HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-5-14, Page 8s p
Bamboo Poles at 6 or 10 Cents,
Lines, Hooks, Sinkers, etc.
All kinds of Hard and Soft Rubber Balls.
Druggist & Bookseller, Brussels.
Trident leave Brussels Station, North
end South, SE 10110w
Mail 7:18 A.111 Mixed 10:00 am
miee 1000 a.m Mail 1:17 mm
Express 8:86 p.m I Express ...... 8:17 p.m
rritat Reilys
A ohiel's ataang ye nide' notes,
An' faith he'll prent
FALL WhAftt is doing well.
A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of thio
TUE bowlers have been trying the newly
sodded lawn.
Tag grading machine was at work this
week on Princess and Job n streets,
BEEP the Farmer,' Excursion to G oelph
in mind. The date le the last Friday in
TER wood work of the Central Hotel is
receiving a new dress of paint this week
wbioh has brightened it up.
IF the few stumps of dead peeler
tee, were removed from Victoria Park
a decided improvement would be made.
Tim annual meeting of the East Huron
Teaoherei Assooiation will be held at
Clinton on Friday and Saturday, May
23nd next.
IT is geld that the 'United States and
Great Britain together handle more letters
and periodicals than all the rest of the
world put together.
JOHN HEWITT, Moonier' artist, has
placed two fine upholetered barber °beim
in his shop. They ere of the latest and
most approved design.
TEE poet aloe authoritiee wish that
the public would address ail letters for
the Northwest Territories with the name
of the particular territory for which the
letter is inteuded.
BRUSSELS Intermediate Leagne Foot
Ball team will have a irial with Listowel
on Friday evening of this week, on the
grounds of the latter. A bot match ie
booked between these old rivals.
SPRING fever is not a bad thing to get,
11 11 develops into an a.nxiety to olean up
your surroundings and improve the apr
pearauce of things generally. In this
matter each one Moat clean before hie
own door.
A. GOOD practice game of Foot Ball was
played on Viotoria Park on Friday even -
mg in lien of the cancelled intermediate
league matoh. A. few kickers from Wing.
hi and Wroxeter were present. Sides
were ohoseu from the piok of the players
MECHANICS are at work on the front of
Mrs. Fletcher's block. The briok work
has been taken down and will be rebuilt
with pressed brio's. Modern windows
will replace DIM old °nee upsteirs and
door with steel balcony will be also added.
A plate front, with modern design aid
arrangement, will constitute the lower
story chimps.
Wannest junior football team defeated
Listowel et the latter town an Monday
evening by 1 to 0. The leagne now
Brneeele..won 2 lost 0 to play 2
Witigham., 0 1 " I 2
Listowel„ e 0 " 2 2
Wingbam will play at Brussels next
Tueedaa and if our boys can do the some
Rot alt right :hie district is in their guard•
isuship beyond question.
Grammes, it you are bald, see Prof,
Dorenwend's art coverings in wigs end
toapeee, worn on thousands of heads.
They are a protection against colds,
catarrh, eto., and give a most natural and
younger eppearanoe to the face, Trying
on and demonstrating the superior art of
these goods free of &ergo. He will be at
Brussels, Amerioen Hotel, Wednesday,
May 20,
LAST Friday morning Harry Mercer
was summoned before Reeve Wilton, J.
Leckie and W. H. Kerr, J. Ple., on the
information of Constable PeloLatiehlin,
and fined $5.00 and costs for being drunk
and disorderly on the etreet on the pre-
vious Sabbath, The costa were remitted
and the fine paid forthwith, The an.
thoritiea will keep a sharp outlook for
other infrootione of the law.
Jero. Leman le a etirring citizen end no
gnestion about it. Hewill build a 6 room
story and a half house on his lot, oornet
of Queen and Prtnoess etreet, whirth,
when completed, will be fen sale or to
rent. He already has a well drilled On
the premien and ae a good shoe of
building material is on hand the work
Will be completed in good time for Pall
oceepation, It ie a daunt matter to
get a house of this desoription to rent in
BASIS Beer, —Orgartizetion for Brunetti
Base Ball Club for 1903 wee completed
Int Saturday evening. The officers will
be :—Hon. Pres., D. C. Rose; Pres., W.
A, Grewar ; Manger, 10. Jamas ; Soo.-
Treas., 10, S. Fletcher ; Capt., E. G.
Egleston ; Com., Dr. Fella, L. Kerr, A.
Ballantyne, 13. Motanoblin and Geo,
Ardell. A very good team will be pot oo
the diamond and nolo preotioes will be
arranged 10 get in shape for econing 000-
00010, Dittegele lute held a reacted for
good bell for many a year, dating heolt to
the old originnt "Olippers" whose glory
is still mounted.
FIRST Chem Fair of thisFIEDISOCI will
be held et Lietowel Friday of tbis week.
THE time now is when no one knows
Just when to ehake his Winter's clothes
For if yon wear them you feel bad
And if you don't, you with you had.
150 head of cattle, many of them dan•
dies, were delivered at Bennie this week
for buyers and were weighed at the G.
T. R. antes. The most of them have
beeo sent to grass.
Fore oars of equare timber were ship,
ped from here last Friday by Burton
Btoe , of Toronto, and this week two care
will be loaded by Mr. Perris of Stratford.
The 6 oars go to Quebea.
AMINO G. T. B. shipments this week
was a oar of wheat to Galt by Alfred
Seeker ; 2 oars of salt to the Northwest
Territories and another to Quebec ; a oar
of oittle each by Geo. Beet and R. J.
Clegg to Toronto. P. Arnent received a
oar of lumber.
RECITAL.—Misa E. Estelle Griffin, of
Wingham, who bas a large ohne here in
voice culture, is arranging for a Reoital
in the Town Hall, Braseele, for Tuesday,
Jane 2ad. She will be assisted by Prof.
Glen Campbell, of Goderiob, a well known
musician ; Jae. Jenne, of Brussels ; and
others in addition to her pupils. Further
portioulare case week.
Burs Fans BeLes.—Berrieter Blair
was at Godertoh on Thursday in ocinneo•
tiou with an examination for discovery of
J. R. Baker, Mrs. E. Diokson, Jae. Po-
rte and A. G. Welsh over the Daly farm
sale oontest by a Toronto legal represen.
tative. The suite will be fought ont at
Goderiob, it is expected next month, and
will be of considerable interest.
GAME WARDENS.—ID MG any of the
readers should require any informebion
concerning our game laws, we publish
below the list of °fasters for the comity of
Heron :—J. A, Anderson, Seafortb ; Jae,
Creeoh, Exeter ; John Currie, Goderiob
John Gill, Exeter ; John Hewitt, Brea,
sele ; Peter HeKay, Ohiselharst ; 0. J. S.
Naftal, Goderiob ; Joseph.Rider, Clinton ;
,Toho Saude, Saltford ; Alexander Soon,
COMPLAINT is made by some household-
ers of dower thieving. In one 0060 a bed
of tulips and byaointhe was nearly dee
waded by an impudent trespasser. The
law does not mike moth difference be•
tween stealiug from a reeidenoe or garden
so intrudera had better look 001 for trouble
if they continue the practice of being too'
off hand with their undesired omits. A
watch has been set with a view of mak-
ing an example,
Inecovesexes.—A new oement wall has
been plaited under the hone recently
purchased by M. Buobanan. He has also
added a gotbic and will make other im.
provements.—W. MoKay, Turnberry
street North, has moved his stable to the
North side of hie lot.—A wire fence here
been built at Willian Turnbull's property.
He is making a noticeable improvement
about the place.—The olob hone on the
Bowling lawn has been moved to the
river bank on the grounds and placed
more conveniently than in its former
looation.—A. new 'shingle roof has been
pot on Mrs. Forbes' residence, Albert
week panes without news from some one
who is in anions trouble through endon-
ing a note for a relative or friend.
Through misfortune, siokneee or morality
the reeler of the note has failed to meet
it, and the burden falleupon the endorser.
There. is a fine quality of bravery in the
way some of these men fan the situation
and work out the hot dollar in order to
save their honor, but the wife and child-
ren may Buffer long before the debt is
satisfied. It is bard for some men to re.
fuse this endorsement for a friend, yet it
to always a flaky thing to do. We wish
that a endden attack of pen palsy might
strike most of our friends when they are
called to endorse notes or sign contracts
with Oranges.
I. 0. 0. F.—Taesday evening 00010 20
membere of Western Star Lodge No. 149,
I. 0. 0. F., Brussels, atteuded Listowel
Lodge end along with a large number of
representativee from Horiston end At-
wood were moot royally entertained.
About 60 oandidates were initiated into
the mysteries of the Oriental degree and
all were able to procured homeward in the
seas' 'ours its their onstomary vigor.
An elegant: supper was served at the
Qaeen'e Hotel, in wiriole the nneeseriee
and luxuries of life were spread in eloh
protheion in affre. Utters' boat style.
The company then hied them to the
Town Hall once more where a varied
musical and literary program wee render.
ed and loudly applauded, It was ere
Mown :—Instrarnentee eeleations by
Prof. Kelly on pious ; phonograph by Mn,
Stapleton and violin by T. Tennant ;
vont nunthere by Meson, Yana and Mo•
Dowell, W. H. artokson, Mr. Barber, P.
Stapleton and J. Copland; ehort addreens
by Mayor Hay, Editors °Broke of List.
owel ; Andeteon, of Atwood ; Copland, of
Harriston, end Kerr, of Bennie ; De.
Rutherford and Mo, Bradley. Noble
Grand Blewett made 0 most excellent
ohaitmen and added in no small manner
to the cheeriness of the onasion. A
hearty vote of thanks wag passed to thoee
who took 5001 10 the program and also to
the Listowel Lodge for their overflowing
hOspitality. The company trepanned
attar eleging "Aoki Lang Syne, with
finitsd firrno, and the National Anthem,
Bitolten gatherings may bo held at othet
poiete during the pet.
CAPITAL—Paid up $1,000t000
RESERVE s s $1.000000
880 Vi•4•10 PS
REP, 17.10. 10001)1710, 1). 0, VICICPRIDSIDENT
0. D. NASSEP, 0, 7. /100R1/
111100. BRADSHAW
General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes
Discounted. Sale Notes bought or held for Collection.
IN TER SAVING'S RANK—Deposits 00 51.00 and upwards reeelved and
interest et the highest Bank rate allowed, from date of deposit to date
of withdrawal, on the daily balance,
tarParties bolding important papers, mites, &o., may deposit them in.
our bank vault for eafo keeping—free of (Marge.
Prompt and Careful Attention. flood Terms.
G, F. BLAIR, Solicitor. A. E, MELLISH, Manger, BRUSSELS.
Qum a number of ones of la grippe in
Biuseele and locality.
BRUSSELS Woolen Fernery la 0010 (00.
ning billet and is prepared 10 58.)' the
highest market price for wool or will give
big bargain in exchange ie goods. See
what the Loohridge Broe, say in tine
&DUMB fare return tickete will be is•
cued on the railways in oonneotion with
May 24th annivereary. Good going Sat-
urday, 231d and returninp on the 28011.
Quite a nice opportunity for a holiday
hold Muir entertainment in the Town
Hell on Thnraday evening, 28:h inst. A
masioal and literary program will be
given Some of the High °mat °Moore
will deliver addresses.'
Tau Manabee Band has been out this
week serenading. They oalled upon the
members of the Council, Dee, MoNangh
ton and Holten, Messrs. Sinclair, D. C.
Ross, Farrow, fvluldoon, Dark, G. Dunn -
eon, F. S, Soott, Leckie, Fox, Leatherdine
and Cous'ey. They will continue to net
upon a, number more. Band playa wall
for a UM institution and will no doubt
reap a float:dial benefit from their sere.
trades that will go a good distance towards
the new nuiforees in prospeot,
THE Grand Trunk Train Master agreed
to a gravel sidewalk being put down from
Tarnberry street to tbe depot and 10 oars
of material were brought here, First oar
was dumped just along side the roadway
and this location was very properly ob•
jeeted to by the town Connote as the walk
would be utilized more by teams than
pedestrians. The next 4 oars were plaoed
where the old plank walk bad been and
then instructions were given that walk
must be next the road err the remaining
5 oars were put there and the gravel
on the old sidewalk litre was moved over
to the roadside. Now ilia said the walk
maybe shifted 3 feet to the South so ea to
eever the ocinneetion between road and
week. It is a mixed up affair but if left
where it is, will he praotioally neaten for
a sidewalk and outside of benefit to road
might as well be in the pit.
Business Locals.
FEED oorn, clean and dry, for sale at
Ross' mill, Brunets.
ALL kinds of garden seeds in paokagee,
2 for 5c, at JAS. BALLANTINE'S.
Jun reoeived, a ohoice 101 01 olover and
timothy seed. ALF. BAIDICER.
WANTED b once, a good smart boy to
learn hardware and tinsmithing trade,
not less than 17 years old, end willing to
work. Apply to WILTON ct TURNBULL,
Bettena piano, Hainee, for sale, in good
oondition. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Oreigh•
LOST.—A silver bracelet with name OD
locket. Finder will much oblige by
leaving it at Dr. Toole's.
REPAIRS for Fleury plows may be
found at Darkie livery bon. Same filed
and pot in good shape. Helot WILLIS/IE.
SPECIAL sale of flue new done matinee,
ginghame, °atoms and ladiee' wrappers
at Harry A. Matehetes on Friday end
GIANT Intermediate Yellow and int
Sawlog Mange's, beet varieties of Simla,
aeede and fresh Garden seeds in bulk at
FLEURY Items —Farmers wishing to
bay the beet plow made should call on
John Long, agent. I will also keep
pointe at Alf. Beaker's office.
ANY one needing lawn mowers and
ninon sharpened and made to work
08031 080 have earae done at T. MoGreg.
°Oa saw and tool sleep. All firstmlass
work done here on Mill street, Breese's.
WANTED. -100 nen Egge weekly, 14o.
Coen I We are sole Belling agents in the
country for the only Obio Bailey °Den—
tin beat silo oorn of to.dery. Potatoee—
We have the heaviest cropper ont, 6 lbs.
$6,00, epeeist prioes by the peek.
Geo a BING, Wingbam.
READS von Bnantes.—If you want any.
thing its the Shope of an A. 1 buggy or a
good lumber wagon you are asked to call
at The Oober Carriage Faototy, Brunets,
where you will find a splendid new stook
to choose from end at carrot primes. A
look throngh our show room will not
cost you anything and may save you
some money,
P E II SON A I, L'1t11At2110l8H8.
Miss Livingstone, of Myth, is the gueet
of the Mines Hubkirk.
J. and Min Milhansen were visitors at
Trowbridge on Sundery.
Mee, Jno, Theist and ohildten aro visit-
ing relatives in MoKillop.
Ifict. Lowry and children are visit.
leg relatives in Teeinvater.
Mies Jeotn Robinson, of St. Marye, is
visiting min Mary Rotten.
J. Fox and J. H. Cameron were visitors
at Wroxeter Friday evening,
Harry Bartliff, of Clinton, w000, visitor
in town on Sueday and Monday.
Frank Smith arrived home from the
Oellege of Pharmacy, Toronto, last Bet-
Mime Gran Barrete, of Winghatn, is
visiting her grandmother and auntie in
Rev, D. Ballentyne, of Moleswoeth,
oalled en old Maeda in Brnesels last
Mee. MoAdam, Of Owen Sound, le the
meet of ber enter, Mrs. Joe Beattie,
Tho, 1310Ornfleld, wife and eon, from
neer Liseowel, are renewiug old friend.
shine in this lootelityr
Reba end Mrs. Henderson attended
tile funeral of the tele Mr. Paltorman, of
IlloKiItop tewhohip, last efattnitty,
Art, Robinson, of Wroxeter, is tilling
position on the gaff 01 THE Poe,
Mies Lizzie Holtnea, who has been
vieitiirg ber sister in Mioh,, for some
menthe, returned home last week.
Wile Leatherdale, of Seaforth, wheeled
into towu last Saturday evening and
visited his parents for a short time.
Mies Eva Denbow had a birthday re•
oently aud her brother, Peter, presented
her with a line plum need parlor organ.
Miss Teenie Sinclair is borne trona
Detroit. Her mother hes been ill but a
able 10 ,10 up DOW 100079 pleased to state.
Mies Bloomfield bee goire to Toronto
where she will etay for a while. Mrs,
Ferguson ie here from the Qum City on
a visit.
G. 2'. Blair, Berrieter, leaver, on Fri.
day for Parry Sound, to not in behalf of
his brother in a emit brought for malioioue
Mre. Jno. Jones returned to her house
in Grahamville last week, after spending
the Winter with her daughter, etre. R.
itlitohell, of Morrie.
Will. Jamieson was called to °onetime
owing to the serious illness of his father,
who snetehred ern internal injury that
has greatly endangered hie life.
Hugh McLaren, of Wroxeter, has taken
a situation in Lookridge Iiros. woollen
factory, Brussele. The factory ie 1 bney
spot mud will continua so for tame, years
we hope.
Mrs. Bell, of Guelph, was in town this
week giving instructions oonceirnime
provemerns to her property on King
street. Sbe was a former resident of
Rev. R. Paul oelebraled his 760h birth-
day on Thursday of this week, and re.
oeived the hearty aongratelatione of
many friends. Last Sabbath he preaoh•
ed three times, for Bluevale Presbyter -
lane, taught a class and addressed the
Sabbath Sobool, not a bad day's work for
a 70 year old. The Bibloal statement
,There were giants in thoee days" op•
pears to still be true.
Eli Illtell ell MPS.
The Presbytery of Maitland will meet
17Wir130 p
gham on Tumidity, Play 19111, at
There will be Divine eervioe in the
Catholic: ohuroh, Bennie, next Sunday
at 11 a. ne,
Rev. Mr. °ogees' morning subject last
Sabbath was eEnoch" and in the evening
"Demas, the deserter".
"Gideon" was the theme of Rev. inc.
Rost' sertnon last Sabbath morning and
"Christ's Temptation" in the evening.
Wingbam District meetine will be held
in the Methodist church, Luoknow on
Werineeday and Thursday of next week.
Rev. I. M. Webb, of St, Jamie church,
Brussels, took part in the Clonfinnation
0010100 10 Trinitity church, Belgrave, on
Thursday afternoon of Int met.
Rev. Mena Freese, D. D., for Osborn
yearn pastor of Knox Presbyterian oburoh
Hamilton, died Tuesday night at his
home after an illness extending over two
The W. F. M. Presbyterial Booiety will
hold ite annual meeting, under the mete.
idenoy of Mrs. Ross, of Brussels, in the
Presbyterian ohuren, Wingham, on Tun -
day, May 19th, at 10 30 a. m. The
busineee meeting will take plaoe at 1 p.
m. The afternoon session wilt begin at
2 o'clock. The poblie meeting in the
evening will begin at 7 30 o'olook, when
addressee will be delivered by Rods. R.
A. Mitchell, returned Missionary from
Ronan, China ; a J. Hentie, Belgrave ;
and B. 10. Smith, Kialoes.
The May Bullebio, about to be leaned
by the °uteri° Department of Agrioul•
lure, will oontain the following regarding
crop oonditioue on the lob of May, 1003 :
Fall Wheat—Reports just to hand are
practically unattimoos regarding the
general condition of the orop. In moat
instances it bas oome through the Winter
mellowed, only a few oomplaints being
made of injury from 001010 or toe, except
in Bonn fenoe corners here and there, A
few eoreespondente make mention of
patohy spots, bot it le ode to say that
much lees Fall wheat will be ploughed
up this Spring then is usually done. No
one portion of the Provinoe appears to
have been more favored than another in
this regard, Taking it altogether Fall
wheat nuty now be described as promieing
to be from hair to good, more eepeoially
as only the fainteet mention has been
made of the Heeelan fly, which for the
p001 few yenre has been the 006130 01
tbo wheat holds of Western and South.
western Ontario, The eoreage ie thought
to be lees than in last yonr or two,
Winne Rye—Very little Winter rye is
now grown in Ontario, the acreage being
so email that it oan hardly be conaidered
es a staple atop, Whet was Bowe, how-
ever, wintered well, considered ae a whole.
0000106 IN GOOD 00NDITI0N.
Olover—The greater part of those re-
porting speak of the amp a, ehowing
exoellent protein, meadowe having a
good, thick bottom, even though Spring
growth has been baokward. Tho pros.
peote for clover are particularly bright
in the Weetern half 01 the Peovinoe.
Vegetortioe—Notwithetancling the fort
that the enow dieappsared early and that
warm weethet in March gave promise of
advanced vegetetion, the told and usually
dry weather prevailing in April retarded
the growth to such a degree that oondi.
tions were only about normal on the fine
ei May, and rehttivoly bitokevaed doinpar.
MAY 14 1903
Standard Bank of Canada
DkWalt5 Int erest
Of one dollar and orwerav
1'ES101111li N.0 tett rest allow•
ed itt Savinge Bank at
higheet rate from date of
deposit to withdrawal.
PATO 011 %WE
Daily Balance
moo, Notoe Oohed,
and every anommoda•
tion afforded the nor
ponsible borrowet.
•,„„„esessesees.„..,„„seesseseems., mute
FARMERS' SALE NOTES Clashed, Collected ; or may bo 10fb for safe -keeping only
for weloh 00 (Marge is made,
This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business.
0000Every oonvenienee afforded ouetomers living at a distance.
el with the earlier proepeote of the
Spring Seeding—The bulk of the re-
ports are to the effect that seeding was
well udvanoed by the end of April, many
being through with the work, while a few
were only beginning. While from 00120
plain of the soil being hard and moth -
able for Spring work, a mush larger
number desoribe the seed•hed ae being in
the best possible coodition. The least
favorable reporte concerning the extent
and quality of seeding nom from the
oountiee forming the Niagara Peninenla.
Live Stook—Taken altogether, the
outlook for live otoolc may be planed as
good. Distemper appeared among hoeing
in varion parts of the Proviuoe, but
hardly in eaten:lout degree to bo csoneid•
ered epidemic, In fain, some oorrespood
ente attribute math of the trouble among
this and otber Owes of live stook to the
poor quality of hay, a great deal of which
was badly onred owing to the wet Sum-
mer. Cattle, are reported to be a trifle
thin, but h.althy, and have suffered little
from any form of disease.
Farm Supplies—There ie o good quart•
City of hay on hand in most localities but
much of it is of inferior quality owing to
the wet weather of last Summer. A fair
quantity of oats is also reported to to in
farmer& hands, although mach of this
will also yet be fed. While a largo nntn.
ber of o•nrespontlents report a consider
able supply of wheat, a number of others
deem that most of it will be turned into
beef and pork, more opeoielly as some of
the grain ie soft, owing to the rainy
centime prevailing at harvest. 71 10 gate
to eay, however, that good prioea wouid
bring ont a liberal quantity of marketable
hay and wheat, The reports regarding
cattle for sale are varied. There are
hardly 00 memy store cattle on hand ae
anal, one noon of a most suggestive
nature being that a lot of our young
mineale, are now being sent to the
ranches in the Nortbwest. With ship -
meets of cattle being made in both East
and West, the prospects for cattle raisiug
he Ontario are oertaiuly enuring.
Fruit Trees—Oroharde have come
through the Winter ha sentient order,
so far as weather conditions are oonciern•
ad, no injury from severe frosts or in•
storms being reported. Tire only damage
to fruit treebetween November and
April was caused by a plume of field
min, which tipper to be working ateadily
Weetward, the oentre of operations now
being in the Lake Ontario oouutios, while
a year ago they were most hurtful
oomplaints West of York, while this
Spring referenoe is made to their pres-
ence by oorreepoudeuts in portions of
iiiimooe, Grey, Perth, Middlesex and
Haldimand. Thousands of valuable train
trees have been girdled by these pests,
and some correspondents regard their
operations as a melon menan to fruit
culture. Heavy frosts occurred Mont
the close of April and the beginning of
May, but fortunately the bulk of fruit
were not sufficiently advanced in bud to
be much iejured. Owing to the bitch
tendons of bloseomieg on the 1st of Iley,
it wee then difficult to eetimate the
extent of "bloom," and the promise of
the general yield. It wee the opinion of
several oorreepondente, however, that
atone fruits, snots as oherries, plume and
Tear:Ilea, would be relatively better in
yield than apples and peara. Small
fruits give promise of an cotenant yield,
ehould favorable weather oontinue.
Brussels School Beard.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Pablio School Board was held in the
Board Room last Friday euening. All
members were present exoept A. Cionley.
The minutes of lob regular meeting
were read and paned.
The following acumante were presented ;
The Canadian °flies and School
Furrriture Co et 102 00
Joesph Mare 20 86
Moved in W. 01. Sinolair, seconded by
Jae. Turnbull, that Joseph Mara be paid
$176 00 per anumn, from April 2001,
Moved by J. G. Skein, Emended by D,
0, Roe% that the Board borrow the nen
of $60 00 from the Standard Bank until
June 30 to pay ourreut expenees.—Oar.
Board then adjourned.
Definite tuition has been taken by Mr,
Prefontaine, Minister of merino and
fleherieo, in the matter of removing re•
etriotione from fishing in Detroit river,
and the aloe° sermon which has existed in
these watere for many yodel is withdrnwur
The tenon for the atop is that the Am•
erioana are fishing the river out anywey
by failing to properly observe any oleo
seacon on their aide. Mr. Prefonterthe's
dotage ie adopted that our own people
may bays their Aare of profit ont of the
Detroit River flatteries while they last.
CALMIAN—TaAviss.—At the ohnhoh 01 1110
Holy Angelo, Obeltingham, Chicago,
on April 16th, Mr. D. Calabar, of
Chicago, to Min Anna Traviss,
formerly of thhel.
Hmee—Bosvonties.—In StrItentie churolt,
Beaverton, on April 20, by Bev. W.
Hartley, audeted by Rev, W. Major,
Mr, J0.11.11, 1011150, 0,1 Moisten, to
Mies Wenone, eldest daughter of Dr,
and Mee, 0. Bowerrom, Beaverton,
formerly of Grey,
BATEDIAN.-111 Grey, on Smiley, May 10,
MISS Blackwell, wife of Won. Bate
0100, 0500 75 years.
Wristlet.; —In Howiok, ou ilia' 7, Eliza
beth Robb, toilet of the Into Charles
Wilson, aged 64 yeare.
men tie rerreeree: rer..0..ze,:eromtt.s.
Pee I IA heel. . , ... ....... 68
Bericy 38
Peas 55
Cate .. , 20
Butter, 11;,S 0,,(i rolls .. 14
Egret vett dozen ..•• ., .. 11
Flour iide owe. 4 00
Putetnes firer boo.) 50
Applts (per bug) 40
Tie y per 1011 .... 6 00
Salt per bit., retail 1 00
Hoge, Live 5 65
Woo) 18
Hid Of, trimmed 6
Hides rough 5
6 00
7 00
6 75
Cow for sale, will (OYS in middle of
May. Enquire at TEE POST.
COMFORTABLE UOUEIG for sale or to rent,
Mill etreet, West. 0101y to
WHITE Rook eggs, $1 00 per getting of
es. Pullets laying when 41 mouths old.
R. O. BEADAIAN, Brussels.
el -and, rawly itulinette:ViE "6116"
44.0 Blyth, Ont,
J_ for sale. Eligiole for registration.
For price. terms and ; other particulars, ap-
ply to J. D. MeNAXR, Lot 22, Con. 10, Grey,
or Oranbrook 11.0. 80.11
Butz FOR SALE.—Bligible for regis-
tration. For prim. tonne and ether partim
Mars apply to ANDREW HISLOP, Lot 2,
Con, 14, Grey, Brumele P. 0. 42.4
0-1 Bulls for sole. One is 13007 old and
the other two younger, Mew several regist-
ered Clews and Heifers. Apply to JAMES
SPINE, Lot 00, Coo, 0, Morrlo Twp., or Brus-
sel!! P. 0, 22.11
In 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10
Roll Parcels,
These Remnants comprise
some of our nicest papers and
we offer them at much below
Wholesale Cost. Just the
thing for small rooms, pan-
try s, closets, &c.,
Drug Store.
V good lob for eels on Queen street,
B tinsels, FOr turtber particulars apply to
SIA' CAMPBELL, Brussels?, 0. 3011
.I. - Short Horn Bulls, from imported
stook, for rale. Also cows and heifers,
ported and home bred. 72 head to Holeet
from. D. MILNE & SON, Me Mend Bank
Stook Farm, Ethel Ont. 80.4f
Painting, Paper Hanging, &c.
The undersigned is prepared to attend to
all milers for Paper Hanging, Ralsomining,
Glazing and Painting in a workmanlike
001107and at reasonable rates. Carpen-
tering also attended to
41.801 John street, Brussels.
The Court of Rovielon on the Amassment
Roll for the Township of Morris for the year
0.1)., 1008, will be held at the TOWIL Hall, iu
said Township en MONDAY. MAY 2.01.h,
oommenatng ab 10 o'clock, 0,01, All parties
iuterested will please take notice and act
Cleric's oftice, Morris, W. CLARE,
May 8tu, 1001. Clerk,
The Court of Revision ou the Assessment
Ball far the Township of Grey. for the yen,'
A, D.,11103, v ill be held at the Tow/cabin Hell,
Ethel, on '113EI,DAY, MAY nth, NOS, eon.-
menalng 01 30 c'cloelt 0.00. All I artim in-
terested will pinto take notice and not
Clerk's ofilee,Ethel, JOHN bloINTOSH,
May 801,1001, Clerk.
Tenders will be received by tbo Township
of al cliillop for what is known as Lb e Bol-
ton Drain on the 14th Concession of 1101011 -
lop and part of Grey Township. Plano mut
specifications may bo seen at the Clerk's
residence, near Winthrop, and tenders will
be opened at Leadbury on Saturday, May
Nth, at 1 (Moak p.m, Work is °etiolated
at 01638.00 The sum of 820.00 will be asked
until bonds are signed.
3110. C. MORRISON, Clerk.
Bille oaliEl Es ilteU
And Highest Prices Paid.
We want to make another shipment of Produce the
last of this month and will offer special inducements in the
way of low prices in Dress Goods, Dress Muslins,
Prints, Ginghams, Linens, Towelings, Shirt-
ings, Cottonades, Boots, Shoes and Men's,
Boys' and Children's Clothing.
4 cases of Men's Fine Dongola
Oxfords and Men's Fine Dongola Bale.
to go on sale Saturday morning at
Clearing Prices. Come early and se-
cure first choice.
dr.lpoovenmeovreem.arkWiron....ratlanesmr no -amine.
Garfield House, Brussels.