HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-6-11, Page 1,
Vol. 81, No. 48
New Advertisements.
Sown for Bale -Joseph Engler.
A growing Limo -McKinnon dt 0o.
Harrah, for Mildmay -Foot Ball Olnb.
B e l er fugue.
Next Sabbath will be Communion day
in the Presbyterian oberoh here. Rev, J.
Rose, of Brueeelo, will preach on Friday
A. garden party le on hand at the
Preebyterian ohuroh !:rounds about the
23rd inst., prooeede to apply on the organ
fund. The program will be sure to
By action of the Methodist Conference
Rev. Mr. Brown will remove to Oil
Springeland-will be s000eeded by Rev. A,
E. Jones, who will be here for the firet
Sabbath in July.
Mrs, Livingston, mother of Mrs (Rev.)
Brown, of Chia plana, died on Suuday.
Rev. and Atm, Brown attended the
funeral. Demand had been Ailing for
some little time,
97;r I• o -x,! ter.
Soott Bleak ie on the sick list Ghia
A number from here attended Main's
Likens in Harrieton on Tneeday.
Mies Agnes Smith, of Hamilton, visited
her quote, 0, Smith, for several days laet
Mise Ada Nooke.t spent several days
with friends in Palmerston, returning on
On Monday 3 -no, Hamilton shipped
three carloads of export cattle. Robt.
Trends shipped one mixed oar of cattle
and hogs.
The eew•mill in Turnborty, owned by
Mr. Strome, of Fordwioh, lama burned
Met week. The cause of the fire ie un•
known. Loee wid be about $1,000, as
there was no insurance.
About 6 o'olock Snaday afternoon,
li,thtniog streak the barn of William
Montgomery, who lives 1} miles East of
here. The barn and con saute were almost
entirely destroyed. Insuraaoe was par-
ried In the Howlett Mutual, to the 4xtent
of $700 on the barn and $800 on the
E3euta e•n.
KILLED 730 TRAIN. -The horribly mang-
led and decapitated body o1 William L.
Longmire wee found on the traok of the
main line of the Oauadian Pacific rail•
way at Reabnru yesterday morning, eaye
the Winnipeg Free Preto of Friday. and
was brought to Winnipeg last night by
J. F. Thompson, undertaker, who a0aom•
ponied Coroner Benson Weet after tbe
news bad been received in the city. The
coroner investigated the death and found
that a inquest wag not necessary. Geo.
Longmire, a brother of the victim of the
aooident, was notified of tbe affair
and came from Brandon to take (barge
of the body, which will be taken to Hen.
fryn, Ont„ for burial. While there were
none who eaw the aroident or were near
when it 000urred, it io thought that Long•
mire, wbo was a brakemen on one of the
trains, fell from the top of a oar to tbe
mile. The wheels premed over his (heat,
severing bis bead and one arm from the
body. His lege were oruehed to a pulp
• and Ms right hand wae severed from the
arm. The accident must have marred
at tibout 11 80 on Wednesday night when
the train on wbich he wail working pave -
Plants and
You will fiud at Brussels Greenhouse any
quantity of Tomato, Celery, Cauliflower
and Oabbage Plante,
Fine oolieotion of Flowering Plante.
A choice lot of Geraniums and
annuals for bedding.
Out Flowers eopplied.
Floral deeigne made to order.
ed the opt. The first definite news was
reaeivod when the night operator at Rea.
barn was told by a train oomiug from the
East ab 4.10 that tits engineer thought he
hod seen a man on the track about 100
East of the main ewiboh, The operator
found the body there and advised the
superintendent et Brandon, Brakeman
Longmire belonged to Lodge No, 223,
B. 0. It, T.. and was about 26 years of
age and not married. Ile bad been with
the 0, P. R, about It year and left here a
tow days ago on Oondnetor O'Neil'e work
train. The father of deoeaeod io motion
foreman et Henfryn.
• 3...ainaeseithe.
M. L. Hooper, teacher in No. 9, epent
Sunday iu Wingham in Cooferetto6 we
Statnte Labor ie again on deck with all
its bermes for the 'bioyoliete whose
interesbe are ooneulted 09 little ae though
Ile wore not iu exietenoe,'
The earner stones of the new Meth.
(diet obnroh aro to be laid on the 18tb by
John Joynt and John Tiffin. Amonater
garden party ie billed for the same date,
On Sunday evening last one of our 4th
line bachelors, after •makiug a record for
himeolf in theraii•splittiug line, bied him
to the village store with a baelset of eggs.
Finding Mocked and the good emith
across the way grinning profusely iu his
Bentley clothes the truth gradually
dawned upon him, but had no effect in
illuminating his oouutenanoo, And thie
in a land of calendars and fair maidens
Ygolcnte woe- alt.
Rev, Geo. Ballantyne preached in the
Pretbytsrian 0harab or, Souday, •
Andrew MoKee, of Fordwieb, paned
through our village on Monday eight
A large number from here attended
the Loudon Conference at Wingham on
Bentley. George Spence, of thio burg,
wee the circuit's repreeeutntive,
The Molesworth Cheese factory is do.
Me well thio Sumner. In tha month of
May 100 more cheese were made than
in 1902 and es each abeam weighs 85
lbs. mokee a total of 8,500 pounds more
than in May 111,1 year, The average
make for June thea far is 25 oheeee per
day. The Company has been paying the
putrone 87 ciente per 100 Ibe. milk, nese
figures anger well for the oompany'e
proepeote for this year.
E. Bunter preached bie farewell sermon
May Slat and has gone to the West to
recuperate. Before going however the
members of .both aongrigretioes met at
Trowbridge and preeented him with a
puree of $108 and the following addreee;
To J. D, Hunter.
DEAR PASTOR. AND Bao„ -Ib ie with
feelings of mingled pleasure and regret
that we ae a circuit have met this even
ing for the purpaae of expressing our
good•willtoward you ae our pastor and
to show yon in come way that your labore
amongst ne have been appreciated. Yon
come to our nirouit at a time wben oar
hearts were heavy with sorrow over the
lose of our departed and muob beloved
pastor, the late Bro. Phillipe, and by
your uprightness and integrity, by your
fidelity to the interests of our circuit, by
your kindneee to, and thoughtfulneea of
Mre. Phillipe and family, you have en-
deared yourself to the memoriee and
affections of the entire community. Dur
ing the eeveu months of your pastorate
you beam not oeaeed to arouse and cern
the unsaved to a sense of the danger of
"putting off the day of their salvation,'
you have praised and re-iuopired those
who have been trying to u, hold the
cause of Christianity in our neighborhood
not only in our own ohnral1 but also iu
our sister churches. For three weeks
you wrestled with God day and night (et
your Own physiaal expense) for the salve
tion of thole who are dear to us, and
those efforts God has abenderubly reward.
ed, and mauy souls ere now enjoying the
free liberty of the Gospel you so fervent
ly expounded, whose souls, we believe,
will shine Ito stare in your orosvn whet,
the great Heavenly Father will- gather
hie loved ones home. In our Leagaee
you have been a pillar of strength,
whether in tate devotional exercisers, the
literary department, or in the bueineee
relations you have ever been a source of
strength and inspiration, and your in.
fluenoe over the young hae been one that
will cause oar Leagu-e to look up and
lift up for Obriet and the Church. And
could it be so we would all wish for a
ooutiibuanoe of this relationship ae pester
and people, and by the Dieoipline of onr
Hllrrali !Fur llil
-r yo- r '3•�s tn,.:1
Will run to Mildmay Next Monday; June
15, leaving Brussels at 2 p. m., to convey
those desiring to witness the Intermediate
League Foot Ball Match between MILD -
Return FarOnlye 85 is
Train will leave .MVIildmay about 9 p. m.
on the home trip,
obnroh which io the prodnot of wiser
mirsde than ours you are loroed from a
people who bays Oa008 to love you, but
before we part W8 eek yon to amoept this
puree anti 110 oontente ua a tangible ex-
pression of oar love and appreciation,
hoping that it may serge as a memento
of the pleasant time spent ou tbie ebroait
also that it may help you in your life'e
work until the Master himeslf shall crown
yen when He cometh to make up Ria
Jewels. Signed on behalf of the oir00i1 by
J. 0, Oool,
GEo SeatiOE.
Trowbridge, May 2091i, 1908.
A suitable and feeliug reply was made by
Mr. Hunter.
Wet I rout.
W, G. Neal spent a few Jaye in Toron-
to this melt.
Wm. Pollard jr„ fa .bank from the
Weet for a ehott time,
a. E, Forenoon is adding a (oat of
shingles to hie reeidenoe,
Wm. M. Smith is erecting a kitoben at
the rear of hie residence,
Wm. and Mrs. Hoy, of Grey, visited
blonde in town on Sunday.
The Ladies' Aid Sooiely of Doff'e
obnroh will hold their annual Garden
Party ab the Manse gronnde on Tuesday
evening, Jnue 300,
The Ladies' Guild of St George'e
chard] will hold a Garden Party at the
reeidenoe of W. H. Sboldiae on Monday
evening, Jane 15113, A goad program will
be provided. Brussels Maoaabee Band
wilt be iu attendance.
We oongratalate the Walton represent•
ntivee at the Toronto Universities, Miee
Maggie McDonald received Arts Degree ;
F. 0. Neal his Ibledtoal Degree, taking
the George Brown eoholerebip ; Robt.
Dunoaneon and John Gardiner paeeed the
first year, and R. E, Humphries will
oompletehis first year at the supplement-
ary rsom, Well done.
At the session of London Conference,
which oloeed on Monday night, Rev.
Allred Andrews, recently President of
Manitoba Conference, was appointed ae
pastor of Walton Oiroaib of the Meth
odiet 013000b and according to rule of
Conference should be here by the let
Sabbath of July. Rev. Mr, Andrews and
bie wife are a most worthy couple and
will do good work wherever they go.
A oar of hogs watt ebipped from here
last Tuesday.
A nnmber of improvements have beep
made in several of the residences and
Some pentane from this locality attend•
ed the Methodist Conference at Wingham
last week,
A number of Ethel young people will
spend Thursday evening at the home of
George Weleb.
The paintere have completed their
work at S. 8. Cole's residence and it
Tooke first (lase.
MIS. D. Eokmier has returned from an
enjoyable visit with Mende at Minters,
Goderioh and Brume's.
Evelyn and Florenoe, dangbtere of
Township Clerk Molotoeh, are quite ill
but we hope they will moo be better.
Rev, James Snell, of Dawn Mills,
preached in the Methodist church here
lest Sabbath evening oomiog from the
aoulerenaset Wingham.
This week Robert MoDooald, 9th oon.,
received a large English Berkshire bog,
bred by George .Green, of Fairview,
Nothing but the beet is good enough for
Next Monday the Court of Revision on
the Lamont and Baena drain Bylaws
will be held in the Hall here, There are
no appeals against the Lamont drain and
only one on the Hanna drain. •
Robert Pearson is receiving the hearty
aongreta'atione of hie large circle of
friends over his 9000800 in passing bie
2nd year's exam at the University at
Toronto in his Arta arose. He ie intend-
ing to enter the Methodist mieietry but
is eeouriug a good grounding along
eduoatiouai lines first,
On'1'horedey afternoon of next week
the Women'e Ioetjeute will hold their
monthly meeting 11.1 the home of Mrs.
Geo. Dobson. Canning end Preserving
Fruit will be the topic under dieouseion.
Mee. 5. B. Oole ie Preeident Aire. C.
Bernath, Vine -Pres, ; and Mrs, George
Dobson, Seo, Treas.
Soora0,-A Bos Sooielander the anepic•
es of Ethel Divieioo, No, 140, 8. 0, T.,
will be held on H. M. Dobeon'e lawn on.
Friday evening of next week. Should it
be a disagreeable evening the Social will
be bell in the Township Hall adjoining.
the farm, An assonant program oon•
slating of voeai and inetrumental music,
reoitati ns It .� will be givenProgramram
willnammenae at 6 o oleok. Prim of
boxes, 26 Dente. Mies L, Shanpon, is the
W. P. and MiGs Ida Cole, the R. 8,
G00D„C0NVENTION•-May 25th was a
red letter day for the Methodiem of E bel
nirouit. The nirouit Sabbath. School
Oonvenlioa held that day wag a complete
moose, ' LI the afternoon the eharob
wae comfortably filled and in the evening
everything wag pecked. R. McKay
oaonpied the obair in the afternoon and
L, Manan in the evening, both brethren
doing eo iu 0. very able manner. The
papers were of a very high order and a
lively discussion followed each, Follow•
ins were the speakers and the subjects
taken ;-Lawrence 'Memo, "The Model
Sapetintenclent;" klieg Shannon, "The'
Model Teuoher ' Mr. Mille, "The Model
Scholar 1" 3. K. Baker, "S. 8. Finances;"
Rev, 0. P. Welle, B. D,, "Oateohiem In
the Sahoot ;" Miee S. Pearson, "The
Home and the 8. S, ;" Mrs, 0, Cleaver,
"Tho Spiritual tone of the Scheel ; How
to maintain and improve ;" R. MoBay,
"Deoieion Hey." Those pre0ont reeolvod
to form themselvee into it permanent S.
S. Aeeoofatioo with, the following Coneti•
tubion and oflioera i -Noma, Senday
SobOol AeeOoiation.01 the Ethel Cirehit
Methodist Cherish 1 objeot, To dimwits
topioe of vital interest to one S. 8: and
to deeper, the interest in this branch of
the church's work ; time of mooting,
Yearly, May 24th; plaoe, Ethel music,
to be futniebed by membsro of oirettit
choirs ; refreehments, all bolting to beteg
their baekete and spread to bo in the
Town Hall ; meneberehip, Membere of
the Methodist ohuroh on the Ethel
airaua. Ohioan -Pres„ R. ll4a ay
Vioe Presidents, the S. B. Superinten•
dente in circuit, viz , J• K. Baker, 3.
McDonald and 3, Raynerd ; Treeearer,
S. Ohambere ; Secretary, Mies Ida Oole.
Program Committee for next Convention,
abovo o5bcere and in addition, from Etbel
L. Meson and Mre. W. Slemmon, from
Union N. Robinson and Mrs. 0. Cleaver,
from Roe'e L. Frain and Kim 8. Peareon.
Jae. Lindsay vieibed a few days at
Listowel iueb week,
Duncan MoTeggart Sunilayed with
Wendt; at Jamestown,
Jas, MoNeir, 14'11 con , 10 erecting a
fine hog pen 24;60 Leet.
John Howard, 14th non , bed We new
barn raised laet Saturday,
Quite a number will take in the exour•
elan to Owen Sound ou the 12th.
Mies Kate Yoang and Mise Martha
Smith were visitors 81 Seaforth last week.
Willie, eon of William Mann, wbo has
been laid up with rbenmatiem of confined
to his bed.
Mies Maggie Plummet IbIoNair ie spend
ing afew dela this week atDonald Clamp.
bell's 16th nu.
Last Sebbatb evening G. F. Blair, of
Brueeele,took (barge of the service in
Bethel ohuroh.
Two new municipal drains are on the
program in Grey, ono on the 17th con,
and the other on the 18th Eton.
Messrs. Palmer and McGlynn, wbo for.
merly ran the saw mill on the 16th non,,
are renewing old acquaintances.
Miee M. Noble, who has been visiting
her cousin, Mies L. Kerr, returned to
her hemp in Toronto last Monday.
Severalof the farmers are bogy doing
etatute labor, Pathmaetere should see
that some of the bad holes are filled.
Engineer Roger, of Mitchell, and P. J.
Biebop are buoy this week taking the
Water shed on the 6th non. drain.
Some of the youth of Grey township
are away at London this week attending
the annual drill with the 33rd regiment,
Martin McNair is making some notice.
able improvemente on hie fine property
13th con. Doming events 01801 their
ebedows before them.
A. Morrison, oheesemaker, Silver Oor•
nere, who wee eeriouely tenet a oonple of
weeks ago in Atwood by a gas explosion,
at nearly well again.
Our people ere figuring out bow to ar.
range to take is the exoarsion to the
Model Berm on Friday 26th inst. A
good crowd will attend.
Cecil Lindsay, 8113 non., ie a proud boy
bbese days Gia driving pony "Topsy" hay.
ing presented bine with a Dolt. It is a
dandy and be Calle it "Tony".
The people of Bethel Sunday school
inland holding their annual pta•nio an
Jane 18th in D. Livingetooe'e grove, A
good time ie promised for all.
A number of young men, with their
wheele, got caught in the rain storm last
Sunday, but they seemed to enjoy it as
tbey had a good sheltering place.
H. W. Avieon, teacher, took obarge of
the services in Harrieton Methodist
ohuroh last Sabbath in the abeeooe of hie
step father, Rev. Mr. Liddy, at Confer.
A little bitd whiepere that another
Meek nae been engaged in the store at
Monarieff. We have no doubt but Mies
Mao. will melte an A 1 hand and we wel-
oome her to our village.
The animal pin nit of the union Sab-
bath sohool of 8, S. No, 8, will be held on
Saturday afternoon of this week, in Thos.
Straohan'e grave, Lot 8, Oon. 6. An en.
joyable time is anticipated.
Rev. W. A. Smith, B. D., eon of True.
man Smith, wbo has been stationed at
Oil Springs, Lambton 0o, will move to
Ashfield circuit and will make bie home
in Lookeow where the Persabage ie tomb.-
LAWN SOCIAL. -The young people of
Union League intend holding a nodal ou
the lawn of Levi Whitfield, 12th non„ on
Tneeday evening Jnne I6tb. Refresh.
menta will be served and a maeioal and
literary program will be given. A very
pleasant time is autioipated.
A friendly grime of football was played
lent Saturday evening between teams rep
resenting the 14th and 16th cons. on lee
farm of Whitens Peet, Elma Boundary,
100011104 in a victory for the 14th team
by et mote one to nothing. The return
match is expected to take place at the
pia nits on the 18th.
LRCTDRE.-In Union ohuroh under the
0oepioes of the League, on Tbureday
evening of last week, Peter McNeil, who
epent eome time its the Klondike, gave an
iutereetiog and iuetruntive talk about bie
trip there and hie life among the miners.
Tbe leo
ture was greatly appreciated by
the large audience present.
Miee L. end Chao. Kerr, entertained a
number of their Mende iaet Friday even.
Mg and tlioee Who were there say they had
a right royal good time and arrived home
bright aid early in the morning after
epending the night in varfone games, 10.
elrntneutat and vocal music and a good
View of the fireworks.
M3Tartlotei0L,-Wednesday evening of
last week Rev. D. B. MoRae, of Oran.
brook, tied the hymeneal knot between
Alexander McNabb, a wellknown young
maa of the 14th eon and Mies Cetharine
MoTaggart, de tighter of the late Donald
MoTaggart, 14th eon. Ceremony was
performed at the home of the bride's
brother, Geo, McTaggart. The happy
(ample were the reoipiente of Many
minable, useful and well eeieoted
preeente, aoeompaniod by many good
within for a bright and happy wedded
life. 'They will reside on the 14tlr000,
Tun POST voi0e8 the good will of 0. large
eirole of relatives and Mende in wishing
them great prosperity.
BARN 1'1DRN00.-Last Saturday evening
two gong eons of Thome MnDoneld,
2nd Gen., went to the barn to hunt egga,
To enable them to gee what they were
doing the tooliob lade set fire to the area;
end in 'short order the barn woein flames
and Was destroyed, tee Well ae the straw
shed, Several pigs were bopped and
other property, a large pile of (umber
being in the het, Mr, 1vloDouald will
Motive $1,8111 Out of a 1080 of over $2,000,
from the Blare Inetirenoe 00, The
children had a close call, Me. end Mrs,
MnDonald were absent at Listowel when
the tiro (matured and only beard of it
when 1 milee !rum hurne, They were
badly trightoned.
:48 001,1-0 14.
J. and "Mre. Sharp viaited (deride Bt
Court of Revision and Coattail meeting
wag held on Monday.
Mise Clara MaQuarrle, of the 4th eon.
of Grey, was visiting Miee Lily Sharp,
6111 line.
The new ;bad is about completed at
the Sunshine ohurob. It is a tip top
building on eminent foundation,
Roy. A. Kellam, of Pelee Leland, was a
visitor at Thee. Bielby'e for a taw day's.
He i8 a relative and a good fellow.
Jae. Kernagitan, 6ch line, hoe been and
is yet nursing a very sore hand mated
by a felon. We hope he will soon be able
to resume work ae usual.
Thursday of last week Jno, Clegg nod
James Oloakey left for a trip to the
Paoifio Coast. They will visit at various
pointe along the route and will be away
a mouth or six weeks,
S. S. No. 4 will hold a pio•nio in R.
Niuboll'a grove on Friday, June 12th.
A -football match between teame from
Grey and Morrie ie on the program, also
Mute hall, fanny flag drill, &o. A good
time is promised for everybody,
MannIED.-On Thursday, June 4th,
Sanders Sharp, a former reeident of the
6th line, Wed united in marriage at
Toledo, Obio, whore be has a good
position, to Miee Nettie Goddard, of
Jaokeon, Mich. We wish them many
happy, proeperoue yeare,
A garden putty will be held on the
lawn of Wm. Cleric, Township Clerk, 8th
line, under the auspices of the Sabbath
School and choir of Jaokson's thumb, on
Tuesday evening of next week. A good
program will be arranged in which
Breesele Brass Band will figure. Good
time promised to all who attend.
A. K. McAllister, of Sault Ste. Marie,
wee here daring the pan week renewing
old friendships. Hie father•in•law, 1Ylr,
Hislop, returned with him for a visit.
Mao. has a hoot of friends through thio
section wbo are only tantalized by hie
tonob•and•go visite. He is well pleased
with the prospeote at the Ontario
Pm Nm -The pia-nio under the r uapie.
es of U.S. S. No. 12, Hallett and Morrie,
on Friday, 28th ult., was a decided
success. The day WRg a delightful one
and the attendance waft very large. The
program and refreehmenta were given in
R. J. Brown's bush and the athletic
games took plaae in Henry Young's field
opposite. Wm. Mills, of Hallett, preeid•
ed as chairman in an able manner. The
program consisted of the chairman's ad-
dreee, and addreeeee by Rev. J. Edmonds
and Rev. John Holmes, of Blyth, and
Rev, 0. 0, Keine, of Whiteohnrab.
Songs were sang by N. B. Gerry, of
Blyth, and the Blyth quartette. Some
excellent instrumental mania was furnish•
ed by the Misses Mille, of Hallett. A
base ball match was played between
eidoe chosen by Wen. Etnigh and N. B,
Gerry, of Blyth. TheEmighites won by
a more of 8 to 7. There was a well
contested football match between the
Blyth school team and the Bettoo'e
school team. The latter won by a more
of 1 to 0. There was great excitement
over ,e tug.ot-war between sides chosen by
Henry Young and Reeve Berrie, of
Hullett. After pulling steady for five
minutes, victory went to the side oaptain•
eel by Mr. Young. The refreebmente
served were moat excellent and bore out
the high reputation attained long ago by
the ladies at U. S. S. No. 12, for being
good Cooke.
The following is the May report of
the Contintiattoo Classes and Publics
Sohool Classes of Brussels Sohool
ROOMS 1 & 2,
Fonar IL -Examined in Eno., Alg.,
Comp,, Ar„ Pr. and Chem. ; total 500 :-
L MoArter ....877 A Smith 259
13 Henderson ..370 D MoDonald 258
E McKinnon ..341 J Riohardeon .,288
G Rose 328 M McCarter ..207
F Abbey 826 B Mohair ....206
8 McNair 817 B Hingeton ,,..181
0 MoOraoken 213 R Brown 174
E Wilton 801 le Raynard ....143
R Forest ,,,,290 L Riobardsou „140
H Ainley 285 013 Beattie . , „ 67
L Dickson 282
0Pugh.,.,.292 4 Omits Latin and
M McRae 269 French.
Fonar I.-Esamined iu Ax,, Comp.,
Late Euo. , total 600 :-
13 Roes 476 3 Mooney 274
A Rosa .. ..448w Far uhareo n268
R Deadman .487 *M Dark 267
1 Davidson, -487 R Ainlay 274
R Bryant] 879 A Scott 286
J MoOraoken ..875 83 Straohan..,205
L Turnbull ....872 *M Taylor ., 203
F Thomson,. -842 L Danford 188
A MoQuarrie ..882 1•8. Elliott 62
E Dennie 808 f Omits Latin and
3 Armstrong .M3 803 Euclid.
ARiohardson „978 * Omits. Latin.
The report of Form III will be pub -
halted o the oom letioa of Test
I n p Exams.
Miss 0. E• Scott,
J. H. Cameron, Prinoipal,
nom B.
BNTnlgon.--Examined in Cau. Hist„
Lite Gram,, Phy. and Geo. ; total 500 :-
13 Oober 486 M Bnneton .,.,822
E Oameron ...,400 R Sinclair „.817
R Browitt 869 R Dawe ......270
L Edwards ,85.1 M Amens 281
H Richerde,...850 J Thomson 212
JR, IV. --Examined in Oen. Met., Lit.,
Gram„ Phy. and Geo, ; total 500 :-
E Aflame 428 W MaQuetrie .,231
J Doll 888 J Wilton 189
0 Rosa .,.865 L Siuolaie •.,164
iI BeoOLere ,,..885 A Bowman .,1.41
G Bwan 814 W Williamson, .186
T Zimmef 818 H Avery 00
J Bloom$ald ..258 L Loatherdalo., 64
E Colvin .,,...245
8n, III, -Examined fn Arith„ Spell.,
Grain., Hist, and »racing ; total 460 1--
W Turubull...,460 L McCracken ..882
F MaRenfe. , "440 V McKenzie, , ..860
M Miller 816 A MoMillan,...849
W Straohan,,,416 0 Holmes 842
L MoArter , , ..406 S Lindsay., ., „MT
V Wilbee 397 J Moore 286
P Leatberdale.,896 Ar Jackson ....242
0 Scott 386 J Ritchie 82
A Thomeoa ....878
Miee K. Wilson, Teaoher,
mom 4,
SENIOR THIRD CLASS. --•Examined in
Aritb., Gram,, Spell., Hist, and Draw. ;
total 460 :-
K Deadman....413 K Harbottle818
M Brothere...,400 E Amens 294
G Armstrong ..891 N Brown 271
0 Bell 375 3 Bowman ....238
R Ounningbam868 0 Gerry 184
P Beaker ......857 F Campbell . , 70
W Henderson -840 S Campbell 50
J Ouoniogham•,888
JuNmu Tann Ooaee•-Examined in
Gram., Aribb., Spell., Lit. and Writ.;
total 450
3 Leckie ......412 A Bishop 808
H Moore 410 E flood ,.,.....308
W Wilton 882 E Ewan 800
F Scott 288
E Oolvin 269
E Currie 268
S Walker 268
S Amens 262
J Lott 269
O Denbow -,251
J Wilbee 288
0 Simmons.. ,875
W Scott 365
M Birt 364
E Speiran 895
T Armstrong •855
T ()ober 826
F Maiuprize322
J Wilton 305
E Wilton 304
Mies Dora Smith, Teaoher.
Roost 6.
Se. SECOND CLAM -Examined in Arith•,
Spell., Geo,, Mem, and Comp, ; total 500 ;
F Scott 479 B Ourrie 377
0 MoMillan....458 V Walker 374
M Jonee 450 I Barkley 374
W Bell 448 W McCracken -869
A Ross ,.436 F Gerry 826
W Alamo 426 E Wilbee 316
N Ewan 421 Z Lindsay ....295
0 Ament 410 A Robb 270
B Leckie 886 K Ament 260
DeW Ooeene ..384 S Agar 249
J Henderson ..879 0 Jackson 242
E Cobor 377 W McKay 170
JR. 5000ND CLASS. -
E Deadmen....422
J Armstrong ..419
E Gilpin 418
0 Leckie 417
V Ainley 402
E Ransom 396
E Plum 895
M Thomeoa., 894
S Fox 885
B Walker
M Walker
S Gerry
W Miller • • ....877
5 Speiran $30
H Mooney 821
Miss M. T. Downey, Teaoher.
Cease V. -Total 300 :-
G Coueley 299 I Straohan ....222
H Armstrong 284 P Dark..•..... 220
B Warwick 277 F Robb 218
W Kerr........ 276 W MoLachlin197
K Wilton 271 M Thompson ..195
H Ament 253 E Lamont 177
G Kerr 249 M Edwards .... 96
E Cooper 285
Geese IV. -Total 300 ;-
E Barkley 239 J Jaokeon...,..206
H Bargees .:286 H Lowry 184
H Lowry 282 L Bowman ....172'
R Fox 208 G Jamieson..,. 40
0 Shaw 207
CLASS IH. -Excellent -N Fox, t A
Moore, H Simmons, V Rose, A Wilton,
5 Brothers, 0 Crooke, 0 Doll. Good -
W Lott,%T Snider, 0 Orono. Fair-
E Holmes.
Cuss II.-Exoellent-T Deadman, P
Thuell, G Walker, L Lowry, M Bishop.
Good -V MoOraoken, R MoKay,
Becker, I MoLaoblan. Fair -0 Carter.
Cess I.-Exoellent-L Ballantyne, 5
Moore, E Toole, G Colvin, W Harris, J
HRbkirk, 8 Turnbnll, A Lookridge. Good
-B Cooper, R Barkley, E Oooper, I
Denbow, 0 ()ober, 13 Wilbee, H Walker.
Fair -A MaLaohlan. H Bunebon, 8
Sample, L Holmes.
Miee Jean Ritchie, Teaoher.
J Burgess 816
S Cooper 312
W Long 312
H Good 297
W Sperling 292
B Harris 291
L Lamont 290
R Heide 277
M Bargees 268
G Wilbee 26'r
W Long 265
W Ainlay 259
R McCracken 219
J McNichol 189
H Oampbell,171
London Conference Stations.
First Methodist (hutch, George J.
Bishop ; Samuel Salton, who eball have
charge of the Kensington and Richmond
street Missions; Dundee Street Centre,
Merles T.Sh Coulter cott and Joseph ,
Wellington Street, Riobard H. Hamilton
8 s
and Alfred . Budd • Colborne Street,
Alex K. Birks ; Centennial, A. II. Going;
Hamilton Road, S. James Allis ; Aekiu
Street, Wm. G. Howeon ; Emprego
Avenue, Thome' E. Bardeen ; London
Gore, to be supplied under the superin-
tendent of Hamilton Road ; 81. Jobue,
Wm. J. Waddell ; Siloam, Hugh J. Fair ;
Bryaneton, S. Kuott ; Thorndale, George
Baker and W. H. Hiles ; Tbameeford, J,
B. Freeman ; Dorchester, Jno. Veale and
M. Madden; Belmont, H, D. Moyer;
Lambeth, A, G. Barrie ; Westminster, R,
Fulton Irwin and J. A. Agnew ;Delaware,
Jno. Mahan.
0. T. Soots, Chairman ; S, 3. Allin,
Stratford - Oeotral, A. Langford ;
Waterloo Street, G. Jaokeon ; St, Marys,
Tboe, Manning ; Nibble!!, Charles W.
Brown ; Lietowel, Joseph H, Oliver;
Milverton, Robert H. Barnby1 Trow,
bridge, A• 0. Tiffin ; Wallnae, Leonard
Bartlett ; Atwood, William Penhall ;
Monkton, Henry E. Carry ; 8titffa, John
Henderson ; Fullerton, John A.Iforgnoon
and N. Macdonald ; Harmony, George
1i. Johnoon ; Embro, J, E. 3. Millyard ;
Wellborn, Humphrey A. Graham ;
bore, Rufus L. 'Wheals.
Dr. Langford, Chairman; T. Manning,
Fin. See.
0SN039000 DIBTRI00.
Wingham, J R Grandy ; Kincardine,
Joeoph Philp ; Luokuow, RMillyard ;
W. H. KERR, Prop,
Brasoele, T Wrigley Ooeene ; Teeswater,
George J Kerr ; Ethel, Cbxrloe P Wella ;
Fordwioh, David Rogers ; Gerrie heeler.
Holme(; Wroxeter, Irving A McKelvey ;
Bfuevafe, Frannie Swann ; Aehtield, W
A Smith'. Salem, Jae Welker •; Bethel,
Simon, V R Pentland •, Ripley, Rollers I
Hooking; Bervie, William R Vaunt• ;
Tiverton, Edwin W Edwards ; White.
church, Christopher 0 Baine ; Belgrave,
A E Jones,
D Rogers, Chairman ; G J. Kerr, Ph, .•
copER10n OIST0I00..
Goderiob-North Street, Geo Daniel ;
Viotoria Street, W H Graham ; ()Unto.'
-Wesley Church, Henry M Maunin, ;
Ontario Street, Joseph Cook ; Seafortb,
I Barker Wallwin ; Hoimeeviile, Jam d
Hoarier ; Blyth, John Holmes,; Dungan•
non, J W Robinson ; Nile, Martin ,J
Wilson; Benmiller, J G Yelland; Auburn,
Thos B Ooupland ; Walton, A Andrews ;
Londeeboro', John Kennedy ; Poker.
mill, to be supplied ; Bayfield, J rL
Snell ; Varna, Robert A Miller.
T R McNair is allowed to engage iia
evangelietio work, with Goderiob' ae isle
add reee,
Dr Daniel, Chairman ; I B Wallwin,
Exeter -Main Street, William Godwin;
James Street, Jamee Haonou ; Parkhill,
Walter Rigsby ; Elimville, Wlllinm H
Cooper and 0 Baker Oentrelia, Benjam-
in L Hatton ; Hensel!, Emmanuel Medd
Sippers, E Sbaw ; Orediton, Richard
W Knowles ; Grand Bend, Alexander
Thibadeao; Sylvan, John W Andrews;
Ailea Oraig, A MoKbbbin ; Birr, Tbomao ,
0. Sanderson ; Luoen, Jhn A. Ayearet ;
Granton, James E. Holme( ; Woodbam,
John Hart ; Klrkton, Selbourne A, Ander-
Dr Hannon, Chairman ; W Godwin,
Fin• See.
Strathroy, R °herd Hobbs ; Petrolea,
James Livingston ; Adelaide, T E Saw
ger ; Kerwood, L W Reid ; Watford,,
Joseph Galloway ; Warwick, H W Mo•
Tavien ; Arkona, T JSnowden ; Brook, P
Myers • Appin, Richard Redenocd.;•
Mount lrydgee, J 5 Maher ; Melbourne,
F J Oaten ; Wanstead, to be supplied ;
Oil Ctty, Peter W Jnuee ; Marthaville, H
D Tyler.
R Hobbs, Chairman ; J Galloway, Fin.'
Sarnia -Central, David N Mo0umne ;,
Devine Street, George 14 Hazen ; Point
Edward, T A Steadman ; Wyoming, G
CV Andrews ; Oamlaohie, A 1 Brown ;
Brigden, B Snell ; Alvineton, Samuel W
Mazworthy ; Oil Springs, A H.Brown ;.
Thedford, J W Pring ; Forest, 3 Breed ;
Boeangoeb, 0 P Logan ; Stoney and
Kettle Pointe, to be supplied by Bosanquet
minister ; Comma, Robert 0 Barton ;
Wilkesport, A Barker ; Port Lambtoo,
G W W Rivers ; St flair, I B Aylee.
J E Ford, Chairman I G W Andrew(,
Windsor, Alfred Brown ; Windsor
West, W H Harris ; Waikerville, John H
Kirkland ; Amherstburg, Ezra A Fear
Harrow, G H Long ; Eeeex, W J Ford 1
Kingsville, Benjamin Clement; Ruthven,
John G FailleGeste, to be supplied •
()ottani, 3 Calvin Reid ; Woodelee, S L
Toll; Maidstone, W Patterson; Leam-
ington, H W Looke •, booth Merges,- E
Olivant; •
Goldsmith, John Ball ; Comber,
W H Butt 1 Romney, W E Minion ;
Pelee 'eland, A R Kellam.
W J Ford, Chairmen 1 E A Fear, Fin. -
Chatham -Park Street, G H Cobble..
dick ; Viotoria Avenue, F E Mallott ;
Charing Oroee, R Thomson ; Blenbeim,
Wesley E Kerr (Secretary of 000100enao))
Oedar Springs, W H Shaw ; Merlin, A E
Thompson end 0 W McKenzie ; Tilbury
()enter, H J Uren ; Jeannette's Creek, R
J MoOormiok ; Louisville, J 3 Noble
Northwood, 0 W Down ; Dover, 0 F
Olark ; Dresden, Stephen Bond ; Dawn
Mills, W H Taylor • Waliaoebarg, R J
Garbubt ; Tupperville, E F Armstrong I
Rutherford, J H Osterbout ; Walpole
Island, A S Edwards. Juo F Knight,
S Bond, Chairman ; R J Garbutt,
Fin, -Seo.
Bridgetown, Jasper Wilson, President of
Conterenoe ; Morpeth, 3 Fiebaber Sot.
(lithe ; Guilds, Charles W Bristol and W
B Oreighloo, on editorial etaff of Christian
Guardian, by consent of aonfereooe ;
Alfred Russell • Harwich,
Herbert Kellie ton ; Thameevitle,iT
W Bi otohfard, Bothwll, J J Sinai=
Moraviautown, G H Thompson ; Wards.
vine, W 111 Pomeroy ; Newbury, Joseph
W Hibbert ; Floronee, W MoMallen ;
Glenooe, John W Baird ; Rodney Wm H
Shaw ; West Lorne, Wm 3 Ashton ; Dub.
ton, Geo Jewitt ; Sunnyside, One to be
Jasper Wileon, Chairmen ; T W Blotch.
ford, Fin -Sen.
50. Therese, First Methodiat Obarob.
William R Young ; Grace Church, 'lb, A
Gifford, Central Oharoh, W Kettlewell ;
Hugh T Crowley and John 5 Hunter, en.
gaged in epeoial evangelistic work, with
the sanction of the oonferenoe ; Aima
College, St Tliomee, Robert l Warner,
prinoipal ; Mount Elgin Inatftnte, T T
George, prinoipal ; Mount Elgin, To be
supplied, under the euperintendenee of
the principal of Mount 131giu Inetitute ;
Aylmer, W George Hb1oAllieter; Spring-
field, John Morr(0on , Lyons, 5 0
Edmnnde 1 Brownsville, Daniel E Martin ;
Corinth, Alfred E Lloyd; Avon, George
Reggio ; Vienna, WM Baugh ; 8ingleke,
Alex; W Dever; Malehide, A M Meath,
lough ; Sparta, S W MoVettie ; Spafford•
ville, J 30001110 Haylools , Port Stanley, E
G Powell ; Fingal, A J •Langford Talbot.
Ville, Oharlee 0 0001ene ; Shedden 3 0
Nethoreott '. Mummy, MPiokard : Oneida,
Charles W Veliok.
W 1110 Young, Obairman ; W G 18 Mo•
Allister, Lin Soo,