The Brussels Post, 1903-5-28, Page 1Vol.81. No, 46
W, H. KERB, Prop,
New Advertisements.
Looal-G, E. King.
/immolator -Jae, Fux.
atoltet loot -Twit PORT.
Strayed -August Fischer,
House for Bale -Tun POET.
Speoiale-MoKinnon & Go,
Farmers' attention-1,lti Moore.
Bull for servioe-August Fiaoher.
iijistrirt gems,
Tro'svbr:d, e.
Rev. J. E. Hooter, who has bad charge
of the Trowbridge Metbodiet circuit for
nearly eight menthe, will preach hie fare.
well sermons next Sunday and wi'I upend
the Summer in the Northwest. The
work will be supplied during the month
of June. The Official Board has invited
Rev. T. E. Sawyer, of Salem, for tbo
next Oooterential year.
ENTSRTAINr[2NT.-The annual Epworth
League entertainment was held in the
Metbodiet ohuroh Monday evening The
chair was 000upted by Rev. J. E. Hunter,
An exoellent program wan rendered oon•
sitting of voonl and instrumental maeioal
eeleotions by Misers Teseie and Edith
Phillips, Emma and Minnie Closers and
Meyers. Adams and Diokeon ; recitations
oo1 Wauletl
Any quantity of Wool
wanted for which the
Highest Market Price
will be paid.
I3omaseekeral DAY '°eiXourslons
Moosomin I
Hi neoarth
Grand View'
Swan River
Moose Jaw dP
Yorkton ,,.,,.
Pr. Albert.,.
Muoleod.:, $35
Calgary 111
Red Deer
Strath- 4
Going JUNE 4th, returning until AUGUST
9tlt Conrail n1Going
18013, Aiuntil AUGUST 18th all ra
or8,8. Athabasca.). Gnlog JULY 4011, re-
turning ug until SEPTEMBER 8th all rail or8..Manitoba) to aro notgood on
"Imperial Limited."
For tickets and
Pamphlet giving full
nearest aadn particular,
agent, or
Assign nt General Passenger A gent,
71 Yoage Bt., Toronto..
Highest Market Price
paid for any quantity
delivered at my Store-
house, No. 1, Brussels,
Also for all kinds of
Grain. 484
Robt. Graham
by Mtn Winnie McGuire, R. B. Hamel
ton, and J. B. Hunter ; and an midyears
-by Ray. T. Wesley Gonane, of Brneeelo,
After the program, luteol' svae served in
the basement. At a ernell tedmi•eion fee
the pr000ede amounted to over ea0.
Lneagoal ae.
Mrs. J. 13. Morrison intends visiting
friende in Toronto shortly.
Wm. Wraith bas a new boat in good
shape for the season's Oebing on the Mee.
A number of young pe"pie plo•nioked
at Bleck Horse Lake on Saturday last.
They report a good time,
We are pleased to see that Mex. Reid,
who has been so very low sell Winter, is
able to be around again.
Mine Jemima MoKinnon, milliner, of
Winghem, spent Sunday tend Viotorie
day under the parental roof.
Mre. Robert McGowan and Mies Soots,
of Belgrave, visited at the home of their
brother, Walter Scott last week,
Luoknow eporte, the Teeewater pie neo
end that most engaging of all pastimes,
angling, aeoonnte for mo:b of our oibizene
on Victoria Day.
Mr. Treleaven, photographer of Leek•
now, wheeled out on Tbureday last and
to k a couple of group photoe of the
Langside school.
It is afoot of interest to the bird stn.
dent that uever have .o many varieties
and in mush numbers been sighted see dor.
ing the preeent season. This may be
duo to natural otueea but it may be
poeeib'e that restrictions and penalties
are partly responsible for Ibfe desirable
condition of affairs.
M . r
reefer -cif.
Foot BALL.-Tueaday'e Toronto Globe
gives the following report of the foot ball
match between trite Broadview team of
that city and Beaforbb, played lest Mora
day in Toronto :-The senior Broaclviewe
broke into the Weeleru Football Aasooia
tion senior sertea yesterday, meeting the
Seatortb Hurons, and though they did
not win, the East end team had alightly
the better cf a stiff argument, the game
reaching in a draw, neither side snoring,
The defence of both teams was strong,
but the Broodview forwarde shot harder
and more often tban the Huang, The
Broadview° kicked withijthe wind in the
first half, and barring an, ooasional rush
by the Seaforth forwards the attack on
the Huron goal wan brisk. McQueen,
Jones, Amy and Phillips eaoh had shote,
but the wind made them wide. Towards
the end of the half Bennett, the loom
goalkeeper, was laid out for a few min
ate-, the result of a heavy kink. Right
at the oloee of the half MoLeod delibera•
tidy fouled rho ball in front of goal, bat
McQueen's penalty kink failed to 0000001.
The wound half was factor than the
first, and though both forward lines work
ed hard the game ended as before indioat•
ed. The teame :-Beaforih-Goal, Graven;
backs, Ferguson, Houghton ; half•baoka,
MoDonald, McLeod, Miller ; forwards.
L. McDonald, Morrison, Brownlee, Fin.
1a yen Moleon- Broadview -Goal, Ben.
nett ; backe, Gilding, Hampbrey ; half
banks, McGrath, Brown, Pollock ; for
wards, Jones, Phillipe, Small, Amy,
McQueen. Referee, A. Hatt,' Toronto.
1311110V0 10.
Turnberry Commit met Met Tuesday.
Mrs John RakY visiting was vi
e relatives
in Wingbam.
Geo. and Mre. McDonald spent Monday
at Molesworth.
Misses E K ng and H. 11 am, of Wing
ham, spent the 261.11 here.
A. MoAllieter, of Bulmare, was vieitiog
relatives hero this week.
Mise Maggie Paterson, of Niagara Falls,
is visiting her emote here.
Three care of butter were shipped from
the factory here on Monday.
Mre. MoLean o •n
f Wingham, visited
i 't
Mre. J. Johnston over Sunday.
Mre. W. L. Fraser and little daughter,
Allot, have been visiting in Brussels.
A oar of grass cattle wee reoeived last
week from Toronto by J. J. Denman.
Mise Florence Park, of Wingham, was
visiting Mende in Bineviele on Monday,
Bluevale flax mill wilt not run this
year. Sanity of hande is given as one
Jas. and Mre. Stewart, of Roeenleldt,
Mao., are visiting Mre. Stewart's mother,
Mre. Collie,
Mies Belle Burgess left for Woodetoolt
on Monday where ehe will remain with
her brother for a time,
Ooiporteur Pieroy ie here puehing the
sale of books. Ile will supply the Pres.
bytorian pulpit for two Sabbaths in June.
Implement `' Tareroom Removed,.
The undersigned has removed from the Smale Block to
rooms onMill street, opposite P. Scott's Shop, where he
has on sale a fine stock of
Get a supply 1. of DeeringBinder Twine.
Call in and see our stook and ask our prions and terms,
We guarantee fair treatment to everybody.
Afill Street, ;Brussels,
W. Allen, of Winghem, visited et 0. R.
lirinkor'e this week,
11. AMOR and W. Telford, , f Winghem,
?Hied a' John Burgeee' recently.
Kra. Molutnsh and children, of Moles•
worth, spent the 26th with Thoe. and
hire. flotillee.
Fred, and Mrs. MoOracken, of Bros -
sale, were visiting John aid Mrs, Garden•
er this week,
lieu. F. Swann and Joseph Leah at.
tended the annua' Dietriot meeting of the
Merhodiat ohuroh tet Luoknow last week,
The infant son of John and Mre. King
died on 101001ay night. He was about a
mouth old. Sympathy ie expressed for
the family.
Mies Allot Doff attended the Teachers'
Convention at Clinton ,on Friday and
Saturday and also apont the 26th visiting
friends there,
Rev. Mr. West, M. A., will leave for
the General Aeaembly, Vancouver, 13. 0.,
Thurede.y of next week. He will be
ubsentfour weeks.
W. Robinson tied W. J. Duff, who
Masted the Bleck 100 mores and 80 aoree
f the Denman farm, have bought 80
heed of etookerb and are paeturieg them
on above mentioned properties.
W Ir0X0I .0 11..
Mrs. A. Pantie has gond to Toronto
for a few weolte' vied.
W. 8. MoKeroher returned last week
from his trip to the West.
Mise Campbell, of Chatham, ie the
guest of Mise Alice Hamilton.
Mre. Jae, Belden, of Winnipeg, visited
friends in the village last week.
Mrs. T. Hemphill and Miee Harris are
guests of Mrs. 0. Gook fu Beneall.
Mre. Robe. Gib3on, of Kieinburg, is
visiting her father, T. B. Sanders.
N. Cook, of Hensel], was a guest at the
home of G. Herres sr., on Monday.
J. J. Gibson, of Barrie, spent the holi-
day with hie sister, Kra. F. V. Dietician.
The Dona of Revision will be held in
the Clerk's , £line on Tneeday, June 2nd.
Mre 0. Stewart, of Arthur, epent a few
days with her 'nether, Mrs. E. Sander-
J. Townsend, of Toronto, was the gneet
of his brother, B. J. Townsend, for several
Mre. T. G. HemphilI has gone to
To:ooto where aha will take a ooaree in
R. Treoah shipped e, ear of export
cattle on Saturday and a oar of hogs on
John Wendt and B. Mutoh visited at
the former's home in Mildmay over
Mine Elia Sanderson left for Toronto
on Thursday where she will remain for
some time.
John Barnard wheeled from Lucian on
Saturday and epent a few days in the
villnge with old Needs.
The monthly meeting of the Women's
Institute was be'd at the home of Mre.
John Hamilton last Thursday.
Mre. Goodfellow moved to Wiertou hest
Thnreday where she will in future reeide,
having rented her cottage to Jae. Bailen-
W. 0. Hazlewood attended the Dietriot
meeting- of the Metbodiet church in
Luoknow last week, Rev. A- I. McKelvey
also attended. The latter was elated
Sbatiatioal Seoretary.
The holiday passed off quietly in the
A number attended a io.nia at
i P
L' t n,
y date another load of young
people drove to .iL'eeawater ; and the
scholars of the Episcopal Sunday school
attended the Union picnic in Gerrie.
The Maio street has been improved in
appearance during tbopast week, the
Rae blook, end hone and store owned by
A. Moffatt having been freshly. painted.
A new fence has also been erected be-
tween the Methodist parsonage and the
Epieoopal oburah.
Pa all 01.
Communion services next Sabbath in
the Presbyterian ohuroh here.
Mrs. B. Driver, of Rochester, N. Y , ie
here on a visit to her daughter Mrs. Pol-
lard. She is a weloome visitor.
D. S. Milne and hie brother William in
the forepart of last weals visited with
their oouein, David Milne, of Maitland
Bank Farm, Ethel.
Tuesday the Court of Revieion on the
Assessment Roll was held in the Town-
ship Hall. On June 16th the Court of
Revieion on the Lemont and Hanna
drain Bylaws will be held,
Rev. 0. P. Wella, B, A. 13., D., ie on
the program ni the Metbodiet Oonferenoo
meeting at Wingham on Saturday of
next week, to give a Leotnre before the
Theological Uniou on "Inspiration".
A union Sabbath eohool convention
comprisingthe three a oiutmente the
Ethl oiroit wee bald is the liielhodiet
ohnrch hate last-Atonday afternoon and
evening. A fuller report ie not to hand,
The Atwood Bee of fast week mattes
the following reference to the aloft of
Ethel Sena of Temperance to their berg :
-Members of the Ethel, Sone of Tem
petunia Society, nnmberirg about thirty,
visited the local sooiety of Royal Temp -
tare last Tueeday evening, The enter
taimnent took the form of a patriotic
evening and the program, ooutiating of
eongo, reoitatione, dialogues and tableaux
all centered on the theme, Canada. The
Atwood Template were at some pains to
get up an interesting program, and when
to the local numbers were added several
sentient iteme by the Ebel friende, an
enjoyable evening wan aseured, The tab.
leattx' given were unique and well exeout-
ed, the etlbjeoteof them beiog ; Mies Oen•
oda ; Our Soldiers Boys, and The Milk-
maid. After the program, a light re.
reeehmentof toeorenm end Dake wee eat,
ed, followed by a cordial social time. In
epite of a rainstorm during the evening,
the gathering was voted a euocoee by all
present. There wag some pretty fast
driving on our Main street on Tneeday
evening. The arrival of,the Elhotitee in
about fifteen single rigs aansed quite a
oommotion, eemo people thinking it
might be a wedding tel othote a funeral.
Vilma 0111Na.-Rev. L, Stewart
graduate of Victoria University, and a
former junior pastor of the Methodist
ohnroh here, who has recently begun
miaeion work in Manta Li Oman Prov
Inas, China, Mateo in a letter to Rev.
Dr. Stephoneon of the Methodist Ep
worth League Mieefonary Safety, that
the oonntry in the neighborhood of hie
mtoeion elation is entirely free from die
affeotioo. There is otill dteoontent fn
other parte of Cbfna, but the feelings of
the people are not violent or likely again
to produce the fearful aeries witnessed
at the flat outbreak, While voyaging up
the River Mien, s tributary of the Yang.
tee, Mr. Stewart's baggage was nearly lost
by the boat containing it capsizing whoa
running through ro her dangerous rapids
that lay in the way, He nee- the bicycle
for many of his visite to plane he has to
preach at, and the Ohinere of the vicinity
who have never seen s wheel before, re-
gard it with evident onrioslty and no
small degree of fear. The name they
give it ie the horse that neither ease
nor drinks, Mr. Stewart is the mita
eionnry supported by the Epworth
League of the Stratford Diatrtob. Hie
many old friends here wish him aband•
ant 0000000 in the far East_
VS' re t Con.
The obeese factory building hat been
The 0, 0. F. bad a supper here last
Monday evening,
Master Tommy Candler has been visit.
ing hie uncle and aunt, Jae. and Mre,
MoMillan, of Brussels.
Several Waltoniane attended East
Huron Liberal Convention at Brussels
last Tuesday attern000.
Lewis McDonald has shipped two care
of lumber to a Chatham firm this week,
It was loaded at Braunfels.
It was Rev. A. MaoNab'e turn to attend
General Aeaembly this year but he has
decided not to go and hie plana will be
taken by Rev. D. Perris, of Wiugham.
Gordon and Lew. MoDonald and Geo.
Ferguson were at Toronto last Monday
with the Huron-: Football team, of Sea•
forth, playing a senior matoh against the
Broadview Laub of that oity. Neither
side scored.
James Oampbell, who was reported as
likely to go to California for visit, will
not go at preeeet but will take a position
with August Gnhr on the dredge iu Stan
ley township where Mr. Geier has an
88 000 oontraot.
Rev. W. W. Leach and George Grigg
attended the Goderich Dietriot Meeting
of the Methodist church last week at
Clinton. Mr. Grigg wars also Omen to
represent Walton at the coming Con.
(arena which oonvenes at Wingbam ou
Thursday of next week,
azure esetole, u.
Mies Annie Straohao spent the 24th
holidays in Hamilton.
Several from this looatity attended the
Liberal Convention at Brnoeelo on Taes
The stone etabling for Peter Soott'e
new baro, on the Boundary, ie oompleted
and ready for the superetruoture.'
A. MoKelvey had a bed accident the
otber day by falling off his wheel near
Ethel. He is under the duator'e oare and
we hope he will soon be around again.
Our congratulations are extended to W.
E. and Ed. Buena over their eaooeseea
in recant medical at Col
lege in Toronto. May success ever fol-
low them.
Noticeable improvements have been
r & Ilia in the
made at the farm of [re. Mn n
building of wire fenoiug along the gavel
road and also ou the North Boundary,
She deserves credit.
Daring the past week Lizzie, the 6 year
old daughter of Jno. D. and Mrs. Miller
has been danageroaely ill with stoppage
of the bowels and pneumonia. Two
dootore were in atteodanoe, We hope
she will Boon be as well as ever.
A valuable brood mare, the property of
David M. Miller, was foaud lying dead in
theY on Y stable doorway Thureda morning
of laet week. She had been pasturing in
a field with the nettle and had been
gored by one of the animals, disembowel.
ling her. The lone will be considerable
more particularly au she was in foal. '
Mo:sr II at.
M. Moses was visiting friends at Kin.
oardine fora few days.
New plank eo'veringe have been put on
the Somerville bridges, Oth line.
Mies Maggie. Aitken, of Thorndale, is
visiting hor cousin, Mre. Geo. Jackson,
8th line.
Tbie township looks very wall at this
season of the year and the proepeote for a
good harvest are favorable.
Improvements have been made in
levelling the sabool grounds and fenoiug
at the Miller school house, 5th line, -•
Mies Rebecca Sherrie and Mre, John
Shenk, h line were visitors with rem
r e 4t
, r
tivee in Clinton and Goderioh for a few
Time, Miller, 5th line, who was etrioken
a short time ago with paralyeis, has made
some improvement and we hope favor.
able progress may continue.
It ie said Serene' Walker, 8th line, has
purohaeod the 10 agree of land adjoining
his form from Edward Garvin, of Bram
ale. The prioe was 6650.
MTB, George Ja0ltoon and oou,in were
visiting the former's brother, Andrew
Laidlaw, et Atwood. They report Mrs.
Barnhill improved in health.
Levi Beam, sou of I{. Beam, of the 7th
line, has been promoted to a fo•emonehip
of a bridge gang, with headquarters at
Regina, He is in receipt of agood salary
and wo are pleased bo hear of hie encase.
The only yoke( f oxen in ibis neighbor-
hood has been recently sold by Samuel
Walker, 8th line, to Mr, ,1feLean, of
Lankness. The animate ere obr•nt 11
years old and would be "whales" if they
were fat.
The frame for the addition to 0, Pol.
lard's barn has been raised and will prove
a valuable aoquisltioet in the etorage of
grain and the stone stabling ender ie
in comfortable (inertias for Blair. Thos.
Newsome was the"framer.
One day last week James Duncan, 4th
line, had 6 lambs tilled and 2 worried,
valued at 1126. The mischief was done
by two prowling bopnde from Brueeels.
Mr, Duncan will hold the owoero of the
doge responeibla and one ben already con.
tributed hie eltare of the lees.
Al a meeting of the township Council
twat Monday a resolution was weal
urging the 0o, Council to take advantage
of the Government grunt in the Good
Reade movement,
Wire fencing le being put up by Wm.
H, Maunders and Jae. Bolger along the
roadside, It will be of oonelderable
Value to the travelling publio as botb
emotions are known for bad drifts dprirg
some Wintere, The "Ritchie" hill Imo
been a danger spot for upsets for many a
What's the attraction at UM n,
George 7
Mice Flossie Seelepant Monday with
friends in Listowel.
Mise Myrtle McDonald spent the 241b
with friends in Brussels,
Blies Sara Loog and Willie epees a few
days with friends in Wellesley,
A number of the young people from
Oranbrook will take in the "At Home"
in Brueeels Tbureday evening.
W. P. Rilobie atteuded Maitland Pres'•
bytery at Wingham on Tuesday of last
week as the representative Elder of Oran•
brook Presbyterian church.
T. T. MoRse in home from Toronto
where he has been atudyingmedicine and
will spend a portion of his vacation here.
He will make a good M. D.
Court of Revision on the Lamont and
Hanna drain By-laws will be held on
Monday, June 15, at the Township Hall.
The two youths mentioned in last
week's Fosm who twheeled to Oranbrook
havesines been heard Liu io
"Give me but another ohanoe,
Don't turn me trona year door,
I've been wild and wayward
Bat I won't be any more."
MArnlnt.NrAL, A quiet bat pretty wed.
ding took plane at the manse, Oranbrook,
on Wednesday afternoon of last week,
when Wm. J. Patterson, recently home
to 14th oon., from Minnesota, and
We. Maggie Lamont, eldest daughter of
arm. MoTaggart, 15th oon., were happily
wedded, Rev. D. B. Molise performing
the ceremony. The Wedding Marob was
played by Blies Lizzie MoRse in good
style. The bride was acoompaniod by
Mise Lizzie Mann and R. J. MoTaggart
was groomsman. The bride and brides-
maid wore becoming oream colored as.
tumee. Mr, and Mro. Patterson will
make their home on the 14th oon., where
they aommenoe married life under empire.
one oiroometanoee and with the .hearty
good wiobee of a large oirole of relatives
and friends. Tun Poem adds its oongrat.
I.iwto^w el.
At the ceiebratioo here last Monday a
tie Football match was played between
Wingbam and Listowel, the snore being
2 to 2. There was nothing partioularly
rtiiking about the game excepting that
the Listowel goal keeper was in striking
mood every time any of hie opponents
drew nigh. The line up was as under :-
McLean Goal Taylor
Blackwood t Backe ••.•A. Bricker
Robinson f Robinson
Dowling E. Stewart
Rae }Batiks ,.. Moorehead
A. Dunlop
Mitchell )lj(
Ansley G. Brown
Mtclivray ,.. A. Bamford
Mitchell Forwards McKay
n E. Switzer
Miller ser
it r
Referee -B, Scott ,Listowel.
A leorosee match between Harrieton and
Listowel was won by the home team by
a sours of 4 to 2. The teams were nom.
posed of the following players i--
HAanI8Ton LIeuowar
Hallam Goal Format
Irvire Point Marathon
Lamb Dover Point Hart
Blackwood 1st Defence Elliott
Jordon dud Burney
Dowling Ord " Brooke
Sbortreed Centre Burney
Dixon - 1st Home Robinson
Rorie Mid - Taylor
Shortroed 8rd " Johnson
Merriam Inside Home Fleming
Oamoron..,,...,, Outside Homo Nichol,
Referee, Mr. MoOonnell, Barrlaton,
An enjoyable time was epeut on the bowl-
ing green, Brussels aapplying several
rinks who oompeted with the looal bow.
East Huron Liberals.
The annual meeting of East Huron
Liberals was held in the Town Hall,
Brussels, on Tuesday afternoon of this
week. G. F. Blair, President, in the
oltair. The attendance was not as'
large as ie usually the case yet it
was representative. After the min•
eta were reed and the Treasurer's
report adopted the elation of officers was
proceeded with and resulted as follows :-
President, R. N. Duff ; 1st vioe•Pres.,
W, 141, Sinolair 2ud vice -Pres., M:
Murdie ; Seo,•Treas., W. H. Kerr ; And.
icor, W. M. Sinclair. Chairmen of Mun•
ioipalltiee-Howiok, Alex. McLaughlin ;
Wroxeter, W. M. Robinson ; Turnberry,
Alex. Kelly ; Grey, 0. Bernath ; Morrie,
Wm. Elston ; 'Wingbam, Richard Olegg ;
Blyth, Jae. MoMnrohie ; Hullett, Thos.
McMillen . MoKillop, Jno, McDowell.
Messrs, Leckie, Sinclair and Duff were
appointed a Resolution Cotnmitbes. Their
report was adopted seg foliowe
Moved by J. Leokie,eeoonded by R, N.
Duff that it is hereby. resolved by the
Liberals of East Huron ab this their
annual meeting that we desire to express
our continued ooniideuee in the adminis-
tration of the Dominion and Provinoiat
governments and in the ability,honest
nd integrity of our gifted lders, Si
Wilfrid Laurier and Hon. G. W. Roes,
and the local representatives of our.
Dominion and Peovinoial Parliaments,
Hon. Peter Macdonald end A. Hielop,
Moved by Thos. Straolian, eaoonded by
Joseph Smillie that this Convention
desire that the preeent railway law be so
attended as to permit the proper drainage
of lands morose the traolte-and property
of railway cont auioa ; alms eo as to
require tato ratitvay constable's to be
responsible for damage to stool[, tem,
injured on railway traoke where proper
cattle guards ere not maintained, as
required by the Gowan and Lancaster
hills, now before Parliament. Wo are
also in favor of the appointment of a
Railway Oommiesioner as proposed by
the bill of the Minister of Railways. We
also reoommend legislation for the aquit.
able taxation of franohises and railway
properties along the lines proposed by the
present Government bill before the
Legislature, and Mr. Pettypiece's bill of
the same nature,
A resolution of thanks was passed to
l4lr. Blair for hie valued services during
the past two years aa President of the
Riding. -
Moved by F. S. Saab, seconded by Dr.
J. R. Macdonald that notice of motion be
now given to change date of annual
meeting from lest Tuesday in May to
2nd Tuesday in December.
Geo. Hood also gave notice of motion
that at the next annual meeting he would
move that yrtlole 9 bearing on By laws
.be amended by asking Ahab all proposed
alterations be petbliebed so as to make
the Liberals acquainted with the proffered
amendments. Both of these will be dealt
with at the next annual meeting.
On motion of W. A. Irwin, seconded
by A. }Estop, M, P. P., W. H. Kerr,
SeoretaryTreaeurer of the Association
for the past 22 years, was presented with
the tam of 426.00 as a recognition of pant
services. The recipient expressed his
very pleasant eurprfso over the presenta-
tion and returned thanks for the generous
Retiring President Blair gave a short
address, oono)ted in appropriate words,
before inviting the new occupant to the
chair. Mr. Duff thanked the meeting for
the boom' done him and hoped the oor.
dielity now prevailing would long
A letter of explanation was read am
counting for the inability of Dr. Mardon.
all, the worthy M. P. of the Riding and
Deputy Speaker, from being preeent, his
official duties at Ottawa preventing.
Short, iutereeting addressee were given
by J. Leokie, T. Strachan, M. Y. MoLean,
A, Hislop, M. P. P,, and others. Mr,
Hislop made reference to the work of the
present session of the Legislature.
The meeting woo brought to a ormolu.
cion about 4 80 p. m,
Winghan7 District Meeting.
The ministerial session of the annual
Dietriot meeting of the Methodistohuroh,
Wingham District opened on Wednesday
afternoon of last week in the Methodist
&seroh, Luoknow, and was largely at.
tended, Rev. D. Rogere, Chairman,
presiding. Revs. W. W. Edwards was
chosen Secretary, end I, A. McKelvey,
etatietioal Seoretary. The oharaoter of
the reepeotive ministers was passed.
Charles J. Wilson end Geo. H. Tuokey
as candidates for the ministry, in 3 and
1 years etandiug also. Tee saperan❑uat•
ed ministers of the Dietriot are Revds.
N. S. Burwaeh, F. M. Bmitb, R. Paul, B.
Sherlock, W. W. Leech, J. 0. Pomeroy
and 0. V. LSupernumerary, ernumerar, ake. Su Theo.
Hall. A general discussion on the work
of the District was engaged in before the
olose. In the evening addressee were
given at a pnblio meeting, by Mrs. Gor-
don Wright, of London, and Rev. 0. P.
Wella, B. D., of Ethel, under maniocs of
the Women's Mieaiooary Society. Ad-
dressee were good and well received. The
choir supplied
an enjoyable program of
muaio. Thursday morning at 9 o'olook
the laymen joined the ministerial brethren
add the statistical reoord for the year and
general work of the ohuroh came up for
review, Ou the loll being called the fol.
lowing reported :-Wingham, R. Hobbs
and J. Kerr ; Kincardine, Joe. Philp and
J. B. Ellie ; Luoknow, A. G. Harris and
D. 0, Taylor ; Brussels, T. W. 0oaene
and W. H. Kerr ; Teeewater, G. J. Kerr
and W. E. R. Orr ; Ethel, 0. P.
Wella and J. K. B Fker • rdwich D.
Raker o
Rogers and Geo. Walkey Gerrie, R. J.
Garbutt and J. A. Strong ; Wroxeter,
I A. MoKelvey and W. C. Hazlewood ;
Blnevale, F. Swann, and Joseph Leech ;
Ashfield, F. J. Dean and D. Agnew ;
Salem, T.E. Sawyer, and W. H. Melvin ;
Bethel, S. V. R. Pentland and A. Gra.
ham ; Ripley, R. I Halting and J. S.
Robertson ; Bervie ; W. R. Vance and
Jno. Fair and F. Oaldwell . Tiverton, W.
Edwardeaod H. 0, Foster ; Whitechurch,
0. 0. Keine and J. A. Taylor ; Belgrave,
A. H. Brown and Wm. Wray. Revdo.
R. Paul, F. M. Smith, J. 0. Pomeroy and
G H. Tuokey were also in attendance,
Mrs. Onyler, of Whiteohoroh, presented
the report of the Women's Missionary
Society in wbioh ebe reported 18 Malian,
11 auxiliaries, 248 members and 4436 for
Missions, besides aeatetanoe to the Dem
oone0e Home. A resolution was passed
ur iug beartY oo•o er tlou iu Ohba
portant department of oharale servioe.
Applications were made to the Staten.
talion end Contingent Funds for claims
from Wroxeter, Bethel and Tiverton and
reoommended to Conference. Several
matters having reference to ohuroh and
parsonage ohanges and improvements
were reported after which the Meant
ecbedulee were read. They showed many
pleasing and cheering evidenoee of pram
that progress.
Circulars ware read from Rev. Dr,
Ohown on the Temperance question and
from St. Jamas Methodist ohnroh, Mon.
treat, reapeoting their debt. Aotfan was
taken on both. A lengthy diaoneeion see
to re -arrangement of work on the Die.
trfot, in which 8 or 4 olroaito were inter.
acted, was before the meeting but no
ohangee were made, the matter being
left over for another year. Tiverton will
return to the Missionary lint al they are
not able liaaneially to provide the nate.
eery feeds,
Laymen sleeted to attend Conference
are :-John Kerr and Wm, Feaeant,
Winghem ; Edward Dawson and Wm,
Boliery, Kincardine ; D. 0. Taylor, Look.
now ; W. H. Herr and B. Gerry, Brum
sale ; W. H. R. Orr, Teeewater ; a. E.
Batter and Wm. King Ethel; Geo. Wal
key, Fordwioh ; J, A. Strong and Wtn,
Hvahe, Gerrie ; W. 0. Hazlewood and
Jas, Hall, Wroxeter ; Joeepb Leah and
Thos. Jewitt, Binevele; David Agnate
and S, J. Titylor, 4ehfield ; W. H. Melvin,
Salem ; A. Grisham, Bethel ; Thee.
Henry, Ripley ; H, 0. Neter, Tiverton I
3. W. Mowbray, Whiteohoroh ; Wm,
Wray, 13elgrave.
A resolution was peened having refer.
once to the Bi Centenary oelobratioo and
another ou the urgency of an advenoo in
Temperance legislation. Following were
the results of the eleotione for the Die-
triot 1 -Stationing oommitlee, Rev, R. J.
Garbutt ; Sabbath school committee,
Rev, F. d. Oaten and J, Kerr ; Epworth
League, Rev. T. E. Sawyer and D. 0.
Taylor ; Oontingert Fund, Rev, Geo. J.
Kerr and J. A. Strong; Suabeulation,
Rev. J. Philp and Joseph Leech ; Tetri •
peraroe, ibev, R. Hobbs and W. H. Mel-
vin ; Memorials, Rev.. W, R. Vance and
W. 0. Hsn'ewood ; Sabbath Obeervanoe,
Rev. 0. P. Wells and W. E. R. Orr ;
Cburoh Property, Rav, R, I. Hoeking and
E. Daweou ; State of the Work, Rev. F.
Swann end J. K. Baker ; Nominating
committee, Rev, A, G. Harris and W.
Feesaot ; Visitors to weak Mania, Rev.
J. Philp and W. H. Kerr. It was agreed
that the next May Dietriot meeting be
bell in Kincardine.
The laymen by resolution decided to
advise their lay brethren of the Confer•
Daae to organize an A,000iation, to meet
annually at Conference time, for the pur-
poses of dieoneeing beet methods of ad.
vanoing ohuroh work. D. 0. Taylor, J.
A. Strong and W. R. Kerr were elected
as a committee to preeent this matter to
Conference delegates,
Rev. F. J. Oaten presented the follow.
log interesting Sabboth oobool etatietiae
for the District :-No. of eoboola, 48 ; No.
officers and teachers 482 ; No. of pupils
8,480 ; average atteodanoe 2276. There
are 2 Iome Departments with 32 mem•
bsre and 2 a hoola withGracile Nolle with
membershfPof 48. Number who united
with church last year 187, Total number
belonging to oberob, 1,522 ; learning Cat-
echism, 127. 42,035 raised for all par•
posers, 5168 98 of tate amount being for
mieeiooe ; 8570 volamea in Libraries ; 18
oohoole observe Rally days and 6 Dale -
ion days.; 41 of the schools are "ever-
green' viz keep open the whole year.
Before Dietriot meeting adjourned a
hearty vote of thanks was passed to the
Luoknow friends for their cordiality and
hospitality to the visitors. The pastor
was asked to o00vey the same to the oon•
gregation the eao0eeding Sabbath.
Presbytery of Maitland.
The Presbytery of Maitland met in
Wingham on Te aday, May 1911, at 1 3
p. m,, with Rev. S. M. Whaley in the
chair. A unanimous pall wait extended to
Rev. 0. M. Rutherford, who has been in
obarge as stated supply for the past
twelve months'. Mr. Rutherford being
present, the all was put into his bands,
and having signified hie acceptance, it
was arranged that hie induction tske
place at Dungannon on Tuesday, Juue
2nd, at 3 p, m. Rev. G. Ballantyne re-
signed the pastoral charge of Molesworth.
Representatives of the Session and Ooo•
gregation spoke in terms of high praise of
Mr. Ballantyne and the work done by
him since hie eettlement there nine years
years ago. Mr. Ballantyne adhering to
hie resignation however, the Presbytery
regretfully aooepted the same, to take
e t aSabbath o tethn last fMay.aRev.
D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, was ppoint.
ad Moderator of Session during the
vacancy. Oommiseionere to the Aeeemb.
1Y ea final] appointed are Revs. J.
Malcolm, D. Perris D. B. McRae,. and
W. J. West, ministers ; and Rev. J. B.
Hamilton, Dondae ; R. Maxwell, J. Ma-
ttson, and W. Valera, Elkhorn, Manitoba,
Elders. Rev. D. B. Modiste was appoint.
ed on the Assembly's Committee on Bills
and Overtures. Rev. J. Roes presented
a Memorial for the Presbytery's oonsid•
eration regarding the state of affairs in
the Central India Mission, in which the
Aeaembly is petitioned to appoint a Oom-
mittee of inveeti atiou. The Presbytery
adopted the Memorial and agreeo
transmit it to the general Assembly.
Rave. D. Parte, end OV. J. West were
appointed to support the Memorial before
the Assembly. 'Three mouths leave of
absentee were granted Rove. A. Miller end
R. MoLeod. They both leave for a heti-
day in Scotland during the present week.
S. A. Beckett wee certified to the Senate
of Queen's College as a 'mooted year
obedient in Theology. The Presbytery
agreed to revert to its previous praotioa
in appointing Representative Elders.
Elders shall in future present their Com•
missions at the flab regular meeting of
the calendar year, and shall hold of8oe
till the first regular meeting in the sue
oeeding oaleodar year. The Appendix to
the Roll was revised, and the following
names obeli now, appear upon it, came•
ly :-R. S. (4. Anderson, J. Buchanan, J.
Maxwell and G. MaoItaY• Mr. elle
. Maier
opened a veryinterestingoonferen a on
"QualiftoationFor Adieaion to the
Lord's Supper." He was followed by
Mr. MoLeod, bet see the hour had arrived
for the evening meeting of the Presbyter.
fel W, F. M. S. the Presbytery adjourned ,
to meet in conjunction with that orgaui•
zation. At the evening meentg the
Annual Report of the W. F. M. S. was
read by Rev. J, Malcolm. Thie showed
that ooneiderable progress had been made
during the year. The total memberehip
is at present 618. One new Auxilliary
was added einem last annual meeting.
The total oontribntione were 61742,00,
being 478 00 over the proceeding year.
The reoeption of the Report wee moved
by Rev, B. M. Smith in a hemoaroas
apeeoh, and was seconded by Rev, J. J.
Beerie, and oserried. An exoeediugly
interestingand informing address wag
given by Rev. R. A, Grant ou the pro.
gross of Mission work in Hunan, in whiab
he stated that many hindrances had been
removed einoe the Boxer tronblee had
been ended, The Presbytery eedjourred
to meet in Dungannon for the induction
of Mr, Rutherford on the 2nd of June at
8 p. m. It wag agreed that the next
regular meeting,ehell take plane at White,
ohuroh, in oohlunotion with the anunat
oonfrrenoe of the Presbyterial Y. P. B„
on Tumidity, 16th September at 9 8 a.m.
Rev, A. MooNAn, Pufatlineax Omen.
Russell parker, an sleved.yoar•old boy.
of Ottewa, picked np a live oleotrio wino
sena wee ]ailed.