HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-6-4, Page 1Vol, 81, No. 47 New Advertisements. Loanl—I. 0 1. For Bale—I, 0. Riohard9, llarnnee—I, C. Richards, Tired Feet—F, R. Smith. Notion—John 0. Morrison, 4 specials—McKinnon & Co. I.ialfern for sale—Jas. Sharp. Summer days—W, A Grewar, Plante and flowers—Mies Kelly. Timely suggestions—H. A. Metohott. T.c3tttlbtax- . Untended for last week.) E. Dennis, of Wingbam, spent Sunday at home. Mise Alice Dundas spent Snoday at Fordwich with friends. Miss Maty E. and Emma Hacking visited friends in Stratford lost week, Mies Tilly Aikens, of Toronto was vie. sting her emit, Mrs. H. Dennie on Sun day. 4. number of pleasure seekers from this part took iu Bal field nu Saturday last, and made the flab en11 w, Arch. MoOalium had a bee drawing olay to hie gangway Thursday. At night the genial baehetor treated them to a lively dance, Edgar Roe has been made n tempting offer to uall hie pure teed Olydsdale stal- lion "Perfeutiou" bat declined. The animal is an exceptionally good one and we are glad to see hire stay iu the one munity. J,ilt1ara`to11311. The grope are looking pretty good. A. M. McKay, of Brussels, as expected to upeek in the Hell beat 1nudav night be is always welcome, Mr. We Kay is a very fluent speaker. Mr. Robs. Shaw, of tbe Boundary, took /be serene in the Hall len Baoday night hie subjeot was the 'Lite of Moen" there was ae good attendance a8 generally. The Beef Ring has begun this week st the same place in air. Strauhau'a bush every one who is concerned is glad, as they are getting tired of the pig flesh. Mr. Olyehoot is to do the butchering this year again he is all right and gave good satietactio0 last year. Any one around the neighborhood of 18m0010wn clan get their laundry done in Brussels simply by leaving it at the store not later than Tuesday to go by the stege and they will only have to pall for it at Brussels Greenhouse. with pneamooj the nano plane on Saturday of the vane week and remit Dash at the atom on de. livery who will settle with the laundry proprietor for thein. Our Sunday Bohol under Mr, Streets en's sapervislon 18 well attended average attendance is about 85 'Tiers are some exp,oting a pionio for the soholero about July 1 tie usual. Tee young folkn should be encouraged in the Into of this n0 they attend the 8(13ool very regalar Summer mud Winter, 111.110i. Oroherd8 Dame in for a pruning in some piens by last week's wind norm. The usual service in the Presbyterian oittil•013 will be withdrawn twat Sabbath afternoon. , Rev. 0. P. Wells, B. D , is attending the Methodist Conference at Windham. J. K. Baker and Wm King are the lay representatives. A weak from next Monday Court of Revision on the Lamont and Hanna Drain By laws will be held here. Conn oil hueine.8 will ten be transacted. John Smith, of the 4th line, Grey, baa been engaged by the ()outwit ot Gray to ran the cruder in place of Robert Bell, who resigned. Par in wanting the nee of the grader will apply to Mr, Smith. Jens 01oINToen, Olerk. This week Rev, D $. MORae left for Vantlouver to attend the Assembly of the Preebyteritar church. He will bet absent for several weeks but has arranged a plait of Reppaysfor his Sabbath work here while :way. Mies .R Spence and Chas. Davies sane a duet at the Forrestero' At Rome fn Brussels on Thursday evening of haat week, 111,8 Alice Davies wee the aconrn• mutat. Alex. Lamont rued &leo 010 the program for a Bolo and was accompanied by Mists S'emmon. The Atwood Bee Rays of n former Ethel pa8ror :—The Monktou Metbretast church al$eials are advertising for ten dere for new brick oharoh to b0 created this Summer. We are glad to see Such evideuaea of prosperity of the Moukton :Omit and heartily congratulate Rev. H. E. Ourry, the popular pastor of the 0hareb, on the zeal end enterprise thee exhibited by hie people. Lust Ballerday morning, et 10 30 o'oloulr, Rev. W. J. We.t, 11. A , of Blue. vale, preached in the Presbyterian oburcb here in eom,eotion with the preparatory mein to the Communion. The topio of the sermon wee "Integrity and upright nese" anti wee well worked on). The pastor, Itev. D. B Monne, took ohargo of the servioea on Sabbath. Five new mrm138r8 were added to the roll. a. sate c0X tee or. Kievan Powell left for Clinton, on Tnoeday. Jno, fI0mi16on shipped a oarlond of hogs on Monday. Bert Meath is at present eerlouoly ill , Mre. B. H. Towoeend hae gone to Owen Sound for a few week's visit. R. Miller ie in Goderioh this ween, at. tendirgtbe Oonnty Coucoil. Mime Elsie Rae of Listowel visited her 0oaein, Min Tina Rae last week. Rev. I. A. H0Kelvey is attending the Conference in Wingham this week. Lennard Mol4elvie baa returned from near Delmore where he has spent the last five months. Rev. Mokay of 0aledun had allege of the services in the Presbyterian oberuh last Sabbath. The Mieeee MoDooa'.d, of Wingbam, visited at the home ot Mre, W. U. Robin• eon, last weep. Miss L'We Playter of Toronto is the gneel of her 818t01', Mre, R. Hamilton, user the vinare, W. 0. and Mre. elezlewood attended the funeral of the late Mre.) Pr DSperling ( t in Wan ham Inst weak. � g In the absence of Rev 11 4. Hall, Wm. Watters of Fordwi0h oOoo13 oed the pulpit in the Lnrli th Ohuroh. Mre. D. Mylee and children, end Mre. D Soott leave on Monday for Hoileybnrg, New Ontario, where Mr. Myles has deoid ed to locate. Rev. J, 13 Kennedy of Tilbury Centre, a former minister hare, will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist church, on Sun. day eveuiug. A meeting of the members of the Pres byterian Ohoroh wee held on Monday afternoon, when it was deoidad by a0 one Monne vote to extend a nail to Rev. L. Perrin B, A. of Georgetown. One of the early settlers of this oom munity pease& away on Monday morning Plants and Flowers. You will find et Brussels Greenhouse any quantity of Tomato, Oolery, Oaullflower and Cabbage Plante. Fineoolieotion-of Flowering Planta. A aboioe lot of Geraniums and annuals for bedding. Cut Flowers .3upplie3. Floral desigee made to order, MISS KELLY. 6001 Wauled Any quantity of Wool wanted for which the Highest Market Price will be paid. ALF. BAEKER BRUSSELS. HA to ESS H1.RNESS VOU can buy all kinds of Harness from 11s except factory make, .L and we do not handle those as we prefer to sell our own make. We `know they will give satisfaction and we guarantee every met we turn out, Just now we have a flue selection of Single 'Har- ness and we are offering extra inducements in them for the month of June. We have the greatest value we have ever been able to offer. Call and -see them. Also Trunks and Satchels at lowest prices. Dusters, Lap Rugs, Rubber Rugs, 'Whips, Rc. .Also two 8018 Second Hand Single Harness at $3 50 each—.your choice. Remember the place for beat value in Harness, Boots and Shoes is at GS `!rt 9 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1908 - after a few &tyr Moen cf pneumonia, in he peronn of WilliamJohn.tnn. Ile was one of the Mat hotel Iteeper8 in the vitt two of Wv xeter ani far many yenta ran t stare to &Worth in 001100001011 with the ho'el, 0.1 the death of k1ra. Johnston, some ten j'eat'0 ago, he ret%red from the hutai turd haw same lived privately, The funeral wbioh tools plane on Wednesday morning at 10 n'oinok, was onldnuted by Rev, I. A. M3Kety, y, f S1)tte wait in•, The Pru-i'lency of Ear 11 ono Libarol Ae.noialin.% has cometo our 31.1age, It, N. Duff being :anted last week to the 0010. ExecrisrnN mo 001011 So0Nn,--A Sunday School Mont : ion will he run from b"re, of Friday of next week, t., Owen Sound and from there, per et8amer "Oonada" to 13a:my Beach, a very beautiful end popu- lar reeort The r: turn fare is $1 85 for attune and 70 oonta for children, to0d to return On tidy regular train next day. A baggage car will be attached and arrange meats are made for hot water for tea, &8, at the Beach. See the hill for further pat'tieuiare and take the trip. 4,i' 80 1 0 () t) The McDonald mill in about through cutting their stools of heading, Tile week Rev. W. Leech end George Grigg are a1 Wingham attending the annual Cnnfer0Doe of the kletbodiot church. Several from (1318 locality attended the At Home given by the Independent Order of Forresters in Brussels Town Hall Thursday areolug of last week alit/ rerun a good time. Several Weltoni8.ns witnessed the Gat—Seafo,th football match teat Fri. day evening iu tie Gwt mentioned town. Walton's three etordy 330pr08eutatives did their part iu good style. Rev. A. IkIoeNab, 141. A., preached at the Communion preparatory service in Looleno,vThor -day of last week and last Sabbath watt at Molesworth. Rev, D. 13eltatnene canopied the pn'pit of Do1f's ebnroh here in the pastor's absence. The Sacrament of rho Lord's Supper will be observed in Duff'e chorea on Sebbsch, Janel4th, Preparatory eervioe will be held on the prooeding Friday, at 2 p. tn , and will be conducted by Rev. F. 5. MacLennan, of Luokuow. Service will take place on Sabbath at the panel hour and a Thanksgiving service will be held at• 7 0'01001) in the evening, These will be nucleated by the pastor. Tro'tvbr141.14e. J. Hunter, of Morrie, spent Snoday with bio brother here. Mr. Leech, of 1410evale, is visiting bis daughter, Kra. J.11 Code. Niro, Hugh MOOrea, of Dothan], ie spending a few weeks' at her home here. Elliott May and sister, of Peel, are vie Moe at Thomas Code's for a, few days. Mrs. Overland, of Erin, Wellington natty, spent the pant week at the Pan eon age. B. E. Tnghen, who hay been attending Toronto Medical College, baa returned home to speed hie holiday0. Rev. J. E. Hunter preeebed hie farewell sermon Snoday evening to a large con. gregelion, Many good wiebee will fol. low. Mrs• W. H. Medd was in Londaboro' a few days this week attendin t the fun. eral of her father of her father, Mr, Haeelwood, Prima %coI10.t—Miss Phillipa intends giving a Berlital by her pupils on Friday eVeniug Jane 12,13 in the Forester's Hail, Trowbridge. There will also be vocal 001eetione and reeitgtione, Mise Phillip is sparing no pains to make it a theme, Come and enjoy a musical treat. Township Oouno11 on Monday, 15th 1001, Light trona but little or no damage hes Leen done eo far. Mise Merle Gerry, of Blyth, i9 visiting at Chae. Rrzell's, 10111 eon. Service will be held iu Bethel ohnroh, 3 gib eon., next Sabbath evening. Robt. Fisher, of Attwood, spent Sunday at'hio eist.er'r, Mre. Geo Whitfield's. Mrs, Wm. Buttery, 12th eon., spent a few d8ye with Mande in Monktou, Inst week, Material is being hauled for an addition and improvemrute to John Orerar'a barn, Obit eon. 50 oente in advanoe gets Trot Poe to the let of January 1904. Tell your neighbor, There hag been rapid growth ei0oe the envious showers and the oou0try looks first 033800. One of the now townships in Northern Ontario is being called "Hislop" after the M, P. P. for East Plant, Uev. W. A. Smith, wife and baby, of Oil Sprain, were visitors at hie father's —Trueman Smith—this week. P130 beef ring near Silver Corner's began work for the season last Friday, The but013oring will be done at James Dsntnan's. The atone stabling is ready for the new been to be raised Oita week on the farm of John 13osvrtrd, lith con. He had his barn burned feat Aeoember by the up. totting of it lantern, David Brown and and James Henry wbo ware so badly injured ata barn raising on the farm of Mr, Davey, Oor, 12, Logan, are 8mnewhat improt81 al. though hot ant of danger vet, Grey township voted $.200 at their 1881 meeting toward 33(011391113133' 012 the bound ary North end South of Brussels, from Welton to Morrieb,nk, mr aonditian that :Morrie lotvn31ip expends a like 8ntn. Henry Mokt'aon, who (vent from this iowtehlp to North Boy aria Spring, f8 entployed with 38 carpenter pang 1311ilding notion hooses end water tanks on the ra1ltvny. Ile is doing well we are pleased to hear. The 14th con, drain is biting pnehed along. At proeent they are working Thus, Williamecn's farm, lot 25, Meeere, 0ilrtin do Reid are the oontraaaore, They will have about two miles to !loath before the eontraat is oomp'ete, A good ,job le being done, A few of the young people of the 32th and 14th 0)D9. &pent a very e' juyabie analog - at the bone of Luke Speiren, 14311 eon , Tureday evening, Wm. Michel has his new book bath op on the 12th non. The old one was (l8atroyrd by lire Inst year. We hope lie will Mien brave it Or8mrn0d. Hon 3 'tt' o1 Cooeaa. —A, D. Lamont, son of Math Lemont, 711, eon., is home from the Bueinrae College et Chatham where bo spent the past 5 menthe. We 001"h 111m 81100aae ae he g.•88 nut into the world'& big basiee-s field, 1Ie'a a level headed youth and wi11 do well. A new wall 1188 been bored au the eoh',ol 3roa0d8 of S. S. No. 10 by well driller Jobuoon, of Alt rood, A number of new up to date mope on portable batiks iuolud- ing the Howard Vitroent map of the 13ritioh Empire, have been ptirelmeed tram the Ht, inberger Hendry Co. Some other apparataa baa oleo been pot in making toe eobool oomoare favorably for 'gnipmeot with any of our rural 0uho810, Some new fencing will be done on the premises Inep(eor Robb, on hie visit r8nently, reported 00.313 thing quite gable. factory. The trustees are bound to make everything 0. k. (-)t•iteetet'(t() ic, The =mama of Knelt church are talk• ing of malting Rome lmprovemente in the ohnroh in the matter of painting the Beate, &o. Among cabers who attended the For. 08ter0' At Home at Bennis on Thurs- day earning of last week Was Amelia 111011W, 121.13 eon. Rev. D. B. McRae started for the As• trembly, to be held at Vanoouvor, B. C., ou Thursday ot this weals. The usual pencilling eervio8 ill the Presbyterian (harob will be withdrawn for next Sabbath morning. Mag. Bien DtiAn,—Lost Saturday morning at 5 20 o'etook the spirit of Mary Haves, relict of tbe late James Bird, took its flight, Deceased had been poorly for soma years with a 0omphoition of ail• menta, chief of which 120,8 cancer of the 8160100h. At Limes she was a great Ruffner, Mrs. Bird was born in London town -hip and woe married to Mr. Bird some 49 yerre ago. They Jived in Logan townehip before coming to this locality 85 years ego. Ber husband pre deceased her by 10 years. The ohildreu are :— Jolla of Suoatridge, Ont. ; Tbomae, of Portage la Prairie, Man., ; Mre. Ed. Fox (deo: awed) ; William, of Morrie township; and Jae. and Esther at home, The sub jam of this notice had been a rugged, in dnotrioaa woman and had attained her 79111 year. She two an affectionate mother. The funeral took plane on Tues- day afternoon to Braseeleloemetery, Rev. 13,13. McRae conducting a suitable service at the home and grave. Symrathy is expressed for the bereaved. The leafy month of June. Quite a number are on the viols list. W. and L. Miohie vieitedin Tarnbsrry this weep. A good many say that the Mangold Drop to a failure. Neil Black has been building some wire feint) on hie farm. The cement foundation for the shed at Sunshine wag completed on Saturday Jan. Co, Councillor Bowman is at Goderioh this week atteudiug the meeting of Huron Co, Contrail. Mre. Thos. Russell bee been bothered with rbuemat;em but we hope she will soon be better. Jolie Agin, 8th line, hag been on the 0iok list with 3100monia but is pulling tip now all right. Morrie 130wne1ip voted grants for gray. elling the East and West gravel r a + rat 3130 emol1 Tho adjoining 'n me towuehI Pe spend a like gnat. A wire suspension foot bridge will be put ap over the Maitland river by Shuttle Bros, for their aeeommodation in getting over the river. Tbere appears t0 be a sort of epidemic among the f•.ale this Spring after the pink eye type. 0. Miobie and Thos. Russell, 0811 line, each loot good colts, Watson Ainley and men, of Brueeele, are at work on the new brink residence on the farm of Albert Howlett, 7113 line. It will be a tiny home whet) finished. D. Denko m'8 bay pees, from Blytb, has been buoy at the farms of Messrs. M10Iti8, Nioboll'e Cook's families' during the past week. The be -leo will be ebip. ped from Belgrave. Owing to the re8ignatio0 of Mise Maggie Bielby, who ptlrpose0 attending the Normal School after the Sommer amnion, a now teaoirer will have to be installed in Button's 9ohool, 2110 usual envies in Sounding olmroh next Sabbsth afternoon will be with. drawn owing to the absenne of the pas. for at Conference. Rev. 13, A. Sbaw, a former pastor, will preach at Belgrave in the evening. Masa Tillie Cloonan and her sister, Mrs. Bathe are home from Detroit for n visit The latter is just recovering Iron inn atteok of typhoid fever and has none here to recuperate, We hope the will soon be quite Strong, A 00080.in Morrieite who is toot too anxioa8 to work and whose actions are egad to bae'd on too high a etandard of morale will require to brace up or he may be asked to tanto a vaoe:ion at Goderioh j•,il or the Hoose of Refuge. G. R. Stubbs lett Thnreday morning of tale week for New Hope, Asea., on a bnnive98 trip. Hie mentor noaompanied him on a pleasure trip and will visit her eon at tbe Rayne place. We wish thein a pleasant trip and a Bala return, S. B. No, 4 will (told a pionio in R, Nidhall'e grove on Friday, June 12th. A. football match betw0ea teams from Grey and Morris is on the program, also heed ball, fau0y flag drill, &a. A good time for everybody 18 promised, A cement silo, 14 feet in diameter and 80 feet high, hag been bnilt at Alex. Ma. LO.nohlin'3, )a. miles North of Brassele, Charles Barber, of Wingham, had the n0ntraat and did a good job tie amnia' &tion1 thaw. w I a A anent at mikes fel mead worked by a horse. The workmen are are 0012 at GeO, kf0lrayt8 81h eon, Grey. Wednewhey of this week trey. J. E. Bunter left on 0 trip to the Non:tweet whore he expe0t8 oho next Dimple o! menthe. Ho Kure by boat trona Owen Soured. 'We with him a pleneaet time and hop• he will return math invigor- att'd. Davidan,l Mrs, Walker, Boit rine, are away this week for a holiday tinting to the "Soo", Wit-n'peg. Neepawa and other pointe with r,iatives anti (Honda, They sigma to be away 5 or 4 weelce and tai 1 break up the tail trip by availing uh.'mselvee of :he boat from Ow• n Sound We wish thein a0 e. j tyable visit and a tale r01nrn. A large number attended the tuner:a'11 Mrs, Patterson On 300rulay of 113113 week I)"ceased had reeide11 tvitb bar dau+:btar, Mrs, G Hendee:we, of I3'V0r,v1t'o road, for some t'(1e, Tile auroral took piece to Belgrave cemetery, T1,e ent:je0t of this notice wad twine married, her first bus band bring a 11r, Taylor who died a nom bet of years aro. The 01311(13013 aro all grown up, they are :—S. Y , of Paris ; Mrs. A Scott, of Wawanoeb t Mrs. Geo. Hendereeo, George, Andrew and ,18m0e, of Morrie ; John and RObt, are deenteed. Geo. is a member of the townehip Coun- cil, Brussels Council. The Court of Revision fur the hearing of appeals against the Aese8omout Roll was held on Monday evening. All the members were peanut and took the usual oath when tbe following appeals were dealt with :—Jas. Fulton appealed against assessment as to high. No action taken. Jae. Hall put in the same appeal and sumo tuition was taken. W. M. Sinclair, asked for r000011on on his residence prop. arty. No action taken. F. B. Horsley appealed against assessment on drug store, and reduced $500 and name chang- ed to Frank B. Smith. No action was taken in the appeal of F. Frey, and Court of Revision was then closed and the Roll as finally revised adopted. General Council business was taken rap. Minutes of last regular and special meet- iogs read and poseed. Aocounte were read as follows :— Alex. McLauohlin, salary $2(1 00 A. Conakry, 0seees033 41 75 W. M. Bin0lair, legal, Lookridge15 00 E, Garvin, work at catch basin50 Moved by G. F. Blar, seconded by S. T. Plum, that above accounts be paid.— Carried. Tenders were read for gravel as follows: Sareeued Uneoroened Wm. Bird 70 40 Wm. Denbow05 89 Robs, Denbow05 40 Geo. Walker— 50 Moved by S. T. Plum, seconded by A. Baeker, that tender of Wm. Denbow be wonted. R. Close put in a tender for $140 for a Wire 0uspe0aion bridge over the Maitland, 150 feet long, 4 feet, 4 inobee wide, with sides 4 feet high. Moved by S. T. Pluto, encoded by G. F. Blair that bridge mat. ter be laid over until next meeting, and tbat in the meantime, the Reeve and Olerk ascertain as to other tenders. Constable MoLauohlin reported May returns for scales as 346 25. A claim of Alex. Stewart for damages in loss of pig at weigh scales, Brussels, Moved by G. F. Blair, seconded by R. Thomson, that no notion be taken as the Council do not hold themselves amen- able. A petibion was presented asking for a sewer on Tnrnberry street, from I. 0. Riohards to the present sewer at corner of Turnbsrry and Flora streets. It was signed by a majority of property owners on the Westside of the street, Moved by P. Blair,a gond d G.e e byR. Thomson, moon, that titsounoil advertis C Basr Statute, Pe 6tt ue, in the platter of building a sewer from Flora street to Prawns street South, and that the oost be assessed against the prop• ertiee lying adjacent to T0ruberry street. —Carried. Moved by G. F. Blair, seconded by A. Backer, that this Connoil fel favorable to the Co. Connell applying for Huron's share of the Good Roads grant corning from the Provincial Government.—Car• tied. Council then adjourned. Morris Oounoil Meeting. The Council met as a Court of Revision ou May 25th, in Town Hall, Morrie. Members all present and subeoribed the oath required by Statute. Appeals wore disposed as follows :—Geo. Armstrong, reduced $200 on N a lob 6, ooh, 7 ; D. Irvine, entered owner N pt lot 11, eon. 8 ; Geo. Lamont, entered F. S. N pt 8, con. 1; Wm, Messer, entered owner lot 98, G. 5. Bluevale ; Albert Taylor, entered F.S. N a 0, eon 9 ; 4lbeet White, entered M. F. N W J 12, eon, 9 ; Albert and Alfred Pierce, entered farmers' sons 5 a II, 000, 7 ; W. G. Bolger, entered owner N t} lot 130, eon. 9 ; 3x1310 Shoebottom, entered owner N } 24, 6°11.1; Jno. Hunter, en 8ered tenant, N 4 lot 24, oon. 1 ; Wm. Elston, entered owner N 4 lot 7, 0031. 3. On notion of Shaw, seconded by Taylor, the Court of Revision bhen adjourned to meet again a01dune 20t1, at 10 o'olook a• tn. On motion of Shaw and Jaokson, Oounoilloro Code and Taylor were in. at•raoted to examine the road opposite lot 7 on 0th don fine and report et next Meet. lug r88p0oting wbab ie 08ne98a3y to be done, On motion of Jackson and Taylor, the nam of $30 was granted to be expen- ded in gravelling on sideline between lots 20and 21, oottaeesion 10, On motion of Code and Jtt01cea0, the Reeve and Conn oillor Shaw was instructed to expend $00 in gravelling on eideline between lots 15 816, aonc0003on 2, known ae Boemau's Motorway. On motion Of Taylor' and Code, a grant of $150 each, w0,8 milds to the East and West Boundaries, and $50 each to the Notth and South Boundaries, provitfing the adjoining Municipalities grew 04idwel 118 game, Moved by Mr. a, seconded by Mr. Taylor, that as a .tuia%pal8ty we favor the County taking holdf o Good Roach Movement ti anda tv urge their acceptahcc of tltsaulouut 00131. ing 10 Huron 00, under the Oat, and that the Olork bo iu0truet00 to mall a copy of the above to the Co, Clerk at once.—Car- ried. Amounts were ordered to be paid 318 follows :— Wen. Smith, culvert on sideline$ 2 00 A. Kelly, culvert 8 00 1l re. llulligieu, wire fence on E. 13if 00 Duff re Stewart, covering for bridges 124 10 Duff & Steam rt, work on N. B..., 8 45 W. Clark, parb Oelery 40 00 Jno. Watson, asseseor'o eatery70 00 Jno. James, repairing culvert ou West Boundary 8 00 Jam. Hopper, culvert on sideline2 50 Thos. Russell, repairing culvert1 30 R.13. Aleook, lumber for eulverte 28 00 On motion of Jackson and Shaw, the Oounoll then adjourned to meet again on the 8th day of June, next, at 1.80 o'clock, p. m , bo hold a Court of Bevi.ion on the Lamont drain Bylaw and also for the transaction of other Council busineee. W, Maur, Clerk. 111138(13113 ('i1fi1KK.. Read Telmage's sermon on pave 8, Rev. I. lel. Webb is se the University London, attending a Summer School tee ing up a ape0ial nurse. He will be bac on Saturday. 8 e elates in Tam Pater on the Sabbat School lesson for next Sunday. Tb topic is "Pnni'a :mega and shipwreck, and is a flue one. B. Gerry and W. 13. Kerr are the la representatives to the Met300101 Confer enoe, now in eete•inn at Wingbam, from Brunets Methodist church, The eervioes in the Metbodiet choro ne0t Sabbath will be taken by Rev. R. Paul as the pastor will be at Wiugbam atleudina the annual Conference, Next Sabbath is the monthly Mission ary Day iu Brussels Methodist Sabbath School. A short ptogram will be pre genteel in addition to the lesson on "The life atria, 8pirit.'' La t Sabbath morning, Rev. T. W Operatic took as hie theme, "Ieaiab'e Tem ple vieion," from which au earnest die course was given. In the evenioo, the subject was "Pam's thorn in the Aeeh.' The Dew officers in the Epworth Leag- ue tape oStoial charge next Sabbath even ing. The topic to "Treasons learned from the Rheoabites." W. H. Salter f0 the 0812 President and will make a useful one we nave no doubt. Following are a few of the most inter. eating etatirtios oonoeroing the Methodist dhur0hee in Wingham Dietriot for the past GOnferentIal year;—Net inerea08 in membership is 50: Minnioner, giviege, including Emergency Fond, 38,155, an innate, 8 ot $449: Epworth League mem- bership has iooreased 138 and report in. crease on Missionary oontrib001008 of 341. The Sabbath School stations were given in last week's report of the District meet. loo. In connection with the preparatory mer• On to the Communion, Rev. Mr. Hanle, of Belgrave, preached last Saturday after noon in Melville ohnroh from the text 'What does the Lord .require of thee, &0," Micah 6 8 It was a very suitable dieaoaree to the occasion, The pastor took Isaiah 82 2 as the basal of an extra i.01d disoonrae on Sabbath morning and at its conclusion, 330 partook of the 050 anent, At the evening aer13100, tba Scripture ohoean by Rev. Mr, Rose was Lam. 8 41 ;"Let UR lift up one heart with ur hands unto God in the heavens." Monde): Rev. George Ballantyne of Moles. vortb, preaohed an inepreseive sermon at 0 80 o'clock taking as bill theme I Peter, tb chapter and 7th verse "For He mere h or yon.', A PenooTToRIAN 5003/1011 80}1000-00n• Minable interest bee been elicited by the nnon00eneent of a Sommer Sohool and Missionary ovary Methods, to be held in Knox allege Torouto Jnl 6th to 16th. t f„ y 16 I will o under general drawee of Professor allantyne, and amongst the well-known ea3her8 and ep•'akete to take part are rinoipal Oaven (New Testament Study) ; ev. J. 4' Turnbull, LL; 13. (0 d Tneta- ent) i Professor Murray, Dalhooeie Uui- ereity, Halifax, and Dr. Tracy, Toronto nivereity (Pedagogical Prinoiplee and ra0tin) ; Professor Beattie, Louisville, IIeoteoky, (Missionary Methode); Rev, rs. R P. Mackay and E. D. McLaren, ie8ion Secretaries; Revs. Dr. Warden, r. Johnetou, London, J. A, Macdonald. he Globs. The coat is nominal, 3100 for registration. Those from oat of town, bather ladies or gentlemen, will be se• ommodated in Knox College, $5 00 being he entire coat of board and lodging for be tee days. Rooms in the College will e eminent in the order of app'ioation, o early application to 9y, R R. M, Hawn ton, Seoretary, Weston, 00a, is advised s names are coming in rapidly, ANar.1OAN Cnuoolt S. S, 001,1VIDNxION,— be annual Anglian thumb Sunday obool Convention and Ruri•Deoanal eating for the Oo of Huron will be held Clinton on Thursday of next week. r0gram will be as follows ;--Morning ninon, 10 80 a, in.—Holy Oommnoion. he members will meet in the School Dom of 86. Panne church, at 11. a. m, bairmen'e addreee. Reports of Sunday ohoole, Adjourn for lunch et 12 80 p. Afternoon Session, 2 p, m.—Paper, Sunday Schooi work, ate basis and timate Aim," by Rev, M. M. Goldberg, Dungannon. Di0onssiotr led by Mise onnolly. Psper, "Ohoreh Attendanoe," y Jobu Ransford, of Clinton, Dinne- en led by Rev, 0. R. G0uno. Paper, The Superintendent and hie Work," by W. Soott, of Blyth. Dis0uasion led E. E. Hilton. Time permitting, ale o"lon has been invited on the following bjeete of importance 80 Sunday Soliool uric, "The Mlesionary Society and ie8lon Work," led by Rev, W. J. oherty, 13. A., of Bengali, "The ara0ter of the Sunday School Library," d by Rev. J. E4moude, of Blyth, "How retain Older Boya in B9Oday School," d by Rev. R. 3. M. Perkins, of Exeter. he Relation of the Gbnrah to other ligioue Bodies," led by Rev. E. 0, nnfng8,. of Bayfield, Election of 01• ere for the anening ,year. 5 p, m. to 8 M.—Meeting of Deanery Mawr end . A, 1L A,venin ki g tie saiou. 7 30— rvfoe In St. Panes church. Preacher, W, H. KERR, Prop, otfior re are Ray J. W. Hodgene, R X) , 11un. Pr"s, ; 1tov. 0. R. Gonne, President; Mre. M.Tnrnbnll, Vioe Pram, 13 Tomtit Shorn, Reo. Hee. ; Mrs, W. Q, Phillips, Cor..590. The Pxeontive of the Methodist M;.8• tottery elootety hove nominated the Ret'. T. T. George of Chatham for the poe1010,1 of Supe'ictendent of the Mangey 108111. ate, The vacantly arose through the death of the ltev. W. W, Bbepherd. The Dom. inion Government width makee a grant to the institute will doubrloe, a00ept Mr. George es Superintendent. The 11ev. Dr, John McDougall, Superintendent of led• int Mi00131130 in the Northwest, will re• matin in that important position, 811d the Mount Forret dietri01 will support Some other mineionary in Mina., People We Know, Mies 0. Milhauaeu is visiting at At, wood. DeWitt Canna is visiting at Trow• bridge. Harry Querin ie here from Toronto on a 131811. D.M. and Mre. Scott of Hamilton are t visiting in town. Dr. and Mrs, Graham, of Clinton, are le in town this week, Mre. Fred. Adams 129.8 visiting at Trowbridge teat week. e Min Mania Beattie will spend a few days in Atwood Olio weak, J F. McCrae, of Toronto, 0pent a few 33 days iu Brussels last week. Mime Merle Gerry, of Blyth, ie aleit•ing relatives iu Brassele and Grey. hDr, and Mre. Graham ere in town re• mewing old friendships for a week. Mre. 0. R. Vauetone, of Southampton, , is vieitiog Mre. A G• od and family. R. 13. and Mre, Green, of Trowbridge, were guests of Mre. Harris over Sunday. Mre. J. H. Sperling and eon Harold, of Whiteohnroh, are visiting in Brunel,. Mise Mary Raee, John street, was vacating arise McCall, Morris, thig week. Alex. Currie, of Seaforth, ie bereaeeiet- • lag his uncle, A. Currie, for a few weeks. David Roea and wife spent Jan week in Kincardine with their eon, Robert Bose. Minn O we klainprize a0d Pearl MoMillan were visitors is Wingbam last week, Mise Nina Rogers. of Mount Forest, a0 M Wagorr/318141ie.3 10 1308 par80(8 fora few days last week. " Airs• T. Farrow and Mre. L. O'Oonnor, 01 Tborold, were vieitore with relatives Harry and Mise Lila Bartliff, of Olin. ton, were vieitore with friends in Bruin eels and Grey. Rev. T. W. and Mrs. Marna are at Wingham attending the smiths of the Methodist Ooofere0oe. Alfred Lowery has been confined to the house with 080011iti8, but is improving, we are pleased to report. Chas. and Mre. Ratable, Mre. Mellish and Mr. Marshall spent Friday last in Seafotth visiting friends. Mre, A. Carrie was able to be out and take a 800 -bath Wednesday of this week, after two weeks illness in bed. Mies Annie Rosa and nein, Galls Roes, are spending a few days vieiting Mre. Rebt. Black at Wroxeter. Rev. 6V. E. Kerr, of Blenheim, was a nailer in Brussels while en route to the Methodist Couferen0e at Wingbam. We are pleased to state that Mre. John BinoI,ir, Prinoess street, is able to get about town 0008 more after her illoeee. James Bowman and W. H. %err are attending the annual Jane 008010n of Huron 0o. Council at Goderioh this week, We omitted to mention that John Don• can, of (40eiph, wait hero for the Victoria Day holiday. He bas warm spot in hie Mart for Brunets. airs, James roes Goveulo k u ofeeP N awe n `da t and eonnn D glee weravisiting Mre, Wm. Martin, in Brussels this week and went to her father's in Taokeramieh from here. tee Laird, of Hamilton, and Mre. A. McDonnell and Loyd, of Palmerston, were visitors with Mre. Wm. Aiulay daring the past week. The ladies are aanein8. D. and Mre, Ferguson, of Teeewater, were renewing old friendships in Brun - eels and locality during the past week. Mr. Pergus:u hue a good buffing in the Northern village, S. Y. Taylor, Principal of Paris Pnblio School, was here this week for a brief visit. He was called to this locality by the decease of his mother who died iu Wiegham on Saturday, C. N. and Mre. Griffin, of Winghom, were in town Toseday, aleoltllre, GrifIn'o brother, J. Dayton and wife y of Vanoou.. wee, B. 0. attending the concert, given by Mies E. E. Griffin and pupils. We are sorry to bear that Geo, Crooke has been 00 the eiok list but we hope he will 000)3 130 tie 113811 a9 ever. His dttag13- ter, Mrs, R, W. Matheson, of Luoknow, was here 81338 week too see 13108. H. W. &vision and F. Gilroy will spend Sunday in Hamann, Mr, Avieon will oonupy the pulpit in that town owing to the absence of Rev, Mr, Liddy, who f8 at - boding the Oonferenoo at Wingham. Russell Wheeler, who has been for the past few yeare apprenticed to the font - Me and undertaking business with R. Loatherdkle, bee gone to Wingbam where be eaters the employ of Meseta, Walkor de Clegg in their upholstering factory. Tiflis a line yo0ng man and we wish him 8ue88013, The Seaforth Expositor says of our young townsman :-07131. Loatherdale, who hal barn 0mnneet011 with the tarsi• tare business here for several years, has gone to Hematite, where he will engage in bneineee with hie father. Mr. Leathers dale is -a most 001imabie young man and made many friends hero, all of whom Will be sorry that he bee left tie, tint glad that he has not gone further away, The County Oonndil of Wentworth • have den3ded ppon a system of roads of 170 neile8 in extent, and have applied for their portion of the Provincial Govern- ment grant, amounting to about $38,000, Arraogemoute are now being Made by trio w b the work will be undertaken at onoe, The comity will speed about 380,000 - addition to the Government grant 0 1 5 0 b B P R m U P D M 13 T w b A T 6 m in P R 0 6 ti of 0 13 ea rl, by on 811 13M 011 le to le Re Je fie Se Rev, Mark Turnbull, of Goderl811. The in