HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-4-23, Page 5Ap1t, tl, 1900
1���'fNO�Y^.N�:�"'"i.+:"�v.�wMmrn.�.r.�ww, ,�"�"„M.wrv,.•✓�ws•vuvrr �
osut L ti SOOT, larunelo
• metier of Marriage Licensee, Of -
lice at GrE.enty, f nrnhlrly meet, hru.sela,
DElte1UNt:0 LRB Several geed I :an:Slot,
sero and to real, nn0Y toms, ill Townohip0
o NI title and ti ray. h- S. BOOTY. uruesel
Irwuer of Marriage Licenses,
�Rv3Si:r.,3, o]v'r.
E. Estelle stelle Griffin
Pupil of apes Eva N, Boblyn, of Loudon.
Pupils prepared for Oonserv.ttory oxmmo•
r '1\hl vial( Brussels every Tuesday.
Loosens given at the home of W, H. Kerr,
Jahn street.
MONEY TO LOAN AT 4.t, 41 deb Per Cont.
(Mee over Huroloy'e Drug Store;
Nov, Ord, 19112. '811 -Sm .. Brussels.
Wellington Mutual
Fire insinuate Co.,
D0TADLIeltDD 1340
Insurance talion on the cash and premium
ling oleote le
ewere cat ell 011 Ole nrrent nodMaur.. 13f fore
undersigned A
of the Oompany.
GEORGE 100GERS, Itrussels.
DER, will Boll for linter Klein, to
better mem, in lose limo and less charges
than any other Auctinneal• 111East Bnree or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always bo arrangedat this 011100 or by
p crone] appl!oation,
The undersigned, wile is well acquainted
throughout the most part of the County
and who has had business with a largo air -
ole of farmers in and around this locality,
bags to inform the community- that he has
.taken out an Auctioneer's 1/1e13118o for the
Oouoty of Huron and offers hie services to
all purposing to bold sales.
T 11
1 • Honor fir aluam° of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all d1e-
eaoo8 of domestleatoci autm llo in a 0ompet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
. Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at -
bridge, TOftles nrnbe ry at., ,yBruneete�o0rs
YV • Boulder, Solioitor, Conveyancer,
Notary dor tri of Central hotel tewarfa Brook
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
• IGITOti, &o , BRUSSELS.—
talkie over Standard Bank ; Solicitor for
Township of Groy, Howlett Mutual and the
Metropo(itau.Bank. Private and Oompauy
money to loan at lOvest rates.
O. lel.,
Trinity University, Tellow Trinity Median'
College, Member College of Pbyefoiaoo and
6u'goous, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of P11 3/B/018.118 anti Licentiate of Mid-
wllfery Edinburgh. J Telepboue No.14,
Rooicieuee—lrli lstreet, Brussels,
Graduate of 'the Roval College of ,Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and First class Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uuivereity. Otaoo
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
and Stedman may enter
ih Lis,row L
111AB, 80. ' Two 0ou0eea-00mmerelii1 and
Shorthand. Bond for College Journal.
O. A. FtaantING, A. L. SloINTYRE,
President, Secretary,
British Columbia
1l;:ed Cedar Sitiiigles
Nori,h Shore
�i tai
and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Saab of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
at Short Notioe.
Eetimatoe Furnished for all
kinde of Buildings. Workman=
Fillip and Material Guaranteed,
T e,: -"'u..„;,, .lir•:.:?r, ,p,3i"-..', X15: ,,,Iii i -----
Por Motto 1"High grade Work Only"Ii
� CENTRAL -d.(-. 1
y1Our Graduates venally seems good 1 l
positions beean00 our high grate train. 0I j
leg prepares thou b, 000llr'1 nr„ t-ola;s '�'
e01'yi ora. 110,31,1 113 101011 0000, 0 llret-
Ohtea w0rltat•i and Imre no time to 1
waste open the oilier hind. 0'0,1. .
011,11111111. 0,0110 1,1310 1111)1 lin ready 110 y'
a poalti00 in 01(1 Fall Writs fur I.au'I-
011100 0106a10nlr,
W. J id f (d01"1 Principal.
i trirt t•Cbbla,
lel el„ terve.
Aline Bell Patton, of IRocktvood, was
spending(( few days at S Sproat',.
alias -Summerville, of Oriel, is at time -
000 visiting her. uncle, Alex. Stowell.
0. W. Lawrence spent his Rueter
110'idaye with hie children in Buffalo.
Mies Mary Halliday, of 0:iuton, was
ependiug her Eaeter holideye at her home
Rev. W. J. Brandon, of &Hanford,
spent Easter with hie brother, J. A.
Mts.'T'hou, Wilkinson and Mrs, Robert
Ander: on spent Easter holidays with the
furmer'e eon, Jamee, of Ripley.
Norman and Mre. Johnston and child-
ren, of Moorefield, vteited at Adam flab
liday'B for the Beater vacation.
Thornes Stewart, who has been visiting
friends at Norwiob and other pleas for
tate poet month- bee returned home.
Mrs. Hannah, sr., of Beaforlh, wile has
b en spending the Winter with her
daughter, Mre. B. Sproat, has gone home.
Mee. Imam Carling, we regret to say,
still continuos very low.
A Chinaman 1000 in town with a view
to starting a laundry here but r, ooiving
little or no encouragement he (Molded
not to locate,
J. J. Orooker, who has been visiting
here, returned to Buff tie Tuesday of last
ween accompanied by hie mother, who In.
tends malting her horns in that city for
Hume time.
The animal- Vestry meeting of the
Trivict IiIsm,rial ohoroh was held in the
eohool hall on Monday evening of lust
week. Toe ohafr was ably tilled by Rev.
1t. J. 71 Perkily, who opened the meet-
ing with prayer. Tho statement of the
wardens was read, which showed the
finances of the oburoh to be quite satin
fluttery and the various auxiliaries doing
agootl work and oontribnting libernliy to
the welfare of the ehuroh. J. J. Knight
and Thos. Hawkiu,were re•eleoted ohorob
warding ; R. B. Samuel, Treasurer ; Jos.
Davie, Vestry Clerk ; 0. H. Sanders end
N. D. Harden, Aoditors ; auri Ernest
Elliott lay delegate to the Synod.
Lu cerin o w
Tam Watson has just placed in hie
barber shop two handsome revolving
Mies Mamie Joynt, of Alma Ladies'
College, So. Thomeo, spent Exeter at 1100
home here
Mies Melinda Finlayson left last week
for Stratford where ohs will take a nix
month.' D00000 in Business College,
Frank 0010 has bad a new plate glees
window put in his grocery that greatly
acids to its appearance.
The anniversary 0Brv1000 in conneo0non
with the Epworth League of 1110 Mettle.
diet Church were hold cu Fuuday. Rev,
Dr, Daniels, of Goderioh, preaobed.
At the anunal meeting of the Epworth
League the following otlioere were elected
for the ensuing year :—Hon. Prem., Rev,
A. G. Harris ; Pres., D. 0. Taylor ; 2nd
Vioe.Pres., /lies Annie Joynt ; Scd Vice
Pres., DeForest Patmore ; 4th Vioe.Pres ,
Anse Ethel Wheeler ; Treasurer, lure D.
C Taylor; Secretary, Miss Acnes Ged•
dee ; Organist, Mise Finale Hamilton ;
Aeoistant Organist, 713e0 (label AIlfn.
CI tee tote.
II. Plnmuteol will shortly move to Iia
farm on the London road.
H. B, Carobs was made the reoipout of
a find leather easy ohetir, a gift of the
boyo prior to his marriage.
Mise Beeeie Aluroh, Lauber of Welles.,
ley (wheel, has been laid up with an at -
tacit of plearioy, and will be unable to
return to her eohool for some time. .
The trustee board of Willie ah0roh is
asking tenders for papering, kaleomining,
painting and frosting of the windows of
the interior of the ohnroh, class rooms,
J. T. Emmert10, R play, has sold Ifs
oottage, to lose street to \V. Graham
Toronto, formerly Reeve of Stanley, for
$925. He stout 00 poe000eiou at tome, and
wi 1 0000303 it Iimeelf.
The Odd Fellows will attend divine
0010)0 a In a body, end wi.I march from
their hall an Sabbath, April 26110, to
Wesley church, Rev. H. M. Manning
having beau asked to give the eddrese.
The good wife of John Taylor, of Min.
manse, 77013,, presented his lordship with
twin girls on Saturday, April 4031.
Hi. brother, Jacob Taylor, of Clinton,
says it is the .first twi, s in the Taylor
The golf olub has made remarkable
growth Rim* Its organization, and have
now eel the roll over twenty names.
Now ilnlro have been planed on the 11111
farm at the toot of Rattenbury street,
the park proving too small and handicap.
ping thein considerable in playing, on
no0ottnt of other practice games.
a7Arnhntoego -A very pretty wedding
tool.( place'i'o Trinity ohoroh, Mitchell on
Wedneoday, 16th 1net, at 8 o'01ooh p. m
when Ouptain Heigh B. Oombo, of town,
and Mita Julia Isabel Densmore, ward
of Dr: and Mre. Onll, of Mitchell, were
huited in marriage. The bride wee
supported by Miss Cull, maid of honor,
Mise Halliday Oombe, of 00100011, ,and
(Liss Jadkeon, of Toronto, an bridesmaid
The groom woe attested by Permy Fair,
of Clinton, meting ae groomsman, and I).
Sntherlaed, of Mitchell, and J. Waugh,
Of Stratford as ushers. Rev, R. Howard
Wes the officiating minieter. The ohm's
wire beautifully deoarated with out
flowers and potted plants, and the bridal
party presented a pleoeing spectacle
Pnft0ENTA1iON,—Olife. Oonrtioe, who
for tete peat seven years tine been in tho
employ of the ,laolteon 1300+„ and for the
1 peat two years lite held the position an
lip X»Oi T
fmst ylds £oAonq
s y
Of purpose an trade.
st;ind J, for Labels,
ock where displayed,
3 stands for rears
Which cannot efface
Our I ollywood Paint
Qui an ezpond, place.
Don't delay but prove -it,
We guarantee HOI,LY-
PAIN 1' !•,r five year0 and
will rrtu ,d 311117 ,honey if
it fs not ail we(la'nt fur it.
G t4+`'j• C O.
foremen and natter in the Mfg. depart.
moot, reoaivoi a token from Iia 1 mploy•
re' hand and fellow emulator!, that he
will long hold in remembrance 0v.
fug to ill health UIr. (Darrion hue been
rumpelled 10 resign his position, and left
last week fur the Weet, Before allowing
him to go, however, eel obli,aoeted with
the factory assembled en Tuesday after-
noon and together with a neat address
preeentod him a gold open faded
watch, MSS Kelly, on behalf of the
Meeere. Jeohsou, read the address and
Karl Wilkin made the presentation. Mr.
(Martfca was taken entirely by surprise.
• 1.47 iavrt .
Mies Ethel Kiug is seriously fl' wi
appendentis. .
Efflrte are being made to organize a
brass bend,
U. Lloyd, Son & 01. are prepariug to
bui d an extrusion to their factory.
Suuday was the anniversary of Wing -
ham elethediot Sunday Behoof. Rev.
Dr. Medd, of Heiman, prettohed.
The Western Foundry On. hos rented
the Ritchie building on Viotdria street
from D. Stewart end they will ase it us a
e tore room.
P. and S. Fowler, of this vicinity, sold
to W. F. VetloRtolie eight fine two year
old Italian, wboeo weight aggregated
8,500 pounds.
The annual meeting of the High
Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters
will be held in Hamilton in. Juno. At
the meeting of Court Maitland R. U.
KittOon and J. J. Kerr were elected ae
representatives to this meeting.
Rte. R. Hobbs 30010 agreeably surprised
on openlug bis nlafi the other day to Bud
n letter front Chafe L. Kerr, of Philadel-
phia, eon of Bradshaw Kerr, of town, en.
olueiog a cheque for $25 towards the new
Unroll building fund. Charlie, 113 a
Wingham boy, and appreciates the efforts
made by Mr, Hobbs to remove the in•
debtedneee ; hence hit thoughtfulness in
sending a ohegne. Charlie has a good
efto0tioo in Pniladelpbia, Pa.
Aeaoeeoe Clegg bas Completed his work
for this year end returned hie roll to
Town Ulm k Ferguron. from the roll
ere taken the following. particulars :—
Total value of real property $652,607 ;
total value of personal property $77,600 ;
taxable income, $4,050, malting I ho total
aaeested value, $634,917. The number
of children between 5 and 16 ;years is
347 ; between 16 and 21 years, 170: male
persona between 21 and 00 years, 567 ;
number of doge is given as 78. The
Aeseoeor Buda that Wingham has a poen•
)actor of 22(30. The roll tine year shows
that Wingham is prospering. The total
oseeoemeut last year was 11622,457 this
year $034 217, being.en increase of nearly
$12,000. There ie an incr ase fn pope.
ration. The figures far lest year were
9131 and this year 2200, which maltee au
inorease of 1135.
A most httrtnonioas vestry meeting
closed the oburol year at St. Peal's ou
Moodny of . last ter ek. The Warden'e
report showed the church to be in a very
setiefuotory condition. Thos. Bell was
elected Rector's Warden, Wm. Oorbonld,
People's Warden. The Sidemen are ;
—F. Shore, A. Onromer, 0. Hollister, E.
Needs, Jae. herr, G. Vftnstone, Ohae.
Inglis, Veetry Olerk—I'. aMcGuire;
AudItore—A. F. Smith, 0. N. Griffin.
Thos. Bell gave notice that at the next
meeting he would move that the present
rectory he sold and a more suitable one
be erected. Mrs. S, J. Smith asked per-
mi0eien to put a memorial window in
the chancel, for her late husband. This
request woe granted, end the meeting ad
joorned for two weeks, to then receive the
auditors' report. At tbe clone of the
meeting Mr. Holli -ter was elected by the
congregation ae Lay representative to
the Synod.
( O(8er8S;te.
R. 0. Hays has purchased the residence
of the late D. 0. Straobau nu Wellingtou
Aliss Edna Guest left Inst week to take
a position as pnblio school Masher at
A allose of thirty seven candidates is
ander inetrnotion at St. George's ohoroh
for the rite of confirmation. It is expect-
ed His Lordebip Bishop Boldwfo will
visit the parish the first week in Moy to
administer the rite.
The merchants in town in the dry
goods, gents' furnishings and millinery
linea have signed au agreement to 01oee
their places of business at 0 o'elook on
and after the 800h of April, Saturdays
and days preceding public holidays being
A. MOD. Allan has rammed home after
a trip of three months to pointe in
Quebec and the Maritime Provinces,
where he was pureeing an investigation
301 connection with the fruit shipping
bnl'Inese. He is now engaged in conpil.
ing hie report for the Dominion Govern.
As to just what servioe Toledo will have
to Georgian Bay and the "Soo," there
stems to be considerable uncertainty,
00001 at this late date, °aye a Toledo
deeeatclh. The Algoma Sentra' will have
two boats on the route, but jest what
they will be has not been annouuoed. It
is stated that the company bee been
negotiating fur some new steamers, bot
eo far no patella's has been announced.
e('a Ores Shoes
must be fashionably correct. Ours are.
These shoes are comfortable because
they fit inside. The outline is handsome• and
the shoes are made to keep their shape and
appearance till worn out.
Prices are right for right goods ti --
-We have the fo•lowing Geeta' Shoes (0 etoelt which we believe to be the neatest
end most durable mntde :-
-George A.. Slater makes one of the best Canadian Shoes
—The Florsheim, the finest American Gents' Shoes made.
t "dboes made to Order and Repairs promptly done..
"1 �Y DEPARTMENT.—Always to the front with a full
I 't L J 1'�j J j:0J __ Y gtoeit of hand or Machine meds Harueos in Heavy
or Light at Otto lowest prices.
IL O. n i .�>t, a Fly rt
Word Frei (leen reoeivsd fr.m It A.
',Valk. r, . celery of the 1luron Ofd
Bop' A +e eiet300, of 'Toronto, obeolini"g
the 1 ealtallou to rut) their (sent
°•)n l,)t', h , Summer. The intention is 1
t/ tau 110 .0. 01080on to the enemy getter.
oily, and no doubt Goderieh will get a
large share of the visitors The date of
the el.010rrion, it is understood will be
July lth
The ,Mari -ml leo01 on 40 true of opal,
0uppeied by Win. 1,011, and 1420 liege of
01 ur and 200 betas or gait front the Lake
11000E100 ami igenuoba Milling Co. Ili
cargo is consigned 10 several d,ffarent
pointe. On Tneadey afternoon of last
west( the made a trial trip on the lok0,
leaving abou- 13 O'olooit and spending a
(maple of Imre on the cruise. Every•
thing ran smoothly, and the captain is
well pleased with the new steamer.
1r Ie gees 11,
New inetrumeote have been added to
the Baird.
Gro. MoE•ven, 011. P., was here for
Rester meal ion.
Miss Milli' Petty left for London to
tette a 0onree at Oomm.rcial College.
.1, Hobkirlt contemplates r0movi0.g lila
present shop and 800011ng a new up•to
data ane in its place.
Epworth League ennivereary services
were hold 8auday, when Rev. R. Hobbs,
of Wingham, prerohod,
Itev. Dr. Medd was in Wingham con.
ducting the Sabbath School Anniversary
eervioes in the Methndiet (Thumb.
Mies Maggie Stewart, who has beet in
Clinton Ho.pitaf for an operation, hoe
returned home. She is now on a fair
way to recovery,
Onion Bing Smalloombe informs the
Observer that a greater area than ever fa
likely to be sown with onfoas this season.
He lase already emanate oovering 000
lbs. of seed.
IB'oi-d wicfe.
alien Maggie Roadhouse of the village
takes Mile Gills' place as teacher.
Howiok Townehip Council met in the
Albion Hotel, Wednesday of last week.
The Agrfeultnral Grounds, Fordwieh,
wore rented to the Athletic Association
of F. rdwioh for 910.
T. and Mrs. Grnybiel, with their house.
he'd effects, moved to Palmereton where
they will in future reeide.
Charles Roodhouse and daughters have
moved to the village and occupy the reef.
dance he purchased from George etad:e
Airs. (Rev.) Dobson and airs. Wm,
Watters spent the Easter holidays in
Shelburne, visiting the latter's dieter,
Mro. S. T. Fenuell.
George Totten, eon of George Tolton
of the 0th con., has returned from South
Africa, where he spent about three years
in the army, George went from Mani•
Lobe and he says they did not fair very
badly while the war was going on, bat
since the war they had rough times and
had to pay their 01011 expenses home.
The officers and directors of the How-
beit Agrionitural Society met at the Anglo.
American Hotel, Gerrie, to transaot
some general bualneee with the President,
J. H. Johnston in the chair. A letter
from G. 0. Oreelman, Supt. of Apical -
twat Societiee for Ontario, was read,
regarding tbe Fall Faire to be bold in
GOrrio. It was deoided to ask Isar. Creel-
m>u .to Bend one expert judge earth for
horeee, 0001100 and sheep and ovine.
eit rho Vestry meeting of Trinity church
the Warden's report glowed a marked
100100se in the finances, the total reoeipte
being $682 95 and total expenditure being
$022 28, leaving a balauoe of 910 67. The
oontributiono to stipend were $302 50 and
collections 9118 40, being an morease of
over $60. The following offioere were
Bleated for the en003Og year :—Reotor's
Warden, Wm. Watters ;People's Warden,
Adam Spence ; Sidesmen, Thomas Wade
and Alex. Graham, jr. ; Vestry Oterk,
Wm, Wuilaae ; Auditors, William Wallace
and T. Goggin ; Speoial Vestry, Alex.
Graham, sr., Thoe. Goggin, Wm, Strong,
Jooeph Hainetoak and Wm. Wallace.
Delegates to Synod, Alex• Graham, sr.
and Adam Spence.
A LW 00(3.
George Locbead sold a cow to J. A.
Kinney, botcher, that tipped the soalee
at 1,400 pounds.
John Carrie, of Rochester University,
is visiting hie brothers, George, of Atwood,
and Rev H. E., of Menkton.
(lies Edith Penhall left on Wednesday
morning of last week for Toronto where
she wilt pursue her musical etudiee at.
the Coneervetory of Nasiu.
Ed. Elouze, V. S , is taking charge of
John Wilson's veterinary practice in
Wingham. Mr. Wilson purposes taking
a trip to Manitoba in a short time.
George Cooke hes taken obarge of the
Presbyterian ohoir and anted in that
capacity last Sabbath. D. G. Anderson
reoigued the position soma weeks ago.
Adapt Inglis, of Elinburgll, Scotland,
arrived here on Monday of last week after
a somewhat tedious but enj iveble voyage
acmes the briny deep. Mr. Inglis's stay
ink with hie oauein, Wm. G. Inglis and,
if he lilies our land and customs will
snake hie home here.
EW.000 Twr. 00nn00b,—The muoloipol
()outwit ofthe township of Elma met in
Aorianitnral Hall, Atwood, 00 April 'Sob,
1908 ; members all pr0eent. Minutes of
last meeting lead and signed. Several
communications were read and disposed
of, Moved by Bell and Curry, that the
Oieek be authorized to notify the Trustees
of eohool emotions Nos. 7 mud 8 that a by.
law will be introduced at next meeting of
Council for the purpose of detaching lot
Eq. 14, oon.1S, from 8, S. No, 7 and an,
trexing it to 8. 8. No. 8. Carried, elov•
ed by Boyle and Curry, Chet Jamee Dick-
son be appointed arbitrator by this
Connell for the purpose of altering. or
di000lvhtg union school section No. 6,
Logan end Edina, and union school deo.
Lion No. 7 and to form therefrom and
with other lauds in the townehip a new
school 0000011 or Otherwise as he with
the otbet arbitrotore chap Ooeelder
advisable. Carried. M .ved by Curry
and Boyle, that G. Hart be paid 926.00
for wide for the alleged flooding of hie
land, Carried, Moved by Bell and
Coates, that tbe Clerk be authorized to
write Mabee & Making that the Oonneil
do not hold themselves responsible for
any domages t0 W. Baillie, enacted.
Moved by Boyle and Oarry, that the
Clerk be authorized to advertioe for
tenders for the putting on of 756 yards of
gravel on the gravel road ae follower 60
yds, from Lietowel boundary to 2nd can.;
50 yds. from 2nd to 4th ; 75 yde. from 4th
to 6th ; 150 yds. from Ooh to 8th : 40 yds,
froth to railroad (from reifr0ad tolOth �`
will beedone afterwards); 140 yds. from CAVI
ilio( to 12.11 ; 76 yds, from 1'dtb to 14111; ,
Specials For This
1V Prints,ina1wide, ddark colors, worth f
yard, for 65.—I-0 yards Grey Cotton,84toeheawide, or
45u.— 1—New Giughama, feet oolore, in blue and white apron (Meeks
and bright Outdo. worth 8o for 6o,— I —White Cotton, line even thread,
yard wide, regular pried 80, for 5o.— j —Wool Tweeds, ill stripes and
oheeke, notable for boys' Baits, regular 55c, for 26e.— 1—Men's Wool
Pants, in light and dark 0tr0pee, very swell, regular pries 9145, for
$1 —1 —White unit colored Mueliue, in a full range of pri0es, from 6o
per yard up.— 1 —Japanese Pure Blouse Sfiker io all the INC colors,
very epeo,al, worth 60o, for 39o.— 1 —Heavy Serge Dress, in black and
uuvy, 60 1010(300 wide, bright finial, a great snap, worth 9126, for 980.-
80—j —Union Carpets, yard wide, some special values, in new patternsat
25o, 35o, 40o and 60o.— j- —Wool Carpets, two ply, revereible, yard wide,
in new patterns and colors, et 060, 73o and 86o.— 1—Lace ()orta ns, 21,
to 4 yards Mug, from 26o to $3.
McKinnon & Go., Blyth.
50 3de. from 14th to 16th ; 76 yds. from
16 h tc 18th ; and 50 yds from 18th to
boundary. 'Tenders to be received up to
2 o'olook p. m., llth May next. Carried.
Moved by Bell and Curry, that order° be
Mimed for payment of the following ao.
Donate : Bombard do Chalmers, 914
Dement pipe ; T. H. Rolle 85 for amount
of Engineer's award paid twice ; R. Mill.
burn 50 Dents, repairing culvert townline
E. & nt. ; J• Hanna $1 75, culvert town -
Hue E. & G, ; J. Lambert 96, repairing
culvert and cedar ; S. Balls 910, digging
tile drain ; W. Thompson 91, repairing
approach to bridge, con. 4; U.A. Broogb-
ton 85, the culvert gravel read ; J. Graham
92 26, repairing townline E. & L. ; Wm.
Wherry 97 26, expen0ee to Stratford,
Logan and Ethel ; S. Curry 9 25, expenses
to Stratford, township bueinese ; J. Don-
aldson 92, attending Judge's court re
Wilton appeal ; T. Fullerton 94, prepar-
ing papers and attending Judge's two
oonrte Wilson appeal ; F, Coates $1 50,
removing fence in Fall and replaol0g i0
Spring to avoid eoowdrifte. Carried.
Moved by Boyle and Bell, Saab the
Council do now adjourn to meet again on
the lltb May text. Carried.
Mies Alioe Roberta, who fell down an
elevator shaft at London, Out., died from
her injuries.
Mrs. Jacob Cramp, of Dunnville was
probably fatally burned, her clothes oetcb-
ing fire ao ebe was cooking dinner.
Strenuous Objections
are never made against feed enpplied by
Alf. Baeker. A11 stook like it and thrive
on it, and it is pronounced by all intel-
ligent breeders to be inoompariably the
beet sold. Try a sample lot and yon will
never feed anything bat our Keller corn
and oats.
Alf. Baeker.
The Best of this Season's Productions.
We have made a special effort to seam deeigne and colorings
of artistic merit not only in high grades but in those 00 low as
BED RO0M8—We have Dainty Florets, producing charming effects, at Low
PARLORS—Beautiful Designs in Gilt and Creamy Tones, Blues, Greene, eke.,
in delicate Shades,
HALLS, DINING -7(00008, &o—Fine Effective Designs, in Magniftoent
Colors, giving Warmth, Richness and Beauty to no apartment.
DON'T WAIT till our stook is broken. Make your selection NOW.
If you have any rooms not recently Papered, just call and let us
et tell you how little it casts to make home bright, attractive and happy,
Fred eCr n
Papers displayed in Sole Block, Brussels._
200 BIJ tilE S
Must be Sold this Season,
The Finest
line to be seen
in any town
in Ontario
will be found
Co.'s Warerooms
—We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac-
tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs.
—You can save money by examining our stock before purchasing,
---Satisfaction assured. Prices right.