The Brussels Post, 1903-6-25, Page 5JUNE 21S, 1903 T
4itieglwatune,..sess,womor,..., oxamsraarasincenattoot '^'1$.44441Z04.4...*1040.44..ter.U.W.C.."1Z13,14 i64744tOre4V44,14$4,44.
BUSINESS CARDS. 1iiifei*i="41'
ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PE3 MOttO Oracle Work NI
Mutt, P. 03 SCOTT,
Y 1' xseuer of Marriage Licenses, 00.•
Hoe at Grocery, Tuinherry 0troot, ltrussele.
onneronn has several good Farms 100
urtle and to rent, guy terms, in Townehips
of Morris aud Gray, if' S. SO OTT, limpet
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
eeseig.'re-zamx..s, ONT.,
E. Estelle Griffin.
Pupil ot Miss Eva N. Rohlyn, of London.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory exams.
la -NM vieit Bruesels every Tuesday,
Lessons given at the home of W, II, Kerr,
John street.
MONEY TO LOAN AT 4, 4 & 5 Por Cent.
Oftlee over Hareley'n Drug Rezones,
Nov. Sod, 1000 30.5m
Wellington Mutual
Flre insurance Co.,
1111171013L181115D 1800
/neurone° taken on the cad] and premium
note system at current rates. Ilttoro ingot,
ing °Nowhere mil 00 th e und orsig nod Agent
of the Company,
• SIER, wilt sell for better prises, to
better men, in less time anti lege °bargee
than any other Auctioneer lu East Aurae or
he won't charge anything. Detail and orders
oan always be arranged at this Men or by
personal applioation,
The undersigned, who is well acquainted
throughout the most part of the County
and who nae had bueinese with a large air -
ole of farmers 10 and around this Irmality,
begs to inform the community that he bas
taken out an Auotioneer's License for the
County of Huron and offers 510 servicee to
all purposing to bold sales.
THOS. NEWSOAtE,Brussele.
D. ViTARW1011.-
J• Honor flmlnare of 150 Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all die -
eases of domesticated animal e iu a compet-
ent manner. Po.rtinular atentiou paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Moo and Infirmary -Pour doors
North of bridge, Tornborry et., Bruesols.
V .1 Barrister, Solleitor, Conveyamier,
Notary Public), An, OMee-Stewart's Stook
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank,
uftSee over Standard 10050 Solleitor for
Township of Grey, Howlett Mutual and the
Metropolitan Bank. Private and Company
stoney to loan at lowest ratoo,
J. A. 11,41NAUGHTON.
M.55., cal ,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Metlioal
College, Member Clolloge of Physicians and
Surgeons, Ont, tioeuhate of the Royal OM,
l ego of Physioiane and Licentiate at Alid-
wifery,ladinhurgh, tra-Telephoue 100,14,
Residence -Mill street, 13ruesol0.
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Someone of Ontario and kiratolags Honor
Graduate of Toronto Univereity, ()ince
next to Brewer% Photograph Gallery,
and Students may enter
MAlt, IE. Two onnee-Commereial and
ShOrtband. Send for College Journal.
0, A. kieDemill3, A. L. MaINTY1tE,
Preeidont, Secretary,
British. Columbia
,ted Cedar Shingles
North Shore
• Pine and Cedar
• Brussels Planing
Alto Doors and San of all Pat
tern on hand or made to order
et Short Notice,
Eatinuttee Flunighed for all
Rhode of Bnildinge. Workman-
ship and Material Gnarenteocl,
00r Graduates readily noun good
positions beeauee 051 nigh drool() tann-
ing prepares them to render iirntelais
BOW 008, 130018088 10100 want Ant-
oine workers and have no time to
waste upon the otbor kind. Oon-
menu) a 00111180 001111 and be ready for
11/ ventral:110 the Pall, Write for hand -
soma catalogue,
W, J. ELLIOTT, Prinelpal,
t5trtrt ClUL
ins tn.
Frank Metoalf was attending the Huron
eyuod in .London teat weelc.
The annual eicoursicm to the Model
farm at Guelph me held last Saturday.
Frank Mania A. H. jeans and A. E,
BraOwin were oboaeu on the directorate
of West Huron Farmers' Institute.
Blyth month organ band were engaged
to take pert in the public library 0000000
given in Auburn Tenney evening.
T. W. and Aire, Scott and children are
holidaying with Wanda in London town.
ship. They expect to he • absent two
At a meeting •of bneiness men and
eitiviene, Fraulc Metcalf, A, E. Brad win
end Dr. Milne were elected water corn•
minioners for Blytio.
The annual donventi in of the Heron
County Chriutian Endeavor nut Sunday
Sobool Aesooiation wag held in the Blyth
Presbyterian choral; Mountie}, and Fri.
day of Int week.
— —
Po yet vviote
The township Council mei at the .A.I.
bion Hotel on Wednesday of !net week,
Wm Huth hao. prebend the farm be-
longing to Frame Olegg of the 14th um.
Price paid was 55,500.
A, S. Strome has sold hie bush in
Turnberry and what logs be bad cut to
Me. Edwarde, of Belmore.
A carload of cheese was shipped from
this canticle on Monday of Inn week to
Ingersoll. The price remind for the
May oheese wae 10 1/160, nud for the
lira week of June,
The members of the IMethodiet churn
at Newbridge recently presented their
pastor, Rev. D. Rogers with a liberal sup
ply of oats, an not of thoughtful kindness
which is usually appremated.
The anauai meeting of Fordwin Union
Weigh Seale Co. HMS held and the old
ranee The earning of the
nabs for the }ear amounted to 5114.15.
Expenditum : weighmaster, 5007 00 ; print.
Mg, $3 76 ; teetine Butes, 52 75. Dividend
to be paid, 550 58, or 581 per share.
Balance on hand after dividends are all
paid, 5147.
1L,larto ol
J. B. Monte is home from Detroit,
where be hes nocesefully graduated at
the Dental College.
Min Minnie Hay bag returned to town
from New York, where she is taking a
graduating nurse ece trained nuns.
The Bill of tbe town of Li -towel re
eleotrio lighting passed its third reading
in the Ontario Legislature and belt been
amonted to by the Lieut. -Governor,
Mrs. Samuel Tremain received through
the Meal oourte I. 0, F., a oheque for
51,000, being the amount of been fielary
held by her late husband iu the order.
Court Revel Oalc, 0. 0 , and Court
Listowel, I. 0 F , purpose attending a
union service in Main Churn on Bus -
day afternou, June 28th, Rev. C. H.
Buokland, rector, will preen the sermon,
A. Sunday School eau -melon between
Listowel and Elora and intermedias
points will take plan on Satueday, 27th
int., leaving Listowel by the notion
train at 7 52, and returning by the regu
lar train at 518.
About fifteen tidy friends of Mrs. Win,
Alexander, Elena street, met her at bar
reeidenoe on Tuesday evening of last
week and made her a birthday presenta
Hon of a handsome gold wan), eel a mark
of their esteem and good will,
On Wednesday morning ot Mot week
Wm. Speen died at hie resideuce, Slain
street Root. He was taken in a few
weeks ago, and for ten days bad been
sinking, until the end mime. The do-
nned was for many years a prominent
merchant of the town and woo well
known throughout the district. He was
born in Elmire 58 years ago, and had
been a resident of Listowel for over thir.
ty fl•e yeare.
1 -cit cslatiort W.
Bliss Sadie Bandy left to vieit friends
in Theseelon and the "Boo".
Several fer mere report Fell wheat
heeded out void the prospects' for a fine
crop aro good.
Dr. A.• M. Spence, intended a meeting
of the Ontario Medical Aosniatiou in
Toronto last week. .
The W. O. T. II, convention for Brun
County will bo held in Port Elgin on
Mooney end Pridey, June 25 and 23,
Zobn Wood, who has (tarried on a drug
busioesa in Minnow for nearly two yeare.
put, left for Ohioago, where he will
spend some time for the benefit of his
end Hrs. Wen, of Ohioago, are
the guests et Thos. and Kra, Lawrence,
of Luoknow, Mr, Wein Who has been 7,
years in Ching°'has secured a Incretive
/tuition in San Frenoisco aud will leave
in a few weeks for that tiny.
Andrew Hackett, lot 12, con. 11, Ash
field, paned away on Wednesdev atter
noon of lest week at the age of 47 years
and 5 months. Denaeed had only been
ill a few hours with cholera., and hie sod.
den and gad death is a severe shook to
hie many Mende. Ho leaven a wife and
three small nildren.
Tho annual meeting of the W. 0. T. U.
WM held in the (Ntifellowe' hall on Wed.
neeclay afternoon of Inn weep and wae
well attended. The Bobo lute mind
duriug the year 508, which bas been de.
Noted to missionary work in New Ontario,
in buying delionoies for the deli and help.
ing the poor bo ottr Village. Three 'ergs
boxes of clothing and literature have been
eent to Now Ontario, also sixteen gems
of holt to the Girt's Shelter in Toronto.
The Coin has bought and distributed
6,000 pages of literature, also a number
of temperance papers whiell aro placed
in boxes in the inner) non end at the
stetion, They are offering a ptize for the
1'3'101 taking the I 1 1. st mark is ille
Entrance exanilm.t...o Crir,vctioe
and PoylioIQg Fho cilker:• elect Ali
Prep. MrsJ Ite ; 1,, V Pree,,
rilre. L. Bryttu ; eoi V , }ire, 1.
'Johnston ; ()or. ;ha „Ohe. id 51. Ger
den ; Ree,'Seo MI. Stella Treleaven ;
True., Mrs. 11. Hem ; Aget•Trene., Mrs,
"tV Ionsrloos NH .
The briok work rif the noon story of
the Holum Moult hoe been coomp.eted.
Mre (Dr ) 13o11 and son, Beverly, of
Toroblo, are vieiting Winelaim relatives.
The Wingherre band will hale{ fort-
nightly muerte during the Summer
J. Button vie On. have opened out a
etoolc of Boots and Shoes in the Corner
store, Button Binh,
Rev. Jas. Kennedy, of London, who ie
ill at the bun of hie son, Dr. J. P. Km-
nedy, is 1(0(0 improving nieeiy.
The lawn of the Baptist ohureh is
being rained by earth drawn from the
site of 'Thos. Gregory'a proposed new
110. BuJI 11118 purchased the commodious
brick resideime erented last Summer by
F, Johnston, on the corner of Patrick
and Edward etreete.
R -v. 101r. Smith, of Zinoardine, will
preaoh in the Winghain Methodist church,
on Sunday, aline 28001, ho cionnectiou with
the himentenery services,. •
An 000001001 to Toronto and Niegema
Fang will be run over the 0. P. R. ou
Tuesday; July 7th, Bowie.' train loaves
Wingham at 6 85 0. m. Return fare to
:bronco or the Fano is 52000.
The new store hone for the Wooten
Foundry 00. is progressing nioely. It
will be 150 feet long and sixty feet wide.
The basement of eight feet will be of con,
orate, and the euper struoture of corm
gated iron. As 00001 as this is completed
work will begin on the new moulding
Ms op,
On Wednesday evening of inn week a
laree number of 050 15101140 of Rev, 11.
Hobbs gathered lu the churn. The
unmet the large attendance was the
intention of the congregation to presene
Rev. R. Hobbs woh an elegant gold head
ed cane, and Mrs Hobbs with a beauti.
fel upholstered chair, as small tokens of
the esteem in which they are held, and
also of ay/unladen of the work anomp-
lined by the pastor during the past four
yean. Atter the prayer meeting, John
Kerr, chairman, milled upon 110v. T. Hall
to read the tedcirees nuompenying the
tokens of friendship, Mr. Feesant making
the presentation ot the cane to the pastor
and Mrs. W. H. Green the ohnir to Mrs,
Cli we tors.
The telephone lineman are buy at
work Metalling the new telephones und
enlarging the system.
Numerous complaints are made from
dwellers in private residences, and from
merchants, KB to the lateness of the hour
before the eleotrio lights are turned on.
3. Ransford attended the executive
meeting in London on Monday of laat
week and event the rut of the week at.
tending Synod. He ale° attended bio
son's wedding at Belleville on Tuesday.
Tuesday morning of last week as the !
speoial whioh conveyed the I. 0. 0. F,,
exoursioniste borne from Sarnia wae
returuiug to Loudon, it rau into a number
of heron at Kippen, near the pine where
the ,train ran off the switoh sometime
ego, and killed three of therm ..
At a tire whioh occurred in Winnipeg
on Tueeday of Int -week, a brother of
Mrs. Wm. Harland, jr., wee one of the
unfortunate one to suffer therefrom.
Harvey Read ie well known to tinny and
went West some four years ego, and
entered into partnerehip with a Mr.
Clark as manufeaturin,g jewelere.
Rev. Mr. Glazier, of Wiarton, was in
town last week. Mr. Glazier has jest
superannuated after a long and honorable
Benin in the alethodiet miuietry and
intends to make his nuns in Olinton. He
is a native of this notion'hewing been
born on hie fatherei brim, North
of Olinton, in 1837.
Min Clare, Ferguson, who bee been a
1/0000 in -training at 81, Joseph's Hospital,
Landau, for the past 2* years, has sue-
oegefully passed her float examination,
reoeiving her diploma and modal at the
graduating enrolees. She hate 1314 months
J1, 0
11 hid
A fly gum) t ity of Wool
wanted lot which the
Highest Market Price
will be paid.
eePital of 565,000, of which 525,000, is
. balance, 544,00, oo11, be
' • t public In a few Moe. Tile
11.1181 0 00814 under the fairest
u 0 e• • :ley have ardent ter $60,000
01101 I f t oempany'a 01,1.ufu51usee
11000 01/ the booke, and anteaters ere nu
tinnily wiring to find out whet, bey eau
pooe i he r orders.
R. T. ne '1' DIsTitIOT Mooroso -T.he
D.strint oil uf Boron, Royal Tentp•
lare of 'remperenoe, held its conui annual
01000118 10 Gederion on Jane 11. All the
manila of the district were not reposa.
seined, but still a very good representa-
tinn was preeent et the time of opening
and others nine after dinner. A lengthy
AL.. F. 13 AEKFR 11,...y.,euurviicryiti(i,gok LI oion pteontdbeen' t a dot robtill;
time to put in yet, so will not be in the
field no a pre fessional titian till the fleet
of Ile year.
W, J. Holland, eon of Joptbn Holland,
of Goderioh township, who has been a
Hooted and veined employee of the O. P.
R , at Vanooaver, for several years, has
Hovered hie oonneotions with the railway,
and Lase' a titillation ander the Dominion
Government, in the railway mail service.
T.0 ie our gad duty to chronicle the
death of former resident of tovvn, and
a gen of a 'still respected resident of our
midst, v'z David, second son of our
oldest ultimo, James Soott, sr. Thio gad
event took pine in Toronto, at the family
reeidenee, on June 1105, the canoe of
death being Bright's disenee, at the age
./ 50, He wae born et Antrim, Ireland,
and came to this onntry when but a
babe with hie promote.
The 0-10. R. IS sending out 000 00 two
specials daily, with graiu for export via
0. F. Caney has bought out the
anon business of Chas. B. Shaw, and will
conduct it in future.
It ie anderetood the boude Memel by
the town for the organ 'notary loan of
525,000 were sold fast week for 075 per
The tog being built on the island is
ribbed up to her den, and planked near-
ly up to her water line, so there;is prob
ability of a summer launch.
Station Agent Strniton seems to be re.
ginning hie former health so the days go
by, and even now few who did not !mow
it would believe that he recently came
through a long siege of illnese.
P. L. Walton, manager of the Goderiah
Mineral Water Works, happened with an
accident the other day. The explosion
of a bottle ennead a out in the back of the
right hand whin required several stitches
to mend.
Olin Fowler, eon of J. Ades Fowler
has reached home from New Yon. He
bas just oompleted bur years servioe in
the U. B. Navy, and during that period
vieited Booth America, the Weet Indies
and all European and Aeiatio nations
bordering on the Bay of Riney and the
Mediterranean sell.
The Cloneervatory of mane examina-
tions in theory, of the pupils of W. Glenn
Campbell were held in the Temperance
Hall, Godwin, on Thursdey and Friday
of last week, Sheriff Reynolds, bonorary
repreeentetive Torotito Oonservatoty of
Music presiding. The number of pupils
tolwrite was 16. Following are subjects :
I. Primary Rudiments. II, Primary
Harmony. Junior Rudiments, 1V.
Junior Harmony. V. Musical History.
The mile:represented the following pin-
es :--Heneall, Brucefield, Clinton, Len.
(tenon', Blyth, Harlon, Jamestown,
13..Igrave and Goderioh. Tbe piano ex-
aminatione will be held early in July for
Primary junior and Intermediate condi
dates, making a total of 40 pupils 50
Goderioh for Oonservatory Examinatious
as compared with 6, three yeaee ago.
The shareboldece of the Goderioh
Organ Co, held their initial meeting and
after tbe Banal preliminaries, the follow.
ing directors were elected : James Clark,
W. L. Horton, Wm. Prondfoot, Alex,
(tandem and Thos. Elliott, after whioh
Janne Olark wae appointed president, W.
L. Horton yin president, Alex. Elliott,
secretary, and Promitoot ‘a Hays, eoliet
ors. The compauy will start with a
'41PP166tIleSilifjPiti par
j 1 1111ffill
4/4"4•1* .3 '1, -
MOHO „101.L% '11APIP
's 2ress Shoes
must be fashionably correct. Ours are.
These shoes are comfortable because
they fit inside. The outline is handsome and
the shoes are made to keep their shape and
appearance till worn out.
Prices are right for right goods
TITST now we offer the following inducement in Mon'e Patent
0 up-to-date style Dna toe, Goodyear welt, patent colt vamp, great A rIA
leather to wear regektapriee 5450, on gale now at,,....,,., 1...1)‘*c.
tra"We always try to handle reliable aoodg and at tbe olooeet marghte,
Bepairs in Stens promptly done.
("NUB HARNESS DEPARTMENT is booming and why ? Beefing(' the quality
1_,/ and prices nre right, Trunke and Veiling Very Cheap, 1/aetere, Lap lidgei
cad , at leaven pilau.
1IAL/4-.Two comfoebble dwelling bailees.
• Xehe RIrtou,a, 1Et.
temperance) oandidate the field for the
next election. Blau}, suggestions on tide
matter were given which will no doubt
bo used to advantage at our next semi.
annual meeting. A few such men, who
have become noted for their zeal in the
work in years pan, would, if elected,
hold the balance of the power, and their
infitienee would tell for good in the Hone
and for our Previa/ie. The order has
contained leases during the past year,
but one new onnoil bag been orgemized
Dungannon with a membership of twen•
ty.nine, and we are encouraged to believe
that the 10,000 mark set for Ontario for
1903 will be realized before the close of
year. The searenry was instructed to
forward to the members for South, West
and Ent Huron au expression of our
appreciation of the Bawd they took in
the vote taken on the bill for prohibition
of the sale and importation of cigarettes.
A. mammoth union picnic was arranged
for to be held at Bayfield on July let for
all Tensplare and their friends of Herron
&stria. Some of the officers of the
Grand Oonnoil of Ontario will be expeet-
ed to give addressee. 'This plan was
adopted by some of oar Eastern distrion
last Summer and wee productive of
great good to our order. Much credit ie
due the ludiee of Goderioh Connell for
the way in whin the repreeentatives
were entertained and grateful thanks is
offered them who so kiodly opened their
homes to visiting membere, Invitations
were received by the Council from Exeter
and Seaforth, for their next meeting, in
January' 1904. A. ballot wae taken which
malted in favor of Seaforth, that place
being meet °entre'.
120 Helene were sold at the depot here
to parties taking in the °irons at London.
Arrangements are being made 'for a
Masonic exoureion to Kineerdine on or
about Auguet fith.
W. L. Talbot, who recently disported of
his stook of fauoy goods and aonfection•
ery to John Oharlton, has purohased
are. J. L. Smith's stook of similar goods
in Seaforth.
Rev. 0. W. Sanders, B. A , who re-
cently completed hie last term at Huron
°college, London, with remarkable semen
has been appointed rector of the parish at
Port Rowan,
Blies Ella Rolling, after a pleasant
visit with friends in towo, returned to
her home in Detroit. She was 500051'
roomier' by her mann, Mise Pearl Rollins,
who stint a few days in the city, return-
ing home accompanied by Belies Ruth
Two of the beet known and most pnpu
lat and nemesia' Banking firma in West-
ern Outerio have disposed of their ban.
nese to the Sovereign Bank of Canada.
We refer to Messrs. Maoarthur & Co., of
Hansen, and Snell & 00 , of Dashwood
and Zurich. This is certainly on admit.
able move for the Sovereign Bank and
pee to prove that this institution is thor•
onghly wide awake. John Mannio,
Henry Arnold and Joseph Snell have on.
tared the Garvin of the Sovereign Bauk
as mangers at their various localities.
The following from the St, Oatharines
Evening Journal has reference to a for.
met Exeter boy son ot lOIre. J. Sweet,
Huron street, whin epeaks much for hie
popularity among the members of hie
chosen profession : "The many friends
of Ald. Sweet, one of the leading druggists
in our oily, will be pleased to know that
he has again been elected by nolaniation
as the member, for this district, oom.
prising Lincoln, Wentworth and Welland
empties, ou the Pharmaceutical Counoil
of this Provinee.
E. 40 D. Illoyelee just arrivecilble
week, will sell them at very Mose
figures for the next) 30 days. The
Ladies' wheel is a beauty. Call
end see them. I expect to double
the sales of them this year. I
have also Berlina, Reclaim and
Hyelope whioh I will Fell at a
The Best all around
Family NewsPetter.
An exponent of applied Christianity; In.
dependent in Polities. Has something ot
intermit for ovary member of the honsehold,
Perot and Garden Department
Children's Depute:nut;
flosentine Depertannt 1
Spirit of the Press, Me., Ete.
Men WiTnints aud Tun Poo T combined,
only 91 51 a year.
A Sixteen -page Weedy Fatter,
Solely Ateligions Ole Character.
No Nowa ; No Polities, Moan ; Putter ;
Sunday Sehool I.0000nj Christian Entleaver
and Doworth Longue Topton; Mothers" Soh,
bath Attu -eon with the Children ; Mineel-
lateens Religious matter.
The SannAni Denman end Tun Ponm
combined, only 9135 a year,
Tho0001087108.8..013020/1 101.1.5580 and TIM
Post, eouthined, only al 0015 year,
These three papers combined rteiorel a
liberal home odueatiou,
The Post, Brustels.
Mile week we reeelved 14 oaees of Boots and
Shoes which pate our stook of Footwear in geed
ahem We are doing a large trade in thio line,
We find a growing demand for a better quality
of Boote and Shoes and to meet the demand
we have ideated up with high -ohne goods from
the well.known factories of J. D. Xing &
John,fderherson & 0o, and the Peerlese for men,
women and ohildren, We 101B0 merry a large
Stook of Pluton Sboes at lower patio. Below
We mention a few line whin will give yon
feint idea of the stook we earry 1 -
Men's Fine Dongola Shoes, in all eines, at 51.50, 51.75 and 52. Menai Box
Calf and Fine Dangola Shoes, J. D. King & Co's. make, extension mile,
Goodyear welt, in patent leather, one/zoned and plain, at 58 20, 52 80,
58 and 53 50, Men'e Heavy Plow Shoee at 80o, 51, 5185 and 5160.
'Bone Standard Sohool Shoes, $1, $3. 25 and 51.50. Ladiee' Dongola
Shoes, in all Floes, at 51 25, 51,50 end 52, Ladies' Fine Dongola and
Viol Rid Shoes, extension sole, Freon heel, Goodyear welt, at 52.50, 53
and 511 50. Women's Pebbled and Glove Grained Shoes, for everyday
wear, good value at 51,25, for $1. Ladiee' Oxfords, in Angola and
patent loather, in all eine, at 51, 5126, 51.50, 52 and 52 50. Women's
Low Shoeg, laced, a, great snap at 500. Young Men's Athletic, filmes,
made of strong union, with rubber melee, regular prioe 65o, for 600.
Misses' and Obildren'e Shoeo, Oxfords and Slippere, in great variety at
all prices.
McKinnon & Co., Blyth.
Brussels Woollen. Factory
and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines
and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur-
chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods.
We have in stock a large assortment of-
-All -wool Blankets,
— White and Gray Sheetings,
—Plain Flannels,
— Checked Flannels,
—Fancy Shirtings,
— Ladies' Wool Dress Goods,
—Light and Heavy Tweeds,
—Underwear for Men and Boys,
—Men's and Boys' Stockings,
—Ladies' and Children's "
— Boys' Sweaters,
— Yarns, all kinds and colors.
are here and this means that Canned Goods and
such Delicacies will be in big demand, such as
Canned Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Lobster, Salmon,
Smelts, Shrimps, Haddie, Kippered Herring,
Sardines, Lunch Bacon, Pork and Beans, Fresh
Herrings, Sr.c.
Fresh Fruits of all kinds.
All Goods in our Grocery Depart-
ment are New and Olean.
Must be Sold this Season.
The Finest
line to be seen
in any town
• Carriages
in Ontario
will be found
Ewan & Co.'s ItVareroom.s
—We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best 1Vtatufac-
tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs.
—You can save money by examining our stook before purchasing.
—Satisfaction assured. Prices right.
EWA & 00., REussnLs.