HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-5-21, Page 1Ual.81. No. 48 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAX 21, MB W. H. KERR, Prop, New Advertisements. ExQureione--0, P. R. Wool-Robt. Graham, Looal-W, J. MoOraoken, Wool wanted -Howe & po, CaIvee for sale -Ton POST, County Council -W, Lane. Wool wanted=Alf, Bather. Turnip seeds -A. Btraohan. illon'3 shove -I. 0. Richards. King Bhooe-MoI(innon & Co. Woods in season -r. R. Smith, WUoI V1a�letl Any quantity of Wool wanted for which the Highest Market Price will be paid. ALF. BAEKER BRUSSELS. WILL RUN i-Iomsseokors' DAY Excursions TO TEE CANADIAN NORTHWEST AT RETURN TAIGA Winnipeg .,, Rogina 1$ 30 Waekada .. Moose Jaw )t Eatevan Yorkton Elgin Aroofa pr. AID°rt...l $35 Mooeomhf in aoleod......J1 Wawanoi aCalgary luiulota Binsearlh,,, Red Doer.,,l$40 Grand View Btrath- 8wan Sliver oo°a... Going JUNE 4th, returning until }UGUST 9th (all rail or B 8. Atbabaaoa) Going JUNE 18tH, returning until AUGUST 38th (a11 rail or B.B. Athabasca), Golug JULY 4th, re- turning until SEPTEMBER lith (all rail Or B,8. Manitoba) Tiokebe aro nob good on "Imperial Limited." Tor tiakete and pamphlet giving full nartionlar, apply to your nearest Canadian Paoiflo agent, or to A H. NOTMAN, Aesiobant General Passenger Agent, 71Yonge 81„ Toronto. Wool Want:;'f frC. i, , d Highest Market Price paid for Wool in Cash or in ex- change for Goods. • We have a line 'Assortment of YARNS, TWEEDS, CARPETS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, KNIT GOODS, ETC,, ETO. Custom work such as Roll.Oard- ing, Spinning, Knitting, etc. attented to as usual. HOWE & CO. Opp. Central Hotel, Brussels. listxi.rt els, (1rtr.Iuhr011if. The Spring oropo lire growing fine. - Tuesday Rev, 1), B. and Mre. McRae were at Wingham attending the Presby• tery end Women's Missionary Convention reepeekively. Our eohool taaohere, Mines Calder and Oampbell, will attend the Teoohera' Convention et Clinton on Friday and Saturday of this week. Rev. D, B. McRae expects to start for the General Assembly, et Vancouver, about the let of the month. He will be absent for eral weeks. Hiswork will be oupplied eagle Subbo.th hile away. . Next Sabbath the Oommunlou will be observed in Knox obarob, the morning services commencing at 10.80 o'olook, •Rev. 8fr. MaoNnb, of Walton, will preaob at the preparatory service at 10 30 a. m. on Saturday. I.atng•rricie. Sheep washing is the order of the day. Mise Minerva Carter spent Sunday at home. Master Orville Tiffin is on the siok list this week. Win. Weloh, of the Excelsior 00., was hero in the interests of lus company last week. Miss Jennie Ross, who has been sinking for some time, suooambed on Sunday. The bereaved friends have the heartfelt sympathy of the community. Jas. Moffat shot a por°npine on his father's farm last Friday, His dog, which seized the beast, got the reward of all such daringoantnes-an ample supply of tooth•piekn. The material for the new Methodist ohuroh at Langeide it all on the ground and building operations will oommonoe shortly. Messrs. Cottle, of Whitechuroh, have the contract, A. team of oxen have been brought into requisition on the huge timber limits of Smith McLean and have evoked conoid• erably more interest than the same animate would twenty years ago, at least so we are told. Wroxester. Rev. Jas. Malcolm, of Teeswator, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian ohuroh on Sunday, Miss Anderson, of Gorrie, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Blotch, last week, Fred. Rush, of Wingham, spent Sun- day in the village. This week is holiday week with the Star. No paper will be published. Wm, Watters, of Fordwieh, assisted Rev. E. A. Hall in his church oervioes on Sunday. John Rae attended the Brussels -Lie. towel foot ball matoh in Listowel on Friday. J. and Mrs. Rasmussen, of New York, are guests of the latter's parents, Alex. and Mrs. Smith. Oral Hnpfer has returned from Sault Ste. Marie and is assisting R. Match in the butcher shop. Peter Wallaoe and daughter in.law, Mrs. Wallace, of Toronto, ars guests of Dr. and Mre. Brawn. Mre. McLean and Mies Bella MOLean, bf Harrieton, spent several days last .week with their relative, A. McLean. Mrs. N. Allan is having a granolithie walk placed from her house to the street. Last week R. J. Rann also improved his premises in the Game way,, H. Bolt doing the work. WOOL Highest Market Price paid forany quantity delivered at my Store- house, No. 1, Brussels. Also for all kinds of Grain. ' 90_9 11 013 t. Z' a h Gtl 'm. TURN 1.1111111111710 We have in stock the following different varieties of Tur- nip Seeds, all of which have been purchased from Messrs John A. Bruce & Co,, one of the most reliable. Seed houses in Canada ;— HALL'S WEST13URY BANGHOLM SUTTON'S CHAMPION We t ,. BRTJCE ELECTED p ss EAST LOTHIAN , { SHARPE'S IMPROVED) ) y Ale8el GREYSTONEandWHITE GLOBE IN SOFT TURNIPS. ROYAL NORFOLK IIARTLEY'S BRONZE ELEPHANT e SI3:IRVING'S IMPROV'D• NEW KANGAROO WHITE SWEDE Our stook of Dry Goods, Boots and generalG iShoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps is well assorted. No fancy prices, but, everything cheap. a STRACHAN. A lond of members of the Women's Foreign Missionary Sooioty attended their annual meeting held be Winghatn on Tuesday.. H, le, Brewer, of Brunets, opened hie branch photo, gallery hereon Wednesday and will continue Ills weakly visits donee the Summer months, Dean, -Thera occurred last Thursday morning the very sudden death of John Forsythe, the 0 year•old seri of Jas, and Mrs. Forsythe, of town, from a creepy affection of the throat. The little boy bad been delicate for some time and when attaakod medioal aid seethed power. less. The case ie more sad owing to the absence of Mr. Forsythe .'n the North- west, and the sympathy of all is extended to Mrs, Forsythe. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon to the new cemetery. actin este til yVll. Leading !thee in turnip eeede at Waiter Trues', Jamestown. 48-2 A new driving shad has been built by Elijah Jaoltlin. Ed, Smith did the work. Peter Patriok le having his barn raised and will have atone stabling put ander it. Thos. Bennett, Boundary, hes a great barn now. He added 24x50 feet to the old barn and a 20x24 foot carriage home. The atone work was done by Mr, Vitlie, of Gorrte, and the framing by Ed. Smith, The work was hustled through in good shape and will be ready for Mr. Bennett's big Drop next harvest. W .stet teen. Mise Jennie Wilson, of Wingham, is visiting at the Mnnee. Saturday morning Rev. Mr. MaoNab will pewits at Oranbrook. Rev, A. McNab, Dl. A,, attended Wait. land Presbytery in Wingham ou Tuesday, Ho is the Presbytery Clerk. A new verandah and porch, with cement walk and °eller Boor, painting &o. are among the improvements on hand at Doff'e manse. L. 0. McDonald, of this plaoe bee pave• ed his first year's examination in the the department of mining engineering at the school of Science, Toronto. We ex- tend our oongratalatione. Seaforth Senior Football team will have Gordon and Lew. McDonald and Geo. Ferguson, of Walton, on -their team this season. We will gnarantee Walton trio will not be laggards in the matabee. The death of Rev.?. Musgrave, Presby• terian minister at Winthrop for the paet twenty.eix years took plane on Wedues. day morning at 1 80 a. m., after a very painful illness. The funeral will take oleos from the Winthrop manse on Fri• day afternoon. lf+ltitlal. Work is moving along at lively gait at Ethel °beets faotory. Rev. Mr. Wt•lis was at Laoknow this week attending the annual May District meeting. Leet Wednesday persona from this Iooality attended the funerale'of the late James Hoge, of Grey, and Mrs. James Oakley, of Elmo. Ethel has a otnrdy representative on Brussels Junior Football team iu the person of Will. Balmier, He is attend• tog eohool at Brunelle. The regular service will be held in the Presbyterian ohuroh bere next Sabbath afternoon and the following Sabbath tbe the Communion will be diepeneed. Prinoipal Dobson has a report to give at the, Tesohore' Convention at Clinton on Friday of Ibis week as representative et the Provincial Convention et Toronto. ETiHEL OONyENTION.--The f0liowing is the program of the Sunday School Oon• vention to be held in the Methodist ohuroh, Ethel, on Monday, May 25th :- Afternoon mission commencing at 180 o'olook-Devotional ezeroiaee ; "Model Superintendent," L. Mason ; dieaneeion ; mimic by Roe's choir.; "Model Teacher," Blies Shannon ; distension ; muaio by the Ethel choir ; "Model Sobolar," Mr. Mille ; discussion • mule by. Roe's choir ; "Snhool.Finanoae," J. K. Baker ; di.ecnseiou ; , mueio, by Ethel oboir ;. "Catechism in the Snhool, Rev. C. P. Wella; collection and closing exercises. Evening session aommonoing at 7.15 - Opening exeroisoe ; "The Spiritual Tone of the School : How to maintain and improve," Mrs. 0. Cleaver ; disonesion ; selection by Ethel choir ; "Relation of the home to the school," Bliss S. Pearson ; dieouesion ; solo, Mina R. Spence ; "De- cision Day,' Robt, McKay ; seleotion by Roe's ()heir ; collection and closing ex- er0i0ga, Rofreehmente.in tbe Town Hall from 5 to 7 o'olook. Tru'jvbt+idg'e. Rev, J. E, Hunter intends taking a holiday trip to the Northwest as a means of thoroughly recruiting after hie past year's work and illness. We hope' his fondest hopes will be realized. Mee, Jno ()AIMEE DIEe 80DDENL1,- S regret to obroniole'the dead] of Mrs. Jas. Oakley, at ber borne on oon.2, Elma township on Monday, May 18th, at 10 p. m. Deeeeeed had been suffering from an affection of the ear whioh developed into the middle ear leaving paralysie, No serious reselb was feared 011111 Friday lad .after which she vapidly 0anit. A•11 that, medical skill ooald devise was done but the greater stredgth of the grim meeeenger was apparent. Mr, and Mrs. Odklev and fa it .bad just re move d to this neighborhood fees weeks ago and g iat K the giuderes. nth ofMee oommnnit is Ymp yh y ¢tended to the 'father and 5 children. They will ,be remembered as having for• m8rly lived on the 14th con. of Grey townehip. Mre. Oakley is a daughter of Malnolm end. Mre, Lamont, Grey, who have been doubly bereaved, they haylog buried another daughter in Winn'5eg only three weeks before, i The auntie,' entertainment and fee ival under the auapiees of"blle Bpworth League to Trowbridge will be bald on Monday evening 25th (net. The emoese of foe. mer years, the large m0mberehip, and the thorough work of our energetio dommit• tee all oombine to 030(10 the evening 090 of epeeist intereit anti importance. A. d nt•elaMM program- io ba ing prepared, Dome Etiolate from a distance having been scoured, After the mdefoal and literary portion has boen enjoyed the friends are invited to remain for refreehments which will be served by the league in attractive style, The program will oomm0000 at 8 o'olook. Admiseion fee le only fifteen dente. Poesibiy you wonder why we prepare 00011 an evening for snob a email admirelon fee but we desire to bring pro. miaeotly before our sorroundiog Dom. enmities the work our League is doing. The year just aleuing has been one of marked progreee; the attendance has been phenomenally large ; the interest in one meetiuge has increased ; and our Missionary otierioge have more than doubled, We invite you bo Dome with us on May 25th with the oonfidenoe that will be thorough) you thoroughly pleased with the reception and evening you enjoy with we Bits rrsee. The bricklayers are et work at Albert Crooks' new house on the 4th line. Mint Susie Beam ie home from Toronto for a visit Hader the parental roof. Township Connell and Court of Re- vision ofthe Annulment Roll next Mon- day. Robert Shaw will become a resident of Bloevale, going into mercantile life, His old friends in Morrie wish him sunless. David and Mrs. Walker, 6111 line, talk of taking a holiday trip to the °Soo" and on to Manitoba. They expect to be absent a month or aix weeks. Mre. J. H. Vookroth, of Seattle, Waeh- (cgton Territory, ie visibiug relatives in Morris. She is a slitter to Mrs. Allan Speir, 4th line. It is 11 years eines Mre. Vookroth went West. A pertain person has been vfeitiog the premises of Alex. Niabol fr, S'} lot 14, oon, 6, and helping themselves to hie poultry. The other night 20 were ' swiped.'! He asks the party to return them at once and save farther trouble ae the location is settled. Miss Angie Owning, third daughter of N. and Mrs. Cornice, of Morrie, died at the home of her parents early Taeeday morning of lost week. The young lady had been ill for the past four weeks with la grippe and heart trouble, which were the 00008 of death. Tbe funeral took plane Wednesday afternoon and inter. ment was made fn Burne' demob ceme- tery, Hullett. AN OLD RESIDENT PASSED AWAY. -Mon• day morning of this week, at about 6 15 o'olook, an old and very highly respected resident of Morrie township peeved over the boundary of time in the person of Joaenb 'Stubbs, who resided on North lot 7, oon. 5. He had been poorly for several years bat only dangerously ill abort a week and was 00080(000 to the last. Mr. Stubbs had been o very vigor• outman, often soalleg 100 lbs. in his work. ing clothes ; he made a resolute battle for lite and was walking round outeide on Sunday. He died in hie chair. At timet he was a great sufferer. Deoeaeed was born at Weelon, Yolkehire, Eogiand and oame to Oanada in 1850. After living in Halton Co. for a time he oame Westward about 46 years ago, along with bis old almost inseparable friend, Chelate Ohae, Proctor. The farm on whioh Mr. Stubbs lived and died was taken op, then in the primeval forest and by iodaetry, economy and good management the fine farm soon yielded valuable returns. Mrs. Stubbs' maiden name was M. J. Oaldwell, of Halton Oce, and ebe with 6 sone survive. The- boys are Jabez 0., who for the past 19 years hae been at Weyenhaueer, Wie cousin ; G. R., 8th line Morris; William, on the homestead ; and Jae, M., of New Hope, N, W. T. Isaac died last February in British Columbia. Mr. Stubbs was anaseaming in manner, honest and honorable, and was held in high esteem by all who knew him, He was a Liberal iu 'ti andheld to the a polities Sunshine Methodist church. The funeral took plaoe on Wednesday afternoon to the ,Brandon oemetery, Rev. Mr. Brown of Belgrave, oonduoted a suitable service. Iu the demise of Mr. Stubbs another of the few of the hardy, sterling pioneere of this locality has gone. The bereaved family will be accorded the sympathy of the community. The pallbearere were Jae. Russell, Joe. Clegg, Jae. Wilkinson, G. Nioholeon, Wm. Bryant], and Wm. Hopper. 'DEATH OS JOHN BARlcER,-The Glen. bora', (Man.) Gazette, given tbe following a glare the death a former rtic of of or er particulars : -The death occurred last Sun- day evening after a brief illness, of John Barker, one of the pioneers of this die. triot and one of ire beet known farmers. He wag as well as. usual the Monday previous and stayed out till rather late in the evening superintending the sinking of a well. On coming in the house he ex. perienoed a shill and could not get warm ed up. Tbe oold thus contracted settled in hie kidneys and from that time on until he died be suffered intensely, though ell the tender nursing and medical skill nduld do was done for him. Re passed away on Sunday evening at aix o'clock. The funeral took plane on Tneeday to the Gfenaove oemetery, there being a:large attendanoe. The burial rites of the Methodist oburoh ' were performed by the Rev, R, E. Sponoe, after whioh the beautiful and impressive burial servioe of the Orange Order Was gone through by the Oypreso Orange lodge, Who pall bearers' were D. Mowat, W, Robb and W. Oesombe, of Cypress River, and Jones C ristie, W. H. Eby. and Wm. Yeo, of G uboro'. The deoeaeed wag born in the calmly of Moba• ban Ireland abont 84 Y g , years ago, At eighteen years of age be emigrated to Canada and eteamboete 1 for several years around Kingston. He then moved up near Toronto and cleared a farm in Oneida township, In 1856 be moved toMorris, Huron County, where he cleared another farm, and where he remained until be immigrated to this county about twenty two years ago, Re was an enthusiastic Orangeman and tools part in more than one Orange riot. 13e was twide married, fret about flttymis years ago. )3y hie first wife be had four- teen children of whom nine Survive. They are Donald andJoeeph resident here and 'Jake" who Hae been in the Yukon for the pest five years, Mre. Geo. and M s. Joe. Knox, of Gaynor, Mich. ; Dere. Rat, Meere, of Moose ;jaw ; 'tdre. Robb, Aiktine, of Baldric; titre, Tbot, Haggard and lire, Andrew Turnbull, of Rathwell, and Mre, W. J. Fergueon, Glenboro'. Wire,' Turnbull, Mre, Huggard, end Mrs. Aiki00 were the only ones besides those resident bere who were able to be peasant at the funeral, 6OTn ANNIVERSARX,-George and Mre. Seale, of the 1st con„ of McGillivray, celebrated the 80th auoivereary of their marriage at theirreeidaeoeon Wedneoday of last week in a most becoming manner, Daughters -Mrs. W. E, Burke and Mre. Frank Powell, of Detroit ; Mrs. J. H. 'l'bompgon, of Oblong, ; Mre. W. G. Grant, Windsor I and Mre. Neil Mo. Alpine, of Allen Craig, Sona -J. G. Seale, Clinton ; B. Seale, St. Marys ; J W. Seale, St. Thomas, and J. R. Seale, who reeidee at home • a number of K rand - obi a Idre n were also pr sent. The agbjeote of this ekeloh came from Anghrim, County Galway, Ireland, and nettled in the townehip of McGillivray in 1840, and have lived oontinuouely in the same locality, with the exception of six years spent at Vienna, While there Mr. Seale was engaged in the timber business. Mr. and Mre. Bente, although in their 80th year, are both enjoying good health, and bid fair to see several more birthdays. Tbie estimable couple le to be congratu• Intern on eeeing their diamond wedding so near at hand an enjoyment few are spared to see. (:roes - what was the attraotion in Logan Burn day, Bob ? Mr. House and Mise Attridge, of Elms, spent Sunday 0n the 12th. Miss Maggie Coutts intends to take a trip to Carberry, Manitoba. J. Manton, of Monkton, was the guest of Wm. Buttery's last week, Wm, and Mra. Kraoter, of Brussels, spent Sunday at M. Reymann's. George Hanley, 14th con„ loot a good mi'oh cow last week from inflammation, John B. MoLaooblin is baok from an extended tour of Manitoba end the West. A new football has been purohaeed for the Monorieff youth to disport themselves with. - Mise Sadie Battery, 12th oon„ spent a few days with friends in Monkton last week. Mre, Mune Ire. Menzies and Mise Mabel, of the 121h, epeot Sunday in Logan. Tell - next time Carrie to fetob hie own rig ae tour in a rig is not what ire edged op to be. Btraohan & Sons have eome 70 head of oattle, big and little, on their farms this Spring. Mise Katie Reymann spent a few days at her home on the 12th, Master Bernell Kreuter accompanied her. Several of our eohool teachers will at. tend the Convention at Clinton on Fri day and Saturday of this week. Teacher Lamont will attend the Tesohere' Oonvention at Clinton on Fri- day and Saturday of this week. Mtwara, Babinean, 14th con. on the former Oliver farm, will have their barn jacked up and atone stabling will be built under it thie eeaeon. A working horse belonging to Marshall Harrison, 16th oon., died last week from something like blood poisoning, The loss will neoeeeita(e buying a new one. Alex. McKay, 15th oon,, is still eonfln• ed to bed with inflammatory rheumatism. He hse,been bothered nearly two menthe and sometimes suffers a good deal. Jno. Hyde, 12th cone has had his residence greatly improved by having it boarded on the outside. J. Hooter, oon• traotor, did the job. It will receive a Roe drese of paiot to complete it. The total number of days Statute Lnbor in the Municipality of Grey for 1003 is 3,893. This amount of labor eboald meanreat improvements in roads the destruction of weeds on highways and a general tidying up. The many ofd friends of Mre. James Oakley, formerly of the 14th 000., will be very eorry to bear of her sudden demise, which occurred laet Monday night at her home near Trowbridge, Particulars may be read in Trowbridge newt in this issue. The trneteee of S. S. No. 8 did a wise thing in re engaging H. W. Aviaon as thole teacher for another year, He is a faithful worker. This section has been moat fortunate in the type of young men who have filled the pedagogue's chair for a longterm of ears. W. Bateman, who has been a. esident of the 0th lino for many years Luta hand. ed over the farm to his youngest son, Jeeee, and will take a well earned vacation with big children at Toronto, Niagara Falls, N. Y„ and other pointe. He ex- pecte to return with 11(8 daughter, Mre. n to Toronto, next week. h Freeman., To roe The many friends of Mr. Bittema0 will wish him a pleasant time and hope to see him occasionally baok to hie old Immo on the 6 th. J, S. Orerar, Dominion Government agent nt Yorkton, Assn., died in Winni- peg hospital on the 18th. Re had un- dergone treatment for tumor in the aide, The late Mr. Orerar, ae Government im- migratiou agent at Yorkton, was parti- oularly active in the Doukhobor "pilgrimage," doing much to restrain them from oontinnfng on the road. In the early days be wan a member of the Mounted Patine. Deceased was a former reeident of North Easthope and brother of Donald °rerar, Elizabeth street, Strut. ford, and John Orerar, Oth oon„ Grey. James Logan, a deaf mute, died in a ick on Sunday, 10th foss He e H w B wa y, about 84 years of age and wag well known to a number of Grey residents, ea he resided here for over 40 yearn. Thefemi• ly had 600 earn of land bere at one time and the deemed was a one time owner of lot 11, con. 14, now belonging to Nekton Askin, Quintin Logan was po0aeeeor of lot 11, oon. 15. Their sister Maggie Was the housekeeper ln`thelr little home, 181,11 oon., for many years. When the House of Refuge was opened at Clinton, they were taken au inmates bat the followiug Spring they left and located in Howiek where they have since made their regi. donne. s James Logan , was buried at Wroxeter amatory. The Logan, al- though unnblo to hear or epeak,were more than ordinarily °lever along different lintel, the brothers, poeseseing oonaiders able ekill along mechanical Ifueg, The timber io about ready for the new barn to be ereoted on the farm of Wm. Miohael end It is expected that the building will be raised this week. While going home from "Union" oburoh last Sunday week Harry Sperian's horse took fright and ran away, upsetting the buggy, The rig was badly smashed u Two youths from the 4013 wheeled to Cranbrook Sunday evening and ao the orae was, had to walk 8 miles and wheel book. Bring your rig next time boyo and nave walking. A windmitll for water pumping par poses has been put op by Jobn .Brown, 10th con, The water will be supplied to the boucle, stables, pig pen and yard, and willo 0 a rove great eerneno0. Bn Lisa BaoxzN.-Leet week Jobn Mo. Naught, 18013 eon., hal the misfo5)000 to break one of his lege below the knee while working with hie eon -in-law, Jno. Melville. A stick of timber to be utilized in raising the hoose was drawn across Mr, Moteaoght's limb by the team with the above result. He wee taken home where he will be laid op for eome time, It may ioterfere with Mr. and Mre. Mo- Naaght'a trip to the West wbiob was to be balten next month. We hope he will soon be all right. The following le from a former Grey boy who is now in Okotoks, Alta. DEAR EDITOR, -We are having lovely weather bere now, but there leas not been any rain this Bpripg. We came down from the bash on the 16th of April. We took 60,000 loge out last Winter in our oamp. I am employed on the ranch tbie week but I am going to work on the new mill at High River, There wee a big snow storm, the last week I was in the bush, it snowed about 2 feet deep in eight hours. That was the most snow we had loaf Winter. I have worked every day dnring the paet Winter bot one. Men are soaroe up here. Thanking you for the space in your valuable paper, Yours truly, JOHN 00IITTa. Jia. Hose DIED LAST BIINDAY.-Calmly the 01ome of life name to James Hogg, a resident of the 3rd oon. for many years. Be passed away loot Sunday about mid. night having attained the patriarohal age of 90 years, 3 months and 17 days. Mr. Hogg was a typioal eon of the Emerald isle, ready witted, active on foot, strong in hie oonviotione and not averse any time to express hie opinion on matters. He was an Old C000try Orangeman and o very devoted follower of the late Hon. Sir John A. McDonald. For a mac of hie years Mr. Hogg retained his vitality to a very marked degree and knew little of Maleness until be was taken down with gangrene in cue of his toes. The offend- ing member was removed bat Nature's course was about run and not anexpeot• edly, be panted over the river ae above etated. Mre. Rogg, a very estimable woman, predeoeaeed ber husband by near- ly 10 years. Mise Rebeooa Hogg kept houee for the old gentleman and rendered ae faithful service as wee Divisible for any daughter to perform. Wednesday after. noon a long prooeaeion of relatives, friends and neighbors followed the re• mains of Mr. Hogg to the family plot in Brueeele cemetery, Rev. I. M. Webb conducting a editable service. The sub jeot of this notice olaimed Roscommon, Ireland, as hie native County, first seeing the light in it o0 Feb. 108, 1818. Mre. Hogg'¢ maiden name was Margaret L. West, and they were married at K(Imore, in the 00. of their birth. They Dame to Canada in May 1842 and lived in Dor. cheater, Port Royal, 4Palningbam, the township of Hay, Huron Co., where they spent 2 years, before moving to Grey in 1862. Tbey took up the 100 acre farm upon whioh they lived and died lot 5, oou. 3, From a nerely bush lot, by industry and thrift it wag converted to tillable acres. The old gentleman was a loving father, and a kind neighbor and had a particularly strong fancy for the olden days. There were born -to them eight children as follows :-Jno. West, of Aber- deen, Waeh. Ter., U• B., and Susan E. (late Mre. Thos. Battery, Stephen tows• ship, Huron Go.) born in Ireland ; Mary L., (now Mre. 3. W. Ames, of Weet Bay City, Mioh ) born in Doroheeter ; Louisa (fate Mre, Henry Savage, of Grey) Esther .1. (Mre. Jas. Crooks, of West Bay City, Mioh.) Wm. A., of Aberdeen, Wash. Ter. U. B., Debar M., (Mre. Geo. Coombs, of Jamestown) born at Port Royal (and Sophia Rebeooa, who was born in Hay. Mr, Hogg was connoted with the Eng lith ohuroh. To eve the agility of the old gentlemen and note his acuteness of hearing, hie excellent eyeeight and bright - Imes of iote(leat few would have taken him to be the age he was and probably physical and meatal vigor were largely abtelbubable to hie activity, booked up by a good'oonetitntion, Canadian ]Xevvtg. Alex. Campbell, Chief of Polioe of Fort William, ie dead. The body of an nnkowo man was fond in the river at Brookville. Prairie flree.are cawing much damage in the Qn'Apple district. Daniel 0. McLeod, the only smallpox patient at Winnipeg is dead. The 0. P. R. crop report indicates a bonntifui harvest in the West. One hundred andflfty oaepentersetruok work at Calgary for higher wages, Ott Mr. Juetioe Nesbitt was sworn in as a member of the Supreme Court Bench at awe. The by-law to tains 4100,000 for oleic improvements wee earned by the rate• payers of Hamilton, Ieaao Rodman's barn in Little Britain was etraok by lightning and burned, with seven lioreee and a quantity of Other itook, Seventeen hundred dollars worth of Nee taken illegally in the Province of Quebec have been seized in Ottawa and returned to Qnebe°. A volume that wonid make interesting reading and meet with a ready gale would be ',Cheerful Llano We Have Met" edited by Jndgee Boyd and Faloonbridge. Montreal Street Railway employees and employees of the Light, great & Pewee Company have submitted de. mentis, to *birth they regaeot RD answer by mon on Thursday. Over $60,000 was eubaoribed for Lady Mlnto'e oottags bospital fund, Several more mem of smallpox have been reported in Berms. County. The Fraaor Houee at Port Stanley wag geld to J. D. O'Neill, of London, for $ 9,000. Allan Gilmour, of Ottawa abet him. sett in the head while handling a rifle and died Blatantly. Thomas Arnold, formerly proprietor of the Columbia Hotel, St. Thornes; was drowned at Sarnia. The Dominion Elevator Company's elevatoratNesbitt Man., was burned with 18,000 bushels of wheat. A farmer named 0. Fontaine was rob. of $750 in $10 bills while boarding a 0. P. R. train at Calgary, Charges of ineffioieno and neglect of duty aainst some employees of tbo King. ¢ton poetoflioo are to be investigated. The body 01 Mies Annie Orr, a olerk in the poetofftce, was found in the river at Obatbam, She bad been missing Once Sunday. Wm. Hare, of Petrolea, was killed by an explosion of nitro•glyoerine in an old box that he was preparing to use as a water trough. Mr. Justices Teetzel 'was sworn in at Oegdode Hall, Toronto, Wednesday morn. fag by Chief Justice Faloonbridge at the opening of the Single Court. At the re. quest of the new judge co public eon. gralolatione were offered. Hie Lordship then proceeded to to the oily hall and opened the non jury assizes, without any oeremony whatever. A piaoe of dynamite, about half a otiok was found lying on the platform at the G. T. R. Station at Guelph Tuesday even• ing and banded into the onetody of one of the policemen who was on duty there. It ie supposed that it was aooidentally drop. ped by one of tbe gang of Italians who arrived here Monday morning. One man was beard to make the remark that if it bad been exploded there would, 0.t any rate, be a little more prospect of get. ting a new G. T. R. station, Clfl)(5Cll 01(103(513. Melville congregation will observe the Communion a weak from next Sabbath. Maitland Presbytery met at Wingham on Tuesday of this week, Rev. Jen. Roes, B, A., attended. "Paul and Agrippa" will be the topic of next Sabbath's Sunday School lesson. Seo notes in TAE POST. The sessions of London Methodist Conference will commence on Thursday, Jane 4th, at 10 o'clock, in Wingham. Rev. John Rose, B. A., preached last Sabbath in Melville church from the contioaed thsmee of "Gideon" and "Christ's Temptation." The Junior League will take charge of the program at the Epworth League next Sabbath evening. Topio is "The boy with the loaves and fishes." Revels. T. W. Omens and R. Paul attended the Wingham Diebriot Meeting this week in Laoknow Methodist church. W. H. Kerr was the lay representative. Leet Sabbath morning "Leteons from Spring" was the paetor'e appropriate topic in the Methodist church. In the evening the dieoonree was on "Samson." Rev, R. Milliard, of Main St. (hnrob, Exeter, baa reoeived an invitation from Waliaoeborg Metbodiet oborch wbiob, with the approval of the Oooferenoe, be will likely accept. The rev. gentleman was stationed there 10 years ago and was very eaooeeefal. The Exeoutive of Brussels District Sabbath School Association has decided to cancel the Convention this year. It should hav4 been held next week if the regular date was adhered to. Pressure of other gatherings and the absences of several speakers is the reason for with- drawal it -drawal this year. The Seaforth Expositor of last week says :-Rev. Royal Dean Hodaine ex. °banged pulpits with Rev, I. M. Webb, of Brussels, on Sunday last. Mr. Webb is a young man who gives promise of a euooeesful future and was well received in St. Thomas' ohuroh. Jae. Jones, of Brussels, who accompanied Rae. Mr. Webb on hie visit here, assisted the choir and sang a nioe Bolo in good voice, at the evening service. Among those who attended the Mait. land Presbyterial W. F. M. S. at Wing - ham on Tuesday, were Mesdames (Rev,) Rose, N. MoLauoblin, E. °ober, 1. 0. Rioharda, T, Ballautyne, J. H. Cameron, N. M. Riohardson, G. A. Deadman, J. G. Skene, Geo. Thomson .and Wm. Martin, and Mimes L. Ross and Hogg. B. Dark was the teamster. Mrs, Rosa gave the President's address ;, Mre. Richardson a a er on Rae oneibilitfes an ri it a pd V 0 of paper women compared with heatbeo women ;" and Mise Rose took °barge of a Oonferenoe of Mission Bead workers. Arraugemeubs are about completed for the celebration of the John Wesley bi• Centenary in Brunie Methodist ohuroh ou Sabbath, June 28 The pastor will preach s sermon on Wesley in the morn- ing and three short addressee will be given at the evening service, In the Sabbath Sohool an addrees and a musical sod literary program will be presented, and two young men will take topics on some phase of Wesley's work at the Epworth Leagne. A spacial offering of $300 will be asked to be applied on local purpooee of interest and benefit 10 the Dongrago ition. On Tueeday, Jane 2nd there will be a session held of three different gooletiee in oonneetion with the Angliaan ohuroh, at Clinton, Ou the morning of that lay the Rural Dooanal meeting of the Dean. ery of Huton are expected to be preeent ae well ae lay repreaentativee, In the afternoon the Anglican Sunday Baboot Aesoaietioo of the (meaty will hold forth, Several important paper0 will be read and open to disoneai0n, that are of interest to Sunday Sobool workers ; besides there will be a obeide program. In the evenidg it ie the intention of the travelling representative of the heather.. hood of St, Andrew, Roe. W. E. Moseley, who is making a tour of reorganisation of the minty, to be present and address the mem of Clinton, who might he inter, eeted in the eetabiiehme0t of a beannb of ibis important obarob eoolety,