HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-5-21, Page 8DS IN SEASON HELLEBORE rE BL -V E -S 1 O1V E INSECT POWDER PARIS GREEN SULPHATE OF IP ON WE HAVE THEM QUAL/TY THE BEST Druggist and F. II ® SMITH Bookseller. STRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. e. & H. Trains leave Bruaeele Station, North and South as follows ; GOING 6oUTH GOING Norma. Mail. ,........._ 7:18 a,m M1xad10.00 a.m I Mali 1'17 p,m Express 8:20 p.m Express - 8:17 p.m Irma' Naas Pins. A. ohiel's among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent ie. Lon live the King. 'CRY Brgssele wool market. Next Nonday will be a Bank holiday. Gao. Boaz shipped a oar of hogs to Hamilton this week. Bon WARWICK has a monster turtle for a cerioeity just now. A oar of Manitoba flan was received by R. K Ross this week. ROBERT FEnausoN forwarded s oar of bogs to Toronto on Wednesday. Some good oatobee of flab were made in the Maitland before the water dropped so low. Sat oars 0f dairy salt have been ebip pad during the past week by Brnseele Salt Works. Mr a, etreet bas been widened at the "turn" by the withdrawal of the fenee at the Westerly side of Wm. Jewitt'' lot. ITsis said that Palmerston Pork Fa° tory will resume operations in the near future, after a temporary suspension of bueioese. Woe. Joe. DOWNING, Flora street, bas a cactus in flower. The plant has 90 bade and the filwers are beauties and their fragrance delightful. BRUSSELS Base Ball team will play a match in Laoknow next Monday with Goderirh: This will be the first game of the eeaeon for Brussels. ei Tao wool Beason is near at hand. 4 boyere are on Brussels market this year so the advantages of this point should be apparent to those having wool for sale or exobange. A COUPLE of ricks of Bruesele lawn bowlers are oontemplating a visit to Lis- towel next Monday for a friendly game or se with the expert bowl trundlers of that town. Holum County Council will °anyone on Tuesday, June 2nd, at 8 o'clock, at Goderiob, The House of Refuge Oom• mines will meet at Clinton at 10 a. m. the same day. SINGLE fare return tickets will be ie. sued on the railways in connection with May 24th anniversary, Good going Sat- urday, 28rd and returning on the 26th. Quite a nioe opportunity for a holiday visit. A Hong baohelor, belonging to town, won the prize at an evening party recent ly for manafaotnring the beet trimmed hat in a babbelor contest. They say it would nob have been mach harm to have worshipped itaeit was unlike anything in the heavens above, the earth beneath or the waters under the earth. His ability in the milliuery line may save his pocket in after years. 1 CENT TOES IT.—We world like tO again remind oorreepondente that a change bas been made in the postal regulations in connection with the postage on printers' copy, the old rate being practically rester. ed. In future all lettere marked "Print ere' copy" and left unsealed will go for one tient, provided it does not weigh more than two ounces. In futore, therefore you need only a one not stamp on your envelope when sending in the news. Hoose Saow.—Oar readers will be pleased to know thee arrangements are completed for the holding of a high Blaen horse show in Guelph on the 4th, 5th and 6th June. $1,400 in prizes will be given and reduced fares on the railroads from Oil places within a radius of 80 miles from the pity. It ie expected that moat of the well known horsemen will exhibit their fancy horses and that the affair will be a grand 'moiety event es well as the greatest open air thaw of exolusively highh olase bonen, saddle and d draw ht horses ever held in the Province, Speed will oot be considered, THE Poet has been favored with a oomplimentary prase badge, OE Daimon -to linen tet,—Two meet. inge have been held in Clinton, the last one on Wednesday of last week, to pro. mote the interests of rifle shooting. Capt. Combe presided; Auburn, Clinton and Goderiob township associations being well represented. The objeot of thorned. inge wee to create a fond to eeonre a trophy,valued at $25, to be competed for bythe County ae boiations on the Gov. amount range rasnileat God eriob, now under course of erection, The ranges will be 200, 400, 500 and 700 yards, Bonn shots at each range, with one sighting shot, An Enentive Committee, corn priced of the captains of each aesooiation Was appointed to look alter all detaile, and Capt. Geo. Laibhwaite, Goderioh P. 0., was elected Seoretery-treaearer, The uondibione in the competitions ale (1) That eaoh aseooiabion be charged a leo of $5 ; (2) That the oup be oompeted for annually ; (3) That the imp become the property of the association winding it three times if, 0000058#on, 2 oars of coal oome for the Salt Works. BRnesELe Bowling Club lawn is in fine than this eeaeon. A One of eggs was shipped from Brno. eels station sines our last ieene. P. ABIENT received a oar of 'amber from Muskoka on Wednesday, A Taylor are proof safe has been par. chased by Druggist Fox and added to hie store equipment. Fos SALE.—Four show oases (2 uprights and 2 fiats) 3 tabes and a mangle. MRS. FLETCHER. A SHINGLING bee was held at William MoCali s last Monday when a new dress of ebiogles was plaoed upon his residence. Moons next ie a public holiday and ooneegnently the boeinese places will be olosed and the pnblio sohoole will have a vacation. Bannon postomoe will be open on Monday from 9 to 10 a. m., an hour after the arrival of the afternoon mail, and from 6 to 8 30. THE foundation for I. C. Riobarde new reeidenoe will soon be completed, Work- men were bney this week patting in the the drains called for. THE Maooabee band serenaded on Thurs. day and Friday evenings of last week and on Monday of this week. We nn• derstand they are receiving considerable financial aid towards the proposed new uniforms. HmIEeEEEERH' 60 day Excursions will be run to the Northwest commencing on June 4th and continuing June 18 and July 4. Cboios of all rail or steamer rooter. Return rates $28, $30, $35 and $40 according to the point desired to be reached. They will no doubt be freely patronized. KEEP the date of Miss Griffin's Oonoert clear, Town HalI,Breesele, Tuesday, June 2nd. In addition toher vocal papils, Prof. Glen Oampbell; of Goderiob, and Mies Goodwin, of Clinton, are expeoted and Maas Griffin will contribute several seleotiona. Program will 000eist of vocal and instrumental music and elocutionary numbers. The plan of reserved seats may be seen at Foxe drug store. BOWLING —The initial game with a visiting team was played on Brunie green on Tneeday afternoon when two rinks from Wingbam paid a friendly visit. Game was an interesting one throughout and resulted in a viotory for the home bowlers. The ;cores were ea follows :— Wingbam Brussels E. Nash, • R. Leatherdale, A. J. Irwin, H. L. Jackson, W. Holloway, A. Cousley, H Jeffrey, sk..13 Dr. MoNanghton, ek15 A. Crawford, T. Farrow, H. 0. Bell, J. Hewitt, J. McAlpine, F. Downing, A. E. Gibson sk,11 D. C. Roes, ak 15 Totals ....24 30 Brussels winning byG shote. A return game will be played iu the near future. There are a number of good bowlers in the Wingham rinks. 00. AUCTIONEERS AIM PEDLAes.—The following ie.a list of persona who have taken ont licenses with Co. Treasurer Holmes, np to May 14, for 1903 :—Thos. Gundry, W. 0. (Jerrie, Jas. Stanley, F. 8. Soott, Henry Torrence, Thos. Camer- on, Henry Boeeenberry, Thos. Newsome, J. MoMiohael, John O'Keefe, John GUI, Henry Brown, Joseph Cowan, R. M. Charles, 0. H. Wilson, Jas. Jones, Alex. McEwen, Alex. Kelly, Thomas Brown, John Knox, D. Diokinaon, John Purvis, Wm. Snell, Tboe. E. Hay, Edward Bog. senberry, B. Phillips, G, Barton, 0, Hamilton, J. H. Havill, Joseph White, Harry F. hip, 31—Aaotioneers. Louie Beehkopski, Henry Hayden, J. E. Har - web, Jae, T. Rose, Raiff Mueeaellaem, A. J. Ooortioe, H. G. Mulholland, John J. O'Connor, Thos. Wallace, Jacob Yaffe, W. K. Whaley, W. J, Miller, Geo. Beatty, A. MoDoneld, W. J. McCracken, Elwin Mauro, Bert. McEwen, F. Mitobell, Wm, Bashfield, J, L. Frey, G. F. McPhee, Robt. Olark, Fred. Gassman, Fred. Mor• gao, Walter Innes, D. O'Gorman, Robb. Powell, 27—Pedlars. The fee is $12 00 per annum for auctioneers and $26 for pedlars. TEACHERS' ASIMMATION.—The annual meetingof the East Huron Teachers' o Aeaoolation will be held in the Collegiate Inetitute on Friday and Saturday, at Olin• ton. The local teachers will entertain the visitors at an "At Home" on Friday evening in the assembly hall of the Col- legiate, Principal W. R. Lough bas °barge of the looal arrangemente. The following is the program for the meeting; President's addreee, David Weir ; The passing of Latin, J. Houston, B. A. ; Nature etody, Mies Isabel Aitobieon ; Point of view, David Robb, I. P. 8. I the Metric s ate v m E, M. McLean ' Reading, Rev: C, lt, Gonne : Litarature� Mies L. Johnrbone indefiniteness in Teaching, W. R. Lough ; Disoipline, W. H. Dow. nay ; School Taotioe, J. Bailey ; Dele• gate's report, George Dobson ; Treanor. ere report ; election of officers ; Open Parliament, led by A. H. Musgrove :—(a) Proposed Regulations ;b Penmanship by Muscular Movement ; (o)) Public School Libraries ; (1) Changing date of Annie, tion Meeting to Autumn ; (e) Should there be a Teachers' Union in Ontario 7 (f) Is spelling from Diotation not need too 830011 7 (g) 'Should Drawing Books be dispensed with ? (h) Ie the new Public Sobool Grammar satiefedory 7 rx'trv,kfct MelrOlJolllail BANK ^rdrigotalsgrogrowasnr<oDacrcarimivectragernery r�M�r acro Standard Bank of Canada caf?rrAL--Pain op $1,000,001) RESER {'G • 411,000,000 Directors A. E. AMMES, - - snusinENT REV. a. n. WARDER, D. n., VICE+rnaeiDRNT 0. D, MEANT, 8, 4. 070075 VHS. BRADSHAW General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes c Discounted. Sale Notes bought or held for Collection. es THIS SAVINGS RANK—Deposits of 31.00 and upwards reoolved and interest at the highest Hank rate alloWed, from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, on the daily balauoe. rat -Parties bolding important papers, notes, &o,, may deposit them in our bank vault for safe keeping—free of charge, Prompt and tavern] Attention. Good'I ernes. G. F. BLA1R, Solicitor, A. E. MELLISH. Manager, BRUSSELS. A oar of wheat was ehipped by Robert Graham to Hamilton. ELI Moon received a oar of farm machinery this week. TENNIS is receiving some attention . by the looal lovers of the racquet. The matches are played on Barrister Siuslair'e lawn. Goo. MULBOobt has plaoed hie omnibus in the hands of W. 0. Smith, Brussels artistic painter, for a new Spring dress, A wagonette is being run to and from the G. T. R. depot. EAST Huang LIBERAL annual oonven. tion will be held in Brueeele Town Hell Tuesday afternoon of next week coo• menoiog at 1.80 o'clock. JOSEPH BURTON,has fitted up a dump oart for use in the removal of refuge mot: ter from the premises of the townspeople who desire his eervioee. He promises prompt response to calls, good work and reasonable prices. THE fine shower of rain on Tneeday night was worth a good deal, The weath- er this week has been remarkably warm for this Beason of the year. At 7 a. M. Wednesday the thermometer in the post office registered 70 0. EtorENEaL —We understand that Enna Oriob, of Grey township, and alias Studs Roe, of Brussels South, were nailed in marriage on Wednesday of this week in Seafortb. May they enjoy many happy and prosperous years in their oomfort- able home, 2 miiea South of Brussels, CHANGE OF BnsINEBe.—The H❑rslsy drug store bas °banged bends the new proprietor befog Frank R. Smith, of town, who graduated this Spring at the College of Pharmacy, Toronto, Mr. Horsley bas•gone to West Lorne, Elgin Co.' where be has a store. We welcome ,4Cr, Smith into the business circle and trust he will do well. He 'las a wide acquaintance with his monomers as he has spent several years in the store while a student. MaTRItimen.—Wedoeeday of this week Mies Minnie, daughter of Jas. and Mrs. Dudley, Bruesele South, was joined in matrimony with Abraham Sevenerpipere, of Listowel, The oere- many was performed in Wallace by Rev. Mr. Sevenerpipere, brother to the groom. Mies Sibula Forbes, of Leadbnry, °eosin of the bride, was bridesmaid and Daniel Patriok, of Listowel was the groomsman. The bride was tastefully attired in a navy blue ooatome trimmed with Bream appli. que. After a abort wedding trip the happy twain will settle down to nun - keeping in Listowel. We hope they have smooth sailing on life's matrimonial sea. VERY TIIaNEFuL.—THE POST is very grateful to the many who have remitted their subsoriptioo during the past month and for lettere of explanation from'others• Those who have paid no heed to cur oir• outer will be asked to settle with parties who oolleot accounts by another process than that we have hereto followed 910 we most have Our baok eobeoription list squared np. Alter the 15th of June, A. Conley, Clerk of the 4th Division Court, will be handed names of all who are 3 years and•overin arrears, In the mean- time we will be well pleased to aoknow• ledge receipt of subscription as we have no desire to press for anything more than our own. Look at your address label. . AccmENT.—Last Tuesday Mrs. a. A. Deadman attended the Women's Mission. ary Oonvention in Wiugham, when their oonveyanoe was about ready for the load to start for home after the evening ser- vice, Mrs. Deadman was starting to des. end the stairway in the Presbyterian church leading to the basement. She tripped on the top etep and fell headlong down the stairs.. On examination it was found that the rightleide of her face was braised considerably and her arm badly strained. She remained in Wingbam all night and arrived home on the 10 a. m. train on Wednesday. We hope ebe will soon be all right once more. In the meantime she is carrying her arm in a sling. INTERSIEDIATE LEAGUE FOOTBALL.—Ow• ing to Wingham team defaulting the con. test for Intermediate honor's in this dila• trine narrowed down to Listowel and Brnseele teams, They met for their fleet encounter at Listowel last Friday evening and after bourn of hard play the visit. ore won by 2 bo 1. Brnseele scored in the firet half time and when goals were °hanged both sides made sundry promisee that vinery would preaoh on their res, peotive banners. Up and down the field the ball was driven, oftentimes with sharp, hard fought struggles, olever pass• ingeat combination and d n d be tore the an referee's whistle announced "t' up" e toe the visitors were credited with 2 wine and the home team 1, Brnseele olaimed another goal owing to the ball being kicked by spectators babied the goal bat the referee declined to allow it. The teams lined np as follows :— LleroWEL BRUseELs J. Stewart Goal 1t. Beattie A, BrickerBanka JR. Wheeler A. Bamford' .,. 1 A. 10. Bio on E. Stewart )) {( R. Brown 6.Hacking ) 1 Books (0. R. W•relinr A. Dunlop tey G. Lorkeo Cameron ,GAn Forwards .J.BailoyScott witzer L7. S S, Gerry G. Br ave o W, J, Gooa• 'W. T. Rogers, Guelph, Releroe, The beat game with Listowel will be in Brussel(' like) on the t. played y e 29 b. If the home team can defeat the visitors thee it will give them let plaoe in this Dietriot and entitle them to try bonolu. eione with the winners of the Northern District. It is said Listowel will be son. elderably strengthened lot the nextmatob. Still the home gronrid should be of some valise to our boys and We expeot it will be a battle royal and should attract a big oroWd to witness it. BRDsszrs Roans Hewn IT.—One of the hottest oontested foot ball matches played for many a day wee witnessed on Yiotoria Park, Brueeele, on Tuesday even• ing between the Wingham end local juniors. The visitors had a large advao• rage in weight and pub up a strong game, particularly in the first half, warming it np for our boys in right good style but were unable to score. In the laet half Brussels lads warmed up to their work and kept the sphere in close proximity to the visitor's flags. They eoored one goal and made several oloee ehevee for another but did not succeed, the game oonoloding with a 'Dore of 1 to 0 iu favor of Bros - cele, Tbis also wins the home team the district, although they have one game yet to play with Listowel next Monday. Even if they loot this they are still win- ners. In Tuesday's game the teams were oonstitnted as follows :— annum' WruanAst Ainley Goal .... Robinson Bishop Lindsay W. Good( Mibubell McLeod Danker 1 Baas{ Potter Mitchell EokmierApsley Scott ,.. McGBlvray J. Good ... ,...,Forwards ;Cooper A. McLeod t rra au v Miller Button Referee Allenby, of Wingbam, gave very good satisfaction. Wingbam tried a little "fluke" in the composition of their team but it did not win them the day, Group 0 now stands as follows :— Bruesele..won 8 lost 0 to play 1 Wingham.. " 1 " 2 1 Listowel., " 0 " 2 " 2 } ILaske {....•'•,, •••• • BBI' Smith People We Talk About. L. G. Knee, formerly of Brussels, bas gone to Winnipeg. Gordon and Mrs. Mooney spent last Sunday in Blyth. Mre. Wm. Martin is visiting Clinton and Blyth friends. Mordie MoLennan, of London, yeas' in town on Wednesday. Miss Jessie Gamble, of Palmereton, is visiting at Geo. Birds.; Mies Susie Dudley to home from Tor- onto for her holidays. Miss Mary Ross will visit Clinton friends for a day or two. E. T. and Mre. Sperain were visiting Motives in Grey township. S. Beattie and J. J, Gilpin will spend the holiday with Wiarton friends, Mies Porterfield, of Trowbridge, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Will, Good- win. Mrs. J. J. Gilpin and Mise E. E. Kerr will visit relatives at Owen Sound and Wiarton. Dr. J. ill. Moore, of Moorefield, teas in town for a few days visiting relatives and old friends. Mies Daisy, of Trowbridge, was the guest of Mies Cards Milhaneen during the past week, H. Longman bas taken a position as miller in W. F. Stewart & Son's flouring mill, coming from Stratford. Watson and Mrs, Ainley and Miss Vera were visitors with Hugh and Mre. Mnlntosb, in MoKiliop, last Sunday. Mrs. John Downing has been bothered with rheumatism during the past week but we hope ebe will soon be free from it. Mrs. Robert Dark is partially disabled with some trouble in one of her knees. We hope it will'nly be of a temporary obaraoter. Mies . Eva Cannon was on the eiok list during' the• past week :w.ith quinsy but is about all right onoe more we are pleas. ed to state. ' Mrs. F. S; Scott ie home from an ex- tended visit with relatives at Hamilton. She welted on het sister, Mrs, Storm, until she died, A St. Marys ooerespondedt says Miss Mae Elliott, who has been the guest of Mies Agnes McIntosh, Treaoy etreet, South ward, returned on Saturdayao her home in Brunets, Teddy and Robb. Haokburn, of Tor- onto, are visitors at Tboe. Moore's, Wit. Ilam street. Their parents have gone to the Old Country on a business and pleasure trip oombined, Mr, Haokburn being a merchant, TUE POST extends Very hearty con. gratulation to Frank R. Smith, eon of Mre. Jno, R. Smith,. Brneeela, in his sun. osssfuuly graduating as a Chemist and Druggist from Toronto College of Phat. rosily. He took Honore also. Wlliam Merlin will represent Brus• eels Camp of the Sone of &Intend next Oath at m the Grandam n is C e P. meeting Woodstock. Mr. Martin is a very en. tbusiaseio society man. It won't be his fault if thiuge don't go with a swing. Andrew Currie, of Seafortb, has been appointed Beth& of the tad Division Court of this Co. He Succeeds J, P, Brine, who filled the position for 45 years and in that time only missed one Court. The new appointee is a nephew of A. Currie, of Brined'', and was a fdtmer resident of town. A letter to THE POST from J, D. Ronald Saye they are now baok to Detroit from their Californian Whiter may. They will spend a share of the Summer in Brussels end Strabhroy with rrlatives, Mrs. Ronald's health keeps very good we are pleased to; hear and hope ib may long oonttnee so, Jno. Smith and family have moved to Brunets from their fatal, 6th Bou., Grey, and have taken poneseio0 of their prop. arty 00 Tarnberry etreet, North, We welcome them to town. Mr. Smith Nes been bothered this Spring with inflate. ninny rheumatism but we bops the warm weather will tend to ibs dissipation, Thee, Straohan purchased ldr. Smith's farm and is working it thie year, =0.,VA7s.2.,S S X-2= 9 1072 ASSETS—OVER THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS Deposits Of one dollar and upwards reserved and butt rest allow• ed #n Savings Bank at Irighset rate from dote of deposit to withdrawal, Interest PAID ON THE Daily Balance Loans Made, Nettie Gashed, and every a000mmoda tion afforded the res. poneible borrower. FARMERS' SALE NOTES Cashed, Collected ; or may be left for sate -keeping only for whieb no ORM IS made, This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business. to'Every oonvenience afforded easterners living at a distance. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GRAY, AGENT. Janes Scott,. of Clinton, an ex 0017001 teacher, will be 95 years of age if he lives until June let. He is quite smart for a man of hie age. Mr. Scott in his early days lived 7 miles from his school and used to make the trip morning end even. lug. Business Locals. TOMATO'S plants and green onion for sale at MoOraoken's. ALL kinds of garden seeds in paokagee, 2 for 5o,. at JAB. BALLANTYNE'8. WANTED at once, a good smart boy to learn hardware and tingmithing trade, not less tbao 17 years old, and willing to work. Apply t0 WILTON & TURNBULL, Brussels. SQUARE piano, Haines, for sale, in good condition. Apply to Mrs. J, A. Creigh ton. LOST.—A silver bracelet with name on locket. Finder will much oblige by leaving it at Dr. Tools's. REraras for Fleury plows may be found at Dark's livery barn. Sawa filed and pot in good ebape. Hume Muncie. Futons PLOWS.—Farmers wishing to boy the beet plow made ehonld call on. John. Long, agent. I will also keep pointe at Alf. Backer's office, ANY one needing lawn mowers and aoieeom sharpened and made to work any oao have same done at T. MoGreg- or's saw and tool shop. A11 firet•olaes work done here on Mill street, Brussels. WANTED. -100 cases Eggs weekly, 14o. Oorn 1 We are sole selling agents in the country for the only Ohio Bailey Corn— the beat silo earn of to -day. Potatoes— We have the heaviest cropper out. 6 lbs. $5.00, epe0ial prices by the peck. GEO. E. KING, Wingham, Rebut FOR BUSIYESs,—If yon want any. thing in the shape of an A 1 buggy or a good lumber wagon you are asked to call at The ()ober Carriage Factory, Brueeele, where you will find a splendid new stook to choose from and at oorreot prioes. A look through our show room will nob °net you anything and - may save yon some money. W. A. Carlyle, of Woodstock, Ont., managing director of the Rio Tinto Minn, Spain, was able to give the dire°., tore, at the end of hie years management, $20,000,000 above all expenses. Mr. Car- lyle's salary is $25,000: He and Ilia family will visit Canada during the com- ing Summer. He is a graduate of Mo. Gill University. The Bank of Montreal parohased the Exchange Bank of Yarmouth. The shareholders of the latter will receive $80 a share, par value of which is $70. The capital stock of the Exchange Bank is 8266,896, paid up. The reserve fund amounts to $50,000 ; the assets are 6752,- 763, and the total liabilities $423,085. The sale is subject to the retitloation of the shareholders. A serious aooident occurred at the Perth Cordage Co'e factory, Stratford, au Wednesday, May 20th, about eleven o'olook. Daniel MoLaaglin had his left arm and d band Dau ht in the carding g o g machine bile in on. The fieon the arm ww motion. ti eh as torn and the arm terribly lacerated, while the hand wave out badly. He was removed to the hospital in the ambulance, and he will be confined for some time. It will hs ne0508ary to am- putate his arm. Mrs. Robert Brown, of Galt, eays a special dispatch from Buffalo, bas written to Smith Brothers, restaurant'keepers, Buffalo, to aeoertain the whereabouts of 0. A. Brown, an employe, whom she (Merges with fraud and bigamy. Mre. Brown claims she wee married to Brown in 1902, when be had a wife in Brooklyn, whom he married while passing es a Metbodiet evangelist and lecturer. The first wife will institute prooeedioge with Mrs. Brown against the imposter. The Woodstook cold storage warehouse oollapsed at 7 o'clock Wednesday morn. Mg, Several hundred tons of in were lost, while the structure wbioh was 60 feet by 40 feet and 30 feet high, and valued at $5,000, is a complete lose. The loss of Ibe in will be severely felt here, as only a small orop of ice was harvested Int Winter, A.faminejnay result. The streams was a comparatively COW build• ing, and the collapse wag due to over, loading the building with los. The he tvape- houee wee need for the etprage of pggs. BORN. DARR00H —In Howlett, on finndey, May 10th to Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Darroch," a eon, Y¢a.MRxo=la, ORION—Rot—In Seaforth, on May 20, Mr. Enna Crich, of Grey, to Miss Susie, daughter of Mr, a51d Mrs. Riohard Roe, of Brussels. SenoborTIrslts—Dromire,—In Wallaos, on may 20, by Rev. Mr. Sevenerpipere, Mr. Abraham Sevenerpipere, of. Listowel, to Mies Minnie Dudley, daughter of Jas, and Mre. Dudley, of Bruesele. mxna- FORSYTH—Id Wroxeter, on May ,14th, John ,Laurier Forsythe, son of Jas. and Mre. Forsythe, aged 6 years, Hoon.—In Grey, on May 17th, James H. Hogg, aged 90 yours, 8 menthe and 17 days. ,Loons.—In I3owisk, on May 10, Jenne Logan, formerly of Grey township, aged 84 years, SB:Unbe,—In Morrie, on May 18, Joseph Stubbs, in his 78th year0. mare BEx s. a2 ea Rxx rs, Fall Wheat ..... 69 70 Bru•l"y 88 40 peau 55 61 oats 26 28 Butter, tubs and rolls ., 18 14 Eggs per dozen 11 12 Flour per owt, 4 00 5 00 Potatoes (per bas.) 50 60 Apples (per bag) 40 50 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hoge, Live 6 50 5 50 Wool , 13 14 Hides trimmed 0 67f Hides rough 5 5. Lamb shins eaoh 26 80 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Ewe Fall naives for Bale. Eogoire at THE POST. 40-2 Oow for Bale, will calve in middle of Map, Enquire at THE POST, COAIEORTARLE hoose for sale Or bo rent, Mill street, West, Apply to 88Et JOHN HROADF00T, TRE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. r1 OR SALE, CHEAP, BLACK. stoma shop and tools. Excellent stand. Apply Immediately, BOX 8, 44.8 Blyth, Ont, 'OUNG• SHORT HORN BULL A. for sale. Eligible for registration. For pries, terms and , other particulars ap- ply0 J,r D. PNp R, Lot 22, Con, 19 Grey, VEARLING SHORT HORN Bunn sou SALE,-Ellgibls for regis- tration. Fol' price. terms and other partic- ulars apply to ANDREW HISLOP, Lot 2, Oon. 14, Grey, Brussels P.O. 42.4 3 THORO' BRED SHORT HORN Bulls for sale. One is 'year old and the other two younger. Also several regist- ered Cows and Heifers. Apply to JAMES SPEIR, Lot 80, Oen, 8, Morris Twp., or Brus- eMeetinis County Ct3r Council. The Council of the County of Huron Will m set iu the OOanoil Chamber in the Town of Goderiob at 9 o'clock p. m. on the 2nd day of June next. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Geduld' May 20th,1008. ALLY 2.I. 1(jWi WALL PAPER RE • HANTS In 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10 Roll Parcels, These Remnants — comprise some of our nicest papers and we offer them at much below Wholesale Cost, Just the thing for small rooms, pan- trys, 0lose0, &o,, AT �-+�►- o s Drug Store. COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND Brussels. For d lot further particulars apply tor sale on ueeo MAWS' CAMPBELL, Brussels P. O, 8811 A.VOUR STRAIGHT SCOTCH Snort Horn Bulls, from imported stook for sale, Also Bowe and heifers, im- ported 1i aD.l MUNE 11E bred. ON, Maitla d Hank Stook Farm, lethal Out. 30-tt Painting, Paper Hanging, &c. The undsreigned is prepared to attend to all orders for Paper Hanging, 1Culeomiuing, Glazing and Painting in a workmanlike manner and at reasonable rattle. Careen. teringalso attended to. THOS. NICHOLLS, 41.8m .John street, Brussels. NOTICE. The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for the Township of Morris for the year A. D., 1903, will be bold at the Town Hall, in said Township on MONDAY. MAY 26111, commencing at 10 o'olook, a. m. All parties Interested will please take motioe and oat accordingly. Clerk's office, Morris, W. CLARK, May 8tu,1903, Olark. NOTICE. The Court of Revision on the Assessment Boll for the Township of Grey. for theear A. D.,1000, will be held at the 3ownship.liull , Ethel, on TUESDAY, MAY 20th, 1903 'aon,- meuoing at 10 O'olook a, m. A11 parbiee in- terested will please take notioe and act accordingly. Clerk's offiee,Eth el, JOHN MoINTOSH, May 8Eb,1008. NOT/CE I Tenders will be reoeived by the Township of McRillop for what ie known as the Bol- ton Drain on the 14th Concession of MoBl'. lop and past of Grey Township. Plane and epeeifioatioos may be Been at the Clerk's residence near Winthrop, and tenders will be opened at Leadbnry on Saturday,May 80111, at 1 o'clock p. m. Worlr Is estiated at 81688,00 The sum o1 926.00 will be asked until bonds are NO 0. MORRISON, Clerk. BRUSSELS' BEST PRODUCE MARKET BIM , lllti Eggs And Highest Prices Pai We want to make another' shipment of Produce last of this month and will offer special inducements in way of low prices in Dress Goods, Dress Muslins,. Prints, Ginghams, Linens, 7� Towelin�•f s Shirt- ings, Oottonades, Boots, Shoes and. Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing. ' Sa!llrday's__Speeial 4 cases of Men's Fine Dongola Oxfords and Men's Fine Dongola ]31LIa, to go on sale .$aturday morning at • Clearing Come Prices, Coe earlY and se- cure e- Cure first choice, ARR.Y A. MATCHETT Garfield House, Brussels.