The Brussels Post, 1903-4-16, Page 8WALL PA
E �
Our Stock is large.
Our Patterns are up-to-date.
Our Prices will please you.
We Trim all papers free of charge.
You may Borrow our Sample Books,
We want your trade ; you want our
Papers because 3 -on can save money
and get good satisfaction.
Druggist & Bookseller,
Trains leave Brunie Station, North
and South, as follows:
Go000 Sorra GOING NoiTa.
pinil 7:18 a.m i Mixed 10:00 a.m
Mixed......... 1000 a.m Mail 1.17 p.m
Express 8:06 p.m 'Express ....-. 8:17 p.m
ural Iltinz Jttras,
A chiefs amang ye takie' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
CAP1'PAl, s • 81,000,000
RESER YE • - 81,000,000
A. le, AIMS, - - 000sIn11NT
11Ev. B. 11. 274121)N74, ILD , 7I011•1'111'.e1m1NT
0. D. MA680Y, eh T. ero0nr.
T114s. B110081A0
General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes
Discounted. Sale Notes bought or held for Collection,
IS ere THE t the Jig est Neale
of :81,00 from
upwards etvomited! date
interest at the highest lsuuk rota allowed, from data of deposit to
of withdrawal, on the dally Ualauoe,
urrtf rseegooufrmay depo6lt them in
Prompt and Pareful Attention, atoll Terms.
G. F, BLAIR, Solioltor, A. E, MELLISH, Manager, BRUSSELS,
"Faults of a Neighbor" is the topio of
Dr. Talmage's sermon in this werk'e
issue of T1io POST.
1. P, Benen.—On Wednesday, 29:1
inat , P. 1mit11, the Eye Speolahat,
will make his regular visit to Brussels
when be may be noneulted at J. Fox's
Drug Store.
Public School will r"Pan on
Ammeter. —While working at the Ament
13"8"14P saw will last Tneaday Jobo Currie had
Monday morning when itis expected the the mietortnue to Gave one of his legs
six departments will be in fall awing. badly 11rnieed but we hope ha will soon
CEAO, Emma has workmen engaged be aB well ae Brea. Hie Head else seer.
in putting on a half etory on the kitchen
of hie residence and will also make other
GO cetera, in advance, 8000083 TEE Pon
to the end of 1908, This is a oinob for
new subscribers and should be early
taken advantage of.
NET tar and gravel roofs are to be put
on the McCaughey bleak, R.Leatherdole'e
store and the central Hotel. Watson
Ainlay has the contracts.
BOTO intermediate and Junior Foot-
ball Lragces will have a Brussels
team this season, The report of the
annum meeting may be read on page 5
of this issue.
Miss BENNETT has opened np a dreea
making and mantle ebop in roome over
Ura. Kirk'e store, Brussels, where she will
be pleased to welcome ibe ladies of this
vioinity from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Tan management of the Metropolitan
Sauk, Head Office, Toronto, have einoe
last December opened the following
branches Brookville, Brussels, Brig
den, Beat Toronto, Milton, Petrolea, Pia•
ton, Sutton We -t and Wellingtoo, besides
four branches in Toronto.
aodereil;ned is prepared to attend to all
orders for paper hanging, kaleomiaing,
glazing and painting in a workmanlike
manner and at reasonable rates. Oar•
pentering aleo attended to. T. NmaoOLe,
John street, Bru ne's.
Guano ORANee Lodge.—The Greed
Oreuge Lodge of British Amerio0, the
supreme governing body of the Orange
Order in Ghia Dominion, hae been called
to meet in Winnipeg ou June 10th, and
the railway oompamee have promised
Bingle fares from all parts of Canada for
the round trip. The original date for
the meeting was the last Tuesday in May,
but that 0118 ooneidered inconvenient to
many of those deoirone of attending.
Tae C1aaoNmLE.—The initial number
of the Raymund (Alberta, N. W. T.,)
Obroniole has come to hand. Raymond
is a new town lees than 2 years old but
shows now a population of about 1100,
The Knight Sager Beet Company is one
of the industries, promoters coming from
Utah. Dr. Rivers,•law to John
Hill, of Brussels, 1188 opened an affiae in
Raymond. We notice among the local
t iffi0uit
that Mn. Rivers took he d
items a
leading part of Agnes Fair:ee, in a
dramatic performance "The lost Mine"
by a local club. The paper says she did
the character fall justice. E. J. Hill, of
Lethbridge, and W. D. Hill, of Oranbrook,
were vieitor8 with their sister, Mrs. (Dr.)
Bo0O0T A FARM.—Joseph H. Bowman,
o hi
who sold hie farm in Grey t wpa p last
Fall and moved into Brneee'e a abort
time ago, bee bought a fine 100 acre farm
at Wiogham from W. F. Vanetone, at
96000 and hae taken p033880ion. He will
not get the hoagie at present as Mr.
Stewart. the former owner of the farm,
is still living in it. Mr. Vanetone takes
Mr. Bowman's bonne and lot in 8008eals
ae part payment on the deal, The farm
is most eligibly located and will make a
very aomforlable house for Mr. and Mre.
Bowman end family. We regret tbelr
removal from town bat wieb them every
saaoee0, The Wingham people will find
them fl .21,019,es residents. Mrs. Bowman
and obildreo may be in Bruesale for a
few months yet until their house on the
farm is vaoant.
Wmo ABs 1108 111110880,—A000rding to
reeolutioa of the town Connell at their
Iasi meeting the members met Friday
forenoon at the proposed eite of the foot
bridge over the Maitland river, neer the
flax mill. After a survey of tbe situa-
tion end a disouesi0n of various 809903 -
tions and Proposals it was deoided to ask
for tenders for the building of a wire
oable bridge with board flooring, &o., abd
if satisfactory the structure will probab-
ly be put up as soon as arrangemente oan
be made. The 000380ene of opinion ap-
pears to be favorable to the placing of the
bridge bat ogre should be token that it
is properly pot up, stayed, &o., so that
next Fall's high water or the freshet ofithe
Spring of 1904 would not sweep it away.
Wire suspension bridges are beooming
quite popular and are being erected so as
to give 90rmenen031 and satiefaotion other-
Fina.—Saturday forenoon the flee bell
rang out the clarion notes that elwaye.
axone a good deal of alarm until the
ex0ot eitaatiun ie sized up, This time
the scene of the danger was at the home
of Walter Smith, Albert street, Owing
10 the absence of the foot bridge a very
roondebout route was neaeeelley to pedes-
trians as the river was too deep, cold and
rapid to ford in taking a abort out,
Luckily R. Henderson wa8 near by with
hie team so tbat the fire engine was
speedily taken to the some of ootion and
atone was ap and ready for running en
arrival, The lire is euppoaed to have
started from to spark from the chimney
end wag 1000190 1118tvee811 the partitions
but although a very high wind was blow.
ing, so prompt was the help that the
building was not Seriously damaged, al.
though the water and hasty removal of
furniture did not tend to general improve.
meat It was a close call, Me. Smith
llama= is On the program.
10. 0. F. At Home on Friday even-
ing of next week.
A. 0.11 W. Friday evening of this
week in their Hall.
WHIP aad leather pipe ease found.
Merlin at Tan Pon.
EAST Honor License Oommieaioners
evit1meet at the American Hetet next
J. D. Warwiolt, V. S., has added con-
siderably to the appe0r0uae of leis prop-
erty by the removal of the fence.
ORGANIZER TowNeHEND has been here
buoming the K. 0. T. M. Tueeday even
ing 15 candidates were initiated.
ABOUT 2 oars of egaare timber are
awaiting shipment at the G. T. R, yard.
Timber is owned by a Mr. McIntyre, of
A BnsnoEss office has been added to
the rear of N. F. Gerry's hardware Store
that will prove a coovenienoe and give
additional 00000 in the store by removal
of desk, safe, &c,
IT is said R. Loatherdale has internal
improvements under consideration in
oonneation with his furniture store as he
intends enlarging his stock and broaden-
ing the lines oarried.
112=1712,2L.—Oharles Squire Miller and
Miss Jenuet McDonald, were netted in
the holy bonds of matrimony, at the
Methodist Parsonage, Brussels, Wednes.
day afternoon, by Rev T. Wesley Coseus.
Mies Mary Ellen Pratt anted as brides
maid and Jobe E. Miller supported the
groom. May joy go with them.
ON going into hie livery stable the
other morning 8. H. Jackson noticed the
oloee call the place had ran from fire. A
hole was burned throe h the bottom of a
manger and the fire went out of its own
mooed. It is supposed in putting eves);
a horse a match or stub of a cigar was
thoughtleeely dropped. The resatta
might have been anions with such a start
TEE Lookridge woolen mill has now
from 15 to 18 hands employed and will
u have everything in good working
shape, Five or 6 families have been
brought to town by this enterprise and
we hope to see the business grow so as to
more than double the number. Favor-
able prospects are presented and the line
of blankets to be made are in great de•
mend we understand.
TBE Blyth Standard says: Andrew
Ballantyne left on Saturday for Brussels,
where a position in the woolen mill
awaited him. Mre. Ballantyne and Oil.
dren will move later, We are sorry that
Andy has left Blyth. He will be vary
much missed in athletic circles, especially
on the baseball field, wbere hie catching
ability and right throwing wing were
prime tactors is helping Blyth ball tos-
sers win many a hard fought game.
ODD FE/Mows' AT Rallis.—The annual
At Home of Western Star, No, 149, I. 0.
0. F., Brussels, will be held in their
specious Lodge roots, Graham block, on
Friday evening of next week, 24th inet,
00mmenoi09 at 8 o'olook sharp. A. abort
mneioai end literary program will be
rendered, Bro. Blaokoby, of Galt, being
expected to give an address, Eaoh mem.
bar Is palled t0 bring hie wife or lady
friend and one or snore others—lady or
gentleman—the member's basket to con.
Lain Ianoh enough for hie gents. As no
formal invitation will be sent to members
this year they are asked to accept this
notifioation and govern themselves a0-
L 0. F—Oonrt Brassele,l No 690, I. 0.
P., held a epactal meeting on Teeeday
night, the 000aeion being the vieit of
Bros. Merles H. Merryfield, H, 0. R.,
and F. Oaie, D. D. H. 0. It, A goodly
number were present and enjoyed a rare
tenet. H. 0, R. Merryftsld gave an in-
teresting and ieetruotive address end the
D. D. H. 0. R. inetalled the officers. Able
addressee were given by P. H. Baohau8n,
D.13. 0. 11., and F. Oain. Organizer P.
11. Buchanan, who has already added 11
members remains to still further increase
its membership whioh now cumbers 42.
A number of abort addressee were given
by members of the Mort after w11i011 re.
treatments were served. All epent a very
profitable evening. The Independent
Order of Foresters is at intent . making
growth by Ieape and bounds, over 7,000
members being added tba last montu.
It began with a membership of 1019 in
1881, and by Jan. let, 1903, had 206,469.
Ite aoonmulated fonds in 1881 were
$4,568, and by Jan. 1,t, 1903, ,96,220,000.
It paid to ite widows, orphans and dieab-
1ed children in yea0 1002, 91 568,695.53
and sent help to 1,600 homes. '2180 work
in this Northern part has fat sarpaeeed
ell annotations, of witioh High 011181
Ranger Merry1181d feels proud.
ed by the fail.
Tan Oonfederation Life Association, of
Toronto, issues policies on all the latest
plans and rhowe apeoially good results,
W. H. Kerr is the Loot Agent at Brus-
8810. Information will be abanfully far.
To Aea A DOTS ON BUIL-301l11 Bam-
ford was at Ottawa interviewing the
Minister of Fivanoe in regard to the
duty on Balt. Mr. Banetord very ably
set forth the foot that the salt trude of
Ontario required reasonable protection in
order that it may be developed or saved
from being totally deetroyed, He point-
ed ant that two-thirds of the salt O0llenm.
ed in Ontario wee imported, and came in
duty free. This same gentleman has
aleo had a lengthy letter, setting forth the
toe condition of the Balt industry in
very logical style, forwarded to all the
members of parliament, eo that they
may all tba more intelligently vote on
the 0008tiou when it comae up for die -
OnoozN PItIENDe.—During 1902 the
order made good progress, 3,677 appli-
cations have been teoived and of this
number 3,352 were approved. The mem
berahip 01 tbe order at the end of the
year was 23,829 carrying au in -
annum of 924,613,018 40. In the oleic
benefit department there hae also been a
substantial growtb. The net gain in
membership during the year was 635,
making n total memberehip of 3,507.
The financial condition of this depart-
ment was aleo shown to be satiel0atory
with a balance on band of 911,412,78,
after the payment of a largenumber of good lumber wagon yon are asked to call
sick and funeral benefit Mlaime, H. R. at The ()ober Oorriage Factory, Boon's,
Brewer represented Brussels et the where yon will find a eplendid caw stook
Grand Council. to ohoose from and at correct prices. A
00021,15 HAUUT DEoaAeED.—Last Sab• look through our show room will nob
bath evening, about 7.80 o'clock, the poet you anything and may save you
spirit of Thomas Charles, youngest eon some money.
who grew a a sore plot last Sommer,
rxpreeeed his satiefaotion with the elate
meet made by Mr. Forrest as it tallied
with hie experience end be believed the
farmer could grow the beet at a profit
Whether Brussels will take any ootion at
this juue1ure ie not very clear but the
absence of many from the meeting wee
not oharaoleriet'o of any fever bent
enthusiasm, There is no doubt the
eetabiiehment of a factory here would be
both a boon 8ud a boom to the commun-
ity. This has been the experience of
those who have ventured. Report of last
season's experimental plots in this looai-
ity may be obtained al Tan Poor,
Business Locals.
FEED corn, clean and dry, for eale at
Roes' mill, Brussels.
JreT received, a choice lot of plover and
timothy Beed. ALF. BAEIUIB,
SCUAnu piano, Haines, for sale, in good
condition. Apply to Mre. 3, A. Oreigh•
WANTED,—A ton of Butter weekly,
Eggs 13o. Timothy, allover and Waverly
Otte for Bale.
Goo. E. KING, Wingham,
Bnee ns for Fleury plows may be
found at Dark's livery born. Stowe filed
and pnt 1n good ellap0. Home Wittaaa18.
GIANT Intermediate Yellow and Giant
Sawlog Mangele, best ver ethos of Swedes,'
seeds and fresh Garden wade in balk at
FLEURY PLows.—Farmers wishing to
buy the best plow made should call on
John Long, agent. I will also keep
pointe at Alt. Basher's o6ioe.
Oen of cement from the National
Portland Oement Co., Durham, received.
9276 per barrel ; special prloe fn nor lots,
A. M. McKee ea Oo., Bruseele, 40-4
BRneoELe POMP WonLo.—Having put in
a machine for grinding clippers I am pre-
pared to make old one's oat like new.
Soiesore sharpened. FRED. ADAM&,
RaADY Fos BooiNEee—If you want any.
thing in the ebepe of an A 1 baggy or a
of David and Martha Relate, took its
flight, Deceased was working up to noon
of tbe previous Monday when he was
taken down with appendioitie. Four
doctors were ooneulted but were unable
to save hie life. He was an induetrione
young men of a kindly diepoeition and
only a month and a half past his 23rd
birthday. The funeral took plane on
Wednesday afternoon from the family
t Bev. T. W.
nae . R
reside , Albert street.
Omens, assisted by Rev. R. Pant, oon-
duoted an appropriate service The pall
bearers were : W. Amens, R. Wilbee, M.
MOArler, Herb. Williamson, Ernest
Miller and D. McNiohol. The bereaved
family are deeply sympathised with in
their sadden sorrow.
Soolo BEETS.—An andienoe of aboat 25
gathered in the Council Chamber, r Brea
eels, to here the question of sugar factory
and sugar beets diocesan, last Tuesday
evening. On motion W. H. Kerr wee
voted to the chair and after stating the
object of the meeting and the various
steps taken in oonneotion with the
experimental beet plots grown in this
'coality in 1902, be introduced Mr.
Forrest, a representative from the Win
ton 8ogar factory, who spoke at some
length on tbe v0riou8 phases of the basi•
nese from the preparation of the soil
to the selling of the granulated sugar.
Many questions were asked of the
speaker whioh he cheerfully and eatia-
faotorily anewered. Ho showed that
there are only 4 sugar factories in Ont-
ario yet while the minuet oonenmption of
this household neoeseity is thirteen mil.
lion barrels, which would rtgoire 16
faotoriee more if the home market was to
he supplied by tbe home faotoriee. 9 of
the sugar used in the world to•day ie
manufaotnred from beets, Germany,
France, California and other 0ountrie8
being prominent in this commodity's
output. Germany has 460 refineries.
The advantages of Bens/tele ae a centre
for a factory were pointed oat, viz.: (1)
Ability to grow a firet"class sugar
beet both for quantity and quality ; (2)
Plenty of water and lime ; and ($) A
conveniently Ionated territory to contrib•
ntee to it. These eesentiale are not
always common to a dietriot and should
not be loot eight of in the ooneideration
of the queetiou, Mr. Forteeb proved by
a plain oeloulation that near beet grow•
lag oan be made profitable to the farmer
to the extent of 920 to 980 per aore,
counting a area of 15 tone to the noxa.
The average expense per sorsa was plaoed
et 940. With the advanoe in the use of
improved machinery for the oultivation
and pulling of the drop a groat deal of the
toilsome work eemetimee feared is over.
come. Capitalism are on the lookont
for locations for factories and a good
sized acreage being cultivated is one of
the beet evidenoee to these men of the
interest felt by the farming oonemnnity
who meet be interested eoongh to grow
the beets before a (eatery can be started.
The Wiarton faotory will buy all the
beets grown in tbie eeotion, either at a
set price or on the percentage plan
a000rding to the teat as to sugar gnalitiee.
14Ir. Forrest was 1000rd811 a hearty vote
of thanks for hie well directed and
preotieal address and hie talks cannot fait
to interest and ioetruet ell who hear him.
1'he Wiarton 8u•er factory has a good
wining to return late einoere thanks for representative iu t Tui, end it wi11 not be
the prompt and willing a0810tanae render. g18 fault
if the
arkleu crowned
ed in the eavingnf hie homeArmstrong, none, 9th eon, Gray,
Standard Bank of Canada
�„eTArl�zex3r><:a 100701
Of one dollar and ep0ard8
reserta'd and i'.t• re. t allow
ed in Savioge Bank et
highest rate from date of
deposit to withdrawal,
Can n Newt
Recent storms have washed out roads
and swept away bridges in Eeeex.
The Queen's Oen Rifles, of Toronto,
will visit Brantford for Viotoria Day.
Hamilton Oity Council will invite Lord
and Lady Minto to visit the city in May.
C. R Sayer, Seoretat•y of the Y. M. C.
h last thirteen
Ont. fort e
at London
years, has reargued.
Fred. Pringle, employed on a farm near
Oarodeff, Man., was kicked by a horse
and received fatal injuries,
Mies Rebecca Henry, a publio school
teacher in Hamilton for forty year,, died
suddenly while vi8iting in Buffalo.
Sir Oliver Mowat met with au accident
last Sunday night, breaking hie leg, but
is resorted making satisfactory progress.
The Legislature passed the evidence
bill, voted supplies for April and adjourn.
ed to the 21st. There were several divi-
The Industrial Exhibition Association,
Toronto, has asked that the city spend
921,870 more on improveme0te at Exhi.
bition Park,
A young woman named Elizabeth Bay-
ayley, on her way from Chicago to London,
Ont., to vieit her brother, William Bay•
ley, died on the train.
Senator A. H. Gilmer died on the train
between St. John, N. B., and Montreal.
He wee apparently in good health before
rehiring, but was dead ten minutes after.
Seven residents of Kincardine were
presented with medals by the United
SaoneStae Government for trying to ream
the orew of the Anna Maria, wreaked in
Ootober last.
Int Brest
Daily Balance
Mode, Notes Cashed,
and every acoommode
tion afforded the res.
possible borrower,
FA1len:11S' BALE N0TE8 Ooehed, collected ; or may he loft for safe -keeping only
for which no (Margo is made.
This Bank offers Unsurpassed facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction of every 'form of Banking Business.
taaEvery oonvenionee afforded 00etomere living at a dietenoe.
Dan. McGillicuddy, of Goderioh, is
improving to health and ie able to be
It 18 said tbat 001. Lynch, who was
imprisoned for treason, ie ill, and may
be pardoned by the ging,
Rev. J. G, Shearer, Secretary of tbe
Lord's Dey Alliatmn, has gone on a two
mouths' tour through the Maritima
ProViuOee. ;Phe Al1ia008 now bee 375
branches In Can860,
Officers of the Pacific cable station at
Barnfield Creek are rpon8or8 for the story
'hat a sea serpent from forty to sixty
feet long and with a heed like a horse
bee been Been off the station.
The eleotrio storm which passed over
Wiarton on Thursday watt' one of the
eovereetexperfenoed in that eoatioo for
many years. It was brief, bat terrific.
No serious damage to property is report-
ed, but many people experienced severe
The Oommieeiouer of Crown Lands
fixed April 16th as the date for the
next issue of certificates to veterans for
land grants. There will be about 8,000
issued, bringing the total number up to
10,000 There are also many applioa
tio08 whioh cannot be filled until the Act
hae been amended.
The death is anuonnoed of Dr. W. H.
Crysler, one of the oldest practitioners
of Brant county. The doctor, who was
in hie 7001 year, had practiced medicine
and ooudooted a drag store in Burford
for well nigh forty years. He was a
bachelor and had accumulated consider•
able real estate in Burford and Burford
The redistribution bill was discussed
and read a second time and referred to
a Committee consisting of Hon. Charles
Fitzpatrick, Hon. Jenne Sutherland, 0.
S. Hyman slid T. 0. Davie,Liberals, and
R. L. Borden, Hon. John Baggart and
F. D. Monk, Conservatives. In reply to
Mr. MacLean, who brought up again tbe
gceetion of Sir Oliver Mowat's ability to
fill the position of Lieutenant Governor,
Sir Wilfrid Laurier said the Government
world take Rotiou when Sir Oliver said
he was unable to discharge the duties,
and not before,
HAIBT.—In Moseley, oe March 80, to Mr.
end Mre. George Heist, a eon.
RrTONIE.—In Grey, on April 10, to Mr.
and Mre. David Ritchie, a eon.
WALOn,—Io London, on March 29111, to
Mr, and Mre. W. C. Walsh (nae Mary
McElroy), a daughter.
MiLLun—MoDoNALD.—At the Methodist
Personage, Brussels, on April 15, by
Wesley Omens, Mr, Charles
. 1
S. Miller to Mies Jennet McDonald,
both of Morrie.
TAYLon—Gm1F1Ta.—At the residence of
the bride's parents on. Wednesday,
April 8111, by Rev. E. A. Hall, of
Gerrie, Mr. Stephen Taylor to Mies
Mahe! Griffith, dangbter of Mr. John
Griffith, of Howiok, near Wroxeter.
DnnuttoND.—In Wingbam, on April 7th,
Mre. Wm, B. Drummond, formerly
of Blyth, aged 24 yearn and 8 mouths.
HA1sT.—In Brussels on April 12, Thos.
(Aeries, youngest son of David and
Martha Hoist, aged 23 years, 1
month and 12 days.
KELLY —In Detroit, on April 2, Master
Raymond Kelly, grand -eon of John
Belly, of Goderioh, formerly of Blyth,
aged 12 years,
MAoEn.—Iu Howiok, on April 14, John,
eldest son of Richard Magee, aged
44 years.
MOOAnooey —In Clinton, on April 7111,
Jomea McCaughey, eon of J. J. Mo-
Oaughey, formerly of Blyth, aged 19
WILLOw0.—In Joliet, Illinois, on April
4th, W. J. Willowe, son of Philip
of B1ytb, aged 28 years and
11 monlhe.
H stands for Eon,est3r
of purpose in trade.
�., stands for Labels,
Look where displayed.
stands for rears
Which cannot efface
Our Eollywood saint
On an exposed place.
Donit delay but prove it.
PIMA?, Ann, 17.—Farm Mak, im•
p13ut81118, houeahold fuinilure, &o,, Mo•
Kim's Hotel, Walton, at 8 o'slook p. no.
Jae. Campbell, Prop. F. B. Soolt, Luo,
031.9 TSi0S070rer 1Ot.A. JT6,
Pall Wheat. 67 67
Borley ....... 40 41
Pepe 55 00
Oats 27 27
Butter, t it a and rolls .: 15 10
Egan per ;loran 10 11
Flour our cwt. 4 00 5 00
Patel nes (ter bus.) 50 60
40 50
Applee,(per bag)
Hay per ton 6 00 7 00
Sheep BMus, each , 26 25
Lamb eking eaoh 25 00
Sall per bbl., retail1 00 70
Hogs, Live 6 00 6 00
Wool 11 12
Grnr, wanted. Apply to Mne, G. re.
OoMp0RTABLE house for Bale or to rent,
Mill street, West. Apel, to
1'n no' BRED Jerrey heifer calf for eale,
over 2 weeks old, THOS. PEPPER, Lot 0,
Don. 0. Grey.
WRITE Rock eggs, 9100 per getting of
I6. Puhtts laying DEA
wLMAN, Brussels,
good lot for eine on Queen street,
Brussels. Fon further perticulare apply to
MARY CAMPBELL, Brussels P. 0. 8811
Dress and Mantle Making.
The undersigned hae opened a Drees and
Mantle Maki°g Shop in roome over Mre.
Iiirk'e store. Hoare -8 e, m tq 8 p. in. Sat-
isfaction assured, MISS BENN1ETT,
40.4 Bromide.
Coming i Coming 1
Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and
Toronto Optical Colleges, will be at
Fox's Drug Store
Wednesday, April 29th
Call early and avail yourself of
• hie valuable eervioee.
dwelling tbereOn, North-west corner
William and Albet t streets, Brussels,
49.11 S. LECKIE,
cottage on Elizabeth street. In good
repair. 7 roome besidee pautry and wood -
shied. A good well at the door. Apply to
DR, MoKELVEY, Brussels. 8811
Lots for sale, being Nos. 282 and 8000u
Wast aide of Princess Otroot, Brussels. For
particulars as to price and terms enquire at
TEN POUT, 80-tf
fur sale. Eligiole Inc registration.
For price, terms and , other particulars, ap-
ply to 3. D. McNAIR, Lot 22, Con. IS,, Grey,
or Craubrook P, 0,
110110 for sale. One le 1 year old and
the other two y01100e1'. Also several regist-
ered Cows and Heifers, Apply to JAMES
BPEIR, Lot 80, Con, 0, Morrie Twp., or Brus-
sels P. 0, 02.11
12 Short Horn Belle, from imported
stook for sale. Also cows and heifers, im•
ported and home bred. 72 need to select
from. D. MILNE & 80N, Maitland Rank
on Turnberry street, Bruseele kn
Stock Farm, Ethel Out. 89-01
own -
as the Somerset property, eligibly situated,
Immediate possession. For further partic-
ulars ae to plica, terms. &o., apply to D.
Maor lo TUH9 p0L Lot 10, Don. 12, My9 hflop,
80N to travel for well eetabllsliod
house in a few counties, °ailing on ietaif
Salary 81021 a yeaand r snts. Local and expenses, parabl
519 79 a week in cash and axpeuees odvao°-
ed. Position permanent. Baseness eeoceas-
801 and rushing. Enclose self.addreesed en-
velOpe. BTANDA0D H008E, 110 Caxton 1dc ,
Our Saturday Specials are growing more .
,popular every week. Commencing Saturday
morning, April 18th, we purpose giving our
numerous patrons Specials• in Every Depart-
You can save from 15 to 20c
on every dollar during this
Special Sale in
Come to ithe Blaney Saving Spot
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.
Garfield Block, Brussels.