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The Brussels Post, 1903-5-28, Page 6
BIGGEST FAMILY REUNION • 250 DESCENDANTS SPENT ONE JOILY EVENTING TOGETHER. Came From England, Germany, Austria, Holland France, America and Australia, The biggest family reunion over gathered together under one roof. was that held at the Tuxedo Hotel, New York, last month. The party eonslsted of no fewer than 250 de- scendants of Elias Meyer Ries, of Baden, Germany, They came froxn all parts of Europe, the United States, and Australia, many of them never having been in America before. Some years ago Elias M. Rios died, leaving twelve children, four sons and eight daughters, all of whom married. Malty of their children are also married and have fahilies, the total number of de- scendants from the original twelve now numbering between three and four hundred. The desceudants live in England, Germany, Austria, Bel- gium; Hienand, France, and different parts of America and Australia. Many of the children who have been born and brought up in foreign coun- tries cannot speak English, and this fact caused a good deal of amuse- ment at the reunion. It was the idea of Mr. Herman Ries , the oldest member of: the fam- BZAUTYIS cI ARIIxt A' Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks and+ Bright Eyes Compel Admira- tion. No woman needs to be told thol charm of a clear complexion. No, man can be blind to the beauty of; rosy cheeks, or the power of sparkling eyes, And every womand no matter what her features may be —can have a perfect oomplexion Bright eyes and a perfect com- plexion conic from d pure blood—an pure blood conies from Dr. Williams') Pink Pills. By enriching the blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give vigor,' etrength, health, happiness and beauty. Here is a bit of proof "For upwards of three years I suffer-' ed from anaemia," says Miss Mary! Jackson, of Normandale, Ont., "Ii had no color in my face, my lips; and gums were bloodless, and I grow so weak I could scarcely walk about: the house. I doctored a good deal but got no benefit until I begat, 'using Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Bee fore I had taken them more than a, .couple of weeks I could see a change for the better, and continuing the! ! use of the pills for Some time long- er my strength returned, the color, came back to my face, and I gained, fourteen pounds in weight. I can; .recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to every weak, ailing girl or woe ily to get together as many of his roan." relatives as possible, so that they These pills are good for all trou' might all have at least one jolly bias due to poor blood or weald evening together. He began his self- nerves. Don't take any other meds imposed task of eine Lsee that the full name, Dr: j GATHERING TFTE111 IN Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People' over a year ago, writing to each is found on the wrapper around eve! member not once but many times. ery box. If In doubt send direct to It was impossible to get them all to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,, accept his invitation, for some were Brockville, Ont., and the pills will; ill and therefore could not come; but be mailed at 50 cents per box or air• the average of acceptance worked boxes for $2,:50. out well, the exact number accept- ing Ver. Ries's invitation being 207. At the last moment seventeen found it impossible to attend, and so the number resolved itself into exactly a quarter of a thousand. Of course, among so large a gath- ering, many of the relatives were .a. ;.,.,k ` total strangers to each other, and a {} , ::;y.•: . M - good deal of merriment was caused through the various introductions. For example, those living in Amer- ica had never seen those woo came from Europe and Australia, while to others even the names were un- familiar. Over a hundred were ab- solute strangers to each other. The variety of accents was remarkable, while the languages spoken were suf- ficient in number to form a very respectable Babel. The youngest member of the fami- ly present was a little tot of a few months named Edward Schleis- ner, of Baltimore. The sexes were fairly evenly divided, the gentler members having a alight advantage. At the conclusion of the banquet the guests were photographed in one in1- mense group, little "Teddy" Schleis- .ner being seated on the knee of the oldest member of the family, MR. HERIMAN RIES. Anotner big fancily reunion was one which was also held in New York, but as far hack as 1892. This was a gathering together of the de- scendants of Mr. Thomas Faulkner, an Englishman who went to Amer- ica early in the fifties. He was a rich man and somewhat eccentric, and when he was reaching the close of his life he became desirous of meeting all his relatives, many of Mothers all over the Dominion will: whom he had never seen. They were be spared many 0.0 anxious hour if scattered to the four quarters of the they will keep always at hued ai globe, but, nothing daunted, ho sys- tematically began the task of writ- ing to each of his 215 relatives, in- viting them to conte to New York to a banquet, followed by a dance, generously adding that the cost of the journey and other incidental ex- penses he would defray himself. The arrangements took many months to complete, but so anxious were the relatives to keep in the good graces of their ]rind -hearted correspondent that not a single invitation was re- fused. Before the evening of the en- tertainment, however, four of the Invited guests died, and from the consequences of these deaths and other causes only 186 members of Mr..Faulkner's big family sat down to dinner on the night of the great event. It was computed at .the time that the expenses of this little ga- thering must have averaged at least £30 a head, many of the visitors coning from the opposite points of the compass,, so that Mr, Faulkner •palet between five and six thousand, pounds for the pleasure of meeting his relatives for one evening only. FROM MANY QUARTERS, One in four Arabians dies by vio- lence. The economical structure of the kingdom of Greece rests largely upon the currant industry. The Salvation Army journal, the War Cry, ZRppears weekly in thirty different languages. The amazing richness of the Mis- sissippi bottom lands is due largely to the sediment .deposited in times of overflow. There are at the present moment in France 200,000 houses which have no windows, because there is still a French window and door tax, The English post office gives 20 per cent. better speed in delivering parcels than the private carriers and at a cost of 6 cents for one pound, 8 cents for two pounds, and 24 cents for eleven pounds. The Chilean Congress, after wrest- ling with the subject twenty years, has passed a bill providing for the; construction of a railway over the, Andes mountains, to connect Buenos Ayres with Santiago and Valpariso. The length of coast line seen by Tiorchgrevink in 1900 and Capt. Scott recently suggest the probab- ility of an Antarctic continent. The nearest approach to the south pole, that of Scott, was 532 miles, while "farthest north," by Count Abruzzi, was 239 miles from the north pole. The -satisfaction of having the 'washing done early .in the day, and well done, belongs to every fuser of Sunlight Soap. fon A LITTLE TALK ON A GREAT MATTEIS The roan who intends to get a new Binder for next harvest and hasn't yet placed his order will be inter- ested in what follows: THE KNOeTTER is a very import- ant feature of the 1linder. If it is complex it will prob- ably give trouble. • The sim- ple lenotter is the one to be chosen. The simplest Knotter we know of is the MASSEY-1•1.ARRIS. Simplicity is to be deoirod in all farm machinery. Another important feature of the MASS1Y-11ARitI S KNOTTER is that it is 50 constructed that any wear which may occur in course of time can be readily taken up. No other Kuotter equals it in this;par- ticular. The MASSEY-IIAI1RIS ICNOTTER is a great time 011001`, too. It uses but tittle twine in tying the knot, • BABY'S HEALTH. POCEET•SA&MONS. sitx'ong and spilled as -western ath- letes are, there are some respects in which the athletes of the east, end especially those of Persia and Jra- pan; surpass them. Their skill is box of Baby's Own Tablets and give; them to their little ones as oecasiva� =ray require, These Tablets hc-ve l saved thousands of little baby lives' and grateful mothers everywhere ace, knowledge the good they have donelt their little ones. Mrs, p, J, Mo- I Parland, Wylie, Ont., writes cannot praise Baby's Own Tablets; enough. When I got then) my baby. girl was very badetwith whooping; cough, and cutting her teeth besides4l With both these troubles at the same; time she was in a bad way and!; slept but little either day or night,,' After tho second dose of the Tablets. I found there was already a change', for the better. She slept weal through the day and nearly all night; and, this was a great relief to me, ase I was nearly worn out losing 001 ,much rest at night. She cried al most ince:meetly before I began giv- ng her the 'Tablets, but in a short' time the cough ceased, oho cut six: teeth, grew cheerful and began toi gain wonderfully: In fact, I believe; I owe her lire to Baby's Own Tab -i Lets, as I do not think she wouldll have pulled through had it not been, for them. I can recommend, the TabiI llets to any mother wlho has a cross,) fretful, sickly child. Theee'Pfbicts will cure all thei rinor ailments of little ones ; they. re guaranteed to contain no opiate, Tho ELEVATOR CIIAIN on the VLASSLl'-11:':1111tIS runs a simple course, with all the sprockets on which it travels inside the chain area. This reduces friction, Fric- tion, as every fanner knows, makes heavy work for the horses. The revolving spoolshown in the cut is used as a chain tightener. 'roere is only a, rolling friction here. SOVTETIIING WRONG. An Australian auctioneer who was reputed to parvo more education than professional ability was endeavoring to sell 500)0 cattle to an audience of farm hands, "Gentlemen." he be- gan, "I have a particularly nice lot of heifers and bullocks ; and I may say that the heifers predomin- ate," He was interrupted by 11. very agricultural voice from the crowd, "I thrift there was something wrong with 'em," it said, "or you wouldn't have to sell 'em." "John," she said, "do you think you can a(Toed a new gown for the?" Ito looked at her sharply. "Have you ordered it ?" he asked. "Yes," "'Then," he said . with a sigh of resignation, "x can afford it." 4 Denfnees Cannot Be Cured - by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only Ono wny to care- dea, earl that 1s by const; tvtlannl remfnessedies, Duainass ie caused by run lntltuned con- dition of the mu0ons lining of rho Eus- tachian Tribe, when this tube is inflam- ed you have a rumbling -sound or im- perfect hutting; and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the "result, and v11- Ispsthe ineat8mation .can bo te,lteu o0ut 1131(1 11(38 tube teetotal to its 11000)111 condition, dit hearing will be destroyed e boyeUaNianrerhaswhiocuhtt0of ntoniang d but 1111 hvicce, 11amed condition of the mucous ser - We will give Ono Hundred Dollars ler any caro of llealn0sa (causer)-hy catarrh)' that Oalmet be cured by Hall's (1nttt.ma1- Ouro Send for circuirra, free. F..3, (1111.]Nh;y 11, UU., Toledo; Sold by Itrnggl5ta, 760. 0-)m1.3'I 1.•nultly pills arc the, beet, Kelly (growing pathetic) -"Pity a poor, unfortunate man, Kelliher, theta got to go home to hie Wolfe 1" IColliher—"Brace up, Kelly! braxio up ! Ye should'bo thankful yo are not"tiho Sultan 1" due to the fact that they do not re- and can be given with advantage to, ly on brute strength, but on adroit- the youngest and most delicate' COQ©botmme00®9®80©DO®�Ooem ,nese, which they have acquired af- child. Sold by all druggists or sent) ter years of strenuous training They 07 mall, t ^' ' a , a 255, a box, by writingi know the function of •every muscle 'to the Dr. 1V]I ;o Hams' Medicine Co.. !o o o in their bodies, and they aro not re- t ga.r•ded as experts until they are so ° ire o well trained that they can perform i With ease any feat which depends o Io t0 0 0 ST0 JAC IL BS eockvilis, Ont. TIIE JOYS OF FAT7IEItII00D, for success not only upon their strength, th but also upon the properr a ,• 0 play of their muscles. They are not here my oe man what are you doing 7 You've been hanging - round and Iooking at that b shop for the last hour, end it leaky ®' very suspicions." Shy Patertctntilias (who has within the last few days experienced the 4 first joys of fatherhood)—"That's n easily explained. My wife asked me to go out and get a funding -bottle, b and I'm just waiting till there's no ,m one in the shop before I go in to get the thing." ep as .bulky as some of the well-known "' o athletes of Europe and America, but, on the other hand, their bodies aro wonderfully symmetrical, and all their movements are most graceful. In wrestling and swinging clubs they especially excel, and, no matter bow expert they may be, not a day passes that they d0 not practice for towel hours. fl • Every year thousands of drawn money oriiers are not paid. Those to whoin they are made payable for 0 51 A company has been organized at 1 Winnipeg to conduct what will, it is said, be one of the largest dairy farms n Americo. 1,750acres of e land on the south bank of the river est one-half mile from the cit Dm- .d its have been secure s lauds SI one solid boa and s welt adapted se o thi new cont- is c, the purposes f s o' ws a large r parry to keep 600 co g per- lel contuse of which willbeIlkdsteitts, POSITIVELY CuRF lithetlsnatiVIO>t x'IeUrsagiew Lv1mbagiO, Bazta:aache} Sciaiicth ,Sgrai11e Ertlitaes stif'A'atoCe 0 0 0 0 .o vi b b Aetna reason fail to present them- !wives hem- o d i L the paying office, 11(1 Tc g a t a the se c. p y g its tothe Governm money rose e ant e m CNQUE�S PA4ti, after ono year has elapsed, Last j y o year the department realized nearly d This 1 d o 4100,000 from this source, 1 k i 1 p of °e —�- 0 lift. 1!'as"Sy--"x don't see why you. Wear "those ridiculously big sleeves farm t thisId. sold to be in New ,jersey, where 5001 freerariteoryoo®,,i6o 6,s 4606.4 ,4 cows are Rept. 4:3 The C ti %ellen yen Ixavc' nothing to !1151 them," Hefei largest n o Ss r i5 j17r14, F"usay--"Do you fill Von' silk iAAt 7" Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world prroducesq and is solei only in leant packets. Black, Mixed and Greene 4pan tca drinkers try "Salada" Green tea. ti t -f MILLIONS FOB CLOTHES, Curious Custom in the North of England. There are some phases of life eon- neeted with the opening of Spx'ing and summer seasons that the aver- age Londoner is guile unaware of in comparison til th his fellows in the great teeming towns of the provinces and one of these in the North of England is the great 0110001 paying out of sums which have been saved for months previously and which are kicstined almost solely for the purchasing of new clothes, says Lob - don 'Tit -]lits. It has been declared by a well- known statistician that in York - ,shire and Lancashire alone no less than three 1111111ons sterling is every year saved up by working people in cennectien with clothing and other clubs, all this money going in com- plete new 00 113(6 for husband, wife, boys, and girls. 'The paying out be- gins previous to paster, and it gen- erally 1•ea011es Its height just before Whitsuntide. In Leeds alone cloth- ing clubs account for more than £1:00,000 between the two seasons referred to, and of the money al - Way's saved and distributed for the "wakes" — an annual fair time — at Oldham, in Lancashire, which occur later in the year, quite E80,- 000 80;000 is spent straight away in at- tractive L a ant. The Yorkshire lad or lass vino wishes to emerge in all the glory of now clothes at paster — after regularly paying in• some amount duce the previous year — must be, to use the local phrase, "all of a piece"; that is to say, every article of attire that has been "donned" must be wholly new. There must be no neve coat 0nd a last year's hat or boots; everything must bo new. It may well be understood what those three millions, saved by thrif- ty people, mean to the tradespeople of the great counties 111. question, At some of the great stuff -manufac- turing mills, employing from two to five thousand "hands," all the wo- men workers 000 allowed to hoard up their savings and to buy at 'al- most cost price whole pieces of beau- tiful fabrics that have not ;.even reached high-born ladies. Thus it is that there are no better dressed working girls in the world than at Bradford and Leeds. THE DIFFICUleT PART," "Well, Thornton has thrown tip the sponge," eimounced Mr. barley. "Why, 11010 on earth (lid he man- age to swallow it?" asked the literal Mrs. Darley. Little Dick—"Why do all these dressmakers have big signs saying they is modiste ?" LICt1e Dot—"I 'spect they want folks $o know it isn't their fault the dresses is cut so low." For Orrr Sixty Years. A' 01.0 AND V,'tL,'EIttzu asal500..,ISrs Wrnelownl bwaiting 871 hs 05been used for ore) elsty roars by ml]Nme of mothers for their children while teething, vitt, perfout sueuosa. It soothes the child. softens the gu111e, allays all pnio, cures wind colic, cal Is the host. 'remedy far niarrhma. Is ples.ant to the tesla Sold by druggists in every pert of 31e word. 04r0,,(9.ilre000150beetle. Its tante is ineelculAbie. 150 uore and ask for Mrs. w'lumow'e soothing ;snag and take no other kind. 23-74 Mr. I:Nees—j'' "Did you read abdut a wotnarl who married 0010 'man thinking 13/ was another?" Mrs. Jones — 'l on't a get excited over. that. Lo of woolen do• the saute thing eve y day in the week." bares liniment for -safe -ever}there ONE IYIAN'S EXPERIENCE. Provision He IBade for His Tak- ing Off Helped Him. "It may scent• odct to your" said a tnan who has money enough now to buy a dozen cemeteeics if he wanted then), "'but the first great feeling of relief and gratification that tante to me -wit 11 my first li(tic accuenulaton of stoney sprang from ,,the- realiza- tion -that. now, •for the •first time since I had been marled, WO had money enough to bury•any of us who should. die. "For years I had been dead poor, right clown to ]lard pan all the thee, using up every dollar of the few I earned as fast as I got it -I never had alent. I never tonic a gloomy view of things, however, even in those days,, anymore than to smith over Ido now; in tact, I used over them, sometimes, when I thought of hohard up we real) y were; but I used to wonder, some- times, too, what we should_ do ' in vaso anything should happen; and it was a bleeped feeling of relief, in- deed, that I experienced when fenr11- ly I had got together that first, lit tie pile of savings, "Now we eonid bury any of un properly and with all clue observance and with the .gentest care, without, asking help of any one; at last we were Po fixed that we could afford to die. "And to he freed of that anxiety I found, when T did cornu to he fret, of el, was not only tt great ,chef, but it was an ac1,u01 11e1,, to ran in a Ufrefneen way, It math: nun feel safer Lnt1 na81(10 anti more tnr'ilre about everything; It gave rne g reet t e er confidence and helped the in every ry way; and s0 this provie:inn for our tatting off helped urs greatly In fgol ting or." S1-03 WIt1 N 'TITIil CZAR REVOKED. ' The Czar 01 Russia was 010 night playing a game of n'hist at Ilont- bua'g, and his Majesty the Ring, at that time Prince of Wales, and 5e1.- era1 of his friends were of the party. Among there friends was Sir James• Meekintosh, a well -!mown social lion of a few years ago. Sir ,lances was one of those blunt, downright, rough -spoken Scotsno1 who, like so many of iris country- men, know no fear or awe of any attain. In the midst of the game Sir lames called out to the Czar: "You've revoked!" Everybody's blood ran cold. The Prince of Wales kicked the Scotsman 1111(101' the table, and the Czar, blushing and confused, ex- claimed in bewilderment: "Revoked! Why, I never sad such a thing in my life!" But Sir James persisted, and the monarch was proved to be in the wrong, 'Whereupon Sir James replied to the observation of the Czar: "I darn say you've often ;'evoked, your Majesty, but this is the first time you were over told so." J, FIIETORER"S GLAD NEWS '00DD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIS LUMBAGO AND I•IE IS A SOUND M.A.N. Granton Nan Shouts the Goodly News that There is a Cure fon Kidney Disease and that Curl is Dodd's Kidney Pills. Granton, Ont., May 4, --(Special)—: There is no uncertain sound about the statement of John Fletcher of this place. "I am glad to let the, public know that Dodd's Kidney' Pills have cured me of Lumbago and now I ant perfectly sound," that, is the way he puts it. Questioned al to the particulars of his cure Mel Pletcher said' "T had been troubled for a yea► with Lumbago and Kidney Troubles, My urine was ...of ay very bad colors and I could get nothing to help me., "I consulted doctors but they` could not help ate, and I was not int a Very cheerful frame o1 mind when; 1 decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. - “But it was a lucky day for mo trhen I did. Almost from the first they gave me relief and I was soon pntire]y cured. • "Yes, my Lumbago is gone ; Iny; Kidney Complaint is gone and; Dodd's Kidney Pills did It all." Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to; Cure Kidney Complaint, whether that{ omplaint takes the form of Bright's,disease, Diabetes, Dropsy,' Itheum- atism, Sciatica, Laine Ilack, etc. ' b Ethel—"A sixteen -page letter from George 1 'Why, • what on -earth does he say ?" Mabel—"He says lee loves ' me,' r Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder; to wash woolens and flannels, - you'll like it. , At Yakutsk, in Eastern Siberia, the record annual range of tempera- ture is reached. It V0010s from 85 degrees above to 75 degrees below zero. Stratford, 4111 Aug., 1008. !lines . 0. 0. RICHARDS 8a CO. ,•S(Teo-tk:men—My 010151311055boy, 4years old, fell into a tub of boiling water and got scalded fearfully. A few days latae his legs swelled to three times their na- turai sive and broke out in running sores, His parents could get nothing to hole him till I recommended MINARD'S LINT' MENT, 1.011011, alter using two- bottles, completely curet) him, and I know of sev- eral other crises around here :detest as rte. marltn1le, cured by the same Ltniutent, nod I can truly any I never'handled a me' citable which bits had as goof) rt sale mi givensuch universal satisfaction. M. HIBERT, General Merchant 1 .., 7,47 Tito Rritle—"I don't 'want to have any troultle-w•ith ,you Bridget," Tho Cools—"Then; mistress, dear, let mo hear no.,codnplaints l" • ' . Miuilyd's Llsireent Cures Burns, etc. Crawford — "I expect to get my daught:m's well, married by giving them a good' education," Shaw — "I think you'd succeed better if you gave them the stoney the education Would cost," • GOING TO TELL IT. 'Cho Brent South American Rheumatism Cure; the kited that cures in a few days the most ob- stinate and painful cases. 11 you have n friend ;suffering front that horror, or from lumbago or neuralgia, it is your duty at least to offer it to him. It will re- lieve, with tho first done. You too, William Marshall, of Varney Post Oflico, County of Gray, Ontario, writes: 1ror the teat year 1 was oontinually' In Led. I spent hundreds of dollars in n< n rdi 10111. which moved dc;tlerI and O wtehp vd of little n Ra ':Itis first drys 0 8030. AWanrre relief, hI am c c Cera cured in - R a1unl, ra hr•[ 1nm completely cured" TIE (Khoo SOUTHAMI!PICAN 08(93114 TONIC. t,uilds up into vigor and heal 113 the 111011 shattered Systems. It is 'un- matched in female complainto, or f5 eneral debilit in either 6e0. inmateds el testimonials from the cured coca, 111 ANEW '101 f eteie ieelleceei'• t:w -- A ONwKcE Foy cLEveD.vEOPLe It should bo easy for people who drink delicious Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea to say something that will induce their friends to try it in Cash Prizes Twenty-five cash Prizes will be awarded in order of merit to those sending in the best advertisements for Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea. First Prize - - $econd Prize - - Third Prize - - e 4th to i3th Prizes, $10,00 each , 14th to 230, �.00 eacb - - - $200.00 1 x00.00 ( 40.00 500.0o 6o.00 .1 $500.00 In addition, beginning with the week ending April 4, a special weekly prize of .5,00 will be given to the one sending in the best advertisement during that week, making for the nine weeks $45.00 in special prizes, or a grand total of thirty-four cash prizes, $545. CONDITIONS est. No professional ad. writer, nor anyone connected directly or indirectly with the Blue Ribbon'Cca Company may compete: and. Advertisements must not contain more than 5o words, and shorter ones aro preferable, 3rd. One of the cards used in packing Blue Ribbon Red LobetTea—there are two in each package, must be enclosed tenth each batch of advertise. ments sent. 4111, The competition closes June 1, woe, and all competing advertisements must reach one of the following addresses on or before that date. lute Ribbon Tea Co., Winnipeg, Man. Blare Ribbon Tea Co., Toronto. Ont. Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Vancouver, E.C. ,5th. No person shall be awarded more than one of the main prizes, but may also take one or more weekly prizes. 6111. In ease el a tie, decision will be based on all the advertisements submitted by the competitors in question. Mr. H. M. E. Evans, of the Winnipeg Telegram, has kindly consented to judge the advertisements and award prizes. AOl advertisements that fail to win a prize. but Which aro foorl enough to be accepted for p,iblication will be paid for at the rete of $1.Oe each. Unless expressly requested to the contrary, we will consider ourselves at liberty to publish the names of prize winners. A good advertisement should be truthful and contain an idea brightly and forcibly expressed. A bona fide signed letter with address and date from one who has tested the tea, is a good form. An advertisement for an article of feed should not associate with it, even by contrast, any unpleasant idea. The best advertise- ment is the one that will induce the most people to try the article advertised. Scobt your Inspiration in a Cup of Blue Ribbon Red) Label Tea and the Morley is yours. eteIssetekeecteleneWeete rHE RIGHT PAINT TO PAINT RIGHT, ,Sixty one years ago we made the best paint :f we knew how—knowledge and experience have been adding value to it ever since—it's the best paint we knew how to make now. And just a little better than the best. Write us, mentioning this piper, for booklet showing how some bcaatis ful homes are painted with aamsays taint,. A. RAiSSAY i SON, Paint makers. MONTR CAL, lfst(1 0o 14-26 The best cannel coal, for gas mak- ing is found in Australia, As 0111011 as 17,500 feet have been made from a- ton.. Ordinary ' coal gives ' 9,000 feet. Minard's LI-Iment -Cures Dandruff, Every task undone means some truth unknown;� Mlnard's Liniraeat Relieves Neuralgia 'The finest fabrics may be woven out of cross purposes.• a bier D,IYI $` 1 A FULL COURSE nY MAIL, including 1Tonto Dalry, MAX Tenting, Dairy dean"try, Dairy nngrorinlosy. Also STOOK RAISING Judging rIeedine, Reeding sob iltumgamant of Call 0, nt o•,I* and kwi Ask ter hal vireo, a" of thaw end other enntec0-Agril, Holum, Dept Canadian Correspondence College, 1- tndto11 0 TOr3ONTO, • ISSYMElERNMSNIMENECESSERESSEEN51 �{qq,, qhs �+t t] p SMITn & OAMEROII -p 61 tl_ NTS noli0itoreolo eta MW olio gal TL®t onnann i. ra utid a, to unto. aseneezeseemtnene.. Write f r[rue811(51 i-1—On RUBBER GOODS Latest Novelties, all styles. Correspondence invited, l0h- close 2e stamp for circular. 114E UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., 1'. 0. Box 1142, Montreal. 0,57 Q i Iola theeSteamships Oast tr 5431, 11 tl Liverpool. Tial. to IArer. pool, Portland to Liverpool, Vid 4uen11• tau•n, Lerga and Vent s seneo18 o 50100,, nn Statoiaum ra Inose and even (o5ma Int ell shoat of f,�ataento Ha ern amidnhl a Stolid ird•Ol0 n herr been ;von , Lha Sacond Saloon end p kr mite( pneaag0 and all 1eTLloularY, apply to any atilt 9t the C:oalpAny, dr ttlotan.%r Mi31Y k tro, iy.'rortcnan A a0. VIatat.Ot, liostoa, 9-gontrealer&reytliai,. FEATHER . DYEING 0100,158 and Ouriioe. cad Kid Obre. 5leanod091. Thera ow be aept by post, to Ferns the beet 110 BRITISH AMERICAN. DYEING CO. . MOSTRE&T., ORANGES LEMONS We have Mexicans, WE California Navels, HAVE Valencias, and Seviiles, BEST ��.3�i'.a�.19t7'�.�. Carload every week. All the above at market.prices. We can also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syrup and other produce to advan- tage for you. tHE f1AWft0N COMMISSION 00., Limited,, Oor. West Market O:., TOitONTO. 1 45 ABOUT BONDS. goozzeinessulasi WE ®WN A NUMB 11 Of Issues of Govern - trent and Municipal debentures purchased after thorough export Investigation. F o r people who want an absolutelysurelnveat- meat they cannot be (mailed. We have other good Bonds yielding attractive in- tereat rates --as high Ile 8. per cent. WR,TE FOR L181', DOMINION ON SECURITIES corporation, LInlitBtl, 20 King St. east, Toronto, * 18-90