HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-6-11, Page 2�NAI�G�S RE DSP�Dt
Report Pre-
e�ry�ted toLegislature.
A 'Parente despatch says: The
fin'd'ing of the .commissioners in the
Gamey ease was read before the
House on Tiittrsday aPtornoon, 1t
fa as'follows:
As to the demeanor and credibility
of the witnesses generally, the com-
ntiesioners would report that most
of them seemed to be desirous to
tell the truth, Of the more import-
ant witnesses the conmrissioners
were impressed by the, evidence of
Dr. Arthur, Dr. Struthers, and Ma'.
J. F. Boyd,
Drank Sullivan and Me, Gamey
wero two of the chief actors in the
variety of transactions under inves-
tigation, and their evidence is con-
tradictory and irreconcilable at
most U not ail important points.
Bots, by thein• own confession, prac-
ticed systematic duplicity and pur-
sued tortuous coasrsos of dealing
with self-serving interests much in
view. Implicit reliance should not
be placed upon their uncorroborated
statements in material points, and
where these statements conflict with
theme of independent or disinterested
witnesses the latter should be pre-
Whatever comment may be made
upon the orcpression attributed to
the ..Provincial Secretary by Mr.
I.3lwmmtond; when recalled, it seems
to the commissioners unwarrantable
to assign"_. to It such exaggerated
import as to overshadow the whole
body of substantial evidence in fa-
vor of the Minister and against the
inember. The testimony of Ham-
niond was on a comparatively min-
or branch of the enquiry, that is,
relative to the Globo interview,
which, apart from the payment of
money as to its price does not loom
largely in the investigation, and the
statements of Hammond aro not in
conflict with those of the Provincial
Secretary, save as regards some va-
riation in details which happen very
commonly in evidence of different
It was a proper ting to take
steps to advertise publicly the
change in the political attitude of
Mr. Gamey, and had greater pre-
science been vrouchsafed, t$fe pub-
licity would
licitywould likely havo been more
advantageous if made, earlier.
Looked at in the large, Mr.
G•autey's vorelo'n is, that his per -
chase originated with Frank Se1.11-
van and the Provincial Secretary,
that he was taken to the Minister's
office, whom ho did not know, that
the letter ho was to sign was all
ready, and put before him for sig-
nature, and the information volun-
teered by the Minister that the pro-
test would be withdrawn, all the
patronage -given to him, aed mutat-
Id valuable consideration paid when
he signed, but as the money was
not ready, the bargain and sale
were not then consummated.
Mr. Aylcswarth's evidence alone,
et which it was not disputed verity
attached, su,faces to show that this
version is misleading and untrue, '
- The conduct and memory of Mr.
Gamey, as to these bribe monies, die
tract from his credibility, at a too-
atontdus point in his life, and within
a few months of the concurrence,
he is uncertain as to the day eaten
and the person from whom the $3,-
000 came. Having conferred with
pronitnent men in his party (as ho
nays) and arranged his moth.ods, he
employs his share, $1,500, in busi-
ness, as if it were a legitimate tran-
saction. Ho makes no mention in
his statement to the House of how
he came into possession of $1,200,
part of the moiety, said to be re-
solved by Sullivan and of which, he
Bays, $900 was patten into the Cros-
sin business. But, when this is dis-
tovered by search in the Crossin
books, the two pages containing en-
tries for the 10th and 11th Septem-
ber. disappear, not bythe heads of
Me. Crossin-and Mr. Gamey is the
only other Who bad access to them.
-, Then follows the procuring of the
deposit slip from the hank by Mr.
i Gamey and its disappearance.
Tihon tho explanation given to the
reporters at Buffalo, with a view to
publication, that this $900 was col-
lected during the summer in Mani-
toulin Island; and the float stato-
meat under oath, that it was part
of a loan of $1,200 from Frank Sul-
The evidence on the other side pro-
ehfdcs the conclusion that this 58.,-
600 was received by Mr. Carney
from the Provincial Secretary on or
about te l t ofSeptember, h 1 h S r mber and,
„ 11 that ho so, its true source is not
yet disclosed.
ME $500.
And, agaitn, as to the $500 said
to be received on the 29th January.,
Thd'uglt Mr. McGregor comes ex-
pressly to assist Mr. Gamey at this
stago of the enterprise, and does as -
:fist in _ ceroocting the Globe inter-
view, and though he and Mr. Mc-
Gregor meet that same night and
discuss the matter, yet the money
is not exhibited or mentioned.,Tt is,
riot ;Hhown to anyone., but carried
about continuously in Mr. Gamey's!
Wicket until prddubed in the Hoeft.
Akll•1 titan, when l4rr, Gainey was fln-
tt11 pr0Iar'ing for making his state -1
Possible corroborationmeet, and planning to procere 0.11
from Seth-
vett in the hearing of three hidden:
a g
Witnesi1e0 arid though the $500 was
then actually ie his pocket (ne bo
stye),to dogs not mal10 the slight-
est ladarenee or alh011en to It et the
Crossin factory on the night before
the IIouse :let,
From these 011115sio115 trio inference
is most perauasive that no bribe or
:coney was received from the Pro-
vincial Secretary on the 29tH Jan-
uary, but that the money was after-
wards acquired, and. if that be so,
then the local source of this money
is not yet disclosed.
This much more bo said about
"Where tho money came from,"
that Mr. Ganey declined to make
any statement under oath to the
co¢nmiesianers about the "Deposit
slips and those things,"`estcosibly
on tho ground that criminal action
was being contemplated in that re-
gard. But he said further that be
"Cannot understand how it is rele-
vant to his case,"
'Without pressing against hien the
maxim "omnia presuntuntur contra
spoliaboronu," and though the de-
spoiliug was done penclento lite et
sedento curia, it is very reasonable
to believe that if the missing pages
of the Crossin book could be seen
they would disclose or give a cIuo
whereby would be discovered the
genesis of the $000, and of the $1,-
500, both coming, as Mr, Gamey
now swears, from one and the same
Elis explanationof the particular
source is not so worthy of credence
as if the books had been left tinnnu-
It is dilUcult to frame any con-
sistent account of Mr. Gatney's ca-
reer as member, for it was through-
out inconsistent, as bo played a
double part, But this much ap-
pears in the evidence. His politics
was Manitoulin, with Gamey as
tnenlber, on the side of any Govern-
ment in power, to the end that he
might serve his constituency, and
also seeure shares in the various
deals supposed possible by not over-
scrupulous men. First was formed
the Jones -Gamey combination, with
a view of acquiring "franchises."
But, as 17r. Gatney's friend, Frank
Sullivan, by his braggal'd style rend
pretended access to the Minister
(page 1,828), fostered the belief
that he had more influence, the uncle
was eupersedcd, and the 5ullLvan-
Gamey combination began. At the
first :love, support was assiured to
the Ross Government by the letter'
of the 10th September, and on the
same day Mr. Gamey takes part in
the Conservative caucus at Toronto,
Then rumors got abroad of his de-
fection from party Imes, and he
modified bis manner of support by
tho amended letter of 27th October,
so that while acting as occasion re-
quired in the interests of the. Con-
servatives, he engages 'to support
the Government when the tfloeso
meets, if Mr. Ross has a reasooable
majority. Accordingly, in January,
Mel, he takes part in the North.
Perth campaign for the Conserva-
tives, but Is embittered because he
was belittled by the action of the
Conservative leader.
He repairs to the Provincial Sec-
retary and begins discussing ap-
pointments, but, being confronted
with his conduct in North Perth, he+
declares his willingness to advertise
publicly his real and true position.
This was after the Government ma-
jority had increased to five. The
Globe interview is published at the
end of January, wherein his politi-
cal affiliation is still further reduc-
ed below the standard of support
promised in the letter of the 27th
October, and only extends to stip-
port "in all matters ho is satisfied
with." Nevertheless, this publica-
tion brings trouble around itis dead
from tho Conservatives, and his
resignation begins to be talked of.
But lir, Gouley is just as 011911 -
ling to resign at this crisis as he
was after the protest, Dr. Struth-
ers then advises' bin, as a friend,
knowing more of the man and his
candidature than a stranger, to re-
sign and run as an ittcicpendent, but
the answer then ana always was the
"expense," and the risks and (hermos
involved in another contest. Yet,
the member is growing in disfavor
with both parties, he is getting to
be regarded as a double -minded
:tan, with all that that suggests.
Ho surveys the situation. The
glowing prospects pictured by Frank
Sullivan have failed to became facts,
The prestige of directing Govern-
mental patronage appears to ho
meager and illusive, Ho learns that
Government, t anticipating tin c n p g his
r'•sienation, are planning to put lir.
McMiIlan, the Socialist Candidate, in
the near,
And than, It may be, Comes thopatriotic plan of deliverance by let-
ting it leak out that money was at
the bottom of his apparent die
loyalty, The people 5lipposed ho had
got a timber concession, and Dr.
Arthur and Dr, Struthers told him
that people would say he bad been
bought. Let him accept and profit•
by the Isonal, or rather the 095ump-
tion of his mercenary defection, but
by a desperate effort turn it into
success by depicting bis career en
set forth in the statement for the
The tem,tation appears ehienv to
b0 the expcetaiion, if he couid got
corroboration of his story,that he
would become Minister of Minos in
STOW, Administration,
YVslother or not thio 10. a correct
tlppriuisal of tho member's mettle
course will depend upon the estimate
that may be made of this report,
with its appendices of exhibits rind
Mr. Gainey had no personal inter-
course with any 010111ber of the
Ministry except the Provincial Sec-
retary, With two or throe of the
others he had some official corros-
pendonee, but with the rust not even
With regard to the added charge
of conspiracy, tho Commissioners are
of the opinion, that as a matter of
law, there is' no evidence whatever
to suslaill it, as against the mem-
bers of the Government and tiro
other persons charged.
And, according to the methods of
an ordinary trial, they would be
discharged from the said accusation
by the presiding judicial officer.
This being so, the matter of the
origiuul charge alone remains, and
as to the Provincial Secretary, there
is tho testimony that has boon com-
mented upon. In our opinion tho
corrupt charges stand disproved by
a great body of evidence, which
appears to he more accurate and
credible than that adduced in sup-
port thereof.
The 81,200 mentioned hereinbefore
has not been paid into the hands of
the Commissioners by Air. Camey,
The Commissioners have Impounded
two stuns of money, 5500 its cash
produced by Mr. Ganey in the
Mouse and 551,500 represented by his
marked. check of the 3rd April,
Those sums have boon lodged • its
the hands of the accountant of the
Supreme Court, and the Commis-
sioners advise that the amounts ho
carried in to a soparato account, to
be paid out upon the joint order of
the Chancellor of Ontario and the
Chief Justice of the Icing's Bench
for the .into being, upon its being
made satisfactorily to appear that
any claimant has legitimate title
A Four Ranched Thousand Dollar
An Ottawa despatch says :-Resi-
dents of the Ottawa district aro
driven almost to panic by the suc-
cessive fires which aro spreading
ruin in all directions. For days, al-
most weeks, the air has been thick
with smoke from fares 19 tho sur-
rounding country.
Wednesday 30 houses were burned
and 300 people rendered homeless
in Hull. Thursday morning at 6,45
are broke out in Sparks street, one
block west of Bank street, in David-
son & Thackray's planing mill, sash
and door factory. The building and
Miles wore as dry as tinder and no-
thing could save the property from
total destruction. With it went
stores along Sparks street occupied
by . Mortimer a Co„ lithographers
and printers; R. J. Smith & Co.,
clothing manufacturers; 1'. Stewart,
painter; and J. R. MuEwan, harness -
maker. The Two Macks' tailoring
establishment, at the Bank street
corner, was saved, but the flames
leaped Queen street and ate their
way through as far as Albert.
Tho following were burned out in
Queen street : Mrs. A, Edwards,
boarding -horse keeper; W. B. Ed-
wards, expressman; John Mason,
Bryson & Graham's upholstering
shop, brick houses owned by W. J.
leidd, J. Collins, 0. Baker, Ter-
rance O'Neill, M. J. McEvoy, and
Grey's express. Boarding-houses oc-
cupied by Mrs. J. Birch, Mrs. J. 0,
Boyle, Mrs. Archibald Cameron, and
Mrs. Stinson were partially destroy-
ed in Albert street.
There was no wind blowing, but
the current of air created by the
fire carried burning boards and other
inflammable material quite a dis-
tance. Thackr•ay's mill has been
burned out a couple of times before.
It employed 150 hands. 111. J. Smith
employed 100, and Mortimer 75-.
The loss is generally placed at
from $300,051) to $100,000.
Roumanian Minister Opposed to
Standard Oil Company.
A I3udharest, Roumania, despatch
says: At a meeting of the Liberal
supporters of the Government on
WWedneeday Premier Stourdza and
Finance Minister Costinosco spoke
strongly against allowing Americans
tdho, they said, "have rendered
themselves unpopular hero," to 80-
o-01110 a foothold in tho Roumanian
oil fel¢is, and urged patriotic Rou-
manians to t•ea•aill from treating
with ° the American experts. The
Ministers also agree that an alnnnd-
mire of British and Continental cap-
ital is available to develop the
Roatmanian fields.
.f -
Tho treasures that lie at the bot-
tom of the sea are now more easily
obtainable by the invention of am
instrument known as the hydro -
scope. This contrivance is shortly
to be put into operation in order to
find the lost fleet of Xerxes, which
has reclined on the sea's bed undis-
turbed for about 2,800 years, Search
is also to be made for the ship
chartered by Pompey to carry Ro-
man art treasures to Athens and
wrecked in the archipelago 1,950
years ago,
All tt'ue Moslems when eating
must begin . with salt, and Huish
with vinegar, If they begin with
Salt they will escape the 00ntegiort
of seventy diseases. 31 they finish
with vinegar their, vorldjy prosper -
it will continuo t increase, The
host is in etiquette bound to be the
first to start rating and the Inst to
leave off. The priests recite Oertasn
puaysages of the T(o3'an before and
after lunch and dinner, and also bee
ford dripkfiig water at any hour Of
the day,
Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc
in Trade Centres.
Toronto, Juno ti, -Wheat The
market is quiet, with the tone firm.
No. 2 sola at 75$ Cu 73c middle
freights. No, 3 red winter and white
quoted at 7:3c east, and No, 2 spring
at 'i0ie middle ; No. 2 goose at 651c
on Midland. Manitoba . wheat 18
firm, No. 1 hard quoted at Bic
Coderich, and No. 1 Northern at W.lc
Coderich. No, 1 hard, 90c grinding
in transit, lake autl'rail, and No, 1
Northern, 89o. ,
Oats -The market is steady ; No. 2
white quoted aL 3010 high freight,
and at 31c muddle freight. No, 1
quoted at 82c east,
Marley -Trade is quiet, with No,
3 extra quoted at 410 middle freight,
and No, 8 at 421c.
lata --The. melee is steady at 52e
outside for No. 2,
Peas -Trade dull, with No. 2 white
quoted at 64c high freight,
Buckwlueat-Nothing doing, With
Prices nominal at 38 to 393 outside.
Corn -Market is very dull. Cana-
ditin feed oted corn u 0 west,
q at 40 c •st
mel at 45a here, No, 3 American
yellow quoted at 514 to 55c on
track, Toronto ; and No. 3 mixed at
54c Toronto.
Flout -Ninety per cent, patents
quoted to -day at $2.7:3 middle
freights, in buyers' sacks for export.
Straight rollers of special brands
for domestic trade quoted at 83.25
to 83,40 in bbls. Manitoba flour
steady ; No. 1 patents, 51.10 to
$4.20 and strong bakers', 53.85 to
53.95 in bags, Toronto.
Millfeod-Bran is firm at 517 hero,
At outside points bran .18 quoted at
516 and shorts at 517. Manitoba
bran in sacks, 510, and shorts at
521 hero,
Beans -Trade is quiet, with offer-
ings small. Prime white are worth
$1.65 to 51.75 per bush,
Bray -Tho market is quiet, with
car lots of No. 1 timothy at 59.50
to 510; and mixed at 58 to 58.50.
Straw -Tho market is quiet at
$5.50 to 56 per ton for car lots on
Ilops•-Trade dull, with prices
nominal at 18 to 20c.
Potatoes -Car lots are firm at
81.135 per bag, and small lots at
81.25 to 51.80,
Poultry -Spring chickens are quot-
ed at 90c to $1 per pair, and old
hens at 10c per ib,.
Butter -Tho receipts of butter are
good, and the demand fair for choice
qualities. Prices are unchanged. We
quote :-Choice 1b. rolls, 15 to 16c;
fresh dairy tubs, uniform color, 15e;
second grades, rolls and tubs, 12 to
13jc; creamery prints, 20 to 21e ;
solids, 18 to 184c.
Eggs bfarket continues steady,
selling single cases 18 to 13lc per
Cheese -The market is dull at 134
to 111c per ib.
Dressed hogs unchanged. Cured
meats aro unchanged, with a good
demand, We quote :-Bacon, clear,
104 to 104e, in tons and case lots.
Pork -Mess, 5.21 to 521.50; do„
short cut, 522.50 to 523.
Smoked meats• -Hams, 13 to 184e;
rolls, 134c; shoulders, 104e; backs,
14 to 141c; breakfast bacon, 134 to
Lardy -The demand is unchanged.
Wo quote :-Tierces, 104c; tubs, 10.1
pails, 11c; compound, 8 to 94e,
Montreal, June 0, -Grain -No, 1
Manitoba hard wheat, 79c; No. 1
Northern, 77'4c, Fort William; peas,
630 high freights, 73c here; rye, 52c
east, 784e afloat here; buckwheat,
46 to 060; oats, No, 2, 364c.
afloat, 88c in store; flaxseed, 51,15
on track here ; corn, American, 52c
for No, 2 afloat+ ; feed barley, 48c;
No, 2 barley, 51c. Flour, -Manitoba
patents, 54.10 to $4.20; seconds,
58,80 to 54; strong bakers', $3.40;
Oatarlo straight rollors, 58,45 to
53,60; in bags, 51,67} to $1,75
patents, 53.70 to 54, Rolled oats -
Millers' prices, $1.85 in bags, and
88,85 per bbl, Feed -Manitoba
bran, 518 to 519; shorts, 520 to
$21, bags included; Ontario bran in
bulk, 518 to $18.50; shorts in bulk,
519.50 to 520; middlings, 521.
Provisions -Heavy Canadian short
cut pork, 524 ; short cut backs,
521.50; light short cult, 528; com-
pound refined lard, 81- to 9c; pure
Canadian lard, 104 to 1.13; finest
lard, 11 to 114c; barns, 134 to 144
bacon, 14 to 1601 fresh killed abat-
toir hogs, 58,75, Egga-New laid,
121 to lac; No. 2, 1.04c. Butter -
Township creamery, grass, 184 to
18.0 ; fodder,, 174 to 180; Western
dairy, 164c. Ohoese-Ontario, 1.03c;
townships, 101c. honey - White
clover, in sections, 12c per section;
in 10-1b tins, 8a,
11rnoea.polis, June 0, -Wheal --Cash
791c; July, 77.4 to 7730; September,
714c; on track; No. 1 hard; 8010;
No, 1 Northern, 7943; No, 2 North-
ern, 78ic; No. 8 Northern, 77 to
Milwaukee, June O, -Wheat -Firm;
No. 1, Northern, 81331 to 85c; .Tuly,
75e to 7513, Rye-M'irm ; No, 1.,
58 to 581e, Barley -Dull; No, 2,
57c; sample, 40 to Gbjc, Corn -
.July, 471e.
Ilntleio, June 0, -Flour - Steady.
Wheat--Sprhhg unsettled No. 1
tarsi, 8513; No, 1 Northern, 884e.
Winter steady; No. 2 white, 841c ;
No, 2 rod, 81;c. Oo•n--Strong; No.
13 yellow, 531c; No, 2 corn, 504 to
file. Oats-Uttstettled, No. 8 white,
1390; No. 2 .11lixed. 86c. Canal.
freights --Steady,
Toronto, Jane 9. -Owing to the
lightness of the oiforiegs of good
butchers' cattle, their prices ea -
tamed 5 to 103 per cwt. to -day.
The situation in sheep leas weak,
there being a large supply ]fere, and
the market 10115 about 25 per cont.
Dulness was about the only stow
feature its exporters' to report. Sell-
ers had difficulty in disposing of
the slack on their hands, and buy-
ers were indifferent, as the Chicago
market was lower :gain, Lind they
could and were obtaining the major
portion of their export (1111lo there-
from. Owing to the scarcity and
high price of butchers', a good many
that would ordinarily have sold as
shippers' wero bought up l'or the
local butcher trade.
The quality of cattle that conte
forward was not as goad as before,
there being a lot of rough and un-
finished .heifers, steers, and cows
amongst them. Farmers sorely are
making a mistake to send its poorly
finished cattle when good butchers
are so much wanted, and it mani-
festly pays (from thoroughly to fat-
ten up their product before market-
ing it.
Tho following was 1.10 range of
quotations :-
Exporters' cattle- Per 000 lbs,
Extra to choice..- .....,54.75 55.00
Bulls.,,,;,, 3.76 4,10
Medium to light,;; ...... 4,70 4,73
Butchers' -
Picked lots... ...... ..'. 4.60 5.00
Good Loads,,, 4.05 4,85
,,,,,,,,,, 4.50 4.65
Fair ,,, .......... 4.25 4,50
Cows - 3:25 4.25
Feeders, light....,, 4.00 4.50
Feeders, short -keeps 4.511 4.90
Stockers... ,,. 8.00 4.00
lexport owns,,, 8,75 4.00
do, bucks... 8,00 3,50
Spring lambs, each2.50 4.50
Calves, per cwt...:, 4,50 6.00
Sows... 4.00 4,50
Stags 2,00 3.00
Selects, .160 to 200 lbs 6.00 0.00
Thick fats... 5.75 0.00
Lights.,. ..... 5.73 0,00
Sudden End to a Sunday School
•A.'Hnnnibal, Mo,, despatch says:
Three children were drowned here
on Wednesday by the collision of
the steamer Flying Eagle, towing a
barge filled with Sunday School ex-
cursionists, against a pier of Han-
nibal bridge. About 250 children
from tho Park M,etltadist (Thumb
Sunday School at Hannibal had
boarded the barge, and a number
were oe. the steamer. The excur-
sion left for Quincy to afford the
childron a view of the swollen Mis-
sissippi. As the boat swung o.ut in-
to the river the swift current bore
it straight against the stone pier
of the bridge with a Brash. The
steamer did not sink immediately,
and terror-stricken children and ac-
companying adults climbed up the
pier to tho bridge. Before all could
reach safety the barge was veered
around by the current, and, swing-
ing loose from the pier, floated
down stream. In the sudden swing-
ing of the barge thane children were
thrown into the water anal drowned,
Carried by surging waters at a rapid
rate, the barge, with its screaming
children:, floated down the rivor, but
a fleet of rowboats put out and all
left on boand were rescued.
Action for 518,000 Entered
Against Montreal.
A Montreal despatch says: Col.
Gordon, district officer conimanding
No. 5 Military District, on • Wed-
nesday, through his attorneys, en -
toted an action for $18,860.05'
against the Oity of Montreal. This
is tho amount claimed for talc ser-
vice of the soldiers called out to
maintain order on the docks during
the recent t 'longshorenldn's strike.
The City of Montreal baying failed
to furnish the money for the pay-
ment of the troops, the district offi-
cer commanding has taper actiom.
The city claims that as the Gov-
ernment exercises full authority over
all property controlled by tho Har-
bor Commissioners, the Government
shotild pay the troops for their ser-
vices and maintenance during the
the time of rho stento, Tho city
will therefore call the Government
into the case.
People of St. Paul Asked for In-
crease in Wages,
A St. Paul despatch says: Tho
washerwomen have formed a union.
Their fl,est demand is an increase in
wages 'from 51.85 a day to 51.50.
The women include those who aro
employed throughout tho St. Ake
£liony Hill district. Many of tho
doulestie servants of St. Anthony
1Ti11 aro unionized, and refuse to do
washing. lienee the washerwomen
have it in their power to enforce tho
housekeepers of "SWallrl:om Town"
to either put' up the cash or wear
soiled silk stockings. The weshe3'-
wcnnen have served notice that they
tvi1l hold to the 0111031 scale, and
that no washing will be done unless
the increase is paid.
Naval Cadet Suicided Because Sea-
man Struck Him,
A Kiel despatch, 0094 A seaman
of the Gorman navy, named Andreas
41Os1orsahtnidt, Was condemned by
a naval court-martial on Wednesday
to 18 months' imprisonment for
striking .i:nsign von. Athol during the
night of May 2 at Kiel. The natio
late been widely continnntecl upon be -
motets of von Abel's eticide after lo
found 116 wag Enable to identify the
Men who assaulted bilin and per-
rionatly avenge Mineo11,
Notes of Proceedings lin the Can,
adieu Parliament,,
Mr, Lucas' bili to amend the Act
providing for the gareisliment of
the salaries of civil servants, sifter
reeeiving its second reading was
sent to the Legal Committee, In ex-
plaining its purpose, lir. Lucas
staled that it placed outside civil
servants on the saute footing in the
neater of garnishment as the mem-
bers of the inside branch of the ser-
vice now occulty.
Alr, Cross (Welland) warmly sup-
ported tho bill. Civil servants
should be made to pity their debts
11130 other people, He thought tho
Government aright, with advantage,
adopt a rule in force on railways of
dismissing any employe who had
burn twice garnisheed,
Tho Attorney-llenet•al said that
while the principle cf the bill was
sound, it would require vel'y enln-
brous machinery to put it in opera-
Mr. Lucas, in moving the second
reading of bis hill to amend the
Mortgage Act, said that it was in-
tended to prevent loan companies
charging a bonus on real estate
mortgages paid after the expiry of
five years, This meant placing a
mortgage on the same footing as a
promissory note, The bill was also
intended to prevent a mortgagor
contracting himself out of the bene-
fit of tho statute,
Mr. Gibson opposed the bill on
thargromtd that rho latter portion
was a direct interference with the
liberty of the subject. So long as a
mortgagee understood tho conditions
of thecontract made there was no
reason why the Legislature should
interpose to nullify the bargain, Mr.
Gibson did not disapprove of the
first portion of the measure.
Tho bill was sent to the Legal
The Holt., Sydney Fisher introduc-
ed his bill to amend the Patent Act.
In explaining this bill Mr. Fisher
said that it was necessitated by a
decisionn of the Supremo Court, do-
lintitidg the powers of the Deputy
Commissioner" of Patents as to the
granting of extensions of time under
patents. His bill proposed to give
the Deputy Commissioner tho neces-
sary powers in this respect, and also
to make an important change in the
duration of Canadian patents. Under
the present system whenever patents
were granted for similar purposes in
Canada and foreign countries,. the
Canadian patent would expire simul-
taneously with the expiration of the
foreign patent, This same law had
prevailed in England and tho United
States, but had been abrogated, and
it had been thought that Canadian
patents should be made equally. in-
dependent of the duration of foreign
patents,• Then it was also possible
to patent articles which could not
for many years be manufactured in
Canada, and it seemed an injustice
that such patents should become
void through not use. The bill pro-
posed to apply the British license
system to this class of patents. It
was also proposed that in certain
cases the bill should bo retroactive
at the discretion of the Department.,
Sir Wm. Mulock informed lir,
Scott that tho Canadian Northern
Railway Company had applied for
532,528 acres of land hi the North-
west, earned on account of the con-
struction of its lino ; 6,400,000
acres might yet be earned by the
company constructing the line to
Iludson's J3ay.
The Red Doer Valley Raihvay and
Coc1 Company was voted 6,400
acres per mile for 55 miles of rail-
way. The question whether this
company had until July 1st next to
build the railway and earn the land
grant is now under the consideration
of the Department of ,Justice.
A tract of land, part of which is
unsurvoyod, and which is estimated
to contain an area of 822,500 acres,
and being the tract originally set
apart by order -in -Council for the
land subsidy to the Red Deer Valley
Railway and Coal Company, is held
Throo bills were introduced by llr,
Bernier. One is to, amend the
Weights and Measures Act, and per-
mits the use of postal scales up to
four pounds, without departmental
inspection. Parties using them for
other purposes will be subject to the
penalties of the Act. An important
clause affecting tho West, says that
the charge for tho threshing of grain
may, until a suitable scalo or moas-
using apparatus ther'for,tllat .nay
be verified, is provided and approved
by the ilovernor-in-Council, bo de-
termined by any device which rec-
ords automatically or otherwise the
number of discharges made.
Another b111 is to amend the In-
land Revenue Act. It provides -that
inland revenue duties shall be pay-
able hereafter on i;i10 first day of
the mouth instead of tho sixth day.
A bill to amend the 'Electric bight
Inspection Aot provides that in rho
case of an ofreeze under t;ho Act"by
e. corporation, penalties may be re-
coverable. Service may bo made on
the Mayor or chief officer of the
!Hon, J. A. Smart, Deputy Mee
ister of the Interior, gave the Agri-
cultural Committee figures which
showthat imntiigralio1 foe the decal
year, which will Mese on Juhio 80,
will bo the largest in the history of
Canada, Ea estimates that the to-
tal number e will bo 120,000. For
tlto 11 months ending on 5011(1ay
last the total immigratign was 104, -
:.de i foto r
716, made o Vin as 1 ws: From the
United Kingdon, 36,070; from the
Continent of Europe, 31,4291 front
the Milted States, 137,617. This is
double last years figures, The lig-
ig-ua ds for 'May 'Were: British, 10,188
Surolroaii, 8,254; United States, 6,-
100; total, 24,492. This is Smell
the, lat'gost nteei 1 the depal tlncltt
over had,
i1Tr, Looneed will enquire in tho
Iilouse whether a circular was 15913e4
from Kingston Penitentiary', dated
May 1, with reference to the output
of Weldor twine this year, Ito will
rile, further, whether the circular
was translated into French and who-
t31e1' it was sent info parishes of
Quebec,. or in what way rho formers
of Quebec were made aware of the
terns under whien they could buy,
binder twine at Kingston.
Mr. Robinson (naught) will enquire
%the is responsible for the collection
of the accounts duo by nternlhers of
Parlament for printing, advurtLsing,
etc„ an'cl why so many arrearages
Etre allowed to stand from year to
Doings of Our Law Makers at
At the meeting of the Municipal
Committee of the Legislature the bill
of Mfr. Downey to repeal the Conmae
section of the Municipal Act was
considered, and by a vote of 21 to
6 was defeated. Mr. Downey ex-
plained that his bill would remedy a
great injustice, It repealed the
Oonmee clauses of the Municipal
Act wltielt provided that a munici-
panty wishing to go into lighting on
its own account must first make an
offer to the existing company for its
plant, and in the event of a dis-
agreement as to the price to bo
paid arbitrators were to bo appoint^`
eel. This arbitration feature was
wrong and harmful to the munici-
palities, and in many cases the
terns of the company had boon ac-
cepted by the municipality rather
than go to arbitration, which was a
very expensive proceeding. The
Conmeo clause practically, therefore,
had the effect of making the munici-
palities accept whatever the com-
pany liked to ask for their plant. In
Guelph, for instance, the city had
offered for the electric light and gas
plant $120,000. `Later this was
raised to 5140,000, but the com-
pany demanded 5155,000, and as the
people wanted their teen plant rho
city paid that amount, which was
exorbitant, rather than go to arbi-
tration and a possible expensive
The Legislature decided to restrict
the spend of automobiles in cities,
towns, and ineeeporatcd villages to
ten miles an hour. The Mllruicipal
Committee antentled Mr. Preston's
bill for the regulation of these ve-
hicles so as to provide that seven
miles an hour be the limit. I:n the
]louse lir, Preston was successful,
in Committee of the Whole, in hav-
ing the original provision inserted.
Dr. Jessop, in moving for a return
of copies of tho regulations respect-
ing the exportation of natural gas,
complained that ' the wells of On-
tario, particularly in Essex county,
were being depleted, and the people
of the United States were able to
seethe gas for both heating and il-
lutniinatieg purposes at a much low-
er rate than those in Ontario. It
was time the exportation of natural
gas was entirley prohibited, and he
wished to find out exactly what reg-
ulations there were in force.
20,000 Poor Neapolitans Lose
Their Property.
A despatch from Naples says :-A
fire 13001(0 out at nine o'clock on
Tuesday night in the Monte df
Pinta, a public loan office or pawn
shop, that is conducted by tho State,
Tho building, which was an old one,
burned furiously throughout the
night, and on Wednesday morning
only the walls remained. During the
night a strong body of troops had
difficulty in, restraining the crowd,
composed of the poorest Neapolitans,
who assembled in the hopo of being
able to save their pawned belong-
ings. It is estimated that fully 20,-
000 persons had property pledged at
the Monte di Pieta. An adjacent
building, containing State archives,
Was at one time threatened. Two
navy pumps were asked for, and
wont tot aid the city firemen, While
they wore being rushed through a
street that was half blocked by re-
pair works, Marquis di Sarini.ento,
who was helping the marines, was
caught between the engines and al-
most instantly crushed to death. A
ladder on Which were six firemen
broke, and ell tho mon were injured.
One of then has since died, Tho
nuns in a neighboring convent were
imperiled, but they made no at-
tempt to floc. Firemen broke in tho
barred door, and found them pray-
ing. They .woo led to a sale place
overlooking tho fire, and there they
prayed through the night, Almost
the whole population of the city
sport the nig)tt in rho etreots watch-
ing the fire. The clank of •Naples an-
nounces that the holders of pawn
tickets Will be gradually reimhlu•sod,
200n,00ew0,spapers place t$b loss at
House Caught Fire While Mother
Was Away,
A despatch from Guelph says :-A
two-yuan-olcl daughter of Mrs. Re-
becca Metals, a colored woman, ne
siding on Elizabeth street, was
burned to death on Wednesday after-
noon. The mother, who goes out
working, left the child In moo of Its
brother, aged eine years;, for a tow
hours. While elle was away rho lad
loft the iltient alone le filo poise.
During Itis absence the 1103180 tools
fire and was completely destroyed.
The child tva9 bursted ajnleet be ettd.
y ..
recognition, 4