HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-6-11, Page 5Ju.0 111, 1008 Till i'lAI 1»SALS POST m x ,.-„,v0iltt ,z...'; ka•X;—W+ i.,ver`+two*,... 03-, ...3)o Alt-. oi,wa; ' "4' 3w= i' ,- .. _ _ _ _- —3)r- , .'x�-,._, . ; ".3f"3t'","X";'d�"r:-3) t_ G• s£,-;0017 � efflrte to nova the al co-•, LT, it MIA found ~� ' Strenuous M ^(H�'�j y"(gyp public enhnnl No J and put in srnwr,tte Grab qq�� lrnpneaible to got t m . ut .1 1130, h,, NI.Stren Lf oils Cbl' net o its "41001 + t ,1 No. 8. 104E p1 1011X^ 17, Our Motto l lids'}! Grano WOrk onlyl' 8P log bulldluge. B, 1, lir 11 .rt Mut lien. u • .1d 10 lrrank MOO ,unu,l, fou i tltn❑ were eevarnrt kir., -.I i" their sllorte ant 1., 0, b 301 aeo/Jon No. 1 to Tobias CENTRC w 0x3)0 the gtoch i r. r.,.nl r abnub 310 Nash n „a• . -,e ara10 aobool to 01100 No. AL newt and fees, nu 11ra, 11.4111111 op op her i 10 n-+ anent roll ag thea amended hands. Tho Camra gui,duy spread to ,- null corrdebed was Anally p118aad and the driving .had, in whish wsra a tut o!„%a+''II i !I Court of Rovieion adjourned• Com miledilWTONT. thll ,e„ wh9h �,e+'.' 1(q. g h were oleo burned, 1301 The Sn IIs” �, , met and the it••eve wag anthorizad ST T .� f - by RA Foo 001 ONT. hue+u wlH a NO ill d Ohger, and but for a M motion to wait 011 Comity L'ou toil with 1 Our Graduates readily endure good row of. 111113,0 trees ehelterint it it would rr '°' � = %^' 'n heaths became) n ! 1 { e , "”. It i of Lig a for u emery c1 Improv y line x ur uIOU rade train- -t, � I i. B doubtless 1 ,3)r .1 - tlu v It , faller the a prey to h 1i/� Logan. "h go, Improvement Ing prepares them ttT011dgl'40Cat•Olal9 1 Y l .�' .1. " k The ko d cede mprovem0n serv,a'.0. nualuu00 mut wait first- ll•0niee, Yin Il•4lnihuu hid , n v moved -_. i ii{t s u�, ,�5'�il" scheme to pet dare 0f Government Great, 01,160 rworkare wed have no tom to on to the farm a few mon1he. lila Igoe jrz .�� �v1 r �J, ; it no aali0n 30kan 0r reonmmendat(on to ,, wxete upon the other kind. cent- ie n very heavy: one, the live lmreee alone Count' ouquii made, Drainage B law l menen a =Irma u0w rued bo ready for G y G Y' I a position In the Full, Write for Hata- being valued at $1,000 Mr, Hamilton is J: rF' t J ,I No, 67 was provisionally plowed and By- 1� I 001110 030111!313000. 3103103 08 u raker of One dr„n.ht stook, , .--. p r € 1 i �e, �,Jjj few N) 31 0118000 and school eeatlona 'avJ W. J. ELLIOTT, principal. 110 la lneilred in the 1) m 0 Mulual, but 61. 1•b9 8 and 9 was passed and siguod. Lumber Li what amount we Have not learned. In q t,:n . ,, r 4 and other ex enditureo were passed end a i --1-&` t{i ttl zla"+ � any event it will not nearly cover the 1o96 44'� 'iii fr u, F Ir,q paid amounting to $352 47. Council ad• f! 1`Uf` i Mfr' �I joarued to meet et 0, &. Holland's Beech - 111. t lir. j -wood, on Tuesday, June 80th, at 10 o'clock, lit79�m� ' j { ,/7 `,.r Granolitbio walla have been laid from • dPvla,atsl- forenoon, when teudero will be taken for �`��l G.t ✓l eA4J , the street to the reeidetloio of Fruuk two mnniaipal drains, --- -.- Metoelf and 7 1; Coombs. aro never made against feed supplied by Jam. O. Moen/eon, Clerk. M.re,.4iernee Suns i8 ill GOd"ri011 town Alf. Backer. All stook like it and thrive I3ox111'x-vie . shipweiting on her ei•tor, Mrs. J. B. on it, and it is pronounced by all Intel. J. K, Baker attended the Methodist Stewart, wl,, i0 seriously ill with pneu• iigeot breeders to be i000mpariably the Conforenee at Wingham last %voek. monis,, best sold. Try a sample lot and you will Some mean spirited creatures painted Aire. J. A. Anderson was 3)30313ng with Sou. Brandt's 00w on a recent evening. Detroit friends, Mine Ger3fe illoTavioh never fend anything but our Huffer cora Mica Minnie Gaynor returned home lecornpanied her from Detroit and is now end oats. from Chicago ou Monday of lest week for visiting at the Anderson home. the Sommer. Rev. Walter Rigsby, of Parkhill, a For• Mrs. Ernest Muginn, of Highgate, mer pastor of Blyth Methodist ahnrab, spent Bmr.tay with L. and Mrs. Limas, on, 000uppied the pulpit of the Methodist her way to Kincardine to visit her par- cherub here Met Sunday. Rev. Mr eels, Rev. 2'. M, and Mrs. Smith, who Holmes prexohod et Parkhill, a former were on the Henfyrn oirouit some ten obargs. years ago. Mrs. Ell. n McLeod, Meter of Robert FA' r, ACCIDENT -A 1,tal nooident hap• and George 01iln1,died on Sunday of last paned to Wiilium, eon of Jae, Longmire, week at the age of 74 yearn, Bronchitis of Hanky 0, a brakemen on the 0. P R 13)00,3138010n80of death. ,1.•0 body was Ile WEE itilled.about 18 miles from Win- taken to Elora by the 714 train Tuesday uipeg on Wednesday night of lest week, morning and interment wise made in the supposed to bees fallen between the care. E ora oometely'Ioutlay afternoon. His brother, George, conductor oo the 0. A social evening wee spent at Trinity P. R. at Brandon, was at puna commun. church rectory last Friday evening the loafed with and came home with the 28th ult. An address and preoeolation body, trriyiug here Monday noon. In- was made to A. E, West, who left Blyth torment was made in Ehno cemetery on for Wingham. He has been a faithful Tuesday. The family has the sincere and valued member of the choir and the s)mpathy of the community, Y,ungPeople's eooiety'ttnd will be much missed from both organizations, 13041<aritCh, A. E, West, who has been in N. B. Gerry's hardware store for the peat three BUSINESS CARDS. ONEX TO LOAN AT 5 Ptil emit,H; MoC11AOItEN;rnebble, v • laouor of Marriage 1,10011100 0f - f100 at Grocery, 1.urntwlry throat ltil168a1a FARMS ,FOR SAlt:u-'i11P+., UN- DEaExONI(p 11110 eQvora1 good Farms for Bala aadto rent, easy toms,10 'Townships of •00.11340a Grey, 1 34, 4OTT ,Brussel M. MORRISONI !Amer of Marriage Licenses, WAL.TON, ONT, MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -TPAU1113R OF - PIANO AND - ORGAN, ms-uosmlx, r, ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI INeunANaE, FIRE ANO MARINE, GUELPH. E. Estelle Griffin TRACHEAE OF VOICE OU INURE Pnpile prop aredNfor 0 u001v1 toryof ax`London. ia*Vt111 visit Brussels every Tuesday. Lessons given at the home of w. H. Kerr, John street. J. LECKIE, LIPID ANO FIR10 INSDRANOL), LOAN AND REAI, ESTATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT 41, 4f h 5 Per Cent, 01000 over Monolog Dong Store, Nov, $00, 1902. 00 -Ow Brussels. Wellington Mutual Flro insurance CO., EovABLtONED 1040 1ne1110uce taken on the cash and premium note system at current rates. 11, Sore iueur- ine elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent of the company. GEORGE 10001'1120, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. 1-1S. SCOTT AS AN AI)OTION• • sun, will sell for better places, to better men 1D lees time and less charges than any other Anotioneer in Fast Huron or Le won't charge anything. Dotes and orders eau always be arranged at this 08008 or by personal application. TO WHOM IT MAY C'ONOERN,- The undersigned, who is well acquainted throughout 3bo most hart of the County and who hits had bilalneea with a largo 011. ole of farmers in and around this locality, begs to inform tho community that ho has taken out an Anotl0ueer'8 License for the County of Huron and offere his 801%1060 to all purposing to hold sales. THOS. NEW60M13, Brussels. Onmplainta arennmer0ne about bath- years, left on Monday of lest week for i11g oft the breakwater. Wingham, where he has secured a psi. Public Library building 18 ri•ing, and tion iu Alex. Young & Sort's hard. the stonework of the basement will ware store. We were sorry to see our soon bo oompleted, yonng friend leave Biytli, as he wee a Cl. 1kloPhoreoo was taken to the King bright, smart young boeineee man. He 0ton penitentiary on Tneeday of last„oetlr has the beet wishes of many friends here to serve his three years eenteaoo. for his future welfare. The masons are at work on the build• ing.for the Bank of Montreal and 0,n. fdlitevEt.le:, eidernble progress Uwe been mode. TORNEERnY 0ouNom-Miuutee of poen- The Victoria street churuh authorities are potting a granolithio sidewalk from oil meettug held its U,ark's office, Blue• vele, on Tuesday May 26111. Mebers of the Bt, David street one to their ohnroh council all resent, the/Leave in the chair. rant. The n most commendable improve- The minutes of last meeting were read, Master Fred Tilt WWI kicked by a horse approved and eigned on motion of Menre. while the auim,l was feeding, The blow Rutherford and Kelly. Communications was on the nheek, and though it caused a were read from county clerk re Good had bruise, no bones were broken and the Roads grew t. Moved by Me. Rutherford, boy 10 reported better aud doing wall seconded by Mr. Coupland and resolved Rev Tue. A. Anderson, of IInoxcbarob. that we the Municipal O0000(1 of the VETERINARY. left last week for Vancouver, B. 0 , to Township of Toruberry in council aa• ntt"nd the Peoobpferian A'oombiy and gambled, reoommeod that the County Council at their next meeting in June, will be absent about a mouth. During one hie ebornce his pulpit will be enpplied by proceed ro oeu dollars sot a larttrore coca f etoade Rev, John Muir, M A„ of Grimsby. p g by the Provinoial Government of Ontario, and that the equivalent to be raised and Forelsyic h. expended as unelined by report of the Rev. D. Rogers and 3, Walkey attended Good Roads Committee ne amended by oonferenoe at Wingham the publio meeting of Mnnioipal oS3ours 13. S. Cook is putting in a oetnent walk held 111 C,i0100 in Maroh lael,-carried, ,firm the sidewalk to his residence. communications were also read from the Leadbnrv. 'Wm. Mahood, of Toronto, who, had Laura Seoord National Monument Com. appendioitiobut haenearly reeoveredtrona mines, from the town oftBt. Marys, 118 efi'ents, arrived home and will remain and oleo from the Brune Mines and Al - here for a short time with his mother and game Railway Co. No notion taken on sister. either communication, John Coupland A number of the P'reebvloriane have reported that the onivert o0 Howiok been at work for the past few days level. boundary is onmploted and Howiok atm - ling up the grnunde arouni the ahuroh oil paid $1100 on work. 7 i e.to be poi 1 and preparing to build another shed, for by Turnbarry council. Coupland- Rev. A. 13. Dobson, one of the commie. Rutherford -That the South East . half oioners to the General Assembly of the of lot No, 00, con. 1, Moo quarter twee of Presbyterian 0hnrub, left on Tuesday of lot 1, can e, be plaoed in Road Division last week for Vancouver, 13, 0 , where the No. 87 and that thu motion of hist meet. Assembly meets this year. He expeus iog in respect to said Iola be reaoinded,- tn be absent for month or more, and Uarried. Kelly-Mooerove - That the will visit for a few Jaye with hie mother. South half of lots 5, 0, 7, 8, 9 and 10 be in Manitoba, . planed in Road Division No, 22 and that MATtutroo, 0r,. -A very pretty wedding' James Hyslop be appointed Palhmaster J. A. NI' NAUGHTON, took place at Fordwioh on Tuesday of for the current year. --carried, The v Ir C. a last week. The groom was Jno. M.mc members of Commit having made and y Thompson, editor of the Fergus Newer subscribed to the oath as members of the Uo10 333e Uliembae Cultoqll ofTPhyty Mediaus cal Record and the bride Miss Susan Rorvo. court of Revision, the Court was opened Surgeons, Ont. Lfeou1lato of the Royal Col- The 0ffiai'rting minister pas Rev. R. I, at 1 30 p. m, with Elie Reeve as ()hair. legeof Pbyolotano and Lioontiata el Mia- Hooking, The bride was dressed in white m,.u. The following appeals were heard wiffery 1dlabnrgh. to Telephone No.14, organdie, and was attended by Mise Maga .-G N. W. Tel, 00. overcharge in ahem.Reeids.oe-L1111street,Brussels, gee White, of Kenilworth, wbilo W. 0. meat, no action ; John 141oDonwld, Blue Thompson, of Wingham, assisted his vale, aaeeseed M. F. ; Joe. W. Warder, brother. The ohurah was pretti'v de. overobarge in 00006011mM reduoed $1000 ; oorated, and!Miee Mabel White, of gsoil• El. D,avie, overcharge in'iiteseeement, ens• weeth, played the weddingmarch, The t8ined 7 Robt, 3)1041,entered on roll for yoong'oouple left by 0. P. 11. for Winni- $1.000 personal property ; Elijah Jaoklin, peg, via Toronto, Detroit, bhipago and entered 0n roll for el. F ; Wetoon Jewitt Minneapolis, The groom igdelegate from entered on roll for M, I', ; Alex, For- the''oung Britons to the Supreme Grand, 6ytb, W. T. Piot entered on roll for 111. F. Lodge of Orange order. May their joys Moegrove-Ceup!and - The btlsineoe be many and their troubles few le the before the 000rt being aonaluded that the wish of a large oirole of rela3iveo and court be now closed and that the roll as friends. revised and correotod bo the assessment -°r - r II for the year 1908-Uarried. Ooun• oil resumed regular heirless. Coupland 9 16, oou. 2, Timothy Ryan, owner, from D. WARWICK— J • Honor Oradna:e of 3bo Ontario Vet, orluary College, 'le prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals in a oampet- out manner, Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to, 0Moe and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry at., Brussels, LEGAL. AND CONNVEYANCING ,\AT• M. SIN CLAIR- Y • Barrister, Bolloitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Publio, dm. UIDoo-B towart'e Block 1 door North of Central Rotel. Sulioitor for the Standard Bank. G.F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SOL- I01'rUt(, &o , BRUSSELS.- uiifpe oyer Staudard Baltic • Solicitor for Township of Gray, Dnwlok Mutual. and the Metropolitan Haut. Private Bud Company money to loan at lowest rates. MEiIICAL. MOS. Alf. Baeker. Highest Market Price paid for any quantity delivered at my Store- house, No. 1, Brussels. Also for all kinds of Grain. 41-0 lobt• Graham. -Moegrove-That the clerk ba iostruoted to notify Ronald Lamont and Henry Thomson to clean out the Government Drain on their places before 15th day of July neat.-Uarried. A fully signed petition wag laid before the Council ask Ing to have a tile drain built through the following lots, namely ; lot 2, con. 3 ; lots 10, South part, 11, North part 11, 12, 13, and 14, con. 4; lots 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, con.! 5, to a sufficient outlet and that the Township Engineer be brought on the lands to make survey and asears coats. Moagrove-Coupinud-That the clerk be iltetru0ted to notify the Town, ship Engineer to come and purvey and assess. the said drain -Carried. 1'he fol. lowing accounts were passed and cheques ieeoed ;-Thos. Bolt, $2, repairing cul- vert; John B McTavish, $55, aseeeeor'o salary ; John S. McTavish, 95, poetises. Ooupland-Kelly-That this meeting do now adjourn to meet i0 clerk's oflioe, Bineva!e, on Monday, June 22nd, at 10 o'olook a. m. -Carried. Jens Bnaor•.so, Tp. Clerk, DENTISTRY DR. R. ' P. FEiLD. ItENTIST Chadnate of ittle Royal College of Dental B1l'gpapeof Onlbltrl's and Firet•elaee Honor G;'Odhwto of Toronto Ilui3)ersity. 011106 .next to Brewer's Photograph Ga130ry, 881159311',8, IT'S ALL RIGHT and Students may enter usrowa I.iestowel. June 24113 and 25th are the deka of the Listowel roots � The second artesian well 1s down 76 feot, at which depth 1310 reek wag renoh- G ed.rl Chamney, formerly of Wallace, who has been engaged for the past two or three ,years in mining engineering in New Mexico anti Arizona, tae returned borne on holiday._ Mise Lena Rogers, daughter of Jas. Rogers, loft for Toronto whore she has taken a position as stenographer and typewriter' witbla whole'ale firm. Mite Rogers is a graduate 01 the 74ietowel Business (1011090., Miss Lou Witter has returned home from New Yolk, having oompleted the full course of two and a half years at Mt, Sinai Hospital, and received her graduat- ing diploma. Mies Witter was for some mouths head nurse 311 the operating, de. p trtment of tie hospital. Bile also took course at the Fierpont Morgan Lying in Ho•pi3al. BADS B0n0En.-Thttreday of last week fire destroyed Abraham Hamilton's flue bank barn end straw and driving sheds, situated in the 2nd 000060810n of Elmo,. Brussels planing Mills about a nine South of Listowel, Besides the ba(ldinge, a lot of live stook woe. burned, including 5 valuable heavy draught home, 12 store pigs, 2 calves and 2lambs aleo meet of his farming implements and meobinery, lotpber wagon, 4000 byehele of We, 20() boehelb of barley, a quantity of hay and everything else abbnt the barn, The fire started In the straw aired while the nuttily were at Inealt1001, but what caueed it is not known, The hired P. AMENT man was in the stable nt the time, and 1 he and and thefamily made frantic at any time. SPRING TII1MM BEGINS MAR, 30, Two courses -Commercial and Shorthand. Bente for Cohoge Journal. 0. A. FLEMING, A, L. MoINTYRA, l'residout, Seoretary, FIUWLES British Colombia Bed Cellar ShiligIes ANn--- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALT] AT MO Also Doors and Bash of all Pat tarns on hand or made to order 41 dliprb Wotioe• b�3yo3imd ee Furnished for all hinds of 1tiildings. Workman.: e�lip and Material Guaranteed. M0II1LL r C011NOIL.—COnnail met as a Ooart of Rovieion ou Assessment Roll at Chris. White's, Loadbury, on Saturday, May 30.h. Members took oath of office before Clerk. There was only one appeal from Aosefioment, Thomas Dodds, lot 31, Con. 7, it was redacted from $8000 to $2600 for a 100 nares. William Grieve was etruok off as owner of Int 27, Oon. 4 and Edwin Hunt put on as owner. John Henderson wee etrnolt off as joint owner o1 lot 28, Con. 5 and entered as M. F., on lot 22, Con. 4. John Wood wee put on M. F., lot 22, Oon,11. John McPherson was put on ae owner of N pt lots 6 & 7, Oou, 13 and Robert Gray etruok off. Richard Berry was etruok off as owner of W } lot 18 & E ; 19, Con. 1, and John J. Piaunery entered as owner. Arthur Galbraith put on as owner of lots W } 19 & E 3 20 Oon. 9, and William Galbraith us owner of W lot 20, Con. 9. Patrick Rowland entered es owner of W d lot 9 Oon. 14 and James Campbell etruok off. Thos. Grimoldby entered ae owner 8 E pt lot 21, oou, y and Dr. Scott etruok off. W. Harvie Hudie entered as F. S. lot S +} 24, Oon. 13 Michael Nevins, entered as M. i''. lot 1, Oen. 2, Ergeet Sperling and Frannie Klein. was struck off em tenant and M, F. on lot 11, Con. 5 Timothy Ourtln was etruok off as owner E } 2 son. 7. Separate school ohanges.-N'} lot 6, ,0en, 2, Edward Road), owner from Beo. tion No. 1 to eeetion No. 3, W } Lot 8, Miohael Matthews, owner, from section No. 1 to section No. 3. Lot 17, Con. 1 John Deveronx, owner, from motion No. 4 to section Na 3. Lots 18, 0011, 3 and E 0 0• • 0 0 UMMER DAYS are here and this means that Canned Goods and ouch Delicacies will be in big demand, such as Canned Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Lobster, Salmon, Smelts, Shrimps, Haddie, Eidpered Herring, Sardines, Lunch Bacon, Pork and Beans, Fresh Herrings, &.e. ICE CREAM and SODA FOUNTAIN DRINKS. Fresh Fruits of all kinds. All Goods in our Grocery Depart- ment are -New and Clean. `)"RY pill 27'C. TEA. W. A. G E W A.R. Y,. School Reports Por the Month ur Mny. 003,0300000, V Ulass.--W, Cameron, Annie Cunning- ham, Wm. Long. Sr, IV -Norma Sperl- ing, AttieForreot, Wm. Smalldon, I"red, Hunter, Minnie Manarey, Emma Heather, Annie Alderson. Jr, IV - Myrtle Sperling, Ame;ia M°Innis, Hartley Notizie'', Martin MoDonuld, Lavinia A'dereon, Roy Cunningham. Br. III - Ida Sharpe, Zonis Batmen, Myrtle Mo• Donald. Jr. ITI-Herbert MoDooald, Emma Hunter, Stella Alderson, Result Alderson, Leo Baker, Mary MoNiohol, Mina Fox. Mre E. CAL1E0, Teacher. 8. S, No. 1, Grum Sr, IV. -J. Randa 06 ; M Haggard 60 ; W. Stevenson 68 Jr. IV. -L. Blake 80 ; S. Armstrong 751 L. Grant 70 ; H. Rozell 68 ; Gni 62 ; Fred. Lawson 54. Sr. III. -J. Armstrong 77 ; J. Disk• son 72 ; B. Stevenson 68. Jr. III. -J. Diakorn 90 ; M. Slevene0n 90 ; F. Al000k 70 ; L. Hoover 60 ; A, Grant 60 ; M, Danoaosoo 60 •,0. Armstrong 40. II- F. Al000k 91 ; R. Gregg 90 ; J. carter 70 ; W. Hoover 70 ; T. Diokoon 70 ; J. McCallum 68; B. Carter 49 ; L. Switzer 45. I ulaes.-A. Engle, J. Al000k, J. I. Rands, E. Stake, Jessie Al000k, W. Grant. MIe9 ANNIE KING, Teacher, Ernaa,. Senior Department, 5th olaes,-Ex,.m iced in Hier., Gram., Eno. and Alg. Total 400, 311 Heneuld 801 ; E. Mason 218 ; D. Davies 207 ; M. McAllister 192 ; L. Simpson 105. Sr. 4th. Examined in Hist., Gram , Spell. and Phys. Total 350.-M. Elliott 199 ; 13. McKee 197 ; G. Gill 149 ; 0. Roynard 81 ; W. Bange. ly 22. Jr. 4th. -Examined in Hist,. Grum , Spell. and Literature. Total 830, -L. Chambers 299 ; M. Slemmon 258 ; N, Simpson 251 ; M. Imlay 229 i L. Eokmier 190; E. Freeman 107 ; H. Goatee 104 ; 13. Eokmier 151 ; M, MOAT- lam 126 ; T. McAllister 123 ; I. Hogarth 117 ; H. Wilbee 110. Sr. III.-Exemin- ed in Hist„ Gram., Spell. and Lit. Tot• al 260.-F. Imlay 232 ; P. Bremner 219 ; E. Dunbar 205 ; E. Manes 196 ; G. Mo• Allister 178 ; R. Barr 154 ; S. )(Antonia 141 ; 13, Bateman 138 ; K. MoLeod 136 ; J. MoAllum 185 ; T. Oooper 110 ; E. Eallmier 102 ; G. McKee 101. Sr. II, Examined in Clomp., Geog. and Arith, Tota! 200.-R, Fierier 160 ; R. Love 132 ; 0. llaneuld 128 ; A. Oooper 123 ; L. Straohoo 121 ; V. MoLeod 114 ; 0. Dav ideon 111 ; R. Eokmier 108 ; H. 3501• mler 68 ; J. Pearson 28. GEo. D 050N, Teacher. Junior Departmeut, Jr. II alaee.-Alvin McKee, George Beasley, Roy Gill, Irene Heath, celestine Dane, Elwin Thomp• son, Russell Wilbee, Alvin Fletcher, Luella Henry, Alien MOAllieter, Joseph Cooper, Pt. II.-Fleda Freeman, Aubrey Dobson, James Bremner, Wil. frid Eokmier, Alice Barr, Lizzie Mealu. tosh, Vert McCall, Pearl McKee, Her- man Fogel, Robert Thompson. Sr. Pt, I. -Florence MoOailam, Elwin Dobson, Clifford Dunbar, Annie McAllister, Verde Pollard, Pearl Gill, Charlie Davidson, Oeoil Eokmier, Rose Goatee, Stanley Strect uo, Wesley Yeo, Edmund Mo Leod. Jr. Pt. I. -Noble M e r aI{ e,No man Addy, Ruby Gill, Olive cooper, Wilfrid Thompson, Gracie Eokmier, Edith Heath, Aunie Ward, MIe9 LAURA BRANNON, Teacher, B. S. No. 9, GaaY. Three highest only in each olawe are given. Sr, IV, --Lorenzo Bray, Norman MoNaoght, Harry MoNaaght. Jr.:IV- Henry Motley, Maggie Mann, Robert McKay, Maggie Mann, Robert MoKay, Sr. III.—John Houston, Winnie Mo. Naught, Willie Mann. Jr. III. -Carrie Sohnoak, Alex, Mann, Ella Bray. Sr. IL -Willie Hislop, Roy Oumminge, James Huoton Jr IL-Edo e, liloNanght, Alex, Bpeiran, George. Hodge. Sr. Pt. 1L -Gracie Schnook, Jessie Mann, Bessie Mann. Jr. Pt II -Bert, Snelling, Beth McNaught, Laura Speirau, Br. Pt. I. - Emily Smith, Fred !lodge, Ruby McKay. Jr. Pt. 1.-Garby Snelling, Roy 8101108, Harold Livingstone. MI88 RATTIE CAMERON, Teauber. ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Lmulondm'r;y Royal ,fail Steamers Phu FnoM Mot rttnAL QutBoo Bavarian June 10 0 a 01, June 13 33 ,,03 Ionian. ,,.,.,," 20 0 ” " 20 7 Tuuisiau " 27 3 " " 27 1 " Parlslo.n July 4 0 " July 4 7 " Protorlau 11 3 " 111 " BATES OF PA8BAGIb 1st Oabirt-73110)0 auy Bavarian and Ionian $78 and upwards ; Yal•1oIau, $70 and up- wards • PrOtOrian, $05 and upwards. Mud Cabin -Liverpool and Londonderry- Bavarian. Ionian and Tunisian $40 and 549:60 ; other steamers, $37.00. London e2 60 extra, 3rd Close -826 and $20 -Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Gfuogow, Loudon. Trough tiekets to South Akio,. Montreal to Glasel:�oty diroot-0oriethfan Juu0 17; Sardinian July 1 (end end 3rd chow on1101; Sio llar July 0-la101ass 050,560' and $78; 9nd Cabin, $Ss, ; Brit Oleos $25. eV. 0. 10111031, ,Agent, R54554l4 Ac-12,0w1IT0- TI HI The growth of this business is marvellous. Ryery month this year shows a great 310003ee in salve over previous years. But themis a rea•ou for it. Wo are gektiul, new enetomere every day, who begin to realize that it ie more 0atiefa0tory to trade in, (t live up to -date etore, where there is a large etook to eeleet from ; Where the etook Is kept fully assorted with new goods reoeive4 almost daily, and where the goods are drst•olao and the prices lower than the lowest, In the following list you may fled some money raving ohanoee for you Ladies' Shirt Waiete, in percale, muslin and blank sateen, (new goods) worth up to 76o, your choice for 86o. -Ladies' Water- ed Morgan Uoderekirts, with Bvnno0 and fanny trimming, worth 850, for 590. -Ladies' Black Sharma Skirts, 41.890, $1, $125 and $175.• -Ladies' Wrappers, in black sateen, print end permtle, at 76e, $l, $1.25 and $1,50, worth 25 per cent. more. -Ladies' While. wear, in corset oovere, night dreoeee, skirts, drawers, etc., 25 per cent. off regular prioee,-Laoe OOrtaine, three to four yards long, at 36e, 60o, 760, $1, 92 and $8, -Art Muslin, in satin etripea and floral designs, at 50, 8q, 10o, 12}o and $15. -New Drees Goode, in black and colored venettens, vi0unae, broadcloths, voiles, oheviote, e1o., at 75e, 91, $125 and $1 50. -New, Fancy and White Moulins, very special at 50, 10o, 15o, 250 and 35o,-B1aok and White Appli- que, et 10o, 15o, 25o, 85o, 601 and 051, -Drop Ornaments, in blaok and oreem, very special. 12;3. -Ladies' Underwear, in all sizes, at 50, 8o, 10a, 15o, 25o and 601. -New Carpets, in tapeetry, all wool and cloth, from 28o to $1, McKINNON & Co., BLYTH. ® 4 osioromassoccoonse HAVING PURCHASED THE Brussels Woollen Factory and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur- chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods, We have in stock a large assortment of- -All -wool Blankets, —White and Gray Sheetings, —Plain Flannels, —Checked Flannels, -Fancy Shirtings, —Ladies' Wool Dress Goods, —Light and Heavy Tweeds, 1—Underwear for Men and Boys, I—Men's and Boys' Stockings, 1 —Ladies' and Children's rr I—Boys' Sweaters, —Yarns, all kinds and colors. ,WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE. W. & V. L O C K -17- V I "-" BRUSSELS WOOLLEN FACTORY. 50 CENTS IN ADVANCE Pays for "illPOS .h,f Until Jan. 1, 1904. T, Y IT. onwil 0•10200000•330•0•351=02•010011 200 BUG IES Must be Sold this Season, Buggies, The Finest line to be seen in any town arriages s�iw• in Ontario will be found at Ewan & Co.'s Wafreroor.s TURNEERRY STREET, BRUSSHL.S. —We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac- tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs. —You can save money by examining our stook befooe purchasing. —Satisfaction assured. Prices right. EWAN & Co., EifRUSSELS,