The Brussels Post, 1903-4-16, Page 6A RAILROAD IN A DESERT AUSTRALIA WILL BE CROSSED BY IRON RAILS. Gold Is Expected to Make the Transcontinental Line Pay. Some time ngo a map was pub- lished showing the proposed routes of two railroad lines across Aus- tralia from north to south. As was subsequently announced, the Gov- ernment of 'South Australia bas ad- vertised for tenders for the con- struction and working of ane of these lines. It is the shorter and more western of the proposed routes nna is to extend through the domain of South Australia front Port Au- gusta on Spencer Gulf to Port Dar- win, the best harbor on the north coast. Adelaide, the capital and chief port of South Australia, will then be connected with Port Darwin by' a continuous rail route 1,81)(1 miles in length. For aoout one-third of this dis- tance the road will utilize existing tracks. A railroad is already in op- eration between Adelaide, Port Au- gusta and the little town of Oedna- datta over 500 utiles northwest of Adelaide, and another road extends 145 miles front. Port Darwin to the southeast to Pine Creek, in the heart of the mining region of the north. Between these two points is a gap of about 1,200 miles, the interior dry lands, colored yellow on one of the best reeet:t maps of the continent to indicate that sand prevails. It is the heart of the great Australian desert and it is now to be crossed by iron rails. All the new track will be in this desert. It may seem strange to those nho have not kept pace with Australian progress that any special value should. be placed upon these laults, where scarcely five inches of raja falls in a year, scarcely one-fourth of the quantity that is required for proetablo agriculture. The fact is, however, that the Government be- lieves it can stake these thirst lands pay for the building and equipment of the railroad. It desires to have the road built as a private enter- prise. It does not propose to put any of the public funds into its con- struction. It is willing to give MILLIONS 01? ACIRES of desert to the company that will build and operate the road and that is all. The Government advertisement stipulates that the project shall hie carried out on the Iand-grant sys- tem. It says that the land to be granted shall not exceed 75,000 acres for each mile of road and that it shall be selected fn alternate blocks on either side of the line. The grant is to be in fee simple with all the gold and other mineral thereon or thereunder. The line is to have a geese of 3 feet 6 inches. The heart of this proposition is found in the words "gold and other minerals." Gold is there, and no mistake. Nobody knows how widely gold is scattered through the sands of the Australian desert; but various ex- plorers have found traces of it here and there throughout the great waste. The latest to report gold in tbeso still utterly uninhabited re- gions are Maurice and Murray, who last year crossed Australia from south to north just a little west of the line of the proposed railroad. They were not looking for gold, but in their report just published, they tell of auriferous outcrops among. the desert hills. Everybody who is interested in gold mining knows that the western extension of this desert, in the State of Western Australia, has for some years been turning out more gold than all the rest of the Continent together and that it is one of the largest gold producers in the world, It has far surpassed the fields of Victoria, which made Australia fam- ous and brought to ft an army of fortune hunters, Explorers have perished among those terrible wastes because they could find no water. No region had a more evil reputa- tion, and it was supposed to be one or the most worthless parts of the wol Id. Then in 1885 the treasure these desert sande concealed was brought to light. To -day mining camps aro scattered up and flown this western stretch of desert front Cooli a•die and Ca!goor- lie in the south to the Kimberley district on the ocean to the north. THE MODEST Bls(GINNING of this gold industry was in 1880, when 302 ounces were. produced. In 1899 these diggings placed Australia ahead of the United States, for one year at least, as a gold producer, In 1900 these mines yielded 1,580,- 950 and in 1901,. 1,881,755 ounces of gold, The tendency is still upward; it is found that water may bo ob- tained by digging for it, and rail- roads have pushed out into the des- ert to carry supplies to the miners.' If we were to visit the central 'des- ert through which the railroad of South Australia is to cross the con- tinent, we might be surprised by its topography. Its name seems to Im- ply that it is an unbroken level, a flat expanse of sand. On the con- trary, it is an undulating land, with great fiat -topped hills, the vestiges of a once continuous rock cap whose ruins have crumbled into the sands' that rover the wide expanse; and here and there are scattered groups of mountains of the boldest aspect, It has been known for some years that this central desert region Is by no means so devoid of potable water es was formerly supposed. The best maps of this region aro now dotted with "springs" and "wells." Last year Maurice and Murray discovered a splendid water hole which they named Thomas's Reservoir, and they estimate it to contain 1,000,000 gallons of water. They found a number of other fine water sources, and, In fast, made their way norose the continent without suffering, though water was sometimes diffi- cult to get. Tho' fact is that the Australians ere beginning to believe that their desert tinny be turned to very good account, after all; and sO the pro- posed Iand-ge nt ratiroai in the dee- Mt may be eurthing but a rftliculous oroj,ositiOP,, THE SPRING PEELING. Weariness, Lassitude and a Desire to Avoid Exertion. There are few people who have not experienced what is aptly termed the spring feeling. Languor and wearimss, loss of appetite, tou h s of indigestion, pimples and irrita- tion of the skin. `rimy all come with the spring. All those ills are banished by Dr, 'Williams' Pink Pills, They enrich the blood, brace up the nerves, and charm away all spring wearinev'e. Dr. Williams l'ink Pills aro the best tonic medicine in the world, They Intik° new, Orb, reel blood; strengthen then and women and halon the roses of health bloom on pallid cheeks. Here is proof: ]Hiss rate ori nn .1 ohnston, Gardner Alines, ef, 13., Dai.' "1 was very much run down and so weak that I would fre- quently have to lie down, My appe- tite was 9001, and food distasteful. I often =suffered from I:endaci'es, and the leant exertion left me completely used tip. 1 used it few boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and since then 1 have felt like a rew person. I do not know of any medicine "equal to these pills." lit this climate a tonic is an abso- lute 1leeessity in spring, and health will be gained and money saved by using only Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Don't take a substitute or some- thing else said to be "just as good." If in doubt send to the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be mailed post paid at 50 cents per box or six boxes for $2.50. AGE AND ITS POSSIBILITIES. Young Men Not Only Ones Who Can Do Original Work. We speak of this as the age of young men, It is the custom in the English army to get rid of the older officers and promote the young men rapidly, because It is supposed that they are more efficient, says the llfedical Journal. It not infrequent- ly happens in medical schools that the younger man is given preference to the position, simply- because. the :younger man is supposed to be worth store to the institution, on account of the greater amount of ori;tival work that he is likely to perform. Intleed, it has been said that unless a man makes his mark before Ser years of age, he is unlike - i ly to achieve much afterward. Age, however, is merely a relative term. It las been said often and is often forgotten, that ono man is young at 80, while another _is old at 80. 'There are so utany illustrations that can be cited of green old men that 'it seems useless to lay stress upon this point. And yet, when we think of Kolliker and the enormous amount of original work that has appeared in his Gewebelehre, we must pause before vaunting too enthusiastically the advantages of youth, Another remarkable illustration has recently been furnished by von Kupffer. 0. Ilertwig requested him to write the article upon the de- velopment of the central nervous systeut for his new Ilandbuch der,. Entwicklungsg'esc.hichte des Zene- tralnevensystems. Von Kupffer under- took it, providing he was permitted ito write the article as a result of his own original and independent I observations. He was then 70 years old. In order the batter to carry on his work, he resigned his teaching position at the university, spent five hours every day at the Ana- tomical Institute, and then devoted all his afternoons and evenings until midnight to his library and desk. Ile took no summer holidays, and was unremitting in his efforts. In two years the work was completed. It contained nothing old, nothing previously used, and discussed au- thoritatively all the questions then of thereatest interest toscion g science. There are few young rnen who could have accomplished nearly as much few young men who would have had the moral courage to neglect all other things for the one piece of work that they had undertaken. Let us not, therefore, speak too slight- ingly of the abilities of many years. 4 Officer - "What is the complaint here?" Orderly (offering basin) - "Taste that, sir." Officer,. (tasting) -"Well, I think it's excellent soup." Orderly - "Yes, sir; that's the trouble. They want to persuade us that it's tea." The following note was recently rn- ceived by an employer 11011 a1 ab- sent workman: "honored Sir - I am sorry to say I cannot say when I shall be well enough to be able to come back to work, The doctor says I have information of the loft lung, which I hope will meet with your approval." AN OPEN LETTER. TO MOTHERS We are permitted to make public letter, which tit the followingOtte ns a a sample 0f hundreds written by =- fliers throughout Canada praising Baby's Own Tablets: Dunbar, Ont„ March 18, 1908. Several weelcs ago my baby was very cross and ill owing to troubles common to children when teething, A correspondent highly recOnunended Baby's Own Tablets, saying she would use no other medicine for her baby, I sent for a box, used them acl:ording to directions, and mast say that I have found them the bust medicine for a teething child I have ever tried. One Tablet every other day keeps my baby well and I am euro of my rest at night. I echo the words of my frlend and say "they aro just splondicl." Mrs. Charles Willard, Baby's Own Tablets will euro all the Minor ailments of children, and may be given with absnluto safety to even a rew bore baby, These Tablets are the only medicine for children sold under an absolute guarantee to contain no opiate or harmful 'drug, Sold by druggists or sent b,y mail poet paid et 25 conLO n bort by writing direct to the Dr. 9li)lanhs' lvledleino Co,, Brockville, Ont. LORA ZITCHENER'S WAY. An Instance of the Great Gen- eral's Carefulness. No man ever kept his 0tt'11. counsel better than Lord Kitchener, when righting twits afoot. 'There was neve er any leakage of iufermaticln 11c- cause there was never any 1n(ol•nta^ 1101) to leak, So writes a staff oill- cel' 111 his account of '•(1))ulpniguing with Kitchener" in lllackwoud's. Ile gives an instance of the great gen- eral's careful Mtge. Once whin the enemy threatened) our litre of vumtnunicatithrls 1 ex- pressed some anxiety about Our. wires, which were laid, for all the world to see, as a ground -line along the desert, glistening in the sun and bearing a meaning evert to It der- vish, which is saying a good dont. :Kitchener told ale to ride down to the river bank and say if 1 felt hap- pier. 'Nall I went, and after dilig- ent search discovered a second wire cunningly laid under the bush and sedges. As I was about to ride back T saw a steamer pushing oft', and asked the young engineer officer on loam what ho was about. it turned out that he had personal instructions from Kitchener to lay a third line of telegraph on the other bank of the Nile, and 110 One in the army but the chief and this young officer had wind of the matter. Prom an instinct of self-preserva- tion. nobody ever slept with more than one eye shut when Kitchener was with the army. A sound sleeper was always in danger of !inding him- self alone i11 the desert, and the army gone. This actually happened to a worthy officer who was rather Hard of hearing. Some one whis- pered, "Dervishes 1" and the army marched softly away without beat of drum in the usual half-hour or less. The officer awoke, and in place of twenty thousand sten. found no- thing living in sight except two bald-headed vultures. Kitchener's officers took their cue from their chief, and imitated his methods. Once a general officer was inspecting a post on the lino of communications, and duly arrived at the little hut' which represented the headquarters of the majesty of the army in some wind-swept hole. Enter X., who, looking round, espies an oil -Ice -table and two ticketed, "Business," the other, "Bosh," "Excellent officer 1" purrs X. "Thoroughly understands his work and Kitchener's methods." But when he went further, and proceeded to examine the papers in the "Bosh" tray, he found that the documents consisted exclusively of his own voluminous orders and memoranda. Ceylon Tea Is the finest Te3ir9� 6d© T w $ world produces, and is scald only in lead packets. Black, Milked and Green. '°pan tea drinkers try "Salada" Green tea, t -f MINIBUS SHOOTS A MAN. In the principal street of Vienna an omnibus passed over and exploit- ed a rifle cartridge which had been dropped. A passer-by was struck on the head by the bullet, Deafness Cannot So Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho ear, There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by•t n n inflamed con- dition of themucous list of the Eus- tachian Tubo,. Whenhehon this to tube is inflam- edm- ed you have a rumbling sound or im- perfect hearing, rind when it is entirely closed, Dearness is the result, and un- less the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous ser- vices. Wo will give One Ranched Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sand for circulars, free. P..1. OIii9N1Y & UO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 750, Ilatd's Family dribs are the best. A chimney 115 feet high will sway without danger as touch as ten inches in a strong winkt, Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper, Teacher (to class) - "What is an octopus7" Small Boy (who has just commenced Latin, eagerly) - "Please, sir, I lulow, sir; It's au eight -sided cat." for Or<r Sixth y Years. warn: Tlxts n used fo o Mix Av o1n wan Winnlovvn oothlnt 1*10 has boon used for over shat, MAIL lewftllma of mo,hero for chair ohndran walla softens t with s, alloy snoops., It o wind too oh5', (*Hieb the smug, alloys all polo, au10s wind collo, Dae lathe holo ytld rgr Us In every 10 rt of the to the Lana Sold by da bottle las myi part of the world. Bo *ere end n a skttla. Its lelno to meal 05111e. 9R Bo dare a nooth for hire, 1Vlnalow's 800thlag Sy 1.19 and talo as arbor Rina. German farmers and planters own 1,000,000 acres of Brazilian soil; on part of this land 20 million cof- fee bushes are planted. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, "Doctor, a Week ago you gave me something that you said tone good fez' dyspepsia," "Yee,'"Well, now, suppose you give Me Uolnotliing that's bad for it, It's been humor. ed D1laugh, sir," Miss Mainchanec - "1 5019polse you've heard of my engagement to Mr. Jenks?" Her Friend - "Yes, andi 7 confess T was surllr(so21. You told 1111 once that you wouldn't marry him for tem thousand dol-: litre." hies it'fnirchanee -- "T Know, clear, but I dliscoc'ened later 111at he had fifty thousand," Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun-, light Soap. 613 tf. ..0 wranam,ax m.a,.an-eaAuxs-aaer+n CONVICT'S QUICK CHANGE, A European prisoner named Ernest Jones, who was 'doing twelve months' bard 101011 at Cape Town, managed to slip into the turnkey's queller s, and change his gaol clothes. Ito then walked calmly out of prison and escaped. CANADA'S }EXPORTS, Canada produces one bushel of reheat to thirty bushels grown else - Where in the world. Notwithstand- ing this fact, Canada is by far the largest exporter of agricultural im- plements in the world, her popula- tion being taken into consideration. During the past seven years the ex- ports of Canadian Implements have reached the vast total of ten mil- lions of 'dollars, or equal to the ex- port of twenty million bushels of wheat grown in the groat North- west at fifty cents per bushel, Those 'acts should certainly establish in the minds of all thinking farmers the excellent quality and the high reputation which appertain to Can - Wien -rip do implements. Canadian iaplcmeilts are exported to every country in the world where grain is grown, except to the United States. That market is a sealed hook to Canadian implement manufacturers as well Its to the Canadian farmer, !or hardly any of his products find it market there, while the aggres- Beie Arnerican is competing all over the world, and in Canada, too, for every inch of ground now held by the Canadian farmer and manufacturer. Don't you think it would be to pour own advantage, as well as to the advantage of Canada as a na- Lion, that articles should be grown and made at home that are con- sumed by the Canadian people? Think the matter over, and see whe- ther it is not your duty to work for this eni' 4 --'-- DO YOU TUB ROLL? The spectacle of a stout man bal- ancing himself face downwards across a tub which ho rolls to and fro beneath him has an element of comicality about it, But this is the latest cure for fatness, and, more- over, is highly recommended as a form of athletic exorcise, for develop- ing the muscles. The tub has, in consequence, become a recognized part of a gymnastic outfit, and in some gymnasia would-be athletes may be seen going through elaborate performances - on casks. The exer- cises consist for the most part of lying face downwards on the chest across the tub and propelling it to and fro by the hands and foot. In this way, it is said, the muscles are developed in a style hardly possible in any other form of gymnastic ex- ercise. t' Sho (poetically) -- 'Isn't that sun- set glorious, Harold? Tho bars of red and gold and green are Nature's own efforts In picture making. What F!e -• "Yes, ilea', it pats inc in mind o' something, too. T can't think whether it's streaky bacon 01' a plate o' sliced tomatoes," C rdolia - "I am always worried vhen T am buying now clothes," Cor- nelia - "Why?" Cordelia - "Oh, I can't decide whether to look sty- lish and be uncomfortable, or to be comfortable and look a fright." Rossway, Jan. 28, 1901. C. C. RIC1IARDS & CO. Dear Sirs - This fall I got thrown on a fence and hurt my chest vory bad so I could not work and it hurt mo to breathe. I tried all kinds of Liniments and they did me no good. One bottle of MINARD'S LINI- MENT warmed on flannels and a.p- plied on 111y breast cured me com- pletely. 0, IL 0055E1300M. Rcseway, Digby Co., 17. 8, 8-59 Bertha - '7. think harry Is soft enough for anything." Bessie -"So do I. 011, by the way, deal', that reminds mo. Last night I overheard him say he was going to propose to you." S suffered with nervous headache and indigestion. The use of Dr. August l(oenig's hamburg Drops pared me entirely, -Frank Barnard, .10, Avenue D., Sun Antonia, Tex., May 22. Judge - "You deny porsistently that you oouulfitted the act, and yet the description fits ,you exactly; a beautiful face, youthful appearance, pretty little foot." Wonsan 7))fend- ant "Judge, I confess all," A 1YIIDNIGIIT VISITANT, Man Found Iris Way Into the Richest Room in the World. The Meals of I:1lgland, the "Old l'.ady of Threadneedle street," had a startling experience not long ago, The directors received Ole note, us unexpected as the most flaming coir munirntion of a nlolodrnu1,1)10 novo: "y00 think you is all safe hand you bank is nate, 1111 1 knows bet- ter 1 been hinside the lank the last 2 Hite hand ,you nose nuflln about it. ilut 1 nut not 1t theuf, so hif 3'er Iviil lrtett 111e in the great sonar room at Welt 2 alto, ile explain ori to you, let only 2 conte down, and say nufl1n in nobody," The next night the square room, "the richest room in the world," was guarded. But nothing happen- ed. Then °lane the next phase of the mystery. A heavy chest of securi- ties, takenfrom the strong room, arrived 01 the bank, with a letter complaining that the directors had notified the police, and that the writer hail therefore not appc'clt'ee, according to promise. Now, to prove that he was not u thief, he sent a chest of papers which 11e had taken from the bank, if a few gen- tlemen would assemble, without the police, in the strong room, the writ- er would join them at midnight. Otherwise; the mystery would con- tiunh•d, 1'ltnueo directosoor's assembled. At mid- night there c0.111e 0. cry from behind the stone walls, "Put out the lights." They obeyed. Then a man with a dark lantern buret in, His story was soon told. He was one of those men 'who gain a living by searching the sewers at night. Through a sewer opening he hail found his way into the richest room in the world. Traveller (waiting for train al- rea'dy twenty minutes late) - "Por- ter, when 'do you expect that train to eopne.in?" Porter - "Can't say, sir; but the longer you waits for it the more sure it is to come in the next minute." • Judge (to witness) - "Yon say you have known the prisoner all your life?" Witness - "Yes, your honor." Judge - "Now, in your opinion, 'do you think he could bo guilty of stealing this stoney?" Wit- ness - "How mucin was it?" A Woman of orty-fivo Is young. and loveable nowadays, but she 1s at the threshold of the time of rheumatism, lumbago and neuralgia, SHE SHOULD KNOW that there is one sure and true and speedy cure for them, giving relief allmcst the instant tit.: first spoonful fs tal:an, and driving out the last of tho disease In ono to three d.eya. • The Croat South American Rheu- matie Cure does it. Miss M. C. Kennedy, Toronto, writes 'Before taking South Antedate Rheumatic Cure, I was unable to put my feet on the floor and could not obtain relief from the doctor who at ended me. Shortly after taking it I recovered'compl • tety. THE GREAT SOUTri AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE .5 Invaluable to woman especially. es e clat ] . Roltevea painin urinary organs n six limns,and affects acure. a A msncat cre. Very quickly. 12. Mary - "0h, Nellie, I'm so glad to meet you. I have not seen you for ever so long. Where aro you lodging?" Nellie (loftily) - "I don't lodge. I am married, and have taken a flat." Mary - "Yon don't say so? 'What is his name?" Use Levcr's Dry ,,Soap (a powder) to wash woolens end flannels,- you'll lannels;you'll like it. Young Doctor -"I find it hard 'to draw the line between a common cold anis influenza," Old Doctor -- "IL• is hard, my boy; but social 'dis- tinctions have to bo made; there's no help for it." 111 ADMISADLD Peso .111 09(.0-„ DLIHAYl8, 1-18 Casey- "There's trouble over at 0]aecy's " Costigan - "Phwat is ut?" Casey -- "A family foiglit," Costigal - ",'share, thgL's not trou- ble; that's enjyam,ont," . '1,,,12,41, %villa the o. eek ries Brea o, Titter tub (Dutras. LFAnnrbt 70 end Sciatica r+o*+aa.mcz1704--._.4ra,>•�-..,T1Manan,,;,,,a„, 19 asp issse3s wined no fan. thricm, 250, sura 6004 `ala1N = tptftfir k, ie"?'"81.Itfr'a1 'lr, ri�g 't 1i s ¢ a' rli ftf 1 _ > ttt0i* 313't.,.vl,'.V.Vit 'r • .1$R' A CHANCE FOR CLEVER PEOPLE h should be easy for people who drink delicious Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea to say something that will induce their friends to try it in Cash Prizes rwenty-five cash Prizes will be awarded in order of merit to those sending in the best advertisements for Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea, First Prize - Second Prize Third Prize 4th to r3th Prizes, $ro.00 each rel.th to 25th, $5.0o each - ▪ $200.00 ▪ roo.00 40.00 I00.00 6o.00 $500,00 In addition, beginning with the week ending April 4, a special weekly prize of $5.00 will be given to the one sending in the best advertisement during that week, making for the nine weeks $45.00 in special prizes, or a grand total of thirty-four cash pllses, $545• CONDITIONS tst. Ne professional ad. writer, nor anyone connected directly or indirectly with the Blue Ribbon Tea Company may compete. sad. Advertisements must not contain more than 5o words, and shorter ones are preferable. 3rd. One of the cards used in packing Blue Ribbon Red Label:Tea-there are two in each package -must be enclosed with each batch of advertise- ments sent. 4th. The competition closes June1903, and all competing advertisements must reach one of the following addresses on or before that date. Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Winnipeg, Man. flue Ribbon Tea Co., Toronto, Ont. Blue 1 ibbort Tea Co., Vancouver, B.C. 5th. No person shall be awarded more than one of the main prizes, but may also take one or more weekly prizes. 6th. In case of a tie, decision will be based on all the advertisements submitted by the competitors in question. Mc. H. M. E. Evans, of' the Winnipeg Telegram, has kindly consented to judge the advertisements and award prizes, All advertisements that fail to win a prize, but which are good enough to be accepted for publication will be paid for at the rate of 61.00 each. Unless expressly requested to the contrary, we trill consider ourselves at liberty to publish the names of prize winners. A good advertisement should be truthful and contain an idea brightly and forcibly expressed. A bona fide signed letter with address and date from one who has tested the tea, is a good forth. An advertisement for an article of food should not associate with it, even by contrast, any unpleasant idea. The best advertise- ment is the one that will induce the most people to try the article advertised, Seen your Inspiration in a Cup of Blue /Ribbon Red Label Tem and the Money 110 yours. 4¢p' ?rift. .'vs-A,a,g,,TI ".rd'.A'rc!igifett l.te+.i. 14-20 The permanent staff of the British I7ouse of Commops number's (16. Their salaries total L42,000 a year. Minard's Anent Cures Colds etc, til 1 Add a few drops of ammonia to the blue water to whiten the clothes. tiIilardrs Unlneni Cures Cnraei m Cows. • A juror must bo over 21 yeas of age. -_.max r mma 'VSTamsavbaael. "hca .T.'ex aa3aas,aao Any quantity nr rlry, nlxrd wo d. suitable Int brick burning, ' r ' 101y deliv. ry. EtN',e rash iirioe, f.0.'. yeti. • a ion. Address, 8iM1SON ERICK 00., 1 '1'o.oin° St., Toronto, Tolo• peons Main 107. 7-19 FEATHER DYEING Cleaning andOurliogsndOjd Iliosto oteonod Tboom can bo x5111 e 1 b o t a or ox, the hoot dune le yn , A 1 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MONTREAL, .1-44 BBQ S Latest Novelties, all styles. Correspondence invited. Eat - close 2c stamp for circular. THE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., P. 0. Box 1142, Montreal. e-67 ORANGES LEMONS We havehicxicens, WE California Navels, HAVE Vslencias, and THC Sov]llas. BEST Crtrloitd [very week, All the above at market prices. Wo can else handl() your Butter, gge, PIv i.lttry, maple Syru p and other products to Itch/ou- tage for you. THE 1 A1?611t1 coli ill3£19N 08,, Litltlted., roar. Wank A'rdrvct St. )'45,:afi7`,, t $' 13'48 rass n rtamnt et O !, D TNmfl, Uniforms, IitO. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A RAND Lowest prices ever quoted. Fine catalogue. 000 illustrations, mailed free. Write us for any thing in waste or Musical Instruments. H A1,EY ROYCE & CO,, i/inlited, Toronto, Out, and Winnipeg, Mao. 1-10 Dominion Lina Steamships Montreal to hPocrpool. Boston to Lim - pool. Portland to Liverpool, Via queens. town. Lome and )Past Stoame&ns, Superior ncaommodation for all olasnee of pa'6ongora Saloons and Stonirooma 1150 111111(1011110. Snoolal ,henna, has horn elven to the S000nd Saloon and Third•Clase aceuunuorlatlon, Po, ratio n(paasaa0 mid o11 particulars, apply to any ngeet of tho Company, or ltieharda Mills k Co, D, Torrance a Co.. 771hato St, Boston. Moattoal and Portland. t -f NVESTMENTS GOVERNIIIENT MUNICIPAL CORPORATION D S YIELDING FROM G / TO 6 00 WE ESPECIALLY INVITE CORRES- PONDENCE. BOND LIST MAILED ON AL'- PLICATION, DOMINION SECURITIES Corpora'Bloit, f.hl1itody o6 KING S r, E., TORONTO,, !, �� t, '' �• ,Y- .jti 'S" �.,�,01i4 V4 �,' r?J.• }`'`. : ,ZYi "RU_ P f l' qpm, '0-.--.. .. fie mss` et" d . 3 4�Z.xfin�4.. > s r azo—, .. > 94 . u+it�Y�'�a���_�,e�, -,1---:.;r .c—rt -ter. WI IT '11r }Y.1 Id J 4 f _ rp, I r =x�=' a ,h �,• ,_ No cheap paint is as good as Raulsa 's Paints nor is paint so cheap. Every can and every color high quality. °end ire a poateard, mo beat, n¢ this paper beloklet ahowivg how some benuU ul hbmos paints• there a good has the saute and ,itod send arc paiutad wit7t our oar 11 _ i s"i .A. RADMSAY de. SON, Paint mahore, MONTREAL. Ettd.194x. p d ts; ti#it g `"r "i' ; i*lRl- di Ffi1410,6 � 14-20 The permanent staff of the British I7ouse of Commops number's (16. Their salaries total L42,000 a year. Minard's Anent Cures Colds etc, til 1 Add a few drops of ammonia to the blue water to whiten the clothes. tiIilardrs Unlneni Cures Cnraei m Cows. • A juror must bo over 21 yeas of age. -_.max r mma 'VSTamsavbaael. "hca .T.'ex aa3aas,aao Any quantity nr rlry, nlxrd wo d. suitable Int brick burning, ' r ' 101y deliv. ry. EtN',e rash iirioe, f.0.'. yeti. • a ion. Address, 8iM1SON ERICK 00., 1 '1'o.oin° St., Toronto, Tolo• peons Main 107. 7-19 FEATHER DYEING Cleaning andOurliogsndOjd Iliosto oteonod Tboom can bo x5111 e 1 b o t a or ox, the hoot dune le yn , A 1 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MONTREAL, .1-44 BBQ S Latest Novelties, all styles. Correspondence invited. Eat - close 2c stamp for circular. THE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., P. 0. Box 1142, Montreal. e-67 ORANGES LEMONS We havehicxicens, WE California Navels, HAVE Vslencias, and THC Sov]llas. BEST Crtrloitd [very week, All the above at market prices. Wo can else handl() your Butter, gge, PIv i.lttry, maple Syru p and other products to Itch/ou- tage for you. THE 1 A1?611t1 coli ill3£19N 08,, Litltlted., roar. Wank A'rdrvct St. )'45,:afi7`,, t $' 13'48 rass n rtamnt et O !, D TNmfl, Uniforms, IitO. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A RAND Lowest prices ever quoted. Fine catalogue. 000 illustrations, mailed free. Write us for any thing in waste or Musical Instruments. H A1,EY ROYCE & CO,, i/inlited, Toronto, Out, and Winnipeg, Mao. 1-10 Dominion Lina Steamships Montreal to hPocrpool. Boston to Lim - pool. Portland to Liverpool, Via queens. town. Lome and )Past Stoame&ns, Superior ncaommodation for all olasnee of pa'6ongora Saloons and Stonirooma 1150 111111(1011110. Snoolal ,henna, has horn elven to the S000nd Saloon and Third•Clase aceuunuorlatlon, Po, ratio n(paasaa0 mid o11 particulars, apply to any ngeet of tho Company, or ltieharda Mills k Co, D, Torrance a Co.. 771hato St, Boston. Moattoal and Portland. t -f NVESTMENTS GOVERNIIIENT MUNICIPAL CORPORATION D S YIELDING FROM G / TO 6 00 WE ESPECIALLY INVITE CORRES- PONDENCE. BOND LIST MAILED ON AL'- PLICATION, DOMINION SECURITIES Corpora'Bloit, f.hl1itody o6 KING S r, E., TORONTO,, !,