HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-5-14, Page 1Vol. 81. No, 44
New Advertisements.
Loot—Dr. Toole.
Lout—Ton Pen.
Inoel—G. E K ug.
Notate—Wm. Clark.
Yoe sate -130x 8, Myth,
Notice—•John Mote well.
Looal—Prot, Doren wend.
Wool—W. & J. Lookrtdge,
Local—Harry A. Matohett.
Well paper remnants—Jae. Fox.
Underpriced goods—Mckinnon & Go,
Butter and eggs—Harry A. Natoheta
fro loofa tw iiie.
Mr, and Mare. Roes, of Gerrie, visited
friends here.
Robt, Dote has purchased a line new
buggy. Wetoh out ghele.
Wm and Mrs, Graham, Zed con., spent
Sunday at the borne of W. McKee.
J. and Mre Ooghlio viesteel the latter's
parents, A. and Mrs. Doig On Wednesday
ot last week.
Will. McMillan, our bicycle rider, took
n ".hoot" on a wheel on Friday night of
last w, ek.
LSI unyoke.
A meeting of the Women's Institute
will be held on Wednesday, May 20th, at
2 80 rem , at the home of Mrs, J. Dy.
meat. A oordial invitation ie extended
to tliooe who !leve not as yet j toed the
Rev. James Coburn, the eloquent bleed
preacher and lecturer, will take the work
on the Bluevale Circuit on the coming
Sabbath, preauhingiu the Bineva'e Meth
odiet Church at night, Mr, Ogburn will
lecture on Monday evening at 8 o'ulook,
Go Tueeday evening he will lecture at
Jcbnston's and on Wedneeday evening at
Ebenezer. A Great ie in store for those
who attend,µ —
D. L. Strachan hae been engaged as
Principal of the Gerrie Public Sobonl,
his duties to commence ou Juno let. He
Domes well reoommeudeti. R. Douglas
has resigned.
PAeexn AWAY—On Thursday of iaet
week the tamp of this life was extinguish•
ed in the ogee of Elizabeth Robb, retest
of the late Charles Wilson, 14th oon„
Howiak. The cause of bet demise wee
diabetes and br000bitie. She wee able to
be about on Wednesday and bad planted
some flower ends. Deoeaeed was 64
yeare of age ; was a Oanadien by birtb, a
Presbyterian in religion and was an old
and very highly esteemed reeideot of
Howiok, who did not need to die to have
her virtues favorably commented upon.
Mre. Wileou ie eurvived by 3 nue (Sam -
W. H. KERR, Prop,
eel, of Bruesele, Dr. Wilson, of Mildmay,
and Willi8m on the homeeteod) and 2
daughters, Gare. J. D. Miller, of Morris,
and Mies Mary at boar,) Mr. Wilson
died four years ago. The remains of
Mre. Wilson were interred in the Mo•
lntneh Chnroh aemotery on Sunday
afternoon, Rev, Mr, Stewart oondnoting a
suitable eerviee, The funeral wee, very
largely attended, many dosiring to pay
this last tribute of respect to tt worthy
woman whose memory will bo tong aper.
ltencemen•—A tont of the Kniyhte of
the Maooetbee,, wee instituted at Men-
orieff, on the oveuing of Monday, May
11th, with 26 charter members. The fol-
lowing °Bicern were eteoted end installed ;
Past Com.,Robs. Livingston ; Com., J.
A. Smith ; Lieut, Oom.Peter Roeo •, R.
K , 3. A. Matey ; 10'• 11% J. A. Moleny
Ohap , J. W. McKay ; Phys., M. Fergu-
son, M. D. ; Hergt., 0, M. btoltay ; M.
at Arms, Semi. Conan ; lot 01. of G.,
Angles MoKay ; 2,e1 M, of G., Rueeell
Rhldell ; Sentinel, W. H. Mohan ; Pieta
La Hugh McKay. After the °ffioets were
installed, a pleasant hone was spent with
gong, m00i0 and story and a eubntantiel
tench wan served. The proepeots for the
aeons of this Tent aro very bright and
it will prove a very uOgfnl institution at
the busy lithe oornuro. Bit Kt. G. H,
Townsend, assisted by Bir Kt, Wm.
Kreuter, of Brussels Tent, conducted the
Wretied tarsst-.
Mies Patio Pantie is visiting her
grandfather, Mr. Hobbs, in Toronto.
Monday R. Trench and J. Hamilton
each ebippud a oat load of hope to Toon.
Tenders are being inked for tbe paint.
ing of the Wroxeter Market Scale Oo'e.
S. and Mre. Detwioler, of Freepoei,
epent a few days last weelc with Mr.
W. Retake left on Monday for Mnelteke
where be has pronured work for the sea.
eon at his trade of carpentering.
On Friday evening a meeting of the
the citizens was held and a Committee
formed t0 prepare for sports on Dominion
0. Sanderson and T. F. Sanders left
on Friday last for Detroit where they ere
going into laminae. We wi.eh them
every noose.
On Wednesday evening of feet week
the Foot Ball team from Wingham Dame
over to give our boyo a aeeond trial but
reenit Wee tate oetne score 00 on Good
Friday, 3 to 0 in favor of Wroxeter.
Monday of lest week the melte , Mole
at tate Eleotrio Light power house, 80
feet long, was ridged, Just es they were
setting it into position the pulley hook
broke and the steel( fell into three pieces.
Fortunately no one wae bort. Friday
Brussels 'Woollen Factory
and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines
and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared. to pur-
chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods.
We have in stock a large assortment of-
-All -wool Blankets,
—White and Gray Shootings,
—Plain Flannels,
—Checked Flannels,
—Fancy Shirtings,
—Ladies' Wool Dress Goods,
—Light and Heavy Tweeds,
—Underwear for Men and Boys,
—Men's and Boys' Stockings,
— Ladies' and Children's 1f
— Boys' Sweaters,
—Yarns, all kinds and colors.
Harness Talk for
Users o Harness
OR the next 80 days we are offering our own male of doubled
and stitched, nioltle trimmed;; Single Harness, for only
$6,76, a better Harness than Faotorie's turn out for $10,00 and
$12.00. We make Single harness at all prices and giiaranteo
every set of them to be extra value, and will replace any part or
the whole Harness if it fails to give satisfaction. We want you to
see our Harness before buying elsewhere. We will consider it a
pleasure to show them.
We also carry a full stock of Dusters, Lap Rugs, Rubber Rugs,
Trunks and Satchels.
Repairs in Harness, Boots and Shoes promptly done.
I. 4 .ARichards.
ft 0000 enooeeefully nand and put in
The many triende in alit, vioinity will
loam with :done sorrow of the death of
the Rev. J. (5. Morehouse, ot London.
For some three pr four years he bad
chargo of Gorria, I'ordwtoh, end \Vroxe
ter and endeared bininaII not only to bis
own people but also to the ntembore of all
:trete teertlt.
Bo Penn. --About midnight Monday
night etre wits dlaoovered breaking tat
from the roof of the Seaforth Milling
Company's warehouse and elevator, but it
Boon geinsd snob headway that all eff,rte
of the firemen proved fruitless in saving
11, Tho firemen then made an effort to
save the mein h,iak mill, rebirh,tbey tee
seeded in doing, but tate maabinery was
non•iderehly damaged. Lome on stook in
elevator, 916,000, insured in the Norwich
Union for $0,000 and Queens for 64,000.
Ioeuranae on the mill i8 as follows :-
0 madam Millen', 98,000 t Noonnmiael,
82,000 ; Gore, $2,000 ; Waterloo Nettle!,
92,1100 ; North British & hleroentilo, $5,•
000. The elevator carried $1,000 in the
Norwich Union.
Teo aierbe•td;r e.
R. G. Codespent a few dayo inGrey thio
we, -k.
W. Boyd, of Atwood, repent Sunday in
the village.
Blre, Graham and daughter left for the
West on Tnetday.
Mr, Widmann and sister, of Brueeela,
spent Sunday at T. Daley's.
Mies McGee, of Fordwiob, le ependiag
a fete days at the Parsonage,
Mi,e Mabel Adams, of Brussels, is
upending a few weeks in the village.
Rev. J. E. Bunter is attending Dielriot
Meeting, held is Mitabell, this resets.
W. 11. Medd has improved the appear.
anoe of his reside nee by building a saran.
0. Oosene, who hag been on the siolt
list the path week, ie we ere pleased to
say, able t0 be out again.
Mr. Patterson hae disposed of hie prop
arty to I. Whalley, of lblornington, who
gets pne000)ton in 0 month.
The Epworth League intend holding
their Aunivereary Entertainment on
Mnudety, 0ley 25th. A. good time expect-
leen cll>nrv.
TOWNSHIP STaTIOTI00.—The following
figured are gleaned from the neeeaament
roll for the township of MoKiliop for this
year :—There are 887 names entered ore
the toll ; the population is 2,497 and
there are 707 children between the ages
of 5 and 21. There are 52,160 acres in
the township, of whioh 42,742 acres are
cleared. The total assessed value of real
property ie $2,010,400: personal proper-
ty, $3,800, end taxable inonme, 9400
Tbere are 7,312 cattle, 1,502 sheep, 3,016
bogs, 1,716 horeee, and 17 eteam engines,
There were else 44 births during the year.
Gum—Last Sunday the mortal ramming
of Thos. Paltermen, Con, 5, MoKillop,
were followed to the Egmondville nem•
etery by a long concourse of relatives and
friends. Rev. Mr, alosgrave aondnoted
the funeral service. The old gentleman
died Friday at the advanoed age of 80
yeare. He was twine married, hie second
wife being a Miss Oarter, foemerly of
Morrie township. Both wives are de.
eeaeed. Mr. Fetterman had been in fail.
ing health for about a year, We heart
being the peat of trouble. Two daughter,,
Mre. Colin Oampbell, of Goderioh, and
Mre, Robb. Habkirk, with whom the
father died, survive.
eat ran It> r o o le.
Communion will be observed in Knox
church a week from next Sabbath morn•
fug. ,
What about a briek•up on a telephone
line to Oranbrook ? It was on the program
come upon a time,
Rev. John Knight may spend the nom.
ing Stemmer in Manitoba and the North-
west. He is still at Victoria University,
The Oranbrook Beef ring will tom•
memos operations next week for the Sum-
mer and the beef will be toady for die.
tribution on Wednesday morning,
Lost Saturday A. McDuueld, mer
chant, brought home a dandy new peddle-
ing outfit mannfectured by the ()ober
Carriage Works, Bruesote. Ino. Reuther
is in charge of the wagon.
A number in thie-lo0ality wonld like to
eee the law regarding roaming etoak
either enfoaeed or else have it removed
from 010 township bylawu. Whose
bueiuese is it to seg the taw enforced ?
Last Saturday the vaults of the exam,,
of the Reboot of Soieene were pnbliehod.
We are pleased to notion that J. W. Gal.
der's Hama appeare in the least of 2nd
year enocoselel etndente. He is in the
Moobnuioal and Bleotrioal department.
11Xo1eso 'vortla.
John and Mre. Patberoon spent Sunday
in Dluevale,
James Terry, of Monkton, called on
friends ore Saturday.
Mies Maggie Magee, of Howiak, is vis.
Ring hor friend, Mre, 0, E. Lapperd.
Mr. and Mrs. Wood went to Montano
thie week to visit friend° In that plan.
Geo. Spence was appointed by the
Quarterly Board of the Methodist church
to attend Distrlot meeting in Mitchell.
Last Sabbath Rev: A. McNabb, of Wal-
ton, permitted in the Preebyterian ohuroh
in this plane, Rev. Mr, Bollantyne was
at Walton.
There was a reoepti0n eervioe in Ole
Methodist oburah Sabbath afterboon when
11 new membere Were admitted into
full memierebip,
The dame of the Methodist Sabbath
eohoal were elaoted at the annnal meet.
ing held last Tueeday evening and are as
fnliewa ; Supt., 0, E, Leppard ; aeelet,
Supt„ W. T. llioiiee ; Teaobere, Geo.
Spanoe, 06d. boon, Jae, Leppard, Mre,
Geo, Spode, Mrs. H. Grainger, Mre. Bd.
Doan and 0. A+. 'Apparel ; Seo., laugh
Stereo ; Teen., Wired° Molted; Organ -
001, Mary McKee. The average attend.
anoe le over ARS, and muob interest ie
manifested in the work,
We regret to learn that Rev. George
Ballantyne hae tendered his resignation
of the oharga of St, Andraw'e oongrega•
tido, Moleewerth. Mr, Bollentyne has
been faithful and painstaking In the per.
formulae of hie mteisteriel duties and the
congregation hes enjoyed oonaidsreble
prosperity during the nine yeare of hie
pa00erate. At no time hae the prosperity
been more marked than during the past
two yeare, Six years ago a beautiful
church wag noted, and the debt teeter
ed theeeby is ow praotiaal'y wiped out,
The departure of Rev, Mr, Ballantyne
end his estimable wife from Dile district
will be greatly regretted by a large num-
ber c uteide of the oongregation as well ae
in it. We einoorely hope tier Mr. Bal.
lentyne may Doan obtain settlement in
another oharga eongeniel to hie wiebee,
The last Quarterly meeting of this Con-
ferenee year was held in the Methodist
church of this plea() fast Sabbath. The
dey wag porton ea to weather, could not
have been more favorable. Attendance
was largo, the service very impreeeive
sad helpful end many tarried for tom•
mu,i,n. Toe Quarterly Ofteiel Board
on Monday wee oneouragingly large aon•
eidoring the busy moon, the different
oongregntions being well represented.
The finances, ooaeidering that the circuit
was left so long without a supply, and the
diaeatiefaotion of the people on account
ot tbe young man appointed being
taken from them deepite their protest:,
were fairly well up. The bueineoe of the
meeting wee puehed through agreeably.
The Bethel Bewley eebool organized
about a month ego, is doing good work
and promises well for the fetere. Geo.
Grigg wee elected lay delegate to the
District meeting. Tbe outloolc is en.
eonraging should Conference Bend an am
oeptable man the Doming year.
[Bele t -nave,
Rev. Mr. Lowe, of Wingham, will
preach at Belgrave next Sunday after•
noon at 2 30 o'olook,
Thursday afternoon of loot week Rev,
Bishop Baldwin WAS here and conducted
a confirmation service in oonneotion with
Trinity abarob, There were 17 aaudi.
dates. The Biehop's address seta a most
excellent one. In the evening 22 oancii.
dates were confirmed at Blyth. Bernie,
Messrs. Lowe, of Wingham, Webb, of
Brussels, and the incumbent took part.
The Women's Missionary Society of
the Belgrave circuit held their second
Lobito meeting for this year on Tuesday
atlernoon, May 121b witb the president,
Mre. (Rev) Brown, in tbe chair. The
program oontieted of meafo by the choir
and Miee and Mr. Reid, of Briok Migrate, ;
a reading by Mre, John Oiegg ore "India
fereoae to Missions" ; an address by tate
pastor, Rev. A. El. Brown, B. A. B. D. ;
and a vety moment and well thought out
addre'a by Mies Waehingtou, of ()Baton,
ou "The general work of Minions". The
oolieation amounted to e8 86. Refresh.
meets were served, consisting of cakes
and coffee were dieponeed at the olo,e of
the program. A good representation of the
sister eoaietiee was preeent and all bad a
thorougbly enjoyable time. The large
attendance at this busy season of the
year, spoke well for the good work
that ie being done by the W. M. 13, in
creating an interest in the mieei00ary
Fow prettier villages are to be found
than Ethel.
Joe Welsh and Min Eva Cole spent
Sunday evening in Brunets.
The sawmill that has been Mond down
for repairs in ready for badness again.
R. and Mrs. Henry, of Donegal, visited
at Moses Henry's Saturday and Sunday.
Mre. George Skelton, of Roseate, is
vieiting her eieter, Mre. Jno. Molutoth,
of this village,
An addition line been built to the reel.
dance of J. Yoe, West of Bthel. It will
be brick veneered later.
Lowry Broe., of Brueeeie, have oom
plated the brink veneering of I, Oi1)'e
residence at Ethel station.
Tuesday evening Jno. Eokmier a000m•
pealed a load of Brunelle Odd Fellows to
a demonstration at Listowel.
The membere of Ethel Sowed Temper -
alae are invited to spend a social evening
with Atwood Royal Templare next Tues.
Mre, Malcolm Lamont is home from
Winnipeg where elle went to nurse her
daughter, Mre. Dotter, who passed away
before the mother left.
On and after Monday, May 18th, the
stores will oloea at 7.80 sharp. Weduee.
day and Saturday nights, also nights
before holidays excepted.
BMA! Oiroult in oonneotion with the
Methodist church will be represented at
the District meeting by Rev. Mr. Wella
and J. K. Baker next week et LOoknow,
Jno. Ritchie and bride have taken up
house in Wm. Routley'e reoently vented
residence. The latter removed to Pal•
mereton where be will work in the Car,
riege Factory.
We are emery to learn that James Dob
eon, of Minto, Mau., formerly of Ethel,
offered quite a foes recently by the
burning et hie home. His Ethel friends
will oympathioe with ham,
daeo or THANES.—The undersigned
begs leave to heartily thank the C. 0. F,
High Court and Court Ethel, for the
prompt payment of the 91000, amount of
beneflatary oertidoate held by her late
hellbande Mne, Ha,eaarn.
A Moult Sabbath School Convention
will be held in the Methodist ohutoh,
Ethel, on the afternoon end evening of
May 25th. Good program of interesting
andprotein! toping will be presented,
Mem will be supplied bythe choice of the
three ohnrohee• Tea wilbe served in the
TOwnebip Hell adjoining the ohuroh,
Robt, and Mre, Tindall, of Neepawa,
Manitoba, are bete on a holiday visit with
relatives and old friends, Mr. Tindall is
a brother to Met. Jno, Brown, 10th oon„
and went West 24 years ago. Its bee
leased his farm for a year and he and hie
good Wife will epeutt a portion of the
time in visiting friends. Dame Fortune
hag not tarried tion beak on Mr. Tindail'a
forming oporatiode,
Lantesea,.—There were married at
Cbelticyharo, Ohioogo, on April 15th at
the oharob of the Holy Angels, by the
Rev, F. Sullivan, U, Oto aban, of the
Bogor Engine Werke, Chicago, to Mise
Anna Trevi -9, formerly of Ethel. May
their joys be many.
Last Snottily one of our popular young
men tools his bight towerde Blaevnle.
The nighb being Line he tools a nap in his
oerriage oe the return trip and hie horse
went Jo the wrong direotion, However,
Jerry may get Moe before daylight
next time if he takes company with him.
During the past weak H. F. il'IoAliieter
delivered oottsigumsnte of floor to the
fo'lewing pion :—Oranbrook, Moor,. ff,
Walton, Atwood, Wroxeter, Seaford] and
Blyth. Die oaid elr. McAllister may
enlarge his mill thio Summar es the rush
tvbioh bee been experienoed during the
past year will almost necessitate hie do.
ing so,
Toweehip Council met here on Mnn•
day and pot an e boey day. They will
turn again o0 the 25th inst. ae Court of
Revision. Go. Ooanoillore Bownan and
Kerr were present ab the meeting. op
Monday end the question of Good Ronde
wee demeaned. The Ooueen favor the
Oo, taking action to scours their share of
Governmaat grant and located the rondo
to be improved in nee of the money being
<Ter 0:11'.
Wm. Pepper, wife and son, of Tooker-
emltb, were visitors at Thos. Pepper's,
9th oon., last week.
Walter MOKey and Miss Marion, of the
9th non., Sandavod with friends on the
12th eon. of McKillop.
Jno. MoKinnon has charge of 2 milk
eoatee for Brunets cheese factory this
year and bas two riga an the road.
Rev. and Mrs. Scott and children, of
Rodney, were here for et brief holiday
with Mrs, Livingston and family, 10th
There will be it good aoreagn of sugar
beets put in this Spring in Grey town
ship Wierton Sugar Fantory hold, the
Min L Kerr returned home from Tor-
onto last week, after spending a year and
a half in the city. bliss Noble a000m•
panted her:
The next meeting of Grey Council will
be Tueedey May 26. It will also be
Coact of Revision in oonneotion with the
Aeseeement Roll,
An addition will be built to E Barrette
house, 9th con., this Summer, Jno. Hol-
linger, 0f the same line is improving hie
home ooneiderably also.
The young people of tbe 911 con. have
deoided to spend their Friday evening,
playing bags ball of Mr. Me0arey'elplaoe,
$a has a splendid lawn for the fun,
We are pleased to report that Malcolm
Lamont, who has been on the etolc (100, ie
gaining strength and we hope be will
soon be as hearty ae usual.
Ricoh. Oox, 10th oon., had a rib broken
by a blow from the plow handle on Fri.
day of last week while he wae at work,
We hope he will soon be all right again.
A young thorn' bred Yorkshire bog and
a sow has been purchased by R. J. Hoy,
608 oon., from Mr. Howe, of North Bruce.
They oame by train to Brunets on Wed-
We are sorry to report the illness of
Mra. Livioge0on, 10th eon., bah pleased
to state there ie ooneiderable improve.
went. Her many friends wish her a
speedy oonveleseenoe•
iliieees Kota and Annie Rozelt, mom.
panied by Ernest Bozell and Chester
Armetrong, ere away on a driving tour
to Elmira, Aoton, Shelburne and other
pointe, with relatives and friends..
Tbe Hanna drain By-law is being print.
ed. Grey township Council is having a
wide experieuoe in drainage matters and
the township is showing marked improve.
ment through the carrying one of the
Our oougrotulationeare extended to 8.
R. Orerar, 9th con., who has peseed hie
eeoond year's exam. in Civil Engineering
at the School of Solemn, Toronto. He
etande iu the Honor roti we are pteeeed
to notice.
A, end Mrs. Carter, 11th eon., attend-
ed the funeral of Thos. Fetterman, a relit.
Live, of McKillop township, last Sabbath.
The old gentleman had added 10 yeare
to his three soon and ten. His deceased
wife was a sister to Mt. Garter.
We are sorry to state that James Hogg,
who hes been laid up for some menthe
with blood poisoning and hada toe ampu
toted, is not making progrese towards
recovery and teen are entertained that
hie great age will prohibit a rally,
P. Blake, jr., who has been away in
Manitoba and British Oolumbia for the
past 4 yeare, wee home on a visit, He
hae one on a trip to Australia where be
will eeelt his fortune for a time. He is a
eon of Wm. Blake, 1411000. Grey, tVe.
bops be will strike it riob in the land of
golden dreams and then dome bank.
Dreamer,—On Thursday evening 0f last
weelt the young people of Union League
betel a debate in the ohuroh, the eubjeot
being "Resolved then Intemperanoe hes
been a greeter eocurge than war," The
affirmative speakers were N. Robertson,
N Doherty and I Taylor, while the negro
tive side wag ably upheld by Minn I.
Baker and M. Fraser and S. B. Lamont.
The dieoueeion proved very interesting to
the large audience present and after a
oleo coated the decision was given in
favor of the af9mative. It le 'to be hoped
that more debates will be given in the
WEDDING Bonne. -8b. Paat'a church,
Beaverton, was the ensue of a very pretty
weddieg on the the 2910, nit. at 2 O'alook,
when Wenone, eideet daughter of Dr. and
tetra, C. Bowerman, wee united in mar.
tinge with Jatnee F. Hinde, of Ole firm of
Hinde & Son, Harrieton. The ceremony
tvae performed by Rev, W. Hartley,
broOher.in law of the bridegroom, misted
by Rev, Wm. Major, of 00uningt00,
rector of the 0hnr613. Tho bride was be.
oomingly attired in white organdie, trim-
med with white dnohess satin, the veil
being of chiffon ought with a wroath of
Net of the valley. The only ornament
elle Wete Was a beautiful brooch set with
panel stare, the gilt 'of the In:J.140oom,
Oct she (tarried 0bouquet of white bridal
roan. The bridesmaid wet Mien Rose E.
Webb, of Toronto, cousin of the bride,
She was dressed in white organdie with a
pale blue each and parried a bouquet of
pink roses. She wore a handsome pearl
oreeoeot, ole gift of the bridegroom, and
ler hair was arranged in a Frenob coif•
fuse which looked pretty with pink rosea.
The nliuroh wae nicely deoorated with
flowers, and the music tendered by the
otmir was of a high order and very 0p•
proprtato, At the appointed boor the
bridegroom, attended by Ile brother, 0.
Riede, of Harrieton, presented himself at
the attar and soon after, the bride, eep-
ported by her father, entered the ohurob
to the enlivening enable of the wedding
torah, and joining the bridegroom, went
through the venal impreeeive marriage
ceremony of the Anglioan ohuroh. At
the house the table decorations were white
actin and pink roses, and a wreath of
smilax. The gaeets ttarn a dietanae be
sides those already mentioned were Jno.
E. and Mre. Webb, of Toronto ; Mies M.
Hunter, of Exeter ; Mies A, Ivel, of Hata
ninon ; Miss e8, MoTaggart, of Greven•
horet ; Mrs. D. M. Smith end Mrs. 3.
Fowlie, of Orillia, They were treated 00
some fine musical selections by Mrs.
Smith and W. Bircbard, of Beaverton
and ell enjoyed a good time. There were
many beautiful and wetly presents show.
tog the esteem in which the bride is held.
Tbe happy couple took the 5,95 trate for
Toronto end other pinto, under a eliower
of rine, old shoes and good wishes. They
will make their borne in Harrieton.
The bride was a former resident of Grey
when a little girl, her father being a well
known and successful school teacher be.
fore graduating a0 Dentistry. Many
hearty' oongratnlatione will be extended
to the bride and groom by old friends of
the former in this locality iu which Toe
Pose joins.
GONE Hants,—About 615 o'oloak last
Sunday morning the latent boatman
oiled to bear to its heavenly rest the
spirit of Mre. Wm. Bateman, 6th eon.1
Gray. The eubjeot of this notice was
born in Wiltehire, England, June 30th,
1828, and was consequently in her 7514
year. Her maiden name was Eliza
Blackwell. She and her now bereft
partner were married in the year 1851
and for a time Mr. Bateman worked on
the railroad. In 1857 they moved to this
township and settled on lot 13, on. 6,
when they have reeided ever since,
Having endured the hardships and priva•
tfone of pioneer lite they traneformed
their term from a wilderness to arable
acres upon which tbey have a oomfortable
home. Petra. Bateman was a very kindly
disposed pereon and many an early
Methodist missionary or weary and
hengry traveller enjoyed her hospitality.
Shortly after coming to Grey she identi-
fied herself with the Primitive Methodist
ohuroh and Doe of the appointments,
known AB "Union" was built on she
earner of their farm. Alter the union of
the Methodist denominations and the
removal of the "Union" appointment she
became a soldier in the Salvation Army
at Braecels and eines the Army removed
from that point has been a regular
attendant and willing helper et Roe'e
appointment, though the deceased and
Mr. Bateman maintain their fidelity to
the Army. Mrs. Bateman was a most
exemplary Christian, a kind and inoffen-
sive neighbor, a faithful wife and a true
and loving mother, as those wbo knew
her beet can teetify. A husband, five
sons and two daughters =vitas to cherish,
in emoted remembrance, the life of a ten-
der and loving wife and mother. The
children are ;—Mre. Freeman and Joshua,
of Toronto ; William, of Niagara Fails ;
Mre. H. Atwood, John, Henry and Jesse,
of this township. The funeral took ptaoe
Tueeday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Wella,
aseieted by Robt. McKay, obviating,
Interment was made at Brneeela came,
tory. The pall bearers were Peer five eons
and grandson, Josbue, Attwood. A mem-
orial service will be held on Sunday,
24th inet , at Roe', charoh, at 10 80 0• m,
Mrs, H. James, of Brueeele, is a sister of
the late Mre. Bateman, being 2 yeare her
senior. When Mr. and Mrs. Bateman
came to Grey they walked from Seaforth
following the footpath and blase, oarryiog
a good healthy girl and boy in their arms
or on tbeit bank es the oase might be.
The little lassie, now Mre. Harry Att.
wood, was some 3 yeare old, took the
measles as they oame through the bush.
Jno. Bateman was the baby. The Bishop,
Hutchinson, Chapman and Barker
families oame here shortly before. The
bereaved family have the sympathy of
the community in their sorrow.
Moa-ri, 1.
Township Conon will meet on Mon-
day Mny 25th.
Fall wheat is growing well eepeaiaily in
some looalitiem.
D. K. end Mre, Livingstone and Harold,
of Grey, spout Sunday at Reeve lebioter's.
Ed. Nioholeon, of Brnaele, paid a visit
to Mende in East Wawauoeh last Sum
Mies Minnie Walker, 6th line, fa home
from an enjoyable vfeit with relative's at
Taevery iIle.
Work is in progress on the new shed at
Sunebine ohuroh, It will be a fine one
when completed,
Frank Ashton he, gold bib farm in
Morris to John Nethory of the same
township, for $4,6000.
The milk rote on the 5th sod 6t1 lines
for Brunets ohmage faotery le in oharge of
James Sharp bile season,
A stone arable is being pet under Alfred
Button'a, barn, 711 line. 0. Berkley, of
Brnseelo, is doing the work.
Morrie township o0ntribntee a large
quote of home, (Attie and bogs for the
dealers of three part of tbe oenntry,
Joeepb Stobbe, 411 lite, has been ser.
lonely ill during the past week with two
doctors in attendance part of the time,
Loot Sabbath afternoon at, A. Bewir.
ins, of l3reeseln, oiled on Mortis triende
and attended eerviee at the Jaokeou
The brioktayeos started at the remodel.
ling of Bathed Proctor's hence, 4th line,
on Tuesday. Roof bag been retina and
the wens increased to 1e} Morige, Next
year he expeote to build a brink puttee,
dining and bedrooms to' the front of the
present building.
This week David Walker, 00,1 line,
delivered 25 head of young °ante to Deoic-
eo0 Bros., of MoKiltop, whose average
weight was 1900 pounds, They were a
dandy lot without any doubt,
Charles B. F. Dow, of Port Glasgow,
Scotland, arrived here last Monday from
the Old Land. He was bare last year on
a visit. Mr. Dow will vieib with the
Forefeet families to whom he is related,
James N,:bet on, 508 line hae been
nursing a sore toe, owing to a etueh re.
oeived while assisting in a moving at
Richard Procberet, He has not been able
to get hie eboe on einem bot we hope be
will goon be all right.
A DaNnv.—Albert and Peter McCall,
711 liue, had a bull calf presented to
them ou0 day reoently by one of their
oowe tbat tipped the eoatee et 103 poande.
The average weight of young b0vinee ie
not much more than halt tbat.
4. Clinton newspaper of last week
eaye ;—John Mo0lroy, of Morrie town.
ship, was in town yesterday. It ie fifty
yeare singe he tarot settled in Otinton and
after carrying on besinees bete for a few
yeare he took up three hnudred Bores of
land in Morrie, ane hundred for himself
and Ole balanee for other membere of the
family. In tbe intervening yeare he has
prospered and raised a large family of
eons and daughters who are meoh re-
speoted in the several oommuoitiee iu
wbiah they have toasted.
In a write up of St, Thomas bagasse
men in last Saturday's i0eae of the even•
ing Journal of that oily the following
refereuoe ie made to J. H. Sharpe, son of
Jae. and .Mre. Sharpe, 5th line ;—Tbie
establiehment, founded some 20 months
ago, has won a popularity and an extent
of custom 1100 hong of a muoh older
foundation would be proud to lay olaim
to. The store at 311 Talbot street, 'phone
00, is nicely and tastefully fitted up
throughout, while the etoak 0000iete of a
auneplete and varied assortment of every-
thing comprehended in the line of staple
and fancy groceries, cakes and paetry,
fruits, eine teas, coffees, apices, eta. One
of the eearate of the success ie that all
goods are just ae represented and advent.
age ie never taken as regards pries.
Condone assistants are always in attend.
anoe and ell orders receive the most
prompt attention. Mr. Sharpe ie an
energetic and enterprising gentleman,
who brings to bear a vim and determine, -
tion to seemed. The targe trade he en-
joys is but the just merits of bueioese
ability end honest methode, and a trial
will 000010ee you that you on do well by
trading with him.
Grey Council Meeting.
The Muoieipal Council of the Town-
ship of Gray met at the Township Hall
on May 1108, pursuant to adjournment.
Members ell present, Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and passed.
Moved by Turnbull, eeoonded by Framer,
that this Coattail order from the Sawyer
etc Massey Go. the appliances necessary
to be attached to Grader for drawing
same by traotion engine. Carried. Oa
motion of Work and Grant, tenders will
be received till the 2611 day of May for
working grader by means of traction
engine. Tenders received by any mem•
bee of Oounoil. Moved by Grant, eeoond•
ed by Fraser, that the offer of G. A.
Stimeon & 0o. for debentures o0 Bolton
drain be accepted. Carried. John Mc-
Naught applied to have road on oon. 17,
opposite lots 26, 27, and 28, and Bound-
ary betweeu Grey and McKillop, put ,in
each a state of repair as to make travel.
ling possible on the eeme. Reeve to at-
tend to it. Petition from Aroh. McLean
and others for Menlo/pal drain read.
Moved by Fraeer, oeoonded by Work,
that the petition be approved and that a
Bylaw be prepared appointing John
Roger as Engineer to examine and report
on name, Oartied, Moved by William
Fraser, emended by Adam Turnbull,
that Grey Munioipal Council being favor-
able to Good Roads greet offered by the
Government, would advise the County
Council to mare the same. Carried.
On motion of Tomball and Work the
following amounts were ordered to be
paid :—Sawyer & Massey 0o., bled° for
grader, $8.50 ; Howiok Council, tile on
Bdy. Grey and Howick, Grey's share,
$2.55 ; Thomas Johnston, box drain side.
road 2, 000. 18, $4.08 ; Philip Amen*,
grinding bottom blade o1 grader, 91.76 ;
John Nicholson, on contract Kreuter
drain, $240 ; W. H. Kerr, printing
Lamont drain By -!awe, $20.00. Moved
by Work, emended by Grant, that the
Engineer's report on the Hanna drain be
adopted and that a Bylaw be prepared
and served an parties Interested. Car-
ried. Moved by Turnbull, amended by
Fraser, that Byelaw No. 203 known rte
the Hanna drain Bylaw, be provieiodelly
adopted and be printed and served as set
forth in the 5th Manse of the e00oting
portion of tae said Bylaw, ' Carried.
Moved by Work, remanded by Turnbull,
that the request of John M. Hn0ohineon
end James Penmen as pen Section 75 o t
the Municipal Drainage Ant be greoted
and that the Clerk be anthotized to notify
engineer to inspect end report on some.
Carried. Moved by Greet, eeoonded by
Fraser, that the Court of Revision on the
Aesesereect roll for the year 1008 be held
at Towuehip Han, Etbel, 00 Tueeday
2601 day of May at the hour of 10 o'oloak
a. in, Carried. Moved, eeeouded and
oarried that the Oonnoil do now adjourn
to meet Tueeday 2601 day of May 1908,
at 10 0 0100k, a, en. Jong Marmoset,
The M. 0. R. in keeping with Mute
general polioy of improving stations ail
along the line has two carloads of vitrified
brick et AmheroOburg station to b0 need
in paving the platform, removing all the
wooden wallas now there.
The direotore of the Pere Margeette
Railway, which recently acquired the L.
E, *D. le. Railway, at the mooting at
Walkervlile, deoided that the work of
compieting the Oanadian division of the
road from St. '1'homae to Niagara Neils
should be peeked to eompietion me rapidly
as poseible, ae the proepeoto fora large
carrying bneinaee over the road aro now