HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-4-23, Page 8WALL
Our Stock is large.
Our Patterns are up-to-date.
Our Prices will please you.
We Tripe all papers free of charge,
You may Borrow our Sample Books.
We want your trade ; you want our
Papers because you can save money
and get good satisfaction.
Druggist & Bookseller, Brussels.
Trains loave Brnesele Station, North
and South, a8 follows
Mall 7:18 am 1 Mixed 10:00 a.m
Mixed.,,.,....1000 am Mail 1:17 p.m
Express - 3:25p.m I .Express 8:17 p.m
11,1 l , g eon cl eine,
A elders amang ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent ft.
I. 0 0. F. At Home Friday evening.
A. new wire fence is to be pat up at
B111.8816 cemetery.
Now awaines h.,ve been pot np by
Connoilloro Beaker and Thomson and H
A. Matohett will also hang one out at
the Garfield dry goods emporium,
NEIL S. MCLAucaLIN has leased a show
room iu the McCaughey block, Brussels,
for the display of the Frost & Wood farm
machinery, buggies, &o. He is the local
Tae new department of Brussels Pub-
lic School .id not open until Thursday
owing to dolay in getting the new desk,
here from Preston. Mf -e Dora Smith is
tbe teacher in charge.
THE contract for I. 0. Richards' new
residence has been let to Thos. Newsome,
at 53,550. Workmen are employed this
week excavating for the ocular and get-
ting the foundation started. Mr. Riot.
ards will have a fine home when cumplet•
ed, wbioh will be next Fall.
Foal BALL.—The first match in the
Junior series for Aesooiation honors will
be played in Wingham on Wednesday
afternoon of next week when the Juniors
of that town and a Brussels eleven will
meet upon the sward. We hope to see our
laddies on the winning side.
REDUCED RATES.—By a recent ohange
in the postal regulations, "ewe lettere
addressed to a newspaper, when marked
"Printers' Copy," and lett un,ealed, will
pass through the mails at the rate of one
cent per two plumes. Correspondents of
THE POST Will please take note of this
and only use a one tient stamp 011 unseal-
ed correspondence, an1088 the weigbt
exeeede two o0nee8.
POoTOFFICE ROBBED.—The poet008oe at
Areola, Assn., was entered by burglars
Wedneeday night of lase week. The
Winnipeg mail bag was ant open and two
thousand dollars taken from registered
lettere, oleo other papers to the value of
about 56,000. There is no clue to the
burglars as yet. Loud interest is felt in
this item from the feat that Dougal
Strachan, brother of A. Strachan, of town,
is the postmaster.
Ie is not anticipated by the of0niale of
the fisheries department that there will
be any ohonge in the regalatione this
year in which ease the fol owing will be
the close eeaeen : Base and meskinonge,
15th April to 16th June ; maekinooge in
Rios Lake, ]6'h April to let June ; piok
eral, 15th April to 15th May ; epenkled
trent, 15th September to 30th of April ;
salmon trout and whitefiab, let Nevem.
ber to 30th November.
I10PEO0EMENTe.—Quite a lot of fixing up
ie being done 10 Bruseele this Spring in
eooneetion with various residences add•
lug OOueiderable to the improvement of
the village. In the list noticed this week
is afaooy porch verandah at Fred. Mc.
Creations' ; addition and gothic windows
at Mae, Ritehie'e ; new roof and ire•
provements to lawn et 7. H. Cameron's ;
New roofs at Peter Watson's and Mrs.
Oreighton'e houeeo, Queen street ; new
cellar re the cottage recently moved by
I, 0. Richards.
Huron License OOmmie8i0nere met at
the American Hotel, Braeeele, on Monday
of this week, as per announcement, All
the members were present. Following
were tbe 11oen800 granted :—Dublin, L.
Wolfe ; Walton, Wm, Blaehill; 01318810,
Henry Jemee, Geo. Brown and Jos,
Querio ; Cranbrook, J. Long ; Ethel, L.
L. Longwey ; Molesworth, Ghee. See-
haver • Jemeetown, Thos. MoEwan, beer
and wine ; Fordwiob, H. Rapp ; Gerrie,
R. F. White and Wm, Dalmage ; Bel.
more, Jno. Lemonb,y ; Wroxeter, Geo.
Town and B. Eery ; Binevale, Jno. John-
ston ; Belgrave, Jas. B. Stratton. The
Commiesionero passed several 80100010
end adjourned to meet on Tuesday, May
12th, at 11 o'oloak, a. m., at the Queen's
Iiot01, Brussels,
MRe, 8001tAI DE00Aetoo.—Afton a short
but severe ptoses Mrs. J. Storm, of Ham.
Elton, passed away from earthly 008ne0 at
the home of her sister at Ingersoll, where
she woe visiting, last Friday, aged 64
yeare and 10 menthe. Gangrene in one
of bee limbo was the manse of her demioe,
her illness only covering two weeks.
101rs. Storm woo the oldest Dieter of Mre.
hWASwh '. S. Scott, of Brueee e, who with
her when she died. Two daughters, Mrs.
F, Green, of Hamilton, and Mea. B. Arm•
0treng, of Burlington, survive. The
burial took p1ao8 at Hamilton en Mon-
day. Mr. Storm died of fever in Portage-
leuPrairie, Man., and a eon was drowned
in Burlington Bay at Hamilton, 20 years
Mrs. Storm'e maiden. Damm was
Jeno Sorvitie, She bed a wide nirolm of
dieride who will sympathize with the
bereaved relati300,
ROBERT Tilonfeon bas a team employed
teaming eggs to Seaforth where they are
being put through the pickling process as
Sfr. Thomson has not the neceeeery out-
fit bere,
00 CENTS eenares THE POST for the bel.
anoe of 1903. A number are taking ad•
vantage of this offer. Dant borrow any
longer. Send a copy to your absent
T. P- Senen.-0o Wednesday, 29th
Mee, T, P, Smith, the Eye Specialist,
will make hie regular visit to Brao els
when be may be ooneaited at J. Fox's
Dreg Store.
lionsnuoto.—The time is at hand when
horsemen should be ordering bills and
route oarde for the coming season. THE
Posr bite a complete set of horse eats
and we are in a position to give good
satisfaction in this class of work.
CLOSING AT 7 P. M.—As in other yeare
the business people of Brussels have
agreed to close their stores at 7 p. m.,
each evening during the Summer months,
excepting Saturdays and evenings pre•
ceding a holiday. This has become al.
most a nnivereal austere in the oitiea,
town and villages of this Province. A
week from next Monday the new -rule
commences in Bohemia so people will
require to govern themselves accordingly.
SoaaR,—A lively hnetle has been made
during the past week by tbe three re.
presentatives, lead by Mr. Forrest, of the
Winton Sugar Beet Factory, iu their
canvas of the farming community here
for the growing of beets. So successful
has their work been it le expeoted
that at least 100 oars will be shipped next
Fall if not more. For the oouvenieuoe of
the growers both Brussels and Ethel will
he used as ohippiag points. Farmers
who intend profiting by this opportunity
should get their agreements signed forth
with and while thea helping 08018810es
will be brightening the proepents for a
sugar factory at Brussels. This proving
successful would afford large profits to
both coentry and town. The people of
Brussels eltonid not be tardy in speaking
a good word for the enterprise.
League gave an interesting entertain.
mens of a musical and literary character
en Thursday evening of last week. Pro.
gram was au excellent one and creditable
to all oonoereed. It was as follows :—
Opening ohorue ; prayer by Rev. T. W.
Coeeoe ; chairman's remarks ; duet,
Misses Maggie Beattie and E. E. Kerr ;
recitation, Mies Dia Fnnebon ; solo, Mies
Carrie Hington 1 humorous reading, Mies
Josie Buchanan ; solo, F. H. Gilroy ;
address by the pastor ; duet, Mises;
Gerry and D. Beaker; recitation, Mise
Nora Maunders ; solo, Leslie Kerr ; reci-
tation, Mies Minnie MaNanghton ; solo,
Jno. Milhaneon ; closing chores. W. H.
Kerr was chairman. No charge wee
made and collection amounted to over
5400. The entertainment wee an enjoy
able one and may be followed by others,
Williams, of Brnseele, hae entered the
field as representative of the Belleville
Portland Cement Co. whose stook is now
being sold. The Capital preferred stook
is 51,000,000 ieened at 7% and the nom•
mon stool` 51,500,000, 5100 per ohne,
Rook instead of marl will be used. Works
will be located at Port Ann, on Bay of
Qaiote, 4 miles from the one, of Belleville,
switch being built from G. T. R. to
works. Abundance of alay and rook
Mose ab hand. The report of the Con -
molting Engineer Carpenter 10 very re.
assuring. Capacity of works is placed at
2,500 barrels per dep. Mr. Williams has
a roving commission and is quite entries.
teethe over the proposition be has to offar
and wbioh will be in working shape by
May of 1904. The proepeatae of the
Belleville Co. shows it to p0eee0e many
ad080103e'8 that should be dividend win•
nem end our townsman will no doubt be
glad to dilate on these to anybody in-
terested in oement stook.
COURT MAITLAND 699, I. 0. F.—A large
and onthusiaetia meetiog of thie Court
met Wedoeeday night and all expressed
a regret that P. H. Buchanan, D.S. 0.11„
who hae been assisting the Court in
getting in new membere, was going away.
Organizer Buchanan has proven himself
a bard and faithful worker and with oard
members has inoreaeed the membership
by &boat 20, The Court deoided to have
en "At Home" or some other form of
entertainment in the near future. I. 0.
Bich&rde, Chief Ranger, goeupied the
°hair. Bro. Buchanan gave a few feats
oouneoted with the I. 0. F. 00030 of the
important One0 being 1—All members of
the I. 0. F. (settee paying at the age of 70
years ; it gives Total and Permanent
Disability of half its ineuranee and
oolleots no premiums from totally and
permanently disabled brethren ; it i0
under the Dominion License Aot and can
spend only 5% of its premium rates for
the purpose of management expensee, the
root being set aside for the policy holder ;
ite death rata for the past year was 6 2 ;
r e lved in
n lioatfons were x oe
over 20,953pp
January, February and March ; it is
paying ant at the present time to widows,
orphans, Mak and disabled brethren,
56,167 per day, 5616 per boar er 510,16
per minute, which is the noblest work of
man. The I.O. F. always pays ite olefins
at the earliest possible moment a0 it
Hoa 'a :friend in
heves A friend in d t
dead." It hae already paid in death
maims to this Court over 59,000, beeide0
Sick Benefit Oolong,
TUE i Ii,U$ti
0 S T
CAPITAL • • e *1,000,000
RI1SIIRVIS • • $1,000,000
0. E, AA100, • - - - p1N0ID11NT
nue, a. u, wnnnttN, D, D., 1100-i'RE81Di3NT
0. D. 01A68110, 0. a. At00181
General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes
Discounted, Sale Notes bought or hold for Collection.
IS THE B:LVIN(fH J3ANKC--Depo0118 of 01.00 and upw,lyd0 r000ived and
interest at the highest 13114.1k rube allowed, from date of deposit to date
of withdrawal, on the daily balance,
1•Partles holding lmpot'bent papers, notes, &o., may deposit them in
our bane vault for safe keeping—free of charge.
t'renrpt turd Careful Atlonil0n. (food Terms.
G, F. BLAIR, Solicitor. A. E. MELLISH, Manager, BIIUSSELS,
3E0. G. SraNE 10 having the front of
hie store brightened up by the painter's
JAMES ANDERSON, Of Stratford, horse
trainer, wid have charge of a string of
filers on Brunie bolt mile track this
Spring. He is expeoted here this week,
OWING to the difficulty of getting teams
to work on the street grader it i0 propos•
ell to utilize Wm, Dark's traction engine
if the stretches are not too short to make
it unworkable.
You would confer a favor by giving ue
the names of your visitors, or if you are.
off on a visit youreelf, let us know. We
are always pleased to be furnished with
tame items or personal paragraphs,
A temporary foot bridge of plank and
treaties has been pot up where the old
one etood and relieves the immediate
oeoeeeities of the ease, until a better and
more enduring etruotnre is erected.
Feuer growers Bey that in a number of
inetauoee, where the buds were pinion-
Iarly advanced on the fruit tree and
raspberry bashes, the heavy frost of lest
week has wrought certain damages.
Ton Lnoknow Sentinel epeakiog of the
Methodist Sabbath School annivereary
services eaye:—The Sunday School choir,
under the direction of Mr. Ham, furnieh•
ed emollient mash: at both eervi108, their
Easter oarole being worthy of special
0003800030 'blouson hoe been making
a number of changes in his egg teams
and Satnrd851 bought a fine bay from
Jae. Ireland, The letter purchased a
young driver from P. Soots, getting a
tidy little beset—a Costumer from a
Wilkes dam.
Sabbath evening the annual 98rmon to
the members of Western Star Lodge, No.
149, I 0. O. F., Brussels, and visiting
bretbern, will be preached in the Matho•
diet church, at 7 o'olook, by Rev. T. W.
Cosmos. The members are asked to as
semble at their Hall at 6 30 o'clook to
march to the church.
G. T. R. SIIIPMENTS.—Daring Ibe past
week there were shipped from Braeeele
the following Oar lo,tds of freight :—A.
Beaker, 3 oars oats and 2 Dare baled bay ;
Salt Works 5 dere Balt ; R. Graham, oar
oats ; J. MoDermott, oar cattle ; Geo.
Beet, oar bogs ; R. Ferguson, 2 ogre
cattle ; P. Ament, 2 ears lumber ; W. H.
\aright, oar Rattlers' effects Qu'Appelle,
N. W. T,
BURGLARY.—Receutly the reeidenoe of
J. R.Grant, Winnipeg, was visited one
evening, in the temporary eb;ence of the
family and after ramenoking drawers and
&o. approprinted gold rings, braoohee,
pine, and other valuables. The bank
door was found open on the home aiming
of the reeidente. A few nights later
either tbe same individual or another
oame book end with a hatchet removed a
portion of the door fixtaree to admit of
its being opened end on gaining admit-
tance lighted a lamp and proceeded on a
tour of investigation. On reaching the
upetsiro bio plans mieoarried as the im•
pudent intruder was oonfronted in the
ball by Jno. Dicicson, formerly of Rox-
boro', roomer, who wan alone fa the hones
at the time. Mr. Burglar Bays "Hello I
base, be thie No. 46 ? " Mr. Dickson said
"No 1 What are you doing bere ? " The
vieitor replied that "He guessed he had
got into the wrong house". The other
gentleman thought eo too and advieed a
speedy exit and eec'rtvd the thief to the
front door where he disappeared in the
darkneee. A eon of a neighbor who had
Been the man through the window
was waiting ab the back door with a gun
for the retiring marauder but owing to
hie department the front WAS not able to
"fire a volley".. The burglar's hatchet
was found on the kitchen table. No clue
has been seamed as to who the fellow or
fellows were. Mr. Grant is still in Celi-
forois wbere he spent the Winter hence
tbe probability of expecting greater
freedom on the pert of Sneak thieving.
WILL Tame A RE80.—The Olinton New
Era of last week Bays :—The news will
come as a grant surprise to many of our
reader's to learn that Dr. Graham, who
for the past four yeare hae been it re-
spected praotitioner in our town, has sold
out and will take a well earned rest, It
Came as a surprise to himself when his
enooeaeor with whom he ban been well
acquainted for many yeer8,happened to
drop in 0n him one day recently, and in
stating hie mission iu this neighborhood
remarked "that he would Bell out",
Nothing definite was eettled on at that
time but last Tuesday the gentlemen
returned and the deal wee closed. It ie
with regret that we learn he has done 00,
for he has had remarkable success, and
has been a ministering angel at the
bedside of many in the past 37 yeare that
be has been in practice, Not being
yoking as he wag when starting, and hie
long service telling on his health he
finally felt be needed a well earned net.
Dr. Hamilton who muertede Dr. Graham
bere i8 a praotitiooer of many yeare ex-
perienee, being a loading practitioner in
Norfolk County for several years and in
wbioh plug: he lost hie health, and hae
been compelled to retire from active
praotioe for a time. In his early days he
praotioed for 11 yeare in Atwood, where
he woe one 01 the trustiest praotitionere in
Perth Go. In about a mouth's time the.
Dr. will move hie family here. We wel.
dome him, and may the reepeob and good
will that hae rested upon Dr. Graham fa
his prat:Mee, remain with his successor,
Mre. Graham hae also proved boreall a
nodal Citizen taking an active 1010re80 in
&R ohnrob and social fnnotibno, in which
ehe will be sorely missed. They will
remainwyet, t, t
in town for atow weeks
least until the dooter (tete iris bneinese
MATEm1our0L.—A very pretty house wed•
ding took plane on Wednesday, April
16th, at the home of R. A. and Mre. Dun-
bar, Gloogow street, Guelph, when their
second daughter, Mise Dore, was united
in the boucle of holy matrimony to A. E.
Williume, manager 0fthe Bank of New
Bruuewiok, Charlottetown, P. E. I. The
b'idal party entered the anteing roam to
the strains of the Bridal chorus from
Lobengrio, played by Mrs. G. J. Abey, of
Preston. The ceremony wee performed
by Rev. Geo. 3, Ahoy, motor of St. Jobn'e
church, Preston, Mise Ade Algia, dau-
ghter of Dr. Aleie, - of Alton, acted as
bridesmaid and R. 0. Williams. of the
Bank of Nova Scotia, tBoston, U. 8. A.,
brother of the groom, was groomemao.
The drawing room was prettily deoor•
:ted with palma and the tables in the
dining room were matte pretty with pink
end red carnations. After a dainty wed-
ding lereakla81, the happy aoaple left on
the evening train for a six weeks' tour
through the Eastern States after which
they will reside in Ohnrlottetown, P.E. I.
The bride, always bright and winsome,
looked especialiy attractive in 8 gown of
mode broadcloth and carried a 3100ntiful
shower bogaet of bridal roae0. Although
invitations were issued only to immediate
friende of the family, the bride was the
recipient of a large number of beautiful
gifts. Miss Dunbar was milliner for the
late Mrs. Rogers for eeveral moons in
Brussels and her large circle of former
friende will be a unit £D extending hearty
congratulations and wishing her and her
husband neatly bappy years,
Business Locals.
FEED Dorn, Olean end dry, for Bale at
Roar' mill, Brussels.
GOOD working bores for We. Apply to
R. HRNDEBeaN, Brussels.
Aar, kinds of garden eeede in packages,
2 for 5o, et Joe. BALLANTTNE'8.
Juni received, a a3oiee lot of olover end
timothy seed. AL1. BAEI:ER.
SQUARE piano, Hainee, for eole, in good
aonditioo. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Creigh-
WANTED —A ton of Butter weekly.
Eggs 130. Timothy, Clover and Waverly
Oats for male.
Goo. E KIND, Wingham.
REPAIRS for Fleury plows may be
found at Darks livery born. SAWS filed
end pat in good ebape. Mum WILLresie.
GIANT Intermediate Yellow and Giant
Sawlog Mangel&, beat 00000108 of Swedes,
eeede and fresh Garden seeds in bulk at
FLEURY PLowe.—Farmers wiebing to
boy the beet plow made ehonld oali on
John Loeg, went. I will also keep
pointe at Alf. Beaker's office.
CAR of cement from the National
Portland Cement 00., Durham, received.
52 76 per barrel ; epeaial price in oar Iota.
A. M MoKor & Go., Bruseele. 40-4
Bnuse000 Prue Woe/e.—Having put in
a machine fir grinding clippers I am pre-
pared to make old one's eat like new.
Scieaore eharpened. FRED. ADAMS.
ANY one needing lawn mowers and
aciesore sharpened and made to work
easy can have same done at T. MoGreg-
or's saw and tool ebop. All first elites
work done here on Mill street, Brussels.
READY FOR Butanes.—If you leant any-
thing in the shape of an A 1 buggy or e,
good lumber wagon yeti are asked to call
at The Cober Carriage Factory, Brussels,
where yon will find a Splendid new stook
to choose from and at correct prices. A
look through our ;haw roam will not
Dost you anytbiug and may eaye you
some money.
Mrs. John Thomson is visiting at Sea•
Idles Janet McKay ie Melting at Kin.
Mr. Ilarhnese, of Teeetveter, is visiting
hie son in Brussels.
Miss Flo. Harvey, of Toronto, is visite
ing Mies Lottie Brown,
Mrs. Stuart, of Arthur, ie visiting her
daughter, Mrs, J. Fox.
Mies Erna Avery ie visiting relativee
and friende in McIS£Ilnp,
Jno. Beattie le visiting at Wiarton tibia
week. He drove over from Brnesele
Alex. Roo is away to Sault Ste. Marie,
where he has obtained a good pcai8ion,
S. T. Plum, wife and family were
visiting friende in Seaforth on Sunday,
Mrs, Jno. Hewitt and Mee Rhoda aro
holidaying with relatives at Walkerton,
T. A. Hawkins attended Ye Olde Folks
Concert 00 Blyth on Wednesday evening.
J.J. and MiesLibbie Ball, of \gingham,
were vieit"re at John Tait's, on Sunday.
Miss Eva Oantelon and 119other0 were
visiting Mee, Jamieson, their sister, near
Mire Sholdice, of Walton, was a visitor
with her daughter, arra, Geo 11, Muldoon,
for a few deye,
Mies Ethel Sperling is laid tip with
exema in her foot and tinkle but we hope
she will soon be all right.
Lnoknow Sentinel says :—Mrs. Crooke,
Of Braeeele, was the guest of her daughter,
Mrs, R. W. Matheson during Easter.
Mrs. (Rev.) T. Weeley Covens and De
Witt were visiting relatives at Winthrop
and Soaforth for a few days last week.
Next Monday Mre, Thee. Hall, Alex•
ander street, will celebrate her 88th birth-
day, She is an old teoidont of this looal-
Miee Mary MoLauohlin hag gone . to
Toronto be fill a position with the How•
land firm. Wo wills her an enjoyable
Jewett Breadfoot, of Antigonieh, N. S„
ti and riende n
WAR calling on rata vee f
wound up, after wbioh they oante,plato Bruesele and pioinity daring the past
a trip to the Panifit aoart. Week,
Standard Bank of Canada
S-1,T,e1.151x X04.1 ;9 3.01753
Dopos is
Of one dollar and upwnrde
received Had Lit :04 allow
ed in Savings 13 nk at
highest rale from data of
deposit to withdrawal,
Daily Balance
Made, Notes Cashed,
and every a000mmoda
tioti afforded the res.
poneible borrower.
FARMERS' SALE 31012116 Oohed, Collected ; or Pony be loft for eafoskeeplug only
for which no charge is made.
This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business.
la—Every oonvenienoo afforded easterners living at a dletanoe.
F. H, GRAY, Arlene.
Mies Loon Dennehy, of Sanlb Ste,
Marie, was spending a week with bar
irieud in Brussels, Mies Nettie Brown,
Mrs. John Denbow hag not been enjoy.
ing very robust health of late taut the hope
she will soon be better. She i8 past 76
years of age.
Joey Geed has gone to Roes & Dodds'
atom to acquaint himself with the tailor-
ing business. He Bhoald make a nom•
patent hand.
O. H. and Mre, Bartliff, of Clinton,
were renewing old friendobips in Brue
eels and laoulity for a few days during
the past week.
A, Ballantyne has moved hie family
from Blyth and taken up reeideoee oor
nor of Elizabeth and Thomas street.
THE Pose we oomee them.
Will. Grieve has taken a position in
the Massey Harris Works in Brantford.
He will no doubt enoosed all right as be
is a promising young mart,
J. A. Sperling, of Wbiteohnroh, wee
nailing on old friende in Brussels ou
Wednesday. His daughter, Ethel, who
bas been ill, returned home with him.
3, Beaker and family, of Walton, have
moved to Brussels 11310 week end taken
up residence on Jobn street. Mr. Beok•
er is wood worker at Ewan & Co's. Oar•
riag0 faotorv.
Walter Roche, who hue been en the
;ALM et A.. Btraohan's dry goods store for
the past few years, will leave next week
for Petrolia where his parsnl8 hove re.
moved. The looal football and base ball
entbueiaete are very loath to part with
Tho Blyth Standard last week says :—
Miss Attie Bennett left on Saturday for
Brussels, where she has opened out in
the dresemakine busineee. The many
Blyth friende of tole popular young lady
unite in wishing her every 0000000 in her
new home,
(11lfllt(lif. Cllli1ES.
The Provincial Christian Endeavor
Oonention will convene in Stratford on
Sept. 29th and Nth and Ootober let.
Rev. T. W. Ooaene' topics were ."The
burning bush" and ' Tbo way of Caiu"
in the Methodietchurch last Sabbath.
The annual meeting of the W. F. M.
S. of the Presbyteriau ohurob will be
held at Guelph oommenoiog on May 4th.
The Epworth League donated 55 00 to
the ()heir fund of the Methodist church
and purchased new linen for the nom
mullion table.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jno. Rose,
B. A., diem:nreed ou "Gideon's duty and
how he performed it." It was an in-
spiring sermon. In the evening he dealt
with the Personality,and Power of Satan.
Sabbath morning next the manual
membership Roll mall will be held in the
Methodist cburoh in connection with the
regular service. The member -hip cards
will be distributed. Service of praise will
be lead by the Sabbath School Oroheetta
with epeaial eeleotiooe by the dhuir.
A meeting of the executive of the
Huron County Sabbalb Bohool and Ohrie•
tion Endeavor Aesooiation was held at
Olinton. They decided to hold the:annual
Oonvenlion at Blyth on June 18 and 19,
the first day to be devoted to Sabbath
school worst, and the eeaood to Christian
Endeavor work.
The annual 018triot meeting of the
Methodiet church, Wingham District will
be bold in Lnoknow on May 20 and 21.
An hour will be devoted to discussing the
John Wesley bi 0eutenery celebration
which oomee on June 28, Rev. David
Rogers, of Fordwioh, is Chairman of
Wingham Dietriot, and Rev. A. G. Har -
tie, of Luoknow, Finauoial Secretary.
In 'oohing over some old records eon -
mooing Methodist New Connexion pion-
eer preachers oe the old Ainleyville cir-
cuit we came &arose the fo lowing list of
names who will be remembered by the
early settlers who still remain. They
were as follows :-1832, Jae. Gaddto ;
1803, Jae. Scott and J. H Orme ; 1864,
Wm. Birks ; 1865, Wm. B Daoard ; 1866-
7, A. F. Dempsey ; 1888 9 and 1870,
Walton Preston ; 1871, D, Auld; •1872,
Jae. Gundy; 1873, A. Glasier ; 1874, R.
J. Tyler. The anion of this body with
the Wesleyan Methodiste took plane at
the latter date.
Lori,—In Bruesele, on April 17, to Mr.
and Mrs. George Lott, a son.
AQP >:0,1a7.Sax-730,
G1UiIoLDBY—BATH.—At the home of the
bride, on April 15, by Rev. T. B.
Ooupland, Mr. Jno. W. Grimoldby,
of Walton, to Min Ida E , only
daughter of Mre, Jae. Rath, East
IyluRRAY•—INoNAUGHT —At "Maple Grove'
the r,•sidedoe of the bride's parents,
17th con, Grey, on the 15th inet. by
Rev. D. B. Malbee, Mr. J. R. Murray,
of Dime, to Mies Carrie Louise,
daughter of Mt. and Mrs, Jno. Me.
Naught, •
Wizedati6—DaNBA0•—»In Guelph, On April
16, by Rev. G. J. Abey, motor of St.
John's cherish, Preston, Mr, A. E.
William., manager of the Sauk et
New Brouewialt, Charlottetown, P.
E. 1., to Mies Dore, second daughter
of Mr, and 0090, 11, A. Dunbar, of
LITTLE.—In Morris oD April 18, Jane
Kerney, beloved wife of William
Little, aged 67 Years -
eare,STORM—At Ingersoll, on Friday, April
r 1668 JaneStorm,widow of the
tato Jacob Storm, and stator to Mre.
F. S. Scott, Braeeele, aged 64 years
and 10 month8,
Fall Wheat 07
Barley 40
Pea& 00
Oats 27
Dotter, toile and rolls ., 16
Ogee per dozen 10
Flour per owb, r4 00
Potatoes (per baa.) 50
Apples (per bag) , 40
Guy per ton ..... 6 00
Salt per hill., retail 1 00
Hoge, Live 0 26
Wot,l 11
5 00
7 00
6 25
Glu, wanted. Apply to Mne. G. F.
A GENT'S Bioyole for only 512 60. G.
Cow for ealo, will onlay in middle of
May. Enquire at THE POST.
COMFORTABLE honee for sale or to rent,
MRI ntreet, West. Apply to
T11 no' BRED Jen ey baiter calf for sale,
overt weeks old. THOS. PEPPER, Lob 6,
Oon. 0, Croy.
WHITE Rook eggs, 5100 per eettiog of
15. Pullets laving when 4i months old.
R. q. HEADMAN, Brussels.
Dress and Mantle Making.
The undersigned has opened a Dress and.
Mantle Makingg Shop in rooma'over Mrs.
Rtrk'e store. Hnure-8 a. m to8p m. Sat-
isfaction assured. MISS BENNE
Painting, Paper Ilanging, &c.
Tho undersigned ie prepared to attend to
all o•derefor Paper Hanging, Kolsomfulog,
Glazing and Painting Di a workmanlike
Maneer and at reasonable rotes Oarpen•
tering also attended to
41.10 Sohn street, 3russele.
PR 28 1903
Coming ! Coming 1
Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and
Toronto Optical Colleges, will be at
Fox's Drug Store
Wednesday, April 29th
Gall early and avail yourself of
hie Valuable eervloee,
dwa11101 ther000, North-west corner
William cad Albor't etroote, Bruoaele.
49.11 J. 1E0E1E.
good lot for solo on Queen street,
Braeeele For further particulars apply to
cottage ou Elisabeth street. In good
repair, 7 rooms besides pantry and wood-
shed, A good wall at the door. Apply to
D18, MoKELVEY, Brussels. 881f
Lots for 0010, 001ns Noe, 202 and 288 ou
Wast side of privooee sheat, Brussels, For
particulars as to price and terms enquire at
THE POST. 30.11
for sale, 111131018 for registration.
Por prion, tortes Hud, other particulars, ap-
ply t0 J. D. MoNAIR, Lot 22, Con. 18, Grey,
or Cranbrook P. O. 08.11
3 T
Bulls for 0010. Ono is 1 year old end
the other two younger. Also severalrrglet-
erod ()owe and Betides. Apply to JAMES
BPEIB, Lot 00, Cot. 0, Morrie Twp., or Brus-
a ru8-
8ele P. 0, 204f
Short Hurn Balls, from Imported
stook,for tale. Also 0UW0 and heifers, ire•
porteand home bred, 72 head to eeleob
from. D. MII.NE & SON, 'Maitland Bank
Stook Farm, Ethel Ont. 30-11
Reward of $10.00.
The Board of Managers of Duff's church,
Walton, offer a reward of 510 00 for Inform-
ation that will lend to the conviction of the -
person or persons who, ou or about April
1st, damae8d bbe Pvenertieeof the Church,
Public School and of Mr Jonathan Monro.
Secretary Hoard of Managers,
41.1 Duff's Church, Walton.
Sx .r e e l
n s
Satur YID,
AT '
We are ever watchful for Bargains for our
Patrons, This week we secured some excellent
values in
Linens, Den's Top Shirts and Shoes
and on Saturday morning they go on sale at
Quick Selling Prices If you want to make
$1.00 go as far as $1 50 goes at the ordinary
Dry Goods and Clothing Store come to the
Money Saving Spot. Every day new customers
are coming to the store. Economical buyers
find they can save money here in buying
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.
Garfield Block, Brussels.