The Brussels Post, 1903-4-30, Page 5OAR
APR. 80, 1908
gout, P.B. SCOTT, Braeaela,
• Issuer of Marriage Licensee. Of.
80u at Gruoory, Tato 'Jerry street, Brussels,
T�7A]1111S FOR SALE —']till, UN-
at- nnito10N17n hna several good Farms lar
sato and t0 rent, easy ranee in 'rownabtpa
ct elorrio and Grey. e' H, HliOT L',Brusset
issuer of Marriage Licenses,
E. Estelle Griffin
Pupil of Niles Flys, N. Roblyn, of London.
Poplin prepared far Conservatory exams.
13Rill visit 13ru000lo every Tuenday,
Lessons given at the home of W. H. ]torr,'
John street,
✓. LECK/E,
MONEY TO LOAN AT 4i, 42 & 5 Per Gout.
Ot11oo over Horsley's Drug Store,
Nov, 3rd, 100e. 80.8m Brussels,
Wellington. Mutual
Fire IBSnrlliee Co.,
m1%241,7=101) 1840
Inenroneo taken on the clash and premium
note system at current rates. 13 (fore insur-
ing elsewhere sail on the undersigned Agoat
of the Company.
• mon, will sell for better prions, to
better man, In lees time and lose charges
than any other Auctioneer in ]Gast Huron or
be won't charge anything. Dates and ordore
can always be arranged at this 00100 or by
personal applioatiou.
Tho undersigned, who ie well acquainted
throughout tbo most part of the County
and who has had business with a largo cir-
cle of farmers in and around this locality,
begs to Inform the oommnnfty that he has
taken out au Auctioneer's Litmus() for the
County of Huron and offers his outdoes to
all purposing to hold sales.
THOS. NEWSOME, Brussels.
!,• Honor G„a.1ua:e of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, ie prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domoerleated animals in a oomuot-
entmannor. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. 00100 and Infirmary—Pour doors
North of bridge, Turnberry at., Brussels,
r'� Barrister', Solicitor,. Oonveyanoor,
Notary Pnblio, &o. Ofnae—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
Oflice over Standard Bonk ; Solicitr for
Township of Grey. Hawic lc alown; and the
Metropolitan Bank. Private and Company
money to loan at lowest rates,
31. It., U. 111.,
Trinity Univeraity,Fellow Trinityy Medical
Collegp,Dlember College of Phys clans and
Sp6rgaote, 004, Licentiate of the Royal Col-
wlleryl1`,iinbuorgh, and
a-Telepho Licentiate
11 id
Reoitleueo—Mill street, Bruseoie,
Graduate of the Roval Oollego of Dental
Surgeoasof Ontario and PIM class Muer
Graduate of Toronto University. office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
and Students may enter
pt any time, SP10100 TERM BEGINS
MAR, 30, Two courses—Uommeroial and
Shorthand, Send for 0011ege Journal.
Pt'eeldent, secreta 11,
British f oliinnibia
Bed Cedar ShiiEgles
North Shore
Pine and Cellar
Brussels haling .ills
AND ---
Also Doors and Sash of all at
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice,
Eotimabee Fnrniehed for all
kinds of Buildings, Workman.
ship and Material Guaranteed.
asp• :-;r ,'3o 12 a:'43V:WaV: OrT
Our Motto ]High Grade Work Qnly 11
Our Graduates readily 8eonro good
1,nattlmle beaauso our high grain train -
lug propuron thein to yonder Ornt-oha.s
em'yloe0- 11µ11005e0 moa want first.
class workers and have no time to
waste upon the other kind. Cons -
locum) a eoursu now and he ready tar
it position in the Fall, WYrlto for 1:aud-
00,n0 0attt10gne.
W, J. ELLIOTT, Prinolpal,
elxo t•r i H.
Jos, Greer left for Toronto where he
will attend Bueln:se College,
Tho Bell Telephone Go, have put in a
number of private tolephuneo in town.
The school trustees have had a row of
maples planted around the school ground.
J. R Williams has purchased the store
now ooanpiod by T. Androwefrom Messrs.
Aden Young, of Orange 1101, has irate.
ly sent a sousignment of apples to Carrot,
Man., and also one to Guelph 0. A. 0.
R J. Dauohmen, of the 0. A. 0.,
Guelph, left for Winnipeg where he hoe
secured a position on the stuff of the Far.
mere' Advocate.
Rev. A J. Rowe, wife and daughter, of
Owasso, Minh„ were the meets of Mrs.
Rowe'e aunts, Mre, Geo. Reiter and Mre.
Robt. Tomlg for a few days.
Counoillee Brothers was oonlined to hie
home with pleurisy..
J. G. and Sire. Moser attended the
Evar.'gelionl aonterenoe at Dashwood.
J. 8, Golden, who recently bought out
T. W. Scott, was oonfined to the home of
T. 0 MoElroy, with a serious attack of
Jamee Barr bag resigned the position of
chief of police of Blyth, and the oounoil
aeliiug for epplioations- for the position.
The salary f• $800.
There was no school in Divieron No, 4
of Blyth public school last week, owing
to the serious illness of Mies Lookhart,
the teacher of that department.
Thomas Crawford left on Tuesday
morning of last weep for Deloraine, Man-
itoba, where he will follow the trade of
stonemason daring the next six months.
John Littlefair, of Ildertoo, and Miss
Nellie Donau), of Montreal, two former
i3ly th y ouog people, were married on
Tuesday evening, 1119 in>t , at the home
of the bride's parents, Wm. and Mrs.
Denim, in Montreal. Rev, Prof. Rose
was Iha officiating clergy man.
S S. Cooper has purchased ail the loose
brick in the fire remnants of the Olaren•
dos Hotel far 05.
W. D. Fair has sold the building, whiob
bee been used oe the peace -Bice for many
yeare, to Arthur Couch. The building
and site realized $1,450. Mr. Goueh gate
poe0eeeion on July let.
H. Britten, who has taken the con-
tract to keep the lawn Bowling Club
grounds iu good repair and order for the
coming season, has commenced opera•
ation, and the plane is o,oe more eat um
ung ire old lime attractive appearanoe.
Since the new captain came to town
Army affairs have falcon a move for the
better, Arrangements are now on for
the purobaee of W. Wheabley's woodyard,
Me house, ebo„ on Huron street, where it
Le the nrmy'e intention of having the
p'aoe cleaned up, the barracks removed
to the back part of the lot, and a residence
for the eilioere built ou the front part or
The board of license oommiseionere
were all present at the meeting in the
me eotor s
office at lint
P C on, All the old
liaeuses were renewed for the preempt
year, but the applioation of 0, Pike, Oliu•
ton, was not pensed, the number being
filled by renewals. N. G. Bogge' app i
nation, Carlow, held in abeyance till
the adjournment meeting of the board, on
the 28rd inst. at 5 p. m. let ()Beton, Fol-
lowing be the liet of licensee created
Goderiob—B. J. Snake, Mre, A, King, F.
Davis, T. Tilt, E. R. Bwarte;• W. Babb,
A. Robinson, M. Farr. Clinton—J: Rot
tenbnry, J Perkins, J. J. McGaughey, O.
Milen, R. Graham. •Wingham—Mre, M
Dineiey, G. Roe, J. Broadway, W. L.
Ramo n, Alex. Orr. Blytlh—Mrs, F.
Mason, 3, Emigh. Ashfield—Mre. J.
Mallnuglh, Dungan+inn ; Neil MoDona'd,
K'ntail ; Mex. Yonne, Kintail 1 Nelson
Pierson, Pt. Albert, Colborne—W. GInz-
ler, Dunlop, East Wawanoeh-3, Mo
Donald, Whiteoburah. Hnllett—U, Mo
Brien, Anbnen ; T. hilt, Londeeb lro'.
Shop lioonoee—W: W. Saulte, Goderiah ;
1'. Bell, Clinton.
ea 4'. wood.
Widdis Jackson and Bunity left town
for Trowbridf.e, where air. Jackson hes
purchased proprty.
Elma Cheese Go, will ship 150 boxes
of April 0010000 from Usines]. McLaren
Bros. Ingersoll, are the buyers at 120, a
I b.
Rev, T. Farr, of Wailaoeburg, formerly
reator of St. Albau'e ohoroh of this vil•
lege, is now the happy father of a bonne.
Ing baby girl
J. A, Klump is making improvements
to his property, lately acquired from
Henry Johnston, He has bad to Dollar
dug and properly drained and will also
place a tlietern in the woodohed,
Jobeph McKoy hag Bold hie groovy and
oonfootionerybueineee to Michael Bal-
antyne, who ie now in poeeeesios. 141r,
1ioltov pu'p0000 going West to Bolgous,
near Regina, where he intends tolling up
land in 'oompauy With Wm. Ij><elly, who
already owns Iain hi that eeeticn.
Dr, f.angrill has been an the eiok list
for some time, suffering from mueonlar
rhenlputinm in the right arm, His arm
woe badly 'swollen and required a couple
of copping operations to retinae the
swelling. He f0 gradually improving.
Miss A. L. Meredith, leaober in the
Junior department of our school, inform
ed the trustees that she had obtained the
oaition of tenober on the Durham Pub.
o school staff, owing to the sadden illness
Wolter there; Mise Meredith hae
sena euooeneflil toaoher and the treetese
ere loath to let her go, though they did
rat rletire to appear atom, as thio was a
cod &dome for 51000 M redith to teach
Cie home school, thae baying board
T l if II tiL E Gb
IIOLL7WOOD sit rnde for o eety°
Never yet f Qr 'oloy,
You'll clever paint without it,
Examine it and see.
We sell the goods•
n.K Ar
and railway expenses, Although the
notioe was vary short, they were eaoo00e
fol iu gaffing Mtee Mery Thompeou to
oat as substitute till holidays'.
Mica Jennie Thampeon. sister of our
esteemed townsman, Walter T. Thomp•
eon, is at present suffering from spina!
trouble, the result of injuries r,oeived in
the G. T. R. wreak near Sichuan. It will
be remembered that thee Thompson wee
reported as only slightly injured, but it
has einoe been found that her spine is
very seriously hurt,
ll orllwich.
Lewis Armstrong has purahaeed a
louse and lot in Harrietou and 'Merida
moving there.
R. E MoOsllum left for the West ou
Tuesday morning, of last week where he
hopes to improve in health.
W. H. Henry bac returned home from
Manitoba, where he bad been with a car•
load of horses. He reports having :old
the horse a at good prioee and clearing a
nice enm.
Messrs. Hermiston, of Lietowei, and
Paisley, of Oliuton, valuated the hones.
hold , Beate, eta. for Messrs. Orr and
Rapp awn the valuation pr, ved satiefao
tory. Mr. Rupp took possession on Tues-
day. •
A number of young men in the village
are in the habit of throwing out insults to
some young ladtee white paeemg along
the streets after dark, and we would ad•
.viae them to atop doing so at once or they
will get themselves into trouble.
A. T. Davison, Into bad rubber tired
wheele,put on hie huhdsome hearse,
The members of the Luokuow Ledge
of Oddlellowe celebrated the anniversary
of the Order by attending divine service
in the Presbyterian March on Sunday.
James Gordon went to Exeter to at-
tend the funeral of the late Mre. Ieaam
Carling, of that plume. They were life
Ioug friends and old neighb're for many
When the sleighing broke up Mr,
Moorehoaee, Mitolhell, of the roller mills,
bad some 000 iarge maple loge atilt in the
bush which are vow being brou;;bt to his
mill by the aid of a powerful traotiin
engine. The logs are placed on tour
heavy wagon trucks and the big engine
moves alung the road with them as 0501 y
ae a team of berme would draw a small
load. Each train loud a,iut0in0 25 maple
loge or about 2500 feet.
A very ead ac0ldaut happened at the
home of Jae. Boulebon, on Wednesday
evening.. While engaged in taking the
last lift of hay from the wagon, the pal -
ley on the punto plate broke, the frag•
mems hitting Mr. R'aleton, who wag in
the mow, on the right aide glancing down-
ward. The injured man was removed to
the hou-e and a doctor wait enmmened
%eho ou investigation toand the collar
bone broken in two places and two ribs
broken from hie spinal column.
The Iudependeet Order of Oddfellows
attended Ditine worship at the Trivitt
Memorial March on Sunday morning at
11 o'olook when the rector, Rev, R.
J. 112. Perkins, proaohed an appropriate
A. G. Dyer, village assessor, is author.
lead to collect from the owners of doge
and bitohee within the village of Exeter,
the taxes fixed by the village by-law.
Any person failed to pay hie or her dog
tax will be pro:wanted us provided by
Village by law No, 77,
Little Nellie Hatter, Exeter North, had
rather an unpleasant and painful experi
encs which may yet prove eeriens. It
appears she had swept the floor at her
home and the remains were carelessly or
unthinkingly thrown into the stove, when
almost simultaneonely an explosion took
piece. Debrie were thrown in all direa
Hone, the little girl sustaining painful
wounds in the cheek, forebead and nook.
A dootor was oalled and the wbunde were
dressed and the patient is doing nicely,
bet it is feared tbat blood poisoniog
might set in.
W. 0. Davie is improving the upper
flat of hie block.
()bailey Chapman was in Stratford
undergoing an examination in railroading
and telegraphy.
It is reported that Jaok Tinny hoe
secured a job ae track man on the G. T.
R at Ripley and wilt leave shortly for
that plane.
Mr. Billings, Manager of the Molsone
Bank, received a telegram oenveying the
sad intelligeooe of the death of his mother
at Whitby, where she resided. Mr. 1311.
Nage attended the funeral.
J. H Beek and daughter Mary, left for
Dodge Centre, Wis., wnere they intend
taking up reeidbuoe with Mr. Beek'e son
Charlie, who is station agent at that pluoe.
Mr. Beek is now nearly 80 years of age
and has resided in Heiman for each a
length of time that hie departure is =oh s
regretted. o
The annual vestry meeting of Barnet's 0
Cburoh, was held in the 5lieoion Hall on
the evening of Easter Monday. W.
White. woe appointed incumbent's warden d
Nbtte n , r H. Brownlee, fie eatw es to m RPR00F CLOTHING
Petty, A's the pude
*-- ^-
We have made a large put•
obaee of Ladies' and Geste' Waterproof Clothing at a big dismount for spot
each and we intend giving our customers the benefit of our elm buying'
We show some very special lines in all the new styles at very low prioee 1
et rico, •, .•, 1 not ready the meeting ad-
j,nrlh1-d t., , ,'1 weeks alter appointing
, • 0040re 00 tallows :--Utsoes
9teyins da t., 1 Ii21505, N. Petty aii i Jvha•
R. Arkell, l,oal m0lueger of the Imper.
tel 134uk, has gone to New York on n two
make' holiday trip.
Knox Omni' has gemmed no Miele leader
Mr. Hardwick, for six years leader in the
10'ir:t Presbyterian Munch, Brantford,
Wedoeeday last, Wag appointed arbor
day in town, aurl 000201 ]lays proolam-
ation direotod citizens' attention to tree
W. G.ugPaton, of Wiagham, oontraotor
Welting the artesian wells, has hie drilling
maohiaery at work on rte Livingeton
property adjoining the railway track on
Elora street,
A nommttteo of the Town Oounoit met
Mr, Pigeon, sontraator for the sewer, and
discussed the gaeetion of abandoning the
sewer, Mr, Pigeon gave the Oouueii to
understand that be was prepared to
throw ap the 000tr00t for $600. The
town voted $7,000 for the oonetruotion of
a sewer and eeptle tank eyetem, whish
the present Council claims will be about
91,000 short of covering the expense, and
the question now is, whether to abandon
the project or go on with the work,
The Spring show of entire horses held
by the Listowel Live Stook Assimilation
on Friday 17th inst. was quite up to the
mark in nombor of entries, bat the at.
tendanae was ooneiderably Ieee than was
expeated. The judging was ae follows ;—
Imparted Heavy Draughts, registered -3
eotriee—let, Wilkinson Bros , Baron
Lawrence ; 2nd. Bender and Fileinger'e
Holdeneby Thumper ; 3rd,! Bender and
Berlet'; Peter Beet. Agrioultaral horse,
any age -8 entries—let, H. Tomb! Lord
Minto; 2od. J, MrKeever'e Laird o'
Logia, Standard Bred Horse -4 entries
—let, Kidd Bros., Ora Wilkes, Jr.; tad
Kidd Bros., Oliver Wi•kes. Thorough.
bred Blood-2entriis—let, Fleury Zinu'e
Bay Oregon ; 2nd. Jae, Maybury'e Mie•
sive. Carriage Horee-2 entries—let,
Kidd Broe, Lord Roberte ; 2nd. Geo.
Wells' Membrino Lightfoot. Roadster
Horee-3 entries—let, Sidd Bros Colonel
Fergaeon ; 2nd, Moore and Molntyre'e
Wilde Collins. Jndgee—John Stewart,
Greeley, Andrew Easeon, Stratford,
W inrllasn.
J. 3, Elliott, V. S. ie improving in
R. he. and Mre. Spatting leave this week
for Vancouver, B 0., where Mr. Sperling
has secured a lucrative position.
Leslie Constable, of Seafortb, has par•
Mimed the barbering 'tininess of Jae.
Young in the South end of town,
The Finanoier of the A. 0. U. W, eleot-
ed to fill the vaoaboy oaneed by the re-
moval of E. 0. Clarke, ie John Ball, of
Ball Broe.
The old officers of the Methodist ahurnh
Ladies' Aid were re sleeted as follows :—
President, Mre, W. H. Green ; Secretary,
lyfrs. T, Gregory ; Treasurer, Mrs. John
Alex. Orr, who takes poseeseion of the
Brunewiok Rotel on the let of May, is
now making arrangements to make
several changes in the building. Plate
glace windows will be put in the front of
the bnildiag on the first floor and the
sample rooms will be rearranged and
pat in first-class order. A large dining
room and kitchen will be erected at the
rear of the building and over the kitchen
will be used for bedrooms and the present
dining room will be converted into bed.
The Committee for the town Band re.
ported organization with the following
afters :—Preeident, R. Barrett ; Vloo.
President, F. Johnston; Secretary, E.
Nash ; Treasurer, W. T. Holloway,
Seventeen players were already on the
tet of members, with 500013 or eight
others to spare, In addition to the in.
truments on band, there were required,
no base horn, two tenors, one alto, drum
nd oymbats, ooetiog in all about $117.
t was deoided to eolioit
tions to
madmen thee, and then appeal to the
coact] b0 provide for payment
of the
and G. 0. Petty was sleeted people's
warden. Auditors, Meesre. Reynolds and
Brandt ; eidasmou, G. Reynolds, W.
'en's ress Shoes
must be fashionably Gorl'ect. Ours are.
These shoes are, comfortable because
they, fit inside. The outline is handsome and
the shoes are 'made to keep their shape and
appearance till worn out.
Prices are right for right goods
—We ha
anved themost fo'dulorable wing mGenadeits' Shoes in stook which we believe to be the neatest
—George A. Slater makes one of the best Canadian Shoes ;
—The Florsheim, the finest American Gents' Shoes made.
IlA'ShOee made to Order and Ropaire promptly done.
p j�� g -.Y C1
DEPARTMENT,—ellwayti to the front with a full
-IARI� .A.i)0... stools of Hand or Machine made Harness in Heavy
or Light at the lowest prices.
tom.'I m RI OMAR
leader's ealury and a pians to practice in.
At thelaet meeting of the town Connoil,
moved by Councillor Dalmage, seconded
by Councillor Bell, that the following pro•
positio0 be submitted to the Weetero
Foundry Co. Limited, 000 ;—That the
town will agree to reduce the annual pay.
meat now agreed to be made by the Go.,
by the sum of 910 for every man- over the
number of 85, and not exceeding 100 em•
played by the Go. for a period of ten
menthe in each year after 1904, and dor.
ing the term of the mortgage, and will
allow said reduotion for every snob man
employed by said On., during the last six
mouths of the years 1008 and 1904
Mrs. Simon Rupert, of Milverton,
hanged beroelf on Saturday,
Jostioe Robertson has resigned from
the Hlgh Conti of Ontario.
Tbo King's Birthday will be oelebrated
in Canada 191, year on May 26,
A, A. and G. A. Sohmidt, Bebringville,
have pnrchaeed the hardware business of
their late father, Erma Schmidt.
The Northwest Assembly has adjourn-
ed until June to await notion by the
Dominion Goverumeut regarding an in.
creased subsidy,
Liverpool crud Londonderry
Royal Mail Steamers
rum Enos!
M0Nmnnnr, Quenno
Corinthian Sat. 2 May 05.00. 2 May 0 cop m
Bavarian 00 0
i01110.0"10 ,-0 1p ” 7110
1st Cabin—$00 and unmade according to
2nd Cabin—Liverpool and Londonderry--
Bavarian and Ionian, 540 and 54260; other
steamers 58710 and $40 ; Loudon $2,60 ex-
tra (atter April 001
mrd Class—$95 and 520—Liverpooi, Derry,
Belfast, Glasgow, Leedom
Through tickets to South Melee.
rdiniant12iGlasgow crdiOingabuly)510y 21
Olase;li860,e60 ani 57,30 i 2nd iCabin,h 585 1 Orct
Clues, 820,
Agent, Btuseole,
Ladiee' Waterproof Coats, 54 to 02 inches long, velvet collar, in
b1a0, navy and fawn, with or without yoke, very epocial, at $2.50.
Ladiee' Waterproof Coate, 9-1 to 62 innheo long, bell ;leaves, vel.
vet oollarr, in colors of grey, navy and fawn, plain or with yokels, great
Wee at 90.
Ladiee' Rainproof Gouts, in all siege, in black, fown, grey and
navy, Biohop eleeves, velvet collar, 'sewn eeame, plain or with yoke, at
$8 60 and 94,
Ladies' Waterproof Coate, in all the new shades, 54 to 60 inohos
lung, corded o011are and oafll, bell cleaves, oiroular Noonan, very stylish,
at $6 and $6,
Ladies' Gravenette Waterproof Goats, in all the ueweet colors,
54 to 60 inches long, deep oorded oullare, corded yoke and miffs, corded
circular flounoe, a very etylieh garment, at $7.50 and $8.
Ladles' Bilk Waterproof Goats, 64 to 60 inches; long, in blank,
;dial grey, fawn, brown and navy, with bell or Bishop el'eevee, great value
at $10.
We offer a great snap in ]Ken's Heavy Waterproof Coate, in all
sizes in grey, fawn, sewed seams, Itaglanettee out. This coat is good
venue at 93 50, but we bought then, to sell at $2 60.
M'K/NNON a 00., BLY71-1.
Change in Si . ass
Has purchased the choice and well assorted stock of.,,,,
Groceries, Confectionery,
Fruits, Canned Goods, eco.
From L. G. KRUSE and will carry on the business in the old
—Particular attention given to the Ice Cream and - Summer Drink
—A choice article of Tea at 27(ri:.per pound.
—See our Newport Chocolates and New Fruits.
—Fine Maple Syrup.
Asking the favor of the esteemed patronage of the public and
promising prompt and careful attention,
Yours truly,
The Undersigned beg leave to notify the Public that
they have opened up a CHOICE N E W
STOOK of --ter
I OIL S & ct
in the Simpson Block, Ethel, which will be sold at Reason-
able Prices.
We havealeo a Tinware Department and will keep a first -plate Tinsmith.
A Specialty made of Repairing and Eavetroughing.
Our motto will be Good Goode and Careful Attention to Bueineee,
Beet makes of
Stoves handled. K`t'AUT•tu3.t1 85 BRUd11.L19
Must be Sold this Season.
The Finest
line to be seen
in any town
in Ontario
will be found
Ewan & Co.'s Warerooms
—We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac-
tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs.
—Yon can save money by examining our stock before purchasing,
—Satisfaction assured, Prices right.
E W,AN & Co.