HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-5-14, Page 5MAY 1•1, 1903 BLISMESS CARDS. 1%/rON1 Y TO LOAN AT 6 PJ I1 111! ecrlt, 1•'.0, SCOTT, brunets. MoO1tAOI{LN-, W • linear of Marriage Lloouses, O1• nee nt CrOoery,'1 urnberry street, Jimmie. _ 17AI{I11 3 lt'OR bALlil '1'i.IDI UN- DanerONOD lune eavar•nl good Forme for 8(tle and to rout, easy terms it: 'lowneldps 411 Morris and OrsY, 1' S. BOUTT.Brussel �`1p1 �p O n M. .MIDI � tR D I N Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT, MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, —TX/WHIM OP— PIANO AND ORGAN, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM= 1NeII1(AN0E, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, E. Estelle Griffin TEAC'UEIt OF VAICIi CULTURE, Pupil of 01100 Eva N. Roblyn, of London. Pupils prepared for Con eurvetory dx.tme. t -8811 vleit Jimmie every Tuesday. Lemont given at the Lome of W. 11. Itorr, John etreet. J. LEOKIE, LIFE AND FIRIS 1NBURANC8, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT 41, 4'y' R 5 Por Cont.' OIAae over IIuislOY0 Drug Stere, Nov, 8rd,1(811. 4O 951 Brussels. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., namAlro nnitn 1840 Insurenee taken on the cosh and premium note system atmn•rent rates. B 1 fore Mem- lug elsewhere call on the uudorolgnod Agent of the Company. GEORGE ROGERS, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. 151 •S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • nen, will sell for better prieeo, to hotter men, in lase time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in East Bum or he won't °berg° anything. Dates end orders eon always be arranged at this oalce or by personal application. 1710 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,— Tho undersigned, who is well acquainted throughout the most port of the County and who has bad 11u8tueen with a large otr. ole of farmers in and around this locality, begs to inform the community Mat he has taken out au Auctioneer's Moonlit) for the County of Huron and offers his services to all purposing co hold 90109. T1108. NEWSOME, Brunelle. VETERINARY. J• D, WARW1OK— Honer ttnadnare of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, -IR prepared 10 treat all die - moms of domesticated anim1tie in a comoet- eut manner. Parti^alar attention paid to Veterinary henti0try. Oahe promptly at- tended to, Olfloe and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Tu•obsrry et., Brussels, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, NT M. SINULAIR— Barrister, Bolioitor,'Ooaveyenoor, Notary Public, deo. 0ffioe—Stewart's B1oak 1 door North of Central Rotel, Solicitor for the Standard Bank. G• F. BLAIR, BARIIISTEB, SOL— . &o, BRUSSELS,— oleo ov0r Standard Bank 1 Solicitor for Township of Grey, Bowlek alutual rand the Metropolitan Bonk. Private end Oompaoy money to loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS, J. A. M'NAUGHTON. M. D., C. (1., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member C"lle(,'e of Phys-aians and Burgeons Out. Lioeutjate of tbe Royal Col- lege of '11yoiolnne and Lioeutiate of Mid- wifery Edinburgh. (B Telephone No.14, Reeideuee—Mill street, Brueeele. DENTISTRY DR. R: P. FE/LD. MthrriST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and First clam honor Graduate of Toronto University. OMoo next to Brewer's Photograph Gellert,. BRUSSELS. IT'S ALL RIGHT and Students may enter z%STOW,L at any time. SPRING TERSE 33EGIN8 MAR, 80. Two aonrsee—Oommel'OLel and Shorthand. Send for College Journal, 0. A. FLEMING, A. L. MoINTY-1E, Preehleut, Secretary, SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Sibiuhles AND--- NoX'I h Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AvrT13E Brussels Planing Mills Also Door' and Saab of all .Pat tern' on hand or made to order at Short Notice. , I7etirnate' Furnished for all Hinds of $gildinpr'. Workman• tbip and Withal Guaranteed. ( P c'asii5� it l.:::t: Cur blotto : 1lHlgth Grado Work Only II .j CENTRAL • STRATFORD, ONT.' 10O8nr0518alusat- oe readily eadily 800(180 goo d 1(411110(5b10oaue1151)1rhig(1h1ga1de10(039- aertnH9 l3 u,Ir esq mon au listwept Med. • A 1vUlla 11no limo t0 w500 n18(the 081101 Mimi, O0m- men05 a ouur00 now and be ready foe a position f0 the Fall. Write for unud• soa catalogua W. J. 1OLI .1 DTT, Principal, a1' m e11-71. 9- 1$1.rttt iietn , 01111.. -.•Jobe Powell, for forty font ears y a resident of '1'urnberry, paeeed tim.•'o boundary on Sunday Ord Inst„ aged 87. Decreased was a native of Sourer• 001„11(1'8, England, where he was born May 16, 1810, Early ira life he learned the 000pelieg trade, and at the age of 28 married E1tz•t Howard, daughter of a Devonshire binollemilh ; three children 5V(11.0 born to th, m in Englund, In Aods'l, 1858, be mime to America, and lived in the Slate of Now York until March 1855, wheu they came to Geode and for nearly five there resided at Exeter in this county, Cu October. 1850 he re• moved to Turnberry and settled an the farm on whioh he resided until his death. Six children were added to the family In Canada. He' was very native among the early settlers of the township I a man with strong 0d,.011101taa, ebjo)ing good hra'th until a week prior to hie death, which wan caused by bronchitis. Mr. Powell was a ttaunoll Liberal, and e. reader of the G'obe for forty year°. He leaves to survive him hie widow, two gone, William and John, and one daogh- ter, Pried le. IXenIsa 11. The Band has commenced their series of;0o5certe. A. McKenzie has p0roha8ed the trim• mingPbu-inees and out tit of A. Mol3rten. Geo, Reynolds left on Tuesday of lest week for Toronto Junction where he has taken a situation in a drug store. Our aitizeue made a bee and moved the bandstand on to the corner of Geo, t5Io• Ewen'( lot, w11i011 i0 a very good location, At the meeting of the r8.isifil Board of IIen0011 church, 13. S POi tp0 was elect 0,1 lay delegate to the DisIriut meeting to be held et Park Ilfll. Geo. JoynVe new driver is attracting much attention from no horsemen. Ile has hod an offer of 6425 for the . mare which he will not accept. 117r. McKay, principal of our Pub ie School, has purchased the hon0e end two lots where he resides on Book street. It 10 hie intention t0 improve the reeidepoe:• A Mr, Smith from down East has lege• ed the old packing house from G. 0. Petty and intends starting a brush fail• tory, employing half a dozen hands, about the middle of June, Frank Moesean, who was %o severely injured by being kinked by a horse, hoe r000vered tu4oiently to be able to walk around, but it will be some time before be 10 able to attend to hie regular work, 151e•(lo, Six lanterns for the use of the fire brigade bae been purchased. Chun. Sioau sold Be7fron Bros, 18 head of cattle whioh netted 51200. Dr. J. S. Jerome, who has been preen. sing dentiet•ry in Blyth for the past year and a half, disposed of hie practioe last week to Dr. G. 17. Long, of Listowel. Jetties Gibeon, of Morrie, has been eon• (Inert to the home of his eon•in.lew, J. E. Taman, for set eral days 0erio0019 ill, Wb learn that he to slowly recovering, T. 13. Ma rt r A e whoae be, u i0 " lcrou• to for the past three lute weeks tnking point• ars in the photographic art with D. J. Rowley, has returned to town and ie at hie old stand Brewer's art gallery. At Blyth Council Oman, McNulty seconded by Cotte. Milne, that owing to the application of James Barr being ao• communed hy a petition signed by a good number of Blyth'( leading eitieens and business men, ragtleOting that he be given. another obanoe, we re appoint him to the position of chief constable.—Oarried. Ooun. Bto0hers voted nay. At the reenter buoineee meeting of; the Young People's Society of Ohri'etian En. cleaver of St. Andrew's church, Blyth, bald on Tuesday evening of last week, the following resolution was passed by a unanimous standing vote 1 "Resolved that we, the members, of the X. P. B. 0. E. of St. Andrew's ohuroh, Blyth, do heartily approve of the nation taken by Queen's university, Kingston, in oonferr. lug upon our beloved pastor, Rev. A. Mo Lean, the honory degree of D. D , as a reoognitiol of fai811104 and untiring ser. vioe( for many long years amongst u0, and we would wish to be the first among the many societies connected with our church to publicity cougratnlale Rev, Dr. Mo. Leen." wtowel. The Ootinoil bae passed a bylaw provid, ink for sprinkling the street,' on the frontage pled, Thos. Mattenley, of thio town, i0 in possession of an orange tree whioh hag well formed oranges on, one being ripe and full aim The opening of the Salvation Army Barrsoke willtake place On Mey 14,16 and 17. Servioee will be eonduottd by Co'onel.Jecobo, of Toronto, At the regular monthly meeting of the P0111lie Sohool Board, Mies Alice Wa'ker, of Neepawa, -Man;, was tinenimenely photon ae I{indergerten, direotr,ese for the department' *bent t', be opened 1tt 'tile Public 501100!, Albert Dtutlop and Benefit Brum, have returned to town from Toronto; where hey have been attending the Odtario Dental College: Fed, Loiig; of this town, bee taken his final examination at the College and hag purohae0d a practise at Blyth. Ata odngregati0nal meeting of the Sea. orbh Presbyterian ()boob, the ),lane of W..10. Binning, architect, of this town, of extensive alterations and improve. men8e to tlie &torch were un noirtiPnely adopted,, And Mr. I3inniog appointed, to kupervise the darryfeg'MI6 of the .Weaker By tbo"ltbee'ileOYll+rlt' 1•011, which Mr, Isyd0n, aes0ebpr;has jot 0oml0)9d and 0tnr0ed, the•totel 00080eed Value of the P. A :7B T been ;s.. given at ,-. ' ,((,11 ,v11;e1, le 1120,- 000 lege then 1 , n1. 1,,4! fx'li o fl ie uvtdeutly duet 1 .o r tel ,'11110(, 08139r 09101' t110 (vnnld 111 ,w a sub Hiantial it1al RRatl, 4In+ number DI new buildings that v ern eroded within the your, the p•pulallon is given at 2,008, being an inereaee of 37 over last v1'tr. N1 of deg•t 1 1 ; oattie, 200 1 hogs, 70; home, 1187. 1'A J0eap11 and Aire. ,Altil(,y and eon G,eig have left for 13x1 only Aae, where R chs a 8110 Y intend robing up land, Mies 18tberta Wil.9n returned to Strat- ford to 110mplet0 her eborth811d c0(1819e in th' Stralf',rd Bneine0,1 Oef10ge, 1V. F. Fortes acld his ethers, number ing twenty foal to John Scott, of L oto wol. The prir.e t nl(r:d wee 5c, a Ib. Tho Slelbldl It p8op10 of Stoney ('rook have shown 111,,1 appreeivtinn of the wont rd 111P r p,atnr, Noe J. II Ma Wile, by ineree0ine hie 0tdney to 181,000. Ililliurd McFarlane, whn for ' three yearn 11811 Iron (dark in Mitchell's drub store, hag left fo. Dundee where be hue 8 ott"rd an exueilent r•itu'ttion in a drug store. J. A. McFarlane, who IRs been toren Ing Toronto 13011001 ..f Soi'n,e, 1100 arrived home. John will lake a 0180Rtlan in P tleborg its draughtsman with a firm of 0ontra0tore. Newry 01118.0 factory shipped their April chee90, 66 181x011 ut Listowel. I3ai laotyue d; 801.0 were the buyers nt 120 ciente N Ib. Silver Corners factory aloe void to the same iirm at the thane 8;ure and 011ipped at Listowel, Atw.,od Royal Temp'are met on Tithe day night of last week curl had a pleasant and eneoes0(1(1 meeting. Au impromptu debate toots plaoe which was the amerce of much amuemwlt. It was decided to invite Ethel 1301)0 of Temperance Society to 01818 the 1'.oal society on Tuesday even. ing, 19111 inst. Uue of the greete81 objeote of interest to old and young in our village ie n young bear 9.11'011 arrived bare on the 7 45 p. m, trait, en Monday of last week from near Winnipeg. Dr, Douglas, who has been In the West for some time, brought it back with him having obtained it et 1Vhitemonth near Winnipeg. It is an ordinary bleak bear, probably a month or 800., old, but with sufituient length of claw and lumber of teeth to matte a person oarefnl flow ft ie 110ndled, t;,Utiet•iett. G:a. W. Thomson & Soo are turning oat a Noy ole oath the'"rhomeon." Stuart Lane returned from TOrou10 attar the re'n pletiou of the term at the Law School. Tho annual sports in annneatiou with the Collegiate Institute will be held on Friday, May 22nd. Maple Leal Lodge, No, 20, A. 0, U. W. will attend service in Vioer.ria el. Metho. diet 01101011 Sunday, May 8108. The Gedorich Golf Club will aeon have one of the hest golf courses in Geode, ae. the lithe are being improved daily. Our former t0woeman Thomae'Mo. Giitiouddy, of Toronto, i0 on the program of Grimsby Park for the Oth of July. ammoniac G. M. Elliott's little daugh- ter, who hoe • been seriously i11 with so lrlet fever, is now :reported oonvalea• mut, S. J. Beckett, of I0iotail, a former pupil of Godertah 0o1!egiate Inotitnte, has taken the degree of B. A, at Qneen'e University. April 25111, Ian Olork, formerly of the Bank of Montreal staff here, died in Ter - onto in hospital from the effects of au ape anion for appeudIOitis. The Big Mill is having a new engine pet iu to run the elevator, and to fere fah steam for n drying kiln in the cooperage, now nearly ready for 000npation. Mayor Lewis has purchased the old G. T. 12. station bottle, and wo understand it will be removed to Lewis' park and converted into two Summer O08101es. Rev. Mr. Wnliwin, of Seaforth, wheu in town on Wedneorlay of last week, ag- uen nod tender% for the ereotio0 of a two story briolr %tore, on the lot now o'oeupied by Thos. Hall, the shoemaker, on Homil. fou street. The proposition for a sectional bonne to the Huron, Bros it Grey Eleotrio Railway Company 10 to he voted on in Oolborne towuhip on Saturday, May 30141, The amount of the proposed bonne is 67 000. Rev. Dr. Hamilton, of Stratford, spent 0few days last week with his 1013, Rev. Jas. Hamilton, Tbough not far from the foureoore murk, the reverend gentleman is add in possession of a great fond of health and vigor, I7, B. Tilt, eon of Thos. Tilt of the British IJxohunge, has oompleted his coarse fu mining engineering at McGill and 1180 taken his degree of 13: So., stand ing third on the list. Se bae been ap• glinted aeeit1ant demonstrator in meted. ltlrgy at the college, and wag the recipient of another honor in being chosen as the Il<.ta li.11 t3 3813 P 08 BM gad 1;.,C D. llieyoho jo 8 arrived title week, will sell them a1 very el000 figures for the next 30 days. The Ladies' wheel i0 8 booty, Call and gee them, ale I e ndouble toa 1 the gales of thorn (hit year. I have 9.100 Berlin4, 1800(0(90 and (i 'slr } Ipe %Odell 1 will hell at it redl0Non. A® CIUJSLEYM Strenuous ObJUUlnnnpS [II OPYry1011 are never made against feed enpplied by Alf. Banker. All (look like it and thrive on it, end it ie pronounced by all intel- ligent breeder(' to be i0oompariably the best sold. Try a sample lot and you will never feed anything but or Eager corn and oats. Alf. Banker. velodiotrr'an of hie a'aes. Mr. Tilt's duties will occupy most of hie time during the holidays. The Goderiob tennis players have or. gaaieed for the oeaenn of 1008 as follows 1 Ron. Pres , W. L Eliot ; hon. vioe, Judge Holt ; president, Philip Kiely ; vioe, F. J. Shannon ; 0eo.•treae., Mies Helen Doyle ; exeontive committee, Miss Allan, Mr. Qua, Mr, Melville, Mr. Wilson, Leo Eliot, E. Jordan ; lea committee, Mesdames Prondfoot, Hunter and Eliot, and Mies Hutchinson. Exeter. A branch of the Sovereign Bank has been opened up in Zurich. Pat. Curtin purchased ten steers from Henry Smith, of Hay, that averaged 1450 pounds, The partnership heretofore existing be. tween Geo. Crawley and Thee. Ogden, liverymen has been dissolved. Thee. Handford bae purchased Thos. Bieeett'e three•year•oid oath for which he paid the handsome sem of 6250, The Stephen & Uebores Agricultural Sooiety'e grounds were pet up for rental by notion and knocked down to Wm. Bawden ata rental of 1553. The oboir of the Jamee et, Methodiet church tools part in the anniversary ser• vine of the Christian Endeavor of the Preebyterian church at fre,10011 Monday night. Edgar Weetcott, who hos been eon• doting a barber shop here for the past two years, fold out to Chao. Dalamater, of St. Marys, who tools immediate poo. session. Mr. Westoolt will go Weat in the near future: A number oft v aoroe e enthusiasts met in the Town Hall and formed themselves into a club to be known as the "Sham• rooks." The following officers were sleet- ed 1—Hon. President, T. B. Carling ; President, A. Q. Bobler ; Vioe•Pres., N. D. Hurtiou ; Sea.•Treae., 0. H. Sanders ; Captain, Herb Ford ; Managing Com , R. Kinsman, 0. H. Sanders and H. Ford. Word has been received that Fred. Knight, who left Here a few weeps ago, with a etock of goods for the purpose of opening op business in Xorkton, Asea„ has had a hard streak of tuck, his entire 0toals of groceries, eta., having been con- sumed by fire. Mr. Knight was awaiting the ereotion of a new store and in the meantime had stored the geode in Herb. Elliott's premieee. In eolith una000nnt. able manner the building took fire and before nsei0tnnae arrived the fire was be. yood °entre]. The building and the entire aontente were reduced to ashes. Beeidee Mr. Knight's steak Mr. Elliot ROF. DO OF TORONTO cQ D MTHE �.I..,I GODS la..ItTI �+• ous IS COMING! H13 WILL BE AT • AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS IftlY D IVO E $ D A , With evety kind And style of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WIGS, TOUPEES, BANGS, WAVY AND PLAIN FRONTS, SWI'1;U1TF8 of, all long hair in every length and (bade, Ms ART STYLES are known , and : worn by all olaseee everywhere, Be aura to visit hie Show Rooms at the Hotel and see hie new designs. 110 w111, free of charge, domdnetreto by fitting yen what in the most suitable and becoming to you, Their use adde I1EAIITH,, COMFORT and YOUNGER APPEARANOE, GENTL14MAN WHO ARE BALD ehoold fovea. Ligate and see lits FE5TLLER WEIGHT TOUPEES AND WIGS worn on over 65,005 beads. Please Remember Day and Date" ludo, Azorio n Had,. Wednesday, Mly 2 it R lot of geode and Ja1. 1 r 011.1 went, 1.o' ,01111 Mr, Knight t, .trot 8111 KtOre, w'a also among the n',f rtanab 9, :'11 1110 olotlling b'It eI:,t ho (1110•, an I .noel 0t 1100 10018, l orrte. lyire, J. R. Williams is able to b. around again of ter her illness. Roth T Cimb'e left 011)N I M L9 d 1R dotYt after, nae„r t x e'N. 0 tug tcr f'ie Mum f0 s Ilb,.r0, .IG t. A 1101111101 from town tools in Kidd's big burse sweat ',wawa! on Tuesday of leen WOek, Mise Sadie Orson lett for Toronto where she has a eitundioo in n large mil. I finery establiohweut. Mrs. Martin Bradnook returned to ,. 1 (tla u1' < b Mr. and ' R a 1 llIrg. Bradnonk in tau d living lin town tine Bummer and , have leased Wm, 5 n] v ' 1, an a property. A quiet home weddlug took place at the -tome of filth. 1. Sanderson, Wedoosday of last tv el• e ,when her oil 1 • da t Y R liter , Miss Merle, wee united 111 marriage to Keniet11 Trimble, of (Danboro, Mau„ find son of John 0, Trimble, of town. The happy couple left on the four 8rein for their future home in tbe far West amid ebow're of rice and good wishes of their many friends, AVriu�itfttin . A brick addition to Lloyd's factory 35x 00 has been erected, The epeoial (tendon whioh are being oondm.ted in the Methodist church hy Rev, W. Russell have been largely ante, d- ad and interesting. The aonivereary services in Oonneoti00 with the Wingham Presbyterian church will be held o0 Sunday, May 17th, Rev. J. S. Hardie, of Li.towel, will preach epeatal eeamone, During the 11000 hour on Tuesday of last week the lire bell osllod the brigade to duty. A bathing chimney between the et4re0 ao0upied by D. 481. Gordon and J. Galbraith oaueed the alarm. The fire and smoke rushed out into the rooms, but fortunately no very serious damage re- sulted. At the session of the Town Council on Monday evening of lest week, a Bylaw was passed prohibiting the dirty practice of spitting and expectorating on the aide• walks or in pubho places in the town of Wiugham, Those who are in the habit of nougregating in doorways in the even• Juga, and leaving them disgracefully fil- thy, will now have to Case a penalty for infruotiou of the Town Bylaw. Among the euooeoeful students at the recent examination° at the Western Uni• varsity, London, several well known in Wingham passed enooeeafully,—H. F. Gordon, formerly druggist in Wingham, passed his fourth year; John Agnew, (brother of Dr. Agnew, of town,) scaled the ladder far the third year, and Robert Stewart, (brother of J. G. Stewart, of town,) paused the firth year's examination, after only part of the term at Oollege. Lucl&uow. So far this year 22 a'otioneere and 22 pedlere Iloenoee have been renewed with the Oon0ty clerk of Bruce. The oouuoil has decided to move the village weigh Reales from the rear of the Town Hall to Inglis street near the livery stable. From one line in Bruce township 0o less then nine men in a distanceof leis than five miles lett their home for a Bail. or's life and found watery graves. Mrs, Thomas Natalie received the sad iuteltigenoe by telegram ou Wedueoday of last weak that her eldeet son, Wilfred Mathis, for ninny years on the Lnoknow Sentinel staff, bad died at Butte, Mon- tana, Alex. McKinnon, of the fourth eon. of Kinloss, met with a very painful aooident. While tying a nervone horse i0 the stable the animal suddenly paled back and hie left hand being caught in the loop of the halter shank, the third finger was torn completely off near the Becloud and fourth fingers were crushed out. Seven oars of Northern Spy Replete were brought to Winnipeg Iaet week says the Commeroiai, by J. G. AOdera 00 of Luukoow, Ontario, whioh were the beet peeked apples placed on this market this season, The apples were about the only ouee brought here of last prop whioh were np to the requirements of the Inepeotion Aot. Only a few barrels could have been rejected under the new law. Mre, Mallough, wife of Wm. Mellough, of Dungannon, and mother of D. Mal - lough, of Luokoow, had the misfortune to fall and injure her hip severely ; it was only a day or two before that this highly respected couple celebrated their diamond wedding anuivereary, and were so warmly and deservedly congratulated on their hearty and vigorous appearance. A hospital for epileptics will be greeted by the Outeri° Government at Wood• Btoolr. A little o1ild of Thos, Leslie was bnru• ed to death et Quoeneboro' while playing with matches. The Imperial Gas Company of Atter- oliffe have eecured the franchise to imply Brantford with natural gas. J. A. Gillies, ex.M. P., of 876)07, 9800 nominated by the Conoorvativete of Rich. mond, 0. 13., for the Commons, J. A, Roy and his sou were killed and two outer men probably fatally bort by the fall of a sooffoid on whioh they were working at 51, Hyacinthe. ALLAN LINE IJverpool and LO1111Ondo.'ry Royal fail Steamers Panty Fna1r Manna/eh Qne0N0 Corinthian Sat. 21Mo.y 0 0n, 2 May 000 p 01 Bavarian ' 0 0 " 0 m.CO Ionian " 10 " 0 " 10 " 700 RATES OF PASSAGE 111 Onbllt-885 and upwerde auoordingto steatnor. 2nt3 Oabin—Liverpool and Londonderryq-• 13avariau and Ionian, $40 and 942 50 • other steamers 887 50 and $4,0 ; London $2,50 ex - ora (after April 80 8rd Olaes-925 and $20—LiVerpoo1, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, LO11d011, Through tiokele to South.Afrioa, Montreal to Glasgow direct, Sardinian (end elle 8rd Class only)14fay 20, Clefts, 150 Mae 875 ; 3 Bud 001)111,, 1(70 ; 9814 018a8, 525, '91'. II, 1(131[81, Agent, Brussels, LTn derpriced Goods. t6>ol5iittatiegaditgatw Whave dome Rohe heavy buying tinring R the laet d 10 a Rand got g 6 some special drives in several lines of goodq. We know people like to trade where they have n. large and attreotive stock to eeleot from, where everything ie new and fresh, and no old I t c tag na e tob at t e palmed ill ffonthe m Ir t P t the following list you will find a%veral limn of nndarprieed goods : -- Sleek Beta no, flue glossy 1101011, very np80181, sold everywhere at20e, our orlon 100..,.,....011r Dross Goode trade this 0011000 1,48 boon n 1e0ard breaker, We keep the ()erred goods. We Shaw 81)801111 \AWN 121 Bleak and Colored Venetians, 'e u Ch viola Vicunas, Broad - clothe, Grenadines, an 750, ee $1.00endc1 W1'+8,1show oz,0l,tra Mellott wide, 80 00 , 750 aodSI in Ouresand neral destgds R so de ire hos wythi g Ewe 110 and 11 Our stoettWhi of 144 Coude It superior r tno oo, Zen we 1u 1 vo over shown la White 1 118 Hud Colored M..Wee Pongees, gg Gagne , 7.ntlhyrs, Organdies, oto., from ea , 861, per )Silks, in have sorted . our ntook u2 Silks We week. Apemen) Bilks, iu u1J aolor0, at 250, Our s pt0101 Mlle of Bleak Silk Taretta at 500 10 again in stook. Also our throe societal linen of 101101c Satin at 000, 750 and_......"Blank Sateen Shirt W civ le, in all eiav0, a enoaial li uo, new 000 is, u greet tome, worth 100 to 750. Our priori wbile they last, 8r,o......... Meu'e Wool Sochi, a, SIeeiol line, good value at 1702 pair fartu0....... Ladies', Bummer Veins in all sizee, at 50, 80, 100,150, 250, 50o and 750.....,.., 81 (maned Cotton, yard wine, worth 80, for 5o... ..... Art Meatball and Sorin for Curtalua, in new patterns at 50,8c, 10e and 1150, 1 McKinnon & Co., Blyth. e1 , �_ 4 t Chan,.., 1. ess W. A. G-R-IWAR I3as purchased the choice and well assorted stook of`_ Groceries, Confectionery, Fruits, Canned Goods, &c. From L. G. KRUSE and will carry on the business in the old Stand. —Particular attention given to the Ice Cream and Summer Drink business. —A choice article of Tea at 27c. per pound. —See our Newport Chocolates and New Fruits. —Fine Maple Syrup. Asking the favor of the esteemed patronage of the public and promising prompt and careful attention, Yours truly, W grit Ft.Ft. NEW HA1WARE TO E ISSESEEGMESESEllet The Undersigned beg leave to notify the Public that they have opened up a CHOICE NEW STOCK of SHELF and HOT PAINTS, HAR D WARE OILS S &c in the Simpson Block, Ethel, which will be sold at Reason- able Prices. We have also a Tinware Department and will keep a first-olaes Tinsmith. A Specialty made of Repairing and Eavetrougbing. Our motto will be Good Goode and Careful Attention to Bueioese. A SHARE Beet makes of Stoves handled. OF PATRONAGE ASKED FOR. KRAUT R 8 RITOHIE, 1 IIMIIREEIFEDIElliE1111111111111111111..genemNielrelleilialIBIEMMENEUEICESE.001018EMegalMeelalj 200 B Must Buggies, The Finest line to be seen ill any town ins be Sold this Season. Oarriages in Ontario will be found Ewan & Co.'s Wardrooms TURNBERRY STREET, BRUSSELS, —We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac- tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs. —You can save money by examining our stock before purchasing. —Satisfaction assured. Prices right. iWAN' Sc Co,, REUSSEL a