HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-6-18, Page 8•
That i4 the result when a patch of potatoes is well
sprayed with our Paris Green. It is very discourag-
ing after the work is done to find that your time and
money has been wasted. Such is very often the case,
after using Paris Green. If you get your
25c. Ib.
reen 25c. lb.
from us yon can depend on getting it strong and pure.
We keep but the one grade and that is the best we
could procure. Give it a trial.
Trains leave Braeeels Station, North
and South, ars 0ollotve :
GOING 80080 GOING 1102TTr,
Mail 7:18 a.m I Mixed 00:00 a.m
Mrxed........, 1000 a.mI Mail 1:17 p.m
lx press 3:26 panExpress 8:17 p.m
goalVeto's rtms.
A ohiel'e among ye fakir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is,
STRAWBERRIES are a fine Drop this Sea.
MODEL Farm Exooreiou Friday, 2603
Ata. BAExEn shipped 4 ogre of baled
bay to New York this week.
BINDING twine deliveries calla to mind
the feat that barveet will soon be here.
A NEw well is being put down at the
Salt Works to eupplemavt the one already
in nee.
5 Cans of salt were shipped from Brno.
eels during the pub week. 2 of them go
to Winnipeg.
SEVERAL Brueeelitestook in the horse
ranee at Seaforth on Tuesday and Wed•
nesday of this week,
A SUGAR beet inetrootor from Wiarton
was calling on the looal farmers who have
a crop of beets growing.
TENDERS are asked in tbie issue, for the
hay on the Park belonging to Gtey
Branoh Agrioaaural Society
LADY Maooabee annual pl0-nio was held
in the Davidson Gove, on the bank of the
Maitland, on Thursday afternoon of this
Couon:Loo Taommooe handles a large
quantity of butter es well as eggs. He
shipped a oar of the former to Sydney,
C. B., this week.
Doo'T forget Sao. Cnrrie'e auction Bale
of homer -hold furniture, &o., at his reef.
dense, Princess street, on Saturday after.
aeon of bhis week, ea 2 o'olook.
ODD FELLowe' decoration of graves will
be held on Tuesday evening of next week.
The brethren are asked to meet at the
Lodge room promptly at 7 o'olook.
MIss LITTLE le okaying the balsooe of
her stook of white and colored bate,
trimmed and nutrimmsd, also flowers at
greatly reduoed prices daring Juue and
Iesentkon Roan goes to Toronto on
June 18;1 to attend meeting of Commit-
tee appointed by Outerio Teaohere' Asso-
ciation to report on the proposed Depart.
mental Regulations relating to Oonree of
Study and Examinations.
WUI. GovxNLocx, brother to Mrs. (Rev.)
Coons, of Brunie, Suffered the loos of
his furniture and other household effects
from a fire is the Tmnton warehouse,
Landon. The goods were stored there
preparatory to Mr. and Pare. Govenlook
roaming housekeeping next Fall, It
will be a serious loss to them as a portion
of the geode destroyed was highly prized.
IT has been asked—Ie the Metropolitan
Bank a chartered bank ? and in reply
state it certainly is. Perhaps a little
information in reference to this inatitn•
tion would be appreciated. On looking
over the last Government Reports we
find that in Canada today there are thirty-
five ohartered bauks, Of this number
there are twenty-three wboee paid up
capital am•'unte to $1,000,000 or over.
There are fourteen banks whose Reserve
Fond am0nnte to $1,000,000 or over and
there are seven batiks whose Reserve
Fund egaale or surpasses their Paid up
Capital. The Metropolitan Bank is one
of the seven. So those interested may
have a fair ides au regards the stability
and standing of the institution.
A MITCHELL tanner remarks :.—"Alpine,"
Goebel & Koenig'a new rape mare, didn't
do very well at the Hamburg races on
Tuesday, The pane wail fast and together
with it being the little mare's "day off,"
prevented her from getting a place. It
required live heats to finish the race, thus
Shutting "Alcine" out of even fourth
money. It will be a good advertisement
for this town, among the sporting element
of the Province, to notioe on the various
aoore cards at raoe mote, that three or
four of the faeteet horses in Canaria are
owned in Mitoheil. Here are some of the
horses and their make :—"Miss Del.
march," 2.141 ; "I. T. Washburn," 2,141;
"Nellie D.," 2,18 ; "Toome," 2 191 1
"Aloine," (green mare) 2 95 ; "Queen's
Baron," 2.18j•.
MoOULLOvaH—Oo1IBEH.—The marriage
of Wm. MoOullough and Miss Mabel,
daughter of Joseph and Mrs, Comber, of
the Hamilton road, Leaden, was a very
quiet but interesting event which trans.
pired at the teeidenoe of the bride's par.
este on Wednesday evening of last week.
forme the Dere•
ev. d
R .W. G. Howsoner
mbny. Howard McCullough, brother of
the groom, wag beat man, and Pain Lina,
sister of the groom, wan bridesmaid. The
bride wax dressed in white, and carried
white ruse, The bridesmaid's gown was
pink, and she oarrfed pink roses. The
presents formed a very handeome collect.
tion, Mrs, MoCullongh will be at home
tb her Mende at No. 60 lime street,
South London. The groom was a former
residentof Brassole and his oldtime
Mende here will very heartily wish him
and his bride sally, happy prosperous
A. O. U. W. Friday evening of thie
ARE you going to Gnelpb on the 26th is
the query ? A big crowd is expected.
A Caa of oate was shipped to Portland
for export tbie week by Robt, Graham,
A NUMBER from town patronized the
excursion to Owen Sound last Friday
and spent an enjoyable day.
THE Band played a few eeleotione on
the street before leaving for the Walton
Garden Party laet Monday evening,
LOST —A gold looket, shape of s three
leaf clover, containing six pictures, Fin
der will be rewarded by leaving it at THE
Po5T Pabliebing House,
THE ecbool pia nio in R. Nichol'e grove,
6th line, Morris, last Friday attracted
quite a few of our residents. Rain spoil.
ed the program marked out.
WATSON AINLAY and staff were busy
this week veneering the reeideucee of
Jno. and Epb. ()ober with Dement, They
will look very nine when all the improve.
menta are oompleted.
Mara oonbraots have been renewed to
the present holders, Ed. Lowry and Geo.
Robb, ou the Seaforth and We, xeter
routes at the figures paid during the past
term. They are none too high either.
THE Exoureion from Atwood and
Monkton to Kincardine laet Monday was
not very liberally patronized, poeetbly
owing to their frequency at tbik season of
the year. 119 pnssengere were aboard,
not enough to cover the guarantee, we
AT the annual meeting of the Druggists
of Dietriot No. 12, held at Owen Sound
last week, James Hargraves, of Paisley,
was re•eleoted Chairman, and James Fox,
of Brussels, was chosen Secretary -Treas-
urer. An interesting and profitable pro
gram was presented and meetingadjourn•
ed to convene at Kincardine next year.
DIED IN IRELAND —Word has been r8-
oeived of the demise of John Fleming,
Edn•in law to John Cousley, of Brunie,
on May 27th, from pleurisy and pneu-
monia. He was only ill about a week.
A widow, 4 daughters and a eon are left.
Mr. Fleming's home was Deeertmartin,
Magherafelt, Ireland. Mrs. Fleming did
not Come to Canada with bsr parents but
ramdined with her grandparents.
LAST week's Mitchell Advocate save
The photo group of W. R. and Dire. Davie
and family, is to be shown at the Cork,
Ireland, exhibition, to be held tbie month.
The picture was taken by W. W. Bargees,
artist, Mitobell, and it is considered by
friends in the old land to be each an ex•
oellent specimen of pbotography and the
size of the family so unique, that it has
been deoided to give it a plane in the art
gallery at Ireland's great mid -Summer
Bowanta.—Two rinks of Brussels bow•
lere drove over to Wingham on Friday
and had an enjoyable game with their
lawn brethren, a Diose game being the
result. The wore was
ct'�,Stpaem+rra,ra.crralannce,raa garata
M c Irop O11IFII
CiPLTnlr -Paid ell $1,000,000
1tIalE1R l $1,000,000
Diner env
11Ev. It. U. w605137N, n, n., • Pntl0IDENT
a, J. 10001110 V00E•r11ESI1ENel
U D. n1AsellY,
'rhos. 0RA0a0Mw
General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes
Discounted. Sale Notes bought or held for Collection.
IN oa at thehighest
ank ratee{allowe 1 pfromidate of edepoeib 10 date
of withdrawal, on the daily balance.
e Parliee bolding important papers, notes, 60., may deposit them in
our bank vault for safe keeping—free of charge,
Prompt mud Careful Attention. Good Terme.
G. F, ELA!R, Solicitor. A. E. MELLISH, Manager, BRUSSELS.
Tux Salt Works reoeived 2 care of coal ealee from Wroxeter on the North to
this week for consumption at the blcok, • Exeter ou the South, and many yours
2 One of shingles and a oar of loth _ travelled ou bores beck, mailing long
were received by P. Anent this week for tripe in the saddle, and many a long,
his customers. ' dark ride ha kad in returning from o'•u•
SATURDAY a oar of horses was brought ducting salsa at long distances from 1.ie
here from Kincardine for Diokeon Brae , home. Bat in those days he scarcely
dealers, of McKillop township. knew what illness or weariness was, ay he
50 PAIas Men'e Tweed and Worsted was possessed of a strong constitution
Pante to be altered ou Saturday at al- and wiry physique, equalled by few. Be
most,} price at HARRY A. MA'roHeTT'6, was assiduous in the performance of
Garfield House, I every duty, and was implicitly trusted by
BY a change in the bine table of the hie reams, as he was the very soul of
G. T, R. the morning train from Kluwer. , honor, while hie cheerful, genial dieposi•
dine arrives 3 minutes earlier than for. , tion made him a universal favorite with
merly, viz. at 7 15 instead of 7.18. This all who enjoyed aegnaiutaooe, but there
is the only ()hangs affecting Brnesele. I are few of his old time oomradea left, For
A Hoaso belonging to Hugh Lamont, many years be was a feet friend and
of Grey, upset the driver out of the bag.
gy at the Queen's Hotel yard last Friday
and took a short trip on its own ao•
count. No serious damage was done.
THD non jury sittings of the High
Court will open next week in Goderioh.
A local inbereet will be manifested owing
to the fact that some oases are ou the
docket from this section of the County.
THE masons have oompleted the found•
etion for the new residence of I. 0. Rtah-
arde and are pushing to a eomplotion the
same olass of work for the new house
being built by J. Leckie on Queen street.
Guo. MoLDOON'e omnibue Il. once more
on its rounds to asd from the G. T. R.
depot. It looks very gorgeous in its new
Spring suit which does oredit to oar
brash wielder, W, 0. Smith. It ie a very
neat job.
Aaorraarxog, — Thursday, 24th inst.,
the arbitrators, appointed to deal with
two school notion matters in Howiok
township will meet at Gerrie. The
arbitrators are Judge Doyle, Inepeotcr
Robb, Jas. Turnbull, of Grey ; Thos. N.
Hays, of Seaforth, and R. Buchanan, of
Wingham— Broeeele—
Homatb, Gray,
Hanson, Jaekeon,
Smith, MoNenghton,
Gibson, skip .,16 D. 0. Ross, skip..17
Crawford, Feild,
Carr, James,
Kneebtel, Hewitt,
Jeffrey, skip 18 Downing, ekip..19
Totals 38 86
ENTRANCE Exams.—The Entrance ex-
amioabione will be held on June 24th,
25th and 26th. The presiding examiners
are •—Olinten, Mona. Houston and
Lough ; Seaforth, Messrs. Rogers and
Bbiltiaglaw ; Wiogbaan, Messrs. Watters
and Bailey ; Fordwioh, Prinoipal Hart-
ley ; Wroxeter, Prinoipal Blade ; Blyth,
Mise Maud Brook ; Brussels, Inspeotor
Robb. The boards' of Entranoe Examin-
ers for Seaforth and affiliated centres
are Meseta. Rogers, Bbillinglaw, and
Miss Annie Killoran ; for Clinton and
centres, Metiers. Houston, Longb and
Robb, Mise Killoran was appointed by
Seaforth Roman Oatbolio Separate
School Board,
eoutive Committee of bbe Huron Old
Boys' Aeeooiation of Toronto have cum•
pasted arrangements for the Annual Ex.
00reion to Goderioh and Wingham on
Saturday, Jaly 4th. A especial train will
leave Toronto at 7 a, m. and at Guelph
will be split into two see:Mona, the one
going on to Goderioh, and the other go•
Ing to Wingham via Palmeretoo, Tiede.
Ma will be good to return ors any regular
ttain on July 4th, or 6th, or on specials
leaving Goderioh at 7,80 p. m, and Wing
ham at 8 p, m. on July Gtb. It is ex•
peotod that a large number of American
visitors at the Home•Oomere' Festival
will accompany the Excursion to Glider.
085 ABOVE EsTIMATIi.—In the construe -
lion of the Lamont Municipal drain
through Morrie township the drain has
to aeahhs railway. T
be Engineer ineer in
intimating thiepart of the o
plaoed 0160 as the smut of but Reeve
Livingetone, Councillor Work and Clerk
Relatesh, of Grey, had an . interview
with G. T. R. Roadmaeter Henry at
Brussels on the 10th incl., and he earl hie
tnetrnotions were 4185, or $95 more than
the Engineer's levy, The G. T. R. do
the workthetSelvea for the ^,amount
Mated. It ie not guessing very Mull to
state that inside of the next five 'years it
will net little more to 0ro88 a railway
for drainage pnrpoeso than to a0058 the
highway proportionately; ' line. in the earlier aye he 0apddeted
BESIDES the seven oloes ranee with
purees of $800 and $400 each, to be given
at the Listowel Rios, Jnne 24 and 25,
next week, s special parse of $500 is of-
fered to any horse beating the world's
record for high jumping, 7 feet Si inches,
The beet horses in the country lire enter.
ing and the meet at Listowel may be
oonnted upon, as usual, to be one of the
best in the province.
As OTHEne SEE Ue.—Iu spanking of
the League Foot Ball match in Brussels
between Mildmay and the home team the
Gazette of Mildmay, wboee editor is one
of the bard kinking backs, bas the follow.
ing in last week's issue :—The Mildmay
Stitt Football club met their first defeat
of the season at Brussels on Tuesday
evening, This was the first game in the
semi•fioale for the W.F. A. Ohampion•
ship, and wee the fastest and cleanest
exbibibion of football seen in that section
for many years. The Stare after their
drive of 26 miles across the country,
were by no means in the pink of condition
for playing championship ball, and as a
result the borne team bad the advantage
of the game in the first baif, At 6.30 the
referee, W. Allenby, of Wingham, blew
his wht t
ailed the game. The
' e
le and c g
ball was not long in play before the apes•
Wore ascertained that the game was sot
to be a one sided affair. After twenty
minutes Brussels sounded after many
bard rushee, in fording the ball throngb.
This ended the snoring for the first half.
The combination work of both teams all
through was quick, etrategio and at times
almost dazzling. After a short rest at
half time play was again reeamed. The
Brunie players were on the aggressive,
but the Stare were also rounding into
shape by this time. In twenty minutes
Brunie eoored eootbar tally, from what
looked very mnoh like an off-eidekiok,but
the referee allowed the goal, Score 2 bo
0. After this the Stars had the better of
the argument, and ten minutes later Nor-
man Schweitzer made a clever page to
Berry who tallied ou a magnificent shot.
This ended the sooting leaving the home
team Viotorione by a score of 2 to 1. For
the Stare Bersoht played an excellent
game and kept his wing from being a
serione fantor in bbe eooring line. H.
Hoefiing the junior goal keeper, made
many fine atop, and helped the baoks
out of sieveral tight pious, The Brunets
men all played a steady game, and are a
very good sort. The return match will
be played bore oet Monday evening, Jane
16110, at 8 o'olook. The Mildmay band
will be in attendanoe, The Stars ate
determined to tnrn the tables at the next
game. Referee Allenby, of Wingham,
gave excellent satisfaction to both °lube.
special favorite of the late L. Meyer, and
with whom he had been so long and so
Meseta, oonneated in business, Mr. Meyer
being clerk of the court flora the time of
ite establishment until his death. Par.
Brine was the last surviving member of
his family his brother having died not
long ago at the age of 80 years. He
leaves hie widow and a family of one eon
and five daughters, who will long cherish
in affectionate rememberanoe an ever
affectionate husband and the kindest of
fathers. The removal of Mr. Brine mak.
eo another blank in the ranks of the pie
neere, only a very few of whom are now
remaioing. The remains were laid to
rest in the Herpurheycemetery on Thurs-
day. Deceased was father of Mrs. P.
Soott, of Brunie.
Business Locals.
Wool wanted ; egge 14o ; potatoee 750,
Seed Dorn for sale.
GEO. E. SING, Wingham.
Fon SALE —Four show oases (2 aprigbts
and 2 flats) 3 tables and a mangle.
Fauns Plows.—Farmers wishing to
buy the best plow made should oall on
John Long, agent. I will also keep
points at Alf. Seeker's offioe.
Comer Maitland No, 699, L 0. F., will
meet the and and 4th Moriarty eveniogs
of the month in the 0. 0. F. Hall, Full
attendance requested. T. OMRER,
ANY one needing lawn mowers and
-scissors sharpened and made to work
easy oan have same done at T. MoGreg-
or's saw and tool shop. A11 first-olaes
work done here on Mill street, Brunets.
READY FOR BUSINnse.—If you want any•
thing iu the slope of an A 1 baggy or a
good lumber wagon yon are asked to call
at The ()ober Carriage Factory, Bruseele,
where you will find a splendid new stook
to choose from and at oorreot prime. A
look through our show room will not
ooet yon anything and may save you
some money.
DEATH of J. P. BRINE.—Joseph P.
Brine passed peacefully from this life, at
kin reeidenoe in Harpurhey; on Tneeday
of last week. He had been entitled to hie
residence for about a month and did nob
seem to soff.'r from any particular disease
but simply gave way to weakness, caused
by a gradual wearing -oat of the pbysinai
man. He reached the gond age of 84
years, and prolong to bis last illness
was a remarkably smart and active man
for hie age. Mr. Brine was a native of
Tolpedale, Dorset, England, Preview; to
oomfug to this country he resided in
London, England, for aboot Len yearn.
He game to Canada over fifty yore ego,
landing in London and soon aftorwarde
owning t0 Huron, and settling in Harper.
reside where he
continued to 're do u
hie death, He filled the position of bail.
Hi in the and division court for 47 yore,
and onlyresigned that position Bien his
recentiilnees. As a mark of his fidelity
to duty, we may arty that during all these
years he only minced attendance at one
division court sittings. He was one of
the beet known men in the county. For
over forty yore, in addition to his court
bneineea, he toted as auctioneer, and
thfe oapaoity was very enodeeofal and
popnlarr, and did it lame heathen (n this
one Feet Bali Ream Now 111 the
t it the
avenin Mt dmav
Last Monde a
y g,
intermediate champions of Districts 2 and
9 met for a final settlement as to whioh
°lab would oonteat in the fleets for the
ohampionsbip onp. In the game at Brus•
seta last week the eoore was Brasserie 2,
Mildmay 1, eo that our team went into
the contest with 1 in their favor, scale
counting instead of games. Both teams
were determined to do their beat and the
result was that each eoored a goal, Bens.
eels taking there's in the first half, by a
wall played shot by Cameron and
Sweitzer did the trials for Mildmay in the
second half, leaving the visitors the win
nere by 8 l0 2.
Onr boys were nob without backers ns a
special train was °bartered, leaving Btu.
eels fit 2 n'olects,'in charge of Conductor
Ireland and Engineer Jeffrey, with 115
passengere which number was increased
by 15 at Ethel and Atwood, arriving at
Mildmay about 4 p, m. When the knots
came Braeeels way the shearing was not
done in double piano toners by any means
as the motel was very stubbornly non•
teated and the borne team had the advent
age of knowing their hillside park, void
of grass, which tallier bothered our boys
at times.
One disngreeab'e feature of the =tab
wee the pugnacity of one of the Mildmay
kickers who made an onalougbt on a
Brunie forward and, after a good deal of
hesitancy on the part of the pus, wag
properly allowed a 15 minute vacation by
Referee Allenby, of Wingham. Another
Mildmay youth was an extra good Molter
in the a bask line bat he managed to
locate the shanks of the opponents about
ars often as he did the hall. 01•jection
was made to this well defined peculiarity
but no redress was accorded exoepting a
5 minute lay cff. Now that Ito over we
will not grieve abort it only to say it Is'
not proleoeional foot ball The line np
was identiaal with the game last week se
follow% :—
H Bcaning 0091 , R Beattie
,7 J011onton IGerry
M Switzer Backe {,,,,A.Robinson
P Bahnithieew)} 1 Backe RBroWeirn
J Borsht.„, .......
D Doering ) (0
R Queers
WBerry ... �V tloneron
M sahwatm T Moftas
P Leinular,,...,., Forwards J Bailey
N Holtzmsnn„. W 001%04 Rae Good
Standard Balk of Canada
92lSWA,TOZ-. ;iF3=b= 113715
Of Dae dollar and upwards
received null iut,reet allow.
ed in Saviuge Bank at
higbeet rate from date Of
deposit to withdrawal.
Daily Balance
Made, Notes Cashed,
and every aceommoda
tion afforded the ren•
ponteible borrower..
1PA11ME105' BALE NOTES (lathed, oolleoted ; or Wray be left for eafo•keoping ou1y
for Which 110 charge is made,
This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction,of every form of Banking Business
tarEvery convsnieuee afforded oustomere living at a diatoms.
of Brussels have loot a garno yet tbie sea.
son although they have played 4 eaoh,
Owing to Braeeele drawing the bye they
will brave two more game, First will
be played on Dominion Day with the
winners of the Berlin—St. George contest
at either of the above mentioned towns
and the second match in Bruseele about
July 6th, A special train may be arming.
ed for Dominion Day eo as to adeOrnmo-
date those desiring of participating or
witnessing the matob. ; Our boys are
determined to put op agame fight for the
coveted championship honors and we
hope the eueaess attending them so far
will land them at the hop for 1908. Team
practice should not be neglected between
now and the let.
BUTTON.—In Hallett, on June 11, John
Batton, aged 67 years and 8 months.
BRINE.—In Iarpurbey, on Josue 9, Joseph
Brine, aged 84 years.
Frentroos.—At Deeertmartin, Magberafelt,
Ireland, on May 27, John Fleming,
eon in law to Joo, and Mrs. 0ousley,
Lxvi000sooN.—In Listowel, on June 9,
Alice Maria Jones, beloved syife of
P. 3. Livingston, in her 27th year.
Manor —Irl Morris, on Juno 18, Margaret
Thompson, beloved wife of Alex.
Niobol, sr., in bee 66th year.
— --- A'.TC2'=0T7
Sa unnaY, Juan 20.—Honeehold furni-
ture, cow, Wagon, &o., Princess street,
Brunie, Sale, unreserved, at 2 0Molook•
John Carrie, prop.; F: S. Soott, aura.
TUESDAY, duo 30.—Farm, farm stock,
implements, &a. Lots 16 and 17, non. 10,
Grey. -Sale, unreserved, at 12 O'oloolr.
August Fieaber, prop. ; F. S. Scott, auc.
xa.TR u ~:-t-.._,,. _z.A.0E.".1.
Fall Wheat 69 •70
Batley 37 40
Peso 56 55
Oats • .. 28 30
Batter, that; and rolls .. 13 14
Eggs pf 1' '100en 11 12
Flour per cwt, 4 00 5 00
Potatoes (per bus.) 50 60
Apples (per bag) 40 50
Hay per bon 6 00 7 00
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hoge, Live 5 40 5 40
Wool 15 16
Hides trimmed 6 64
Hideo tough - 5 6
Lamb eking eaoh 25 90
Sheep ekine,saolt 25. 26
Banner= eoore, some in farrow, for
Bale. JOH. ENGLE11, Lot 20, Oon, 0, Grey,
Hentryn P.O.
OooiFonrABLD house for eale or to rent,
t1• of' set \ , A
Mille e V Apply OT.
v make paeb9 and VBBts. Prion p0r
job 81,25 and 51,00. JAOOB10REmerson,11;,
et Switzer
Referee—W. Allenby, Winghem.
Goal• implres--Gen. Roehnler and P. Fer-
gOeon, •
Brunie ttein pulled Out of Mildmay
at 10 O'oloolt and reaohed the carpet town
at 11 56, where the victors were greeted
by the town Band and two bonfires, the
news having been wired In minute from
the some of battle, Hearty oongeattlla•
tions were expressed over the SUM:W ,
Neither the intermediate nor jonioro,
C. O. r.
Oeurt Princess Alexandria, No. 24, 0. 0. 10.,
Bmania, meets in their Lodge Room, Blas -
hill Block, on the and mud last Tuesdays of
each month, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome, ' JAS. 131111502586, 0.71,
Iensofthe undersigned Lob 21, Ton.
7, Grey, rebeartug steer, heovine is eolor, whir
white forebear). The owners le requested to
prove property, pay expenses and take biro
98 4+ Ebhel P, 0.
Hay For Sale.
TENDERS Will be received for the bay
crop growing ou the Grey Branch Ag1. Palls.
up to July 270, at 0 p, m. The highest or
any tender not necessarily aeaepted. Ten-
derer meat out a1l weeds 00 the Park in-
cluding ppane, &o. etas
JAB. 8116111, W. H, KERR,
Pooeidavb, secretary.
Lag 10 and 17, Oen. 1, Grey town -
thin, Huron 00„ooutaining100 mires, There
are en merest cleared 7 and balance hardwood
lamb, principally beech, maple, ()berry and
ask; good timber. There is a batik barn 50x
00 feet, a frame bones, good bearing orebard,
fenese in good repair, 2 wells, 6e. Only1
mite from school and 2milosfrom posteBRoe.
Branch of Maitland rivet oroesos ono Brod of
farm supplying abundance of water. J0'arm
is all Needed down oxoenting 10 sores, Poe-
eeesioll 0n Jan. lot, 1004, with privilege of
patting in Fall wheat, 1000 further par Min -
Mrs as to pride, tornls,, Co„ apply to 0110,
McDONALD, Proprietor, Wroxeter P,O, 40.4
Public Notice.
TAKE NOTI018 that the Connell of the
Village of 8rueeels, in the County of Huron,
boron, give notate that they intend to pro-
long the sewer on the West side of Turn.
err street from the present tem -Niue on
b 1
, u to -1 to Southerly Flora etrf of sot r y the Bout to a
of Thomas Oxen, in the Village of
Brussels, and to give connections toe to milti
properties tolbe benoftted by Buab sewer
by °atouding laterals to the street line Of
sash properties and by potting in oath
boons to remove the water of both aides of
the street and t0 ',limy for the cost of the
same by spacial aseossento on all proper-
ties; so 50 be benollbtod by Such extension
uebomm the owners so to be beno8tted on
both sides of Tarnborry street oppose the
name by petition ass:Knifed by Bastion 060
of the Municipal Aot.
Dated 1121010111 day of June,1909.
F. 8, SCOTT,
99 2 Clark of the Village of Brunets.
'WILL be sold at the Ktngetou Poniten-
per pou
tiarynd, f, to fo, arh, mersKingsab rhoton:—
followlug prices
Pure Mantle, 000 ft, to the lb lobo.
Kingston. Spec int, 600 ft. to the Ib,945.
ie. per lb. lege on toe lots.
Perms cash with the order, '
Address all communications to the War-
den of the Kingston Penitentiary,Kiugetou,
Papers inserting this notion without au
thorny from the;King's Printer•will not be
paid therefor,
99.2 J. M, PLATT,'
Kingston, Jnne Gbh, 1008. Wm•deu.
Paan' Swoon, I rennst0NTO, Pomo.
80100,.&a—Mr. F. B. Soott, auctioneer, hes
received instructions from the uudere[aued
to 8011 by public aasbp.n at Lots 10 and 17,
Con. 10, Grey, on TUESDAY, JUNE lCtb,
1009, at 12 o'elook, the following Valuable
property, viz,: -1 horse 6 years old, 1 mare
8 years old ,1 mare 8 years old, 1 horse 3 yrs.
old, 1 colt 1 year old, 1 aged horse, 1 horse
10 years old, 7 newly calved cows, 2 heifers 0
years old, one supposed in calf ; 4 boilers 2
years old, 5 yearlings, 1 steer 2 years old, 1
thorn' -brad Ou.bam bull 17 mouths old, 0
calves, 1 Yorkshire boar 2 yours old, 1 brood
sow with 8 of a litter, 1 sow supposed to be
in farrow, 2ewes, 1lamb, about 100 hens,
1 Newfoundland dog, 1 pup, 1 Massey -Harris
binder, 1 MnUormiolt mower, 1 Massey -
Barrie mower, 1 pea puller, 7 land roller, 1
Frost & Wood bores rake, 1 din harrow, 1
est iron barrows, 1 Deering drill, new, with
12 hoes ; 1 sandier new, 1 devoorab, 8 ',',lamelaw
1 wagon, 2 sets of trunks, 1 hay and stools
rack, 2 top bnggiee ono new, 2 clatters, 2
pairs bob -clouts, 3 sets of dOUblo laoTueea,
2 seta Bingle hereon, 1 fanning mill, 1 grain
mintier, 1 cutting box, 1 set scales (2,000 lbs 1
hay fork, ropes, pulls Ys and slings; 1 stone
boat, a quantity of nrc.wood, it quantity of
hay, chains, shovels aurl numerous other
artioles, atom all the household furniture.
The farm is known as the Robert Brown
farm, near Craabroolr, containing 200 sores,
and is one of the bust farms in the township
of Gray; good buildings, orchard, 60„ and
farm se iu most convenient location ; if not
sold will be rented for this year by auction,
Sale without reserve as the proprietor Is
giving up farming, Terms—All (euros of &I
sod udder cash, over that amount 16 mouths
oredit will be given on furnishing approved
balpt notes,; 6 per °out. off for sash on tired -
it amounts. Terms for farm made known
on day of sale ; 70 per Dent, of money may
stand on mortgage at 4 and 4i per coat.
E. 9. 500810, AUGUST 1'ISCHElt,
Auctioneer. . Proprietor.
J1,1Rhl 113 1008
we Have
The rest, oomfort aid relaxation
you get one of a Hammook is
always worth many timers its out,
Manafaoturere hoop improving on
the oonstrsotion from year to year
and we think the new line we are
now showing will provide even
more comfort than tits styles of
previous yore. We have a plat•
line ranging in price from 760 to
$3 00
Drug Store.
L 0111000 shop and tools. IOxeollent
stand. Apply Immediately, 13018,
44.6 Myth, Ont,
good lot for Bele on Queen street,
Bromide. For further partioulare apply to
MARY OAMPBELL, Brus0019 P. O. 8811
1 for sale. Eligible for registration.
Por prise, terms and ; other particulars ap•
ply to J. D. M0NAIR, Lot 22, Con. 18, particulars,
or Oran brook P. 0, 86•tf
Short Horn Belle, from imported
stook , for sale, Also cows and heifers, im-
ported and home bred. 72 bead to select
from, D. MIL.NE & 80N, Maitland Bank
Stows Farm, Ethel Ont. 80•tf
Bulls for sale. One is lyear old sod
the other two younger. Also several regist-
ered Cows and Holtere. Apply to JAMBS
5PEIR, Lot 30, Con. 0, Morris Twp., or Brun -
eels P. 0. 22.01
Painting, Paper Banging, &c.
The undersigned is prepared to attend to
all orders for Paper Hanging, Kalsomiuing,
Glazing and Paiubiog in a workmanlike
manner and at roilaotable rens. Oarpon.
tering also attended to.
41-3m John street, Brussels.
The Council of MaHlllop will take tenders
for two Municipal Drains to be opened on
June 80th, at Beechwood, at 1 o'clock. after-
noon. The estimated work on drains is
81633 and 5773. If tenders are too high over
estimate, Council reserve right not to ac-
cept, otherwise lowest tender will be taken
if security can be furnished ; 826.00 to no-
oompa0y tenders until security 1s - given.
Plansand specifications to be peau at my
Dille°. 8190, 0. MORRISON
47.3 - Clerk.
3 Days of Extraordinary Bargains, commenc-
ing Saturday morning, June 20.
12 pairs Lace Curtains 3 yards long, regular 65o
12 pairs Fine Lane Curtains 9a yards long, regular 4155
Extra wide Fine Curtain Muslin, regular 15o per yard
Choice patterns in Fancy Draping, regular 15o
Special Sale Prioa $0 45
Speoial Sale Price a 25
Special Sale Price 12
Special Sale Pries 9
Dress IVlusiins Lawns and {{bighorns.
Ohoioe patterns in Fancy Drees Pauline, regular 20o
Extra Fine Lawn, 46 inches' wide, regular 180
Fine White Lawn, 42 inches wide, regular 15o
Fanoy Ginghams, choice patterns, regular 10a
Booth Dina shoos
If you will save money and want comfortable
come direst bo our Shoe Department. •
Men's Fine Dongola Bale„ sold regular at $2.50
Men's Fine Dongola Ba'e , sold regular at $2 00
Men's Fine Bf. Bale., eo d regular at $1.65
Women's Fine Dongoia Oxfords, sold regular at $1 65
Women's Fine Dongola Oafdrde, sold regular at $100
Women's Fine Dongola Bala., mold regular at 41 75
Speoial Bale Pride
Speoial Bale Price
Special Sale Price
$penial Sale Price
Foot Wear
Special Sale Price $1 90
Speoial ,Salo pin 1 50
Hpeoial Sale Price 1 25
Special Sale Price 1 25
Special Bale Price 85
Special Sale Price 1. 06
Gentlemen's Attentions
On Saturday we open 2 00se8 of a Special Perchese of Clothing. We watt you
to come in and Bee them. Perfect Fitting Suits and Odd Pante for lees money than
the Oboth alone aoet, without speaking of making. They are Bargains I They are.
Special I They are only On Bale for the 8 dosye.
Butter and Eggs taken as Oash.
Garfield G House,