HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-4-30, Page 34,000 LIVES WERE LOST
Nine Thousand Buildings Were
Destroyed Within One
Until recently only the meet
,iteagre 110)IIIIation has come from
liusslan central Asda with 1'°gar'd to
pito te'r'ible calamity whittle laid the
oily of Anilia au ]a ruins lel a single
hour on he morning of Deeeurber 1.0
Inst, The 1 lgeriplt lines were dle-
Naroyed and r.wicl the oxciteuloilt, suf-
fering anti horror of thio fleet weeks
few delatile of the great earthquake
deco reit to Russia. It was made
tilaiu that the people were surely In
,teed of aid, and the respouso of
Western lettc opo wus generous,
An'didhel was it city of 4(1,000 in-
habitants. It was the most east-
-nen point reached by the 'Trans -Cas-
pian ltuilrofd to Lite Maul. of cen-
tral Aunt boLttyeon the tw'e greet riv-
ers Syr-Jlaila and Amu -Darla, which
water 11111111 Turkestan. it was
annexed to Russia with the largo
district of I''erghana by the celebrat-
ed Oen. Skobelef In 1881.
In ream t. ,years Lhe Lown has risen
''to great importance because It be-
came the center of cotton culture
rind exports. The richness of the
sail of 1perghana and its large ngei-
cultural population contributed to
the rapid economic 'development of
tie town.
The litesian newspapers are now
printing detailed a.ecotmts of rho
eartluluahe, l hil'll utterly destroyed
9,000 houses, 4,000 persons perish-
ing in ti'e ruins. All the wagons
that could be procured were for days
devoted to carrying the more seri-
1 ' wounded deeto he ai hbo
dl•+ tt ill I t 11
g g
towil of Alargelhan, - where they
ungh'L bo sheltered from
About 9 o'clock in the morning a
tremor, slightly Jarring the build-
ings, occurred. This lusted two or
three seconds only, end as no dam-
age was dorso the inhabitants were
not -greatly alarmed. A half hour
later the same phenomenon was so-
peated, and was inunediatoly follow-
ed by a terrine shock, which swayed
the buildings to and fro and over-
threw many walls. The city was at
once in wild dismay. Lavery one
who could get out of doors rushed
to the streets anti open spaces and
,awaited in terror what aright yet
The sound of failing Walls was ev-
erywhere hoard for the next half
hour, for the rain of many buildings
which had not been overthrown was
completed by their own weight, that
could not be supported on the now
unstable foundations.
Half an hour later came another
terrible shock that completed the
ruin of the city. Almost all of the
buildings that had sheltered 46,000
souls and the fine structures'. that
had been erected by Russians in the
businois districts wee now nothing
but beeps of ruins. The beautiful
stone buildings occupied by the Rus-
sian -Chinese )lank, the railroad sta-
tion, the barracks of the Ituseian
garrison and all tho other conspicu-
ous structures were reduced to heaps
of ruins. Many of the steel rails of
the railroad track were twisted as
though they were nothing but wire.
'PL° notion was vertical and terri-
bly severe. Wagons, timbers and
stone were projected into the air
and many of the vehicles wero thus
hl oken to pieces on the streets.
For about ftMLcen minutes after the
"e onil sheets many other Mocks of
,tiniost equal severity occurred, de-
stroying the few buildings that had
still kept erect on their founde-
d ors.
occupied about an hour, and while
11; continued a most unearthly s.ub-
torrnnenn rumbling noise accom-
panied the coltvalsions of the sul'-
face. A torrential rtLin beat 'down
upon rho scene of desolation and a
furious i'ainstoviu swept bits of the
ruins and everything it could move
before it.
A number of acts of heroism
among the °Mears and soldiers of
the Russian garrison were rocorcled,
Capt. Toutchkof and Lieut. Ghor't-
sollno refused to leave their ruined
bzsiraielrs until .the last of their
wounded soldiers had been removed.
They were in the barracks when the
eecond shod: occurred and the cap-
tain was dangerously hurt.
A sentinel named Sascnouk, who
was guarding the flag and the.
strongbox of the military, tuns 1,nhn-
jurecl by the first shocks, but refus-
ed to leave his post until 110 was
relieved by his superior o'ihleer, and
was so badly hurt later that he had
to be carried front tho ruine, Sub-
altern Khaline remained at the risk
of his life to save the wounded 'sold-
iers andprisoners. I3e found. an
opening in one of the walls, through
which, by means of a ladder, the
wounded men were passed ono by
one outside the ruins,
Another soldier succeeded in pro-
viding guns for the military patrol,
that was needed to beep order after
the calamity, by rushing into a
building theft threatened every. 1110-
m;ont to fall and throwing sixty,
rifles through a window h.tc• the
street. The Czar of Ruseia has spe-
cially commended those and other
heroes of the owe:Atou,
It was the most terrible earth-
quake that is known to havo over
a'tilictod this part of central Asia,
The Russians had taken particular
pride in beautifying the town with
admirable buildings, It will prob-
ably be a long time before Amitcljan
{sr seer ii to
anything like
its past
propo''ti ells.
Benham — "Well,e11 if yott want to
know it, i married you for Seer
money." 11Irs. 13enhant -'-• "X wish I
could tell as easily what I married
you 10r."
O-pdyke "What's tho -0140 of
at''gting with it Woman? You ran
never coital:we hire." ihopeyster —
"1:etle, Iii: think Ni iho elut :Lae 11,.
tfiyos the WL'.P 0.ls't
Nature leaches a Lesson That 'Tin-
ed, Exhausted Men and Wo-
olen Should Follow,
Tho coring Is the sonsan when nee
tete prepuces for eu11110P, All the
trees and plants are filled with new
stye to bulla and brace them Ire to
'l)s at coining lot 5 80n.
withstand ed rho 6 i sen
new sap in tiro spring a
plant would wither and dle beneath
tho midsummer s'un. It is. the sumo
with awn and women, All physi-
cians aro agreed that everyone needs
a fresh r)upply of new blood in the
spring, Without the now blood you
would be its hell/lose in the stunner
as a tree without now sap.
What you need at this season 15 a
tonic to give you new blood, and the
very best tonic medical science has
discovered is Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills. Every pill makes new', rich,
roil blond, braces the nerves nncl
overeomes all Wealalees, Headaches;
'bacIcaollos, in1lige'tion, 1055 of-Ol)1)e-
tit•e, ldciu eruptions unci Curer trou-
bles so coru.mon in spring, This is an
esaablir,hoU fact, proved by thou-
sands in °very part of the world.
Mies A. 111, Tuckey, Ox'drift, Ont„
says: "1 do not know what would
havo become of me had it not been
for Dr. Williams' fink Pills, My
blood 50erne(1 to have turned to wa-
ter and I way troubled with dietzi-
ness, headaches and nervous pros-
tration. I got so weak that I could
hardly go about, and notwithstand-
ing that I was constantly doctor'big
1 got no relief until I began usfngl
Jlr. Williams' Pink Pills. TLey coin-
pletcly cured ale and have given me
back all my old-time health and
What these pills havo done for Miss
Tuckey and thousunj,ls of others they
d you. They will make
willn for
von bright, vigorous and strong.
Don't take a substitute or any of
tiro ",lust as good as" medicines
ch some dealers push because of
a larger pronto See that the full
name 'Dr. Williams' Pink fills for
Palo People" is found on the wrap-
per around every box. If in doubt!
Bernd 'direct to the Dr. Williams' Me-
dicine Co., Brookville, Ont., and the
pills will he mailed at 50 cents a
box or six boxers for $2.50.
1f cucumbers are canned in sweet-
ened and spiced vinegar they are al-
most certain to bo toughand slide -
god, But if dropped in sweet vine-
gar a few hours before wanted, they
keep their fresh crispness.
Alfncemwat — already prepared for
pies — may be canned for summer
use. Heat it boiling hot, pack in
cans, cover the top with smelter' lard,
and. seal.
1Vben some of the family seems to
have got into a chronic condition of
no appetite for breakfast, try this:
Beat a fresh egg in a cup, till white
and yolk are well mingled, 1 hon fill
up the out) with collo°, - Stir the
egg rapidly to prevent curdling
while pouring the coffee over: it. Add
cream and sugar as usual.
Bacon can be cooked. in tho oven
very quickly and also very excellent-
ly, Lay the thin slices with the
rind removed on ct toasting rack and
put in a hot over over a deep drip-
ping pan. It will bo brown and
crisp in from three to five minutes
if the oven is hot enough.
If sausages aro too fat and greasy
to suit the family, try patting them
in a wire basket and cooking them
ITow many babies wake up just
about tho mother's bedtime and keep
her busy for a good part of the
night. The mother may not see
anything apparently the matter with
Lhe child, but eho may iiopon'cl upon
it that when baby is cross and sleep.
Less there is something wrong, and
the little one Is taking the, only
cleans 1-e !las of telling it, Daby's
Own Tablets will make him well and
heerful right away. There are no
opiates in this medicine —they send
baby to scoop simply because they
remove the cause of j,is steeples --kneels
and make him feel good and com-
fortable. The 'Tablets are good for
ghildren of all agog, an,1 they euro
all the 11111101' 'troubles of children. If
you know a neighbor who is using
the Tablets for for cidldron, ag1c
what r111c thinks of then, and the aro
sure she will tell you they are the
best medicine lir tho world for the
Iittlo ones, Airs. Jluuos I. ever°,
Spen,cerviile, Ont says: "f believe
Baby's Own Tablets Laved any baby's
We, and I would rot be without
Sold by druggists at 25 rents a
box or sent 1»' frail pest paid on re-
ceipt of price by writing ctifort to
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
;3lrockville, Ott.
'i' --
Tho first :Hooting of the Twentieth
Century Woman's nights Associa-
tion was in full swing, and a laxly
whose countenance must have kept
ler awake at nights was holding
''The feelings of woman " 011e
Cried, "Fare. far deeper, far finer, .than
those of nlanl We aro told by those
who style themselves the stronger
sex that we aro much inferior. Is it
"Not not" canoe in, a gasp of hor-
rified protest horn the bevy of beau-
ty which composed the audience.
And the orator went on,
"I s'ay that Leeman feels, 'that she
yearns for something to hold on to
—to grasp, when 111at1 merely
thi.nigs! she cried.
"I suppoeo that's why your 1:115-
f alit!" said an insi
hand's o b gniil-
Cant male pe'sor who was presLnt,
In. a loud voice.
11L 1 thatcan 1)0(1 not to
good care to shoot through the door
when 110.110,d1 dcltvorrd this lrrevcr-
met, rennek, the chances are that he
would have beei1 bald in a vey
shoot time.
Irish •'-- "What made '01)1 puL 1100-
p10 011 the rack?" 'J'usk -- `"Choy r r t a
wanted, I atnemise, to draw 'elf '114.3y,,,.sfetlailltelati:L ^,llat4g`il
Lessons were nearly over for the
day, and the Leacher o1 the geogra-
phy class was endeavoring to Nrtueeze
a few more potties of wisdom and
knowledge into his young hopefuls
before closing 1.1 111e, although it
mast be confessed they were not ex-
actly entlluslasLio collectors of
"Now, boys," ho said, "I want
you to boar 10 Wild that the word
':,'tan' at the end of a ,word means
'the place of,' 'Pinus we have Afgh-
anfstan — the place of the Afghans;
also lllnlSitsten — the. place of, the
IIImilts. Can anyone j;ivo aim tiler
exact vele?"
Nobody appeared very at:xious to
do so, until little Johnny Snaggs,
rte joy of his another and the terror
of the cats, arose,
"Yes, sir," he said proudly; "I
can, Untbrcilasn — the place for
Ceylon Tea is the finest
Tea the work produces,
and its sold only in lead
Slack, Missed and Green.
';pan tea drinkers try "Saiada" Green tea,
?j• tf.
Yungpoppe — "You have Jttst got
to conte out and take dinner with
111e 1 o -morrow, I won't take 'no'
for'an answer. i . area Will you?'' Olebatch
—"Certainly.1 11 1 e delighted."
Shall )
"I thought you would. You see, I
wont you to come out and e:oo baby,
The little fellow is getting so
at:'ong, Ile throws his cup, saucer,
and spoon clear across the table at
every meal now."
The following note was recently re-
ceived by an employer from an ab-
sent workman: "honored Sir --
ani sorry to say I cannot say when
I shall be well enough to be able to
carne back to work. Tho doctor
says I havo information of the left
lung, which I hope will meet with
your approval."
Deafness Cannot 13e Cured
by local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear,
There ,s only 0110 way to cure deafness,
and that Is by Constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus-
tachian Tube. When this tubo is Inflam-
ed you have a rumbling sound or im-
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed, noiseless is the result, and un-
less the inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will bo destroyed for-
ever. Nino cases out of ten are caused
by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an
inflamed condition of the mucous ser-
We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (causedby catarrh)
that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
tiara. Sand for circulars, free.
Cf11lNIOY dr UO.f TLlodo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, '750. •
Hall's Family ('ills are the best.
The United States has on an aver-
age 135 deaths monthly from small-
flloarri's Llolmeli Cures Corgi LA Com,
We regret to announce that, among
sixteen -year-old girls, that man is
still the hero who spends more than
he can afford.
Treholno, Jan. 6, 1002.
Massey -Barris Co., Limited,
Winnipeg, Man.
Gentlemen. It gives me very much
pleas000 to inform you that the No.
a Binder which I purchased from
your Agent hero last summer has
given the very best of satisfaction,
'dong its work to perfection and'
drawing light — very much lighter
than I expected. My crop was very
heavy, and some of it very baldly
clown, but your bhl:der• did its work
splendid, I had no trouble what-
ever. I hope you will sell lots of
binders for 1908 and save my bro-
ther farmers lots of trouble. I wish
you every sur710°88.
A rubber belt, two-thirds of a
male long, for driving nlaOhinOiy,
mild weighing nino tons, was recent-
ly made for the grain •elevator ria
St. Joan, Now Brunswick. This is
ono of the biggest bands over made.
"I am going to visit the gaol.
There is a plan I want to see there."
"Is one all? I know about forty
whom 1 should like to see there,"
l t
Sy soothln and OlbliutlO^
rho pain, 180101 ih6 way
krait C, 25.9, and 500,,
More than half the battle in
cleaning greasy dishes is in the
Soapou use. If it's Sunli ht Soap
it's the best; s
Ailn, rax wool, which is used for
packing around boilers, furnaces,
and pipes Lu retain beat, to deaden
walls, and to keep out cold, is
made from furnace •slag by blowing
air through It while molten.
The Journal Oiilciei of Paris says
in a report of the proceedings of
the National Agricultural society
that a new means has been discover-
ed of producing alcohol. As a result
of experiments made many years ago
by A1,'. Berthelot, in the chemical
analysis of alcohol, efforts have bran
made to perfect and simplify the
proceedings that he bad indicated,
and it now appears that chemical al-
cohol can be made front carbur° of
calcium aped its product, acetylene,
at 9 cents a gallon, the alcohol to
be of 100 degrees.
1Catalypy, the new method in
photography, is described as fol-
lows : "Over the finished negative is
poured a solution of hydrosuper-
oxide. This leaves, after evapora-
tion, a uniform layer of peroxide of
hydrogen. Soon the sliver of the
plate works upon this peroxide and
produces a catalytic dissolution
wherever there is silver, while in the
places free from silver the peroxide
remains. By this means en invisible
picture of hydrosuporoxido is pro-
duced upon the plate. This picture
can be printed from the plate direct-
ly upon 001111non paper, to wl11c1) the
imago is transferred."
Tho family were discussing the
high prices of provisions generally,
when tl-e small boy butted into the
conversation. "Jane has gone up,
too," he remarked. "Ma keeps it on
the top shelf now." And then it
maidenly dawned on his youthful
perceptions that he had injured his
case by talking too much,
"I have discovered a way to tell a
person's age," said Gladys. "In-
deed! Can you tell anyone's age?"
asked George. "Yes." "Theft toll
me yours,"
Mtoard's Liniment Cures Coldsi etc,
In 1607 France had 200,951 miles
of highway. This is now increased
to over 375,000 miles.
011 City, Feb. 5, 1908,
Massey-Ilarris Co., Linoiteil,
Toronto, Ont,
Gentlemen.—Please sord 1110 0110 of
your 1903 catalogues of farm ma•'
chinery. I have used no machinery
that gives as much satisfaction as
Massey -Harris.
Mloard's Liniment Cores Distemper,
Egypt, with nearly ten million
people, has only one lunatic asylum,
and that with only 500 beds.
Per 0e1r Sixty Years.
As OLD AND WsLL•TItlso RI.111000, — Dere
Window's Soothing Syrup has boon used for orur sixty
yams by millions of mothers for their children nhllo
teething, with pw'roos 10050,3. 11 soothoe die child
softens the guum, allays all pain, cores wind coil%, and
Is she, bog. rowel for Diarrhoea. Is plen:a01 b rho
tante. 5018 by dtugglaes In every pare of the word.
Be euro mill askafoi Ma: WiinslIts ow n is
and take needier Mud. 1.15
Mrs. Botlin — "I sec in the paper
that a woman, in looping after an-
other woman, to see what she had
Old, fell out of a window." Mr. Bof-
fin — "Well, that only goes to show
that some women, in trying to fol-
low tho fashions, can go too frac."
Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans
with Lever's Dry Soap a powdof.
It will remove the grease with the
greatest ease.
Brave Ones Are More Liable to
Escape Disease.
Illness is very like e cowardly cur
which gives chose if you fee f1'om
it, but goes on about its business—
that of seeking the fearful ones—if
you pass on umtotichig, but cour-
ageous, The reasons for the ability
of bravo amen to go unharmed
through pest hospitals, as diel Na-
poleon, and as physicians do every
day, are not only psychological but
Tho quality of mere courage seems
to have a sort of pickling and hard-
ening erred upon tho tissues of the
body, like the plunge in brine, steel-
teeling them against infection ;. while
fear, by "unstringing" the norvos,
weakens the whole resisting power of
the body, inviting' the very evil
feared most.
bear weakens tho heart's action,
induces congestion, invites indiges-
tion, produces poison through do-
00011?osin foods, and is thus the
i g
inotliue of auto -poisoning, which
either directly causes or greatly aids
the ' production of quite 00
cent, of all our diseases.
In recognizing this law, however,
it is just as well to terry 111 a small
pocket of one's memory the old
adage, "Discretion is the hotter
of older," and to avoid running
needless dangers, But it is aL well-
known fact that 5ml1llpox and like
contagion will attack first those who
are trembling for fear of it, often
leaving unscathed the bravo ones
Who are in the thickest of it nursing,
tending, and evert burying the plague
One of the strange things in Paris
is a club composed entirely of deaf
and dumb men. The servants, too,
Gran )neithe
,r hear neer H eak, When
they Itre wanted tilos, are notified by
means of a little el, etrlcal nppal'W-
tus, invented by a member of the
club, which gives theme a slight
shock. The club 1101180 is in one of
the 011001 streets near the Montpar-
nasse railway 5ta(1011 Tite presi-
dent of the club is an old man who
fought in the Indian wars in Amer-
ica, and whose tongue was cut off
by an :Indian who once took hint
captive. '1'110 members of this curi-
ous club converse entirely by signs,
They Tone 'Up the Kidneys, En-
suring Pure Blood, Good Cir-
culation, and as a Conse-
quence, Vigor and Energy,
Nearly everyone needs toning up
In the spring, Some aro allugether
111, allots Just feel fagged and worn
out. They have little inelinntiou to
work and less to eat. They are
simply useless.
Dkl you ever stop to think that
there is a reason for all this, and
that if the complaint is attarked 10-
tolli entl • it will yield readily, the
3 Y Y,
lazy feeling will depart and in its
place will comp vigor and energy and
It is the Kidneys that are not do-
ing their work. They need to be
toned up with Head's I{ldney Pills,
Why? Because they are being over-
wor Lhelp.
lc •d un LI me ad
In tl:e winter the body fortifies it-
self against cold. With the coming
of spring it throws off this foltiilea-
1 t conydsts of extra tlrau
Lfo1 which e
and additional wasrte matter is Ost-
en to tho blood to carry awes,. If
the ICidreys are in coalition to do
extra week this waste material Is
quickly expelled from the body in the
u'swal way.
But if the Kidneys are tired or
worn oat the waste remains in the
blood and tlio circulation is cloge:e 1.
Tho remedy is simple, Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills put the Kidneys in good
working order, The Kidneys in
good working order ensure pure
blood rine good circulation — ensure
brightness and vigor and energy.
Thoslsanils of people will tell you o'o,
can tell you Le out of their own ex-
ICrupp's factory has lately made
the largest armor -plata ever roiled.
It weighed 106 tons.
Muth impure blood is cn1100d by a
disordered 3teenaih. The best regu-
lator of the latter is Dr. August
1Coenig's liatriburg Drops, which
purify the blood at the same time.
I was Cured of a bad cn5e o1 (Trip
Sydney, U. 11. C. I, L.AGI'15.
I was Cured of loss of voice by
Yarnloutli. cms. PLIJMM1En.
I was Cured of Sciatica "Rheuma-
Barin, Nfld. LEWIS S. BUTLER.
Since 1)10 South Kensington Mu-
seum was first opened, forty mil-
lions of people have visited it.
Minds Liniment Cures Ciphihuia,
Dashawny — "You don't clean to
say she jilted you?" Clovorton —
Sho Slid, old man. That girl has the
heart of a motorman."
•,1_N pow et1tMATee,
Of 2,055,000 people living in
Paris, 1,200,000 are either foreign-
ers or provincials.
This Woman is Unhappy
her breath is. bpd, because of Catarrh
It is. n more'11 to toll her that
will surely turo her.
Some reloodies are quack—Agnew's
cure is quiets.
Her life is in danger from Vulnronary
dlsosao, whiell so inevitably follows
Chronic Catarrh.
Thin Mere complete only costs Meta. a
bottle, Relief Instantly and the patient
toys eared.
1 not only
eth It heals. Coid
and Acute Catarrh 08teand head-
ache oared In ton toinues,
George Lewis, Of Tlollenback ,0
Baker, Sleamolrttl, Pa., writes;
have used a peat n
remedies ndhave never had any relief
tiI sad one box of Or. Agno'n
nd t eeotyd oubledswitluCntartltf rrfifty
years, Iamleyears old,
10 awe rt pin which keeps the
keeps tl 1 t
g, g,
v is t et stomach and
liver nerves and tl,o, s h 1 s
11011 the rights System in a only
and that's the right tray and the only
way Co do Itog Veer add
v,,pi.,r 4;' "4$s,., ,A11) 1?n 11 ti3r !x ,pi.,,-.'}
It should be easy for people who drink delicious Blue Ribbon aced ' r
Label Tea to say something that will induce their friends to try it
r irk Cash
n � r Prxzes
Twenty-five cash. Prizes will be awarded in order of merit to those
sending in the best advertisements for Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea,
First Prize - - .. - $200.00
Second Prize - - - - 1oo.00
Third Prize - - - 40.00
4th to 13th Prizes, $io.00 each too.co
x4th to 25th, $5,00 each - - 6o.00
In addition, beginning with the week ending April 4, a special,
weekly prize of $$r.00 will be given to the one sending in the best
advertisement during that week, making for the nine weeks $45,ao
in special prizes, or a grand total of thirty-four cash prizes, $545.
1st. No professional ad. writer, nor anyone connected directly or oadaectly with
the Blue Ribbon Tea Company may compete.
end, Advertisements must not contain more than 5o words, and shorter ones are.
3rd. One of the cards used in packing Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea—there are
two in each package—must be enclosed tiith each batch of advertise-
ments sent competing tin advertisements must
4th. The competition closes June t, 1903, and a 1 pa
retch one of the following addresses on or before that date.
leu Ribbon Tea Co., Wirl.l'aipeg, Man.
Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Toronto, Ont.
�"•., aver r I .C.
Blue �l�bolrl Tea, Co., Vancouver, ,
5th. No person shall be awarded more than one of the main prizes, but may also
take one or more weekly prizes.
6111. In case of a tie, decision will be based on allthe advertisements submitted
by the competitors in question.
Mr. H. M. E. Evans, of the Winnipeg Telegram, has kindly consented to judge
the advertisements and award prizes.
All advertisements that fail to win a prize, bast which
are good enough to be accepted for publication
will be paid for at the rate of $1.00 each.
Unless expressly requested to the contrary, we will consider ourselves at liberty
to publish the names of prize winners.
A:good advertisement should be truthful and contain an idea brightly and
forcibly expressed. A bona fide signed letter with address and date from one who
has tested the tea, is a good form. An advertisement for an article of food should
not associate with it, even by contrast, any unpleasant idea. The best advertise.
mcnt is the one that will induce the most people to try the article advertised.
Seasli ',otter Inspiration its a wasp of Idle®
Ribbon Red Label Tea and the
Money is yours.
.'tI/lJt'k Ss41. ':., ..1a+1i• :, `.'M1rtTi' A' ST�s;,•'1> ,:b i.YM1 ', *M Y` tt .w.., 41
Right Paint—easy to
' . put on, beautifies and prctects.
Wrong Paint—easy to wear
} off, never looks right.
Our lime is on right paint
y1t only.
Yf4v3', Write ns for booklet telling howsome bennd.
fu1 Moines have been pointed with Romany's
Paints—mention this taper.
0 .x A. RAMSAY &SON, Paint makers,
$std, 1541.
and 0rennrng. This in a specialty with the
Send n
Address Sox 115, Montreal.
list. for
instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc,
Largest prices ever,iuotod,. Vine oatatugue.
.600illnhSl'all'oois,'Mailed tree. Write ,t8'for any.
thing In alnsto or mmusknl instruments.
1. 1IM,)(iY ROYCE tcc CO., Limited,
Toronto, Ont., and 'Winnipeg, Man. 1.20
Re•aniniOn Line Steamships
T ,11(50al to Liverpool. Poston to Llaer•
poil. roused to Literpoot Via Queme.
to mi
Large 0u0tVast meeng re. Superior Saloons 51St ernonle
for all mid`ithees oP ne int ante ionle,and sleet to the
are and Sala , end Tl A,1'Olaou inn boon Glean to the
Second shleoa nnd'r prticule s, apply t atlan. agent
of the Osloplge and all particulars, apply to any spent
of the Omaprinq, or
leot:arde Stills a tie, 0.'rormnoe A 0o..
71 Beate sw. lloeton, lluoIreal and Portland.
t --i
9 ..
Latest NoNeltlas, all styles.
Correspondente invited. 1';n -
Close 20 stamp far circular,
1', O. Box 1112, Montreal,
VErsaaalteoda sb0 7eas.aolz. atirmo
Any quantity of dry. mixed wo• d • suitable tor
brick burning, far early delivery. State ,•fah
price, f.o.b, your a a'ion. Address, SIMrSON•
61(15315 00., 1 Toronto 55., Toronto. Tele-
phone Main 107.
\Ve have Mexicans, WE -
California Navels, HAVE
Valencias, and T1IE
Sevilles. BEST
Carload every week. AIIdhe above at
market prices. We can also handle your
Butter, Eggs, Poultry,
Maple Syrupand other produce to advan-
tage for you.
co, West Market 61., TORONTO,
1 45
adraM 0 1��'-3 6.e O• 'gyp
IoTO 6 O
Corporttic4i.t, LIt1,ltod,
26 I IN G St ti TORONTO.
ir 13—W