HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-4-30, Page 1Vol. 81. No. 42
New Advertisements.
Loonl—G. E. King.
Allan Line --W. 61, Kerr,
Local—Wilton &
To the ladies—A. Strachan.
Wanted—Harry A.. Matobett,
Spring goods—F, B, Horsley.
Bull for sale—Andrew Hiolop.
Waterproof olotbing—McKinnon & 0o.
Hollywood paint—A, el, Molloy & 00,
IZ"atr .Ct 8ttas.
Seeding ie oompleted and now the far.
mere are waiting for rain.
Mee. and Mies Anderson, of Wawa.
nosh, have moved into the house they
pnrobaeed from Mre. Rutherford, and
will make this their home in future.
S. Cleghorn, wife and ohild, started
for Manitoba lest week. Henry Hawkins
also went. He wae going to Pilot Mound
to build ahouseTor John Gemmill, for.
merle. of Turnberry.
• Within the last few days 6 'ogre of
fence poets have been shipped from this
station ; one oar of lumber- and one oar
of hogs, Two care of 13, 0. shingloe and
oue oar of lath were received.
We are informed that Robert Mal
Tough has Bold his stook of merohandlee
to Robert Shaw, Mr, Shaw tont po00es.
Dion en June. Mr, and Mre, Mellough's
removal from ouraeidet will be regretted
by the whole community. Although only
a short time amouget 00 they have gained
the aonftdenoe of all with whom they
had dealings— e
Ifa1err ave.
Seeding is over and root ground being
gotten ready.
An in house and woodshed is being
built by D. Sproat this week.
Our old villager, Mr. Bengougb, in ins•
proving eomewbat in health although still
quite weak.
A. Proctor, en old and well known
reeident, hue been eoriouoly ill bat we
hope he will soon bo better.
Quarterly oommunion service will be
held in Belgrave Mothodiet Church next
Sabbath morning. The pastor, Rev. Mr.
Brown, will oflioiate. •
Five kilne of limo have thready been
burnt at Nicholson's Limo Werke, West
of bare, this season. Muth kiln represents
about 660 buebele, . 6 loads of lime were
hauled away last ,cask by S.S. Cooper,
New, ]Dainty @ Stylish
for Warm Weather.
We beg to,draw your special attention to
our very extensive and select range of White
and Colored Muslins, Organdies, Dress Ging-
hams, Stripe and Flake Linon Toiles, Voiles,
Stc., suitable for Spring and Summer wear. We
have paid special attention to • this department
and consequently are prepared to show you the
Very Latest and most Up-to-date designs in -the
Shirred garments are the vogue for Ladies',
Misses and Little Girls. Our stock of Standard
Patterns is rich in all the Latest and 'Prettiest
Styles. Please note that beginning with the
May output all new issues of Standard Patterns
for Misses, Girls and Children will be 10 and
15o.—none higher.
A pleasure to show you our pretty goods
for Summer wear.
A. Strac
Before you begin to
Paint your house be sure
you get the BEST Paint
possible for the money and
at the same time give Best
satisfaction and longest
The Slier\v!i11!aMs Puiu1
gives these results :—It's a pure Lead, Zinc, Linseed
011 Paint, thoroughly mixed ; covers more surface to
the gallon; easily applied and givesbetter results
than any other. '1'ry a gallon and see for yourself.
Vol. sale by— .
contractor, who is to get his season's
supply from Niagara. Niaholeon.
A stone wall will be put under Trinity
aburoh preparatory to veneering with
brink. The buieding may be raised to
permit of n basement being arranged.
The Bishop of Heron will hold a Con.
firmation eervie° in oonneotion with the
English ohnroh in thin plane on Thum
day of next week, May 7, at 3 o'clock.
There le e Targe class. A. good year le
roperted in connection with the church
and finances were never in better eon
clition, it net bntanue being in hand at
the close of the Linnnoial year. The in•
outnbent, Rev. Mr. Edmonds, le doing
good work,
Mole r1Wor.•tit,
The cheese tottery begins operations
ou Thuredny of this week.
There was no service in the Methodist
ohuruh owing to the Quarterly 'service at
Rev. J, L. Stewart, of Belmaro, own.
pied the pulpit in the Presbyterian
church on Sunday.
Andrew Mann, who to employed with
Ed. Smith,- framer, at Thos. Bennett's
new barn in Grey, on Wednesday of last
week, had the mishap to out his leg with
REV adze he was using. A Dr, had to pet
several ettttbee in the out.
A, Mitchell left Tuesday morning for
New Ontario, near Fort William, where
he has received a position as bookkeeper
in a store belonging to the Hudson'e Bay
Company. • We are sorry to lose Allan
from our midet as' he Spent moat of hie
daya amongst na but we all join in wish-
ing every success in hinew moa.
tion and hope that health and proeperlty
may attend hie efforts.
Mr. Piercy, who represents the Upper
Canada Tract Society, has left Moles•
worth for Listowel. He is an energetic
worker and during hie etay here sold 09
bibles, 563 books and travelled 195 milee
in 17 day°. Ide. has won many friende
around Molesworth and he may rest
assured that wherever his lot ie oast
wbelher in this land or his native land,
England, his memory will be aheriebed
as one who labored for the oaeee of
Ohriet and the wellbeing of his fellow
R. Tranob shipped a car load of bogs
on Monday.
Reeve Bray and Mise Bray spent Fri
day in Wingham.
Jemee Gibb had qnite a large delivery
of fruit trees on Saturday.
Mre, J. Hartley and Mee. F. G. Hemp.
hill visited in Wingham on Saturday.
H. W. Avison and D. Stewart, of Brae
eels, visited at 0. Smith's, on Saturday:
Peter Smith hag returned from Owen
Sound where he bas been attending Bast
nese College.
Geo. Dane and daughter, Mies Margaret,
of Hamilton, are guests of Mre. Wm.
Waldo Miller has taken a position in
J, Hayworth's etore and we understand
will learn the harness business.
A meeting of the shareholders of the
new scaleswillbe held Thursday evening,
and a dividend of ton per cent. deolared.
A. nnmber from here attended the Junior
League Football game in Wingham on
Wedueeday, between teams from Brue•
eels and Wingbam.
Commencing next Sunday, the Sunday
School in oonneotion with the Presbyter
tan Church, for the Summer months will
be held fat 9.45 a, m,, instead of in the
At a meeting held in , the Episcopal
Obeech on Friday night, it wae decided
to re open the Sunday Sobool for the
Summar months, beginning next Sunday
Jauiaet town.
Loa INiuuxn.—One day last week as
Samuel Burk wee driving home oue of
the lines oame unenepped from , the
bridle and in attempting to drive to
through the gate one of the buggy wheels
aaugbt-the poet and the driver wee
thrown out. Tbe cords of hie left knee
were quite seriously injneed and be le
now compelled to get about on oratohee,
Mr•. Burk will likely be laid up for some
time ne the knee damaged had been stiff
for some years from an injury reoeived.'
We hope no permanent barm will be
sustained en it would go bard with him
to be reelrained from getting about.
Area. G. MoUoen FOUND DNAn,—The
relatives and friende of the late A. G.
MoOoeb, were very bi&dly surprised, when
ft wae discovered that he was found deed
at hie home, on the 6th son„ Duron town
ship, Bruce 00„ lying in the message in
hie stable with a hall bnehel ball full of
mangolde, his neok,on the edge of the
half bushel, and hie face tightly pressed
on the maugolde in the balf•buabell, snob
wae his condition when found by his
n'peewe, John and Robt, MoCoeh, Mr
MoOneh.lived in rather a lonely place, no
neighbors being near, and not being mar.
tied lived all alone. He wae known all
over for hie cheerfulness and good aom•
pany and was often visited by %figment.
anon, He was eeen by n neigbhor on
Monday afternoon, Apri1:20th, and when
found it wae the 'fallowing Friday even-
ing about 8 O'olook. It will never be
known when the sed event manned but
from hie appearance when found it 'nun
hnve,been Monday or Toeedny evening he
died,, He had pub in hie cattle for the
night and let out bie horses to gat water
end any person going' near the place
would have beau sorry to hoar the cattle
calling for food end water, Deceased wae
in the habit ofoiu to late brother
Roberts for hie mail on TbnrednY but
eometunes on amount of the lo0almore
not 0001100 till Friday, nothing was
thought of hie net oomiug till Friday
everting. ddilebrotber being eurprised at
his absence!, sent hie boys up with their
unole'e mall when bhey found him to
above described. He was a real Scotch,
man and loved to talk of big Native' land,
Mr, MoCosh was a vary intelligent man,
a greet reader and had travelled quite
a bit being in California and different
other places, He wae of a kind 'and
obliging diepoeition, ready to lend a band
to anyone in need. It may very truly be
end Of him "To known him woe to love
W. H. KE1,R, Prop.
and reopen( him," The euhjeot of (hie
notice was the youngest of hie family and
was in hie 05th year, He has three
brothers living, William and Robert W.,
nt Baron towuohip, and Thomas, of
Paris etathon,' a °ommercial traveller,
One brother, John, died about thirty
years ago. The funeral, wbioh was from
the residence of•hie brother Robert, was
one of the largest ever HMO in anon
township, being conducted by Rev. J.
MoParlane, Preebyberinn minister, of
Pine River, and Dr. McKay, of Kinoar•
dine, The deoeaeed gentleman ie a°
uncle of A. U.. and Mre. MuUoah, the
latter being a daughter of John and Mrs.
Strachan, of Jamestown,
C7mean, R'o le.
Tom Campbell, of Logan, Sandayed at
the "Union".
James Long, of Seaforth, spent Stin•
day at hie home here.
Tom. Telfer and M. Cardiff, of Walton,
were vatting Oranbrook friends Suu•
day feet.
Service will 'be withdrawn in the
Methodist obaroh next Sabbattp afternoon
owing to it being 00mm0nio0 at Bruggele.
iv. J. Cameron is home from attend•
anon at the Ontario ,Dental College,
Termite. He bas another term to put in
yet before graduation.
It is acid (bat Cameron Bros. will not
sow a fax orop this year. They find
difficulty in getting it harvested owing
to hands being so scarce.
One night recently eomebody visited
John Ra nsbam and helped t
to two bags of wheat. They weren't
John's bags that they took either.
When A. Reymann wae coming home
from Detroit lie was on bie train at
Stratford en route to Listowel when they
were run into by another engine in the
yard at Stratford. Nobody was hurt but
these frequent aooidente rather jar on a
pereon's nerves in public travel. ,
The means are at work on the atone
stabling for George Kerr's enlarged barn.
Dr. 9, L. Caldbiok is here for a short
vacation looking the picture of health.
His home ie at Grand Rapids, Michigan.
The nasal Sabbath afternoon servioe
will not beheld in the ohnroh at Sunshine
next Sand=y as the quarterly servioe will
be conducted at Belgrave on that day.
Last Taeeday Jae. Sherrie, 41b line,
delivered 8 hogs, of the York -Tam.
variety, to Joseph Clegg for which he
reoeived the tidy gnu of 6111.00. Who
can beat (bie for good returns 7
Rev. 0. S. and Mrs. Fiokbeiner and
children, of Sebringville, were vieibors at
Mre. Thomas Maunders' last• week. The
rev. gentleman wag on hie way home
trete attending the Oanadian Oonterenoe
of the Evangelical Aeeooietinn which met
at Dashwood. Mr. Fiokbeiner is not
moving thio year. Rev. S. 11. Kneohtel
was re eleoted PreeidingElder for !mother
It is said that Adam Halliday' baa
disposed of bie 100 acre farm, 6th line, to
Wm. Armstrong, of the same line, for the
8001 of $6,500, Mr, Halliday, who has
beau a reeident of Morrie for the past 16
or 17,yeare, will likely retire from farm.
ing as he i8 abort of help owing ba the
locating of bie sang elsewhere. We will
be sorry to have the familyy remove from
this locality.
Seeding is about over.
Wesley Speiran, 14th con„ spent Sun-
day in Brussels,
The next meeting of Grey Oonnoil will
be held on Monday, May 11111. •'
Ohne Bozell and wife, 101b con., were
visitors at N. B. Gerry's, Blyth, Iasi
Sunday. •
Mies Lizzie Goodwin, of Palmerston, is
visiting her brother, W. J. Goodwin, and
hie bride.
Jae, Sbiele disposed of a fine draught
mare to Diokson Bros., of Walton, at a,
good figure.
Report 'says a wedding will take place
in the near tntnre. The 14111 will supply
both bride and grgom. '
Mr, MoDonald, 12th' oon„ Sundayed
with his pardicts at Walton, Hie mother
hasbeeneeriouelyly ill,
Mise Sadie Bnttery'e many friende are
Rind to see her able to be around again
after an illness of about eix weeks.
A redoing was held at Geo. McKay's,
Mcnarieff, ou Teeeday evening, when a
driving shed, 20x30 Leet, wee raised.
Recently Wm, Bray, 16th none had the
misfortune to have several ribs broken,
We hope he will be all right in a abort
The 60 acre farm of Robert Doig being
South half lot 6, nue 6, has been par.
ohaesd'•by J. 0 Took, of Brussels, at
62,600. Robb Bowen will reside on the
farm, '
Wm. Peruser ie going to Parry Sound
Diearieb to run a saw mill for Chas.
Querengeseer, formerly of (bie' locality.
He bnugbt Mr. Quereugesser's mill on
the IGth oon, of Grey.
Rev. W. A. Smith, B. D , of Oil.
Springs, has been invited to Belmont oh,
curt for the next Oonferenoe year, He ao.
oepted enbjeot to the action Of the
Stationing Obmmittee.
Next Sabbath the regular quarterly
oommunion,seevioe will be held in Roes''
church, Owing t0 this the regular
preaobiug eervios at the "Union" will be
withdrawn for that clay. •
We are pleased to see Donnie Bloke,
14th eon. able to be ' about rpm more.
He wae laid np for a good aline of the
past Winter with a dteabled .leg but is
getting r
attic along all right now,
Mr. Q
Mc na°lt
rrie d family have get
settled on the Harbottle fitrny 14tH ane„
which be p0rohaoed from Peter Roes,
Mre, Boyle, of Brantford, hae moved to
the farm re0ently bought from Robert
Bowen, '
Wnenind —As we stated last week
Nelson Aehtn, a well -to do young fanner
of the 14th ow, and Mioe'Annie Contee,
of Bengalis, were wedded on Wednesday
of hent week in Seaforth. Rev. I. B.
Wallwin, 13, A.,'Msthodist minieter, per
formed the oeremtny. Mr, and Niro.
Aspin will make their home on the 14tb,
Their large oirole of friende wish them
all the joys of married life.
Mrs. Jus, Perris Is suffering from an
attack of rheumatism but we hope she
will soon be relieved of her troublesome
etex, MaBay, 15th oon,, who has been
laid up with rheumabiem for the past
three weeks, to still ill bat his many
Wanda hope he will soon be butter.
Graem, son of N. M. Richardson, 7th
oon,, who has had a trying experience for
over 4 months from an injury to hie left
arm, is malting favorable progress and
will soon be o. k, He underwent four
aperatlone In the treatment of the phye
ideate with the disabled member. A fall
et settee! was the Meeting point and '0
serious wae the ogee that amputation wae
thought to be nunnery but the measures
adopted proved eaaoeeeful and the arm
saved to the satisfaction of a large ciente
of friends.
LANG—HLAPY.—The Litchfield (Neb.)
Monitor says ;—"On Wedneeday, April
let, 1903, at noon, Albert D. Lang and
Mamie Iteapy were united in marriage
ab the home of the bride's parents, the
Rev. A. M. Sheppard officiating. This
was the largest wedding tbat;}as occurred
in this oeuobry for years. The number,
preeenb for dinner was 124. The bride
and groom were recipients of nhmeroos
presents. The bride was a.former reef.
dent of the 9th' icon,, being a daughter of
George Beatty:. .' •
Sugar beets will be cultivated by a
number of oar fanners.
MiesSlemmon is supplying as' organistanist
in the Metliod'aab ohnroh in the absence
of 'thf -e Laura Spence. .
Ethel Cheese factory will commence
operations for this season next week.
The prospects are good.
Friday evening of this week the Royal
Tempters of Atwood talk of paying our
Temperance Lodge a fralenal visit,
Mrs. George Mitobell and daaghter
were visiting the former's parents during
the past week at Broeeels. Her sister
left for Manitoba on Tuesday.
Several from this looaliby attended the
anniversary ohnroh servioe of Brunets
Odd Fellows Lodge last Sabbath evening.
Sermon was preached in the Methodist
ohorah by Rev. Mr. Owens.
We aro sorry to bear of the illness et
14tre.. Robert McKay, who lives a couple
of miles West of here. Two doctors were
in attendance but we hope she will Boon
be better. Mre, McKay to past 75 years
of age.
8. J. Nichol, formerly of this locality
writing from Arden, Man., under date of
April 22nd, eaya :—We are having grand
weather here for seeding and the farm•
ora ars well ahead with their work. I
understand that the balls of wheat seeding
is done in this Inoality.
The -visit of Mre. Onyler, of Wbite-
ohurob, to Ethel and her addressee on
Sabbath and Monday offset week in the
Methodist church were of no small inter.
ee0, Mre. Onyler is an enthueiaetio
believer in Missions and has had good
good reason to know by her own exper.
ienoee. She will be welcome back to
Ethel again.
MaKmnon GonNOIL.—Conooil met in
Dublin en Wednesday April 22nd, for
the purpose of giving those wbn eigned a
petition for drain to hent Engineer's
Report report read and privilege given
to withdraw or add more names. Mem
bars of Cloonail all present and John M.
Govenlook took declaration of office.
Minutes of former meeting read and
adopted. The Engineer's report in Can•
ada Co, drain, known n0 Drain No. 4,
being read and plane and profile examin•
ed and no withdrawals the Reeve was
sathorizad to sign the petition and the
Clerk asked to draft a Bylaw for raising
sum in ten years, at 4 per cent. A requisi-
tion from the town of St. Mary's ening
the Council to request the Legislature to
compel all owners of heavy wagons to
put on live inch tires for the benefit of
roads. No notion was taken an County
Oouuoils have the power to do so now.
Accounts were panned and paid amount.
ing to $19216, $20 00 of this was for
burying and expense of a man found dead
in a culvert euppoeed to have lain their
for three months. Moved by Thomas
Murray, seconded by John S. Brown (bat
South part of lot 10 and South half lob
11 in the 20tb concession be taken from
Sobool sections No. 6, and put in Section
No. 8. Moved in amendment by Obarfes
Little,seoonded by John M. Govenlook
that the above mentioned Iota be left in
eobool eeotion No. 5. Council adjourned
to meet in Mr, White's, Leadbury, on
Saturday May 30, at 1 o'olook as a
Court of Revision on Assessment Roll,
JNo, 0. MOnaosoN, Olerlt.
Walton. •
Leotnre in the Methodist church here
ou Friday evening of this week by Rev.
Riobard Hobbs,- of Wingham, on the
',Triangular Man," It is well worth
W. Taylor and daughter, from near
Clinton, were renewing oldfriendehipe in
this IOoality on Wedneeday, Mr. Taylor
e=ye his father is failing finite perceptibly,
He is nearly 83 years of age and is widely
respected, Mrs, W. Taylor i8 a daughter
of James Smillie,
AN Ona Ssrxnwa GONE, Ona well
known and highly esteemed in the per.
son of John H, Swallow died on Satur-
day last at the age of nearly 79 years, He
was born in Norfolk County, England,
and (lame With bis parents to America
when but a lad of nine yeare of age, the
trip amen the nom
in the
old Bailing inKveasei taking fourteen weeks
from Q
Liverpool to nebeo an
r Q d eeven
weelte later landing In 'Toronto. After
growing up it young man he engaged in
driving nage when the old stage coach
tau from Hamilton' to Sarnia. He meta
ed eomebime later to Pioltering and farm-
ed there for. 5 years. From there he carne
West settling on a farm just West of
Walton, wbioh wag then all blab. Some.
time after he gold and bought in the year
1807 the farm near Leadbary whish he
has coupled Over since np to the time of
bie death. Mr, Swallow married a Miss
Catharine McCoy, of Parte, in the ,year
1862 and to them have been bornfive
sons and two daughters, The eldest, W.
J., died in 1880 ; Mies Mary and Walter,
et home ; Carmen, Day Mille, Algoma,
and ('Alice) Mre. MaNab, of Thornhill,
Manitoba, Two children died in infanta'.
The 'survivors were present with the ex.
caption of Mrs, McNab at the time 0f the
father's death, Tbe deoeaeed was a man
who had the respect of the oommanity
in whiob he lived having many friende
but few enemies. Tbe funeral on Mon-
day afternoon was very largely attended
not only by friends in the immediate
vicinity but a number from a distance.
Rev, W. W, Leech, Methodist minister,
of Walton, conducted an impressive ser.
vise, assisted by Rev, T. Wesley Coeene,
of Brasesls, an old friend of the family.
Interment was made in the family plot
Brussels sematery.
improve Quality of Cheese.
A prominent Britieb Uolonial import.
lag firm advisee the Canadian Govern.
meat :
Ioeiet on having all the rooms in every
creamery thoroughly limewashed every
Spring, and also to improve the railway
transit by lowering the temperature on
abs one to the seaport,.eepeoially those
from Western Ontario. The batter
should be three dayo,in cold storage at
the port of ebipment before being put on
the vessel. The shipping companies
should reject all butter above 40 Fehr.,
when presented for shipment, and the
ships' chamber in wbioh it is carried
Fahr. The =liver.ld never ver eaoaed 20 F e
sal experience ie towards zero. The
boxes ought to be made of thinker wood
say eio., and maks as 'strong ea Austral.
tan and New Zealand. The wood ehoald
be well kiln dried before need, and the
box waxed inside as at preeenb. The
vegetable parchment should be genuine,
not imitation stuff as the large balk of it
was last semen. In New Zealand ex.
perienoe is showing that not only the beet
parchment should be used, but it ie an
improvement to use it double. In the
matter 1.5 maieture, the driest butters
keep best and bring the highest prioes.
Iu oolor, taste is growing in favor of paler
butter. Preservatives are neoeeeary for
batter whioh ie exported, but one should
Ise taken to use only those preservatives
which have boraoia aoid and borax for
their baee. British law allows the uee of
a beef per went. of b{ radio said, which
quantity ie perfectly innocuous to the
health of the moot delicate person, if it is
not even beneficial.
People We Talk About.
Walter Jaokeon is visiting in Toronto,
Mre. .McGuire ie visiting her slater,
Mre. D. C. Roee,
Mise Violet Cooper spent Sunday with
friende in Wingham.
Wilfrid and Allen Blair are nailing
with relatives at Goderiah.
Mise Maggie MoNanghton ie home
Irons Kincardine for a abort visit,
Robb. Armstrong, of Seaforth, was
calling on Brussels friende last week,
Mre. Moore, of Teeewater, was a visitor
et Alex, Ellis', Queen street, last week.
Mre. Fletober arrived home from Tor.
onto on Thursday evening of last week.
Mies Gertie Duncan, of Morrie, was
Oohing Mies Laura Nicholls last Sunday.
Mrs. Leckie ie home from an enjoyable
visit with Toronto relatives and friende.
Mise Mabel Colvin, wae home from
Londeeboro', where she ie milliner, for a
abort visite
Oar congratulations are extended to
young Mr. Blair on booming a reeident
at Brussels.
A. Currie, wife and children, of Sea
forth, were visiting at A. Currie's, town,
last Sunday.
Mre, G. Mibahell and little daughter, of
Ethel, were vieitore at George Colvin'e
for a few days.
Bev, J. E. Hunter, of Trowbridge, was
galling on friends in Brussels on Wednee•
day of lire week.
Mies Maggie Sholdioe, of Grey, bas been
sojourning at her grandfather's, P. Wet.
sous, Queen street. - -
Mre. Samuel Smale le hack from Buffs•
to where ebewas visiting for the past few
months with relatives.
Mies Annie Colvin left for Manitoba on
Tuesday of this week. She aspects to
spend the Summer there,
Mre. W. H. Stewart was laid up tact
week With quinsy bat i0 quite better
again we are pleased to state.
"Mies Goatee, Mill street, has been on
the efok lief with something like la grippe
but we hope alts will soon be all right.
Jno. and Mrs. Loodesboco' left Sea.
forth, last Tuesday for Winnipeg where
they purpose ,making their home for a
Mies Mabel Adams has gone to Trow.
bridge where ebe expects to spend a few
months with her grandmother, Mre, Bel.
Coanoillor W. H. and Mre, Willie and
sons, of Seaforth, were visitors with rola-
hen and friends in Bruesele for a while
tble week,
Jno. Carrie, who wae injured at the
gangway of P. Amen'( sawmill, is still
unable to get about are hie brnieed leg is
quite sore yet,
Mrs. J. H. McNaughton, of Pen Yan,
N. Y., ievisitingatRonald1ffoNaugbton's,
Prinoees street, The 'leiter is a
daughter in-law.
R. N. and Mrs. Barrett and Miss Rath,
of Wingham, were here last Sunday.
Their daughter Grans, hag reoently re
covered from an attack of typhoid fever.
Aid, 33, M. Ferguson, of Stratford, has
go tar recovered from hie repent illnesses
that he is able to be down town. His
many friende will be pleased to learn
We notice that R. N. Bareetb, former
ly of Braeeele, has been eleoted Preeident
of the new Band being organized in Wing.
ham. "Dick" has been associated with
brass bands for a good many years' and
will make et good ofloiel,
P. Amen( wag away et Ypeilanbi,
Mich., last week attending the funeral of
big brother George who died on Tuesday
after a lengthy, Illneee from Bright's
dioeass0, Mr. Atrent wae a former reei-
dent of Benesel8. Ha leaves a wife and
2 children to Warn over bis demiee.
Walter Smith, an old and well known
resident of Bruesele, who hes Molted
hie 75th year, has been the aiok list with
inllammatiob of the lunge and bronchitis,
but is eble t0 be about agate although
bardly up to concert pitch.
ll'ordwiob Record :-Ws are sorry to
report that Mre, John Wright 1s Molt in
Brussels, with inliammabion of the
stomach, but bops ebamay 0000 mover
her nasal good health, Mies Liizie
Brown was at her bedside part of the
week, and her mother, Mrs, James Brown,
ie now with her,
Mrs. 13. Gerry was (tailed 0o Chicago
last Saturday owing t0 the ilioees of bsr
medlar, Mee, Fiehleigh. The old lady
and her husband, both well advanced in
lila, 79 and 85 years resreotively, have
been in declining health for some time.
It is about 40 years since they removed
from Bruseell,
A couple of weeks ago Tera POST re-
ferred to the tact that Dr, Jut). Soon, of
Peoria, Illinoie, formerly of Bruesele,
was a candidate for the office of Alder-
man in that pity. We are pleased to
observe by the Herald•Trauetipt of that
city, of April 18, that he was eieoted by
the tidy majority of 196. We wish bim-
a pleaeaut term and promotion to the
mayor's °hair as the years jog past.
The metallic root on the horse abed at
the Metbodiet March has reoeived a coat
of paint.
Rev. G. F. Salton, of Hamilton, ie ins•
ro in in health and is no able to sit
P1 W
np a short time daily.
Rev. Dr. MoMullen celebrated bis 43rd
anniversary as pastor of Kuox Presbyter•
tan ohnroh, Woodstock, on Sunday.
Monthly Mieeionary day next Sunday
afternoon in the Methodist Sabbath
reboot. The Junior League will supply
an interesting program.
The annual meeting of the Stratford
district of the Methodist church will be
held in Mitchell, the ministerial session
on May 13th at 130 p. rn. ; the general
session on May 14th, at 9 a. m•
Next Sabbath the Quarterly saoramene.
el service will follow the morning
sermon and testimony meeting in Brae -
eels Methodist church. The service will
commence at 10 o'clock instead of the
newel time 10.80. Official Board will
meet Tweedsy evening.
Lest Sabbath morning in Melville
ohnroh Rev. Jno. Rose B. A., spoke on
"Gideon blowing the trumpet" and in the
evening the eubjeot was "Lessons from
the life of Sir Oliver Mowat" Rev.
elltavid Perrie, of Wingbam, will preach
eth Melville obaroh neat Sabbath.
The ()antennae of the German Evang-
elical Chinch was held recently at Dash.
wood. There were about 45 minietere
presentand the seeeione were interesting
and profitable. The denomination is
Methodist Episcopal in character and
has a Bishop and presiding elders. Some
changes were made in the stations of
minietere. On Sunday some $2,700 was
subsoribed for missionary purpose°.
The examination of candidates and
probationers' for the Mabhodiet ministry
in the London conference took plane in
Stratford last week. They commended
ou Tuesday. The candidates are :—A.
W. Budd, London ; J. A. Agnew, Wan-
stead ; Obae. W. Down, Jeanette's Oreek ;
I. Kirkpatrick, Merlin ; Nath. MoDoneed,
Elimville ; G. H. Tuoksr, Bervie ; W. H.
Oolter, Oakdale ; G. W. Goiter, Copen-
hagen ; A. 11. Kellett, Pelee Island ; W.
G. King, Blyth ; E. E. Langford, Ker•
wood. •
Onn Penance ax Canna. -Last Sab•
bath evening the members of Western
Star Lodge No. 149, I. O. 0. F., Brae.
eels, intended the Methodist Oharoh,
some 60 being present. Rev. T. Wesley
Omen preached a praotioal and very
interesting and appropriate discourse
based on Psalm 138 and 1, "Behold how
good and how pleaeaut it ie for brethren
to dwell together in unity." After re.
ferring to the age, growth and standing '
of the Order he dealt with the 5 'fold
duties of the Slink members,ib visiting
the sink, relieving the suffering, burying
the dead, adulating the orphan and help.
ing the widow. Vigorous endeavors
eboald be made to elevate the pbysioal,
mental, social and religious standing. Be.
fore caning the rev. gentleman made
refereaoe to the etnblemaand umbels of
the Order. The choir sang the anthem
"Rejoin in the Lord" and a male
°horse "Man the Life boat" was also
rendered. On returning to the Lodge
room a vote of thanke was passed to
Rev. Mr. Come and the otboir when
the brethren Bang the closing Ode and
the Chaplainoffered prayer. .
John Roger, of Motherwell, has joined
the London police forgo,
The S. S. Corrigan Head, wbioh went
ashore at Sorel, has been floated, and has
reaobed Montreal.
Sir Robert Bond, Premier of Newfound.
land, is still hopeful that the Boud•Hay
reoiprooity treaty will be approved by the
United States Senate.
John Allohin died et New Hamburg on
Friday, in his 89th year, He served for
sixty years as Divielon Court olerk, re,
signing oflioe in 1001.
The quarantine regulations nudist
whioh all passengers to Newfoundland
had to be vaoainated have been onuoelled,
the smallpox epidemio in that oolony
baving been exterminated. •
The aontraot for new wharves and other
improvements in oonneotion with the
Quebec harbor, bas been awarded to
Etienne Dueeanit of that oily; The total:
estimated oast to $200,000.
Charles L, R"liar, of Yonkers N. Y. •,
oommltt sulci a at the indoor Hotel
ed d e w Hot
in Montreal on Sunday, by taking a does
of carbolic add, Ile leftaletterapologiz•
ing to the manager of the hotel for any
trouble that might tenth.
While two of the children 6t Itfiebael
Aeh, Stratford, ante playing. one of (Rent
met with an unpleasant aooident, wbioh
might have been mboh more serious than
it proved to be, Nellie was bast' putting
some smoke in the stove, it wontd seem,
and her brother Jon was playing with
some knives. One of these he threw
Rowse the room, flitting hie sietet on the
eido of the head,