HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-4-30, Page 4THURSDAY, APR.. SO, 1903,
Dotutuoxand Provincial Parliamoutery
notes may be read on page 2 of Ihie
RUSSIA end China aro not loving oaob
other any harder than the law demands
net u fte o
and it would o take meat o t p ik to
set a fire going that would not be enaily
oxtiugnished. The palm branch is not
very much in evidence in the East just
et present, Prance is also sadly in
trouble with home riotinge and a general
desire for ineurreotion, This Republio is
something like the waves of tbesea-bad.
Iy tossed.
Tne wisdom of buitdiugBrueeelePablio
Sobcol building large enough to sworn.
modate six departments has been proven,
being all occupied now, althou,h not a
few averred at the time that the space
would never be required. We hope to
see our town grow so that additional
rooms may be needed. Brussels school
is a good one and thie is tonally true
whether the reference applies bo the
building or the staff. The Trustees
have managed affairs well and deserve
Sm 01,1vza MOWAT hoe had more good
things said about him in the ten days
once his decease, by both voice and pen,
than were spoken or written in any ten
years of hie life. We believe be was a
deserving men and worthy of the high
enaoninme but is it not a pity that more
of these bogoete of sympathy, commends.
Mon and admiration are not distributed
before the taper of life is extinguished.
Some of those who not only assailed Sir
Oliver Mowat but wilfully maligned him
have suddenly found that instead of being
possessed of seems devils he was the em-
bodiment of ell the gifts and graces that
mortals are ab'e to possess.
As far ea we oa0 learn at the present
time the Lhreeilluoioipalitiee oopetitutibg
Oo. Council Division No. 6, made tip of
Grey and Morrie townships and the
village of Brume's, are favorably die -
posed as to the 0oanty acoepting it8
share of the milliou dollars towards the
improvement of the public highways.
The County Oonnaillore of the reepeotive
Divisions are advised to visit the various
Municipal Couooils in their districts be-
fore the June session, to gikoose the
question of Good Roads with them and
thereby to present to the 0o. Oonooil a
more accurate report of the feeling of the
different eeotions of the County in this
very important subject. Commissioner
of Highways Campbell has been in Went-
worth County, aiding them iu the layiug
out of their work. "Pro bona pOblioo"-
for the pubtio good- is a good motto on
these broad questions.
ST. ANnnew's ohnrob, London, dealt
with the Saoday funeral gneetion in a
very practical way at their annual meet-
ing viz : That no grave should be opened
in their cemetery on Sabbath unless in
oases rendered imperative by contagious
disease. We believe this action is along
the right line ae there is nothing tendo
more t0 disturb regular ohnroh services
than Sunday funerals unless it may be
popular eooiety parades. In the majority
of cases 8001 arrangements oan be made
that will obviate the neoeesity of holding
funerals on the Sabbath and the good
example set by St. Andrew's people should
ha followed by ohurohee and pastors
geuerally throughout the country. A.
'little forethought on the part of those
immediately interested in the interment
w.u:d relieve those in official position
from what might be construed into
objeotiug in oandeming funerals on the
,Lord's day.
Tonooxo City Council No, 2, Royal
Tempters of Temperance, have passed the
following resolution, condemnatory of
the boxing bouts held under the auepioe9
of the Oreeoent Athletic Club : "That we
as Royal Template, being a repreeenta•
Mee Mural Christian and Temperance
Society, having beard with regret of
brutal prize fights (eappoeed sparring
bouts) being held in Mutual Crescent
Athletic Club, and believing these to be
degrading and demoraliziug in the ex.
trema, that we petition the Chief of
Police, and ask than no more lioeueee,
for the same be issued, and also urge the
Commissioners to nee the means in their
power to prevent repetition of these de.
basing exhibitions, and that copies of
this reeolutioo be sent to the prose and
Police Boards." This ie aloog the right
line and should be heartily supported by
every lover of moral reform, What le
the use of Sabbath Schools, Churches
and home training in building up ohar•
actor whilepriee fighte.aud other immor•
balitise are openly permitted by law. Tor.
onto and other cities should wake up and
do their duty.
Evaav Muoioipal Council ehoutd ex.
peeve iteelf, we believe, on the leading
topica of the day that refer partioalarly
to the geberal public euob as the Drainage
Aat and the seeming privilegee possessed
by railway oorporatioes as compared with
private individuals i the nettle guard
rlueetion and the rights of the farmer and
othere to have their interests eared for ;
8oggeetieg emendmente to the Aseoee
went law ; making telegraph and tele.
phone Oompaniee, banks,&o., "whack op"
a fair proportion of the necessary taxation
is the reepeotfve municipalities, &o. We
notice Grey township Counnll, at their
last meeting, gave
exp reseion t their
th f
opinions on a oouple of these matters anti
have forwarded their requeete to Dr,
llleodonald, the worthy M, P, for Eaet
Huron. The people are the rulers if they
will poly wisely and moderately reeve
along the proper linea in formulating and
preeeutiog their requests. In moving in
aa m,tte e r the municipal and County
Counoile might be made very oervioeable
mediums for the attaiument of real re.
forms thereby removing anomollee now
Huron's People.
The population of the County of Huron,
ae sent by the County Clerk to the Oat.
arm Government, is as follows ;
Bayfield 678 Aebfield 8096
Blyth 848 Colborne 1729
Brussels • 1189 Goderiob ,,,.2899
Clinton 2889 Grey 8285
L''sitter 1717 Hay 3462
Goderioh ....4033 Howiok 8788
Hensall 792 Hallett 2668
Seafortb 2127 McBhlop ...,2558
Wingham 2118 Morris 2398
Wroxeter 428 Stanley 2091
Stephen 8978
16169 Tnakeremith 2346
Taroberry 2043
lieborne 2248
W awanoeh, E 1872
" W 1953
Sir Oliver Mowat, Lieutenant Govern.
or of Ontario, died Sunday forenoon, the
19th lost., a) Government House, Tor.
onto. On the 8th day of January last,
his honor the Lieuteneot•Governor, while
walking by himself up and down the hall
in Government Hoose, watohing hie
grandchildren at their play, fell heavily,
eaataininga fracture of the thigh bone.
He Buffered a good deal of pain and die•
comfort, bat gradually recovered and
wee able to walk with some assistance
and to support hie weight upon the in.
jared limb. On Sunday night, April 12,
while be was being undressed for bed and
whilst the attendants were lifting him
from 1318 chair, the right thigh was broken
a short distance below the oenter of the
bone, and some six inches below the pantie.
The feaotare was set, and the OBnel
splints were applied. Hie honor stood
the immediate effects of the injury well
bat the shook proved too toted] for the
aged statesman and he gradually deolio.d.
Sir O:iver Mowat belonged to the genera.
tion wbioh gave to Canadian public life
snob giante as Macdonald, Brown, Bald
win, Carter, Dorion and Lafontaine. 138
was one of thie illaetrioue group over 40
years. No Canadian statesman inspired
a deeper attachment and conadence in
his own party or compelled in the
same degree the homage of his opponents.
Daring his long tenure of office, unequal-
led in British parliamentary history, no
blemish was discovered by the fierce light
wbioh beats upon a party nbieftain even
more than en a throne. He was born on
the 22nd of July, 1820, and was edooated
in Kineston, and among his soboolmatee
were Hon. John 9illyard Cameron, one
of the ab'eet jurists of his day, and Sir
Jobe A. Macdonald. Mr. Mower having
nomplated his preparatory ednoation, en•
tered the law office of John A. Maodunald,
then a young lawyer of high repute in his
profession. After having remained in
Maadonald's office as law student for lour
years, he went to Toronto, and onmpleted
his law studies in the office of Robert E.
Burne, eubeeguently one of the judges of
the court of Qaeen'e Benoh. In 1841 he
was admitted to the bar of Upper Can•
aria, and entered into partnership with
Mr. Barns, under the title of Burne &
Mowat. Mr. Barns having been elevated
to the banal, Mr. Mowat beoame success•
ively a member of various eminent law
firma in Toronto. During these years
Mr. Mowat rose to high eminence at the
ohanoery bar. He then began to turn his
attention to poWfles7-' isenee, Though
surrounded :Air ' Tory influences in his
early life, he entered politica as a Reform•
er. I e 186611''be was made a Queen's
council and appointed about the same
time o0e of the board of oommieeioners to
ooneolidate the general etatutee of Canada
and Upper Canada respectively. In 1857,
he resigned the commieeionerehip to be.'
come a candidate for the representation
of South Ontario, in the Renee of As
'terabit,. He wee ruooeeeful in thio eon -
teat. The Macdonald Cartier Ministry
was then in power, and Mr. Mowat joined
the ranks of the Opposition in the House,
and thus beoams the opponent of his
former eoboolmate and law inetruotor,
the Hon. John 6: Macdonald. The Mao.
donald.Certier w edminietr ti
a t was de
feated in 1858, on the Beat of government
question, and the Brown Dorton minietry
e000eoded 10! throe days, in which govern•
tnent Mr, Mowat held the office of Pro.
vinare' Seoretery. In 1861 be was re
elected for South Ontario, and was a
candidate at the same general election in
uppoeiti.re to Hon. 3, A. Macdonald hi
Iimsetoo, bat was defeated. Io 1862 the
Cartier•Mecdonald Government was de
feated on the militia bill, and the Sand.
Held Maodonald•Siontte administration
wee formed, Mr, Mowat accepting the
office of Postmaster General- He retain•
ed that office till the following year,
Then risme the critical j0noture Olsen
party government seem impossible and a
bopeloee and rninoua deadlook stared the
ooantey in the face, In the coalition
ministry Mr. Mowat held the office of
Postmaster -General for four months and
daring that time tblik an active port in
the Quebec oonferenoo, which conetruoted
the framework of Confederation, .after.
warde oonsolidated by an net of the Im.
perial Parliament. In 1864 a vacancy
occurred in the wort of chancery by the
death of Vioe Ohanoeiler Eaten, and Mr.
Mowat accepted the poet, In 1871 the
coalition Government, beaded by John
Sandfield Meodoneld, was defeated, and
the Mackenzie -Blake administration ono.
Deeded, Mr. Mackenzie and Mr. Blake
wore at the time members both of the
House of Commons and of the Local
Legislature ; but upon the prohibition of
this dual representation, therm gentlemen
resigned their rnembnreltip in the Legie•
letureand remained iu the House of lbw.
mono. The Lieutenant ()evacuee invited
11fuw t 10666013010 the task a[ totaling
it e duiit' t ati,t ,
new na r 1 1. termed a Se a ed a now
carbine, with hi0a.df 0a Premier and
Attorney G n rut, I'M, occurred on the
26th of Camber. 1872. lour 24 years he
directed the affa es of this province, a
record paralleled by no eia'eeman in the
British Empire. In 1896 bo voluntarily
relinquished the premiorship of Ontario
to join the fortunes of the Liberal party
it the federal field, iv t and 1 fi hfo a r t Laurier
formed an iovineible combination, The
grand old man led the Liberal minority
in the Settee, and held the portfolio of
Minister of Justioe, until the following
year when be claimed a respite from
active po'iti05 and rounded off hie greet
career in the offiee of Lieutennot Govern
or. Report of the funeral may be read
on page 2 of this rens of '1 no POST.
Talks About Barbers.
"I see be th' paper,," I eaye to Olanoy
th' other d,y, "that th' barbers in Len.
don en' other places have ridged the
proioe iv hair cnttiu' to twinty Loire
ointe." "'Tie an outrage," eaye Clancy.
Not that it'll make any diftsrinoe to me.
I niver intber a barber shop ixoipt to
borry a no troll or webby tak a lnk at th'
paper. No mail but me miens Iver out
me hair iver since we wint into partner.
ship forty two yeere ago come leeht Fib-
ry." "Sure ye don't nude to till anyva0
that yer wolfs oats yer hair," I says,
"I wen tell a home made hair cut the
minim I o10p me oyes on it. It 1101
some dishtinotive (aitures that no burble
oan approxymate. " "Did yer won niver
out yer hair," eaye Glancy. "She did,"
I eaye. "Wanes, but ooiy waooe. Wan
was a dose. 'Mary Ellen,' I eaye, 'as a
oomponnder iv limou poye ye're a800018s,
an' ye're bard to bate at ehtartiu' th'
moroiu' Loire, but as a tonsorial artieht
ye're not in it,' An' iver since thin I've
petrynoized eh' barber. There watt a
toime whin me hair was somewhat more
copious than at priaint. Av it kaput on
forsakin' me th' way it has bin dein'
lately, 'twill go bard wid me to wheals
up a gnarther to have it raymoved. I
their they thud charge a000rdin' to
quantity. 'No hair no pay' ebud be the
rule." ".1 t'iuk th' barbers have a snap,"
eaye Olanay. "It is not ae plieint an
000upation as ye moight imagine" I Saye.
"I intherviewad a barber 111' other day,
an' he tould me there wag toimee whin
he'd jiet aboet at Boon be a railroad meg
nate ae a . oapil'ary ebreviator." "Us
profieoional giutlemin has our throublee
as well as oommon folks," he says. "0.10
offiue bears ie too long to ehtart wid.
Cement Silos.
As I am building Clement Silos for
Hugh W. McKey, 9th Con., Grey,
and Alexander MoLauohlin, Jr,,
Morrie, and any other persona de.
siring to build would do well by
corresponding with me.
Strenuous Objections
are never made against feed supplied by
Alf. Beaker. All Moak like it and thrive
on it, and it is prouonnoed by all intel-
ligent breeders to be inoompariably the
beet sold. Try a sample lot and you will
never feed anything but one Kellar corn
and nate.
Alf. Baeker.
Thin a great marry iv our patrons want
to do all th' talkin an, don't gtv0 a mau a
Mumma to git a wurd in edgewaye. Thate
Iva '
n r alaut I we raiendm,:o0. tl'
L An'
eo a ouehl
omera will minim in le nein'
then Menthe tvid 110, 'lie. hard
Monti to operate cu a man wid a defuuot
breath. I don't mind ening or a glntle
wit fffront th' distillery. But lb' ixhal.
aliens Iv a good many iv nor marine don't
raymulnd wan iv th' purfourn of voylite."
"Can't they 011(1616,1 14V01t fat' eer.uph to
dodge it 8" eaye Qlauoy. Ay they did
they'd trivet,
oh tttmoire their r mau I says. I
tould th' harbor lie shed put 0 noiioe up
on 1h' wyll to tit' tiliot that ou,htomere
wud oblige by lavul" their breathe at
home. He said he taught it wud be a
good oidea, an' thin be wanted to sell me
a bottle iv Formaldehyde P,,roypoioe
Brand, to raymove th' smut from me
whiekere, Now that's wan ting I oan't
ehtand. I allow no man to make fun iv
me galwas. So I borryed a pipeful iv
tob00ey from him au' thin I lift."
J. P, Henderson, who has been emu.
Ing on a plmtographing business here for
several years, has disposed of hie business
to L. 0. and S. Jackson.
The new joint etook company recently
formed here, have taken one the bueineae
and plant of the Robert Bell e0gfue and
machine works, and the business' is now
being ruu by the company.
Dr. Burrows intends leaving about the
first of May for Baltitnore, where be will
take a two months' poetgradnate (mune
iu general medicine at the John•fiopkios
University. During the doctor.; absence
hie practice here will be taken by Dr.
Elliott, of London.
John Laudeborough has Bold hie 100
acre farm, in Tookeremith, to Wm. Lands
borough, of the same township. This is
the old homestead, and Mr Laudeborough
has oeoured a first case farm at a bargain
at the price paid. John Laudeborough
still retsina the other 60 aortae. The
latter and hie wife left Soaforth for
Winnipeg on Tuesday.
The outside work on the organ factory
building is completed, maohicery is being
iuetalled, and in a few weeks the faotory
will be in running order.
Ed, Tilt, who has concluded his final
exam. 10 the Soianns Department of Mo.
Gill Oollege as mining engineer, has the
honor of being valedictorian,
Geo. Acheson is arr0ngiug for material
for the construction of the new Bank of
Montreal building bet the leak of brink ie
likely to delay operations somewhat.
E. Stuart Straiten, son of A. Straiton,
town, has removed from Oshawa to Alex.
audrie, Ont., where he has taken the
fnremanehip of the Alexandria Wood
Export Oo; a furniture faotury.
A. MoD, Allan left o0 Monday after
no,n of last week again for the Lower
Provinces to continue his work in con.
neotion with the preparation of a report
for the Government on the fruit shipping
industry. Mr. Allan is also interested in
immigration, having met many prospeot•
ive immigrants in every walk of fife when
in the 0 d Country reoently,
Wednesday morning of last week at 6
o'clock fire was discovered in the green.
houses at Ridgewood Park, and before it
ooald be extinguished one end -of the sou•
eervatory had been destroyed, together
with a large number of valuable planta.
Tbe fire is supposed to have started from
a wood stove in the building and to have
been smoldering all night.
Oa Tuesday, 14th inet ;after au thecae
of seven weeks from gangrene, the depth
occurred at Elmwood of Mre. Hunter,
mother of Dr. Hunter, of town,at the
advanced age of sevenby.nine, Mre,
Hunter was a daughter of the la's David
Arno t and was one of a family of ten
children, being born in Sootlend in 1824
Three years later the family removed to
Oanad,, settling in what is now the town:
ship of dark, In the oo0nty of Durham.
About the your 1853 she wee married. to
Andrew Halley Hunter, a merchant of
Newcastle, Durham county, who died
about thirty one years ago. Dr. Hunter,
of teems, and Mre, Leslie, of Elmwood,
are ohildreo of the deoeased, and one
eiater of Mre. Hunter's still lives hear
Torouto, Mre, Bunter spent last Winter
in Goderiob, and at the time of her death
was living at Elmwood, with her dough.
ter. Dr. Hunter attended the funeral on
Wednesday, and the interment was made
at Newcastle.
Oaea1.4.41 i9t.ltt N e wed.
The London Board of Trade is urging
the removal of the duty ou soft coal.
Tbe Winnipeg pollee made a big hanl
of gamblers ill the Hotel do Canada on
A hospital forepileptioe is to be erected
at Woodstock by the Outerio Govern.
John M. Clement, formerly one of the
principal business men of Niagara, is
dead, axed 61 years.
€ reef 3i� 8B -vert u sa s`te�
AV g 1, 1qf Oxfod, wero presented with so elegant
dTlt u �U $ doe pisco parlor suite, accompanied by a
SjJf!1ijt1i1JillJ1 very uppr,alative addreee, on the eve of
their retiring from the farm to take up
�1 x their 'thode in Ingersoll.
�t1 y, 95'-0 =lt ie' -v 0� :lcMatthew Stanley, boot and oboe mer
ATE. 30 1903
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We have a Standard to which all goods must reach to have a place in
our stock, They must be reliable in quality and perfect in manufacture, so that we
can guarantee what we say about them, You can place entire confidence in what
you see in our advertisements,
A. great Curtain stock has been gathered together for this season's selling. Great
in variety and great in value, Tright past the middleman, direct to the maker, we go for our
Curtain supplies. No wholesalers' profits to be paid ou the Curtains we sell. Just one profit
-and that not a large one -between you and the wan who made them. The season's new-
est patterns are hero. Just a few price hints this week. They are only a few of many :-
aece Curtains at 50c Lace Curtains at $1 50 Better Curtains
Nottingham Lase Onrtains We haves Special Curtain at this 50 pairs white L•0e Curinion, 4
with good strong net, 211 yds. priors. They aro a very line yds. long, plain 801110nne net
long, and good assortment of quality in net, newest designs, centre with small Swim, dot or
patterue, at per pair .. •..... 500 plain oentrev, look stitched enroll designs, look etiloh bind.
edges, full 31 yds. long, extra ing at per pair $2 60, $2 76,
good value at per yard 51 50 $3 00, 58 50 and $6 00
Lace Curtains at $1.00
Nottingham Laos Curtains, a Lace Curtains at $2.00 Frilled Bobinette Curtain Net by the
g yard, trimmed with ineertion and lace,
big range of handsome pat. Nottingham Laoe Curtains, fine at 120, 20e, 25o and 40o.
t,rne, extra good qualities, strong net, beautiful dteigue,
" full 3? yards long, very epeoial suitable for any room, 4 yards Tapestry and Chenille Curtains at
vataa at per yard $1 00 long, look stitch binding, per pr. 2 00 $2 50, $8 00, 53 75, $4 00 and 55.00.
Every wan dL shtade and all sizes in our
famous Kid Glove at One Dollar per pair.
New Mattings from far off Japan -bought from the man that made them in
t Yokohama. They are an ideal floor covering in Summer. Cool looking, clean and durable.
These are made from clean, live straw, that will not break, woven on strong cotton warp.
New designs in all colors.
l2} C. TO 40 C. PER YARD.
Rouillon Gloves -Best made in France -Best
sold in Canada. We sell them here.
This store 'is Carpet Headquarters. There are more Carpets here than in, any
store hereabouts. patterns are new, qualities good and values the best that ready cash can
find. See the stock before yon buy ; it will pay you.
All we. ask is a comparison. when buying as
to Values, Styles and Assortment.
v: Y a s9
S1, C 0 v
A new ovn000gue to coat between 510,•
000 and 516.000, will be erected by the
H, brews, of Ottawa.
The Canadian Military Rifle Leaoue
menthes will this year take place on May
30, June (3, 20 and 27
The epeoial aommittea of the Houee
of Comment' to draft the redistribution
bill will sit on Thursday next.
The mutual dinner of the Parliemen.
tory Press Gallery at Ottawa on Satur,
day night was a great onooaee.
As the result of a break in the main
venter main in London on Sanday morn-
ing many church organa were 8i ant. •
Donald Rose, aged 16, son of Rev. Wm.
Rose, Presbyterian dlergymetn of Prince
William, N. B., is dead from injuries iu•
flioted by the kiok of a horse.
Rev. Mr. Woodroofe, aotietant rector of
the Memorial chorah at London, Ont.,
hag been oalled to the assistant rectorship
of St. Paul's oburob, Halifax,
There was a yo0ng man from Strut.
ford up before Magistrate J, W. Onll, of
hlitohell, for bad conduct on Main street.
He was fined 520 and costa, Not having
the money to pay hie fine he was nom.
milted to jail f'or 80 Jaye,
Our Opening having been a erafzd
success, zve are ready with a choice
selection of Millinery Goods, Trim-
med, . Untri7nnaed and Ready -to=
wear Hats in great variety and at
Lowest Cash .Prices.
8ieoial attention given to
Mourning and Wedding Orders,,
Call and examine our stock.
chant and a highly reepeotod citizen of
Chaeley, dropped dead in hie brother
George's hardware store there on Tama
day afternoon of heart failure, He leaves
a wife and two grown up sons and two
W oodatook board of works opened tete.
dere on Monday night for the brick for
paving a portion of pandas street, They
found the rbtee for'briuk no higher than
last yesr, bet that freight elites had gone
bpeo that the coat of the pavement will
be at least $1,000 more than the estimates
provided for.,
It le doubtful if Fall wheat .ever ap
peared more promising in Ontario at this
Beason of the year than it does now.
There is a good (Mend and every indtea•
Mon of vigor inthe plant. Unfavorable
developments may 00000 later, but the
oatloolt at present could not be more
promising. Olover, also, seems to have
come through the Winter in geed condi.
Guelph ilortionitural SOoitty will give
a 050151n :number, of eoholare in the pub
a lip e0110ule a 111wer plant, this plait to be.
QQ'',,n��pp QQ,,�� q q p y q,r� Q q�y ¢ p p p Q y r� p p q p¢ token (fare of by the aoholer, and' in the
d -t G1 J D d u J' 63 11 {' rD d`L '1 lr7b 6 6 ti 1`'4 d'lt of d`b t l inFnll the Le oi y ball and oanie to be oulpotent lathered uthown
dgeo ep
pointed, who shall award the prizes to
the 00holttte who have the beet planta.
SON to travel fox well established
house to u, few oonuties, calling on tetait
merchants cud agents. Local tertltory.
i;elary 81024 a year and expenses, payable
410 70 a week 15 oath and expenses advauo-
,d. Position permanent. SWARMS
fel nod reelable, Iaoeleee self-addressed en..
velope, STANDARD Sousa, 0 0 Claxton Bldg„
,Ohloago, 10.10
uudereigned will keep for servioo on
Lot 0 0008,10 8s 11, Gray, the thorn' bred
Shorthorn hull,"Captain Forester," aired
by imp. "Captain Mayfly," and bred by dos.
A. Orerar, ehakeapeare,oub pedigreo may
bo bile ou returnntiou, Parma, 41.00, with
privilege of returning If ueeoeeary,
030m OA,IS, lt0$BL6,
P reonage.t llthel Apply to JNO.
OOBBR, Brussels,
20, Con. 10, Grey. here ate 100 noreo,
P. O,31,11
on Tureberry street, Brussels, known
as the Somerset property, eligibly situated,
Immediate possession. For further partia-
pbtrs ae to price, terms, &o„ apply to D.
b100DTOBL0N, Lot 10, (Jon, 12, AfeKlllop,
or beadbury P. O. 8k•tf
Tern. -48000,00 will buy the Moflnu.
shay Meek to tbo Village of Brussels. Tbeea
two fine stores must be Bold to close out the
McCaughey hlstate, intending purchasers
should wveetdgate et muse. Apply to V. 8,
S0081' or G. F. BLAIR, Bruseeie,Ont,
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