HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-4-23, Page 4414,41"*
Ebt trus5c1A 1gste
THURSDAY, APR. 28, 108
The Dream City
of 'oscpla.
Seen by a Toronto News Fern*
Were the story of the "pity" of St.
Joseph, with its myeterioue palace betel,
its mytbioal factories, ire 2 000 eity
building Tote, its glowing but etiit nebulous
future, and its Government built harbor,
printed in a magazine of °arrant flotiou,
it would be generally ooneidered as a
clever and playful bit of fancy, well
imagined by some ingenlut literary
Munch t n Retest ansae. But as a o 1
from real life baP
ani K in
an age when
sane business men are sot apt to indulge
in such expensive Quixotic Moran, and
when Governmente are not supposed to
throw away pubiio money in abetting
them, it would be laughed at be all sen
Bible men as a pipe dream. Yat this
mysterious folly of Huron ooauty ie uo
pleasant tale of Notion. It is real and
the fact that it is real furuishea rich
material for students of queer phaaee or
Human nature, and of the ridiuuloue in
modern Canadian politica.
About thirty miles down the shore of
Lake Enron, from Goderioh, aud ten
miles doe West from the village of Hen
call, there jute oat from a straight strip
of unprotected, wave beaten (wast, a
forlorn bit of Drib work, some twenty feet
long. Member Dot, and a rod or so to the
South, there are the remains of another
crib, over which the waves dash. Strewn
along the shore for some hundreds of
yards the timbere, some of whiob were
waabed from similar cribs by the weep.
posed onslaught of Harou'e white•oapped
rollers, and others prepared for the
continuation of the work. Practically
that is all that at left for the naked eye
to eee Rs the remit of a Government
expnditure of $10,000 in a mad attempt
to itnild a harbor where nature intended
no harbor, and where the people of Huron
asked for no harbor and needed none.
THE TOwx OF ST. 3.te0PH.
Ou the bluff above the narrow atrip of
sand forming the beech, there lies the
almost deserted andwonderfully rinicu-
lout town, or ,lily of St. Joseph, At
present :his city c_mprt ea a bare, an•
finished l:. t ab:,nt the size of the
Walker i?.0=s, Terocte, a half-dozen
ea:act S eureeeliy .7 oiebea stores,
ser ra , ; as t - aeL e , n poet office,
a bn.!:!:...Chhe-tea. ty the risme of an
rest, tarT, °a.tc•,. a _Wa., frame hotel,
v,;et er r".ib ata..... - °.tee f r factories,
ate _ res.._neeeha ebitam.
A Nee, titre-eotetive visited this
ter:eIn 5,1 6:l.'-eso •L'athetie spot on
Satarda;v set, at:l the tale that was told
him by reeideats in the vieioity begears
mach that is told by modern romancers.
The designer o: this Ontario castle in
Spain is one Monsieur N. M. Consit,e.
This Monsieur Contioe, who is still a
nompararively young man, was born of
Frsaah.Caoadian parents within about a
quarter of a mile of the present city of
St. Joseph, thee known, and still appear
ing on the maps, as Johnson's 1ltile. At
that time the place consisted of a pods
tffiseand a saw mill. Both ars still
there. After he grew up to young man•
bead pontine became for a time a cattle
d>aler ou a smut: spate, and ae such did
business with a neighboring well-to•do
Sootah harmer named James Campbell.
Some time afterwards Contioe moved to
larger spheres or enterprise. Rumor
says the interested oapitaliate in another
part of the country iu a scheme fur
making cement, and the fiaaneial returns
tohimeelf were good. Six of seven yearn
ago he returned to his native place with
coueiderably larger ideas of money and
how it was to be made. He 000asived
the idea of tontine, Jeboaon'a Mills into
a fivnrishing city, with factories. street
car liaise and big dividends all complete,
Now Jotluaou'e Mille have apparently
nu gualificatione for any such destiny.
It hats no natural harbor of any kind, it
he not the centre of any rich and populous
agricultural dlstriat, and it i8 ten miles
from the nearest railway line. But
Cantina was a good talker and had
unlimited optimism in projecting hie
scheme. He approached Campbell with
his project, told l,im of fortunes to be
made by the building Iota to be sold, eto.
end, strange to say, tithe hard headed old
Switchman fell in with the scheme. He
had confidence in Coutine and advanced
a row thousand.
A civil engiuesr and arobiteet was
engaged. The oily was surveyed into
building Iota, factories and residences
and a patios hotel were built (on paper)
and everything way completed but the
actual building, A street oar line was
even pictured on the plan aud a our
running poet the hotel entrance.
The erection of the hotel aud of a
faotnry where hair anciers it similarly
word articles were to be made was
begun, Things want ahead with a green
hurrah. Newspaper write ups were
eeoured and the pubiio became interested.
Bus proseutly Campbell goo restleaa and
funds erste not fortha.,ming. Straight•
way new oapitaliats were breugbt on the
scone by ()entitle, dug up from nobody
knowe where, but always suave, well.
dressed and "millionaires," Campbell, who
had already seek thaaeanda in the
eaheme, was persuaded that the praflte
wontd eventually begin to appear. He
could have hie money baok, at oourse,if
he wanted it, but he might as well stay
in the enbeme and ahem the profits now.
Thus the oity progressed by lite and
Matte. Varlouefactories were projected
and occasionally they actually started
operations for a few days. A hammer
factorY was pawned andn ere tedat
the walls of the building were, eo report
hag it, only eight inohea think, and before
the tbrobbiug machinery wee pet in a
strong wind oame up and blew down the
A Mr. Becignsol, of Sendwieh, a wine
ntanutaetnrer, was induced to ewe to
the nlaehroom city and start the menu.
facture of whams, mineral waters, vinegars,
550. He ie there yet,. one of the only two
men who have stayer). The other is a
1110. bieignette, who le now making organ
pipes on a small scala, A factory was
ereotod for Mr. Betiquaul and maohinery
pat in. A meted of garrotte and a
oarload of eager were sent to 11008811 end
earned to St. Joseph, Sonne days later
they were teamed beak and sold et lees
then wholesale prises, Mr. Beoic ueul,
who le esid to have eunis about 48,000 in
the scheme, to still desperately waiting
and watabing at St. Joeeph, He showed
The News man through the taotory on
Saturday. The wine vete and mineral
teeter apparatus are still there, a little
cleat covered, but etfll unworn by tt.e.
"This is the taotory pithier," he maid,
pointing to a little dusty, lumber•strewn
room. "Thio is the shipping room ; this
the office" --both bare and nnSniehed as
tbey were two or three years ago.
"I hope to start making wine next
Fall. The place looks a little bad now,
but dome and ens toe thee."
"But how will you gat your grapes
1st, 2"
01, we hope to have a harbor by then
and will bring them in by boat."
But the richest part of the story eau.
eerier the hotel. It hoebeen bahIdip
in still rho
ei years,andall
t r f . to a French Oanadien
keeper th. key,t
youth, uulooked the doors for the writer
and abowed him through the building
It le big enough fur an cosmopolitan
hotel. The glees in the windows atone
cost $8,000, and the whole baildfug,
nnfinished ea N is, 18 said to have coat
over $100.000. The bar and the barber's
shop ate the only tarnished roome as yet.
Some time ago the whole interior furnish•
into of thcaold Balmoral Hotel in Mont.
real were bought and ebipped here,
appareutly without regard to the scat of
freight, or whether the etnff eonld be
used or not. Ao a matter of feat, mush
of it was absolutely useless -broken doore
and mouldiuge, odds and ends of turni•
tura in various states of disrepair, and
not worth hall the most of freight. A
large ticket office sign, atating that rail•
way and steamship tickets tor New
England aud European points could be
purchased there, is one sample of the
amazing folly displayed in paying neelese
traueportation. The hotel is fitted with
an electric light plant, and wben finiebed
would probably have accommodation for
200 guests. The rich Balmoral bar
fixtures are installed, and in on adjoining
room are eat up four barber's chairs and
the usual fixtures.
"But what on earth are they going to
do with the plaae when it is Welled ?"
was asked.
',We don't- known ; uobody knows,"
came the solemn reply. "The little ho-
tel soroes the way sometimes doesn't take
in a dof,ar a day. But they say they
are going on with this one, and we are
waiting uow for them to some baok and
start work again."
Does the incredulous reader imagine
that this ie something like a fairy tale
that is being told ? Wait ! Tbere ie
more to come yet, jest as amazing and
just ss true and the reoorde thereof are
writ in the accounts of the Department
of Public Works of Canada.
The ramsfiastione of Mr. Cantina's
schema are many. A Chicago brink
masufaoturer was brought in, induced
by Contioe'' persuasive powers. He drop.
pad several thousands and then left in
disgust. A half built reeideacs is the
monument he left behind to oommemor•
ate late foolieboeee. Other oapitaliats
were approached, invested small amounts
in enticing paper esbemea, and were glad
to get ant without further loss. Camp.
bal., atter investing the bulk of hie for
tune varioaety estimated at from $60,000
to 4100,000, broke down iu health aud
died some mouths ago. A year or so ago
a company wee formed by Cantina to
carry on she work. The incorporators
were :-Louie de Gonzagae Ronthier, M,
D., of Ottawa ; Joseph P. Prodhomme,
manufnotarer, of Ottawa ; ToueeaInt
Gideon Coursollee, translator of the
D•.miniou Parliament ; Joseph T. R.
Laurendeau, manufacturer, of Montreal,
aud S. T. Joubert, maaufaotarer,of Mon.
treat The company was incorporated
under the name of the St. Joseph Land
Improvement and Manufacturing Oom
nn witb a capital stock of 600 000.
serer a charter to Darr on � the
They ady
new hotel, stores, eta., which had been
interrupted by leak of funds, was vigor-
ously resumed. A race -track was planned
and soma of the city lots were ploughed
up and prepared for the purpose. Dr.
Ronthier, himself, spent several months
iu the place superintending operations.
-The Toronto News,
Paul's Journey to Jerusalem.
16y Gliesu-rl-Howie, I'b. ll„ f'or'merly
of Ill•usselm.
"Landed at Trye." Tyre, the oity of
Hiram, is now a mean town of some four
thnuaand of a population ; relics of past
greatness, chiefly underground, are abun-
dant ; but to a Bible student the tomb of
Origen, who lies buried in Tyre since 266
A. D., is by far the most interesting.
Like Apoltoe, Origen woo born in Alex
audria, and like him he was "eloquent,"
but more "mighty in the Scriptures." He
was an industrious] and successful mod
lector of MSS., and may justly he called
the father of eyetematia and critical Bible
study. He was a higher oritio, but his
higher oritioiem was reverent and holy,
and hie prodigious learning did not hinder,
m t Paul
• helped him to become one o Pan e
mightiest Sncesseore, and one of the bum
blest followers of 'Christ. He vietled
Rome and Antioch, and leotnred eaten.
steely in Jerusalem and Oaeearea, and S
S. teachers ought not be ignorant of snob
s noble ancestor of theirs.
"We name to Ptolemais." I am not
aware Gust this town is mentioned any.
where oleo in the New Testament, exoe(it
in this obapter. By French writers it le
called St. Jean d'Aore-in Englieb, bare.
Even now it is a strongly fortified city,
enclosed by a wall, and defended by tow
ere and eaettee. Its hooses are very Glome
together, for buildings are not allowed
outside the wall, (5 in Jerusalem, A
relatively large proportion of Pereiane are
domiciled in it itso p elation is about
10,000, mostly Mohammedans, and the
balsam profess the Christian faith a000rd•
ing to the Greek Orthodox (Thumb.
The Oberon of England Nlieeiouary
Society have a station in Apollo, and an
effort le being made to republish the
Christianity whiob Pard preaohed.
Ptolemais lien to the Bouth•tveet of Tyre,
at the head of the Bay of Aore, just on
the route from Tyre to °asearee, and
those who have visited pieces mentioned
in the Book of Iota ars aetonisbed at the
eooureey of Lalle'e geographioal know-
ledge, Even unfriendly onhtine have sans
leased that their visite to these places
beve enhanced great.y their reapeot tot
the author of the Book of dote as an
1teoarate writer, and if my rcadete would
T14. A 11ftll 8 SI14 P
M oawsn+.va�e«c�r7•. Saw,�Sktk.:.. .. fiSia'9?*. "a ."< "'dttt ' P't93htt-;o1`J•:trt. i`zKota-rr a?orv<°;.:,,.+K+�-::,, :.�s±+v..,r•+ci..e.,8 8 8 .8.,,.,.: ,..,;
study the Wrap they would derive mn°ll
benefit of the same kepi.
"We that were of Pael'e oompany de-
parted end came into (las,area, aud wo
enttred into the house of Philip the
evangellet " Ose.at01 WAR a mealtime
city, on the tooth from l'tulemais to Jeru-
enitin, Bitter per•oaal saperienee of
needless contusion makes me say ; Planets
impreee your pnpile with the foot that the
Oaeseree, or 110 Book of Acte is not the
Newell of the Guspele, which is leads
memorable in oona'gsrtfaoe of the eoene
related In Matt. 10 18, and which lied
two days ride to the North-west high upon
she southern slope of Mt. Hermon, Tbis
Caesarea of the Book of Aots he some•
limes called (laesarea Palestina. Baia.
Lively it was to Palestine ane Syria whet
New York is to the United Stafne, The
Roman governor who represented imperial
Rome bad his Seat in it, and in it peop'ee
of every nationality then ku ern met. Ile
barbor was ertilieiel, but it was the best
on that part of the A-at'o as est.
St. Paul had been buntline with oABfla•
tea before this time, aud before this
quarter ie over we shall find that he 'pent
over two years in lbie city, and tbat some
of the most memorable episodes in the
apostle's life mouthed iu Gammas. Zt
was here that he madeFalfx tremble, and
amused Agrippa to say, "Almost than per.
snadeet me to be a Ohrietian." May N
not be that the dfeaiples wham Paul found
at Tyre and Ptolemaic owned their know-
ledge of the Goepel to the residence of
Philip end his family in Caesarea ?
An epocb•making sweet in the history
of Obrletianity occurred in Oaessrea,
namely, the formal admission of Gentiles
in the Christian Oharah by Bt, Peter
(Rote 10).
Mt. Lebanon, Syria.
Ou The 01d Maid's Convention.
It meet be a turrib'e afiilotion to be
born an ould maid. I elver was au cold
maid maser, an' what's more, I wndde't
want to be, but av I was, I t'tnk I'd make
e striatum Effort to ahaogs me ways,
I'm Could there do be some married wim
men who i0vy the ould maids, but where
there's wen w0mmau who would prefer
bein' an ould maid, there's tin ould maids
wbo end give what's lift iv their aye
teeth to be th' proud pocaiseor iv a man -
n rale man. It must be drtdtul monoto
one to Ise au ould maid, I don't t'ink it
was icer intindid that wumtnau abed live
alone -or man either for that mattber,
[Tie nathnral that wumman shad love
eome'ting, an' 10 she oan't git a man
she'll grab onto a oat or some other koind
iv 8 bird. I'll niver fargit th' oak iv
gratitooed that ehtole over Mary Ellen's
face whin I cffered lour me heart an'
hand an' so on. 10an't say tbat she was
an cold maid ixaotly. but she had n good
many iv the eymptons. Th' bloom of
youth was ehtitl on bur cheek, an' indede
We there yit av iver I make a remark
not quite in accord wid bar eintymints.
Howiver, n5I was 8ayin', I'll niver fargit
bar grateful Ink, nor tin' way she thio
her arms roan me nealc an soraimed,
"Ye bet yer neck I will 1" Now, army
other gur1I iver proposed to always
hong her head an' wanted a wake
or two to t'ink the mattber over. But all
this is proivate, au' I'll eay nothiu' about
ft. Spakiu' iv ould maids, perhaps ye
don't know there's to be an ould maid's
Oo0vintiou here on th' 24th iv this month,
There will be dhllyga'es from Hamilton
an' Skagwsy, an, Hart nrbey an' other
places iv note- Wan iv tb' eabjeota to
oome up for disoussiou will be, "Whoy
ebaddu't a wuutmse bays acs moos roleht
to pop th' quishtion ae a man ? au' av
eo, why not ?" They will also dismiss
bb' advoisability iv pelitionin' parliamint
to enact a law to make it a criminal
offince far a man to remelt; eingle aftber
be undoes th' age iv fifty or lieu. I mud•
dn't wonder but what there'll be a big
crowd at th' aonviufon, but it's loikely
tbat th' moat iv til' marriageable Moho-
lora will be layin' low about that toime.
Remimber th' date Cnrdno's Hall, April
rmitthlt' Goma;24th, wither pu ,
Egg Dealers Exercised.
A Firtn Baying Eggs At a Cost. of 14c t0
10e,.ias SellIiig At 101c to Ile -
Plunging la Easter Eggs.
Reoeivere of eggs et Ottewa and
Montreal are very mob exercised over
the action of an Ottawa firm which it
appears have been offering to pay 12o
per dozen. 1. o. b. at country points
where other buyers were only paying
14o. Bot the moat singular part of the
buemesa N that the eggs are bought et
12o. f. 0. b, and ordered by express to
Ottawa, and thenoe by express to Mon•
treat, coating about 15e laid down here ;
and one of the repreesotatives of the
above firm was in the airy a few days ago
selling these eggs at llo here although
they oast 16e. The firm also sold ell
they could at 101Jo in Ottawa although
the eoebpriae laid dusvn theta woo l,te
namely, 120 1. u. b, et Western etationa,
and 2u express charges i and what they
could not die/into of there mere shipped
to Montreal, Postal cards were sent out
to different peels of the w"uutr,v by the
firm referred to, jest before .Batter,
orating that they wanted eggs for the
Ranter trade, and that they tvWit pay
128 1. b ; and to express the goods
not later than Friday ; beta r Tlmreday
but to ship esrly in the weep to 1)0h81110.
Some of the storekeepers in reepunee
thereto shipped their eggs to the Ottawa
firm, 0. 0, A at 12o, and 20 charges ;
aid these only realized 10}e 1, c, b.,
Ottawa. Others it acorns shipped their
eggs straight to the firm without any
miegiviage. An old Ottawa house writ•
ing to a firm here, iu reference to the
above, stated that the market was being
ruined by theme effete to pay 12o in the
°ouatry. The trade be said was mom•
pletely demoralized, ae be was receiving
letteretrots every dayfrom hie customersmers
meting that they were offered 12a o, b.,
and as he could only pay 10,}o f. o. b., Ito
could do no bueiueee ; and bis legitimate
trade 5085 blooked. The repreeentativa
of this Ottawa firm writing in Montreal
to a firm here rt questing a cheque for the
eggs he had sold them says :-"Mie lot
we ask you to send certified cheque its
you have delayed returns some four days.
Treat you will oblige us as we plunged in
Easter egge and Abell lose money." Of
°aurae there was nothing to prevent the
Brno "plunging in Rueter eggs" if they
eaw fit ; although enoh motion has done
an immense amount of injury to the 1
trade throughout the country, ae those
who bad been selling at 10,ja to 118 1. o. Feats and OommenteSpanner
b., at once stopped shipping to their J Lettere from a Self made Meruhann,.
The Malligans Harrigan
Onr Noble Friend, Tho Horse Were
Our Devoted Friend, The Dog.... Seton
A Year,hn the Fields Burrows
Wild Life near Horne Slsarp
The Art of Taxidermy Rowley
Practical Forestry Gifford
Sylvan Ontario Muldrew
The House uuder the Sea,, -.Pemberton
X'ng Mombo Obatilu
The Mate of the Good Ship York..
Brussels Public Library, Rttaeall
The Whelemaaa Wife Bollen
Captain Fanny Russell
undersigned will beep for P.01.000 on
Lot 0. 00110,10 t4 11 time, the thorn' bred
Hhorthoru lintl Uautain Pnroetor;' tit'ed 1
by line "'Captain Maytly," lord bred by Jaa.
A. Carer. Shakespeare, Ont Pedigree may
be 00011 un aapI11511(1" TOMB. 81.054 with
Privilege of r,turning it neeeeant'y,
07 ant ,Proprietor,
.d.property at 105851 known as We
Methodist Parsonage. Apply to SN 0,
00131112, Brussels,
20, Oon, 10, Grey. There a1 a 100 aol'ea,
20 under onitivatlou• Apply to JOSEPH le
.r •le
1'. U ll (u E t t'em a or i, 1
J)M Ir to t iso 1 of #
1 ,
ou 4'urubarry street, Brussels, know]
aR the Somerset property, eligibly situated.
l'mmedhtte 1,08e088100. Per farther parties
tome as to pile°, terms, the., apply to O.
AtotlUTORRON Lot 10, Con. 12, MaKi1lop,
ur Leadbury P. O, 88.11
'rAT•14.-68000,00 will buy the McCau-
ghey Block in the Village of Brossele. These
two line stores must be sold to close out tile
atsCaagboy Estate, Intending pu Wieners
should tuvoetigate at ones. Apply to F. B.
SCOTT or ti, L'. 13LA11t• Benneole, Ont,
regular eorroepmldente here and 3u
Ottawa after receiving en offer of 12e
1. 0. b. Oountry egg dealers ehou:di.
beware of firma who offer to buy at above -
market prieee, unless they get the cash
down for the goods they hall. On Mon.
day 15st certain shippers were endeavor.
ing to trace the goods they sold the
above se'f•oonfeseed "plunger.", ae they
had not received pay therefor. -The
Trade Bulletin, Montreal.
My Life in many States Frain
The Westootes
The Intrneion of Peggy
Weer Hoadley'' Secret Marabtnoht
The Ring's Ring Topelius
The Inimitable Mrs. Maseiogham..
The Red Anvil Sberloak
The Man who dared Ritter
The Oroaereads of Destiny
The Grey House of the Querriee..
M, H. Norrie
The Last Word McGowan
God's Rebel Faller
Vivian of Virginia
The Red House Nesbitt
Intimate China Little
Emmy Lou Martin
Tommy Ooruetalk Abbott
Gleugarry School Daye Oonner
The Pit F. Norris
The New Boy at Dale Rich
In the Morn;ug Glow Gilaou
Amin Winfield Walsh
Anoelot ' Prion
A Son of Gad Stewart
John Winslow Northrop
The Thoroughbreds Fraser
Souls of Passage A E. Barr
The Cirale Tbnreton
Father Anthony Buchanan
From Pad Venable
Roms,:os of Ohiidllood and Youth..
In the Fee - Davie
Captain Macklin
Those Delightful AtnerioanaDunaan
Hope Laving Bell
Oliver Horn. Smith
Donovan Pasha. . Parker
For n Maiden Brave Hotchknie
The Red Men of the Dns1r1rinnemore
The Dobley'e Mneterson
The Ring's Agent Paterson
Sweetheart Manelte Thompson
Enoch Steens Appenhetmer
The Pride of Tetltnir Peaks
Mr. Dooley's Philosophy
A. Hope
Cement Silos.
As I am building Cement Silos for
Hugh W. McRsy, 0th Con., Grey,
and Alexander MoLauoblin, Jr.,
Morrie, any any other persona de-
siring to build would do well by
olrreeponding with me.
priiig Milli�2r�
NH HM414141414
In his big fur coat aud with mittens big
ae halve,
With hie etriugofbelle a jingling, through
the °Gentry aide he slams.
There aro lots of calls to make, and he's
always on the tear,
A•looming in his cutter like an amiable
And it's, "Bid•t, there,
Johnny, don't you care,
Though it's aching something awful and
N moat too much So bear.
Jnet-be-gay I
The pain will go a flyin' for the doctor's
an the way."
There are real, true eainte, there are
atsgels all nrouud,
But there insh't one that's welcomer
than he is, I'll be bound.
When he bustles in the bedroom and he
dumps hie baffler coat,
Ansi sticks a glass thermometer a down
the saff'rin' throat.
And it's, "Chick, ]beer up 1
Mother bring a cup 1
You're going to like thin famous when
you tape a little eup.
Theta -tame -why,
There's a twinkle iu your eye 1
You'll be up again tomorrow, bob ; gid.
dap, giddap, good•bye 1"
The Ladiea' Guild of Trinity church
are arranging to (told a dinner on July
J. S Golden has enooeeded T. W.
Scott in the gr000ry and boot and sle:e
Alex. and Mrs. McKellar left on Tues.
day morning for Franklin, Manitoba,
where they purpose residing for Some
Mrs. N. H Young left last week for
Toronto, where aloe will joiu her dangle•
ter, Mrs W. W. Sion, and then proceed
to Fort Frannie.
Mies Janet Anderson, who has beau
leeching eobool ab Tebkummab, Maui.
taulin Island, for the past eight months,
N at preeont holidaying at the home of
her parents, J. A. and Mta.Anderson.
The flex mill was discovered on fire
about eight o'clock on Sunday night of
last week. It MMB put out with n few
pails of water before any greet damage
was done. How the fire started is a
John Weymouth, who has been em.
played in the Blyth planing mill for acme.
lime, hes moved hie family from Lender/.
bore' to Blyth, and they are now oe-
cupyiug Mre, Wm. Naivety's 12ou80 on
Mosley street,
The Barr colonists at Winnipeg created
a most favorable impression.
Jeremish Simmons' farmhouee, near
Frank ford, was destroyed by fire.
A company has been formed to promote
English settletneet in new Ontario,
A new $70,000 theatre will be created
0 on the e1te of the Toronto Opera House,
0)0 The post' tnoe at Ala 31A. Aeea., waa rob
•a bed of $2000 Dash aud papers worth about
Our Opening having been a brand
success, we are ready with a choice
selection of Millinery Goods, Trim-
med, Untrimmed and ad
X wear Hats in, great variety and at
Lowest Cash Prices.
Special attention, given to
Mourning' and Wedding Orders.
Call and examine our stoop.
ri' 14 231, HNNH pq qt /4 g14 /`¢ p N p
Western Liberal representatives waited
on the Government end urged the con•
atruetion ut a State owned railway in
Western Omade,
At St. lblary'a by law to raise $20,000
for roads, to extend the waterworks and
eleotrio lighting eerviee and to manage
time eervidee by commissioners were
Toe Deering Harvester Company have
Suet let oontraots for $260,000 worth of
515W buildings at Hamilton, and may
spend a quarter of a million more for the
sante purpose.
According to a etatement by the North.
west Grain Duelers' Aseoolatiou, there ie
still 14,788,768 bnabole of wheat to be fors
warded to take porta by Manitoba and
Territorial far mete.
80N to travel for well eetabliehed
house fhn, few counties, calling oh totall
merabahte and agents Loam tartitoryy.
Halary 21021a year and expenses, payable
es07yoe bion pertva tont, expositors
rt} fel and tstehhsa, lenelnsa eolf addroeood on-
° valets°,ileag!anomaly,1fo0BE, 2111 Oaxton,f10 ice"
.ii'la• 1.9 03
•r.+.,,-.•.•. -w-•-n x.13.. retie-.•..a..,rw,.,
Before you begin to
Paint your house be sure
you get the BEST Paint
possible for the money and
at the salve time give Best
satisftlolion and longest
Tile Slieriu\\ i11!a.s Paintl
gives these results 1 -It's a pure Lead,, Zino, Linseed
Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ; covers more surface to
the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results
than any other. Try a gallon and see for yourself.
For sale by-
usin' •`' ss
Q,Conroe'm*�aa�acxc+.�:'fa'1�-{�'�r>•�++.�%� �/tj R.
V Y A. G R A 1 'V !f A R
Has purchased the choice and well assorted stock of4.___
Groceries, Confectionery,
Fruits, Canned Goods, &c.
From L. G. KRUSE and will carry on the business in the old
-Particular attention given to the Ice Cream and Summer Drink
-A choice article of Tea at 27c. per pound.
-See our Newport Chocolates and New Fruits.
-Fine Maple Syrup.
Asking the favor of the esteemed patronage of the public and
promising prompt and careful attention,
Yours truly,
A- G a iet.
The Undersigned beg leave io notify the Public that
they have opened up a CHOICE NEW
STOCK of -
Si u
w 0:81k,
in the Simpson Block, .Ethel, which will be sold at Reason-
able Prices.
We have also a 'Tinware Department and will keep a first-olaes Tinsmith.
A Specialty made of Repairing and Eavetronghing.
Our motto will be Good Goode and Careful Attention to Buetnees.
Bost makes of
Stoves handled.
Did You Ever Play P
Buy a Set To -day.
5 '
2 :�
� and I60 a ox