HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-6-25, Page 15d
Vol. 31. No. 50
I3.KER.R., Prop,
New Advertisements,
Write right -Jus, Fox.
Homo for sale -dee, Oaborne.
Annual report—Standard Bank.
Notion to oreditore—G. F. Blair.
Footwear apooialo—MOKinnon re Oo.
Mxstx xt ZIeb s,
Ex•Reeve Turnbull was at Gerrie on
Wednesday ori the school arbitration,
Jno. and Mrs. Oliver were visitors
with Joseph and Mr. Bowman M Wing -
ham Met Sunday,
George and Mee. MaFarleme were visit-
ing for a few days at Fordwioh with rela-
tives and friends.
Mre. T. E. Handford, of Exeter, and
daughtere, Irene and LaBelle, are visit.
oro with Mrs. N. M. Eiobardeon, 7th eon.
We are sorry to hear that Mies Minnie,
daughter of Jamie and Mre. Elliott, 8th
sou., Ma been quite illduring the past
week bat we hope she will anon be com-
pletely restored.
Wilson Evens, 10th aon., has bad his
boucle greatly improved by having anew
oottage roof put on and the hones being
made somewhat higher. Fie will have a
very handsome reeideooe when oomplet•
An appeal has been entered by Daniel
Marsh, lot 6, aon,7, against- the award
in the Lamont drain se it effects hie
property, He appeared at tbe Court of
Revision but as no ohange was made he
will have the Judge bear the base, Law-
yers Mabee d: Mal;ine, of Stratford, are
acting for Mr, Marsh. If tbe matter oen
be amioably nettled it would be well to do
S000EePrnx L6wN SooIAL.-00 Tuesday
eveniogofloot week, a social was given
on the lawn of Levi Whitefield, 12th con.,
ander the anepiooa of Union League.
Although the weather was not too favor.
able a large crowd wee present, A sump•
teens supper was served from 7 to 9
o'oloclt by the ladiee of the congregation
in their noel good style and after this
wee over the following program was well
rendered, J. E. Baker 000npying the
°hair 1n bio usual able manner :—Sing.
ing of. Doxology ; prayer ; Chairmans
uddree ;instrumental, Mies Amelia Whit-
field ; solo, Min' Irene Baker ; Mitre -
Menial, Mre Wm. Miahol ; solo, Will.
Spence ; eboore ; reading, S. B. Lamont;
Bolo, Mae It. Spence ; reading, Min L.
Shannon ; selection by Union ohoir ;
reading, J. A. Speiran ; instrumental,
Wes. Speiran ;-selection by choir; Nat.
Tonal Anthem, A hearty vote of Malinke
was tendered Mr, and Mrs. Whitfield for
the nee of their fine lawn and oommod•
lone reaidenoe and also to the Ethel talent
for tbeir timely aeiatanoe iu the program,
The proneeda, amounting to 921.00, will
be devoted to League pupae, We con.
gratulate the youngpeople on the omens
of the °erasion,
Township Onunail will be held on Mon-
day of next week.
Mrs. K. McKenzie, 403 line, is visiting
relatives at Guelph.
bliss Bertha Sharp ie visiting in London
with ber sister, Mrs. W. Lowry,
The brtoklayere are at work at the new
reeideooe of Alex. Clark, 6th line,
Angus Taylor, of Hullett, was visiting
Sunshine friends loot Sunday. lie hue
a warm spot in his heart for that locality.
The garden party arranged for. Wed.
needay evening at Geo. Turvey'e- wee
postponed on account of the wet weather.
Mrs. Will. Lowry, of ,London, was a
weloome visitor hare during the week.
She oame to see her mother—Mr/I. Jae-
Sharp—who woe 111.
A Garden Party will be given at the
home of Jenne Baseetl, 6th line under
the aaepioee of Suuehine Methodist
church on the evening of Tuesday, July
Very little obange is noticeable in the
condition of Thee. Miller, 6th line, who
Buffered from a stroke of paralyeie a few
weeke ago. Hiemeny old frienbe will be
pleased to hear of his reoovery.
Report of the Directors Submitted to the Shareholders at the
Twenty-eighth Ailnnal Meeting.
Ilea. at the dead 011100 of the. Bank on Wedneodny, 17th June, 1903.
The Directors have the pleasure to submit the 28111 Anneal Statement of the
busineee of the .Bank for the year ending 3'Oth May, 1908. The business during the
peat year has been good, and a healthy inoreaee in alt departments is noticeable.
The net earnings, after due provision' has been made for losses, -interest, atm,
amount to 91.81,898.48, which, together with the balance of Profit and Lose account
. brought forward from last year, 97,013.81, amounting 10 9189,506 79, have been
' appropriated as follows :— .•
Dividend at the rate of 10 per Dent. per annum, paid let Deo., 1802.....,960,000 00
Dividend at the rate of 10 per Dent. per 0nuu03, payable 1st June, 1908.... 50,000 00
Added to Rest Account
75,000 00
Oarried'orward at credit of Profit and, Loss account 14,506 79
Agencies of the Bank have been opened• during the year at Bay St. (Temple
Building), Toronto ; Beaverton ; Lunn ; Orono ; Parkhill ; and Wellington, Ont.
The usual inspection of the Head Office and Agencies has been made, and your
Directors have again to express that satisfaction with the zeal and emoienoye. wbioh
the varione officers of the Bank bate displayed in tbe performance of their duties.
Beepeotfully submitted.
Toronto, 30th May, 1903. President.
Dr. Cr.
Bahama to prone and leas account, Dividend No. 64 paid 1st Dec., 1002.,9 60,000 00
brought forward from 81st, lYlay, Dividend No, 66', payable Sat June,
10.0. - $ 7,018'81 1008 60,000.00.
'Frofitator year ending .80th May, - Transferred to reserve fund 76.000 00
1008, after deducting expenses, in- Balance carried forward 14,600.70
tereat accrued on deposits and
makingprovision' for bad and
doubtfl debts • 18108 48. _^ 1
8180,600 70 9180,000 78
Notes in oiroulabior -t 878,000
Deposits bearing in.
tercet (including in-
terest accrued to •
date) $0,218,212 20 ..
Deposits not bearing
interest 1,170,818 01 10,800,020 11
Due to agents in Groat Britain,,,.708,208 01
Due to other banks. in Canada ... ' 6,046 58
Total liabilities to the public Al2,042,824 06
. Capital paid up, .......,. 1,000,000 00
Reserve fund -' 025,000 00
Rebate - of interest 00 bilis- dis-
counted - . 40,000 00
lrormer dividends Unclaimed 12 60
60,000 00
13alano° of profit and lose ac-
count carried forward' 14,600 70
$14,071,848 94
222,767 16
Dominion notes, legal tenders - 080,061 00
Notes and cheques of other
banks- - 004,219 10
Deposit with Dominion Govern-
mrut for seeurity of note bar-
ouletion. • 50,000 Ob
Due from other banks—
In Canada 161,126 20
In 'United States 181,807 21
Dominion Government and other
first -cines bonds - 8,028,007 41
Loans on call on Government,
municipal and other first -elites
bonds 674,128 05
96,168,800 88
Bills discounted and advances
current 8,704,800 20
Notes and bills overdue (eetimet-
ed loss provided for) - 18,014 04
Sank promisee 100,000 00
Other tenets not iholuded andel•:
the foregoing 0,49877
$11,071,848 D4
(850. P. IRBI1)0 Gleneral Manama
ken' b y the President W.F.Cowan,Eerie and Mr, ,Geor a P.
Tate ohafrwas to y ,g ; g
Reid, General Manager, acted as Secretary to the meetin.
OnmotfonofTR,Wood, Esq,se seconder' by W. Fabos, Esq.
, he mihutee•
the previous meeting were takn of.
ea read,
rt and statements end 'after Makin a few
' The President then read the repo g
remarke thereon, moved, seeondea by the '•p'iee•Preoidenb , That the report sad
etatemente now read' bo adopted and printed for oireillalibn among 'the' Sharehold.,
,Standish, Bag, "That the
'Moved byaor a LAWln, lien„ seconded by J. A. Eta q
d' he other
Vice President an t1 e
' onE cit
red V
gg Ter,
given to rho P 'i
�{ voile d abs
of the Silo
thanks g
Dlreotore'for their attent{on to the affairs of the Sault clul'tug, the year." —Cattiod,.
Moved by William Spry, Beg, seconded by R. 0.- Bickerstaff, Deg.: "That the
thanks of the meeting be given to the General Manager, A•eoiatan0 General ;Manager'
and Inspector, and the outer °MHoere of the Bauk for their Rarvi080 eluting the year,"
--Carried, 1
Moved byH. Langlois, Dag., emended by Ieaa° Crosby,, Dag, , Thet the ballot
now open for he elootion of Direotote and be kept open until IwO 001010011, union five,
minutee elapse without a votebojng octet, whop it ehall be eloeed; and thea Mane.
J. Ii, Niven and C. 0, Bainer eat Eta Berntiueere."-0a2ried.
The iiorutfneerr declared the followinggentlemen unanimously cleated Di
r dericlt Wyld,W. Is. Allan A, J, Seiner,.
for the eneuin year, viz.. W. P. Cowan, 7h' e ,
villa,, T. R+. Wood, W. R. Johu'ton andWellingEou Frabait,
At a oubseghent meeting of the Diteot0r8, W. Cowan, Eeq., was re elected
President and Firederiak Wyld, Eiejeeteice Proeidont.
T t 17th Jane 1903 nonoral Manager,
Mies Marion Moiieneie ie home for
bar variation. She has been attending
41)0 Normal College end le now awaiting
the results of her recent exams,
Next Sabbath niternoon Rev. Mr,
Brown will preaoh the °toeing 61000gree
of hie postorate in Sunabine Mara. He
end Mrs, Brown will leave many friends
bore, Rev, Mr, Jones will be hie tucoee-
aor and ie expected for the following Sab•
Donald Biaok, of Algoma, has been
viaitiag relatives and friends in this town.
ship and locality. He ie a former Mor.
rialto and is a brother. to, John, Malcolm,
and Neil Blink, It is well on to agnarier
of a century amoeba move4 to the North-
ern country.
After auceneefully passing his 1e00nd
year's examination In medicine end also
writing off We (lemon exam., Donald
MnBeozie'le now enjoying a well earned
holiday on the farm with his parents.
He will likely spend the Summer here
building up brawn and mosole for the re-
sumption of his studies next Fall, We
wish him muooes0.
Mossre. Wilson end Lovewho went
West this Spring, have Melded to locate
at Minnotis, in the Swan River !orality.
The latter is expected bene to arrange for
the removal of the other members of the
families. Their many Mende with them
greet 0002000. The properties bought are
improved and take with them stook and
all, we understand. Alex. Wilson, for-
merly of Brussels, lives near the same
locality. He is a brother to W. C. Wil -
WM. H.McLeod, of Oypreese River,
Mau., was renewing old friendships for a
few days. He ie a 000810. to James and
John Sherrie, 41b line. The visitor was
bare for a carload of horses hence hie
stay was brief. It is 25 yeare einoe Mo.
McLeod removed from Morris township,
They have prospered in the West end the
crop outlook there this season is A1. He
left on Thursday Inc His home bat may
be bask ebortlyfor aootber consignment
of horses. -
Ca-anewoo1r. -
ffiies Smillie spent Sunday with Mfg..
J. Forest. -
J. Long is on the eiok list this week.
We hope toeee him armed Boon.
Dan. Heather returned Saturday after
a two weeks' drill with the volunteers at
IVen, Gorsalitz naught a fish in the
river Satorday weighing 8} pounds.
Pretty good Will.
A, MoDonald has reoeived a large
quantity of binder twine and will be able
bo supply the farmers.
Mrs. Henry Buttery took a par01y0io
stroke Sunday morning but we hope she
will eoon,be quite smart again.
Next Sabbath the eervioe in the Pree.
byterian March ' will be held at 11 A. M.
W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, will take charge
of it, - Who can beat this? Mrs. A. MODotiald
has a Hydrauge bearing five bunches of
flowere,. the largest: one immuring. 82
inane in circumference. -
The motion Bale of August Fischer,
lots 18 and 17, eon. 10, Grey, will be held
an Tuesday of next week, o0mmegoieg ea
12 °'cloak. F. S. Scott will be the auc-
lO fta tel
Presbyterian Sabbath eohool pia nio on
Dominion Day in tbe Dilworth park.
Mies Shannon spent Saturday and
Sunday with Mise Jean MoLaaahlin in
Br easels
Our eohool will .close next Tuesday
afternoon for the mid -Sommer variation,
to reopen on Aug. 17.
Last week R. Laing was at Brunets
attending to the carpentering on tome.
deb; Seo . to Eph. Oober'o residence.
Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr. Rose,'
of Breenols, preaabed in the Presbyterian
oburob here and gave a fine earthen.
Mies Belle Lamont is a weloome visitor
here, She will return to 120060rton on
Saturday to realms ber duties as , steno.
The house and a more of land owned by
Jas. Oeborne in Ethel is offered for Bale
as the proprietor' thinks of removing bis
family to Powaaean where he is now
working at Ittorative wages.
Wo are pleased to report that J. Coeenie
obeese maker at Ethel factory, Who was
taken 80 seriously ill last week with ap-
pegdioitie that three dootore were called,
ie.making considerable improvement and
his many Mende 'hope "he will soon be
all right, It ie a busy season to be laid
off but we are not the Menem of these
tbinge. Braoselo Odd Fellows have been
looking atter his welfare from a fraternal
Box Sochi,—The box Smith, ander the
miming of the Sons of Temperanoe, held
on Friday evening, the 19th root,, was a
grand seecese ae entertainments given
by theth usually are. Owing to the even.
Mg being somewhat cool it wee held in
the Town Hall which was fairly well till-
ed, there being a large crowd. The ser•
rounding totem end villages furnished
their usual .quote of numbers,' The
moth expres0tone or' surprise were quite
manifest as the boxes opened. The fol-
lowing le the program Lietrumeniel,
A, Lamont oomo song, W, Spence ;
reoitation, B, 13, Lamont; solo, R. G,
Code ; 8i01i11 selection,. ha. Shaw ; solo.
Mies B. Spence; recitation, Mies A.
Mason 1 solo, Mise McCormick; !inst.,
Mime ArDavise duet, Bb,•Spenon and 0.
Davies ; violin selection Jae,.Sbaw.; solo,
Mies M000rtniok, ,Aocbmpanisbe were
Minn A. Device; M. A. Slammon and
Miss Oode. Prooeed0 $14 60. ,Cleo. Dob,
eon 000upied the obair in bis usual affable
Last week's Clinton paper sage of a
former resident of Ethel ;—What might
have proved a very serious fire . was ear.
rowly averted on Friday la wag at
the home of W. Newcombe, Mee. Now.
combo and het lady friends bad gone out.
for the evening, and left Mr, Newcombe
-and lathy to tape pare of the house, The
tatter retired about nine, leaving a . lamp
btirning'13n a table, About eleven o oloak
he woe maimed by the euffooating meal
of melte. Fid embed down etaire t0
diet:n01 the oaten, and toned the oarpete
badly burned, ()nettling, table and the
archway of tire, After placing the baby
in safety et a neighbor's, he went book to
fight the tire but in the meantime pee
seroby 00030 to his :aesistance, and soon
bed it out. - The engine was out, and the
firemen bad the bon nearly laid from
the market square up, but was not brought
into play. Mr. Newcombe ie at a lose to
know how the fire oterted, unless the
lamp exploded or the shade took fire,
however, over $100 worth of Mamie to
the building and furnishings was done in
the short time that it wee afire. The
lose 10 oovored by insurance.
A correspondent nye :—Bev. Mr. Yet -
land, of the Bayfield olrnuit, will preach
Ilia farewell sermon next Saodsy, June
28th, on his three appointments, Baytield,
Bethel and Ools'e. The rev. gentleman
is highly honored by his people and will
be very mach missed, being a special
favorite with the sick. He will be sue.
oeeded by Rev. J. A. Snell, of Dawn
Mills, of the Chatham Dietrich, Mr.
Yeiland goes to Benreiller circuit.
Min Kate McGregor spent Sunday at
Mies Zetta Ferguson, of Teeswater, has
been visiting et Jae. Taylor's this week.
Miss Winnie Milne is borne from Lon•
don where she has completed her Normal
Geo. Moffat, Twp. Clerk, and James
Riohardeon are off for an outing to
The Traetees of S. S. No. 9 are having
a new well bored. At a depth of some
hundred feet no water bee so far been
OonNEn BTouns.—Os Thursday lath,
June 18th, were laid the Darner atones in
aonneotion with the new Methodist
Mural to be ereoted et Tiffiu's appoint
moot. A more .imitable day for so
auspicious an event it would be impossible
to have and a largo crowd was present to
witness the ceremony. Rev. D. Rogers,
()bairmen of the Dietriet, presided.
After an interesting' devotional service in
which Rev's. Raine, Harriet Sawyer,
Oaten and Dunn (Presbyterian) took
part, stones were laid Ion behalf of the
offioiary and congregation by Jno. Tiffin,
of the Nile, and Jno. Joynt, of Lnoknow,
reepeotively. Mr. Tiffin in his remarks
reviewed briefly the hie0ory of the church
with whilst), his name for many years was
closely aoeooiated. He was one of the
fleet Trnetee Board, only two of whom
were yet living. He oonoluded with the
bnpe that the same Gospel which bad
done its work under lees favorable oon-
ditione would be ',readied in its purity in
the new straotuee to be embed. At the
oonolaeion of hie remarks Mr. Tiffin was
preseuted with a beautiful bogaet by his
little grand -daughter, Valetta Tiffin.
Mr. Joynt believed that the hand of
Providence had led his 'people into this
"land. It was really an oasis in the midst
of a desert. He then spoke of the obli.
ration resting upon diem to give as the
Lord had prospered them. The'remarke
of both.epeakers were well received. At
bho conclusion, of the ceremony all betook
themselves to the ample grove of Wm.
Tiffin where a most euooe0etul Garden
Party, finanoiaily and otberwiee, was
Veer oxeter .
R. Thompson chipped five oars of lum-
ber from here this week,
R. Trench shipped a mixed load of
cattle and hogs on Monday.
Min Millie Harris has returned from a
few weeks visit at Wingham.
Roes Smith, of Watford, wee renewing
acquaintances here on Monday.
Mrs. D, Myles and family left for their
borne in New Ontario on Monday.
Preparatione are 'till progressing for a
good day of sports here on the Mat of
Robert Feuer, of Walton, has moved
into •Jno. Harris' residence, Howiok
Hy. Aonistrong was in Brunets on
Saturday, looking up business with the.
()ober firm.
Rev. R. Thyme, of Arthur, has on.
onpied the pulpit in the Presbyterian
ohnroh the last two Bundaye.
A strawberry teetered under the ample.
es of the Lsdies Aid Sooting of the Pres.
byterian ohuroh will be held on the lawn
of F, V. Diekson on Tbureday evening.
While Mrs, R. Laing was on the way.
to attend the funeral of her nephew, John
Wright, on Friday iaat, the horse which'
sons being driven by her Bon, R. Laing,
became frightened throwing the oocapents
frons the baggy. Mrs. Laing hod her
arm broken and her son was bedly shaken
ta meetingbald in the Presbyterian
chnroh Mondaevening Jute. R. ,Miller
end W. S. Maliseober were appointed NO
repressntatives to the session. It was
also decided not to build a new mange- at
present but rent the new hoose welch
Oliver Smith hao jnet completed on Mill
San DEATH. --.A sad death 000utred at
the home of Frank. Wright, of Dangles'
Corners, when hie second son, John F,
Wright, departed this life at the age of 21
years, Demeaned had been ill about ten
deem with breis fever and was thought
to be recovering but was linable to with.
stand a eudden relapse which reeditedin
hiedeath Wednesday' morning. John
was' a fine, healthy lookiug young man a
good worker and a general favorite, The
funeral, cue of the hugest ` seen arotpd
here, took place on Friday afternoon to
the WrcOoterjoemetery and wad Mauch -
ad by
onduct.ad',by Rev. B.'Phynne, of Monet Fenn.
The people of Howiok St. bad a bee on
Wednesday miming and moved out the
sidewalk 0n the North. side, It will now
be in the game position ad that on the
South side, end before long we expeot to.
see them lime as tinea oolleation of
weeds, Moira a and rubbish, between the
teen andthe walk, me is p08eeeeed by the
residents of the South side. Perhaps.
they require more epode' to delimit defies,
rho. Where they once had a good enbetan-
tlal sidewalk well shaded by trees, they
now have a poor, rickety, 'dibjeinted
affair which ie a diegraob to the village,
It ie to be hoped that it will be planed' in
better shape before July let, hit ie there
mattere there 10 a deoided tendency to
olowneee, eeposially in thin village,
SUNDAY 600000. Rev. John Hnirnes, Blyth ; Rev. Wm
session of the County Bab- Sewers, Brumfield. Seo.•treae., J. 0.
The openingStoneman
bath school Convention, held et Blyth, fowler. ; report was ad edea Dr.
Thureday of last week, was very smell in
Towler. The report was adopted as read.
attendanoe, but at the afternoon meeting
there was a decided Improvement and one
of the moat interesting minions in the
history of the association. President J,
E. Tom oonduated the opening devotional
exercises, and in the absence of Seoratnry
Stoneman, wbo had not yet arrived, read.
a letter from Mr6. Thornley, on behalf
of the W', 0. T.17 , urging octave en.
operation in support of Mr. Biokerdike's
anti-olgarette bill, and a 000demnation of
the attempt to sobotitube therefor one
based on age limit. This wag referred to
the Resolution committee, and then a
disouesion was started by complaints
from several delegates that notion and
programs of the oonvention had not been
properly dietriboted. Several omen were
oibed where no notice at all had been re•
oeived only a few days ago, and the o41-
oial programa were only to day heeded
out. In the absence of the seoretariee
the matter was laid over.
The following oommitteee were ap-
pointed :'.On Resolutions—James Mit.
obeli, Goderiab ; Dr. Towler, Wingbam ;
John Dnetow, Nile; Mies Taylor, Blyth ;
Mies Morris, Goderioh, Business nom
mittee—Mr. Elder, Blyth; Rev. Mr,
Wilson, Nile ; Rev. ear, Morlook,Haman;
Mre, Park, Wingham ; Mies Stewart.
Nominating committee—H. Park, Wing
ham ; J. E. Tom, Goderioh ; A. T.
Cooper, Olintou 13. H, Million, Goderlbh ;
Rev. Mr, Holmes, Blyth.
Mr. Stoneman, having arrived, read 2 How far should a teacher refer to al -
On the enbjeot "How to maks the
Sunday 8013001 felt," Revs, Mortars. Hobbit,
Winghem, and MoLennan, Kippen, ap-
pointed to discuss two divisions, were
both abeenf, but Rev, Mr, Manning,
Clinton, dealt with "the borne" division
In a moot 10lereeting manner.
Mr. Jackson then took up Normal
training, and bio treatment of the enbjeot
for one hoar brought oat one of the
liveliest dieoneeione in the history of the
aseooiation. With printed charts to out.
line his ideas be taught that normal
teaching menus rule or right tesohing.
The aim of el. 8. work 10 to bring Mild to
know ":The Book," and then its author
God. In order to do this it to of first im-
portanne to (1) know God, (2) know the
child, (8) know the Book. Some teaohere-
know the Book well and know God, bat
don't know the child, and time fail ;
whilst others know the Mild, but not
"the Book." Bat to have effectual teach.
ing they mast know both, In respeot to
"The Book" we should teaoh its straoture,
booke, writers, geography, Watery, doe -
Wen. In the matter of the child, body,
mind and soul most all be considered.
Ia the past we bate taught as though
the latter was the only thing to be con-
sidered. Two points touched by Mr,
Jackson whiob brought out diaousoion
and a difference of opinion were : 1.
Wbiob qualification in a teacher is of
more importance—a knowledge of the
book ora knowledge of the obild nature?
hie report as treasurer, showing ° balanoe' leged disorepenoies or errors in the Bible,
on hand of 93 17. On motion the report
was received and referred to Messrs. Yeo
end Welsh, as auditors.
The first paper on the progarm, "The
teacher's material and bow to work upon
it," was then given by D. E. Munro, of
Auburn. Tbiepaper, asomewhat lengthy
one, met with the highest commendations
from aeveral of the audience. Any short
Flummery would not do it justioe, and
atter a diseussioo ` of the best means of
enuring its publioation, the Resolution
oommittee was asked to consider ways'
and means to that sod. Some of the
delegates wondered bow the average
teaober would get time for so elaborate a
plan of study as that outlined by Mr.
Munro, and were informed that be found
2 or 2e hours on Sunday and 15 001001ee
it day through the week ample time for
so thorough a study of the next Sunday's
Atter a short conference with Mr.
Jankeon, Provincial B.oretary, as to the
afternoon program, the oonvention ad-
journed for dinner,
000058000 0050108, •
After devotional exeroiees, Mr. Jankeon
for half an hour.00nduoted bis round table
conference,, soma of the most interetliug
questions regarding eohool menogsmeot
being diseueeed. There were selected at
random from a list of 25 dietribnbed by
M. Jaokeoo, and the discussion thereon
was lively and interesting. Among the
gne0tione disowned were : (1) Sunday
Schoollibrariee, The idea was brougbt
out that sohooie should have libraries
bearing on the work of the Sunday sebool
such ae oommentariee, Normal courses,
Soo., and dependence an other sonnies, as
mink) libraries, for other reading. (2)
How can on induce the sd ieters to study
their lessons before coming to the class ?
Some methods anggeeted were, keep a
week a head, and the Sunday before (a)
give something that will interest and
ranee the lesson to be looked up ; (b) using
the eloripture readings or lessons in the
reading at family worship, and have them
read to the daily readings in the Pablia
eobool. This last suggestion brought
oat many approving remarks, and the
idea was referred to the Reeolation ram.
mates for Consideration. (8) Review
Sunday and how to °enduot;it. (4) Claes
promotion. (6);PriO3ary department, Seo,
The oommitteee then reported tee fol.
lowe ;
1, That tale oonvention of S. S. work.
ere of the County of Huron heartily en.
Meng the principal of the bill introduced
into the House of Commons by Mr.
Bickerdike, M. P., to prohibit absolutely,
the manufacture, importation end sale of
oigarettes, the only remedy, we believe,
to overcome the growing evils of this
baneful trade, and that tiepin of this
reootation be sent to Hon. Mr. 1211 opatcisk,
solicitor general, and to Mr. Bickerdike.
2. Tbat the paper read by Mr. Munro
be sent to the editor of tbe S. S. Times,
Philadelphia, with a request for its
publioation in that paper and some ate
rangement be made for distributing
oopiee amongst the el, S. teachers and
the 'wheels of County.
8, That hereafter the official program
of future reinventions be pnbliehed and
distributed at least one month before the
date Of the oonvention, oopies to be -sent
to every paster and superintendent in
the County.
4. We earnestly reoommend that tbe
Hon. Minister' of Education beneged to
make such regulations au will prescribe
for the daily Scripture readings in the
Public sohoole, the lessons of the Inter-
national S. S. nein, and the daily read-
ings 0onneoted therewith,
5. ''That'this convention desires moot
heartily to thank the people of Blytb for
thole kindly weloome and generous
hoopitelity today, end" also the managers
of the Presbyterian obtu•oh'for the nee of
their edifice in which to bold this oath
Tbeee regointione were taken up.
eetiatini enci. all adopted au read.
140MINATIN0, 000020ITTEE.
President, D D, Munro ; vioe•preeident,
J. Higia Tom ; vioo-preoidente, all
presideute of toot] organizations ;exeoa•
tiva—Peter Freyno, Rev, Mr, Morlock,
J60. Iter ,"Tarna ; Jae. Scott, Clinton 1
H. Perk, Winghetn ; G, F. Blair, Ben-
nie ; ktev, , B. Weliwin, Seafortb ; Jas.
lAitefeellt Goderioh 1 :JohnDnstow, Nile;
or diocese the objeetioue of ,ekeptins or
higher aritioiam before hie class 7 Ie It
not better that the sobolare should be so
informed that to some extent they would
be able to meet at least the enrfaoe
arguments of doubtere and infidels 0
The last enbjeot for the afternoon see-
sion was "How the Sunday School should
be conducted," by J. E. Tom, who said :
I. The room should be ready to receive
ffioer at of portable time.
the a perioA. tendeut,
should be present when the school -room
is opened. 8. Offioers, teacbere and
pupils should be punctual. 4. The
superintendent must begin bis examine
on time and carry out his previously ar-
ranged program without any lose of time.
6. The exerciser' must be interesting,
brief and frequently °banged. 6. The
hymns meat be suitable and inspiring.
There most be selected singers to lead the
singing. 7. The review of lemon moat
be brief, pointed, and joined iu by the
pupils. 8. Superintendent must have
general oversight of the °lasses. Pepils
should be changed from one class to
another whenever necessary, 9. The
session Bhoild not exceed one boar ; al.
ways dismiss on time.
A warm invitation was given by Dr.
Towler, on behalf of Wingbam, that the
next convection be held there, and this
seemed to meet with unanimous approval,
and was so decided.
EVENING 0050I05.
A moat enjoyable feature of thio ries
sio0 wee the song service conducted for
the tint halt hour. It was under the
leadership of the ohoir of the ahnrob, and
was greatly enjoyed by the large audience).
Mr. Jaokoon took up S. S. work, and
traced the history of the S. S. from the
very oommencement of the Jewish nation,
and considered the S. S. was the ohnrah'e
greatest workshop. He empbaBized the
importance of the doctrines of the altnrob
being thoroughly taught to the child
whilst young. About 1860 there was a
great revival in el. S. work, and, in rant,
In all March work. Three men stand
out prominently at this time in B. S.
work—D. L. Moody, Wm. Raynolda end
B. F. Jaoobe. Mr. Jaokeoo emphasized
the neoeseity of thoroughly drilling child-
ren in the dootrinee of Obriotianity, and
would lead them to Goa when young.
Dr. Daniel was the last speaker and
gave a very eloquent and inetraotive ad-
dress on "The Interrogation Mark."
Tbie is an age of investigation and dis-
covery, beoauen an age of questions. How
far may we question in B. S. work ?
There are three thinge bo Rod out.: (1)
Howmnoh time given to lemon. (2) How
much 'thought given to lesson. (8) How
best by questions to impart whet tbe,
obild lacks ; and having found by this
judicious queetioning, by a few more
questions judiaionely asked impart what
is not known.
Tha8 oonoluding the program the oon-
vention was formally aimed.
018I50010 ENDE0001.
The annual convention of the Huron
County Obrietian Endeavor Aesooiation
was' bold in the Presbyterian oborah,
Blyth, on Friday, Jane 19th, in oonjano-
lion with the Bentley eohool oonvention
held on the previoma day, Some sixty
delegates were in attendance. At 8 46 a.
m. the Rev. D. N. MoOamno, of Sarnia,
gave a Bible reading on the Gospel ace
wetting to Sb. John, which wee exceed.
The remaining hoar and a half of the
morning session was taken up wibb the
snl.jeots, "The paotor'sEeoponeibility for
Leadership with Local Sooietiee" and•
"Tee Soolebre'e Reeponoibility for follow.
ing the Pabtor o Leading: Bev. Jas.
Hamiiton, of Goderioh, gave a ,polntett
address as the former and darteg- the
Mounter' the president, J. E gin Tom,
A. T. Cooper, Rev. T. Copeland, Hugh
Bain, Goderioh, Alex, Wihah and others
took part.
The following dommitteet were appoint-
ed, Resolution, Finance and Nominating,
.Reeolation :—Rev, Jae. Hamilton, Gode-
rioh ; Ohne. Mestard, Brimfield ; A. T.
Oaope'r, Clinton ; Mies Stevens,'011at00
Mise Oo clandrAab n, Ii
n aa
ae Rev.
Tt2J. Wilson, Nile 111, Wilford,
Blyth ;
W. '1`horllpeon, Wiugham ; 05100. Roan,
Biytb ; 2.108 Stewart, Oltnton. Norma.
eating f Rev. flare, Sewers, Braoedeld ;
EIngh Bain, Goderioh ; Rev. 0. D. Danino
Iigehwood 1 ears, ed. J. Witton, Nile;
Mies Bey, Belgrave ; Mr, Elder, Blyth;
The afternoon eeoston opened at 2 p.
m,, President 3. le, Tom in bbe Meer.
Four five minute addrososo were de,
livered on the theme, "Some fruits of
()brinier) Endeavor," The subj:the,
"Training in Christian Teebimony,"
"Missionary Studies," "Trained and
Equipped Young Obristiane" and "Obris-
ti0n Oomradeeuip," were taken by Addie
Hauffman, Clinton ; W. Thomp-
son, Wingbam ; Rev. Jae. Hamilton,
Goderioh, and Hugb Bain, of Goderioh.
A symnoetutn on junior work followrd
with the subjects, "Whet 0307 we expect
of them" and "Wbat may they expeg0 of
us," taken by Mrs. John Robb, Brunie,
and Aline L. Stevens, Olinton,
Mee. Robb laid great omphaeie on the
imporbanoe of early training. Notbipg
oould be a000tnpliehed without training ;
the moral virtues were all the result of
practice, of practice eoutioued until 10
became snood paters. Everything thea
we could expect of (amore pre.sopposed
careful training of the morel virtues and
mental powers. Courage, temperanne,
truthfulness, fortitude and (050105 should
ebow themselves in the•youug if properly
"Bible Study," "The Quiet Hour" and
"Daily Prayer," were introduced by Rev,
D. N. Mo0amus, Sarnia ; Rev. ea, J.
Wilson, Nile, and Rev. Mr. Small, of
The Nominating Committee recent -
weeded the following pereou0 as the
officers for the coming year. There were
approved of by the convention :—Presi-
dent, A. T. Cooper, Clinton ; let vies -
President, Mies Anderson, Blyth ; 2nd -
vice President, W. Thompson, Wiugham;
Secretary, Rev. Jae. Hamilton, Goderioh
Treasurer, Mies Nellie Harris, Goderioh •,
Exeoative Committee, Walter Hall,
Wingbam ; Rev. 0. D. Damm, Crediton 1
Miss M. E, Rose, Brnssele ; Mr, Mustard,
Brumfield; Miss [teethed, Auburn,
The Resolution Committee reported
the following recommendations, wbioh
were passed by the oonvention :
(1) The 0ocept0n0e of the invitation
of the Wigham local anion to hold the
County Miriam Endeavor union in
Wingbam next year.
(2) That to the Exeoubive Committee
be telt the Betting of the date for the
meeting of the oo0venlio00 next year.
(8) That we endorse' the resolution
passed yesterday by the Sabbath Sobool
oonvention in reference to the anti•oigar-
este bill, and also that we heartily en-
dorse any steps whiob they make take.
(4) That a hearty vote of thanks be
tendered to the people of Blyth who have
so hospitably entertained the delegates,
to the authorities of the ohnrobwbo have
kindly given the use of the building, to
tbe deooration committee, who have
worked so faithfully, to the united Moir
who furnished each good muato, and
to all others who have helped in any way
to make the oonvention a racoons.
In the evening a largely attended song
eervioe was held in the oburob, Mr.
Cooper 000npying the obair. Devotional
exercises were 'nucleated by Rev. Mr.
Small, of Auburn, and an anthem was -
sung by the oombiaed choirs, of Blyth.
Rev. Mr. Sewers, of Brnaefie,d, gave the
first address on "Personal effort in the
harvest of souls." Four motives that
should lead to snob effort,were, Love for
souls, loyalty to Christ our Rim, love to
God for our Saviour, welfare and valva•
tion for our own souls. The extent of
our responsibility was the limit of our
ability and opportunity. Everyone
should do hie share, as the suooess of -
tbe whole depended on the laid:anineas
of eaab part,
A selection w00 given by a male quar-
tette, composed of members of the Meth°.
dist choir, and solos were given by Mise
Paterson, of Auburn, and Mr. Gilroy, of
Brunets. Mies Jonas and Mr. Zeigler,
of Olinton, sang a duet.
An address on "Harmony" was given
by Rev. D. N. Mo0amne, of Sarnia.
Starting with muaiost harmony the
speaker went on to talk of the harmony
that ehoald prevail among Christians end
that would exlet in eaoh Meat when at.
toned to the Divine will. Righteoueneee
alone could bring harmony. If the heart
was right when God speaks man mush
hear, (net as a violin when platted et a
dieteaoe from a piano would sound when
the piano wee played if the violin were
tuned to the piano. The law of harmony'
worked for the regeneration of souls.
The evening 0008100 concluded with a
°onset/ration service.
The store bare keeps hustling.
Did you ever hear a Zobo band ? If not
attend the pio•nio here on Dominion Day
and enjoy the pleasure.
Last Sunday evening A. M. MoKay, of
Brussels, took the eervioe in the Hall and
next Sabbath G. F. Bleat will aonduot
the. service,
R. Weir, teaoher, may go to Berlin on
Dominion Day with Brussels Foot Ball
team, of which he is a lively member, to
play n league game in the finals.
A new wire fence bee been put up
across 80 roads of George doombes' farm
wbioh is a great improvement' add adds
to the appearance of Main street.
Mies Ina Bryans 1e home from Gode-
rioh where elle woe writing on a musioal
examination. She 18 an expert at the
piano and has a bright future before her.
There are five pupils-' from Bryant'
soh°o 1 writingat the Entrance examin-
ation at 'Brunetti this week, They are
pupils of Ie. Weir. We hope they will do
well, -
Daring the past week Jno. and 'Mrs.
Straoboo wets vieiting.their daughter at
Pine River, Whey report a pleasant time
and returning brought Master Beth., son
of A. D, and Mee. MaOosh with them.
PIe•NId ON D0109101 DAR.—Every ar4
rangement ie baingmade in expoobation or'
the °caning Sabbath sobool pio-oio In A,
Bryane grave on Don Eden Day. The
four neighboring Sabbath geh0ole have
been invited and an A 1 time ie pro -
mf a er hod.. Alt 1 bort ro•
sed to v e a s
gramy "y e
by the paptle, of madfn and rot
talions, a lengthy and varied list of Capone
will be given. Thfs will fnoidee foot
renes, jumping, teasing the (saber, 2 foot
bell 030001000, tee, 'See bills' for turthett
parbi0alare lend don't Mee it.