HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-6-4, Page 8ereellreereee.. res. -Pre
With the coming of Summer and 'Warm Weather many
people suffer intensely from tired feet. For this unpleas-
ant trouble we have
All of which are prompt and effective remedies for aching,
sore, tired, tender, sweating, swollen feet.
900THERIt EXTENSION W. 0. 010 B,
Praine leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows;
GOING 0017TH Goma Rouen.
7:38 a,m I Mixed. 10;00 am
D3ised1000 a.m Mail ............1:17 p.m
Uprose BJOp.m Expreee ...... 8:17 p.m
ro.ca1 Retro i #.erns,
A. chiefs amang ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
TARE a look at the address label on THE
Po T.
A 0 II. W. will meet Friday evening
of this week.
SCHOOL Board will meet on Friday
evening of next weak.
Lime froete on a couple of eights bot
not mach damage does.
WEDNESDAY evening ie the date of the
Spinsters' Convention in the Town Hall.
Ten residence of Robt. AtoNaughton,
John street, bas been given a new dress
of paint.
THE residence of Chas, Ritchie has been
receiving a new Spring dress of paint
improving its appearance.
000NmLLon BARRER has pnrohasea a
fine Kaplan colt from Hielop Bros., 15011
con., Gray, that is a likely looking young.
ober. He paid $115.
JNo. LPCKIE has had the excavating
done for the cellar of the proposed house
he intends building on his lot corner of
Queen and Princess streets.
ALL the coarse atones should be raked
off the streets as they add to the Motions.
fort of people driving or wheeling and
soon destroy a lo+d by working it into
small ruts.
A load of Brussels young men drove
over to Seaforth last Friday evening to
witness the Berger league football mato*
between Galt and Seaforth. The former
won by 4 to 2.
IT is once more reported that the
appoiabmente of Registrar and Crowe
Attorney in the Co, of Heron will shortly
be made and the names of M, Y. McLean,
Seaforth, and Ohms. Seager, of Goderioh,
are mentioned ae the probable appointees.
LeseFriday evening three loads or Dr.
Graham's household effects, were brought
from Clinton and stored in the doctor's
trick block in town. Dr. and Mre. Gra.
ham will epend a portion of the Summer
in the Northwest and will go to the
Peeifio Coapt.
Tun Bret of the season's weekly Band
nut deoroonoerte will begiven on Thareday
evening of this week and will be continued
daring the Summer months. They will
1.0 doubt prove popular a9 a brass bend
is always attraotive, if they supply Rood
mu-io. We expeot the K. 0. T, M. Band
will fill the bill.
Poor BaoL.—Thareday evening of tbie
week the Intermediate Foot Ball League
match will be played on Victoria Park,
Bruesele, between Listowel and else home
team, If Bruesele can win the game it
will give them first place in this Dlatriot
ae they have already defeated Listowel
once. It should prove an interesting
onutest and well worth witnessing. Game
called at 6 o'clock.
Blue ars 0u0000 unclog the annual
Farmers' Exoureiou to the Itiodel Farm,
Guelph, one of the most popular resorts
in the Province. The date is Friday,
June 26th. Rates are the nam0 as lest
year and tickets are good for two days.
No doubt a big orowd will attend ae the
outing may not only be pleasant bot very
pro$teble in the receiving of praatioal
hints of muoh value. Mark the date
Smuttier, horse ealee have been on the
program in towb. Geo, Tbomeoo die
pored Ma fine Coetem r yearling colt to
Tboe. McLauoblin for $125 and the latter
sold "Carrie A," the speedy 4 year old,
recently partitioned from Philip Ament,
to Mears. Scott & Warwick for 6350. A
full sister to "Jessie MoLaaoblin", a three
year old, was also bought by Messrs,
Scott & Warwick from Mr. MoLaoohlin
at $226.
SENT UP ron TRIAL — Tuesday morning,
26th alt., early, Chae. Agar, who ben
been officiating ae hostler at the Queen's
Hotel, Brnesels, tock French leave, tak-
ing a valise and an alarm olook with him
J. Qaerrin laid information before W. H.
B:err, J. P., on Saturday, A warrant
was issued and Countable Soott went to
Luoknow, where the foolieh yoong man
was Iodated, working with an Uncle
Tom's Oaken Show Co., and attested him.
In hie appearanoe before the Magistrate
Agar plead guilty and gave as a reason
Pot the pot that he was on a spree. Be
was oommitted to stand his trial and was
takeeto Goderioh by Constable Long.
The valise was brought bank from Look
now and Mr. Qoerrin given an order to
get the oloclt from the person it wen left
with in Winghnm. The eeoapade will
probably post the County $26. Agar was
brought before Judge Doyle on Tneeday
and plead guilty. doneidering this his
drsteffenoe, hie youth anti hie repentant
m,od the Judge allowed him hie liberty
on promise of Duels good ballet/lour,
baolted up by admonitory words by hie
Honor. The experience el'nuld prove of
benefit to More then biro.
STRAWBERRIES are on0e more on sale—
imp rind of course.
50 CENTS pays for THE Pose for the
balance of 1908, a full 7 mouths.
A new feooe has been put up in front
of Thos. Bone's reeidenee, Turnberry
Tan trains have carried a large quota
of Presbyterian and Methodist parsons
this week to the aunoal Assembly and
SINGLE fare rates are promised for the
celebration of July 12th at Blyth. A
epeoial train will run to accommodate the
people of the W. G. & B.
COURT Maitland No. 699, I. 0. F„ will
meet the 2nd and 4111 Mouday evenings
of the month in the 0. 0. F. Hall, Full
attendance requeeted. T. Coats, R. S.
WE are pleased to know that the linen
alai etandicg of the Metropolitan Bank is
not in the least degree effeoted by the
suspension of payment of the firm of A.
0. Amen aft Co.
UNIoN Farmers' Exonreion to the
Model Farm on this lioe of railway,
Starting at Kincardine, on Friday, 26th
inst. Tickets are good for 2 days there.
by affording a good outing at a small
RooawoY.—Monday of last week the
stage horses tau away in Seaforth and
broke the tongue of the wagon. The
team was frightened by the explosion of
fireoraokere while the driver was unload
ing expreee peroele. Seaforth should
have footed the expense for repairs.
R. Mentemze is considering the pro
priety of introducing a number of electric
motors to be operated in the day time
from his power house, by bueinees people
requiring them. Several have already
'expreeeed their willinguese to use this
modern system and we hope to Bee it
inangarated ere long.
tbie somewhat unique entertainment is
fixed for Wedneeday evening of next week.
10th inst., in the Town Hall, Bruseele,
There will be a mete of 20 obareotere and
the program will be both entertaining and
amusing. It will be held under the ane
pioee of the Angiioan Young People's
Society of St. John's Cherish.
G. T. R.—The following were the
ehipmenta from Brueeete station during
tbe poet week :-1 oar wheat and 2 pare
nate by Robb. Graham 1 oar wheat said
7 care hay for New York by A11. Beaker
3 oars salt by Bruseele Salt Works ; 1 oar
export cheese for Loudon, Olog., by the
Bra -vele Cheese Faotory ; 1 oar hogs by
A. 0. Domes ; 2 dare oRttle and 1 car hogs
by Geo. Beet, Inward :-2 oars British
Columbia shingles tor P. Anent; 4 Dare
ooal and 1 oar beading for Bait Works i
1 ear binder twine for A. M. McKay &
particarare are taken from Aeeeeeor
Conelev'o roll and with the oomparisons
for 1902 will be of interest to our readers
no doubt: -
1903 1902
Value of real prop....9288,085 $273,935
peram0al prop„ 87,025 34,500
Income 2,450 2,900
Value real and per9828,510 $311,385
Population 1210 1189
An increase of 21.
Doge 53 53
Oartle 89 104
Sheep 6 3
Hogs 88
Horses 180
Steam boilers. 13
No. birthe 12
No, deal he 7 11
No. between 5 & 21 yrs. 341 333
Tbe roll ie a picture of neatness, not a
blot or erasure to be Teen.
day afternoon of ibis week the annual
meeting of Eaet Huron Fermere' Inti•
tote was held in the Council Chamber,
Thos, MoMi Ian, President, io the chair.
Reports of a satisfactory oharaoter were
presented for the past year showing East
Huron Institute to be in a thriving eon.
dition. Election of office bearers for the
forthcoming year resulted as foliowe
Pres., Thou. MoMillan ;
Vide tree., Jas. Elliott ;
Seo. Treas., Geo. Hood ;
Bowiak—Robt, Edgar, Thee. Gibeon,
Jas. Armetroug ;
Wroxeter—Jno. Brethauri Wm, Knox,
T. A.. Gibson ;
Turnberry—Joo. W. Xing, Jae. Elliott,
Kitten ;
Morrie—Stewart Smillie, Wm, Michie,
Jae; Bolger ;
Bruesele—W. B. Herr, G. F. Blair,
Geo. Thompson ;
kloKillop—Jae. Simpson, Peter 0. Kerr,
Frank MoQueig ;
Hullett—Thos. McMillan, Wm, Brit.
ton, Jae. Watt ;
Grey—Jno. MoTaggart, Amoe Smitb,
Wm. Petrie.
A Seed Fair to bo held in Brunetti was
enggeeted to oo•operete with the Agrioul.
teras Fair. Meetings of the Institute for
the ooming Beason are purposed to be
held ae follows :—Regular meetings—
Gerrie and Brunets ; Bnpplementery
meetinge—Bleevaie, ordwioh, Moles.
wort*, Ethel, Walton, Harlook, Oonetanoe
Winthrop, Maoley'e Sohool house, Mar.
die's Sebool Roane and St, Colombia,
tie ei to
with ba nnbe from feet year
amounted to $605 57 ; ex enditnre, $2'19.•
41, leaving balance on band et 31st May,
1903, $17016.
''CAPITAL—Pelta till $1,000,000
ftk;Yhellrh. 91.000,000I►IrrrlurY
IOW,10 0 WARDEN, n, D., • t'TEetnTNT
e, 4. 00.unit; VIOat Pa000111NT
B A ry K 0 ,+, itAnel
General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes
Discounted. Sale Notes bought or hold for Collection.
IN TYPE SAVINGS SANK—Deposita of $1.00 and urwardo reoeived and
interest at the highest Bank rate allowed, from date of deposit to date
of withdrawal, ou the daily balauce,
t.. -parties holding importaub papere, notes, &e„ may deposit them lu
our bank vault for sate keeping—free of charge.
Prompt null careful Attention, Geed Terms.
G. F. BLAIR, Solicitor. A. E. MELLISH, Manager, BRUSSELS.
QUITE a quantity of wool is Oo0i0g to
Brae ere market. There are four boyere
so the highest possible price will be paid,
THE implem; ut wareronmo of Eli
Moore, Mill etreeb, have been oonsider.
ably improved by paint, glace and other
Tug Fourth Divroiou 00008 had a light
dooket this aim-', Division Court nee•
fulness appears to bave well nigh van.
iehnd in this year.
UItBRELLA lost between Ethel and Orau-
brook, via 811 eon. Finder will confer a
favor by leaving it at the manse, Oran.
brook, or at Tno POST
I. 0. RICOAana. ie Offering two houses
for sale on ',ebonies etreet, both ocnt•
Portable buildings. He will have no need
of them as he will be removing to hie
new reeidenoe when completed next Fali.
CONTBACTe POB GntvooL/NO.—Saturday
eveulug representatives of Grey and
Morrie Connoile will meet at the Queen's
Cobol at 6 o'elook, and let contracts for
gravelling on the road North and South
of Brunets. Some 6300 will bs expended.
the 0ffioere elected for the current term
in Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0.
F., Brussels :—Jae. Humphries, N. G. ;
D. Fulton, V. G. ; W, H. MoOreoken, R.
S. ; S. Wilton, F. S. ; and F. S. Scott,
Treas. ; Representatives to Grand Lodge,
J. G. Jonee and R. Henderson. Instal-
lation of officers and the additional ap-
pointments will be made in July.
hear to my heart is the steady sulteoribor,
who pays in advaitoe at the birth of the
year ; who lays down his money, and
doee it quite gladly, and oasts round the
office a halo of cheer. He never says,
'atop it, I cannot afford it,' nor 'I'm get-
ting more papere now than I oan reed,'
but always says, 'Send it, tbe family likes
tt ; in foot, we alt think it a real house.
hold need.' How Welcome he is when he
.0099 in the sanctum, how be makes our
hearts throb, bow he makes our hearts
dance. We outwardly tbauk him, we
inwardly bless him, the steady subeariber
who pays in advanoe."
John Long, local agent for the AloCor.
miok implement firm, had a delievery of
goods sold this season in binders, mowers
end rakes. There was one and a half Ger
loads and when the farmer's wagons were
loaded up a parade of the town was made.
The farmers were treated to their dinner
at the hotels. 0. 70. Pierce, general
agent, wee here assisting Mr. Long in hie
work. Tbie large shipment doee trot
represent Mr. Long's eaten by any means
as be delivered near of Noxot Ooe. drilla,
oultivetore and dieo harrowe, a short
time ago. This is one of tbe many
evidences of good times in the country
and we all hope this condition of affairs
may long continue.
RIFLE BHOoTING.—The first of a series
of matches io cot -mention with Brussels
Rifie Go., took place at the range, near
the Salt Works, on Saturday of last week,
Some good work was done and no doubt
the scoring will improve ae practice eon•
tinnee. The results of Saturday's shoot,
at 200, 500 and 600 yards were to follows :
W. M. Sinclair 86 points
Jae. Bowman 81
P. Hogg 79 e
3. T. Rose 77
D. 0. Rose 74 "
H. L. Jaokeon 64 "
G. F. Blair 50
Dr. MoNaoghton 54 "
J. Hewitt 50 e
Wm. Ainlay 81 „
The possible spore was 105. By the
above it will be Been that Me.•rr4. Sinolair
and Bowmen have made themaelvee ell.
gable for 2nd Claes certifioater, 80 pointe
having to be snored. There are yet four
matches before the competition. Next
Saturday will be the next shoot. J.
Leckie noted ae Range OMoer and Jae:
Ballantyne and Earl Becher ofiiaieted us
markers. 876 pointe in the four matobee
wig give a let Glass oertifioabe.
CONCERT.—The Cnnoert given by Wiles
E. Estelle GIifn and 00MB of
her vocal popile, assisted by Prof, Glen
Oampbetl, of Goderioh, and Mies Muncie
Goodwin, of Clinton, gave an opportunity
of lovers of good mneio to enjoy a treat.
Program was a8 follnwe :—Part I. Piano
solo, "Bootee" by Prof, Glen Campbell
duet, "Tell me, pretty Maiden" Miee Grif.
fin and Mr. Jones, encore, "Only Thee" ;
eelo, (a) "Since we Parted" (n) "Violate"
Mies Ellie Ryau ; solo, "Cent' ye by
Athol" Miee Mary McArthur ; reading,
"The shadow en the Blind" Miss Mande
Goodwin ; elle, "Bedouin Love Song" J.
Leelie Kerr, encore, "Heroes and Gentle.
men" ; solo, "Merrily I Roam" Miee Grit.
lin. Part II, Piano eolo, (a) "Andante"
(b) "Love Song" Prot. Campbell ; solo,
""he Flight of Agee" Mrs, J. Oliver ;
solo, "01 Dry Those Tears" Ileg.
Fletcher, encore, "For the King"; read
ing, "A. Man's Way" Mies Goodwin ;
eolo, "The Shoogy Shoo" (The See Sew),
Mies Oarrie'Kingston ; nolo, "A Dream"
Mies Griffio, encore, "The Rosary" A
Playlet in foureoenee,"Wanted—A Wife"
Tableau No, 1, "Miss flannels Weeks, of
Uncertain Age." No. 2, "The Widow of
the late Hon. James Strong." No. 8,
"Betty, the F►onsemaid.+" No. 4,
"Reenit," "God Save the King." Pto
gram wee well rendered and was no
di90redit to either teacher nor pnpile,
Prof, Campbell and Mise Goodwin filled
their part in first class style receiving
enooree for earth nembtr and will be
Weloome book to Brunette again. The
Bolos by Mine Griffin and her duet with
3. G. Jonee were well reoeived, Mrs,
Oliver and Mien Megaton reoeived en
mores but olid not reapoud. There wag
nota badly rendered selection 'n
d I the
' s
evr,nin etsrlainment (.inn ii r
0 e t e able
merrimenb was enyoyed over the tabloan.
ON Wednesday of this week Miss Mary
Friendship presented Tna POST with the
first bloom of the season from the sweet
pea plot.
Tan eemi•annnal meeting of the County
L, 0 Lodge of North Huron was held u1
the Orange Hall Wiagham, on Thureday,
June 4th.
Excun0iol to Oven Sound will be run
along thie tine Friday of next week. From
that town a steamer will convey the
eXourtioniete to Balmy Beach where the
day will be spent in this delightful spot.
Tiokete from Brussels, $1.35 for adults
and 70 manta for children and good to re-
turn ou any train the next day. A
special train will be run leaving Bruseele
at 7 40 a. m., and returning will leave
Owen Sound at 6 30 p. m, 'rhie exooreion
will afford a pleasant outing. See bills.
WHITING TBE PoeT from Forest last
week, 7. N. Gordon says :—' On May 25th
evening I went pickerel fishing about 7
o'clock and we succeeded in landing
about 50 by 11 p. m. They would aver-
age aboat 2* pounds. The lake wee a
little rough but jest about right for fish•
Ing and we had great sport. I could just
image A. Couelep'e and Dr MuNeugb.
ton's eyes bulging oat about 2 feet if they
had been there. We were tithing with
live minnows and it 3100 so dark yon
meld hardly see half the time whether
you had bait on or not.
WILL LIKELY SETTLE.—It 19 said the
somewhat oelebrated "Daly farm sale"
transactions are likely to be settled with
out expending more money in law. The
basie is the payment of 50% of &laime,
$119 being allowed out of tin, amount to
apply on law expenses already inonrred.
Some ten people wit share iu the propos
ed settlement ae contributors, A Mr.
Weldon, of the U. S., and Engineer Rne•
sell, of the Temieoaming railway, hold the
moat of the paper in this batob of scree.
ing off. No small amount of worry and
anooyanoe, to say nothing shoat expense,
will be averted by those interested com-
ing t0 terms.
towel Banner says in speaking of their
Victoria Day sports :—"The football
game in the morning was between the
Brevets end Lietowel Juniors, the result
being 2-0 in favor of Bruseele, The
vieftore played a good game and showed
to advantage in their combinations, a
Point in which Listowel was lacking."
Luoknow Sentinel in commenting on the
Baseball match between Brussels and
Goderioh, played in Luoknow on May
2511, remarks ;—"In the afternoon the
sports were held in the Agriooliural Park,
and the program included a base ball
game between Goderioh and Brunets, and
e laoroeee match between Hanover and
Luoknow teams, The ball game wan
the first on the het, and shortly after two
o'olock play Was started, with Ted. Col.
lice, of this village, ale umpire, a petition
he vary eatief:totorily filled, Both teems
are good hall pleyere, and though the
eoore of 9 to 8 may look au easy viotury
for Brussels, the game was well untested
end interesting throughout, and greatly
enjoyed by all• The Goderioh boys seem•
ed to be in hard luck, for at many times
an opportune hit would have brought
home several rune, but the "box artist"
who dieted up the curves and shoots for
Brunets, did not allow anything like that
to bappen and it was not tfil the ninth
inniuge did the Goderion club succeed in
scoring it 000. The Goderioh potter
was also very effective and "struck
out" even more men than his appouent.
It was a gentlemanly game throughout
and both clubs will be given a hearty
welotme by oar citizens 00 any future
I. 0. F. Am HoME.—Thureday evening
of Inst week a large gathering assembled
in the Town RalI in response to the
levitation of Conn Maitland, Indepeud•
ant Order of Foreetere, Tbe Hall Wee
neatly decorated with flags, portraits, &o.
Malcolm Blaok, 0. R , presided and
welcomed the guests in behalf of the
Court. A lengthy and interesting muei-
nal program wee presented in 31hioh were
int0repereed short, practical addresses
on some phase of Forestry by Grand
Organizer Buchanan, Chief Ranger
itterryliild, High Treasurer, Arai) Deacon
Davis, of London, and High Auditor, R,
D. Cameron, of Luoknow. Bpeeohee
were not prosy by any memle and were
oalouleted to attract m'mbere to thr
Order. Program was as follows ;—L1-
etrumentat, violin, trombone end piano,
by H. L. Jackson, W. A. Grewar and
Mien Jean MoLanoblin ; duet, Mise
Spence and C. Davies, of Ethel ; address,
by Mr. Boolianen I solo, Miee Vinic Oar.
diff ; solo, James ;roues ; address, by High
Chief Ranger Merryfield ; duet, Mieeee
Habltirlt and Bennett ; Bolo, F. II. Gil.
toy ; Trombone eolo, W. A, Gretvar ; ad.
dress, Arab DeeaOR Davie, High Treas.
over ; solo, AIeX, Lamont; Bolo, H. W.
Aviaon ; address, by High Auditor
Cameron ; nolo, Miee eleggie Taylor ;
Bolo, D. Stewart ; instrumental, H. L
Jaoioeoi aid Mies MaLeuotilin, The
a0oornpaeieiu were Misrule MoLauelilin,
Davies and Marmon, After the musionl
and literary hill of fere was oompleted a
testy lunch tion•iotieg of eandwiehee,
oalfe, tee, coffee and fruits 31as served, A
vote. of thank,, wen paeood to OOPS Wbo
took part in the program The elaere
and members of Court Maitland were the
reeepient of many complimentary ivorde
over the su00eao of rho At Home, Draw.
ing ou towards midnight a goodly portion
of the assemblage departed for their
reepeetive bomeg while othat' romalued
to 'trip the light fautaetio or engage in
000ia1 game9 provided for the ocaaeioe,
High Chief Ranger Marryfeld advised
the ladies 00 form a
Oom anion
Wirt in
Brasscle. He elated that there warm
already 15,000 members in that depart.
Ment of the Order.
Julie 4 1£108
Standard Bank of Canada
,uL's.e,.Trx,xaTat= 1337A
01 one dollar turd npwarile
reaelv011 auu tot• rent allow •
ed in Savings Bank at
highest rate from date of
deposit to withdrawal,
Int 011est
Daily Balance
Made, Nettie Nailed,
end every acaomatode
Mon afforded the tee.
poneible borrower,
FARMERS' SALE NOVO - Cathed, Coileeted ; or may be lett for sato-lroepiug only
for whloh no (Margo le outdo.
This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business.
►'Every oonyenlenoe afforded onetotnere living at a distance,
Workmen have been busy this week
placing the new plate glees fronts ie the
blooke of Mre. Ftetober and R. Leather.
dale. The improvements are very not.
We notioe the names of Mise Lizzie
Semple, Miee Nina Blaehill, and Mr,.
(Rev) S. J. Alli,, and Mise Fantle, for-
mer residents of Brussels, as participants
in an entertainment in London entitled
"The Temple of Fame."
IN the Junior Onp competition Lieto•
wel played the laet game in this dietriot
tact Tneeday evening. Winghnm won
by 8 to 0. Following is the table :—
Brunets, .won 4 loot 0 to play 0
Winghnm„ " 2 " 2 0
Listowel.. " 0 " 4 " 0
A resent cyclone in Kanas destroyed
the house and bare on the farm of David
Dobson, a former well known resident of
Bruseele. He has not been living on the
farm recently but made hie home in Sol.
omon. Mr. Dobson's meoy old trienda
will be sorry to Neer of his Ione and
would advise him to move bath here,
BEND ConoERT.—The B; CAMS Macoa.
Lee Band will give their first open air
9000800 tonight on Victoria Park.
Among their seleotiona the two following
pieces will be given :—Serenade, "The
Troubadour" by L P. Laurendezu ; and
e characteristic piece, "A Day in tate
Cottonfield," arr. by Carl Bonn, the ay
nopeie of which is '—Darkive on their
way to the oottonfield on the "Mieeieaippi
River ;" Darkies singing at their work;
eteamhmrt whistle ; Darkiee dance with
delight as boat approaches ; song on boa',
"My old Kentucky home ;" Darkiee re•
some dancing as boat perigee away ;Home-
ward boned ; Derkiee disappear in the
ri lanae. The Band le ander the leader.
ship of Jae. Jonee,
TEE profit and toes statement of the
Standard Bank shows handsome results
of the pact year's business. A sum of
$75,000 has been tranelerred to the re.
serve fund out of the profits of the year,
and the amonut carried forward is nearly
double the balaeoe on May 30, 1902 The
statement se furniehod by the bank is as
follows :—
Balance brought forward Frani
May 81,1002 10 7,013 31
Profits for year outline May 30,
1003, after deducting expenses,
interest accrued on deposits
and making ',revision for bad
and doubtful debts 181,803 48
5189,600 79
Dividend No, 04, pail December
1, 1902 $ 60,000 00
Dividend No. 55, payable let
June, 1903 00,000 00
Transferred to reserve Fan.l 76,000 00
Balance carried forward 14,000 71
$ 189,000 79
Business Locals.
ToorATOE plants and green onions for
Bale at M9Oraoken'e.
Worm waned ; eggs 140 ; potatoes 75a.
Seed oorn for sale.
Gno, E. KING, Winghnm.
Fon BALE —Four Show canoe (2 uprights
and 2 Bette) 3 tab es and a mangle,
Biomes for Flenry plowe may be
found et Defk'e lively bern. Saws filed
and pot in good shape. BUGS Wiewaste,
PLE088 PLOWS —Farmers wishing to
boy the beat plow made should oall on
John Long, agent. I will also keep
pointe at Alf. Baeker'e afflict.
ANY one needing lawn mowers and
eoleeore sharpened and made to work
easy can have tame done at T. MoGieg
or'e naw and tool shop. All first aloes
wont done here on 111111 street, Brussels.
READY Pan BuonogeS —If you want tiny.
thing in the shape of an A 1 buggy or a
good lumber wagon you are asked to call
at The Cober Carriage Factory, Brnutele,
where you will find•a splendid new aback
to choose from and at correct prices. A
look through our show room will not
dost you anything and may save yon
Some money,
ms s. :tr, s Me, Itt e .
Pall 1`, boat
Bluff, r
Oa In
11:0 ,', lobs and rolls ..
Flggu u.0 dodnn
Flour per cwt.
Coto !,nes (per bee.)
Apples (per bag) ,,,..,
Kay ;,er ton
Sall 1:01' Lbl., retail
Hoge, hive
Hides trimmed 0
Bides tough ,. 5
Lamb A1r1110 cac11 25
cheep Skint,oaoi:25
68 70
6 00
1 00
5 50
5 00
7 00
5 75
PEI4N1042103,—Io Grey, on May 81, to
Air, and Mrs. Welter Pennington, e
Reuses —Iu Morris, on May 27, to Mr.
and Mre. David Rameay, a daughter,
LuaAe.—In Belmore, on May 14, to Mr,
and Mre, le. Lucas, a daughter.
Seease,—In Grey, on May 27, to Mt, and
Mre, Louis Stelae, a daughter.
1tI,taDONALn-1-11eroe.—At the residence
of Andt'+w lI1el0Grey,brother
the brids
ian"WednoBdnY June 8 hy
Roe% Me. rti +u' :ri
lbinoDonald,of Morrie, to Miss Annie
Hislop, of Grey,
c101Bran --In Grey, on May 30, Mary Heyes,
relict of the late ,lamee Bird in her
79th year.
COMFORTABLE house for eels or to rent,
M111 etreet, West, Apply to
Houde and lot for sale or to rant.
Medium sized, hraeie and good garden, on
John street, Brussels, Apply at 110E PosT,
Faun Heifers 2 years old and 1 dry
cow, all gond quality, for Bale. Apply to
JAM, 51181tP, Lot 23, 6111 Line, Moir's, or
Brussels, P.O. 1*
sna'1•n fibni)
Apply ediBpdatelyt, 01ools.0%8E,xcelleut
stand, Imm
Blyth, Ont.
V good lot for sale on Queen street,
le001.0010. For further particulars apply to
MARY CAMPBELL, Brussels P. 0. 3811
ABLE dwelling houses on the moat
neutral street in B mussels, eonvenienly fitted
up, having both hard and soft water and
duo nerd of land nomppoeed of tour lots,
planted with different laude of small fruits,
also apples, plume, pears, grapes, 80. Will
be :Fold on 1ea0auable terms and either
separately or together. Apply to
I. 0. 1010HA'RDS, Bruesele.
The Council of McKillop will take tenders
for two Muuioipel Diatoa to be opened on
June 8001at Beechwood, at 1 o'elook. after-
noon. Tim estimated work on drains in
51588 and $770, If tenders aro too bleb over
estimate, Council reserve right not to ao.
o apt, otherwise lowest tender will be taken
if eeouraty oat/ be furnished ; 325.00 to no -
company 1004980 Math security is given.
Plana and epecrfioatioue to be seen stray
otnno. JNO. 0. 0101011ISON
47-3 Olerk.
We Have
The reel, oomfort and relaxation
you get out of a Hammock is
always worth many times its poet,
Mannfaoturare heap improving on
the aonetruobion trope year to year
and we think the (1031 line we are
now showing will provide turn
more oomfort than the styles of
previous yeaoe. We have a nice
line ranging in prioe from 75e to
$8 00
Drug Store.
for sale. Eligiule for registration.
.Por price, terms and ; other-partieulare, ap-
ply to J. D. MONAIS, Lot 22, Con, 18, Grey,
or Oraubrook P, 0. 60.01
BDLL FOR SALE.—Plliglble for reels.
tra0ion. For price, terms and other ;natio.
Mars apply to ANDREW III8L00, Lot 2,
00(1, 14, Grey, Brunetti P.O, 42,4
Short Horn Bulla, from imported
stock for sale. Also cows and heifers, Inc.
ported and home tired. 72 bead to eeleet
from. D. MII.NR & BON, Maitland Plunk
Stock Parte, 10 enol Out. 28.61
Ruile for sale. One is 1 year old and
the other two younger. Also several regist-
ered Oowve and Heifers. Apply to JAME8
sPo110, Lot 80, 000.0, Morrie Twp., or Brus-
sels P. 0, 22-01
LI me of the undersigned, tote 10 and 17,
(ion 9, Grey, a grade bull, about 14 yeo,e
old, red in color. A stick and short chain
attached to his nose. Suitable Ireworo le
offered for recovery. AUGUST PLSOHIolt
Oraubrook P. 0. 40.2
undersigned Will keep for eorvtoe on
Lots le and 17, Gon.9, Grey, a thorn' bred
Durham Bull. Pedigree 'may be seen on
application. Terms, 3100, to be paid at
time of service with privilege of returning
if veeessary. AUGUST FISCHEti,
40.2 Proprietor.
Painting, Paper Hanging, Stc.
The undersigned ie prepared to attend to
all orders for Paper Bangles, Salsomiuing,
Glazing and Paintingin a workmanlike
manner and at reasonable rates Carron.
tering also alt to
Td to
41.3m John street, Brussels,
. i1 t.- ns
B U Y S,
ONE Special Purchases of New and Seasonable
Goods has placed us in a po,ition to offer you ex-
traordinary bargains in the following lines bought direct
from the Mills, comprising all the latest and daintiest
Patterns and Styles for this Season and at a saving -of
about 25o. on every dollar spent at this store:
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes in all the different
styles. A Special line of Wrappers and Ladies' Under-
wear all at a saving of 25e on every dollar you purchase
Garfield House, Brussels.
�f ss s.
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.