HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-6-25, Page 4Vost. TTIURSMI , JUNE 18, 1808. An.gliaan 8. 8. Convention. The internam at the weather ou Thoraday 4th inet , did nut have the lent effect on the samosa of the /Huron Ang• limn Sunny eohool convention, which was held in (Minton that day. The pro. gram for the day orannsenoed at 10,30 a, na, when the gammen ot the Lord's Slipper WAS administered by the reciter, „ Rev. O. la Callao, and Rev. W. Lowe, of Winghatta to over fifty delegates, Tbe full gommunion aboral service WAS rim. dared by the ohoir. it the °lose of tbie none an adjmen• ment was made to the Sunday eohool room to listen to the addrees of welcome from their president', the rooter of the parish, Mr. Gunne. The urinates of last. year's rooting held et Godarioh were read by the county reoording eeoretary, Frank Sliore, of Wingham, and adopted. The recesivingof reports from the Sun. day snooks of the county was the next order of bueiness, and it was very gratify. ing to learn that ao many were beard from. Those sending reports were Rev, Gold. • berg,.Duugannon ; Rev. Webb, Brussels ; Rev. J. Edroutide, Blyth, Meneheater, • Belgrave •, Rev. C. R. Gunne, Clinton ; Rev. W. Lowe, Wingbam ; Rev. W. J, Doberty, Hensel! and State Rev. Per. bins, Exeter ; Rev. M. Turnbull, Gods. riob ; Rural dean Hodgine, aforth; Rev. T. Wright, Holmeaville, Middleton's Summerhill; Rev. E. 0. Jennings, Bay- field, Goshen, Varna. Of the eighteen schools reporting, only two were not self eupporting, and they only to tbe extent of $11.13 ; another re. ported but seven children in the parish end all too young to [Mend. There is but one school in the connty aloud dor. lug the Winter menthe though many of the 'Ionian have to come a long way to their sobools in rural dietelots. Total number of teachers and officers registered 118, 410 boys as aoholars, 527 girls, own. bned totals of teas:here, offerers and anolare iu the county, including 62 of a bible cans at Goderiob, 1,125. Total amount raised for missionary purposes in • the county by the Sunday schools, $121.. 48 ; total for all purposes in aonneotion with Sunday schools, $764 80. The sing- • ing of the 'Doxology brought the morning 8000100 10 It. olon. As many of the sehoote had not for- warded their delegates' names, there was a little mansion in getting them billeted but this trying position was ably looked after by Mrs. Phillips, and Wise Ohallie McNaughton. A few took refuge at our hotels, but these lead been notified not to swept payment from anyone attending tied oonveution. On reassembliog at 2 o'alook the S. S. room bad all it multi do to aucomMO date the vieitors and the increased number • of delegates who bad acme in by train and rig after dinner. Rev. Mr. Goldberg was the first on the • program and he gave an excellent paper on "Sunday school work, its basis' and ultimata aim." This paper contained many good pointe, and we feel confident that every Sunday eahool would be im- proved by the reading of this paper by its workers, esp.-01411y those in authority. Mips Connolly, wbo led in the discussion on this paper, very nobly did her part, in a style that was an honor to her sex. This lady approved of wbat Mr. Goldberg had said, bat bubbling over hereelf with that Christian smith, more impressively e amped on her bearers the teethe that were oontained in Mr. Goldberg's paper. The emend paper was that on "Church attendance", or more pritotioally speak. iug what has pron.]. d the ohangesnotice• able in church attendonoe of today. This paper was given by John Rangier& It is eaid that this paper kept some of our clergy away, as some preferred not to enter the discussion which it was liable to arouse. Of moue, Par. Reneford to a greater or less extent laid the onus of poor church attendants oa the ministers, who, he eaid, instead of preaching the gospel of old, tried to keep pass with the times, in the so called modern preaching, hereby anteing tbeir congregations to beve less anxiety for tbeir soul's welfare. In opening the dieonssiou upon Mr. Raneford's paper the Rev. Mr. Gonna soid :hat it was well to know what views were held by others with raniroh atten• derma, and tbat therefore Dir. Ransford's paper was valuable. Besides it showed a certain lay view of tba question whioh le worth at lent the respectful attention of the clergy. He thought Mr. Ransford's o statistios were misleading, and a similar argument might amount for the reduced population of (Itioton itself during the lest decade. Mr. Gunne then proceeded to show how illogical, unsoriptural, and blundering Par, Ransford's argument was. The oart was put bdfore the horse, If there was any fetes in the argument that the power of preaching had declined, suoh declension was not the muse of om dein living" but the afoot. Tbe rub and push and burry of the age made toe people today impatient of anything tedious and they believed religion bodkin and sermons terlion, while the thought of giving (Sod Elie dos couflicted with all their notions of Maury, comfort and Helfishene. Rustiness', merchandise and Lome affeotions were still the exonses we most frequently hear. Every encourage- ment to mane was extended. Mr. Jenkins, of Patron, followed Mr. Gunn in the discussion, and though ad• mittipg a great deal of truth in Mr.Ranta ford's paper, thought he had not gone far enough in stating the duties of the Otitis. tioti people of today, and not alone the *obligee, Rev, M. Turnbull, of Goderiah, atm spoke, and asked it it was true what Mr. Ransford had stated in his paper. He did not oonsider there was anything in It at all. Many others spoke, bot ae • spate le linaited we °snot comment on them here, exoept to 'say OM we are pleased that Mr. Raeford bad the eon - age to timid° this marsh (headed subject, wbisb ie one that is worrying most of oat Christian ministers of today, to lsnow how bo Oombal, end to attraet their err. ing ones bulk to the fold. T. W. Soott, next read an excellent paper on .the eleaperintenden6 and bis work," and found no objeations 10 his remarks at the alone, bat words of praises. The-topin that were appended on the program for disonsion 11 time permitted, • were all taken Op but that Of "The re. Imam of the church to other religion bodies" by Ree. 13. 0. Jenninge, whowas aveidebly abtletitt The growing fooling for more mansion- T at 13 P. LI 8 S PUk T Ju btr; 18 1903 adaaleal-adaa.Ta.ata arasa-aataaa"a'^4.."""a'attaraa"'"*.aa'aaa"aaaaaaweeawaead .a?aaa"''''''''''''''''ewalaaa-"awaaaol'aaoeaadda-a-aaatatae telyeadaa-aaaa-aastasseasdoda-a ao-stater-drearaleadedasedetabeoaa., .,aadeeallattaa a-. _ ary menifeetabions in church and Sunny whoa work, Wee ably set forth M. the dIsonsion of the topic "The Miesionary moiety .and minion work," A mission. ary somety should exist in eouneetion with every ohuroh. Mr, Edmunds gave a nice little ad. dress on 'The ollaracter of the Sunday eohool library," setting forth the ohm of rending be would plane therein. For an old-time eubjeot, and one whioh is oonetautly beeped ou, that of "How to retaiu the older boys in the Sunday eabool," wee newly and ably bandied by Rev. J. M. Perkins, of Exeter. He had four oardinal points, wbioh gave a wide range for thought :-Iet, Lack of adult members in the Sunday school; aud, Not knowing the boye eufficarntly well; 3rdaGeneral management, mob as puno tonlity, regularity, eto. ; sista Look of definite tenobing. The next order of business was the election of oftioere, and these rentolu the tame, with two exoentions, that of Mrs. 0.11. Gunne ae vats Preeideut, instead of Airs. M. Turnbull, and knee Keine, of Gerrie, corresponding Secretary, who mem the plan of Mre, W. fa Phillip. The next meeting will be held at Goo - Ole in June of next year. As this nand the bueiness of the Sunday school department, adjaurnment took place on the pronouncing of the benediction by the Mairman. A meeting of the Deanery chapter was called, bot owing to the abeenoe of the rural dean at the Loudon oatop, as be is chaplain. to the 33rd regiment, this meet. ing went by default and no business was done, as did also that of the W. A. M. A. In Lite tannin divine service was held at 7 80. The offiaiating ministers were Rev. AL Turnbull, of GoJerioh, aud Par. Gunee. The latter gentleman took the service and Mr. Turnbull delivered the sermon. The choir was ons in full form and was assisted by JohoReneford, Wm Jenkins, of Petrolea, and W. A. N. Olnff, of Goderiob. Some choice masks was rendered. Miss Maud MoNaughton, in a riob, sweet vein., took the solo obligate part in the anthem, whiob was song with effect. The address of Mr. Turnbull was based on the text,"Bring op a child in the way he should go and wben he is old he will not depart from it." Hie remarks were very appropriate and helpful, otos lug as it did a day of thought in that line. He said there was a command in the text, a direction and a promise, and if closely adhered to would mean a bright future for any child, and eventually a bright crown of life in the world to aome. Thus ended one of the best oonventione in many years, of the Hann 0 %moiety, • MISFIT ER GROGAN Describes the Rene. "I have a presintmint," says Mary Ellen last Tsoeda tannin'. dropped th' • dish cloth tree toimee in sumissiou this mornin' an' I know eomet'ing's goin t' happin," she says. oI wnddn't vender,' I sole. "It ginerally does. Dieh cloth or iso din cloth, somet'iog's bound to happin, Somet'ing's got into th' iv bap peniu', an' it'll niver git over it." Jis thin there was a noise at the dere, an whin we 'eked out bere was Mary Ellen's brother, John Doolin, from th' townehip iv Grey, ata all hie family in a big dim- myorat an' another buggy wid a ono chap an, twar earls packed iu it. oWnat did I tell yez?" eaye Mary Ellen. "Thur. teen iv them widont months' th' dog I Sufferin' Moses I hotviver will we manage to fade that bunob 1 Sufferin' Moses I don't I wioh I'd hang on to that dish cloth I" "Don't 'swear, Mary Enna' I aeys ; "kape yer Simper. Well manage to shtoff shim eomehow. A. roast uv bath wud be too sudden a neon for thim, so I'll slip over to Collie's an' gib a lot iv pork shanks. There's a lot iv good ohewin in a pork shank." Thin we wint oat an' reoaved thim woe open arrows. John ien't what ye moight call it bloody relation iv moine ; an,he isn't a full- b'ooded relation iv Mary Ellen's either. Ye see, 'twee this way : Ataxy Enn's father,. mid Pether Doolin, was married two totmes. Mary Ellen was tb, product iv th' Meet marriage, an' John was wan iv th' reunite iv thsioond alloiance. So they're what ye moight sall half-brothers. John had hard look wid his family. He had noine gads, en' not wan iv shim was a bye. 'His mildest gurl, Jane Ellen (he was named partly after Mary Eiletr) was married a oouple iv wakes ago to a young chap iv th' name iv O'Grady - Mickey O'Grady, an' they haveu't got over the spoon favor yit. It's "Miakey dear" thie an' "Miokey dear" that, an' oJaney Ellen mate wan," here, an' "Jana, Ellen me pit" there, till both me an' Mary Ellen loot our appytoites, an' tnebby it was jist as well, fur we didn't have any to much to ate in th' bone. John brought his own hay an' oats wid him, en' he shtabled his horses in Jimmy Diok's abed beoa'ee be eaid he didn't want to throuble th' hostler on a buoy day. John is always aonsitherate iv others, so he ie. Carney an' his misuse an' th' twine an' two iv bits daughters joined in wid ns whin we ehtarted for th' race tbraak. John didn't bring his miens wid him beesanse be seed he had to lave some wan et home to milk th' crows an' scare th' ahramps away, Me an' Clancy an' John heeded tis; parade, an' I don't eupposse there wee lukin' or betther dressed bunch on Ha' gran' ebtand that day. Jetta wnd Ink betther an he'd writ wearin' his pante ineoide iv bis boots. That etoyle is ell roight enough whin ye're diggin' a diteh, but it seems out iv plan on a oemint eoidewalk. It is oushtomary fur th' paper's whin reportin' th' rause to give a full description iv th' ooshtoome iv th' ladies in th' grand ebtand, an' 0 don't Vitals it wad be out iv place fur me to do th' same. Mary Min wore th' same dries she al. ways wens on ehtsite onasions. I'll say this fur Mary Ellen -she's not bard on her clothes, I dinnaw how 1010 04 have got along av Pd married some wimmen. Mrs. Olney had on th' grace printene ehe wore at th' ranee two years ago. It don't Ink bad yit, but its a bit [toyed around the mast, Mina Cerulean Zane Clancy was viry be. miming!), defined in a oratne muslin mu. vas wid a short weight iv HOMO otber {spina iv shbuff an' all th' loikee iv that, Mine Tiny Lily Lultt Clancy Inked Attain' its a Yellen chatelaine eiturt wid two rows iv rid tape round th' bottom es' two more round tie aleevee. I don't be - lave in so mush rid tape, aven itt eon. niotion stria th' rums. Mae. O'Grady (hur that was Jane Palen Deaths) wore th' driest she was married In. 0 Sat fnrgit what kolnd iv elituit it was compassed av, bat it lend rale noin et'Carey. Jiet where the oiroatubintli. bus mutilate arid th' dingarneritep eba wore two rows iv rale Benetton lam. I know it was Brussels tom beee'se she ton d OW elm bought It in Brun's, Mise Skiable Ann Cowin lend (berm, in' in a plain blue Paulo an' a pink saint waist. An' what in bre o alje want? Mis etoripoaa Wove a Wiley pale blue pause)! ote a pair iv lewaseeked ehoea. Min Kathlon D ,,110 ware a bandeouse crepe de measles Whitt bald a betties) to match, Kathleesaa no dotal. Mint Petherina Doolln (Tabu named bur Pethorina nailer his father, cold Pother, beoa'ee he nye up all hone iv iver havin' a bye) wore o rid dimity Mei wboite poker dote here an, there Th' riot la Lite gain wore wan aing au' some another, Th' ram. tour Mut-rate. G1100AN, Grey Cou.neil Meeting, The Commit met pursaant to adjourn.* ment in the Township Hall, Ethel, on Monday June lath, et 10 a. no., the Reeve in the ohair and other members preeout. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Whiten Evaus withdrew his appeal on hie assessment car the Hawse Drain By-law. On motion of Work and Tombola Bylaw No, 203 was rend and !Molly mowed. Moved by Turnbull, sea• onded by Work that the assessment on the Lamont dream Bylaw as amended at the Court of Revision be finally pseud. Oar- ried. On motion of Fraser and Grant By -low No. 201 was read a third time and finally paesed, Moved by Grant, smonti• ed by Fraser that Henry Alank be en• gaged az $2 a day while repaititig the fol lowing badges ; Bridge at lot 7, con. 2; bridge at lot 5, con 2 ; bridge at lot 4, oon. 12 ; bridge at lot 1,5, aou 11. Oar - lied.. William Bryane made application for aid to Lad wire fence opposite lot N. a, 30, on 5, on Gravel road North of Brussels. •0 motion of Turnbull and Fraser, Mr. Bryan was allowed 10 ciente per rod, On motion of Grand and Fuss- er the following accounts were ordered to be stale :- William Riley, gravelling opposite lot 1, on. 6, $20 00 George Kerr, gravel 14 16 Neil 151. Richardson, team on grad er 9 00 W. Lindsay, team ou grader 0 00 James Lindsay, 2 days removing stones out of road of grader 8.75 1, 2 50 Andrew 51aKee, tenni on grader8 00 John Smith, working grader, 12 25 John Mitchell, team on grarier,21 00 Robert Lowe, team on grader, 16 00 Robert Bell, baleen pay for work- ing grader 50 Oliphant Smitb, team on grader,3 00 Arthur Smith, team on grader,8 00 Trueman Smith, team on grader," 3 00 Samuel Dunn, .grave, 19 40 Henry Armstrong tile and ditch ou Bdy, Howiok and Grey, Grey's ohne, 2 50 John L. MoEee, olearing roadway on Elowiok and Grey Bdy, Grey'a share, .. 1 00 W. M. Flutchineonateam on grader, 3 00 Robert Blair, team on grader, 3 00 John W. Rose, gravel, 6 60 James Houston, shovelling gravel, 10 00 Guhr & Fogel on contract 14th oon. drain p•r Engineer's certificateGO 00 Donald Campbell, aid to wire fence Side road 8, con. 16, 23 60 Samuel Shine, gravel .. 6 60 Angus Shaw, shovelling gravel,.... 3 50 Marla Cleaver, gravel, 4 64 Thomas Williamson, farm badge 14tb con drain 10 00 Wiliam Malley, team on grader, 6 80 William McKay, repairing (avert lot 35, sou. 14, 1 25 Joseph Redmond, removing stump, drawing gravel, lot 30, eon. 16,2 00 Joseph Redmond, gravelliug on Bdy, Grey aud Elmo, con. 16, Grey's share 20 00 Joseph Redmond, shovelling gravel 4 00 William Janata gravel, ...... 4 00 John Ansley, examin bridges,5 00 Henry Al000k, fihliog washout and repairieg culvert lot 10, ann. 14, 2 00 Samuel Eleinsobroth, team on grader, 8 00 On motion of Frani: and Tomball. Omni' adjourned to meet on Monday, July 18th, at 10 s. m. at Township Hall, Ethel, JOHN MOINTOBEI, Clerk. aseatw(araft. J. A. Tomball is building a clement silo, 14x32i feet. Mrs. (Dr.) 75. 70. Harvey, of Norwich, ie visitink at the residence of Mrs, M, Harvey, 10.h non. • Mre. Morrison, mother of Alex. Werra eon, implement agent, is lying seriously ill at the home of a relative in Seaforth. Alex. Cameron was 10 Hamilton as delegate from the local lodge of 0. 0, F. to the Grand Lodge, %Wale met in that city. John and Charles Vallance have finish- ed their oontraot of gravelling between Newry and Atwood and'bas done their work epleodidly. J. G. Robertson bas torn down the small frame building to the South of millinery shop and will move the building ea present text to A. Berleas brick etore, over against the millinery shop. He will then sell the lot eeparate or with all the buildinos. The Committee in oharge of the pro- gram for the let of July oelebration re. port progreee. The day's fun will begin at 1 p. no. with a oalithumpian precaution led by a band. Three football teams, viz,, Monkton, Atwood and 12th line, will compete for a prize. There will be foot rases, jumping oonteste, boot raoe, bronobo redo and jockey ran, Miss Myrtle Ferguson has been np. pointed butcher of the junior department of our public ethoel and will begin her duties after the Summer bolidaye, ttlloe Marie Thompson, wbo so kindly acted as substitute to Miest Meredith, did not de. sire to continue teaching and so the true. tees advertised for a teacher and Min Ferguson was the Moiee out of forty applieante. Tbe salary will be $250 a year. Atwood Omni!, No. 62, of the Royal Tempters, met on Tuesday night of last week for the purpose of Meeting now officers for the next year. The following staff of o8loere was (sleeted :-Mrs. Kidd, Select Councillor, ; Mrs. Ballantyne, Vioe Councillor ; Miss Ida Penhall, Chaplain ; 0. J. Moltinnon, Reaordin Secretary ; Mies M. fflurray, rinanoial Secretary ; EL B. illoEsving, Teo -eater ; Mies 13. Johnston, Herald ;John Ooghlin, Deputy Herald ; Min M. Outbberteon, Guard ; Mion J, efott, Beni/re; Mien Evelyn Turnbull, Organist, Ist:wWii48:8 . WILL tiara 1-1011101001031 4,7,. Exoinots wiT.:11:::.:ANAIVAIIMI::: j' li,,,,,, AT RETURN FARMS Waskada ... Estevan Elgin .... . . $ Arcola York ton MoOsomin Wawan egoProra,,,,Llobaert...) $3,5 Strath- $40 ma,ioti, oit.lgitry...... Red Deer.. Glillnarvtliie.w., Swan Elver cone.. Going jUNE 4111, returniug until AUGUST 401, (alt rail or 8 S. Athabason). Going JUNE leth, returning until AUGUST 18011 (nil rail or a.8. Athabasoua Gran JULY 410, re- turning until SEPTEMBER, 8111 (all rail or 5.8.11aultobal Tickets aro not good on "Imperial Limited." Per tickets and pamphlet giving full particular, apply to your nearest Canadian Paola° agent, or to A. FL NOTMAN. ASsistent General Passenger Agent, 71 Yonge St., Toronto, Strenuous Objections ;090 The followine leoultstion luta been 1 adopted by the 1'l, -afoul' Mama of the Manual Ohoetiott U'emperance Union ; "Whereas, must intingent laws have been , enaoted forbidding the sale of oigarettre to minors ; wbereas, the age limit law he. ing.very difficult of enforoement, beset's° it is almost impassible to attain can vie - Mull! be it reotlsed by the 'Wotuoits' Chrletian Temperanoe Ifelen, of S.A. fora), that we do all in our power to ob. foie, instead of the age Inuit lasv, to !KW clic manufacture and este of the cigarette in Oltario." Gorr 60. Rev, and Pere. E. A, Ball were in Lon,. don last week, where the former was at• tending the Synod, J. J. Montgomery's horse made a dash for liberty and succeeded in arnehing the buggy oonsiderable. A publio meeting of the oitivane, sub. scribers and all interested in the Goole Publio Oemetery will be held in the Town Hall on Saturday at two o'olook. Mies Lydia Bentley, teacher in the Junior room of our public) school, left for Manitoba where ehe will spend same time visiting her sisters who reside there. Mrsall. Sanderson fills Iser position on the teaching staff. Simon Hioke, of the 7th non., had the miefoi tune to frill from a languid iu his barn to the floor below a distance of Omit 25 feet, alighting on the binder which was etantling directly below the scaffold, roeiving a severe shaking np and injuring Itis right side. On Wednesday afternom of last week Wm. Harvey, of town, tools a quiet trip to Harrieton in oompauy with Miss Annie Kemp, where they were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, by the Rev. Mr Cameron, Preebyt. Oen minis. ter, of that town. Grand Trunk Bairy System are never made against feed supplied by Alf. Boner. All stools like it and thrive on it, and 11 0* prsmounoed• by all intel• ligent breeders to be inooropariably the beet sold, Try a sample lot and you will never feed anything but onr laaffar corn and oats. Alf. Baeker. HniENZAL.—ti wedding whiob sweated more than usual interest in this locality was solemnized at ',Maple Villa," the home of Geo. and Mrs. Melville, roller. ton, on June 4th, at five o'elook, when their eldest daughter, Mies Elizabeth A., became the bride of Albert A. Morrison, of Elma. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. A. Oranston, of °remedy, in the presence of over 200 guests. The event took place on the lawn fronting the house and the decorations were especially attraotive, One large table was made to represent; a cross, over the °entre of whin a large °resent of carnations was bung, from which streamers of white rib• bone were strung to the various corners of the table'resenting a beautifal ap• pearanoe. AlAfive o'clock, Mhos Brad- shaw, of St. Marye, played the wedding march, and leaning on the rum of her father, the bride took her place beneath an artistically arranged Hash, decorated from top to bottom with white ribbons and mutations: The groom immediately followed end, in r, few minutes, the nup- tial knot was tiett The bate was be- aotningly ;fawned in cream satin and denied a white Bible. Mire Ida Al. Mel- ville, Ono r of the bride, anted as brides• maid, and was gowned in white, also carrying a while Bible and a shower bon. quet of white onnetion. The groom was ably easisted by Woa. Barr, of Ear. rieton, Little BOMB Miller, of Staffe, made a dainty mold of honor, and lalas- ter Alex. Martian carried a cream satin pillow, upon whioh was placed the wed ding ring. Next came the ribbon girle, Misses Annie Miller'Beruica alorriamr, Alma Roy and Pearl Ross. After the oerensony, cabgratulatioue and beat wiebes were in order, tben all repaired to the supper table wbere an t laborate weed awaited them. The raena was lengthy and oomposed MI the delicacies of the season. After lunoheon the gueate amuse, ed themselves in Nations ways and ex- presaione of deligbt were beard on every hand, expressing satiefaotion at the boa- pitable way in whish they were enter. twined by the boat and hostess, Mr. and Mre. Melville. Of the bride we cannot speak too highly, and that neighborhood will miss one of its most amiable daught• ers from its midet, The presents of whin Mr. and Airs. Morrison were the recipiente, testify in a alight degree 'the appreciation of their many frieuds and admirers. •Among the guests were people from Toronto, Montreal; Winglscan, Stratford, lila Marys, Mitchell and other plane, Sii(SSLI Or' CIA - George Morale has been laid up with in oven attack of lumbago. James Sant, of the firm of Booth Broe., hoe returned eater Iwo months spent in Manitoba and the Territories. The Seaforth Milling Oompeny have got to work atithe re-ereatiou of their ole. vator. The cement foundation and bine are now being built, etre. (Rev.) Hndgine was at Thames'. ford last week attending the golden wed- diug of her anent°, Hr. attil Mee, lareele, who were married fifty yetas ago au Tunny of last week, The people of Beeper -bey are baying a plena of cement aide walls laid clown be. tweets Seefoith aud that gage. Tucker. smith mutton gave agrant 01 620 to the work and MoKillop nunail allow the statute lobar to he used in this boxy. A pretty wadding was celebrated at the residence of W. D. Bright on Wednesday of Int week, triton Florence Alberta, Dobler Sister of ale, Bright, was united in marriage to Kenneth Campbell, poet. master at Brandon, Manitoba. Thermo- Mony was performed at noon by Rev. I. R. Wellroln, wonted by Rev. F. H. Ler. kin. The bride, who tvote her travelling dress, wee given away by ilar. Bright, little Margaret Wileou, acting ae flower girl. Only the immediate retrains] and a few intimate friends were present at the ceremony. After the wedding dinner, Mr, and Pare, Cara bell left on the aftee. noon train amid ohowere of flowers, fee Hie prominent chin of Eastern Canada. • ' • Union Farmers' Institutes iiXERISIOA GUELPH - 0 ELF RIV1 -ON- Ffirilic Jim 26 FOLLOWING LOW EXCURSION RATES WILL APPLY: Fare TrallIlLeaves $1 56 5:50 a. ra. 1 45 6:05 1 35 6:20 1 25 688 1 25 (3:58 1 20 7:02 1 15 7:16 1 16 7:28 1 15 7:36 Kincardine Ripley Lualteow Whitechnrah Winghum Blativale Brussels Ethel Henley's Children tinder 12 Years BMW Fare. EXCURSIONISTS Will take regular morning train from above mentioned plane to Guelpla Re' toining, pennons will leave Gdelph by specie' train at 6 80 p m Tickets will be Netted from ell stations, except Hen' fryu, which will he supplied baConduator on trein. AM tickets good to return by regular trains on following day. Good Coaches Fast Time Join us and enjoy a day's untihg. Electric oars in full swing between the City of Cituelph,ttud the Model Farm, THOS. MeMILLAN, Pres. East Byron Partners' Ins, It, J, NELSONi See. Centre Bruce Farmeis'Ins, J. A. LAMS, See, South Bruce Partners' Ins. ALLAN LINE Menne! and Londonderry Royal .gail Steamers Foote nom krONTIMAT, QUIIBRO Bavarian J0,11015 0 a.m. June 10 7 p.m Ionian ...... 20 0 ' 20 7 ," Tunisian " 27 8 " 27 1 " Parisian July 4 0 " Joy4 7 " Preterian " 11 a o o 111 " BATES OP PASBAGN tat Onlan-Tuoician. Bavarian and Ionian 573 mid upwertle; Teriatan, 570 and no. wtrds ; Pretoria% 363 and upwards, Sod Cabin -Liverpool and Londonderry -- Bavarian, Ionian and Tension ede and 04000 •, other steatnerli, 687 60, London 0050 extra, Ord Clase-$25 and no -Liverpool, Derry, Ballast, Glasgow, Landau. Through tiekets to South Atria.. Montreal to Glaegow direat-Clorinibtan June 131 Sardinian Only 1 (Mid and iird mass only); Sicilian July a-aet °tau, MO, 800 and an; 2ed Cabin, etee ; led Mate, 525. Ws 11, REIM, Agent, Brusesele. ATTENTI N Implement lArareroom Removed.. ""adat'ae The undersigned has removed from the Smale Block to rooms on Mill street, opposite P. Soott's Shop, -where he has on sale a fine stock of DEERING MACHINERY, PETROLIA WAGONS, COBER BUGGIES, SEEDING MACHINERY, &C. Get a su PPIY of Deering Binder Twine. OaIl iu and see our stock and ask our prices and terms. We guarantee fair treatment to everybody. EL 01. Mill Street, Brussels. .atztemattacteacialateaditelteat ,f 1 ly);,TA8NT ON lil. toDtritv?1 AfoIrTwHeFllUesijtalftiBstiRee house len few counties, calling on retail merehauts and agents. Looal territory. Salary 81014 a year nail expenses, payable $19 70 a week in cash and expenses admin. ed. Position permanent, Business auceess. r as lineEnolorae1Vacesseden:swwDlmiaotn,t15olxoiBiag. Chleago. 40-10 REAL ESTATE. 1,41 OR SALE -LOT 207 AND -ea dwelling tbereou, North-weet corner William aud Albeit streets, Brussels. 40.113 LECKIE. T-41OR SA LE. -- 'VALUABLE 12 property at 1411151 known ail the Methodist Parsonage, Apply to 7110, CORER, Brussel s. 11ARM TO RENT, BEING 2Iiir .1..! 29, One, 10, Grey. There ale 100 sores 20 under cultivitWon, Apply to JOSEPP1 REDMOND, on the promisee, or Atouerieff P. 0. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Turnberry street, Brussels, known as the Somerset property,stigtlty eituated. Immediate poseesSiou, .It'or further partici- Mare as to pilau, terms, ite., apply to D. MeCTJPORDON, Lot 10, Con, 12, krellilloP, or Lettdbury P, 0, 00.1f SA.ORIFIOE IN REAL ES- TATE...83000.00 will buy the IdoCau. obey Block in the Village of Brussels. These two One stores must he sold to close out the McCaughey Estate. intending purehasers should investigate at came. Apply to F. El, SOOTP or GO, BLAIR, Brussels, Ont. AGENT. ool anted Highest Market Price paid for Wool in Cash or in ex- change for Goods. we have 0 Illte Assortment of YARNS, TWEEDS, CARPETS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, , KNIT GOODS, ETC., ETC. Custom work 61.1011 as Roll Card- ing, Spinning, Knitting, etc. attented to as usual. HOWE & CO. Opp. Central Hotel, Brussels. T13.1 ;!. ile SINfwill— s P. Before you begin to Paint your house be sure you get the BEST Paint possible for the money and at the same time give Best satisfaction and longest wear. 1111310 Paint gives these results :—It's a pure Lead, Zino, Linseed Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ; covers more surface to the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results than any other. Try a gallon and see for yourself. For sale by— WILTON & TURNBULL. WAGONS, ILDREN'S_ CARRIERS, DOLLS' CARRIAGES, ROCKING- HORSES, WHEELBARROWS, CARTS CROQUET, &o. 11111 "THE POT" OOKSTORE.