The Brussels Post, 1903-5-7, Page 5MAY 7, 1M DUSiNESS CARDS. ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER .LY.A.V cont. it, 8, (WOVE, 13reSaeld, MoOBAOKEN- Y I . Iesuor 0f Marriage Ltceuacq. Of- fice at (alooer'y, Tenant:In etl501 1 13,13elb, 'WARMS FOR SALE' -THE UN. .. 51111131081111110 several gond 1. once !or sale and to rent, easy terms, in Tow11ahlps of 313 Morris tud Grey. r 1 k' S. BUUT'P 13rusr 1 M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MiSS JEAN M'LAIJCI4LIN, -Tit AC 011133 OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, 8T2.Vssixtr,S, o23'T. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMl inean11011, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, E. :Estelle Griffin TEACHER OF VOICE, CULTURE Pupil of hiss Rya N. Roblyn, of London. Pen its prepared for Conservatory ex Neg. 1..-N‘ ill visit Brunets every Tuesday. Lessons given at the ]tomo of W, 0. Kerr, John street, J, LECKIE, LIFN] A.NO FIRE4 IN80RAN0111, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT da, 4.'1' A 5 Per Cent. Oaige over Dutslev'a Drug Store, Nov. 8rd, 1052. 00.8w Brussel0. Wellington Mutual Fire. insurance CO., EBTAnLlenitn 1840 Ios11rnnoe taken on the dash and premium note system as Burnt; t rotes. lie fore Insur- ing 01sowhare call on Ole uudereigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE ROUP.'1RS, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS, lip S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- Y • Ifni, will sell for better pricer, to battertuou hi loss time and 1000 (Alarm] than any otter Auctioneer In East Huron or ho won't charge anything. Dater and orders can always he arranged at this ernes or by personal application. T0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,- - The undersigned, who is well acquainted throughout the most part of the County and who has had badness with a large olr- ele of farmers In cud around this locality, begs to Inform the communitytLat he has taken out au AuetiOmeer'o Liense for the County of Huron and offers his services to all purposing t0 bold 0alee, THOS. NEWSOME, IIrusoels. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK_ J• Honor B t adrm.e of the Ontario'l'et- erinary Oollogo, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domoetlunto5. atlimo]a fu a compet- ent ma0ner. Pw'tinnlar 0140115ion paid to Veterinary DentistryCalls promptly at- tended to. 011ioo and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Tnroberry 00., Brussels. LEGAL MW CONVEYANCiND. VY M. SINOLAIli'- 'v Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o, Oliloe-Stowart'a Block 1 door Nrrth of Oeutral Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard 13 auk. G F. BLAIR. BARBISTEi3, SOL- . IOITOIt, &o, B1tUSSELS.- uIDoO over Standard I3au13 ; Solloit,r for Township of Grey, Howlett Mutual and the Metropolitan Rank. Private and Company money to loan at lowest rates, MEDICAL CARDS. I AL tl, A. MVl'NAUGHTON, Ai, It., U, M., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Phy0iolau0 and Surgeons Ont. Liceut(ate of the Royal (fol- iage of Surgeons, and Licentiate of Mid- vinery,Edinburgh. Its-Teleph0ue No.14, Residence -Mill street, Brussels, DENTISTRY DR; R. P. FE/LD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and •F11•atNlaes Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Og1oe peat tp Brewor'p photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, IT'S ALL RIGHT and Students may enter _L/STOWEL aoe at any time. SPRING TIERI( 1313GINS 1tIAR, 80, Two ooureer--Oommoreial and pltortptlnd. Send Sol• Oellpgo Journal. 0, A. .F LEMjNG, A,:L. MoINTY12B, President, Secretary, SHBWLES' British Columbia Bed -Cedar Shingles North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR BALE AT T1121 Brussels Planing bills Also Doors and sash of all Pat terns on band or made to order at Short Notion, Eetfmatee 'Fnrniehed for all kindo'of Buildings. Workman-. ship -and Material Guaranteed. • �,';, .1Y i N Y; �m,�• ...�r.. ,mom �.. �n...m ,r c_-, eeelte leoeieeellee l: i m= 3eeeli>`43etelfeele Our Motto I "High Orado Work Only11 CENTRAL y �1ftelG STRATFORD, ONT. Our Graduates readily secure stood Ypp positions bewails° our MO grade train- C.6 Ing l'reParem them tr miler utas aL iia lDee 133 lanae leu wadSnit- alma antes woworkersau4 have no time to wast(0310 upon the of her kind. 5 103' • wenco u ouurso LIMY and no randy for 1 itjOn hl the Fall, Write for entai- 1 some nataloeue. W..1. ELLIOTT, Prineljnl. I}} Id 1St.CiCt /4113 S, GOP 0.10. James Leech ie having an artesian well ;melt bebiull his block of otoree, Mre, James MuL0Oghliu hag moved into the reeidenoe in Jas. Walker's block. Rev. E A. Hall cos at H(trriston last weep letteuding the S. S. Oouveution and also the Rural Deanery meeting. Mise Janet Limes left on Tuesday morning of last week for Sedco, N. Y., where she will visit her eistor, Mrs, S. A. Saltman. John Reek, V. le , eon of George Rusk, of Howlett, and a recent honor gradu'te of the Ontario Veterinary College has opened up an 1 ffi1e for the practice of hie profeeeion et Hamilton. Mrs. G. W. Barbar It ft for Toronto last Friday where she will snake her home In the future. The W. F. M. S , of the Presby torten nhnroh, of which she was a worthy member, presented her with a beautiful album as. a tuilem of the esteem fn which they held her, 1 .,i sltO.Vo' 01. Wednesday of last week wits observed as Arbor day.iu town. Thos. Norton has returned home from Kins:aton, where he is Gaiting a graduat- ing conree at Queen's. The Ladies' . Co operative Oirole of the U. B. Church wish to state to the public that through some mistake one batch of pies sold at the Easter market were salty, and any one who reooived such a pie 0150 have it repineed or the money refeed• ed by applyiug to Mre, S. A. Kilgore, secretary, , 'eV. G. Paton, 1,3 Wiugbam, 000treetor for oinking the artesian well in town, has thrown up the 2020,0ot after driltiog an eight -icon well about 58 feet down. He found that his well drilling appliances were not adequate for the work in hand, and as the contract bad not been signed, Ile decided eat to go on any further with the work. A P0trolie man will 310ish the job it is said. At the election of officers for Board of Trade the following gent'emeu were nominated for preeideut : T. L. Munition, J, W. B.rnie, J, El, Cleaner, Dr, Rutherford, 13. Rothwell, B. F. Brook, .7. 0. Hay and A. Foeroh. All but the first three deolined, and a ballot resulted in the election of T. L.Hamilton J. N Hay woe sleeted vice provident, and Geo. Bray, seore'ary_tt•easurer. AL tie* o0<1. W. F. Potash has purchased a consider- able quantity of pine lumber from a firm in Cargill. Robert linos has improved the appear. twos of his 130111 vett' attractive residence by building a gruuolithio walk to the front end side of hie house. Some smart ale0e turned the tap at the corner of the bank building on a reoeut Saturday night and allowed the water to run until Forrest's tank was nearly amp. tied. A greet portion of the water ran book into his Mitchells cellar, thus causing him.ino0nvenienoe. Travellers who happened to be paeeing the farm of J(unee Denbrook last week newthe unusual s eotaole of a fa P rmwr doing his plowing with a traction engine. Two plows were attached to the rear of the engine and tore up the sod field in the meet approved Millen .cud a fairly straight furrow wee the result. George Daubrook handled the engine, The election of officered the Epworth League took piaoe for the emitting year as follows 1-1ion. Pres., Rev, Wm, Petlhall ; .Pres,, Ernest Turnbull ; let Viae Pres., Harold Peter '3 2nd Vioe Pres„ Bert Turnbull ; 8rd Vice Pres„ Mrs. J. A. liloBato;.4th Vine Pres., Miss Laura Turnbull ; Secretary, Mise Ida Ponbell ; Treasurer, Mies Edith Johusou ; Organ. isle Mies Lottie Adams. • u. s Fel vett. A large addi (m1 ie being built to the Queen's hotel, The first division of Blyth public ,etjhool was Mooed for eeveral days owing to the illness of Priuo'pel Bailey, who had a serious attach of 1a grippe. 'Mies Beryl West, who %pent eeveral months past with a eieter (n Chatham, Iso returned to Blyth and is row making her bongo with her aunt, Ere, N. 13. Gerry. Harry Cann, who has been chief olerk at the Commetaiel hotel for the past six months, left for Exeter, where he will follow the trade of bricklayer dyeing the Sllrpmor Iponths, At the adjourned hooter vestry moat• ing of Trinity church, it MB decided that the church spire must acme down, as it hos been adjudged unsafe, The work of taking it down has been entrusted to John M o0111, The directors of the public library met end elected Dr, Lindsay, President, and A. W. Robinson; Se0retary. 'Rev. J. Holmes and 3. Jr. Bailey were' elected directors to fill the vacancies ennead by the reeiguation'and removal of H. V. Retinae' and J, A. Jnatteon. A large 'number of new books were purabailed and are now on the shelves of the library. 0. Munition, village aesos0or, hag completed big Work for this year and from the aese0 meat roll the following on ranters aro gleaned ;-goal property, $210,570,10000000 over last year, $0015 personal property, $24,100, (norms. over last year, $2700 ; taxable imam, $1700, increase over laet year, $400 ; total real and personal property and tax0.1510 in• (tomo, $280,875 ; population, 805, an inoreaoe of 17 over 10011 year; numb@r of persona Reamed, 885, Rev. A. loluLeen left on Taesday merit• ing of last weep for Woodetook, where be attended the Repeal meeting of the Sv,01 of Hamilton and Tiondon, On Tuesday evening he wentto IIingeton and ''!Wednesday the degree of pootor of Divinity tuns a-'nl• r,t,i up, 1 hint at the Wad ounvoaatr a •.1 (, ] e"'o noivtreity. For 37 yearn the r .1,41 .1 glib 1'nlalt ham been the Iaith(11 ee netremg pesl'r al Blyth Preebytero'•, ()emelt end we know 01 110 000 who (a 111•1r,+ d, e5rvtng of the honor o0nierre73 by tluaeo's universlty. Our hearty onu+ratuletlone are extended to 113• v. 1)r. 1'1, L en. ( 1910 , , t v r 1 � t,r trimly s meal .uh11 a••rv'oe of Aehtield;mean were held in Ilaoltett'e 0111rell Sunday at 10 80 a. u1. T. H. Its(d and left family on Tuesday m,10 uing of last week 101 Edmonton, Alta., where they intend to in Ice their hurtle to future. Work in progreeeing very favorably on the new Cit!ho110;hutch at St. Aue•tla til o, The 00rnor etune will be laid m It Ann time. A large clamber of the venerable pig nears of this emotion spent a very enjoy able time sant Friday afternoon April 24, at the reeidenee of Squire alltllungh, father of D. elallenih, of Luokw.w, the event being the celebration of hie din mood wedding, The vererable oouple 31r, and Mre. Msllongh, thoroughly en. joyed the event, There were about 75 present nwnug wham quite a number were rlpwerde of three Poore pare and ten. The esteemed pastor of Erskine ohuroh Rev, 0. ibntherford, wee one of the oompany, R. Bellows, of Goderiah, Wile preeent and took a photograph of the gathering. (i,o(lterielr. The G. T. It, had to have 80,000 husbele of the recently al rived wheat In Portland by May 4th: The levo tnge (laking 1 ff this part have done fairly well so fart but the boat, pact. ly on moment of ooutrary wiudo Line bare. ly paid expenee0. elcs. Wm. lOIoDonaid, St. Patriok street, had the misfortune while house. oltaniilg recently to fall from a ;hair and break her right arm at tbo elbow. Tho Public School Bernd hue decided to postpone the ereetiou of a new ward echcol, but will ask the Town Council for $0,000 to parry out the repairs and ohaug.e oon(ernelated in the Central School bui.diug. The following figures foruiehed by Assentor Wm. Campbell are of epen(al interest, comparison with the previous year being ebowu 1003 1002 Children between 5 & 21 1020 061 " 5 & 18 065 710 Valve Real Property $1298,280 $1,234,985 ' Personal.:.. 61,550 67,800 " Income .. 40,550 41,200 Total value Real, Per Bona] and Income.. $2,890,830 91,836,986 Doge 160 157 Population 4010 4088 Oo,vo 90 107 soma 207 191. Births 46 88 A fere days ei0oe a man, while gather. (ug driftwood a mile this Bide of Khmer. dine, found the canoe the upsetting of which reoulted in the death of the late Dr. Frank Turnbull. On reoeiving notioe of the fled, James Masson proceed. d to 1I(noardine and made arrangements for ite passage to this town by tbesteamer' running from that port. The iuetrn: manta and olething that were strapped to the canoe at the time of the upset lied been washed away, but with the exception of the paint beingooueiderably worn, the canoe wag apparently uninjured, although it had been blown to the Northern parte through the,ioe whenit was breaking up, F.xetanr-, Wm. Levitt moved with hie family to Grand Bend taut week to take 0harge of his (amnue park, The meeting milled to organise a bate ball team did not materialize. Lack of intermit seems to be the druwbeck. Mies Fanny Beset, is, we are sorry to stale, 000fined to her bed from the effeote of a painful felon on the first finger of her lett band. The resldenoe of Mrs. James Valle, Andrew street, wag the scene of a joyous and happy. event Wednesday of last week, when her sewed daughter, M(se Ellen E , Wee united in marriage to Peter Gardiner, one of Exote0'0 prosperous and popular merchants, Rev. B. L. Hutton, of Oen. trelie, conducted the oeremouy in the preseuae of only the relatives and im. mediate friends of the (ennead* parties, white the wedding march wag played by lira, F. W. MacDonald, of Debt off. The bride wore a dress of white organdy, trimmed wi.h• volenniennes loos and in. section and marled u bognet of pink carnations. The bride was unattended, save by her nephew, little Reggie Halle, of Goderiah, who made n °harming little ring bearer, The brief ceremony having been contended, congratulations and good wishes were in order and the petty eat down to the wedding breakfast most tastefully arranged. The bridal party took the afternoon train for a honeymoon trip to Niagara Ful 6, Hamilton and other pointe, The bride's going away F1 PI 13 It IT 8 8 IiT, Le ri P ra ti T ( dress wa., rnwle of uary'bloe venetian elatb, which la lied very h-eolnie to 3lr0 Cler+hner i1 udtnirtd IU]d bottled in a wile ',stole of 311"111110 and the v,1 y 130000(1 eat iviah,a for their r"i, EI 11011 bapp18068 will follow thein upon tboie hrtdal tour. Those in attendance from a distance were ;--Mise F, Smith, London ; Mint I4aw5m', O11n10p I Miee Wlggine, Gude. nett ; Mrs. (Dr.) MacDonald, Detroit ; dir0, P. T. Iltllo, Goderich ; Mr. Snaith and Alien Jda Smi Il, Blyth 1 Ilies'1'uo. ton, Byron •, Alex.an Mae. Gie rdinur, Welton I Mini Laura Andrews, Gerrit•; bred Millard, Loudon. l7lin cOn. Twenty MN of our 09llegiate wrote cu the Axle examination be111 ]u town recently. H, 0. Brewer, jr„ expeote to leave for the W,et, where he bee been engaged With a goverumnut eurvey(ng party, It ie understood 0305 the Huron Cold Storage Company has us good NB decided to abandon pork pawning and wi11 pro. need with oo'd storage. J.•hu Southcombe, who has been in the North west for 17 yearn, is Isere c0 a visit owing to the illueee of his mother. It le his neat visit book to Ontario. Oaaar Rodgers, sou of Geo. Rodgers, who for about a year hue been [earning railroading at Olioton etatiou, bee been ttppniuted freight clerk at St, Marys. Wm. Oautalon was down in the store (teller, he stepped on a wire nail, whiob ran into hie foot nearly its full length, muting e, painful, but mot dangerous wound. Will. Mo'1'aggsrt, son of Mrs. McTag. garb, for eeveral years a trusted employee in the wholesale dry goods house of Gor- don, 3IcIetty & Go., Toronto, has been admitted into the firm es one of the part. nets. Among those wboee names appear in the list of summate] etudemts of the Central Oollege of Phyeioi=n+ and sur. germs of Indianapolis, we notice the were of a former Clinto0ian in the person of Shad 13. Beesley, wbo is 00w entitled to the degree of 111, D. After 27 years of the mares of conduct- ing a free bug too and from the station for the benefit of his patrons Joseph Rat• tenbury sold out this part of his bmiueeo, together with the dray, three horses, and the harness that has been used therewith, J. W. Elliott wag the purchaser, taking charge ou Monday morning of Inst week. le le his intention to run a union bus to all hotels or private residences. He will also run a dray in oonnectiou therewith for delivering baggage, W iese ltatnr. The Bishop of Huron will administer the Apostolic rite of Confirmation fn St. Paul's ohuroh on Friday evening. While working in the foundry Robt. McDonough ked the misfortune to have one eye injured by a piece of steel lodging In It. John Agnew is home from the Weetere University after a term of hard study, and will spend the variation at hie home in Winghsm, S. MuBuruey, of town, who has been suffering from paralysis for several ysare past, is very feeble indeed. Irlre. McBee - nay is also ill. Alex. Orr, the new proprietor of the Bruuswiok, before leaving Fordwioh watt the recipient of a watch and obarm ao- oompaOied by an address. Wingbam may soon lose one of her in. dustries, for W. 3. Ohapman bas decid- ed to remove his glove factory to Acton, to amalgamate with the factory there, unless seine hitch should 0a00r in the details of the bueineeo arraugetnente al- ready made. Geo. Green, of Roseland, son of Geo. Green, of Winghilm, has purchased a large plot of land iu British Oolumbia. The hand has been surveyed into city lots and a large portion of it sold. There ie a very flue water power on the property, and as the lacd is heavily timbered, Mr. Green has erected a saw mill and settle- ment is rapidly proceeding. The name of the place will be "Green Oity." The annuali] meet[ 1 and sleets g o 0 of oII1cars of Methodist Sabbath School woe held Wednesday evening of lest week, their being a good attendance. Very gratifying reports were presented by the various a ffoere, all indicating a very Prosperous year. The following •olfroere were elected for the ensuing year: Superintendent -Dr,: Towler ; Associate Superintendents -W. Assent and H. Ef. Park ; Saoretary-W. Lloyd ; Tree. surer -Miss Lloyd; Librarian and Leader of Oroheetra-J, A. Morton. et the regular meeting of Winghsm Epworth League held ou Monday evening of laet weep, the following officer .were elegted for the ensuing year 1-Preeldent, Walter Hall ; 1st Vios Proe., Min Fee - sant , 20d Viae Pres., Wm. 0. Thomp son .3rd Vioe.Pres., Mies Brook ; 4th Vioe.Pree., Mies Lloyd ; Secretary, Miss M. Tibbs ; Treasurer, Acthar Helm ; Pieniete, Miesee Foment and Hall ; Rep- resentative on District Executive, Mrs Hogg. The pact year hne been a prosper. oceans in this society. The memberebip 110L1.4YWOOD stem, for I$onesty Never yet for :Policy, 11.0'701' paint without it, Examine ne • het and see. We sell the goods. , 11110 A if AGENTS AT IIRtJ•sSELS. . • ALLAN LINE Lirrr•poot sold Iia IIdouderry 1 , IRO al Nail X Steamers U,f nnat Fame 21'N'1'nl:An QUI 111:0 Cm'hNbian Sot, 2 OLiy 0 a nt, 42(03' 0011 p m Horatian .. U •1 , m • Ute Ionian ' 110 " 9 •, 10 " 780 " RATES OP PASS I011 1st ('able -vet and npwarde uu oreiu g to utaanlnr. 0nd Cabin -Liverpool and Londnuderryy- 1(avarlan and Ionian, $40 and $4.0 00 ; miser steamers 82710 and $10 ; Loudon 32.60 ex- tra (ntOr April 80 Ord O(aes-026 and 6211 -Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, L0n11ou, Through tickets to South Africa. Montreal to Glasgow direct. Sardinian (2nd and 8rd Class only) May 20. Biolllau May 07, Corinthian June !u -1st I (lase, 560,•n00 and $76 ; 2nd Oa410, 882 ; 81d Claes, $$21, f'- W. H. KERB, Agent, Brussels, 124, Tbe total money raised was 5205.00 of this amount Elie Missionary oommdtee raised $101.20, ioludiug $10 from the Junior League, all of which goes to sup. port Rev. and Mrs. Raley, missionaries to the L3dians at 1iitamat, B. 0. The total expenditure, not including mission try g(111uge, was $151 83. T-Xenwall, Hensel) eminent), is praotising up a very superior class of music. They are interpreting the old masters, Mr. Mardook and Murray Gibson, of Bruaefleld, left on Saturday for the Old Ooantry with 185 head of export wattle. Some of our tumors are suffering from a severe attack of mumps. Thos. Luing is ane of the moot severely afflicted ones. Rev. Mr, Itlalott spent a portion of last week in Toronto with hie angle, Emerson Ooateworth, nay oommiesioner, who is so ill that there ie no hope of recovery. On Tuesday of last week James Petty reached the good old scriptural age of three ecor0 and ten years. He i0 still quite healthy and robnet and likely to go considerably past the 80 point of life, Ben. Hoggarth is eoueidered one of the most successful onion raisers in thio onion growing village, He also makes a specialty of raising onion seed and last year sold the prodaot of a email plot for $57, Rev. J. S. Henderson left on Monday of last week for British Oolnmb(a to attend the General Assembly of the Presbytei ian church. He intends spending a oouple of mouths au the coact, le the North•weet and in Manitoba, and bae Bemired sap. plies for his pulpit here. IGorUwielt. Wm. Allan has disposed of hie !louse and lot in the West sod of the village to James Willis, jr., at a good price. Tbe Epworth League will hold their anniversary on Suoday, May 24th. W. H. Kerr, President of the Epwor4h Lea - gee of the London Oonfereuoe, will eon. duet the servit.e morning and eveniog. Mre, James Oattanaoh with three children left an Monday of last week for Reliever, where she will spend the Sum- mer and keep house for her father. Mr. Oattauaoh intends going to Neepawa, Man„ where be has been employed for the Summer at hie trade. The annual election of officers in the Newbridge Epworth League took plane and resulted as fellows President, Mise S. Species ; 1st Vice, Mies Grainger ; and Vice, Pen. Faille ; 8rd Viae, Miss Haste Faille; 4111 Viae, Mies Della Fallie; Seo., H. A. Dulmage ; Treas., Mrs. A. H. Rion ; Organist, Mies Bride ; Seo,-Tteae. of Forward Movement, Mise Hattie Dulmsge. For this Forward Movement, $8 26 was ooutribntod for this year. The League now holds their meetings on Sunday evenings at 8 u'oloak. On Tuesday of last week A'ax. Orr and family wont to Winghom, where be has purchased the Brunswick Hotel. Mr. Orr has owned and ran the Albion Hotel here for about eight years, and has con. ducted the hotel in first oleos etyle and will be missed by a large number of (r(eeds, He was presented witb a fine chain and laoket by I is frtenth on Friday evening before leaving, Mrs, Orr, Hies Mabel end Mattie and Nellie were much esteemed by all who knew them. Mies Orr, being of a jovial and kind disponi• tion was very much liked by botb old and young. eta nad'au INewas. Al Bloomfield George Martin shot and killed hie little sou, whom he mistook for woodchuck. Sir William Mnodonold Line endowed a new choir of moral philosophy at McGill University, Montreal, Tbe body of Mrs. henna Hatton, a patient who escaped from Brookville hos- pital, rag found in the river. The Ontario Government have par• chased the Hatch farm at Woodstook as a este for the new hospital for epiloptios. 0. 0. MoDonald, a wealthy number, of Russell, Man., was drowned in the at- tempt to swim the Aesiuiboine River. 0. S. Hyman, of London, has been appointed Chairman of the Special Committee on Redistribution et Ottawa. George Redfern, five years old, died from the effects of carbolic aoid, given him by his father in mistake for medicine, • Oben Len, of Toronto, was ser(ouely injured at the meeting of the Mimosa Order of $res Masons. Two of hie aonntrylnen have been arrested. Samnel'h. Guest, h maolliniet, who had bee`''brd'erly' to LieuteClot. G, -T. Denieon during the Northwest rebellion, was found dead in his room et Toronto. The district North of Sherbet Lake wits swept by fire, and an immense moon. tity of farm property, lumber. and word• wood 0nd eeveral bridges were deetroyed. The Government have decided to a. mend the statute which provides for nn allowance of 2i per oebt. of the betel oat of constructing a drydook to the oompany which undertaltee the work, by inoreaeing the amount to 3 per cont. Tbe Domieten Government has pro. torted against the lotion of the Austral. ion Government in giving the Eastern Extenoinn 'Telegraph Company power to open offices and string wires for oabte bueineee. 'Thi1i 18 held to be a breech of the tgreement• under which the Paoifid cable was built, P E 3 l R E A TSNAPS IN CORSETS. We made a large purobaoe of Oorsete at s bargain from the wall -known D. & A. Corset 00. We made them an offer for u largo quantityl,pf throe linea At a pri0e we did not think they would aaoept, but the quantity being large and for spot oaeh they accepted oar offer, There is no use going into details a0 to how this dual whale about. Bullies it to eay, the goods are here ready for your inspentiou, and while they Ian they will be Bold at the following very low prices •-L adiee' Ooreete, in fine drab jean, long and medium lengths, in all Owe. We have always Bold them et 50e, our priors now is 330. • • Ladies' Corsets in line satin jean, in drab and white, bias out, eteel filled, straight from, habit hip, to Mimed with wide laoe, sold everywhere at 75o, cur price while they last, 50c, • . • Ladies' fine Ooutile Comte, military bip, straight front, s'eei filled, bine out, trimmed with wide laee, in drub and white, a regular dollar ooreet, for 75o, • . • We oleo carry a full range of the E. T., 13. & 0., Oromptoe'e, and the new 13. & I, Comte. ROCK FAST SHIRTINGS We have just received another lot of those Rook Feat Drill Shirtiuge, the best value in shirtiuge we ever sold. Every yard is gaarauteed fast oolore and the wearing qualities are ungurpeseed and the price is only 15a. BOYS' CLOTHING Our eeoond Spring shipment 1 f Boys' Clothing bee arrived, and they are dandies. Every boy in Blyth and vioinity obonld sec them ; 0ize9 from 212 to 38, prioee from $1.50 to $5. M' KI NN®N c c0, - BLYTH, Chin a iness W. A. GREWAR Has purchased the choice and well assorted stock ofd Groceries, Confectionery, Fruits, Canned Goods, &o. From L. G. KRUSE and will carry on the business in the old stand. -Particular attention given to the Ice Cream and Summer Drink business. - A choice article of Tea at 27c. per pound. - See our Newport Chocolates and New Fruits. -'Eine Maple Syrup. Asking the favor of the esteemed patronage of the public and promising prompt and careful attention, Yours truly, r q, 3 la 2'%so NE HPRE STRE The Undersigned beg leave to notify the Public that they have opened up a CHOICE NEW STOCK of SHELF and HEAVY SAINTS,. HARDI wARE � ozL & C1 S ) in the Simpson Block, Ethel, which will be sold at Reason- able Prices. We have also a Tinware Department and will keep a firet•olase Tinsmith. A Speoialty made of Repairing and Eavetrougliing. Our motto will be Good Goods and Careful Attention to Business. A SHARE OF PATRONAGE .ASKED FOR. Best alise of Stoveehandled. KRAIIlER tAl RITCHIE, ETI-3MI_J. Must be Sold this Season, Buggies, The Finest 'line to be seen Carriages in Ontario will be found in any town�I P ' J ' at Ewan & Co.'s Wiarerooms TURNBERRY STREET. BRUSSELS. -We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best iVIauufac- torios in Canada, besides our own make of rigs. -You can save money by examining our stock before purchasing. -Satisfaction assured, Prices right. BWAN & Ca., Bf1 ussgaLSa