HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-6-18, Page 4„gbz . ost, ptaretin: yte OSIi Antaltos the taught we behave theL, e pe scull be tattoo m the _ higher forme in oonneotion with on pnb- THURSIM I', JUNE 18, 1903. Ile cleboele and Oollegiatee where variorle evolutions, rifle and 'sword preetioei tten weld be taken ep with owesion al visite TIUOM Otibinet has resigned and ny a drill Inepeotoe. anew'oleotion will be on forthwith. 11,1ASITOUA general eleetteue are exPeoted to porno off about thiP17th of July. A. bqey thrie is promised betweidu now and then. Penmen Ross is asking for more genet. pus treatment in the matter of grants from the Domini in Government. He thinks Ontario is not getting her share. Bxe orope ere in fireaulase condition is the latest report from the Northwest, Tbis is very cheery and we bops the forthooming harvest will justify the present expeotation. • Berinta the °dog days” get here we are commencing to shiver about next Win- ter's ooal supply. Borne who aro enppoe. ed to knave may there will be plenty of it and et reasonable prime. Woan oomee from Rome that the Pope underwent a surgical operation, last Sat- urday, for the removal of a Manor under his arm. He deolined to take en anaes. Castle, His many friends are anxious about his oonditioe. 91000 will be peel tee iudenenity to the 111. P. Pas this eeateion aud $800 will be the figure for future sessions melees where they are of more than ordinary length. Everybody voted yes on this motion we have no donbt. "le never rains bat it pours" is an old e-daage often proven true. The proof of it it apparent in the failure of the Elgin Loan Co, of St. Thomas, following on the heels of the. Attas Co, and others. The manager ie said to have taken e. boli. day. In Manitoba election affairs the Pro hibition (petition is making it decidedly "nasty" for some of the nandidetes bat after the record of the last eleotion there the electors are not as welly beguiled and will think twioe before they mark their ballots. Io a little less lire and Mimstone were on the program in oonneotion with the Local Legislature Committees it would prove to the eleotorate that the squabbling M. P. P.'e were gentlemen even if they were not all troabled with any too much ability in transacting the bnaineee of the country. TEE short route utilized by the Servian King makers will not likely find favor with civilized natians even if these most atroolotte murders are received by the people of Servea without very numb of e mental shook. Snell people will never rise in the wale of nation builders and the perpetrators of these terribly blaok deeds need not be surprised if the measere they inete shall be measured to them again, Thane is sometimes wissiderable diffi catty in the choice of a Galling but to these considering this important question we refer them to the fact that snake washing, to eeonre the venom, is a new industry on the program in Australia. The venom is worth 928,000 per pound Troy weight, so that it a business men be done the tide of fortune would soon turn in favor of the successful snake catcher. Lawn and in many oases losses that will °ripple for many years are reported in conneation with the failure of the Atlas Loan Company of St. Thomas. It is very evideot the time has come when a very sharp enquiry should be made, at least annually, into suoh institutions by competent authority and thereby safe- guard the interests of a too confiding public). The day of wild oat speonlation should never be permitted to be establish. ed in this country as it would only mean neancial ruin to thousands. Tug two Judges on tbe reoent Gamey Comminion were both Conservatives yet their finding appears to be very unsalie. fluttery to the Opposition prime. There is oily one thing they could have done to satisfy them and thewas to oust Eton. Mr, Stratton, even if the evidence did not warrant it, and blaoklist the Premier. It is said the Commission will wet about 985,000, a very large aum to expend on what appears to be a hunt after some- thing rather than the presentation of fads and the unearthing of terrible transaotions. WE believe there is plenty of room for big improvements in the Militia depart. meet of this Domittion. In spite of the etramoue efforts put forth by thous in command there ie increasing difficulty in getting men to attend annual drill. An R. D. at London oaitp this year says a great many of the volunteete there ere Mere boys. Baine say the pay is too sotaall viz 50o per day, bat in the mejorlty of owes tbie is supplemented by Co. grants and even then both for quantity and (plenty the turn out, in the aggregate, • is vary fat below the days of long ego. Thie 18 not a land built on militatyiern • and the arts of patine appear to find more fever than those of Sear bet if wintery *nem.. _,"*.ninenettet.".aTe—e'eraan A. !model feature of the oampaign et strong drink, the cigarette evil, &o., ie the great unanimity prevailing among the many religious bodies holding their annual gatheringe el this season of the year. The mesas of this work depend very largely on the faithfulness of the rank and file to priuoiple. There are so called leaders in the cause who retard rather than aid the progreesive march if thew movernente. Bitternees and apitefal, unwarranted etatements will uot tend to the accomplishment of the desired end nor will the tongue thrashing of govern meats win many recruits. There is great room for °awful ooneideratiou, well defined plene, educating the eleotor- ate, seleating standard bearers seism record is known, end the instilling of principles -4 abstinenee in the minds and hearts of the youth. In a good many gatherings the political bias Is not often difilealt to determine as soon as a reso. tution ie read or at the longest debated for a few moments. If the queation Of ushering in of Prohibition is worked down to the last analysis it will be found that Governments travel jest as fast ae a sincere electorate will show their deter- mination to do their duty faithfully and tearlessly. LONDON CONFERENCE, Following ars some pude:liars of the London Conference of the Methodist ohnroh sebich (dosed its einisious Menden of last week at Wingham :— A report was reoeied from the Epworth League Committee, whioh showed that the membership of the league in the eon. fereues is now 15,023, an inoreaee for the year of 180. The League gave $5,880 93 to missions last year, an increase of 91,- 242 60. A. report wan received from Obanoellor Burwash of Vic:aerie College. This year there are 415 students attending, an in• erease 01 78 over last year. The total number of students iu arts is 277 and in theology 138. The Temperance Committee reported in part ae follows "Realizing the importanoe and value to our youths of being pledged to total ab madame from all intoxiaants, we ergs systematic efforts be vigorously pushed in all our wheels to secure the signatures of all the scholars, end that B. record be kept in our aahoole." "Reeognizing the neoeseity of a thor ough organization of the tempertenoe electorate pledged to support only snots candidates for parliamentary and muni oipal honors as will give a thoenughly independent support to prohibition, we would awe our people to oomperate with the Temperanoe Legislative League in their efface 10 950005 mob organiz Mien, giving speoial attention to the organizing of maniaipalitiee and polling eabdivi• stone," The Temperance Committee re commended that telegrams be sent to the Minister of Justioe and Sir Wilfrid Laurier, repudiating the age limit law, and askiug for the substitution of the cigarette prohibition bill moved by Mr. Brickerdike, of Montreal. The Snuday School Committee's re. port showed that 1,465 solsolare in the verions wheels in tbe ow:denotes bad made open profession of faith, and 11,000 have pledged themeelves to total abstin. enoe from liquor. This la an immense of over two thousend over last year. There was a decrease in memberehip of the Sunday 80110018 of 1,485. The Bi eententery Committee brought in a report, in which it recommended that special services be bald in all the church- es on June 28th, the service to be con. ducted by the motor or some other min- ister. Missionary Secretary Rev. Dr, Henderson spoke on the report, dwelling on the great need for money and men for Methodist missions. He said there would be no difficulty in getting rid of the special fend. The Contingent Fund Committee re ported recommending the following grants to dietriote :—London, 9167 ; Stratford, 991.80 ; Wingham, 972.25 ; Goderioh, 955 84 ; Exeter, 972.33 ; Strath. ioY, 460 51; Sarnia, 952 20; Windsor, $58 30 ; Chatham, 957.70 1 Ridgetown, 966 98 ; St. Thomas, 983 67. During the year thcommittee had made diebtaree• manta as follows :—Conferenee expeneee, 9257.65 ; funeral expeoeee, 9110 ; supply expenses, 9364 ; medical expenses 9100. The report of the Statistical Commit- tee was preeented as follows :—Member- ship, 42,249, Wowing after making up for deaths and removals an inoreaee of only te net total of 10 reported, owing largely to removals to the Northweet. Connexional funds ; Missionary, 936,. 308 ; enperannnnation, 98,858 ; edrioate Jowl, 93,656 1 contingent, 984e ; general oonferencle, 913.12 ; union °hunts relief, 9651 ; Sunday wheel aid, 9418 ; molten. tation, 9809: temperance, 9387 ; woman'e missionary, 97,916 ; general Epworth League, $285 ; missionary emergeney, 92,276 ; $t. James' fund, 91,487. Total 964,482 ; ao inereaee for aonnexional thuds of 97,580 ; the missionary inorease, $2,697 ; for °Moult purposes, 9221,814 ; ministerial support, 9132,188. Nine new churches and two new personages have been erected at a value of 926,200 - Greed total for all porpoises, 9414,788. A. tote -1 inereaee of 919,410 for the year. The church teed parsonage aid fend re. port showed the anal expenditures during the year of 01,210.38, Of the General Conference fund there were receipts of 98,815 and expenditures of about 98,000. The superannuation fund Monate! e reported totel receipts from all (=twos- ome 9270,641.83. The Oonfertinee will meet in Welling. ton Wrest church, London, next year, It was deoided to do away with the bil. leting system, and to let etteh member of the Conference pay hie own way. Permiegion to sell or exabange AMA proneratme were granted 85 follows :— Sale of Jubilee oburah at Atwood e ex. thtenge of properitiee at Lietowel ; sale of T1,111 11 1.1 8SgL8 208T Jus 18 1903 °buten 41 iltiefryn, Ethel °Montt ; attle of old Perin:mane nttl pursbaee of new at Ethel and Dentiaution 1 sale of ohnreh lot et Walton. Rev. 0, la Wells, )3. , delivered the annual leotttre before the Theologiotel Union. subjetn, "Lon& tinn,' ,was proemial iu ti wey that Wee online and Intereetiun. ORANGE CRANI LoDem. Thereby's et talon of the Orange Grand Lodge we bailee up with it die. anodise of the Greed Meater'a mittens and reoeiviug reportti ot the verioue corn- mitteee. The eelj ie the edam's which probably. teceived the most diene elan ewe the hem apparentee visit to the Pope. The treasurer's report showed reeeipis of the year inoludieg Inet yeeres balances 92,095 02, to be 96,790 78 ; total expendii urea, 95,327 03 1 belanoe itdtreas my, 9432 80, with no liabilities of any nature. Ioeuratees repeat; showed there were 3.600 cot mbore up to the Bret of the year, and in addition to ibis one thou. sand new policies have beau taken out same that time. The seeretary'a report showed an addition of 38 new primary lodgee, two grand ledges and three die. Wet lodges for tbe year, All provincial. Grand Lodge returns show entiefttotory immense in every jurisdiction, Election of of -floors resulted as followe S. Sproule, grand master, alarkelate ; Wm. elalbraitb, deputy grand master, Mon - treat, Quebeo ; liev. Wm, Welsh, greed chaplain, Brampton ; Wm. Lockhart, grand eearetery, Alliston, Ont. •, W. J. Parkhill, grand treasurer ; Jemee Harper, greed lecturer, Hamilton, Ont. ; W. H. Code, grand director of ceremonies, Smith's Fall, Ont. Morris Council Meeting. The 0 neon met in the Council room, Morris, un Juue 8th, for the purpose of holding Court of Revieion ou the Lamont drain By law and for the tranenetion of other huelnese. David Agar appealed 'spinet being assessed for said dram no• lees ha is guaranteed an outlet through 11.1, lot 16, con. 8, se the owner of stud lot holds a lease giving him the right to back the water on his land teething the drain of no benifit to him 'Moved by Mr. Code, seconded by Mr. Taylor, that this 0ounoil do not consider that they have power to give mesh a guars -wee and that the Engineer's report and assess. mente be ow firmed and Sam By-law No, 4, 1903, known as the Lenient deans 13y. law as now read be neatly passed. Car- ried. Ordinary Connell business was then prooeeded with. -00 motion of Jaekeon and Code Wm, Bryans wee greeted 20 Ws. per rod for erecting 80 rode of wire tepee on Beat boundary et la 30, cote. 5. On motion of Shaw and Taylor Mr. Jaokeon was instructed to expend 920 in gravelling et lot 30, Oth ocei , ales have bridge and two culverts in same twenty put in a proper state of re- pair. On motion of Shaw and Taylor the Reeve was incarnated to have Max. mall's bridge on the 2rd eon. line floored and repaired. Accounts were ordered to be paid as Colleen :—Jno. Casemore, re. pairiug bridge at Slone Sabool bowie, $1.00 ; Jno, Hopper, gravelling on side- line, 924 00 ; G. McAllen:1, repairirg out. verb, 50 ate. ; Geo Christopher wire for fence on Emit boundary, $14 80. Conn. ail then adjourned to meet regain on June 2915 for Court of Revision and other business. W. CLARK, Olerk, Presbytery of Maitland. their minleter time to randy, and to re- menther that he bad a body as well as te eoul. It was their luminous to make ovit11011 for lila body, never 1 -restating, Wet "the laborer ie worthy of hie hire," while he did what in him lay for their epithets' wee', A very intereeting meet. ing MLR thee brought 10 a cane by Rev, J. 7. Ilentie pronouncing the famediatioo. air. itutlittiotei eettled trent the Amer - Man obutela although a Oenedian, and has been et work (Meng the peopla who nuaninsouely called bin, during the past year. His original home ie in the neiela bolting congregation Oat, Helene. Aeniew M AeNAll, Presbytery Work, Wilnalereen. A. Dulmage has disposed of Ms stook of dry goods to Alex, Brown, of Vasey, Simooe °aunty, and ie busy peeking and ebipping the geode this weak, W. J. Greer went to Winnipeg to at- tend the meetiug of Graud Orange Lodge of Britiels America. He will vieit at dif- ferent points iu Manitoba before return• lug home. S. Bennett has sold his planing mill propetty end reeidenee to John Ritohis and W. Lloyd. Mr. Bennett will con. tines Its the business in the meantime its he does not give possession until the 1st of Outober. J. J. and Mrs. Elliott lett on Tuesday of last week for e few weeks visit to Tbeestelon and other New Ontario points. We hope the trip may be beneficial to Mr. Elliott's health. A load of the young people of Wingham Epworth Lawrie attended a Leagae Rally in Gerrie on Tut sday evening or last week and report a good time with the Gerrie find Orange Hill Leagues, • Percy Hill received the ead news of the death of his lather, Robert Hill, of Wal. kerton. Deceased was for over 20 years te resideut of Wingham, and a few years ago removed to Walkerton. He leaves to m mum bis demise, it widow, one eon and two daughters. Pneumonia was the cause of hie death ; he was 47 yearn of age. The funeral was conducted by the Masonto fratemity, of which dawned was u member. The eerni.aunnal mestiug of the County L. 0. Lodge of North Enron, was held in Wastchem. W. J. Greer, County Mas- ter presidiug. Reports from dietrime were received, and arrangements for (tele boating anis: 13th in Blyth, were report. eti progressing favorably , reduced rail. way fares ate proadeed. J. S. Ohisbolm was elected to fill the vacancy in the Deo. Sen. mused by the removal of E. 0. Clarke. After other routine buainess, the Lodge eloscd. E`o rd wi 03 11, Rumor has it that June will witnese some weddings in and near our village. i A. large number from Fordwiell and • viainity attended the oirous at Harrision. John and Geo. McKee attended the funeral of their relative, Wm. McKee, of Milbank. A, pin nig will be held on July let at lot 80, eat. 6, Minto, under auspices of Salem, Hall and Fordwich churobes. Thomas Gibecm arrived home on Wed- nesday evening of laet week from New The Presbytery of Maitland met at Dungannon, on numbly, Jane 2nd for the purpose of including Rev. 0, M. Rutherford into the pastoral abarge of Daneannon, and Port Albert. After the usual proalametion, Rey, B, M. Stnith preached a very comforting sermon 00 the let verge of the 34th chapter of John. The usnal questions having been satisfactorily answered by Mr. Rntber ford, the Moderator, Rev, S. M. Maley, performed the induction oeremouy, Mr. MacNab offering the induction prayer. Members of Presbytery thereupon gave to Mr. Rutherford the right hand of fellowship. Rev. A. McKay addressed the newly inducted minister in an earneet, and af. Meting manner, from the words, "Take bead to thyself, and to the doctrine," urging nipon Mtn specially the peed of fidelity in Wady, and of oonseoration of himself to the spiritual wellbeing of his people. Rev. In J. Maxwellspoke some very necessary and vary piaotiaal worths to; the people, wbioh were based upon the text oTbertawent with him a band of meni whose hearts God bad touched." He: declared that the reason why SO many ' poor sermons were preached was be. cause the oongregations would not eive tbeir minieters time to study. They insisted on an undue proportion of visit. ing to the detriment of the sermon. He urged upon the aongregatioes to give Wool Any quantity of Wool wanted for which the Highest Market Price will be paid. ALF. BAEKER BRUSSELS. ade NPYGLPS 91.4. D. Bicycles just arrived title week, will sell them at very °lose figures for the next 30 days. The Ladies' wheel is a beauty. Call and see them. I expect to double the sales of them this year. I have also Berlins, leselycles and Hyslope wbioh I will sell at a reduction, 0 HARNESS ARMES VOU can buy all kinds of Harness. from us except factory make, and we do not handle those as we prefer to sell our own make. We know they will give satisfaction and we guarantee every set we turn out. Just now we have a fine selection of Single Har- ness and we aro offering extra inducements in them for the month of June. We have the greatest value we have ever been able to offer. Call and see them, Also Trunks and Satchels at lowest prices. Dusters, Lap Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Whips, &c. Also two sots Second Hand Single Harness at $8.50 each—your choice. Remember the place for best value in Harness, Boots and Shoes is at C Liskeard, Inhere be hen hem speeding the peat month with teletives and triande. 11e inmates highly of that ountry, flee, A. IL Dolmen ie Attending the large Atwell gathering in Vaticeitiver. Rev. D. Rogers returned from Confer. moo and on Smithey evening gave an in Wresting review of iteeeeeione, in whites wee Modeled parte of the Pitetorai ad. dress. • The imolai held 151 11. Fain.' on Friday etheing leer, ender the auspices of Will. lug Workere, Wad deepite 1110 wet night, quite to SWAIM realizing Bowe e18. We miesed the looal shower of a few der) ago, and that on friday eveniug was a real boon, Mourn Scheeler and Doig chipped a carload of mixed stook to Totonto Mat week, The finest animal shipped was a tbrecayear.old 'neer that WM, Hi tong de• livered, it weighing 1,710 pounds. He also delivered another Wear, the two weighing nearly 3,000, The Methodist "Oberon Tidings.' baa been recently publiehed in whioh is ie - eluded the Financial Report of Fordwieh oircuit for the year just abasedPratt it we learn that all the Connexional Funds have been well euetaineci and the Miniontery bap gone ahead about 86 par cent. The pastorle salary was promptly paid in full with a small balanoe on hand. The total raised for all purposes hi given as 91601.96. Biteleaertavet. W. and Mra. Wray are spending a month with friends in Trenton, Robt. Gallaeller has returned house from a trip to New Coterie. The young baohelore of the village pur. pose holding a pima, ou July let in R Arinstrouget bush. The ouutritaturs are building the new oluinoel and vestry at Trinity Mercer Belgrave. The lightning oil Sunday of last week struck the Mau of Wns. Grigg hat no very serious damaae was done. The Lediev' Aid of the Preebyierinn ohm& intend giving ea strawberry Med- ea' on the church grounds on Jane 24 ; a good program is also being prepared. Tro watered...re. W. Robertson, of Wyandotte, alma Friday at Mr. aleCormiakai. B. E. Tughen is visiting hie Water, Mrs. &Hie, in Woodetook this week. R. Pear -on, of Grey, eupplyed the pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday. Rev. R. Peal, of Brueeele, will supply the Methodist oburahpulpit next Sunday, Mies Etta Vertics, of \Venues, epent few days with Trowbridge frieude the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Whaley have got settled iu their new home. We weloome theta to the village. Quite a large crowd attended the piano remelt given by Mica Phillip and her pupils Friday evening. It wee it decided moues and all enjoyed a tt oat. The cheese factory here is doiug well this Snmmer, 39 cheese being made on Wednesday and 22 through the week. The patrous are well eatistled this yet e prizes being good. (lnsettalliten Nevvai. Tweety.foar houses were burned at Lord Dundonald to starting the militia camp at London. The Scott Memorial Orange Hall was dedicated at Winnipeg. The Orauge Grand Lodge of British America mot ea Wiimipeg. ,llrs. Potter Heath, of Odessa, died and cienly while visiting Kingston. The boathouse on Vesta le Lake, &rab ford, was destroyed by fire. Leas shout 92,000, James Oat rnicheal, p >ammeter at Odhawn for the last thirty yearn is di ad et the age of 88 Herman Aldeon, of Chatham township, was found dead in a field with s gun lying iterne3 hie chest Dr, Charles Morse, of Ottawa., hat been appainted 1 muter in jurispredenee at Triune, IIiiiversity. The Leos Lake Irate Comp:my, capital 93,000,000, Mad °Moe Sault Ste, haa been iimorporeeed. James Gregory, the Kingston oonviet who assaulted Keeper Kenny, hanged hitneelf in hie solitary cell, • A, man netted Guay, his wife and too obildren mere drowned in the St, Law• retioe near Boat de Que. The remains found in Collies Lake, neer Kingston, hive been identified as 'Slow of. Rtcherd Connell, a wealthy farmer near Medea. . •-It is stated on reliable authority that some of the 'most inumanee companies doing bedews in Ottawa have decided to Mose their offiees 111 Mint city. Engineer W. Johnston end Fireman. W. Knott were killed by their engine going through a bridge on the 0 P. R. into Moose Lake, near P.at Portage. The Mayor of Dundee and several residents of the town were injured dun Mg a fire its the Ontario Felt Company's faatory. The Modes leg was broken. The infant ohild of airs Condon Guay of Ottawa, who was injured le its roother'e arms when the latter leapedfrom an upper wiudow of a bnrniug home, is dead from its injuries. ALLAN LINE Liverpool null Londonderry Royal Mail Steamers ee Piton • Viten MoNntslAr., (2171Mtile ft ityarian ..... June 18 0 a rn. June 18 7 p,m Ionian " 20 0 " " 20 7 ." Tattletale '' 07 3 " " 27 1 " Pirristitu July 4 0 July 4 7 " 1W:orlon 0 41 0° • " 11 1 " BARES OP PASSeG311 tat Oabin—Tanitlion, Bavarian mud Teuton $70 and upwards ; Parisian $70 and up. Wards ; Protoriten, 900tend tipwards. 2nd Cabin—Liverpool and Londonderry— Bavarian, Ionian and Tunisian aite aud 94310 ; °that stoalners, $97.30, Londa $2.50 Mart, Ord Olass—$20 end 935—Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glangow, tandem Through Sokoto to South Airline. Mositreal 1i etteettow direat—Corintliten June 17; Sareinfan July 1 PIM and ltd elan only); Stallion July 13-10101mm, 800,5110 and $78 ; Ind Cabin, SW • erd Olen, IVA Richards% 11. REIM eoeut, Meanie. ATTUITION =r -s6= -0..t41 Impleme4t Wareroom '30/nova. The undersigned bas removed from the Smile Block to rooms on Mill street, opposite P. Scott's Shop, where he has on sale a line stock of DEERING MACHINERY, PETROLIA WAGONS, °OBER BUGGIES, SEEDING MACHINERY, O. Get a supply of Deering Binder Twine. Call in and see our stock and ask mut prices and terms, We guarantee fair treatment to everybody. .10 Mill Street, Brussels. iv -x7 ANTER D.—FAITHFUL PE- T SON to travel for well estaulletted bouse la a few oout,ilts at ling on lawn merahante and agents. Loofa tenitory. Salary $1024 a year and expenses, Mania 51070 a week iu wish mud exponees advent: - ed, Position permanent. Business suceoes- Int and rotation, Encloee solf.addressed en- velope. STANDAUD Sloven, 315 Claxton Bldg., Chicago. 40.10 REAL ESTATE. 14,0,111 SALE—LOT 207 AND Ntilli„nnliValt=i4etleorth-west ooruer , Brussels, 49-11 J. LEOFIFI. VOR SALE. — VALUABLE itlabogygl40.at Ethel known as the "Apply to INc. COB SR, Brussele,ge' VARM TO RENT, BEING LOT 7.0, 0°11.16, Cray, There ace 100 aores, 20 under oltItivation. Apply to JOSRpII F ltEDittOlVD, ou the premises, or Moncriefi P. 0. 21.01 "F USE AND LOT FOR SALE Turnberry street, Brussels, known ac tee Somerset preperty, eligibly situated. Immediate nosSession. Por further porno. Ulltra as to pinto'terms, tbe,, apply to D. 111cOUTOIDION, 001 10, Can. 19, MnKillop, or Lem:Entry P. 0, 08.10 A SAORIFICE IN REAL ES— worm—est:mom will buy the Malan- ghey Block to the Village of Brussels. These two line stores most he sold to close out the McCaughey newt°, Intendiug purchasers should investigate 151 0000. Apply to F. 5, sooTr or G. k'. BLAIR, Brussels, Out, W RE. AGENT. ogeviammes. o 1 nted Highest .Market Price paid for Wool in Cash or in ex- change for Goods. We haTe ro nue Assortment of YARNS, TWEEDS, CARPETS, FLANNELS, SHKETINGS, KNIT GOODS, ETC., ETC. Custom work such as Roll (lard- ing, Spinning, Knitting, etc. attented to as usual. HOWE & 00. Opp. Central Hotel, Brussels. ho PI Before. Before, you begin to Paint your house be sure you get, the BEST Pairet possible fur the money and at the same time give Best satisfaction and longest wear. 1111* Palill gives these results :—It's a pure Lead, Zino, Linseed Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ; movers more surface to the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results than any other. Try a gallon and Bee for yourself. For sale by— WILTON & TURNBULL. .‘11:FIF(7,11,..101.61X1r WAGONS, CHILDREN'S CARRIERS, DOLLS' CARRIAGES, ROCKING HORSES, WHEELBARROWS) CARTS, CROQUET, Sco. A T E PO '" BOOKSTORE 4