HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-6-11, Page 8T
TH:a E •TI
With the owning of Summer and Warm Weather many
people suffer intensely from tired feet. For this unpleas-
ant trouble we,have
All of which are prompt and effective remedies for aching,
sore, tired, tender, sweating, swollen feet,
rag Pius gt.ems.
A. ohiel's amang ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Samoa Board Friday evening of this
' week.
COLLAR and tie found. Aek at TEE
50 CENTS gets Tan Poem for the balance
of 1903.
REv, MR. Hices is not far astray in
his wether predictions.
85 CENTS pays for a return ticket to
Mildmay next Monday afternoon, by the
Speoial train.
Tan woodwork at E. O. Donford's
reeidenoe is being freshened up by the
painter's brush.
loops jacket lost, navy blue in color,
with black etrappinge. Reward will be
paid on leaving it at TEE Pose, Brussels.
GEORGE Thanes, who is a great lover
of a gook horee, has purobased a valuable
4.year•old, bred from Costumer and Gold
TEE Fordwioh Record says :-.O. Wade
and Wm. Sotheran were in Brussels on
Tuesday, end came beck with a brand
Dew buggy for 11:r. Sotheran.
MODEL Farm annual Exoursion will be
ran on Friday, June 28. This is the
outing of the Beason to the farming cam.
inanity. The bills will give fall partia-
TAirn in the Excursion to Owen Sound
Friday of tine week. Baggage oar at•
twilled for baskets, &o. Train leaves
Bruseele at 7 40 a. m. Return fare, good
to oome bank next day, 41.35 for adults
and 70 cents for children.
I. 0. 0. F. DEooRATION.—Os the even.
ing of Tuesday, 23rd inst , the members
of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0.
F., Bruasele, will hold their annual ser-
vice of deoorating the graves of deceased
brethren and relatives. Procession will
Leave tbe Lodge room at 7 o'clock sharp
and all interested are asked to keep the
date reserved so tie to snare a large at-
Roy. R. H. WARDEN D. D., formerly
Vioe President of the Metropolitan Bank
has been appointed Pre'ident, and S. J.
Moore, manager of the Oarter-0rnme
Company and Vine President and manag-
er of the Niagara Silver Company, Is now
Viae President, Both these gentlemen
have been on the Board of Direotore eines
the bank first started bneioese, they are
widely and favorably known and are well
fitted to occupy these important positions,
Rev. Dr, Warden in an interview whioh
appeared in the "Globe" of the 8th inst.,
referred to the excellent financial condi-
tion of the bank and to its conservative Brussels
management. Regarding the Ames & Co. Wlsgbam
f(sancfal difficulty he stated esplioitly
that the Bank lone nothing by the
of Brussels Foot Bell Olab have made
arrangements with the Grand Trunk to
ran a special train to Mildmay next Mon•
day afternoon to convey the Foot Ball
team and as many of their admirere as
desire to witneea the return and final
game between these two well matched
elabe, This was thought advisable owing
to the long distance to drive, more ea•
peoially ibe home oomiog trip and also
bemuse a number of the ardent support -
ere who are well pleased with the good
work of oar boys think they would like
to give them the support they deserve in
the field so hope to have an opportunity
of oheeriug them on to victory next Mon-
day evening. Train will leave Bruseele
at 2 p. m., arriving at Mildmay about 4
end returning will pall out of that town
ebrut 9 o'clock, Ae a guarantee has to
bo put up for the epecfut the promoters
"oto interested in seeing a big crowd pat-
ronize the excursion. Tbe return fare is
placed at the low price of 85 oente, and
train will call•at all stations from Brea.
eels Fiast.
following report was omitted from the
Oo. Oonnoil prooeedinge to be found on
page 4 of tbie issue, benoe it is given
place here as it is of special interest to
the Easterly eeotion of the County
Your Committee have a oommunioation
placed before them from Aubury white,
Deputy Oommieeioner Crown Lando for
the Province, relating to a drain matter
between the township of Logan, in the
County of Perth, and the township of
Maginop, in the County of Huron, and
your Committee would reeommend that
". a resolution be passed by this Counoil
now in session authorizing the Township
Oouaail of McKillop to proceed and have
the survey made according to the Statute,
sea, 14, Chep, 181, in this behalf. We
would recommend that this Council
memorialize the Lieutenant•Governor•in.
Connell to have inetru0tione given to have
the proper line located from the North
limitof the 12th con. of MoKiliop to the
township of Grey boundary, and perman-
ent etakee planed at the aornern of the
concession roads. We also recommend
that Mr. Bell, of St. Thomas, a Provin-
cial cavil engineer, be appointed • to carry
001 this work, and that Mr. Lane, 0o.
Clerk, write Mr, Bell and aaoertain what
he would charge per day While engaged
fn this work, and after receiving an
anewer ocrreepond at ones with J. 0.
1190rrfe0n, Twp. Clerk, Melfiliap, lnfotm
'ing him the nnewar he may reoeive
doneerning this matter.
11061, !BILLER, 0111,1ralan X/18 1098.
SUNDAY Sohaol Exaurelon 10 Owen
Sound Friday of this week.
Wool wanted; eggs 140 ; potatoes 75o.
Seed Dorn for sale.
GEO. E. BING, Wingham,
FOR SALE.—Four ehoW Oases (2 uprigbte
and 2 flats) 3 tables and a mangle.
TUESDAY Volunteer Co, No. 5left Brae -
els for camp at London where tbey
will spend 10 or 12 days. Captain Ma
Taggartis the commanding officer.
TRE new uniforms have been ordered
by E. 0. Danford & Son for the Mao
oabee Band and are expected bare by
Dominion Day. The Band will look very
swell with their new toggery,
TEE Maocabee Band of this town will
go to a garden party at Township Clerk
Clark's, 8th line. Morrie, on Tuesday
evening next, and Wroxeter on July let
and supply the musical part of the pro
gram there.
BOLE LEAGUE MAToase.—The second
shoot in the aeries of the above matobee,
took place on the Association Range an
Saturday last when the following scores
were made :—
W. M. Sinclair .... 86 points
J. T. Roes 85 '
J. Hewitt 84 "
P. Hogg 83 r,
Jae. Bowman 82 "
D. 0. Roes 80 "
E. L. Jackson .°76 "
Dr. MoNanghton 78 "
Gilbert Speir 69 '
G. F. Blair 66 "
makinga total of 784epoiote, an increase
over the previous shoot of 129 or 80
average gain per man of nearly 13, The
third shoot eakee plaoe on the 20th inst.,
when it is to be hoped that still bigher
ecoree will be recorded. We believe the
rifle practice in oonneetion with these
associations is along the right line and
will tend to revolutionize the preeent sys-
tem of drill o1 the Canadian militia,
BASE BALL.—Bruseele Base Ball team
played a friendly match at Wingham last
Friday afternoon and were eligbtly snow•
ed under as far ae wore wae concerned,
the borne team making a scoop of 6 rune
each in the 4th and 7111 innings. Oar
boys oonld not conned with Doyle',
delivery so were blanked in 8 oat of the 9
innings. Soore is es ander :-
9RueenLe B 0 Wnmaear R 0
Bailantyyue, e... 8 Kent, 1b 3 3
Fetid, 1b 1 Welch, 1f 1 2
Markle, 8b 4 Daum, 0 2 2
Brown, ss 4 Doyle, p 2 4
$err, If 9 Peareon,2b 3 2
McLanohlin, 2b. 4 Hoimee,rt1 8
Robieson, rt 4 Moore, of 1 8
Eggleston, of ... 8 Lookridge, se 2 8
Arden, p - 1 Hammond, 892 1
227 1724
0 8 1 6 0 0 6 1 *-17
T. MaLeae, Umpire,
Brunets 11opee to have another game with
Wingham as they do not consider the
reoord of Friday's match is an index of
the average standing of the two teams.
Brussels plays against the Harrieton
"Browne" on Dominion Day in Wroxeter.
return game of Foot Ball in the Inter.
mediate series was played on Victoria
Park, on Thursday evening of lest week,
between Listowel and Bruseele and result.
ed io a complete victory for the home
team by a score of 7 to 0. There was a
good attendanoe of spectatore but the
play was too one aided to be as interest
ing as some past foot hall oonteste be
tween these olube have been, The teame
lined op ae follows :—
G Gabel Goal 11 Beattie
J Stewart 11.
Bricker Awok..,-A Robinsone ,fi I Gerry
$ f 1
E StewartO Querin
A Dunlop 3 Awoke R Wetc
R Fisher �° 71 Brown
R H MoFay.... J Bailey
G Brown ,..,W Oameron
H BRIE wing-- Forwards T Meares
E Switzer j
HHam ....... G
.. ,.4 llae
Hamilton 1
ltoa W ood
Referee—W. Allenby, Wingbam.
This win puts Brussels in posaeseion of
No, 2 district and entitled them to a plane
in the semi -finale looking towards ahem-
pionehip honors. Our two football teams
have done well thie season winning every
match op to tbie date.
GnAVnn OoNTReome.—Last Saturday
eveoiug $800 in gravelling contracts were
sold by public auction at the Queen's
Hotel by Counsellors Jackson and (thaw,
of Morrie, and Councillors Work and
Grant, of Grey. Jae. Bolger wee ape
pointed inepeotor en the Booth motion
and Wm, Rielly on the North. 723
yerds will be pat on when oompleted and
should help the worst plaoee in the road.
Contracts were let ae loliowe :—North of
Brueaels, a 545 job let to Geo. Kerr at 50
mots per oubio yard ; a 530 job at lot 1,
con. 7, to Wm. Bird at 45a per yard : a
520 job in front of Jno. B. MoLauoblin'e,
let to W. Bird at 49 mate per yard ; a
040 job at Voreyth'e bridge approaohee,
to Obese. Alderson at 64o per yard ; a 515
job on Fraliok'e hill to Wm. Rielly at 45o
per yard. South ofBrneeele, a $80 job
on first 1 miles to Wm. Denbow at 458 ;
a 740 job in front of Mre. Maundera'farm
to Genry Al000k at 41 Dente ; a $50 job
through Bnrn'e swamp, to Chas. Pollard,
at 290 ; a $80 job in Walton to Engh
Ramsay at 49 Dante. The work ie to be
completed by Anguat 15th. Prices rang-
ed ooneiderably lower on the beats South
of Bruseele Owing 10 o0nvenfenoe to
gravel hence, Muth larger quantity will
be put on thin year.
C(I'� I011(8V
Qat't'I'AL---told 1317.
env, It n. WARDEN, D. 0„ • PRESIDENT
a, 0, MORE • • - vron•PnEe1DnNT
0. D, 010.-r00..0,
General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes
Discounted. Sale Notes bought or hold for Collection.
is Tons SAYINGS BANK—Deposits of 01.00 and upwards reoetved and
interest at the highest Bank rate allowed, from dato of deposit to data
of withdrawal, on the daily balance,
139 -Parties bolding important papers, notes, &o., may depoolt them in
our bank vault for safe keeping—free Of oharge.
1'rornl,t aud1 Careful Atleiitfen. Good Ter°ns$.
G. F, BLAIR, Solicitor, A, E. MELLISH, Manager, BRUSSELS,
J. P, BRINE DECEASED —As old and well
known resident of Seaforth died on Tnee•
day of this week and was buried Than -
day afternoon in the person of J, P.
Brine. He had attained a royal old age
and was highly esteemed, Deceased was
father of Mre. P. Swett, of Brussels. A
more extended notice will be given next
GEonoE Howe has leased the Wroxeter
woollen factory and went there on Tues.
day to get thioge in shape for reacting.
Mr. Howe is an experienced man having
been acquainted with the various depart-
ments of the bneiweea for many years.
He will not alone up his store in Brae -
self nor remove hie home from here but
will be backward and forward as atten•
Mon may be demanded.
Ale auolionaeale of household furniture
is announced for Saturday afternoon of
next week at 2 o'olook by John Ourrie,
Prinoeee street, Brussels, as be is moving
from townie tha 000ree of a few weeks to
Northfield, a naw town in North Dakota,
where his brother in.lew, Jae. Robb, re-
sides. We are sorry to know -Mr. Carrie
Ina decided to leave this section bat hope
he will do well in the went,
A Suoones.—The Spinsters' Convention
presented Wednesday evening in the
Town Hall, ander the aoepioes of the
Anglican Young People's Society of St.
Jnha'e ohuroh, attrnoted a large house and
afforded a lengthy program of merry
making. Prof. Makeover's wonderful
Remodelsoope proved itself to be a vete.
table wonder in the transformations
wrought. Paris was thrown in the shade
for faehions and the songsters, planiete,
&a„ ontehoue the oelabrities of tbe past.
If the town bachelors don't surrender now
tbe loon! Riffle Association should be
given a job. The various performers
acquitted themeelvee wall. Financial
proceeds about 860.00.
BowLtoG.—Tneeday afternoon - two
rinks of Kincardine Bowlers oame to
Bruseele and enjoyed a few hours on the
lawn with our sphere trondiere. The
visitors were victorious as per following
soon :— '
Kincardine. Bruseele.
Stewart Farrow
Milian Hewitt
McDonald Jaakeou
Roes, skip ....22 MoNanghton, skip 12
Hunter Milhausen
Kerr Oouslay
Smith Downins
Bishop, ekip ..16 Rose, skip 16
Total — , —
88 28
SEMI FINALS.—Tuesday afternoon the
Mildmay team, champions of Inter-
mediate Foot Ball District No. 8, arrived
in town to content tor first pleas with
winners of this District, in the semi.
finale. Both teams bad unbroken records
of victory end the visitors had a good
number of their supporters here to whoop
it up for them. Shortly after 6 o'olook
the ball was set in motion and one of the
most hotly oonteeted matches played
bees for many a day wae witnessed. The
raepeotive teams were closely matched
and all the modern foot ball devices were
employed in an earnest effort to win.
A pleasing feature of the play was free.
dom from wrangling or rough play.
Brussels had the better showing and had
two goals to their oredit before Mildmay
eoored although the Northerners often
took the sphere close to tbeir opponent's
goal bat lbs books and goal keeper avert.
ed many a well planned victory. They
did score in tbe last half time however
and at the oloee the tally was Bruseele 2,
Mildmay1. The home team rained
many a shot on the Mildmay goal but
not a few were wide of the mark. Both
teams were heartily applauded by the
large orowd of spectators for their excel-
lent individual and combination play.
Following are the names of the players
and positions ;—
MILDMAY Bstease e
H Heeling Goal R Beattie
J Johnston1 Books f I Gerry
M Switzer. •.,,,.,.f 1 ...A Robinson
P Bohulthiee ) ( 1% Brawn
1) Doering )t 3 Bloke i( R weir
J Beroht Querin
16 8oBerry.., W 1! McRae
E Schwalm 1' McRae
P Leiemet•,,._•., Forwards J Bailey
N Boltzmann,., W Geed
N Switzer G Rae
Referee—W, Allenby, Wisgha.
Goal-Umpires—Geo. Domeier m
er and 0, Far-
Next Monday evening these clubs will
meet again for the final boat at Mildmay
and ee decision meta on the number of
goals eeored it will no doubt be a elms and
exciting contest, as our boys have only
1 point the advantage now bat they
hope to increase the lead and thereby
have a share in the finale, W. Allenby,
of Wingbam, dealt out even handed
jnetioe as referee nod his rulings were ao-
oeilted graoefully by both teams.
ENVIEED INTO BEST.—About 2 15 a. m,
Wednesday morning Jane Ferguson, relict
of the late Benj, Edwards, died ea the
boron of her daughter, Mrs, David Heist,
Albert street, Brunets, in her 851,11 year,
Heart failure was the oanne of ben death,
having had a weak spell Tuesday after-
noon but rallied after end appeared to
be quite bright, The oall oame quietly
and peacefully. Mn, Edwards died 9
years ego In hie 82nd year. Mre, Pude
Garde was born at Cerriok•Fergne, Ire•
land, and oame to this country when 7
pane of age. The family .made their
home at Montreal. 6 yaars after their
arrival the eubjeot of this notice, a girl of
13 years, was unexpectedly left in charge
of 5 brothers and sinters by the demise of
her father, mother and eldest brother
from black cholera and her pare end self•
dental in We situation 10 well wottby of
remembrance. She was united in mar.
ridge when 18 yeare old 00 Benj. Edwatds
Who wee a soldier In the let Royal
Regiment, and after service in Ireland
and Scotland came to Canada in 1886 to
assist in quelling the rebellion, Mr.
Edwards ooutinued in the regiment for
6 yeure after his marriage and visited
various points in Canada. 60 years ago
Mr. Edwards purchased the lot on whioh
the G. T. R. depot now etande in Lou.
dou for 5500, the Queen city being but a
quiet going village at that date. The 1st
Royale were ordered to India but in go-
ing down the St. Lawrence suffered ship.
wreck in the Glair in the month of
November. One man walker{ to Quebec
to report while the paesengero kept them•
selves warm by burning the timbers
of the ship, Mr. Edwards got his die•
charge and remained in Canada and very
probably prolonged his life thereby, ae in
tballuaeian campaign out of 1,000 men
belonging to the let Royal regiment only
4 survived. Mr, and Mre, Edwards
resided in Markham for a time, then
moved to the township of McGillivray,
Middleeex County and took op land.' 44
years ago tbey purchased lot 3, eon. e,
Grey township, but Bold again and moved
to Wallace township, where they lived
for a number of years. Lt 1886 the old
couple became residents of Brunets,
where Obey made tbeir home up to the
time of tbeir decease. Their surviving
children are Mrs, David Heist, Brunets 1
Wm , Bellmore ; George, and Mre. Deli,
Brussels. Mre. 7dwarde was a Methodiet
of olden days and .found spiritual nam.
fort io old age in her brnetfnl .repose in
herSavionr. She enjoyed the love and
esteem of not only relativee but a large
Wrote of friends. The funeral will take
place Friday afternoon at 8 o'olook to
Bruseele cemetery, the service at 2 80 p.
m° The Hain family has been peculiarly
tried ae two mouths ago tbe yo0ng081
son, Charlie, passed away and two montbe
prior to that sad event Ackhuret Taylor,
who woe boarding with Mrs. Haifa paid
Nature's debt.
Barrister Blair was at Drayton on
Mise Mary MoNanghton is on the siok
list this week.
Jno. and Mre. Carter were visitors with
relatives at Auburn.
Mies M. Goatee and R, Robinson spent
Sunday in Morsington.
R, and Mre. Williamson end Lila spent
Sunday with Seaforth friends.
Mies Fannie Sample is visiting ber
enter, Mise Lizzie, in London.
Druggist Fox was in Owen Sound for
a few days during the past week.
Samuel and Mre. Oarter and daughter
ware visitors with MoKiilop friends,
Mrs. Jno. Barnhill, of Henfryn, is
renewing old friendships in Biennia.
Mre. Eph. Oober, Prinoess street, was
on the eiok liet with an attack of (piney.
Mies Minnie MoOall le back from an
extended visit with her brother at Leak -
Misses Luella Holmes and Telkn Ham.
ilton, of Blytb, were visitors in town last
Mies Georgia Howe spent several days
with ber enter, Miss Jennie, teaoher•near
11lise Grace Sinclair, of North Eaethope
is the guest of her cousin, Mise Ohrietine
Sinclair, Prinoeee St.
In last Saturday's London Free Press
the familiar co0ntenanoe of W. A. Tripp
ie seen in a portrait of Luoan base ball
N. B. Gerry, wife and daughters, of
Blyth, were here for Sunday. Mre.
Gerry and children are extending their
Harry James has bad nndeeirable
'comrades in the shape of oarhunolee on
his nook bat is getting the better of them
Jno. Beattie was home for a few days
from Wiarbon. It is reported that S.
Beattie, or., hoe purchased a home in
that town.
Joseph Burton was off duty a few days
this week owing to injury received to his
ribs by a fall. It ie not often Joe ie
anab1a to work.
Ephraim Parker, of Brooke, son•in.law
to Jno, and Mre, Carter, Mill et, Brussels,
bas been dangerously ill with appendiaitie
but we hope he will soon be o, k.
Mre, W. J. Goodwin, while vieiting in
Wingham iaaO Sabbath, was overcome for
a little while from the sharp lightning at
olose range, but soon recovered.
ample Bowman and family have
removed to their eligibly situated prop -
arty in Wingham. The people of that
town will find them firer class residents.
It ie said Mies Annie, daughter of D.
A. and Mre. Lowery, of the "Soo," form.
arty of Brussels, war married a abort
time ago to a British Columbia traveller.
Mre. Frank Oliv00 and Miee Mabel
Thompson left this week to visit the
former's daughter, Mre`. Wilbur Baker,
at Portage le Prairie who i8 not very well
at the present time.
Among those who availed themselves
of the Conference servioee at Wingham
last Sabbath were Wm, Jewitb, wife and
daughter, Mre. Parr and Mise Carrie
Ridgntan, R. and titre. Leetberdale, Mrse
R. Paul, Mrs. 13. Walker, Mre. Geo.
Lowry and Mrs, W, B, Kerr,
Last week Mre, le. Gerry arrived borne
from Chicago \where she wee oailad eoore
weeks ago owing to the illneen of her
mother, Mre, F. Fiehleigh. The old lady
and ber husband aaoampanied Mre Gerry
here and will make their home in Bros.
eels. It is 40 odd yours tinea they left
Ibis pleoe, aehhtg the mill property to the
late William Vanotono. Mr, and litre.
Fiebleigh are each over 84 yeare of age and
wbila errant ter their years the latter has
been poorly, and le not vary well at the
time of writing. . The old people were
JUNE 11 190$
Standard Bank of Canada
=8,".G'.4.1TS.,M210 00 1872
Of one dollar and upwards
reoetved and latent allow•
ed in Savings Bank at
highest rate from date of
deposit to withdrawal.
Interest Loans
00.10 ON THE
Daily Balance
Made, Notes Cached,
and every ,tcoommoda•
tion afforded the reg-
ponsible borrower.
PARat: US' BALD NOTES Oashed Oolleated ; or may be left for safe-koopiug only
for wktala no charge le mitde,
This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business.
Every convenience afforded oustomere living at a dietanoe.
well pleased to get back to Brussels and
away from the beat and bustle of the
Fordwiob Reoord soya :—Mise Lizzie
Brown returned home on Sunday from
Bruseele, where she lane been attending
the bedside of her sister, Mrs. John
Wright, who has been very sick. Mrs.
Wright is now improving in health and
it is expeoted will be able to return borne
next week,
ClIpRL'it ellII1MS.
Next Sabbath Rev. T. W. Coeens will
occupy his oven pulpit.
Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Blenheim, eon of
Mre. J. L. Herr, of Brussels, was sleeted
Secretary of the London Conferenoe this
Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A , will preach at
Belgrave Presbyterian church on Friday
afternoon in connection with the pre-
paratory eervises to the Communion.
Rev. R. Paul took the services in the
Methodist ohuroh Wei Sabbath. "Keep
thyself pure" was the topic in the morn•
ing and an expository comment on the
101 Psalm was given is the evening.
The Atwood Bee of last week ,aye :—
Rev. John Roes, of Bruseele; conducted
the Presbyterian ohuroh last Friday
afternoon. Mr. Rose has loot none , of
hie old time vigor and eloquence and He
able diecouree was much appreciated by
those present.
Sabbath morning last Rev. John Roes,
B. A., preached a missionary sermon in
Melville church from the text found in
Jer, 31 and 10. "The emend assault fn
Christ's Ternptatfon" was the evening
theme. Next Sal b morning the die.
course will be directed to the young
OoNVENTION.—Os Tbnroday and Friday
of oext week (.lune 18 and 19) the 1908
convention for Sunday School and Olrris-
tlan Endeavor Workers of Huron County
will he held in the Presbyterian ohuroh
Blyth and to whioh.the public are cordial•
ly invited. Thursday will be devoted to
Sunday School interests as the following
will be dieoueted "The teacher's material
and how to work upon it" "Tbe Sunday
School and Temperance" "How to make
the Sunday School felt (a)' In the State
(1•) "In Society (e) "In the Home", "Nor-
mal training", "Mow the Sunday School
should be oonduobed". Addressee will be
given by the general Sunday School Sec-
retary J. A Jackson, B. A , of Toronto,
and a number of the beet speakers from
different towne and villages of the county.
On Friday Obristian Endeavor Topics
will be (Recessed and the program com
menoes with cue and one half hours of
solid Bible study conducted by Rev. D.
N. McOamue, Sarnia, (formerly of Oo-
berg). Topioe of special interest to
Christian Endeavors will be discussed
and it is expected that the young people
will be rept-eeonted by large delegations
from the different Societies in the Coan•
by, Mr. Mooamos will also give an ad.
dress on Friday evening and the Rev.
Mr. Sawyers, of Brumfield, will speak on
the subject "Pergonal effort in the her.
vest of souls". It is expected that every
Sunday School and Young Peoples' Sooie.
ty in the different chemises of the
Oonnty will send delegates and to those
who travel by rail the convention aextilt.
oats plan will be used with which all the
station agonte are familiar. Do not make
the mistake of buying return tioketa for
while 11 does not make numb difference
to an individual it makee quite a difference
when a large number are attending the
convention. Ask the station agent for a
single ticket and a convention eartiiest°
and if 60 or more travel by rail you can
secure your return tioket for one third in-
stead of two thirds, Comfortable homes
will be secured for delegates if the names
are sent in to the Iooal secretary, Mies
Gidley, Blyth, J. Elgin Tom, of Gode•
riob, is President, and J. 0. Stoneman
Jno. and Mee. Ritchie, of Ethel,
Sundayed in Cranbroolr,
Last Sabbath afternoon H. R. Brewer,
of Bruseele, took the eurvi08 iu the
Methodist church here.
Some young men were Been on the 4th
line of Morrie Saturday evening and the
cry now is "What's tbe matter with
Our hearty congratulations are ex.
tended to Tom McRae over his 6000086 in
hie medical 000ree, at the University.
We hope ,names will always attend him.
For the next two Sabbath afternoons
the Preeltyterian and Metbodiet cow
gregations will suite in the former
church when Rev, T. W. Omens, of Brue•
eels, will 000npy the pulpit, T11i5 an.
rangemetlb ie made owing to the abeenoe
of Rev, D. 13 MuRae at the Assembly.
R. A MoDouald, eon of A, MODooald,
merchant, ie home after completing a 9
months' term at the Toronto Business
College, Ha received hie diploma for
the Commercial coarse with extra good
percentage of mantis, .Rob. is only 14
yeare of age and has a bright futnre as
far as we are able to judge and the wish
him et1a00es, ,
Charles F. Vallean, of Ottawa, wag
drowned by failing out of a canoe at Mo.
Greget's Lake.
BAttnn,--In Portage.le-Prairie, Manitoba;
on June 8, to Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur
Baker, a eon.
MaLseo8E—In Ethel, en May 011, to Mr,
and Mrs. Jahn MnInboeh, 8 daughter,
Platen —In Grey, on June 7th, to Mr,
and Mre, Jam0e X'errio, a on,
Mom —In Prinoeton, on May 2100, to
Mrs. Moore, widow of the late Rev.
A. P. Moore, formerly rector of
Christ church, Listowel, twin sone.
s¢are mare,
MaTAddann—MANN.—At the reeidenoe of
the bride's parents, Grey, on June
10, by Rev. A. MaoNabb, M. A., of
Walton, Mr. John R. MoTaggart to
Mies Ella, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mre. Jae. Mann, all of Grey.
MONAnn—MOTAGOAeT.—On June 8rd, by
Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Alexander
McNabb, to Mies Catharine, (laugh.
ter of the late Donald MoTaggart,
both of Grey township.
Tuoalreoo—Rown—At t•he Methodist
ohuroh, Fordwiob, on June 2, by Rev.
R. L Hooking, of Ripley, Mr. J. M.
Thompson, of the Fergus News -
Record, to Miee Susan, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Jae, Rowe, of Fordwioh,
EDWARDe,—Io Brussels, ou June 10, Jane
Fergusona relict of the late Benj.
Edwards, in her 88th year.
. c=xcexv'
SATURDAY,•JnNn 20. Hoaoebold furni•
tare, cow, wagon, &o., Prinoeee street,
Brueeole. Sale, unreserved, at 2 o'olock.
John (Jerrie, prop. i 1 . S. Scott, ane.
BERROHIRE SOW, some in farrow, far
sale. JOB. JNGLER, Lot 29, Con. S. Grey,
Honfryn -0, 0. 48.8
COMFORTABLE house for sale or to rent,
Mill street, West. Apply to
3815 JOHN 13110ADFOOT.
eMra'E shop and tools: Exoellent
stand. Apply immediately, BOX 8,
44.8 Blyth, Ont.
good lot for sole on Queen street,
Brussels. For further particulars apply 00
MARY OAMPBELL, Brussels P. 0. 831f
We Have
Ilamrn. ock
The resit, comfort and relaxation
you get out of a Hammook is
always worth Willey 11meg its ooat,
Manufacturers keep improvipg.ou
the oonetruotion from year to year
and we think the near line we aro
now °bowing will provide even
more comfort than the styles of
previews years. We have a nice
line ranging in price from 75a to
Drug Store.
for sale. Eligible for registration.
For price, terms and ; other particulars ap-
ply to J. D. MoNAIR, Lot 22, Oen, 13, Grey,
or Oranbrook P. 0, 80•tf
Short Rom Bulls, from imported
stook, fur sale. Also cotes and heifer,, ho.
ported and home bred. 72 bead to eeleat
from. D. MILNE & BON, Maitland Batik
Stock Farm, Ethel Ont. BB-tt
Bulls for sale. One is 1 year old and
the other two younger. Also several regist-
ered Cows and Heifers, Apply to JAMES
8PEIR, Lot 80, Con. 0, Morrie Twp., or Bros -
eels P. 0, 2240
ABLE dwelling houses on the most
central street in Brussels'
oonvonienly dated
up, having both bard and eon water and
cue acro o1 land composed of four lots,
planted with different kinds of small fruits,
also apples, plume, pears, grapes, &s. 1v11I
be 1sold on 3eaeonable terms and either
separately or together. apply to
I. 0. 1610100.111)8, Brussels.
Painting, Paper Hanging, &c.
The undersigned is prepared to attend to
all orders for Paper Hanging, Rnlsominiag,
Glazing and Paiotioi in a workmanlike
manner and at reasonable rates. Ourpen.
Loring also attended to.
41-8m John street, Brussels,
The council of MoEillop will take tenders
for two Municipal Draius to be opened ou
June 90th at LIeeobwood, at 1 o'olook, after.
noon. 'Pim °etiolated work on drains is
81608 and 00778. If tenders are too high over
estimate, Council reserve right not to ao-
sept, otherwiee lowest tender will bo taken
if security can be. Iurnisbed ; 820,00 to ac-
company tenders mall security la given,
Plane end spcoi6oations to bo noon at my
0114o0. 3150. 0. MORRI8054,
47.8 Clerk.
B U Y E R S.
�i� �"��i�r�•-G'J-�s
OME Special Purchases of New and Seasonable
Goods has placed us in a position to offer you ex-
traordinary bargains in the following lines bought direct
from the Mills, comprising all the latest and daintiest
Patterns and Styles for this Season and at a saving of
about 250. on every dollar spent at this store.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes in all the 'different
styles. A Special line of Wrappers and Ladies' Under-
Y p
wear all atav a 'inm
s b of 25c. on every dollar you purchase
Garfield House,
t5 !
Butter and Eggs taken as Oash,