ed to semi by post, prelude, or to deliver to James Russell, Sueshlne, or Roes Stubbs, Brussels P.O., the Executors 0f the estate, or to G. F. Blair, of tan Village of Brunets, their Solicitor, on or before the 10th day of July, A. 0.1908, their full mimes, addressee and descriptions, and the full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (If any) held by term. And nobles is further elven that after the Bail last mentio0ed date, the said Executors will proceed to die• tribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled: thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the fluid rxoontors will not be respon- sible for the assetsor any part thereof, so distributed. t0 any person of whom claim notice Snail nob have been received at the time of snob distribution. 0, F. BLAIR, Brume -la, Out., 50.3 Solicitor for Exeantore. Puled at Brussels Jane 23M,11:103. 1 zua. s CI FORS SATURDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY. 1 3 Days of Extraordinary Bargains, commenc- ingSaturday morning, Junee 2.7. ,.-. 440.1, •' 12 pairs Laos Curtains 3 yard() long, regular 65o 12 pairs Pine Lace Curtains 8} yards iong, regular $1 66 Extra wide Vim Curtain Masan, regular 16a per yard Ohoioe patterns in Fanoy Draping, regular 15o Speoial Sale Price 60 45 Special Sale Price 1 25 Speoial Sale Prioe 12 Speoial Sale Prise • 9 Ds ass ituslnsi -Lawns and Gingham's. haus. Choirs patterns fn Fancy Drees Muslim, regular 205 Extra Fine Lawn, 46 10ohes wide, regular 18a Fine White Lawn, 42 biotin wide, regnlar 150 Fanny Glugbams, °holm; patterns, regular 10o • Speoial Sate Price Speoial Sale Pries Special Sale Price. Special Sale Price Boots and Shoes If you will, save money and want comfortable Foot Wear Dome direct to our Shoe Department. Men's Fine Dongot% Bele., sold regular at $2.50 Spemini Bale Pries. Men's Fine Dongola Mee , cold regular tit 32 00 Speoial Sale Prioe Men's Fine 331. Bale„ so'd regular at el 65 Special Sale Pries Womeu's'Pine Dougole (Words, sold regular at $1,65 Speoial Sale Prime Women's Fine Dongole Oxfords., gold regular. at $1 00 Special Sale Prion \Vomen'e Fine Dongola Belo., sold reenter at $175 Special Sale Price Gentlemen's a lttea .tion 161 18i 120 8o 1-90 1 50 1 25 1 20 85 1 85 On Saturday we ppm 2 easels of aSpeoiel Po relies& of climbing, We want you to come in and see them. Perfeot Fitting Suits and Odct Pants for lame money than the cloth alone cost, without speaking of making. They are Bargains I They are Special 1 They are only on sale for the 8 days. • Sutter and Eggs taken as Cash. hk MONEY SAVING SPOT, Garfield House, Brussels. s'