The Brussels Post, 1903-6-18, Page 2a P 1 l g t}t 1 41 1 7, Sl +QUKiTye ILLE a s �ervif v�if AA Belgrade, Sea'via, String Alexander, Queen iinzar Markovtlsh, Peter; the Ministers Interior, Getz. Lasat' Gen, Mllowan Paviovitch, Minister of War, together Queen's brother, two sisters, he and twelve soldiers Gparid were murdered night and two o'clock morning as the result 0021e1i aey, beaded kovitch, o4 proclamation was grade and the provinces day na,ornrng announcing Mon to the throne ta4!OrgevitCb, It the Beryl= Parliament the proclamation by Prince Peter Karageorgev'itch King of Servia, forecast abetter future and the new state of ily welcomed by the 4'ho palace is situ'ate'd street abutting a wore no means of serious attack, The events of tIio Ring only twenty yard° street, and were easily efi(isis, rt' of foreign this, but it was not lonspirators' CONSPIRATORS The city remained eight, and there was thing uuusnal except g P dumber of troops streots. The news ly known until daylight. 1111-ouged the streets the aSair quietly. of crowds and movement %glace was prevented Jlherc was no sign oisbamco to the coup people loudly cheered titch, tiro new Minister Sector, as he drove iaa ee1building„ There is every indication ipm5- is roarer the Di their leaden., who :luded in the rebellion toaation of the Iiarageolgeviteh, The rain felt in torrents lay, but this did not of keeping the populace 1 g thousands of persons :he vicinity of the sussed the situation, :roops of all arms tad canner were he strategic points. have discarded their Alexander's an'bstitltted for them whitequoted and No. qg prices _ ll kir JO ..., �f! "e -- ; mien Is the Ding by the Ile his provoked worked said of officers Mischles brother fears succession' matters, with Bulgaria while the is 1830, In achieved, Obreuo- Michael 1868, in by A have waving live no city, flies dos- were some con- was acro- from weeks organ- The Jus- and gar- -in- origin- should that would pbt- Prov- north The esti- souls. and they 1862 became 1872, Alex- falcon - = dis- and The joy n the in to M. to of �o the of the - to lr 1 Ile 1 CATTLE MARKETS, TorarutA, J... 16, - There was a ligyhtet ;tun of cattle at the cattle market to -da and btuxlness, though y a little slow, was, on the whole, fair, li,u'tichers' cattle were from 1,00 to Trie easier, but exporters Surer strcdy to firmer, Tim total deliveries for the day were 81 gars, with fhll hoed of cattle, 987 sheep amt lambs, 1;937 hogs, and 159 calces, With such a large proportion of hogs and sheep, the cattle offerings were eoSspar'atively light, There were a few good loads of exporters Offering, and these reall:zed from $5 to $5.10, the latter being for an nneeptiollally one lot of cattle. Some good loads of exporters were sold at $1,80 and $4.90, i:leport, heavy ,.. 1-$4.80 $5.00 Export, light , ,.. 4,50 4,75 Bulls, asport, heavy cwt. .. . ... .. 3.50 4.00 do„ light . ... 8.00 3,50 Feeders, light, 500 lbs. and upwards .,, 4,00 4,50 Stocizovs, 4U0 to 800 lbs.... ... 2.50 3.75 do., 3,75 0,00 aentchers' cattle, choice 4.60 4,65 do., medium .,. ... .... 8,50 3.90 do„ picked ... ,.. ,... '4,35 4.75 d0„ bulls ,... .,. .., ,,, 3.00 3,80 do„ rough ... ... ,,. .., 2.75 8.25 Light stock bulls, cwt,,, 2,25 8.00 Milch cows 30.00 46,00 ITogs, best „ ,., ... ..-, 5.90 0,00 do„ light .. ... ... 5,75 0.00 Sheep, export, cwt •,,,. 8.75 4,00 Bucks ,.. ,.. 8.00 3,75 Cttlls „ 2.25 2,50 Calves, each :.. ... .., ... 3,00 10.00 Spring lambs ,. ,,.... .. 3.80 4,50 THE HDUS 0 ' CO LONS �^ g '--.. Notes of Procoedin s in the Cart- adian Parliament., _ Iterbl'L{inAD' BILLS, The Railway Committee passed the (�uebro Bridge Company's bill, era powering the Construction of rail- ways from the bridge to Quebec and to connect with the Canadian Pa_ cine line to Montreal, and on the south side of the river to correct with trio letoraolotial and Grand Trunk Railways at their junction at Chaudfero. The company is given power to generate electricity for its own use, and to construct wharves, elevators, and tramways, The Vancouver and Coast Foote nay Railway Company was incorpor- ated to build from the boundary die- 'Met of British Coltinlbia. The Huron, ]drie, and Bu117a10 Rail- way Company was incorporated to build from St, Thomas east to the Niagara River and west to Sarnia. The scheme is promoted by the Pere Marquette Hail' -ay Company, which has acquired control of the Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway, aixd intends laying a double -track sys- tern across from Niagara to Michi- gam where connectiorxs will bo made `vtth railway •syatelns through I1ic1t- igen. Powe] is also given to bri'dg'e the Niagara and St. Clair Rivers. The Berlin, Waterloo, and Welles- ley Railway Company was Chaa•tored to run from Berlin, via Glen Allen, to aodericlt. The Guelph and Georgian Bay Railway Company was given power ,to build from Guelph' through 1p Flora, Fergus, and Arthur, Mount Forest, and thence to Owen Sound, with branches to Meaford and Or- angovilie. The Hamilton, Berlin, and Collin g- tweed Railway Company given n charter to build f or vas to Collingwood via Galt and Berlin• Bills were Also passed respecting t]ie St. Mary's River Railway, re- speating the Klondike Mines Rail- way, and to incorporate the Chat- ]rant, Si@nllopeburg, and Lake Erie Railway. PORT .W"TIS, MOT BE PRPP, uTho to^ansaportation problem. came 17 u1 file Government resolutions loan 58,000,000 to the Montreal Harbor Commissioners. Several numbers argued that Montreal should be made a free tort, on the 1 ground that it was the distributing Point far the whole Dominion, but Ministers resisted this eoltentbon, holding that those who benefited by the harbor improvements should pay for theme. TI7173D READING GS• Respecting the Toronto and Mimi- co E1Cetiia Railway and Light Coin- cin Y g. St. John,was pony,th t1 a Guelph llailwa Respecting nd to change the name of the company to that of •'The Guelph Radial Railway Company"' - DIn•D°vt•noy. The Municipal Amendment Act, 1903,, -,DSc, Davis. TO amend the Separate Schools ACG yhPa• Tlarcoust. To amend tho DMurfipi nl Drainage Abt'-Me. McCort. p g To amend the Act respecting Mort- gages of Real Eetato-,Mr, Lucas, To amend the Act respecting Con- ditional Sales of Chattels -]417. 1ibyln To confirm a certain by-law and agreement of the Town of Niagara I,'alle-a4r, Gross, The Consolidated. Municipal z pal Act, 1` 0 ane Gthsoi, To amend the Assessment Act - Mr. Gibson• Mi Brown's bill respecting the Town of Listowel passed the con- inittee stage. COST OF TBE GAMEY CASELyaI$L�'�I�E Totals About X33 000 -Some Bills hist' Be Disallowed, A Toronto despatch says: 2t f y tnidez]stood that the lawyers fees being paid by the Govevnmen( in coamecrtion with the Ganey invests- gotten include $100 a day for each of the foux senior counsel, two on each side, and $50 a day for each of the two junior• counsel, ono on eaoh side. It is rumored utak in ad- dition the prosecution presented bill fox $2,100 for solicitous' fees to cover 'work done by three or four lawyers not Included in the forego- ing classification, and theme aro doubts whether this bill will be al- lowed or not. Couneol will receive fees for the days in whioh they wore actually engaged on the ease only. Ab there worn 27 days o3 aattual sitting's of the Con'uuuission, aa1d sou- oral weeks of preparation and inter- mission, the statement that the to- tal expense of the Commission will amount to $85,000 is not surpris- ing. Tile expenditure panditure will probably be provided for by an item in the supplementary estinxates. YNiinsewe fees will Constitute a substantial item. Over 100 worn called, and besides these a great number were subpoenaed on both sides who were not placed in the box, All of these received $1 a day fou the tiro they were under subpoena. ASSEMBLYr Doings of Our Law Makers at Toronto. STREET OAR FENDERS.II• Qiesttining in rho evenirog, the Mouse went into committee on Mr, Book's bill to amend the Street Ttailvvny Act, It provides that street ear fenders appt'oved of by the municipal authorities may be a used, The Attorney -General sue- °ceded in ]laving the reearture amend- 0d so that it would only apply to cities with a population of over 20,- 000. The ball was then reported. • PUBLIC HEALTH ACT. TYr. Pyno's bill to amend the Pub- lie health Ant also passed the eom mutat/ stage. Dr, Pyne explained that the principal object of the bill tuns to enable Medical Health OYllcers to enter at any hour of the day or night all places which they believed to be in an unsanitarycondition, SALE OP CI3ATTT„T,S. Mr, Eboyle's bill to, amend the Act a'°spleting the conditional sale of (71attcls was o'ep01'tnd front commit- tco after being amended, at Mr. Iiloylc a suggestion, so as to pro- vide that any agreement made by (ho maker• of a ]bort note, hire •ro °ober, or contrast for conditional sale, whereby the venue of an action sensing out of such instrument is changed, shall bo printed in type not smaller than small pica, and in rec. ink across the fico of the Metre- lrxent and signed by the maker of it. SUPPLEMENTARIES. Frontier Ross brought clown sup_ g 9 elementary estimates totalling $�47,- 601, The following amounts are asked for: -Civil government, $210; be is - g g lotion, $76,500; administration of justice, $900; education, $21,603; maintenance of public institutions, x1,895; public build1ngs, $41,410; public works, 530,880; colonization roads, $13,900; charges on Crown lands, $7,500, The following are among the in victual items: -Cost of Gamey inves- tigation, $85,000; indemnity to members, $40,000; to cover soma of Toronto University for 1901 and 1902, 510,358.02; repairs and fur- nisllings, Government House, $7,- 500; fire ranging, Tnmiskalubng and Northern Ontario Railway, 57,000; statue to late Lieutenant -Governor, $5,000; funeral expenses of late Sir Oliver Mowat, 51 300; Industrial b:xhibitn0n, 510,(100; enlargement Normal and Model School•, 'Trot- to, 511,000; contribution toward Victoria statue, TIumilton, $1,000, Under the head of public buildings P g are the tollotving itpllas:-Mimico Asylum, purchase of farm, 57,100. Or• •• As lultarCouversion of Y gas •works into dwellings, 51,500: cot- tag° for defectives, $,x,000. Handl- t°nn Asylum-Purchsso of adjoining p perty, 5 t,000, Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph -Refrigerating plant, 58,200 air compressor, 51,050. RainyRiver District -Registry °Mee, Prances, $'2,000, Dair, School, el Kingston, repairs rand alterations, 5 ,000; furnishing Domestic Science Dept„ Normal College, Hamilton, 51,000. Among the public works are:- Southampton flock, Saugoen River, $1.000; lockup at Bonfield (re -vote), 5800; River Docks, to coin complete 5780; Lalonde drainage works $900; Douro Township drahiarc works, I b $1,200; Snake River drainage, SG,- 000; Blind River bridge, 51,800; River, to remove obstruc- tions (re -vole), o (' n' ip), so , Severn Conn- bridge, in MancMorre, Seguingu ty to pay balance, 52,000; River bridge, to rebuild superstruc- tore; 58,600; White Fish River, to r'emov'e obstructions, $250 Black River bridge, to rebuild, $1hy1xe- Casimir Crack, to remove obsti<tic- tions 5200; Buck Lake, bridge, to re- build, 5600; to rebuild bridges in Prontonac, destroyed by recent fires; Clyde River, Mud Lake, and Comes- sion 1st, Clarendon, $4,000; Kill- mount bridge (re -veto $1,000 ). 51' 500; (}Anions Narrows bridge (colt- ditiotal on local or other rants to complete), 51,000; B1 Creek drain- P �' g agodart, scheme, to complete, 58,500. • 4.4.44:44-:+x-.). :..:..:: ' 'i' o=. Sam Stackpolc ea Adv( "e .•' • +.d,•,+o o;.�..,.,.,., aOU Hover• 13eaa•d toll lasses candy advgntux S41n?" said Stacicpo1e day, when I called at hi take the census of his f I shook an head aztd ed: y oo speculate it was ra aerie' affair, and if would tell it, you woul it, certain. I was con at the time and was in lay oyes. But her old opposed to me out and ho was a stupcludous crossest, ugliest old ma wore spectacles; and 3.'1, tiered bow Sally cool charming little creature n crusty old fellow for was a bonunL magnum that time; a little fade sebut that is to Be:paltry 15 brit knee d0 Hess goes to the bon°, 11ni1, one day T went bought a whole heap of togs, ribbons, beads, goo the hai7f, etcetre and was determined to coax putting my purchases s bundle, I locouvoted t daddy's house, true as a It was rather late wh and old Scraggs was rnerlasses candy for Sal next day -theca beim Sally and her mother tired. The first thing I dor anter materna, and old Sc stared at ane a fete, was down in a 301 of hot me pelt on a cheer to cool, . me jump and howl alnee brend! how it burnt! didn't see the accident, oa Sally's bandbox whi eel her Sunday bonnet - ing-And went to rubbini six. Well, carter Pn sot th groaning for myself, and how Much damage I had old matt gave me anoLhe rifle look, and said: Sam Stuckpole, what come hero after, say?" M?'. Shraggs," says T, to stir for fear he wet my predicament, "1 hay, you on very imports] (Oh, how that mcrlasse, zei' if downou'll just keep ter about five min endeavor to inform yet degree of accuracy115Co that X iutinenty and conspicuou ed," "The old ferrety didn't that ar powprhll lenge: course ha did not say ho "Perhaps," says I, "yc ed that ): have been pay ons attention to your da' am gratified d to state r, po tlariiye Sall to me, Now will @vote Leave, and leave my Cour ain't elected." Well, anter I'd delivered that are benevolent style you think that codger's jih alldlw welcome,f " he }gong, Y. ed to the door, and told ter, I vow; I of out g then, sure, and didn't ca cancel -if Sall ed Y's bonnet „My., Scraggs," set I, fa very happy right doe ny fact l I eat owdown can't line n°lrous noise, a hole in my trousers," When the old man seed stuck fast as I sot, he i upthe whole pts of ho headthe oro and emptied it a and shoulders, t alive, Jebel how the et cavort and holler! But 05011 that I grabUied a and let him have it, bit! tween the eyes. "There, take that," and then rad piece of. and then '1' storied for 18 reef. T just got it open, when old. Mrs. Sart into aloud laugh, and forthe first time, "Sant Stackpolo,'" set My bandbox and your •are annexed." T, an. 1 must laitve been ittvRtl I landed at ]east tweut.y side tile-110119e,aald run til ileo; I never looked boh til next oto nm, and w the kiver of the basad box en fast to my trousers. That was my .nierlm'Ses venture, S nice, and ri h q g it was, But I married last, The old man 0 gin and 11010 you can while, a5 the family in your sirens you please. 4' Rulers andProminent c! e7el�w Assassinated. �y of young the streets shouting "Long There anywhere In standard no longer palace flagstaff, on the been performed the bodies plain wooden cofftins and izttense the people. Ole THE UPRISING, plot dates from the suspension of by King Alexander This action increased of the King. ruler, and bombastic pride comments of his subjects. was planned committees were country and with the army. the revolution are the new Ministers Finance, respectively and M. Volikavics, Regiment o! Infantry, was designated the plot. Tho are Colonels the latter a Drage, It was that the plot later; but Parliament question of the and the return Lieut. Langievitza, ]fastened the adjutant was entrusted the plans. LOCATION. a portion the beingbounded of the east, there is the famous and on military boundary. of the kingdom about two million Servia groaned but in Milosh Obrcnovitch, independence. was son of Miloslr then ruler. in June, by M]Ian, who Prince of Sercia was succeeded death has just despatoh says: Braga, Gee. the Prime MSH- of War and the Pecovitab, and a former with the Nilcoldem, and her King's adjutant, of the Royal between raid- on Thureslay of a military by Major Anjl- posted in Bel- on Thugs- the acres- of Peter Kara- is expected that will confirm. tiro army of as The newspapers for Ssrvia, things is heart- messes. on the main sidewalk, 'Phero defence. against private apart- and Queen were frons the Maln reanlled. the Affairs adjoins visited by the MADE NO SIGN. quite during the no sin Many- that 31 large g patrolled the sons not general- The people and discussed The assemblage toward the by the troops. of popular re- d'etat. The Stollen Pro- of the In- to the Minister-:Bosniaand that the complete control wars all in -I for the les- rival ayvtasty oflmated on Thurs- have the effect within doors, gathered in palace and dis- I+'.vnrywbere were on duty, CO1nmmA]ldiltg all The troops cockades bear- ciper, and have flowers and leaves, Bands been parading flags and Ifarageorgevitch." play of crape The royal from the Post-mortems Queen have tors. Subsequently placed in city is illuminated, prevails among CAUSE The present time after stitution April 7. unpopularity never a strong ganee and many contemptuous a large section The revolution ago, Secret ized in the co-operation leaders of have been tier and Sahickovics the Sixth risoning Belgrade, carry out the regiment and Machid, law of Queen ally intended be exrcuteU the new Servian settle the to the throne, Belgrade of Queen's brother, Colonel Naumovics, the Ring, execution of SERVIA'S l"Seryl fos an Peninsulaon and Roumania the south ince of Albania, the Austrban P°Pulation at For centuries Turkish despotism, der Prince obtained quasi absolute independence Michael, a witch, being was assassinated was followed known as Prince Milan ander, whose place so tragically, o! NORTH BEND DAM BURST British Colu2mbia Town Nearly Wi od Out. A Vancouver, B, C,, despatch says: North Bend, the pretty divisional point on the C. P. R. near which the Eraser River ,first Coutes into view of west -bound travelers, Was subjected eas•]y on Thursday morn- • ing to a Johnstown flood experience, happily without fatality, or, as it now appears, very serious proper-ty loss. The dam Uy Id •a little flu hem High up filo mountain lido is "Converted into a natural reservoir• and the town supplied with water, power.__ttnd light bloke under pres- sure of the heavy contributions of the molting S0o,5, and a wave of turbid destruction swept down upon the town. Trees, boulders and de- Ur'Is of all setts came with the tor- rent, and numerous sxnall buildings were washed from their foundations, twhile at the Fraser Canyon House and the depot buildings fully a foot of slimy otic deposit marked the floors. The flood came only a foe, menaonts after the erypress had pass- ed, and the track was obliterated where the torrent crossed, Wreck- ing and ditching crews were barreled- ly dospat>Jl,ed to the scene from eith- er end of the line, and by diverting the course of the rtlalaway stream it reported at 5 o'clock in the o nlutg All clanger had been rentov- ed. The restoration of the dam and water wo]cs will proceed as soon as Sha '1 fl floods • aro over, ; TERRIBLE CONFESSION Woman Poisoned Brother Wife and Child. A. Kalkaska, Michigan, despatch says: Alter two weeks' work Pro- sq utoi E. C. Smith has secured rho Confe �encoloo! Ma:. Mary i\icXiiight murder cold-blooded premeditated Ureler of her own brotlierJohn Murphy, Gortrtrde Murphy, ills young wife, and their theee'on..nths-old ba- by. Apartial confession tons made Monday evening, in Meech Ml's, Me- Knight denied killing the baby. Late on Tuesday night Smith again called at the woman's cell at Tier request, this time she mode a complete confession, In her ifrst statement she admit- ted. giving Ma•, and lilrs. Murphy capsules of ati•ychm•ne and •quin•ine maxed. Last night she said: "I didn't intend harm to any of them. I did give the baby the strychnine. It woke up and cried while its mo- tiler was gone, and I nixed up a little strychnine in a glass with some water and gave a spoonful to the baby. I didn't mean to halm the little thing at all. I confess- ed all to the Lord this afternoon, And I feel that HC has forgiven me. I really didn't mean to harm any of then], " When Gertrude crone home and found the babydead site got Awful] nervous. She aero to mand said Mary, can't you give 1010 something to quiet nae, something that you take yourself?'. I said that I would, and I really._didn't think that it would hurt her if I gave her, one of the strychnine capsules, She had spasms right after that, and X sup- pose that it was the strychnine that killed her, I really didn't mean to hurt her. Then John scooted to feel so badly about it, so broken up, that I often thought after Gertie died that it would be better if be were to go too. John was feeling bad one night, a couple of Weeks af- .ter Genie died. He came to me and wanted something to quiet him, I hacl two or three of the capsulae on my dresser, and I told him to go and get one of them. I didn't mean to hurt him, but T thought that it 01115 soothe him, and then I thought it would be for the best if ho were to go, anyway, He helpedg' himself. I don't know whether he took one or two, Then he went to bcvd, and h by -and -bye hr called me. Ivlet let came, too, and he bean to have those same spasms, sins, began sup- 0se that the strychnine P p t o st ychnin° ryas work- ing'• 1'hn whole of the coatpssioi w•as Z vi �tt'q>juntarity, and Mrs. Me- g grsed it after Prosecutor Smith had twrittsn •it out, 0 rj`ilnFort present Ring of Uganda is Daudi Clttil, a soli of Mwanga, The little Ring is only 7 or 8 years old, Hp has Haver known life except 011- der the new regime, and so he'will probably always be content to be a Puppet in the hands of his w]tbte masters, enjoying much attention and consideration if he behaves him -Rainy self and retaining some semblance of Power, Ile has been taught to read and write, is bobng introduced to the amenities of civilized life and is sur- rounded onlyMuskrat by those who, it is hhought, I ribay benefit hid i11ppays him. The British stillbthink it pays to maintain a semblance of royalty on Uganda. But the native sove- reignty, not without futile struggle and much suffering, has retired far g' the background. j ����� 'HE '— 'rices of Crain, Cattle, etc in Trade Centre. Smoked 13}c; rolls, backs, 14 to 13; to 14c. Lard - Wo quote: SOtc; -pails, y 9,° )MSINLSS Montreal, markets continue values firm. firm; there millers still ter is higher, the finest 1g'}c for unsalted; about the exported at bids for it while salted more than exporters limo t 1.N,c for the changed locally, price has 8d for white, (/rain -No. No, 1 Northern, pas, (;;ic rye, 52e east, wheat, 46 to 36,c afloat, flaxseed, 51.15 American, 48c; No. Ala nitoba seconds, 53,80 53,40; ()Mari° to 58.(30: $1.75; patents, oats -Millers' card 53,355 toba bran, to 522, hags in hulk, $18.50 ]yolk, 519.50 Provisions -Heavy cut pork, 524; 50; light imported, short. cut, lard, 84 to 1.Uj to 11c; harts, 181e 15e; fresh killed 75. Eggs --Net, No, 2, 101e, creamery, grass, dor, 1.7•Ic; . C Ilensr.-Onlai'bo 10+c for colored; UNI%'I',D Otolith, Jule To arrive - Northern, 781°; July, hlllwatrkoo' Firm; NO, Northern, Milted. stye 834e, parlay sample, A6 d87c asked, Minneapolis, closed , -- 78�c; September, meats- Hams, 1.11c; shoulders, 14(5; breakfast The market is unciuinged. -Tierces, 101°; 11c; compound, 1a to 10(°;IAA bacon, tubs, 8 to local with oats in flour, But- asked for and is can belle English to 96s, not bringWhile not allow than is un- English to 53s colored. 79}c; William; 73c here; buck- oats, 36 in store; II corn, bailey, .Flour- to 54.20;1 bakers',1 53.- to l Rolled In bags, -Man 1- 520 bran, in 521. shote 521,- to 51.80; refiner] lard, t0 1.11°; 14 to $S to 1:3c; fed- 16(c• less, cIcsed - No, 1 Northern, 7S$c. •-•ual.nd No, 2 76*c 1, 813 to 2, thee; - Ju]• yr -- Wheat 78g to _ Toronto, June market is quiet, with To. 2 white quoted 10. 2 red winter, 73 ie heights, and Pc middle; Nn, 2goose Midland. Manitoba To. 1 hard quoted .nd No. 1 Northern 1into ch. No, 1 hard, :Mc rttnsit, lake and Torthern, 89c, Oats -Tile market at 31c, at 31} to 81(c 1 white, 324 c Barley -Trade is quiet, q 'tetra quoted at 44c Aid No. 3 at 42((e. Rye -.Che market is nst for No. 2. Peas -Trade dull, toted at 64 to 6 rc l ucicwheat-Nothing nominal at ice, Corn --Market is trnerican yellow quoted 7c on track, Toronto, fixed at 66c Toronto. Fleur -Ninety per noted tets no ay g buyers'45 ort. Straight rollers rands for domestic 8,25 to 52.40 in bliss. our steady; No, 1 o 54.20, and strong o $3,90 in bags, Ttlronto• Mi]lioed Bran is CPC. At outside noted at 516.50 and 0. 0d shots Manitoba 22 ]neon at 5 _ THE DAIRY Butter -The demand ,1991105 equal to requirements, rices' aro steady, We -lb 'rolls, 15 to 16c; lids, uniform . color, aces, colla And tubs, a*pinnry Prints, !Nei Ibggs-Market is fine, emend, Case lots le per dozen, and U§c.in 01accsc 7'ho market Rh prices easy at s, 16. -Wheat -The demand firma, at 73,e east, to 73(e, mid- No. 2 springat at 65con wheat is steady; at 84c Goderich, at Sac Godes.- grinding in rail, and No. 1 is steady; No. 2 high freight, g middle freight, cast. with No. 3 middle frieght, steady at 5".c with No. 2 white high freight. b doing, with 88 to 381° out- strong, Nn, 8 at '56* to and No. 3 cent. patents t sacks,2.72 for of special trade quoted at Manitoba patents, 54,10 bakers', 53.88 tier at $17.50 ]points bran is shorts At 517.- sacks, 520, MAR1i5TS, is fait, with and quote: -Choice fresh daily 15c; second 12 to second c; solids, 18 to with good sell At 18* to checks at 10 to rules tluiet, 11 to ilia per Cufod , With a good .elelty, and etwe -1s i,s. e t"T . dr7 Short AT MONTREAL. June 16. -The fairly active, Wheat is steady, is no change quoting variously. 18Se being Townships creamery, the unsalted only kind that present prices; are about 95s butter will 90s, which will to pay more best. Cheese though tho fallen Sid per cwt. and 565 for 1 Manitoba wheat, 78c, Fort high freights, 5SSe afloat here: to 481°; No. 2 88to 39c on track here: 56 to 561e; feed 3 barley, 51c, patents. 54.1.0 to Sd; strong straight rollers, in ]tags, 51.87* 53.70 to 54, rices, 81,85 Pg per barrel. Feed 518 to $20; shorts, included; Ontario in 519; shorts, to 520; nriddlings, Canadian short cut. thetas, $1.75 Sia, compound Pc; porn Canadian tlnrst lard, 11 to 14(c; bacon, abattoir hogs, Enid, 12+ ptltter'-ahOrv139]ilp9 18 to 18(c; Western dairy, 10(o; 7'ownshbps, white lc +• CHINESE FIRE BRIGADE ^_ Carry Banners and Clan Gongs Pekin Burnsg g A Pekin despatch says:' Some of the papers received from Europe p p sneak of rho final and deluite refu.snl •0f China to yield to the Russian de- maims respecting Manchuria, stat- 1 g •frig, •in the face of su,eli refusals, that Russia considos '11 prucleut to 10- ty eat. 'Those capable of entertaining such, an astonishing miscolrception ell China's power would have had all object lesson could they have wit- nosed •the fire in the contra of Pclzin on Tuesday afternoon, %thereby for the second time in three years the Board. of Revenue buildings were de- stk'oyed. The resources of Pekin tvero •pxhaustcd in vain °minden, and the roaring flumes were cont- batted by him dm'ec1s of men cariyht g banners and blocking all move- anent. There Was a hideous Manger g of gongs and t.omrtoms as' at a South Sea Island cercm,oly, For exttngtushmg the Ma•ntes the ailed i- ties depended upon water carried in old kerosene tins and bean oil bas- kers, add the yea of appliances dat- Ing back to the titno of Refits, As- aletange was also given by some rho time Waterloo, as+lnchbs back unavailinjets of dirt, Waiter. Tho g Y flames were preventers fron spent -Ming towards the French hospital by the exertions of tan foreign legation gtl al'da. g g --- The Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, au- Sher of "In His Stops," has a sake of Minion, He tens this story on himself of a young couple who ap- plied to him to be married, 37e per- loaned the ceremony with due Sol- y enmity and congratulated Sha .bride. Then he observed tho bridegroom searching through hisg g g pockets end looking a bit humiliated and aahaxn- ed. "T ala afraid, parser," he said, "that 7 ain't got any Loney to pay you with, ' Then, after a moment of (1001) thought, looking ;fp cheer- fully, he added, "But T •Can •tell you how you can Six your gas -meter so it won't register•," _` + LARGE PAPER 1lI�ILL. - Now In Course of 'Tree At, Sturgeon ]ells."Jerusalem,"'set At Sturgeon falls, it the Province of Ontario, a large pulp and paper mull is in the course of erection. The pulp will be mladufaetul'ed into pa- per right or the spot and 500 stands will be m'et'ro, ed. It is anticipated 1 y P that the population of l'b0 Low7L will be increased by 2,000 within n shot period. 31 the pulp were sh]p- ped to the United Suites and .(itiish- ed there, the gain for Sturgeon Falls would be small Casting with what, •it will be under existing airaumottler- Two ihorannd new settlers moans a new tuielisi for the farmer worth in. the tit it y of 5160,000 atlnlralt. Irma is a• practical 11` ]estrat.fon of what manufactories for the agriculturist, Wheat is being clone at Sturgeon Falls can be duplicated at many points, pro- video that adequate encouragement is gluon to i,rve+ato's.' If, instead of sending our pulp l,p al)r'0ad and provide d- in employment for forei r g 1 foreigners, Ivo were to look after the interests of our otvn worltmen, we would open l n up largo fields of employment for our labor, anal at the some. t.irin place large suns of money right at .the, doors of the farmer. Canada can eland many peppy ex 7t+Stances like I which has fallen, to the lot of Falls. -Stratford Herald, -•---'+------- CATTLE SENT FROM TEXES -1^ Forty -Sur Plnndred Head Ship- ped to Canada, it Mastitis, Texas,deepateh says: ,l he Il x!lser h :dapped Meter -five ••Hardin+ Johe 1c ns , tlppnd hurilclu`rlct hood of r;Atatlr; in bond h•Om his ranch in :Mexico Ur Canada. - ) u tt. (31.h • t ,. shiprsArpts 01 cattle from Mexico t' Canaan l r O A ARli a`e no1V being ntmrdo, --- MAY START IN CANADA -- Largest Steel Manufacturers in Britain Consider Plan. A vont:, •• P josvop, ofcAt e firm sof says: William & Sol, Slaeifbeld, Fmglan'tl, the larg- est steel nrnnufacturers in the world, who is in Montreal on a visit, stat- ed on 'J'hilrsdA that since coming to Canada he had been urged ]y Canadian customers and represent atives t0 open worlds in Canada, and it tvtts probable that some bine in 7 the.. future this might be comp. As 80011 as ho rv+turned to England tho ques'LInii would be fully discussed, and some definite, action decided uo 01t. P The Duke of Gambridgn's special hobo is the collecting of snatll bo15es of which h h s m'e ala fel nunabar and ]li • Helly won- s ohect.ion is probably rho &]arg0st priv'at.e ono in t y he world. Iii• o1 these 1 '•has bought at various aures, but the g••eater number wore boquoathntl to hitt by the Ductless of Gloucester, incl those who know of theDukes .os, fancy freciuottl• y •present hon with ral'0 apCCf177C71a. Ti.0 salUly box he ise s nt.ost i, p C $ a gold Uite o.f exgl7is-11105' ito workmanship given to George g day, by his Urido °n their' wedding'mean 'Phis box the Duke invariably carries with ]tint. SEA13CIl 1P011 A DIA] whole feeding her pool Eaton , of Doylestown, r Pa valuable diamond ring Suspecting that one of th swallowed the gem, she f1 by cutting oft tlto heads Twenty-seven pullets had tattltated brfo'e the diar i'oclaifli d firer the 0 offending 1311'd, + STABBED THE GENERAL --'- Jewish Midwife's Revenge Upon Her Prosecutor, A lt.iott', Russia, clospa4ch says: 'While a Jewish midwife named I'dun- shin, who was arrested on a politi- cal charge, was being interrogated by General Novitsiky, chief of the gendarmerie, she rushed upon g• Ion him .with with. a knife, wihlela she had eon- °Haled 1n Ines drnas, and In/fltc'ted a wound in his neck. The general's inn jury is not serious. '— had a llOL01',i0t1.91dACUltnflPr,!1��]TU¢+]l� before him. In the cou'so of his ext amination his honor asked: "'What has become of ,your associates in your early lifo of crime?" ""They're all hanged, said the Prisoner, ""ex- wept your honor and myself! M ' "' Tons (enthusiastically) - '"i love „that everything that is grand, beautiful, ,Sturgeon pectic, and 7olioly. T love the peer- loss, the serene, and the perfect, in life. Mabel - "Why did you not propose before" -- -- - IRON IN PARRY SOUND -'-' Soa Cornpeny Opens Up Deposits of a Fine Quality, A ..- despatch says: The Canada Iron a.nd Furnace Company, which the Coneolictated Lake Su- perlor Oorepany is lergoly interest- ed, have started operations on an extensive rnagnotic iron property sit- twelve rnilos from Egansvflle, in the Parry Sound distybet. In mak- ing the announbement of the open- ing the prosidemt of the eom aey,, ear. G, TA, IYr'ueeme ietated that the ore was of a very high wade, and found particularly vele:able when P O e . + mitrcod,wath;tho bog o;o. to leo Pound _ . in the Ctlm an S'tl� clerics. at Mal- R7 y d p p - - Q,rteu. ._., WORTH IT. Mrs, 11, "Mrs, Cattors. ex emery Wali, cops;y't, sh tl. :Mr, lit -"'Yes; but she leusband wo'yleci to 0end time." Mrs• IT, (admiringly) - worth iii" STA'rJIS MARKETS, 16, --Wheat No. 1 hard, 81c; 130e; No. 2 80c; September, June, i8, -Wheat 1 Northern, 85c; 88 to 840; July, - Steady; No. - Steady; No. t° 530, Corn June 16, doly. Cash, f3pCt Jnlyy, 7i�c; KN>1►4, "My dear," sand Mrs, Jorgson, as elle closed the bock elle had been reading, ""do you know what 18 the most Carious thing in the world?" "Of course 7 do, I. replied the bru- Sal hall of :the combination, Ilse na05t Wien thing in the World a woman that iekr't cunlianlsJl- 'moi', I70G PRODUCTS. 'Dressed hogs are steady. ,oats are unchanged, g• )mato, Wo quOtel-73acon, . 0 U,) to 10*a, in ton- Orkr mess, $�1 to Itlw7R,G(ly •10 it, $2"2,150 to ;$�3, �� "Policemen," sold rho addressing the officer ' the rnudd o•os, g b Y you direct ins------" T7m•a and fell, "----to the near: . , gathering he r.pni,lntled, t%¢ihetmg in ''•� in h35 AUllbd and 4o the g "v5heto they °learn c10t11ds "Whet can I preach about next Sunday that will please the entire congregation?" ation?" ttsic d h newmin- r g asked the in Setcr. ' I>reaali about the culls. 0f tithes," replied the ol'd deacon; ,. , ' . , 1 p , , ,. tlretp lsn t.aiin:nnntlsoiOf the ttOUY,,.c1113on,ty I' -ati0 Liz is worth yCl' , 'l. -� over ' g og n at O °b, x000 . .. .. . Q •. a year,`M .:,: „.„, of my mor- a, did you to mo one s house to milt', he proceed - their a won - Sally there d appreciate coin Sally, lova up 'La daddy was out. And man - the n that ever, e often wen- d be such a with such a father, She E • sure, at d now, you be expected. doe but ugli- to town and fancy do- se -grease fort so forth, 1 her up; and et • in a )wards heti rifle, en T arriv', bilin' some }y to peddle I a slloty -- having re - e, however, n•aggs had to set right u'lasses he'd vhicll, nude ;in', Ginger but as ho I squatted ch contain - not notic- like daty- ere a spell, wondering done„ the ✓ such ter - have you not daring id discover. CO,l7C to it business, s smarted l !I 1^ou obene- utea, 1 will with that an so p2'e- sly devrolop- understand igo, and in thin, tu't=e notic- ing numer- ughter, anti ith infinite n will give for you for try if you myself in what do roply was? "Take Sal - tally point - me to scat - of patience, cal • what oc- was smash - "I should ou, but the here, and s you out how I was 181 cm tche'd t candy off 11 over nay tors as I'm off made me I was so great bog 1 right be- sot I, "you deformity," e door, di - ready to Sera • burst Sally spoke sloe, "hold! pantaloons d I leaped. skeered, for feet out - co a prairie ittd me tin - ben T dial Was stick - candy ed - hot work Sally at fu anter a rookon up as soon as MOND. try, Mrs. ., missed a she wore. e hens had ivostigatcd of At19paets, been de - tend was rop of the 011 dt'e5sea ?" keeps her t all the "Well, It's st7`allgrr, vim was sllsg, "can he slipper]. 5t plea'," 811111 119 garments, 4