The Brussels Post, 1903-5-21, Page 5•
-NAYi, I9O
INA. gout, P.R. SOOTT, Bruesele,
Issuer of Marriage Lieensee. 01 -
lieu at Grocery, Turuberry f.troot, Brussels,
DEROIGNEn hail Several good Parma f or
gala *201 50 rent, easy berme, in Townshipe
of Morrie and Croy, If 8, 841110TT, Bruemel
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
E. Estelle Griffin
Pupil of Mies Eve N. Roblyn, of London,
Puglia prepared for Conservatory exults,
as -Alli visit Brussels every Tuesday,
Loosens given at the home of W. H. Herr,
John 'Area.
MONEY TO LOAN AT di, l & 5 Per Oent,
()Moo over lintriley's Drug Store,
Nov, ard, 1002. 00.1i01 Brussels.
Wellington Mutual
Fire I nsurance CO.-,
EsTARTasnan 1840
Insurance taken on the cash and premium
note system at current rates. 15,1058 lump
ing eleewhere call on the undersigned Agent
of the Company,
J_ • mon, will son mi. better prices, to
better mon, in lees time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in T.last Baron or
ho won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this ogles or by
personal applioation.
The undoreignod, who is well acquainted
throughout the most' part of the County
and who 1008had business with a largo air.
ole of farmers in and around this locality,
bege to inform the community that he has
taker, out an Auotioneer's Lioenits for the
County of Huron and offers his eervicee to
all purposing to hold sales,
TH08, NEWSOME, Brussels,
T D. WAR:M.01-
1) • Honor Graduace of Gin Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domestleated animals in a compet-
ent manner. Partinular attention poll to
Veterinary Dentletry. Calla promptly at-
tended to. OfIloo andInflrrawry-Pour doors
North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels.
• Barrister, Solicitor, 10ouveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. Offiee-Stewart's Bleak
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Bolioltor for the Standard Bank,
°Moe o -ver Standard Batik Solicitor for
Township of Grey °wick Mutual mud the
Metropolitan Bank, Private mud Company
money to loan at lowest rates.
nx, D., 80, 180.,
Trinity University, Follow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Physiolane mud
Swoop a, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col.
lege of Phyeicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery, Edinburgh. 1.-Teleplione 80.14,
• Residence, -Mill etreet, Brussels,
• DR. R. P. PE1LD,
Graduate of 'the Royal 0 °liege of Deutal
Ourgeone of Ontario and First-class Honor
Graduate of Toronto Univereity. °Mae
next to Brewer'e Photograph Gallery,
and Stadente may enter
MAR, EL Two coursee-Commerolal and
Shorthand. Bend for College Journal.
C. A, runtaxtle, A. L. MoINTYRE,
President, SearetarY,
British Columbia
TIM Cedar Shingles
ASO --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of All Pat
teens on hand or made to order
(14 Short Notioe.
Eatitnates Furnished for 'all
kinds of Building% Workman.
obit) and Material Guaranteed.
alma Old 00l,ndsed,)
What warriors bold, 011 Bootlanine bone*,
Hoe Inienty gone no' W 'Matte bled ;
Another brave has Jordon orouni,
Hector MoDonani now lieu dead.
Bold no the Brims, MAO darid all fore,
Through Afghan mantled with fearless
tread ;
Hoards of fierce epearemen ovellbrowe,
Alae I Our "Fighting Mee" lies deed,
Hark I Oampbelle °hoer on Alrna'S
Ilark 1 Up the Nile Hoge Ileotornt
Hie hundred battlia, bayonet fights
All over now, our hero's dead.
'Nana) Lid inti sun, up Aerie's etrond,
Through Egypt'a deserts, 'refs of bread.
He charged with dusky native band,
Omdurman won ; but now heni dead,
The mooning winde on Bootie's shore,
The weeping eltiee end mourners'
All told MoDniald's battles o'er
In Sootlaud Bleeps with kindred dead.
Loeb Leven Clomp, Port Arthur's eons,
For "Fighting Mao" love's wane have
died ;
To booming guns or roll of drums,
He wakes 50 01000 ; farewell loved dead,
Loo* Ardixtnnza,
Lion's Store, Pork Arthur, Oot.
- • -J.
A band of gypsies was osmped on the
Beath end of Wilson street near the
David T. Smith has summeefully passed
his final examinations at the Detroit Col.
lege of Medicine and is now a full-fledged
M. D.
The first sitting of the court of Revision
for the Muoicipality of the Village of
Blyth will be held in the Industry Hell,
Blyth, on Tuesday, June 2nd.
R. B. Carter was a visitor at the home
of hie parents here, He was on his way
from Port Elgin to Lender:, having ee•
cured a position in a drug gore in the
latter plaoe.
Win. Quinn, who has been confined to
hie fatherni home in East Wawanoeh for
several months uerionely ill, left for Tor.
onto, where he will undergo a course of
treatment in 000 00 the hospitale.
Dr. Jerome and family will return to
Wingham, where the dootor will again.
engage in the practice of dentistry. Dr.
Jerome formerly practised iu Wingliam
and is Well and favorably known' to the
oitizens of that town and neighborhood,
He hae parchaeed It reeidenoe.
The early olo-ing movement still rines.
Jonathan Miller's Grip Hotel had a
close call during the big lire at Seaforth,
The County jail is almost free of ten•
ants these days, all Winter vieitors having
left on their Sumner tours.
The Kensington Furniture Emory is
now running ott full time, after a Blunt
eloee down for stook taking.
The Goderiels Knitting 0o. is prepar-
ing their ehipments to wholesalers. The
Co. has a full staff of worker%
The dredge Arnoldi was working off
the piers last week, the weathet having
bean exceedingly line tsiost of the period.
George, Watson, who fell from a ladder
four weeks ago and severely aproined hie
ankle, is around again' with the aid of
A number of men are now engaged
clearing the ground for the basement of
the Carnegie library, and preparing the
stone for the work,
The anniversary servinee of Victoria
et, Sabbath sobool will take p1008 011 Sun.
day, June 7111. Special singing by the
obildren' and (Moir.
Robert McLean has returned from
Manitoba, where he disposed of the car
load of borne he abipped. He speaks
well of the oouutry, and looks the picture
of health.
The Organ foolery buildinge still en.
gage a number of men, bat the wait for
maobinery badly handioape the manege•
menb. The engineer %lye ,bo • will have
steam up within a week, and were the
fixing° all at hand, it would be -in run-
ning order inside of a fortnight,
The Jail Park ie a credit to tbe town'
and County, and in a few years it will be
one of the pleasantest spots in Goderioh.
All the trees planted are growing, end
theirliivereity will in the dietant future
be witness to the judgment of the plant.,
er, Jailer Griffin, and his knowledge of
tree culture,
[KEW 00(1.
Dr. Alf. McDowell, our dentist, is Wit
ing 0 post-gratInete (mune in New York,
W. R. Erskine will erect a nonsfortuble
two inorey briok house on hie lot next to
Robt. Anderson's fine home.
Mre J, A. MoBoin anti son Wallace
have 3008 08 a two menthe' vieit to her
parents in Rialto, California,
• 131. Mitohell is filling a large number of
orders for ooal ab $0 60 0 ton if !mid at
the shed and $6.75 de ivered.
We were plearied to 800Sarno% Wherry
around onoe more, aftin hie tedious ill-
ness of nanny menthe' duration.
The Dime House is about to' change
proprietors. Mr. Dletrioh has sold out
his Maga, ole. to Mr MIllhouse, of Teviot.
dale, Out.
WW1. Little, or,, 12th eon., Illma, is at
present very poorly. He has attained to
o good old age and le coffering from tbe
ailmente pet:inner to it.
Rev- Mr, Penbell attending the Meth°.
diet distriet meeting held in Mitoliell last
week. Wm. H. Wilson was tbe lay rep
resentative from the Atwood circuit
R. M. Ballantyne purpoatie veneering
hie house with brick and will inmost) the
size of his Geller, He has the building
jaoked up, ready for operations to bald%
W. Marshall, hardware merchant, who
hasptunthased the Anderson property on
Main Omit will prooeed at once to erect
fine, brick More, imitable for his
Robt. Donovan, one of Elma's oldest
Elation, died in Sullivan township on
Saturday, 9th inst., while en tnste, with
hie nephew, Robt. Donovan, jr., to Al.
goma whore they were totting up land.
Mr. Donovan had not been well and
took go ill that he (mold p0011801 100 tuethen
on Site jontnoy. Rio remising were gent to
Milverton on Saturday night and inter%
off in Trinity oltureh bemetery,I)lnia, on
• • Stifidey afternoott,
Little Myrtle Ililee woe It very 'dolt
girl pan of Met week. fine bud a 0 vere
atteult of iuflaminalioti of the lungs,
The Weetern lo Portland Clement
Co., of Atwood, Will *Oen bone 15 haud•
Porno prospeotat OObhLoIlhhll5 .20 01118 or
photogrovuree illuetratiug the ety'e of
buildings to be ereoted and the different
mien whish cement may be felt,
C4141, P't el.
Wm Andison is buoy 51 present malt•
ing oerneut orals' tile for the llowiek
Ohae. and ItOro. Heibein were in Elora
attending the funeral of t he former'e
brother, Christopher Heibein.
The semi anneal meeting of Howie's
District L. 0 L. will be held in the
Orange Hall, Gorrie, on Saturday, May
30th, 1903, itt 2 o'olook p. m.
Geo, Miller arrived home from Mani.
toba 05 Wedneeday'of last week. George
oame home to manage the farm of hie
nnole, Time Baird, who has been in very
poor health for the past month.
Mrs. Gregg who Mut been visiting her
sister, Mra. R. F. White, for eometime
past left Thursday morniug for Moose.
jaw, N. W. T., where she will join her
husband who hae a luoretive situation as
engineer on the 0. P. R.
Workmen for the Bel Telephone own.
plated putting In the local eystem for our
town. The central will be mined for by
our druggist, Nelson MCl/n(101in,
The following in town have had the
phonon put 1,, :-J. S. Found, C. P. R. ;
Dr. Toll, °Mee ;31. F. White, hotel ;15.
Morraugblin, reeideoce ; Bank of Hamil-
ton ; Wm. Stioson, reeidenoe W. II.
Litt, store.
10xe to v..
The book streets of the village have
been greatly improved by the use of the
road scraper.
The annual meeting of the Teachers of
West Huron will be bald in the Odd
Fellows' Hall here on Thursdoy, May
The insulation on two eleotria light
wiree in front of Faneon's Blook took fire
on Monday evening of last week and
caused quite a bit of exoiterneut,
Joe. Sutton met with a painful accident
while working in the boob. It appears
he was cabling a limb off a tree when the
axe &nerd and in coining in contact with
his foot, out a Revere gash.
Wm. and Mrs. Hill, wbo have been reel
dents ot Buffet°, N. 2', for some years, giving the 0000081 an estimate of its
are here visiting the former's father.
They will remain bare a few weeks, after valtruand also es to what would omit to
ins a a new plan with sIl modern int.
which they purpose going West 50 1000110. n ovements. As eoon as the. engineer'e
The lumber yard business uo long and -
suotiestfully 000duoted by tbe late James
Willie tt Sons, wail last Saturday par -
abased by the enterprising firm of Ross
& Taylor, making a valuable addition to
their already large stook of lumber.
The Woman's Missionary Society held
their eighth annual convention of the
Mi Ell flit hi
M thodi t h h T d I
16. in D. Bieyolee just arrived title
week, will eon them ed very elm
figuree for the next 30 day, The
Ladiee' wheel 10 a beaoty, Gall
and see them, expeot double
the salmi of them add year. I
have oleo Berlins, Raoyelee and
Efyelope which I will sell at a
Strenuous Objections
are never made against feed eupplied by
Alf. Beaker. All atook like it and thrive
on it, and it is pronounced by all lintel.
ligeet breeders to be i000mpariably the
beet sold. Try a sample lot and you will
never feed anything bat our Keifer corn
and oats,
Alf. Baeker.
report le received by the Coulson, a pub.
lie meeting will be called to disouee the
advisability of the municipality taking
over the plant and running it in conneo•
tion with the waterworks,
xeter District iu the James street se en oror, having purobased a
e s a uro on nee ay of est a p a00.
wiek. All three memo were largely
attended, there being a hundred and ten
delegates from the various oburcbes.
Program wee of a very intereeting obar•
house Herrieton moved tot I
Robt. and Mrs. Hooey, Mrs. George
Willis and children, Postmaster Gibson
and 'A.D. Young, of town, and Mr. But-
ton, of Lakelet, left Fordwiob on Tuesday
morning of last week for New Liekard.
They all intend remaining there with the
exception of Messrs. Gibson and Young.
A number of young men were teasing
Eli Harris on Tuesday afternoon of last
week near the Albion Hotel and caused
him to get very angry, when he threw a
atone at them but miesed hie aim and
etruok Oar', the fonr-year old son of
Henry Rapp on the nose and lip, crating
him badly.
The Foreetere' Concert will be held on
Friday evening, 22nd Met., in the 200201.
ere' Hall. Harry M. Bennett, the refined
hurnoroue v000list and entertainer, of
Toronto ; Mrs. Glenny and Mrs, (Rev.)
Liddy, of Harrieton, eopranoe, are among
the talent. The Band and Orr:theatre
will be in attendance. The proceeds are
for the building fund of the new hall:
day evening 8111 inst., the many friends
of George Totten, wbo had been in South
Aides for over two years, met him in the
Bitting room of the Albion Hotel, and
presented him with the following address
and toilet set.
' DEAR PEIENDS,—We, the undersigued,
in behalrf of your numerous Mende and
old sohooltnatem and neighbors cannot let
this opportunity pass without in some
way sbowing our appreciation of you as a
hale fellow well met. • Knowing that you
are soon to go West, the take this oppor-
Luciano vv.
The Souitary luepeotor is on hie
Gladie MoQa lig had hie right hand
badly °rushed between rollers at the
Luoknow Fornitnre Faotory.
Rev. A., G. Harris, of Luoknow, preaoh-
ed anniversary eervioee in tbe Methodiet
church, Balgrave, on Sunday.
John MeDia mid, 4th con. Kinloss,
has parohaBed the old W. P. Patterson
farm adjoining his own farm.
According to the new re distribution of
the Heats for the Dominion Parliarneut,
the County of Bruoe will be entitled to
only two members in future instead of
three as at preaent.
Prof. H. MatiVioar, B. A., of Fergus,
preaohed anniversary sermons in the
Presbyterian ohnroh last Sabbath. On
Monday evening he gave his lecture on
"The Sign Poets of Old London".
The committees in charge of the cele-
bration in Luoknow on, Monday, May
26th, Victoria Day, are • completing ar.
rangemente for their program of °ports
and games for the mission. 11 10 intend.
ed to have a boss boll and lacrosse
match during the afteruoon and a oon•
oert in the Town Hall in the evening.
Eleotrioal Engineer Strickland, of Tor
onto, was in Luoknow. looking over the
eleolnio light plant. for the purpose • of
• Walking Shoes.
0 0 • 0
Good solid wear, and
real comfort in our men's
heavy street shoes.
Built to wear and stand
the walking which you
will certainly feel like.
doing when you wear
All the best makes,
•in all shapes, sizes and
widths, are here. Easy
to get a fit—easy shoes
hard. to wear out.
If you buy from, us you carry home money which
you expected to spend. 1
How do these prices strike you '
-Men's nice comfortable Shoe°, net:tally cold at $1 701 our prioe ,,.. S1.20
-Men's fine Dong. or Box Omit Bolo., Usually gold at $9 25, our price 1.90
-Slum Of all Mode ovally cheap,
-On cnr Bargain °minter (hie week you will find some Shoes Whioh
were from $1,26 to $2.00 per pair, to °leer now at only,. ..... . 50
tW'Repaite in Shoe e ot Harness peompily attended to.
cloXt311013/ A. rt. Di
tunity I' presenting you with, !hie toilet
eet 0 0 iismento from old aesuoiatee to
the tit,' Small Afrioan hero Irons our KING
; fair v*,,. , and knowing that you will
we've IL ,n the [tame epirit iu widen it
is II. May health and properity
emootrpony you to your home in the
Weet, 30 the wish of your friend%
T. J. Numoran,
1S'111 OnAPNAN,
M. Totten gove a short speech ofter the
presentation and thanked hie friends for
their kiudneue in giving him the fine
present. He said be would Always re
member the boys of Ford wieh and neigh-
borhood, 88 his old schoolmates and best
friends and if he wan ever called upon to
defend hie country again he wee willing
to do so.
J. G. Forgie, benrieter, of Pembroke,
was in town on Wednesday of last week
peeing some of his old Wendt after an
Abeauee of yeare.
Mayor Hay ward, to Toronto Wednee.
day morning of last week to look after
Listowel's bill re electric, lighting, which
was to have come up before tbe Private
Bills Committee of the Legielature.
Mr, Harvey, of Petrolett, who had t.ken
over tbe entrant of sinking the artesian
well, has arrived in town with big well
apparatue, and is now at work
ou the e14111 snob well began by Mr. Pat
1'010U:her Lawrason lost a valuable
young horse a few day° ago. While lettri•
log him to water tbe animal stepped on
round stone, wbioh caused him to
stumble and fall, breaking one of hie legs.
He bad to be ehot.
On Wednesday evening of Mat week a
large number of the oitizens of Listowel
met at the towu hall for the purpose of
making a farewell •presentation to Mr,
Godfrey, late agent of the Grand Tamil
Railway Co. here, on the eve of his de
parture from town for the Northwest. A
silver tea eervioe accompanied the 001:11•
plimeutary address.
The 25th of May will be observed by
tbe citizens of Listowel. The celebration
will inolude t trades' and firemen's pro-
cession, football and lacrosee matches,
tug of war, athletic eporte, hurdle jump-
ing exhibition by Kidd Brae. string of
pries jumping horees, fire worke, eto,
The football mod learoetie matches will be
between league teams.
Aerator .
Seaforth raoes will be beld on Tuesday
end Wednesday, June 10 and 17.
The tender of W. Morrow for street
waterlog, at 35 oents an hour, wae ac-
Seaforth C. 6. won from Clinton by 1
to 0 in the first =tall for the Hough
The ferniture factory shipped out
furniture to the value of 210,500 in the
month of March, and a few days ago they
received an order from the Northwest
for ten oar loads.
The members of tbe Egmondville
Presbyterian church drove up to the
stable of their pastor, Rev. Neil Sbaw,
and left him' about 120 binhele of nate.
When Mr. Shaw got home be found the
place full to overflowing.
The Oanadian Order of Foresters have
arranged to run • a °heap excursion to
Niagara Palle from all etations on this
line between Stratford and Goderioh, on
Friday, June lath, with the privilege of
returning on Saturday if desired.
Seaforth will not enter a team in the
0. L A. aenior eerie°. Secretary W. H.
Hall was notified on Saturday that the
club bad decided that the intermediate
division was fast enough for them, and
that they would withdraw from the senior
Blies Florenee Whitely left here on
Tuesday of last week for Kansas City,
where she will be married to Dr. John
Livingetone, after wbioh they will pro-
ceed to their home iu Jonesville, Texas,
where the dootor bag been praotioing his
profession 100 0000021 yeare.
Aeseseor Ballantyne has returned his
roll for this year, and from It ere taken
the following statisties :-Real property,
$660,000 ; personal property, $47,950 ;
taxable income, 211,100 ; total moose-
ment 2619,050. This ie a deoreaee from
last year's assessment of $2,665. Child.
reit between the ages of 5 and 21, 615 ;
between the ages at 5 and 16, 423 ; total
population, 2,116 ; births registered, 18 ;
deaths, 16 ; doge, 76 ; cattle, 38 ; horses,
350. The town property ie amassed as
follows :-Town hall, weigh scales, eta.,
815,000;, waterworks, $13,000 ; 2,000 feet
of hose and hose reels, $2,300 ; hook and
laddet truck, $500 ; weinh scales'it
Otatton, $20(1 ; public 'taboo], $9,000 ;001.
leglate Inetitute, $12,000 ; F)119 library,
$2,000 ; total, 254,000.
Insurance rates at Ottawa have been
raised 50 cents per $100.
Arthur Rowe, a farm hand, was killed
near Peterboro' while ratting hie horse%
E. M. Pettibone, of Hornellsville,N.Y.,
committed suictide at a Brantford hotel
by taking poison.
Robert Hamilton, the Winnipeg burg-
lar who cioniessed to twenty five burglar.
iea, was eent to penitentiary for ten years.
William McIntyre, of St. Thomas, en.
gineer on the Miohigan ()antral Railway,
was killed in a collision near Perry.
Thirteen oars were wreaked and burned.
tivennoot and Londonderry
Royal 'gall Steamers
PROM Plant
Ttuttelan Inty eS 8 a.M, May 09 6 p,m
Parisian May 30 " May 90
Preterimi Jane 0 " June 6"
13 ityririen 19 1:1 7 p.m
let Oabin-Ttinielan and Savarinoi,375 and
%swarth: Tarislalt• 1170 and UpWards ; Pre.
torten, 830 and Upwards,
20d Cebiti-LiVerpool and 'Londonderry -
Milligan. and Bavarian, $40 and $42.50 ;
Parialan and Pretorian, $37.50, ;London
8850 extra,
fird Class -80 and $20 -Liverpool, Derry,
Deltaat, Claegovr, London.
Thronen tickets to South Africa,.
Montreal to Glitegow direat.
Siellian Mott 97, &Manion J11110 17-181
Olase, 90,800 and $75 ; end Cabin, 825 1051
Class, OWL
Agent, Brom%
.01 you wont real comfort in footwear, buy King Quality Shea% We
carry a full ranee of sizee in Loillee', Miseein and Men'e. They are said to
be the best fitting, most oornfortable and beet wearing shoe in the market.
There is satiefaction in the looks of a ehoe, but the weariug quality le the
main point. King Quality Shoao will Lit the feet, They look well, feel well
04 weer well, bemuse they are made well. We also carry a large stook 111
other makes of shoe% inoluding John MoPherson & (We, Celebrated Shoe,
the Pearling, and 0 large stook of fine Minton) good% We heap a regular
shoe store and our prices are right.
Neon' King Quality 811008, In fine dongola, enamelled and patent
leather, extenelon Hole, goodyear welt, Matey Hewn, equal to any$5 oboe,
at 33 50 and $4.—Men's fine Dongola Shoat King Quality, goodyear
welt, extension acne, perfeot fittiog, at 02, $2 60 and 83.-8.Oen's Heavy
Plow Shoes, vary spooks' at 98%U 26 and $1 50.—Ladies' Fine Don.
gole and Viol Kid Shoe% King Qoality, light and heavy extension soles,
goodyear welt, McKay eiwn, Freoith heel, at $2 50, $8 and 113 60.—
Ladies' Fine Denote Shoe at $1.25, $1,50 and $1.75.—Ladies' Fine
Oxfords and Toe Slippers, in fine dougola and patent leather, at $1,
81.25, $1.75 and $2.—Boyo' Standard School Sboee, a speciality at $1,
$1 25 and $1.50.
Blaok Oat Hoisery for boys, double knees and heels, at 26 and 30a.
Ladiee' net Blaok Ootton Hose, worth 80, 4 paire for 25o.
Ladiee' Extra Heavy Plain and Ribbed Hose, 2 pairs for 25o.
Men'e Heavy All Wool Soaks, ribbed tope, very special, 3 paire for 25o.
Ladies' Fancy Laoe and Drop Stitch Hoee, special 250,
Children's Feooy Hoee, in red and black, apotted, 101 25c.
IlleKINNON 436 Co.
B L Y H.
Brussels Woollen Factory
and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines
and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur-
chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods.
We have in stock a large assortment of-
- All -wool Blankets,
—White and Gray Shootings,
--Plain Flannels,
— Checked Flannels,
—Fancy Shirtinge,
—Ladies' Wool Dress Goods,
—Light and Heavy Tweeds,
1—Underwear for Men and Boys,
—Men's and Boys' Stockings,
I —Ladies' and Cbildren's "
1—Boys' Sweaters,
—Yarns, all kinds and. colors.
Change lo usiness
Has purchased the choice and well assorted stock of.,,
G-roceries, Confectionery,
Fruits, Canned Goods, &c.
From L. G. KRUSE and will carry on the
• stand.
—Particular attention given to the Ice Cream
•—A 'choice article of Tea at 27c. per pound.
—See our Newport Chocolates and New Fruits.
—Fine Maple Syrup.
Asking the favor Of the esteemed patronage of the public and
promising prompt and careful attention,
Yours truly,
W® .Giftlillar.f&R.
business in the old
and Summer Drink
00 BUG
Must be Sold this Season.
The Finest
line to be seen
in any town
in Ontario
will be found
at -4610110..---
Ewan & Co.'s Wareroorns
—We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac-
tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs.
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—Satisfaction assured. Prices right.