HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-6-18, Page 61111i"...p .
C r• 7 G: 1�
ril d ) ,
Rev. Mr. r
Potential I
QEntared according to Ac
Lament of Uanada, to
hyThousand Nine tk
Win.Badly, of'Vor
. Alipartmont of Asrlcul
A despatch from Chi
Rev. Frank De Witt Tal
ad front the following
kiel xvi, 44, "As is tike
is her daughter,"
This trenchant trutR i
t•ated by an old ye
.story: A young farmer
find a frugal and caret
Ii;o started out from ]t
important journey, C
farmhouse, lie inquired
er's wife for Some doug
been left in her broad p
he hada sick ItorsO a
that dough could cur
far'mer's wife said, "F
11 have plenty," She Ura
two handfuls. The yolm
it and in silence drove
the next farmhouse he
same question. The fa
said: "I wish I could ll
that is impossible. We
any dough left in the bi
this house, I always
bread pan clean, 1+here
left." "Ali!" said the
"This is tike home whe
T can find my bride. F
ther is so frugal her dal
surely be the same."
there that he won his
he was of the proplt
"As is the mother, so is
The mother's life is fn
duced in the lives of her
whom she rocks in the c
will happen whether
scions of it or not. IIa
then Is it, for the as;
children and for the sak
Whom they in their tract
once, that the in
the mother's life
of the wholesome an
kindl The girls will be
they grow up, and her
appear in them. Tharef
ject of this sormon Is to
the true wife and me
live, She should not
to her husband, but also
father and mother, b
sisters, and to bar God,
directly to the little dau
will soon follow in her f
she thinks, they will till
does, they will also do.
This statement is axio
there are some women t
ough to suppose that th
wife and mother aro
twins and have no co
affiliation. They are
that they cannot sea tha
letters of true motherho
ten upon the golden bac
true wifehood and that
est and best cradle is the
the scented wood of t
altar. Tho duties of
must never supersede or
the duties of the wife.
many women who are
until the babies are born.
stead of being any longer
fort, the cafiipan{on, the
the man whom they P
their wedding clay to live
turn their backs upon
bands and bury their
the nursery, from nhor
night and from night unt
these engrossed and abso
are think mild dream and
nothing but the one them
No matter where they
whom they are talking or
ject of conversation play
they talk nothing but ba
They will tell you 0 o
again how many tooth tl
. have out and when t
came, but they ca.nuot
about tine sharp, poison
of business worries that h
themselves in their husba
and. heart. Neither do
how sharp those. fangs ma
can toll you, without o
how many times last
babies coughed, but they
)ran how many hours tlhei
the same night walked
hour after hour, trying to
plan how they could meet
crises of life which may n
fronting them. There f
man—mark this!—who 1
death rattle of all true, h
ly association on tho
their first baby was born.
short time ago I had a
man Say to me: "Any sue
I have made in life, I ha
spite of my wife. Flom
that my first baby came s
no interest in me or my
my intercourse with m,
."acetates site has been
damage instead of a help.
Is many a husband who
living as far apart in the
his wife as if he were ter,
miles away from )kir- ITC
with her at the table and
her in the same home, but
sal and -spiritual assocfati
salutary dead. Silo ]IV
children. He lives for his
'Between ahem there is
yawning chasm of indifrere
tvi4aning, ever becoming ill
more fatal to marital low
T J r
Now, mothers, I want t
you that a woman Cannot
mother imloss at the same
is a true Wife. I leant to
if a Wife Will not enter
jo3rs ani! hOPOS and sorr
cares and perplexities of th
Who Is by her side alW
loam liar and have her s
burdons silo cannot be true
daughters, who will toll o
tootstops. I want' to tell
leo daughtor I$ dovetailed
lass she has had before lis
ample of a xnothor who
falslitully trying to l,0 true
(athar ar w0j gas to tvf,
wonder that her mother ralsed' fine iv, L I charge thoo therefore be- a®o6►�Im®nie®®�tyl�vE/¢�®�,► A calco that has bean bilked in an COMPULSORY ARBI
girls, Loulsb Aloott (or Jell) among fore God and the Loid Jaalls Christ, fli Oirel Of tlW rlg'ilt acini>Ct'Rtt11'p wi)1 -- to nunibOY ? Tlat mOChrl•'R heart who Shall jUcfge th0 gt;iolG and elle ► Fo 'SHE ®O1® rise Ovellly, and h0 th4t illatur of N0W Zealand 1Rn 28
..t! b"AUGHTER was not poly beating With lova for dead tit Ilia appearing all, Elis * @®V UO
E 0 rising ill a peak ill till' center, It Ing ,S'atisfaet0;
her own children, but also for ovary kitlgdulu• o f will lie covered with light craolcors Now <Ina.laud Iles Chun
[ Other woman's Children who warn fit Ili Ills address t0 the Athonlana hl, 0 0 It wilt bo of a line liolloy('nlllll tax.
I( y - trouble at• distress. Ila ),oil wonder spoke Of tie judgment alid ill() O - no ale most advanced
^almage Speaks of tp�g, ® ItgCfPpes for the IChtehefl. ® tUla, of a delicate Strttw colatnd
that OYPI'y tllgt'llel' teaches )70l' clxil^ jlidg'l' its Incitements t0 I'arient , 1'1ygi.ene and Other Notes 0 brown, A Collie allowed to buns qtr Ill the world, Witil itg
9g-ry .•£�py yyppgq�5tt ��••++,q .�° the
,q gr dean the haws of gentleness and (Acts xvif, 30, 81). In lion, xfv, a for tits Housekeeper. , 0 the+ bottom js ruined. Tile ovell has alone, campalsory arbitt
yIl Yt8 �c7a+YYWe ®j !i,�1LV ,(,i,)�®6- +yd • ayinpathy alid Chrietlan 1Ginctness 10-12, fie taught. that believersm st 0 � been too hot. It will bq full Of big- Uther loglSlation of a0et
when Rhe herself is ready at any not judge one another, bcoatwo all 0e, 00(&*@e®►(®e®►(T699@ eke Bolos, coarse do texture, hardly fit it has $"mod to prOMls
hour of the Jllgilt to go to the Sick,, must stand before ale j11dg- tQ Cat, TIlU ,OU 'll t1'ill 111)t Ciel' mlalll, Of Utopian (beams
]'. SL -' g
mei libor'R home or til ) I N. 1V 1J.. S 1'"CIZ QLD CLOT1T1i3.S,
t of lila YdP that Ovpl'Y mother lialgjlt h:LVe as - g t loco 'I101Vers t1lCllt SntLt of Cluist aukl ovol•y" UT1C Of jllll'1•}'lltg' , It n1118t h41VC tlnlp for w11Ct'0 tie Capitalist Clad
the year Ono beautiful a eulogy passed up„n herr On tile, white Casket of a neighbor's Its give account of himeolf to Coli, It Is all Old saying that When a expallsion1 All oVCn t00 Glow is '–'tile tion and ala tig(
d -and rhree' , Child ? 1\'aw, in view of ills stuue down together. :But rt
onto, at aha by her hr4shan, as Pliny t]lo Maung- great garmlent needs ropalring It is but fully as bad. ]L must be just .right g
tura, Ottawa,) or lvroto about Ills beloved wife: TRV33 CIIUIZCIT'S INI LULNC77. facts, he tins it Special oxhortntlo'n hall' worn out, The thusly mending and it is lilte business pf (tie cook compulsory arbitration
for `1'lo-dalj' 1VItiC11 16 Vpt"y n7,UL"11 Of 3'(?1tt.S and wol'll P1aCea ill L'10a11-' f0 9aU that it is l'i'ght, as it IS working as well as Inig}'
"Sha Iles gCCltit talents, .she 18 all' The true mother is also always i' ure borne out to some (
sago says: admirable ocanoinist and loves ilio till' t1•110 ell"roll memtivr. Nearly all nM.dl?d to -day. lilg anei tie making of useral articles quite a loss to throw a eak6
1. 1'rea'ch the word, w' * * * from things ng longer suitable lar away. recant article fn the Lo,
mtlgC preach- with entire affection, To these are readv to grant that the clu[rch 6 g'
text: 1:7ae- qualities she unites a taste for lit- of Jesus Christ is 'Ills groat ]nlrjf - for alto time will conte \t�hpn t'h0Y wear sages money and is o soulre There is cipite nn art in putting a Alost of till, arbitration
P pear to have favored t
mothez•, so eraturn inspired by a toude"nrss sol• ing, ill° great moral au, sjliritutyll \will trot encluro soxtnd doct.rinr, of Satisfaction to ovary woman who layer collie toggl.her. It must be me, iNhen I plead, how great is thedeveloper Y AVO1L, the time has collie, an,d in (lesirns to WalcC the most of her ro- pearl cold the t filling Must be The result )tile been It
I g ItLeacher and of aver caul- Y b
a well Illus- anxiety she rurlilrs! the englges ritually lit which it exists, It la ale all the denominations, Ill many the"', SOUITC18, ready'to use, and artistic. taste Call crease in wages ; so far
t over know people to tell her what. applhuso I thtashdug hour where tho ,mill °logical aenlinarles and til 11tany After the wetly trolling is done, be Shown fn thn icing and decornLion but the incrnaso of
J pulpits ntv professors and great+h- it is a good plan to sot aside fat• n of Lho tap. ]:n fuct.� woman's !hest brought Lill increase in t
wanted t.o have gnblyd, what accl:ult,Llinlfa 1 i 01b1chras has been raised in rho our -
Y 1C19U1'0 hoof t110g4' 7iOUe9 tV171L'h no if taste has ample l;ln;C ill Cake -mak- living.
ul helpmeet, have excited n11d what j,lllglllelit IS SliClr!$ OP tlht jsLlaa hninga is $e ta- ors who do not hesitate to sol and 1
arab oil him' pronounced upon my oratiouq. Sher I teach thin the Bible is not Infalliblelropairs--oomutimes tablecloths show Ing. It is just as muej, of Ill nt't Iiithorto, owing to
rated front the cha1T. It is the holy g ) l c
01111118 LO &' Slllg'S 1n3" 1'al'ae$ a71d, llkilalig'h1t, I of holies at whose aal'red altars and p1•opllOta situ apOatlCe a'tLCl aVCn {,ilio spots ; jJ1eCe8 UP allnllal' Cloth a$ painting a illi all l'D O1' doll] tlo Prosperity Of a COuli'tl;
of the farm-; adapts. them to the Into. Love isI mi%itudes Eire Convicted of $in and the ]aril Jesus 1Iinit alt are not al- may be hosted. On the NI'a11g' side, f)uest needlework and it is worth tie endowed by nature, and
h which had'hor only inatructor; hence I expect rod ` to Numb c \ways reliable, neither Adam stn it (turning oil the right side, using far cock', j Collent prices ohtainabl
an. He sald'' with Certainty that our happjnessl humbly 1 ❑cel and publicly ,I:v° not, Abraham, Isaac and Jaeob� h a t nab to culCivato it. ,
ad he board !will be durable and that it will confess their faith in God, Alany were real Persons, Jesus was not thread I'a\•gllch from table lbuuh, ducts nue colomannfnstur°s,
1Vhen too much wore for mending, _ ors in the colony have lr.
11111L. a The' daily 111C1't'ARe.” 1 iv n that such ha\•e been h brought v 111 Christian given
all g'OU, allld tl1Cl'C 19 110 atOnCn1C11t by the best parts may be cut into _— tent illy quiescent, TI
lar. Uti, wela etllO ;their arts would never have glVClk SllbstiVittion. These tell otbel'
}" I R3' might be given to llety squares for dinner napltins, howbver, be $oma finality
ug"' forth mother. A woman's direct 1011tio11!tlroul h the to Jesus Cluenc except ttie faflhor lies from alio pit, I ,its SAND11rTCIT ALATfING:
5heeta which wear thin arid
the manila n labor, and rho
g man tock to her hllsbal,ci is almost Its import: through lila church's influence. Where t.ho fa'eltor Of lies, urn fir()ly tatlbht middle may How to malt _ now beim seriously I
did I Sltl'1'ender m heart to JnSUS ? to hell who are being 1'.ralliml to bel Y 1)l' ripped ap£II't allCt {',he C a 1tU11,1.0CI aalld g 101 S y diagn
away. a he ant 1l ilio (heVelUplllelll nl i (1ii11I.L Y �" ether edges V 1 wichos is deer ) �- - employers 111 til
asJced the � tar's life, as fila ulpther's direct rc-� During a time of u, t•Ovit•Ill lit rho Preachers. TL is n good t[nln trul g s sot (d together. Tills described by L lotro L'All° various
Y brings the strongest part, of till) mando in Llu aitracttve pampillot centers. Employee ha'
ruler's lvifo' latinn to her child. Iiruolclvu Tabernacle, iu the church. to preach the word, to proaolt the
lie you, but \1'hero did you, 0 ltcarul', sutiender prea(rhing dint Clgtl his us (Jgttah cloth where there is the most wear. just published. 'rho requisites for been Satisfies! with the a
STRONG LINKS OF S'PL7IL. 2 Garments often lose buttons jn their' Successful manufacture h° 1 Increased cost or living,
never have Your heart to Jesus ? In the church, iii, ) cyan though lila inflklnlity ai g'�ves g,
oad pan of Clod develops true inotherhood in In nearly every case your decision so callod higher criticisin would fain wushIng, which should be replaced as "good broad, good butter, good leading to demands for
serape lay many war's. The factory's machin- was made within the four walls of a treat us as Alicaiah, son of Imla, and worn buttonholes worked over Insets, etc., and good knives, unci, wages, At the present ri
is no dough "IT rutty Seem to the untrained eya church. was treated (I Kings xxii, 24-27), In buttonhole stitch. When darning last, but not least, but not least, Bonn bo clieapor to iml
young man, to be working uselessly and in ridi- Ito not Make the plea I have so 5• Uut tvatelt thou in all things; Stockings a small gourd is useful, plimty of 'Lime. than to manufacture the
ra, perhaps, culolls Confusion. There are soma often hoard—that ,You have little andure aillictlons; do the work of eon as it relieves the hands, and the "The broad used for sandwiches present question is wheth(
wheels running from right to loft, children ton work Can be easily and quickly done. is known its the home -mail° loaf, Incroaso the import dutic
or if the ma- g g .young to go t° church e\+ange]ist; mato full proof of Lily ,Y
Cghters Will others from left to rigJrt, There and therefore you must stay with „tiailstt'y. In footing stockings use a foot It should be at least a clay old, the keep up home manitfact,
And it was are Bagging belts, and great piston them at home. Take ,your babies Wo cannot be faithful to Christ Pattern, which brings the scams on slices thin and even and the crust could hardly be more the
brida. For rods moving up and down, and along. The minister of the Lord anki pleaso ITinl and have the fol- the side of the foot, After sewing trimmed oft' ; it should be lightly A TEAIPORARY ENP:
et's opinion, strong steel bars wlifrling• round and -Jesus Christ who would become Jr- lowship or those who will not be - I on the foot Piece fell each edgb and evenly battered ; avoid broad The Times' rt
ler dao h_ s co espondcn
round 011e roan,. :Filers are tanks ]leve Clad; therefore the words ofiseparatol Makin a flat scam, that is full of holes, as in that case
where til° brings
ngs because a young us not
s g that "it iv probably too
goods ore soaked and brings tier baby to church is oat ch'aptbrs it, 1-4; Ili, 12; John xvi, 1- Children's stockings generally wear Loo mulch butter is used and the an imbiaaod
ltc0s where the raw Dods are 8; xv, 1A, 10, arc ver necossar fol• out first at the knees , it• is a good sandwiches will become dish disagreeably y PM'9Ul to s
ovitably pro- P : S spiritually fitted to stand in any Y Y g g " y ate industrial leg•ishltiolt
little girls chewed jute pulp, But after awhile, pulpit or to preach from al Sacred "at fn these days of the falling away Plan to line the knees on tllewr(ntg greasy.
1 1 I ally colony i9 likely to aehievt
rattle. ..his undo" the explanation of the super- desk. The greatest honor to -day from the faith, %%%on, men who side with flannel. pieces. The heels "In making meat, or Cheese sand- whether it will ovontut
she Is can- Intendent Or guide, the visitor• gLl.gltt t0 di:VC t0 PICRSO G,Od alud OP SOClk9 weal' Out LIiCICl When wlCllpB 7)Oth al{L•C9 al's S lekLtt Will' to tilt' factor which a congrogation con have is to quickly p' clown altogether , but it •
w ilnportose Y ihuls that every see the peivs filled up with the keep the jtadgmant iu view prefer to beavy boots and shoes are worn in butter; but one side only with the that there are not want
ke of these hely and every wheel and °very please man for the sake or soave cold weather. Denim, or other thin, Meat, etc.. , the other slice is Ilion
cylinder of the machinery is Young mothers who aro flanked try earthily prrfern,ont, strong cloth, smoothly fitted and added, jrrcasa{ gently and cat ill among the employers and
e of those
will i1tIlu_ Put there for a purpose. All � little children on both sides. T once
workers, those who e.
6, 7 For T am now ready to be sawn on the heels, will 3 elate that it is Poredoon
]tear, o[ a variety allow giving a per- prevent this two &fence of til° different parts of that machinery g g P offered, and the time of my rtrpxtrt- and save work. "Tho ballot to be used should be Oro. Al the same time i1
should be are working together for good, for formance fa a mining camp in the Oro a at hand. I have foot ht a J
d beneficent Pletion of a finishbd article. days of the California p The back breadths of wrappers and worked into a pasta with a fork
filo Com gold excite- admitted that any sudden
want. The rude theatre for the most goad light;:ha e have Il alth.d my skirts aro usually but 1jLtlO worn, until soft ; it is very undesirable to
So God in rho groat human factory course; I have leapt the faith, of the present system woo:
like her as part was filled with rough men, and make goo, aprons and dust- heat th0 ammo in order to gel it do serious, If not disastrc
faults will for tie creation y o consecrated g \�ihat: a joy and what a victory to clothe. the proper condition. I questio
While the show was going on a lit- This )hasp of the ore, the oil- motherhood has loony wheels and l'1 g g ha able to give such a tcoil rlomyl When trousers wear out at the "To serve sandwJehes take a na
show how times sooulfngly conflicting duties. tie baby began to Cry. That child y of Iles redemption on P Gently very well put by t
From the da, p knees the may y, y
ther should They all have a Purpose, not the cry made' affected the miner$, alae way to Damascus ho had nagni- s Y be patched with kin or doily, Fold and la it of a apt, the principal oat Il
only bb. true least of which is 'the influoucc re They matin rho players stop Be that fled the grace or God, and now by
cloth of similar color. Coats and platy or Platter and arrangethe capital, and ono that lu
true to her suiting from the right they could hear the voice which re ..vests also may be repaired ; if the sandwiches on tihe same and fill out dealt with labor problems
g performance the same great grace he is able to collars need cleaning
rothers and of the duty a wife and, mother owes called the holy memories of tiled"
give this lad shout is lie antici- use ammonia all vacant places with torte oP porn to and judicial mon
as well as to liar childhood's home. eastern homes. TI a child's cry can pates seeing fn glory IT'im whoin he and avatar applied with a sponge, GCCSS.' % jpUl'170.1 points put the
ghters who soften the heart ju a theatre it can Gbate and jackets that are worn or
M,Y sister, hovz can )foil honestly sale on that memorable da. w•hcll yclua so many interests 1
ok. As
he Y teach a gospel lesson it, a church he became blltxd to all Vat (11 out of style may afton be given up around the legislation
expect your children to res cut away to advantage. nk. As she P You serlvice. Oh, mothers with little Tim. i, 14; I Car xv, 10; 7T Cor. go. � However, if —+� industries of the colony w
if you aro stony hearted and refuse children, when you come to IIla this is not done, they may be ri
to honor the many wrinkles and the xii3O) The same grace is for us. P- EDUCATION OF THE HEART habl,y be ctislocatod to a
church bring your babies. When I S. 7TrucCPorth there i9 laid uq) Pot pod up and the pieces used in degree if any attelaPL wa
IVES, ban Yo r sight of an aLged parent ? used to be. taken to, church as a Inc a crown of righteousness which various ways. Cloth pieces are use- revert to former conditlol
matic. Yet
Can Your mother breathe forth the little child the sweet influence of the rho Lord, the righteous juldge, shall ful for the barks of winter -vests, Mr. J. J. Kelso Writes on Moral Santa time a doubt is m
oolish' en- 'jitter lamentation of the neglected gospel penetrato8 illy brine•. thcngh give tele at that day, and not to g g- Training of Children, to whether• the court co
old womnn who said, ' IVhan I was and make good mittens land le
e name of often before the sorvico closed, in ilia y grapple with the
not Siaut,,s,, Young my children used to tread I me only, but unto all them also g g "Children Should always be qn_ tarn
childhood's weariness, T went to that love His a Serviceable bedroom mats may Un, 3
unction or "Poll MY feet ; but now, when I am t PPcaring' coura gd b likely to come before
Old, the sleep with my )toad pillowed on my Compare the other four crowns made, cutting the cloth as for patch- 8 Y their ively tI ood colony and tC9 industries e
so bliudgd Y too treading upon my mother's lap. No mother can be a and live so as to will them mild have work, using some simple pattern, teachers to cn9age activelyvfn good it is admitted that the
t the siker heart." Are you going to show the true example to hot* children ilnlcas somewhat to cast, at ITIS feet (Jas. When sewed we writes J. J'. Kelso, '"for
od aro writ- selfish spirit of the brutal people of h press the blocks smooth- that have already arisen
P at the same time silo is a true i, 1«; Ztev, it, 10; I Those. 11,..10; ly and set together in strips oma Lhmro is no ]letter way of providing illustrate the st'u endow&
of the Pacific islands, who were ascus- them with. ha 1 and useful em P
Church member. I Ger, . oto I Pct, w 1-4; Rev. yard wide and two yards long. Line happy P'°Y- of the task that lies br
the stzong- tamed to behead or bury alive their moot and developing the best sidA of
at cut from fathers told mothers as soon as they •` it", 10). Neto that cirotvlling da3• with denim or other strong - ina- their natures. A(:ti\"!t is ono of community that undert
he marriage became crippl0cl with a o ? Are in not at death, but at 11lis conking teriai and bind the edges. Finish Y regulation of trado and it
g (Rev. xx j, 12; Luke xiv, 1A). Those the ends with cloth three incites the essentials of childhood. 23ealt o
extinguish you a heartless woman, going toTHE ELS
I hrho do not like to hear of Me coin- wide, sewn on and cut in strip sone- boys mild girls luust have occupa- — 1'
extinguish tear your parents front your a o t. ® Ing again will rotas lila crown of quarter of an inch wide to make a tion, and if good people do not help MODESTY OF THE
There are thoughts and affections, morelyr be rightbousnoss, fringe. Woolen pieces also lnalto them to rightfully use thou' time
trop w'ivag Cause you can get no more ,service INTERNATIONAL LESSON,--ir--+- patrhwork cushion covers for chairs, Satan is always oil hand ready to Some Regarded Them
Then, I- out of them ? ITow can you expect JUNE 21. which are attractive and durtiblo. lead them into mischief, To give "Ordinary Person
the tom- your little children to love each BUSIDLESS-LIKE ILUSSIA. plonsurelto those around us is the
helpmeet of other after you aro 90110 when You T- We have learnt in the past few It is not worth while to buy In "Studies in Contem
1•pnllaCtd on 3" Text of Lessons II. Tim. iiz., I calico to cut a for highest form of happiness, and chil-
y0urs0lf have nothing to do with years to regard Minister de Witte of P patchwork, Cyt, agrap1ly" whL)h James I
for, they the brothels and sisters of ' ' r g Y Y pieces left dren may know and Cxperionce this
14 iv. S. Gordan Text in every Pamir there aro
your Russia as ono of the greatest flnan_ just which
hay there occur
their bus- II. Tim. iv. S. when cut out dresses which may duet as is f as grown delightful
Ito JOBori whdto express
caused so
existence in childhood ? .Is it nothing to .you ) tial administrators in .the w°rid: g deed it is far more deli fitful t°
when they are nick or is financial 14. But continue thou In the Yet Ovary book on Russia gives fresh be placed up for quilt covers. It is g critics to exprosa astoalis:
ming until a good plan to matte two or three meet with goodness and thoughtful- tyle "Inicidest of the Ie
it morning, trouble ? Is it nothing to you when things which Chau haat learned and evidence of mismanagement on, the Y g"
g hast been assure, of, knowing art of the Government Il' aha dl)- new gtiilts each winter, using a ness in children titan ill older people, stories are these;
rho, moth_ they am dead ? tVhy, some mothers g of P stroll linin because ono does not expect it so "Masan Air. G1eLdsto.
who t71111k they are good and true whom thou best learned them, tails of business. Mr, Wirt Gor•• g g and three pounds of g
plan about ,,are's Greater Russia; tike Conti- good batting for each quilt, tack- much and it affords promise of a lobo and seeing his face
molders never Pretend L° have a.1 Earlier T its the epistle Paul had ex- q bright and successful future, Man Y,
0 of baby. P • Y nontal EnUpira of the World," illus- Ing abort four inches apart. A roll Y by aha troubles in Trgl
are, with alfoction for their parents O!' bl'01.11- h01'i.C(1 TitllOthy t0 "hold fast the licarts have bomi made lad and Bryce
ors and sisters or for their nephews form of sound words which he had tratas the 1',,ussfo.n way of doing of partly worn cotton cloth, one of g y o triad to divert his
what sub- h heard of hint" things by this account of the post- linen, and ono of,flannel, kept is a toars banished by the thoughtful by mentioning a recent dl
bo started and ulecat The inevitable result (Xvors s ti word offee service: convenient basket, will be found deeds and sunny words of boys and to wit: that Danto had be
by will re that sola° day your own "cont.iso o to this vers° ed Ise same i ls, and none. Ara too small to be from want ilt his last
and over Children will cease to levo each word so often translated "abide" At the chef Postofidces in St. Pct- useful in case of accident or sick- g y"Coll'
other. Ah, m friends, blood ought as lit John xv, 7, ft, "IC o abido jn Crsburg and in Moscow there is only nese. of Bothe tureship at 1Zavolma.
heir babies Y g Y ono clerk selling stamps• Ire closes _ GOothb advised lila training or stone's Paco,htt up at enc
hose teeth to be thicker than water. Tit,, ties Me and My .words abide in you, ye. his office at two o'clock. Ire can- yotltha in ale Practice of reverence, said: 'ITow strango it ft
tell 3rou which bind the human heart to the shall ask what yu will, and it shall not reckon change without a count- CAKE MAKING. and this is ono or the outstanding that these great souls, wh
ous fangs home of childhood ought to be as be done unto you." "Continue in Ing board. Wltilo it soonts easy enough to PriuciPlea of heartrultire. All Chtl- tiro a beacon light to all
ave burins strong as links of steel. AI,y love," Our Lord said again, lhoro are about Half a dozen take the ingredients and mala a dren should be Oncouraged to on- ations that have conte a
ad's brains SYATPATFII'LG WITH THE AP, "If yo continue In Aly word, than branch offices in theso capitals, but first-class cake, there area great tertain a reverential respect for should have had cares ane
they care LLIGTLD, are yo Aly disciples indeed" (John stamps al•o as tare its a postal order g their own bodies, so that their lila to vox thein in their daiI3
truemany details to that the novice and is not grow ill) strong, lnalilV attd, brave like the rest of Ila Gaulle
0 be, Th°y The est loather goes forth s life viii, 31)• vi a country store in an American supposed to understand, and Haver tale
on mistake' and saes till) miseries and the su1TOr- 3 r' Arid that front a child thou village. will understand save tlhrough ex- to face the problems of life. Lack of
night their ingS and the troubles which are hast known the IToly Scriptures, At one branch posto'fhco in Moscow roverpnce for the body, through lack "Tile words remindbd n
cal,not tell which are able to make then wise the letter box was full to Overflow- P°I'lelCe. of education, has led many a youth the author, `that a few d
r husbands
everywhere sc1P evident, Her heart Virst, pound and sponge cakes re- with sympathy, She returns 'into salvation through faith which Ing when Alit% Carrara called. Iii into errors' from which a Harvest of up had ire p as". eai'wln, i,
the, Boar, home and begins to plan how she is in Christ Jesus, quire too whole cage, addedso they bitter sorrow has been reaped. Tho
took his letters inside, but the clerk Upon ata pleasure n visit
think and have no milk or wager added: It is i Mr, Gladstone had given
inn help tiro poor. When her chit- IIo had been wall taught by both in charge declined L° accost them, absence of respect for `Acniors anti ,And h 'Colic
the great his another and grandmother i, 8 "But the ]otter box Is full.„ not only economy, but the calve is a -talked ilial as
be con- wren would destroy their old clones g ( ) for old ago has been commanLbd
to believe and honor the Scri tures, "Find a letter box which is not very much bettor when oW egg is been an ordinary she turns and says : "Dau Atter, that P ualwayspon its a characteristic of luodor(1 Parson li
d n the Is a 9lltinl wtl9ttl That dL'Caa play rBlessedreminds
its all suchsome
! This verse Pu"Tha0pli will
do Clerk, divided. The whites should should education, and ono could often wish unconscious
of two. raLt '
rolninds us of soma og Paul's Sore- "That will be ditlTcult.' be beaten stLfN and the yolks should unconscious of Choir greats
alight that
Clot be Useful le you, but it may be creamed with the butter and For Moro of courtesy and gracious- It Is only night that elate some little girl and keep her well wards Ii the elders of, the "Then wait until one is emptied Doss among children in their dealings Y the litho a
g P church at L hesua, "I commend to -morrow.'• s"gar. T]nlosa the recipe lays to Jt thetar>elvea groat, ']'ley
Only a warm all winter, I wish that you P the contrary the flour should be. with each other. Young People have those, who du not, know tin
prollwhich would wrap it s. lu a bundle and You to God and to the word of Ills 4 kindly instincts and aro quick ro-
grace, which is able to build you A TELL-TALE ENVT�LOPE, measured after gifting Chun sift, 0. Y Lhoreforn, imaging that {.hl
cess which taro it 1;o Mts. out
house• the second tfane with the bilking sponsive to good . influences. They Butch to know That groat
ao won in Nor husband is out of work, and T uP" (Acts xx, 32). rr1t0 Spirit o[ An American has invented. an on- powder. 7'!lo Standard hoid pow- resent beteg driven, but aro glad to think _thbmsolvev ao, tool,
the da fear silo Is having a hard time to God accomplished all things by volopo wthich recoirds of itself an, be lad . Taken jtt ille ri ght wa, lea,nCd aro over so, jus' Y the word of God, whether in V dors aro the best, l'9 all clean 1 V
ho has had gat along. I was t° see has• to -day." attempt' to taarpor witlh its con- brandg are adulterated to a large their }karts Can be moulded in all ignorance, In ate sante w
work. In 'When that little girl carried that creation or redemption. In teats, Tho flop is imbued with some g that makes for liability of life and not the socially fm Jortalit
creation "The Spirit m.ovod,,, extent.- Ono can detect a bitter,
Y 1
business dress to lila home of destitution and P•' chbmjcat composition, which, when alum teat•,, in ca1te or bjsetijt m conduct. The clanger is that Cain- alPoCtod and impertinent,
a positive there secs the poverty sticking out and "God said," and the work operated, on by a dant Jenin Pro- adO
6 g P from tem ;then, too, a flub tex- petition and commercialigm utay be tutimportant,
There through cracks of the humble Cot- was done (Gen. i). In redemption it cess, or any other monee of Pore- ture is never obtainable, kept too pfoluinoiltly before the ----+—
to -day toga and the grateful toors of the is the same SpiriL and the sumo {hating to its onclosuro, records the A cake that is too hi hl Il r minds of the ,young to the exclusln21
w•nrd, transaction b cousin the monde g .Y afore, TIIT3 GON1IiAT3Y CTl'TN't
ught from mother ,vile received the ,cess Cho y „ is worse than no flavoring at all. Of that mind and heart culture with -
thousand Icarus a lesson of hoart love alto 16, 1.7, All Scripture is given by "Attempt to open to appear. It is Five drops f out which there eau bo no Taal site. With i;ha Chinaman the.
may ra.t could learn in no ,at.hcr away. Silo Inspiration of God and Is profitable thought that the inquisitive will P o a good r0liabio extract
ljve with g' q cosB tit life. is tile Phase of honor. 110
lt•arfha the saran kind of soli sacra[{cb for ctoctrino, lot reproof, ,for corrge- think twice before ptmauing their aro sufficient for almost nary caleq, The object of nHn r , pig instead of driving 1
their men- tion, for Instruction in -ri' righteousness researches in face of such an inv,,n- yet Many Put .in a avlelo teaspoon- ' T la y educalaon 6 g
which gentle Lt of Alcott taught g ful, is, and Should be, . in all posaiblc Whitens illstmil of bill
s is herall' c one of lila best of all books, that. that the nzan of God may i)e .per- tion, Sugar and butter should be ways, to oncoura90 chilclran to shoos. Itis favorite pl'nsp
Cs for her called "Little lVomeil." There are feet, thoroughly furnished unto all 4^ �• crcalrlecf, not stirred until a gays, gOl cuti, ncbtn and merciful shoos. iR a cfavo T Ices
business, many beautiful lessons taught in good works. 39.LLTON'S LOST' ON TYIP TUIZF, Heavy stop ill walking whit of o
g mass is the result, allowing (,he gpe,fn lives ami ()°eels ; to be kind t0 the shapes ]liv kin )tangle inatr
tile. great that boort, but not Ono sweeter than hc
I once saw an earnest Christian of rho su aged, wnalc and sulTmin t° avoid
nee, over teacher addressing Aecox+ding to tables nxa:do ipy gar, Creain it• until it is g
When the mother of ,Joe and Amy g a congregation, frowning, scolding , frfotid's. I'to dooms It poll
stoker and sporting mon, over $250,000,000 is of a light, taamy consfatonuy. It is lr, g and i)oovishneas
and Beth and Meg conics in one attd ha tools tike lliblo In both hands to weal' 8unshino 1n their faaon acid a ng sial s art%'s age and illi
g, lost on the turf Ovary Year. Of better to do 1:1rtS on. 1•ha atnrt than
morning front malting a call upon a and said, "I believe, every word in @e!� I� return long nails Lub not, a sign of
ER. pool` fnmlly, ,She ill sllbstanCg says: ]]sit ties luiren tO l is tORt bn ]l'0 t0 Sill' los• a long time after 1110 f'ds rdl rote ; to 9par0 lite
this holllc Lvhothnr T lmderstand. it g- 6 soh birds trod but 0f rrspectabiliL3r. iTla
"Girls, I have or not,"]Tis action ])sh zaoeaauesns and about; �ti101,- flour is elided, g ploi,mb alit" l is
Just been visiting anti Ilia words to see that the dumb aniutal ilea curd is eight anal sam,ott,nae
o stay true
( 000,000 an ALblefly di Con l'te Tho Many make the nllve ti OC hurry- iticbes l'olt
Airs. Sb -tend -so, Thr. fauifl, have have Cassel tL �ble9eblg to mo for st[ilir.i.nnt fond anal enter and is LY• llu often tlir(
be a true Y rrMaitydar Is chief y disi;ril)ul.e(1 bo- Ing alto dough tato alto tins as soon the fruit of the Ienion and
`.ime she not had any feed in. that ltotlso for mora than twenty years, 1'hn holy- tween France,. the tinted State$, as the flout' and ba.kin � i Protected front ititansa cold or itoo,t
two days. Thero are a numbor of Spirit has written the whole book— g 1 ONCl h 11.aVb 1 aCott. ITja 111.pt'j,1;a often ))t•{I
$try that and iiliti.9h. Cnla'njCA. been attCiCCI, thinking that i;h0 POr+ t0 adlnil'n the 1)UttCPi1109 av{tiloLlt
little children there, Aro you the rel, tvortls Of C10d, seine, awards g not to himself Cul: 10 big t
y Y
owe and faaL
ng to gave them ,your brbalc- of the, devil, salve words Of oleo—
— J14
I tI`] SAV.T.NCI SUPIi;It5TTT10N. is
nota go en jnjto the va, fg e,
not gotten into the oven glome- useful
them to proioet lila
toad,' snit to 1(111 gujciciy an r
I41iB Lvonlnn folk are nf{_cn
C husband
want$ to swot
and go without ?' r yes," tilt- but all for our profit that wo )nay
all Pour Under hole toy know Gori and trust ; that
The S,uporAltions Collier is often diately.
Tt Should be bouton with anima]
that has to ba' ifiltod-adw aye
tvousors acegmupan.jod by
ll.arp ills rection
to tvalicocl
they formed n Ijnc, Che,y we any ln,aty the devil aunt resist lauglind
formed vii a
through the ]ritn. Tho
to 9corat, but a miner in steady
Nar,,,, Wales 14 just note tballkilsg
strokes for at least three holding
mfolltoe, five would ba boLtow, ITavo cf
before their nljrl(is the prim
rile ; 'Whenever a bravo, kind word
fir hot' carrying
v{l.loge sl,rcct5, m.nn aP (loll is the Ilan JIN
lila hat inuffius and the Who, being rbdealnerl, is wilting' to
Reeky Sta1:4 that 110 believes jai ilio
tint hutLgred and Bund with Ila- nerds
to ha said, say it ; who°over
you that Ca(TCr,
and the moat, arid welt!; ovgt lie Srl apart wholly Por (Tnd (Ps.
IIb was boring undvr Bonin 1
pm• o a
goat swunL lrnr lard is pre-
kind act hoods to }ll dtile do
ALI ••SIrI"I .T0Tr,\:
alight: ull� the
hills and into the Poor home and IV, 3), to Ilvaonly for lThn and dot rot
and was start}nd fleet Carred
by seeing a
y scuttling
b man to bu to ,
Y tt t zings asp
luny hn hnBtonntt thn zlay
rT 7
r 41te ax- red
the little hair starved Lithe ,Tim work out in th0 if r? e
{ .R, f i h t,
away. I147 tvallcrtd Porlc
or smelted meat zh'iti.prngs or
l,encC shall nVor it" the earth
glee bcett
to bar'
Knott Ca110d "titan iv ' )1'p al'Ud T)CPUI'C 1 t t'' 10) Ittvn
na)en' T P 1:Il' (,jrh, it, 'j D) aftsnrw
way, Only a history iii �a.ntl to this and
V v 10ll, A,Ica ee and ttppro-
Ili('. Cot
Y Rpot, anti djt'ecily
n is a int n�a�l rr, -a
d, o qal oc
folene rnf" any of LhaRO wilt ]r,avb I'tR
had s
nititUp ;
to i.h0 ]na.f And
Wo do not
t111e ICnt� 9111Crittut'a fling,
the whole
t air World .Ivo back
g l the
,. ,, fiiulw iii
t currod
fi w :J14 p (L4.X>rs,rpu+s'1. 7x1. yptl printas'i,.11 .Sat'ipttrrg.
u ileo.
juat, over the Piano where tho favnl•
man heal b •I
•Coftoleno ; blitter IN good alt-
sou g
. — will ella, ough and is altit,o as cheap. Winch now trite angols sing,` t1.
• ,* ,A
t ..Il ..
-' =
Met Work• q
roColTod to, I
Govoruilteliv ;
Ad -ago Pon-
Alon and
Lllatle tint,
1 the fulfills ''
a pax'adlsd I
the laboror 1
-might. lie t �
tare that' 1
was nut' i
L ba wished
Ktont by a
dolt Tillles.!
wards al?
1e, ompinya; ]
fbncral jn- t
so good j I
vages hole (
to cost of e
the I
gOnOraL.: I
Splendidly, F
,o the ox+, l
) for pro- 1
:rut employ- (
named con- I
ere must,' I
to the (Is -
Position is � t
wed by the ]
a generlally. • s. y
Yards, The
lowevor, js
still higher I
Le it may i
)rt articles {
n, and a 7
r or not to t
so as to ]
res. This f
1 t
1DI17NT. ` t
; concludes x
early for I
ly whetheu F
in this (
success or,
Ily break I
Pill be soon (
ng, both I
among the i
1phatically '
id to fail- I
must be 1
breakdown +
I now It evil
Lis results. 1
L was re 11
Ie 17veting
.per jn the _ _ I
s always
in a tom- (
ler. This (
L in nines
MVO grown (
that the I
Auld pro- I
dangerous i
o made to (
a, At the I
pressed as
3 Sat}sfac- (
problems I
L as the 7
:p and, and t
difficulties J
serve to
rare any .
Lkos State
ielvas as
)orary B-
ryce hills
two star-
t at the
rent at
Lt." The
o in the
Lnd, Mr:
m saved „
i by-vt, loo -
Hr. Glnd-
and iho
to thin'1c
)so works
ho gener-
ter them, 1, °
life, just
)11 mor-
a," adds
,yS befoxe, .t
paid by
the, say:
It he had
to one of
1cre alike .
eon. "
Ito think 1)i
aro like 4
ell, and, k,
ro is not
do nob
as the
by their
by, it is
who are 'I&
but tiro
left band ;
Carries a
fat. Ro
!kens Ills
t to a
,s out a
,•a; TTe t
Ld of his
c to ❑$k •�
ante. 1T•la i
Me away
Cats the
ieoll ill
Ilion in
leve sOl•rl'ai rCRRY,nB
For 110E
l,ll;Vlllg' ate T701.9i1r". SLL`td the 1ri0n,
"!I'hc f)rst is that C lsavgn't eualigh
niarlay, and—"
"'You n()eY1ft`t Vt:etrilou lilathara,rf
lttterruPtad the otYxl9r.