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The Brussels Post, 1903-6-18, Page 7
At ilia rc tarn L'yl'kl STc•chanE 11 to fill a Which he Is AUout ilia r.,reuvor 04 N, relaLivri to Proaching, SenCe from he was so his rescue 1 of these m neccesarily he has ask t Whon the the passoitl Forrester I that Mr. �f. him in ilio structions Still less t the auppos when we w there was board gain, assistance, lowed the such a hur that at hi tyre would an hour known as gone ashor day and he Zavortal atantially, could be a ' tbo group Qlie purpos early ill ill rester" sr .. though hr Would not Working of however, h that when - tlenitan o absurd gro away Who eelona—als, den freak only ono •(Zavertal's cal officer he should sill, the re fortunato ( care of ill: made for h The nowi detention [ ship, but forestall rt dear younl myself. Al permitted their enga no other' r sympathy unceasing rible ordel grant relic ! doctor's ridiculous to heart . her chief 1 nation the tempornril ment at t already ( of ulterior . fident ilia, su,flice fol• Vince ilii tulce that quite expo at Naples fusdon. This h quickly sit next Mo•r nounced once of all of Night v •y visit to it at Le9hc given—we existed --w stop any change, bd rible blow ,q would go calling at ),auto. we Offering tain Port It must .. passenger: DIMS fell of To man dizziness Of almost ,ties., So fore them,' dazzled ; attacks of exhaustion and deflate quantity 0 Dr, Chase' certain as cure Obtai Mrs. Sy Belleville, weeks ago ment With and found nleclicine. With nary fluttering ,eotharod Weakness very thstr treatrazint strong, a eecirts to mend Dr-. ,xcell'enit. It's,. Jt t}Lro4'. a I. dSeFlec4��eq�dg�e a�ar�[`rta�a y and Sot aus trio an mhdioir, tiles,, cSfJir>snlpu .4e 4� ,�4dymgeq�&s��ld W I gust, whiclt I showed ]sued in aha day by treating him with marked rase and I told Mr. Kennard what I thought, Iknew that the dear �,q�p�Pgp� p•gt�ypm,g�y���p i l' `Yd�f°�icU 7et�W� �i Pounds and $,O�iO pounds respective- 37$ in fa• (1�IQjjIT - (jjp((�Q B19lTJJS ��Y11pGS coolness; Zavertal being present at Iung 0Iirl'a bravo spirit would' enable hot, to ,, ly, a diff......... of pounds vor of soiling, d11cart A Talc 11 V 10 ilia time. Thence unward, so AAI knew Itiln as "General Waldo, , 9U7' rolatlona were decidedly PaLraire- play her part perfectly, especially as it was to bring confusloii on the had ill-treated her A� f31� ;` o� � � �H� Py 0 ��YgYq Z The average yield of butter was X72,7 Pot3ndafor tilo soiling Period fol' the silage_ DESCRIPTION 4F EN ali� of W wrotell who P s stud 1Fi7A povnkLs favor ,� WWW M ad.,, Oil leaving Leghorn the passengers Iovor. "Very wall, )lava It your way," 3r�y ppm p� v Period,r 1.5.3 pounds in of oiling.o Tho average percentage of Three Thousand Two V �1 Llle warp informed t1tAt it fled Ucan de- was the reply, "lYo wig lay the °r�� �a yd� �� fat for the two poriods was prat- Clarks and Nine Mi] Arrow W 1Y At tided t0 visit Cagliari, but first to skirt the Italian coast as far as 1 � s Civ to 'V Vecchia, o that as far a ec, l a s f trap to -morrow, Meet me here after breakfast for final urran(1'e_ t;'i Zavortal i Inspecting 1 /nva to i SU3=41R FE111D, 1YIt alt It tioall the sante, namely, 1.32 and 4,42;" The results show that both 3 n PCs ecu to tem are C P Depositors, England'ss IC%k Rolling \I a P qr I ossible the ori Inal Pro ranuue 1) f�" g F a 3 melts while 1 ec [ t 0 f g the Craw. GOOd flight, And COtl ['ag0." such exception of c s h o ex pt er arae C10PA fOr aa'm[nl'1• fO,CagC as at'C systems practicable Ya p U1t0 quantity a9 WCIl a6 t730 gtlAllty poatof7ino sayings banks g several has bee W lose the call aL Naples, alight be Ila vanished round tho corner of grown on the Now Jersey Agricul- of the rnllk produced, years ague �apA pt'eserved. 4n the evening of the the wheel-houso, and after waiting a Lural Farm are out with a mowing SUM11ER WATER, SUPPLY, trainto Ferencnoticto of lata on Acca force of t13o pradlg �a• 9, P�� �'+ day after ive left Leghorn, while few minutes I, too, went out on machine, writes Prof, C, B, Lana, I la[•iti in tiro carat flow may cal force which ilio syr cal iTIAP'1'TAIt XX. roster's deposition to pass Without Aline was resting in tite state- room, I was sittingalone on deeds deck, dazed and horror-struck by What I had heated, but determined These crops include rye, wheat, alr- y alfa, Crillla0n and other C1UYL'1•Sr t Uo duo in part to the water Supple• due if busy Uig 1,)uill e :toast of any 1•rieid Cap- a good deal of sympathetic Com- moat. He had become a great when General Wfnldo passed me. Up to the last two to Uo Worthy of rite trust reposed 1n oats, Canadian Scold peas, cowpaaa, Deans If not illfietmtt, or a milknsome, lr• tvtlier will decrease the milk lo- riafrostrep tl Victoria street, whiCii tl �. outgrown, to their now Porreuter, late of the ervicq T take tap my Pott favorite with all, and Doctor La- vertal required all his own estnb- clay or we should have,interebanged bows and smiles, mo. During the ensuing night it will ens said some of the titillate. About one and one-half tons axe duction. A cow, like a workman, should have everything she Heads ft '"lest XonsingLon, a vast a place, Covering five gap a the statement preparing for the press llsmacl popularity to justly the y likely he would have made and very sola un[nt remark ;but now he .,ere 4 be remembered that first Vizard and alien Captain I'orrester worn harvested Query morning at our star Lion Lo supply the herd for aha day, she fees her best. She requires a liberal supply of water. Not p y ground, close to the air called Olympia, says a Lc awful Voyage in the Course he had taken, But he was the occasion, and by blots and looked straight to lits front, and I b to the sunset, tlo Pinked and the latter will re,. This is raked with a heavy horse Y rake, loaded on to a low wagon, and me lrmtst the wants of the hod be met, y• ter, This now Governmer gift, Certain things, very the end now so fast up- and Innuendos managed to hold his n walknd0a admire walked alt to the store and disap- is surae his Pen to relate the tom- itlications that resulted. fad to the talus in a rave -acre field but ff crrnaie incl a quantity is drain- in the milk Which contains 87 has just Leen comPletad, for the national doper occurred during his ab- own. Ian ospocially strong gamut with him wits that Captain Forces- geared behfnd the tvlreel-house, A minute or so after he had one g To Bo Continued. � 1 Where the are turned every horn- Y lag for exercise. B this methdd y rid oft pounds of water in eyed" 100, I thrift, ilia slit and Also while P, w0okedl c t, Inod after Y for had prevented kiln from going lie by I chanced so look clown at, my 0--- VESUVIUS IN UGLY MOOD. there is practically no waste and If the hard is kept whole the no, tarsi supply at water is not Clean The movie day coriCi g clerks, the thousands of 1 rbul the spar ;anti. it is ashore at Barcelona, when wish- lap, and to my surprise saw Thera revery squura :toot of the farm, with and wholesome at all dynes, it is (to- which aro kept the accou titers, of which he was ad to procure a certain drug to care of<l Lads Unrberty's neuralgia. 7']nts a con1plod slip Or paper• Which Karl ion been there. Opel- How the Volcano Looks When Balchin Forth Fire. the exception of the cattle run, is inept at its hi, best productive ca- S l airable to place a tank in. the Pas - bank's `0,000,000 deposit not an oyc witness, that d me to speak, carried weight with the tuft -hunters certainl not Y 5 Ing it out, T was astonished to 6 g tho Pacify undisturbed by the treading tore, or cattle run, where it is east- ly accessible. If possible, lead a the simply innumerable relating thereto, Enorn ship left Genoa none, of of whom there were net a fete on board the pleasure -cruiser. read— "Follow A Fortunately for Naples and surrounding country, the recant vie- of animals, The land devoted to forage experiments is divided into pelta to it from a spring, strea m or the job of convoying tl ars know that Captain bona left bel"in•d, At Leghorn two hnei0ants worthy Inc to whet:l-house. few w03•d9 of vital impotence to lent spasms of Mount Vesuvius fell acre debts and special forego rota - reservoir to give a constant supply American "Tgricul- London, however, it is nt that it will be accomplish( ad and MclnLyro had superseded or note occurred. We arrived off the breakfast, and Suss Challenor,+. short of expectations and the threat- eruption resulted only in the tions Kato been Studied for A Hain It has been of frt'sh wader, turist. the department's business command. by Cabled in- rmn aha owners at )loco, Port shortly after many of the passengers were Pro' the doctor T110 Alllel'1Ca11 ]7Ad tOSSCd 1',11q missive there so adroftl that the Y dist for a short distance of hemi showers of ashes and the riffs- light showers ser of "set's. P ocrops same seasons to secure three craps ilia land the TIIT SWINE HI'ERD. feted in any Way. vRhai bas been brought lay were mule aware of tel reason. :It Wits only paring to land, when came into the saloon and an- motion had escaped me. For a too- ment I was in doubt as to what I gemination le sulp,,Lur_on oAcletteLtwriLe who 1 same and perennial plant, alfalfa, has frequently given Resolve to keep the hogs healthy, uent attensignirtionti which they in e' big are rued] out to sea, and nonmed that before any shore- left the ship, it had been rte+ ought to do. 1Tis callousness aUout smoke. , �islted the scone pictures it vividly. y' us flvo cuttings in one sertson. This 6 lino of work has proved valuable in To this end supply then With an ply abundance of green food and waste in s bank in the world" h. g no fear of any one of f ashore to the Camtaln's Parties Bided that he should go and see it Captain For•restar's trouble hardly tallied with a desire to serve Aline, TIo had climbed to what is known as the "smoke pould not' beyond showing the possibilities of intensive fruit, if pasture is not accessible, down in the hind ceivin of late is the i g growth of this unique i. - that Doctor Zavertal ill- the town had a clean' bill of health, a" if it wore infected, we might be for ever one on the ship, had by Y P this time how Were which his guides wood not venture, farm practice under good average conditions. H'or example, CXOPS of When hogs breads quarters exclusive corn diet is usual- The number of deposits an ed from 3,000,000 t acts to leaks out ; and in y tuns lie to got away, subjected to the annoyance of guessed matters g between then, nor could I ace how "1Co were here surrounded," ho says, "by imutnterable Columns of rya, oats and peas and soy boasts followed other in close I ly the cause. This Is due to the that corn does not supply en - into 1 P 000; the number of degas i instigation Mr. Sfeln- 6 quarantine at other' Slod'itarranean� porta, lie came Uacic in a couple of It was in his Power to be of use, But, reflecting g that to hear what h9 dense smoke and steam, tvth shot in the and which each succrrt(tion on the lama lana Tho Etter such mineral matter. A largo box 2,000,000 to 0,000,000. words, on every business c not wait a quarter of q for the passenger then hours' time tvitll the Haws that say- 6 had to say would in no way bind me up from un,eks earth )•ono in long spirals to lose them- Santa season, gave a total yield of forage containing a mixture of salt, Ashes to whish has been Year 40,000 persons mal General Waldo, who had oral crises of cholera had occurred, and advised that though it might to accept his services, and perhaps p impelled by Seminino I selves in the Clouds above. from the volcano 24 ions of green per acre. g P Again, crops of wheat, cow^peas and and charcoal, added a few ounces of copperas, will through 14,080 govarnr[tel tions, No wonder, then, secretly the previous d not returned. not be dangerous to land, it would curiosity, rose and walked aft. Tho explosions Uecono caro rapid, following each Japanese millet produced 2 toils supply the necessary elements. One individual the Postal savings banks Loot( cora to lie circum- be Witter, in view of possible future rostrict.ions, to give the Place a The manner of his Communicatingalso tan for other, indeed, so rapidly as to re- file. 2 rye, say beans and barley 1 has yielded as high t011&, A1fAlof should be kept in each pen and in the hog lot ns wrll, If tablished, nearly 500 prl tut:ibns of the kind have i so that rho story he iuln- a'roboruCntl. Ile informed wide berth. It has since been proved with ran plied a wish secret y, and l therefore tools caro to be un- gamble continual ml,tisketr Y From the crater above us a perfect green ns 2G tons of rear forage in oue g 6 season from Ileo cuttings• lice become troublesome, a mixture kerosene and grease composed of to )r passengers, selected for that cholera haat not been heard of obsarced when T slipped behind the mountain of sulolca arose from time A COMPLETE RA'11102T. of different parts will eNeetivoly de- GO OAT OF BUSIN !, that he had discovered i voyage that y 6 "poor For- at Leghorn that year. 'trite second item calling' for re• wheel -house. Waldo was leaning over the stern -rail watGUhlg ilio foaming to time, spreading itself out like a pine tree and falling back fanwise The advantage of green forego h- stray them. It may be applied with What has made the G sav3n s Uanka sack an g fferect front delusions, Walde was the return or "General the paHA who had tracts of the screw, but directly I the corner he was at my toward Pompeii. Wiith this there carne a dense shower of fire balls, providing an abundance of rough- age throughout the growing season, a Urep Keep the troughs clean, and give success is the fact that a ] pact hoped that they Interfere with his proper t Ge been left behind at Gonna. A few been rounded side with a quick,- gilding motion stones and scoria, shot up straight as well as the relative cheapness of the pigs Plenty o[ goad, clean war • Running Water not neces- posit is as welcome as a the incoming shilling being ilia ship. The malady, rnitiutes after Zavertal tante aboard that was quite novel to the sup- into the air mend then trolling clown certain of them; makes the question ter, ,is W'hon a stream has become seriously as the incoming td developed s0 quickly rho turned T was on dock trying to comfort Aline, who was terribly downcast posed aged veteran, As soon as he his mouth to spears I knew the mountain sides in thousands of flaming fragments. At 10 mimites of whether they nvay not constitute the ration of an entire herd a prat- sary, contaminated with cholera germs, it to all Sart the Government 6A,wi intended for shall captain a gen- et of the ship on the at the Prospect of leaving Italy gpaned that he had'been either notinga to 4 an unusuallyloud mumbling an- ticable one — that is, whether it is frequently carries the disease farms lying Uelow. are and more than $1,250 a lad that he was ast�w- without further news of her lover, part' before, or was doing so now, nouncecl a now outburst. 'pine pract[caUle and profltaUlo to use thus All sinall grain shgnId Uc ground not bo received. had been landed at ]tar- by a strange and sod- The audrnr was being got up, and all Was ready for the start, when I for alto firm, grave tones that fell upon my ears were those of a man 'A}t enormous tree' of smoke was'sent 1,200 fact rip into the air soiling crops exclusively and reduce rho necessity for pasturage before foaling to hogs. One of soiling crops will sup- But the beauty hi the v is the Baso with whiclt it i if his own—there was heard some one any "Why, here in rho prime of life. and fall Uitels on the mountain top and for purchased feeds, All oxperi- this acre 10 full- hogs or a larger begin with, anyone can dt course to pursuct. Ills responsibility as medi- comes old Waldo ; he has caught us up attar rill," "You havd done well to come," Ire said. "And first of all, let too in millions of little curls of smoke, One of my companions told me that indent was carried out at sta- tion, lammed to learn the influence Ply number of young ones. Five acres lung will supply 53 PbatkIIlae is nearly savings went savings Uank. All natio it imperative that natio i Looking ftp I saw a shore boat rapidly approaching the ship, and, correct a wrong impression. Cap- the densitof this explosion could only be accounted for by a landslip of a ration consisting entirely of forage and its economy as compared in good- condition sows together with tine pigs. Of person who wants to opt to do is to rho British Con- :011sutult being that the Ian- sure enough, ilio fare was the so- tail, Forrester has no ataunchei friend than myself on this ship, T of a small Part of the er'ater." with a food consisting of a mixed ra- course it is understood small aan of train must be Ted in addi- count has i nearest postal sub -hard aptain was bofng taken he centric American tourist whose loss every one had been .regretting. The spoke as I did the other •day in hearing for the The correspondent then describes how a fortnight Before Iris ascent Lion of green forage and fine feed. The forage ration consisted of 100 aunts tine, few out a -blank, giving his 1 dress, oto, Then he ge arrangonlent',a could s return to Ti'ugland, fact of ht's reappearance soon spread, your several reasons, chief of them being that I wished to Vesuvius had begun to runxble and pounds oats and peas, and the for- In weaning pigs remove a w the stronger ones and after a few tar's book, in which he l of Captain Fori•oster'w p and the steamer's side was soon Hager to incur your temporary enmity," throw out showers of ashes. Four days later the explosions became ago and feed ration of 60 pounds pate and pens, flue pounds wheat days a fete ntoro, amd so on until name, pays in las money it eon api'eftCl tlll'OUgll the luckily, I was able to thronged with passengers welcome him bank. Zavertal was "I lyes gl'IL'VCd bgyio7lQ measure to bear speak so hardly and un- like great thunderclaps and the bran and three pounds dried brow- all are taken away, when the pigs begin to drinks give the amount recorded This ends the opening mor and broak it to my standing by when he came up the ladder, and greeted him warmly, ,you truthfullyof one who bad been your "You ashes changed to intcandescent lava, which was thrown up to a great g ors' grafts. Notwithstanding the relatively large bulk of the forago y g e a third slot of Liman &and And his next deposit mal in an part of aha coumtr Charge, Miss Challenor, lie, as T have been long though with some surprise. Intimate," I replied. could not have chosen it better way to height and then roll into the cater, ration, the aalima]A consumed it shorts,[ - - _ there is a postoffilce. ;o call her, had confl•drid 1,6 roe, and if for "Why, General, this Is delight- fail," he said, in his most genial effect your purpose, though I do not undcratanct tvh should have ilia upper parts of which it has note completely filled. readily and no unfavorable effects upon their health were noticed, 'though C r Die. A. W. ORA � 1i'ibadt•awin in Is i g y cos In ilia ordinary c y' Lemont the had my manner. "11e had quite given you Y you think These snouts of lava wore terriUlY Tho gain in weight was R �'���3,. ���i� the depositor has to do ;anon y earned and by their up for good. What oil earth have wished to make ale badly of „ beautiful to see and the top of the slightly less than for the ration con- ■ ■. ,a -tri sant direct to tba diseased to the Central office in a gratitude kindness during lay ter- Gibraltar, 1'o You been up to '1 and ltoty came you to be smart enough to Pick e v g P p you IIo camp close to mo and said !,in- mountain looked as if it were crowned with long rays of tire, Be- sistin of forage and feed. ?Mlk g g from the forage and feed ration was parts bylbe fmpre ed n(cwcr. Henle the niters, .ie.rs tbesie lope, that can bo had for Ing at any sub -station, a 1 aL my r, Aline looked upon the here ,,. pressively, though scarcely above a g whisper : "Becauso it is matter of tween the ]ova cawe showers of profused at a cost of 45 cents Pc pssagea,stopsdroppin atom■ creat aria pern,n ,ani �y carte tvithdratval. Tito cent allegation as so utterly "Easy as falling art a log," was reply. a life or death to your fair young g stones stud the rumbling and ex- plosions became so violent that it 100 and from the forage ration at g cost of 80 cents per 100. The re,- cat.rrb.oati.y Fev.c. Blanes I free. A11 a..k.n,er Ar. A. w. erase sends back a warrant, at can "cash in" at that she did not take It b the chtu actc'fsticall quaint they q fooling rouncl among the charge that Doctor Zavertal should & was feared that a new and. sorious sults of the experiment indicated 1Qeabta. Co., Toronto aaa Huffalc pastier atter having signed TETE BI✓ST COW. much as T heel feared, uelittg being one of indig- gat stores at Genoa, missed you by ten believe, ns to be at daggers drawn, Mrs, L'riikworth. You and I have phase of the eruption was beginning• But rho noise and the that green forage of the savae, gen- oral oats and pans in tido presence of one of in -the t her lover shouted be to such treat - minutes, and came on by the cars attar learning our change of dos- Y to stand between that poor girl and horrible gradually showers diminished, till they Sud- may serve as an entire ration ie,• sg,Npe as a e The best cow for each one of as is for comparison with his si his deposit book, r subjected to instance of a elan she tinction from your agent, who teas a end, and a secret al. liiukce, While we, ostensibl remain Y denly increased again with great vie- lento last Week. The aides w}ie, 6' dairy cows without injury to the animals and considerable saving the caw are dildo beat to handle and , lliero is thing a hill depasitoa is in a hill ]tc can get it in th islilcad, to her ignorance still on the quay when I came up." gad to see you,' "We11, we're all I hostile, will he] us to combat—sue- p oxo accustomed to the volcano saybe in the Cost of l,lflls, though rho cost al•otind, such a as incompatiUflity, of temper bo- money, Hours by using the telegrr motives she was coq- an hotir or two would said the doctor. "By the way, there cossfully Z Uelkeve—a treacherous and insidious foe." that nothing is to be feared from the eruption Comparable yields tween ilia man and his cow often- But by far the most : 1'aptai0 Forrester to con- is a bit of news which I fear will Wo ]lava been obliged And then rapidly, but very clearly present with what happened in 1000, when MAY BE SLI.GIITLY REDUCED. It is essential to success in the thrice, and this fact often marks the line between success and failure. The part Of the Government' banks" system is ilia at authorities of the rnis- had boon made, and she distress you. to leave poor Captain 1 orrester be- and concisely he told me much that the reader has already learned from the root of one of the electric rail- way stations was broken by a large dairy business, especially where the man who loves his cows and cares by which the postaffkce w, .ted that he would appear hind—a little wrong here, you Captain Z'orrester's narrative—lira atone from tiro cater. INTO foretell- mills is sold at retail, that ilia sup- of milk Ile uniform and continu- for thelia as a mean will who has this for his stock will most As- youngster's penny for hill it docs to .put Zavertal to Con- know", tapping his forehead• "You don't say," exclaimed Wal- knowledge of Zavertal's past career, Iiia suspicions of intended foal ors or authorized parsons, however, A1•o allowed further up than the ply 0uS. In order then•to have a uni- affection sure dl receivo better returns for his y ISIS FATHER'S POI tpa nus destined to be do. "That is bad hearing certainly, it, play, ipiid floe development of doubt into delver zona of the volcano. form supply of mills, it is necessary to have a uniform supply of food. labor. than ilio one who simply tol- a' his fatty, The man who W'ny a little boy or i uttered. At breakfast the Ing Air. STclutvre un= e but, clime to thick of 1 guess I'm not altogether nstoifsbed. The q ee'tainty through what he had heard and seen at Genoa.' He , EXPENSIVE KISSES. A stuRly of the records of the aver- er[ttes takes pride in flee Gucavisoy o the P cony ie, gave, all he or do is to buy a stamp . hat, owing to the proval- skipper's . talk has boon powerful concluded describing the the shockdiig stmt ,__ age dairy during ilia autrltmor 811OWS wide variation in the product of Jersey or the Durhamr should turn attention to that panic a \Chen the young financier the Gove'nmen )lera at Naples, ilio Queen ould have to abandon her wild of late." lave[^tel must have been pleased o interrupted attempt on •aha captain's ,in,• at raa, and told law ho him- Some Smacks That Helped to Make History. milk from herds, duo principally to food supply. Ilelo the" .his. breed. --Dail and Creamer Y Y• on stautps hila especially -made Una at port, but would touch rn Instead. The reason indeed to find that lnle who had heen so specially friendly with Cap- so lf shadowed Vlzal'd to LCg1101'll, to I31 the year 1704 the Ueaui iful and Gordon an irregular 0s tvheiq the crop Pl'at'es vat- -----+--NU oil which these twelve ata rte Pasted, and rmn whole. know 'now that inun0 tafn Forrester was ,yet willing ,to lose hire there, however,' shortlycharmingDuchess after ho had resumed bis original g of raised that famous regiment of soldiers in the uablc again in that it cav be used as a supplement to other foods when H I11P1TAQttT,S AS NURSES. 1n to the Postal bovines is quite strong enough to q g general grumbling at the conih•n1 and approve his action. Tads- Ing Wuldo by the arm he walked all rL ter of "Waldo." Ila had to that Vizard, called "the Gordon Highlanders" by recruit a ulna in gold needed. Sonne of the women of Siam in - to t11n caro partment, which duly std .Tones' Susie Green'. t to Aline it was a tor- him oil for a'cohfident3al talk, and doubt after conferringivin with Zavertal, had One south after g each g g S and a kiss from her own lips. It is For the Past live ,years the rough- age do the ration of the chit he•il" y .trust thc31' Children of elephant nurses, and it is said that with a deposit o£ ono sh0 a From Leghorn the ship ;o Alexandria, possibly during ilia next day or two I no- tired that he was almost obscr Captain Forrester ; but loth as he was leaver,the captain unprotect- notorious that the regiment was raised o a full complement quicker q at flue station was composed large -the from Sfny 1 ie, trust is never betrayed. The babiCg Play amour aha ]urge fent of so a1lXibns .IS the Gove encourage the habit of oc Cagliari, in Sardinia, an quiously attentive to the strange Aline ed, he, Mr, Itennartl, had thought e, than any other regiment in i,ho Bri- ly of soiling craps November 1, while silage was feel for tile'elophants, who are very careful the risiu + generation, tltt f g stamps oil Credit vo:e told, but in any case American. Fortunately, was hie own servieas Moat needed on tlsh servieo. But the HTnghlandes the remaining six nlafford Art. agger- to hurt their little charges. sok ply lets, and enter int. no. opportunity for Cap• star to rejoin her. too pro-occupi0d, a Lhor to care about Waldo's retur or to hes d the ship, and had consequently Como aboard, paid tvoll for Choir kiss, They ware sant'.imit.uediatoly to fight the Frelch tunny is therefore afforded to con- tine Srom rile two silk ,And if clanger tfit•rai'cnS, theslt9a- And primal Ctlr19 t,ho child gently uta minnto correspoldence A, not be supposed that alto allowed Captain Dior- their conversation ; but what 1 heard filled mo with ail intense ilia- "You must not be frightened," � he and in their' first engagement 300 fell, killed and wonndod. pal'o ,Yields tents. The averngC 3']Cld Of milk cow during rho six nlontllA' soil- Up in its it'lillld all swings i't up and up i out of lnArrn's any aped its own action with the pupils. Tile Government also be "peen _�_ .added, seeing that T trembled vie- leuEly. ibraRained is forearmedr and if you will only land mo ,your In tlao year 1r03 a stray kiss was the means o£ bringing ahem a bloody and expensive war. Prince per Ing and silage Pelto'eis was 3,423 .baeic' o[ Y Uavks," tvhi for children, too, is cill from the stamp arrange �g � !® �__� _..... . `—" '•'--'-- o assistance, I think that we ,,ball be Ferdinandinn of Bavaria was journey- quite as quaint and �,�,® (��p �,p�,p 69 h7 g9n�1 BO -DY IJ'07 �u i"ACN E -SS, able to beat ilio gang with their own weapons. You sea my object is Ing in a neighbor's state; one day he "alto royal household" and But perhaps enough has to show how nnlrh ncecl 1 • to get absolute preen on the Capital visited while there his eye Caught sight of Jim Damps' young wife while yet the 8,000 odd clerks who a Rills -down Systflrn and Exhaustod Nerves—Strength charge and to se0teh them once for all, 1f I were 'to denounce them on m most beautiful maiden, who'hap- pened to be near hire. He was so a bride some biscuits made with greatest pride. ernment employs just to > counts of its millions of lia mas With tho Use of Dr. Chase's Norve Food. mere suspicion I plight spoil this bewitched with liar charnung ped'- 1� 7' Jim looked with fear upon the food, little clients, slid ]low cli particular scheme of their villany, sonality that lie impulsively and , `, Ilut to a bride one can't be rude, complicated is 'tile work but it is vary doubtful, as things thoughtlessly Implanted a kiss upon it Let's eat Force first, dear, tin my will do in the great build' people peculiar, spells of "I lravo used four boxes of Dr. are, if I could got a Conviction, and liar fair cheek. She was a princess sington, whose foundatio• weakness are a sour0a Chase's Nerve Food, and found they would be certain to commence of the royal household, which the - ., ,� whim, im li Suany Jim." laid by tho Bing ,three Y daily annoyance and dis- them an excellent modicine. I wall operations again in some new form. prince know not, neither did he It saved the life of _ see flashes of light be- troubled more or. less for::rlfn6teen' ' "Tell' are 116W T can help," I re- know, that she teas an anannced MUST STAKE IIrA and become blind and years with severe headaches, which others experience severe ma.do me useless as San; as accom- plied ; "if there Is anything that a woman Can do, I will do it for Mine' bride, and that ]let- betrothed was near by and saw the whole affair. Angry words and blows followed. A (06 99 :A Scottish notal-keoper day hawing a scluabUle tc3 headache, The cause is plishing my Work Was concerned. "The salve, even at the risk of my both iishtnan concerning his of the nervous system Nervo Food seemed to build lite," duel was fought and principals wouauted. Diplona le ro- stranger said it was a gi nay in the quality and ine up generally, and so made a f blood-. In all such cases thorough Cure of my old froubla• I "At present I foresee no personal risk to but In dealing with severely _ lotions between elle two kingdoms v itton — he could live cried s Nerve Food is the most Would not think of being without you, such c•iminala-so6n I trust, to Ue- wero suspended and a 10119 and bloody tear ensued, all On account best hotel, in London. land landlo'i1 replied: Wall as the most thorough Dr, Chase's Nerve Food in the conte des nerato—it is nocessar, to be I V a lass. which was Paid for most ' Tho Iflway.io•9orr. cereal +•Olt, nao, doot, sit-, nate noble. I house, and would strongly recom- conA, 42 St. Clair street, mend anyone suffering as I did to prepared," he answered, gravely, ,. Iiriafl T want y, you to aid me in of dearly in blood and treaagz•e, two .,-, "" dac 6 no kon the i•easotlS y "vlot a bit of it," re Ont•, . states 1 "Some give it a trial. It succeoded In )lay furnishingZavortal with the- oppor- It is a little over years ago that a negro n white waitra.s when �&1 CjrDUiilte 1C a stranger hastily. I began a'courso of treat-, caSn actor a groat 1nalfy remedies g tuslit ho desires 0f nnselUin for y proscribing ,kissed a restaurant nt a town called �N3� 1�t.,^ ,' "\44ne1, then," replied ill ]Dr, Chase''s Nervo Food, hack failed," Miss ChailonoP. Oho must either be at Grangor near Salt Lake City. The ye seem to be a sensible Who It a very satisfactory To the thousands of womenh Incluaed to feign illness, of course by slanclot's ware indigiloni tltld so t Ill tell ye, There's tlir I was formerly troubled are victims Of neivous 116CAEche after llaveng been told the reason, or outraged that they commenced a and sixty-five days in t exhaustion and.o weak, this letter should prove of inostim- we, must give her somethingto brie g g race tear and alto result Wag thirty- race, hotel -keeper's calender, b' heart. Whenever, my heart able value, It they will but follow r on symptoms Without doing her the d st white Inco killed au.cl Wounded only three ntantlts here. I would have spells of ilio advice of Mrs, Clancy they can sliglxtost A.arrn, Iraq lcnoiv her nest, as t over eighty negrocs mot tato Ali! Aftilfliv Jii»p'r Nam dorstand mo Hoo, Tregni end dizzinoss, whish were be pertain of groat and lasting tt+ltdch shall it be 't For myself I A �)� st singular climax seine Tato. g ldid o r household ' oreo) 1 1'f0- . . }oak' hay in ilio. ITiolan`a essinly. I3y means of this benefit, should recommend it being managcct t o this untoltunata affair ryas the roW Aad wetaomo ae n{Arip 7�pt,�at3tI Coal !or We era ell sun 810110%, for it's unreal .r, 't.", my nerves have become Dr, Chase's Nerve Fond, 50 cents a without Iter knowledge, as Zavertal feet that the nogrtl and th6 w]itt© tat ererIngg rgood h 9Qt1Any,T 1, Am"I. l die the action of my heart box, at all doolors, o• F.dlnanaon; migriit discover that ]tot malady wag waiti•clso got married and the ria- au, L. STol3nh r--�- be regular, I can recolln• Bates & Pa., Toronto, ,To protect pratondod, find achieve his purpoao il lesses'of ilio p1a6o joined iss}za with ", '.t �n� w' "^ ' It t156 lgdrls Were, as rad Chate's Nerve rood as ori y u against Imitations, tiro Portrait) to sorno other way, without tamper, 'liar ilia t t inert and started in ur-14 kof4 W " '. rho soloctian of a huslito ." : and signature of Drt A. W, Cba r ,t.."f r ouS 1 , o w,ancy, 714. .l>?`i1Ldir 110 ri ri 66bipt k >E � lj`t 4 Ing With mgdi'doo," 0 The' Id :a f r t fru f... • e o nor o gg ng, how suit ilio newly in'nrried couple, r Phe aceto anal lila wh.ita bu3do;bato u. . -. -._ _, y "a6 In the selagku of ,}C, b, L1nt„ attttcs ; ou over'", i14Xr .•' eve � skiltully anti. harmlt'uly it Iv bsda}ratl depth t tki$_Uel ds of. the , w _. , 9 , t k ,• ,. . 0,-4 - there 'avould.• ,tl A trdublo. ". � � il* .. . 1, I I . � I I 11 . �.. . �.11'.. BANK# axAND'Si 11undrod Lion, 'Stam of Started 1 brought: int of tho. one clarl- tom keepa In Queen - ey have tomo in )eebivo of acres of ?hitheatxa ndon let - t building especially ment of rns 3,200 :dgers .in its of the )rs, and ioouments oils as is em across w certain J without reing hin out most e of ilio ;eat say- s been re- wal rkable. istitution: tually has t 15,000, - tors from In other , of the deposits t sub-sta- hat since were as- ✓ecte insti- can forced S S. )vernmeut enormous small do- lrge oner- treated as pound. In ogs banks depositors, ,ear will. hole thing done. To posit, and a Govern - ;hat the x an ar- o to the n and fill ame, ad- s deposi- rites his and has his book, ceremony; be made • in which ]most as urso all 3 to send free enve- the ask - notice of 'al office ch the do - any post - his name ilia clerks ,nature In • or, if ilia ry for his ,cc or four, ph. cn arkable i "savings rarngement it bank a ' , just as NZI, irl has a ire has to therewith. . leas afar--: will solid :Ing card, nils arc to thing goat Bank De- its Willie account ling. And anlent to .Homy in t it will to school the most to trans - 3 a System h, though to distinct vent but nteresting. leen said 11 . Item is for obe 0Ov- r(-,p the CC - big and ih•act i ngiy vhtch they it9 fit Ren- 1. :ars ago. Y, eta h till Rug. )ill; The 3s8 imposr" per in alto Tho High- dooi; but 11 diad ilio host, "a% cit: Gallant e Inchdred le Lurinm[ti t We bay* Daft yc un We maul when t.hu 3eldoni she I I I J idlolls In d as they. N naw hat, atl cmoniai