The Brussels Post, 1903-4-16, Page 5ArI1.:16, 1808
v1 clout L 1, 13Q01"2, Bruaaole,
IYIuC.1i(JK 0 _._.
Grp' o leaver of Marriage Lioaaeee. 01.
tlee utaroco ), '1etn tlry ttrent, Ibrnase,i,.
d�1A1Uvit J?OlR kbAl�l ni good iIatmnN.
a❑nt, rout, easy terms, 112 Townships
of Morris and fixer, b 1+, NODTT,Bruesel
W . MDRttiSOilir
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
—TEQ011)i1t OF -
301.2.7Sernx+s, OZ•rr.
E. Il stens Griffin
7'E,OCaustt /lir ♦'Ir N!Ml cuteetua l
Pupil of Mise Eva N. ltoblye, of London.
1?ovlle prepared for 0Onaerv.ttOrr tlx b,na.
10.1%111 visit Brussels every Tuesday.
Lessons given ab the home of W. H. Kerr,
John street,
MONt1Y TO LOAN AT 4t, 4i dr e Per Oeut.
Office over Ilarsloy's Drig Store,
Nov erd, 2008. le0.8m __— Brussels.
• Wellington Mutual
Fire insurance Co.,
BOTAn0Ianan 1810
Insurance taken on the cash and premium
note system at current 1atea. N. torn laser•
lug elsewhere call on the unnorsiguod Agent
of the ODs ,GEyORGE ROC I'IIti;, Brussels.
o laza, will sell for b, Her prices, to
bettor men in lose thne and lean charges
then any oilier Austionoor ill Emit Huron or
11e won't charge anything. Datea and order0
can always be arraogod at this °Mee or by
Personal application,
0'$10 W1i0M IT MAY CONCERN,-
Tbo undersigned, wbo 1o.well acquainted
throughout tL0 most port of the County
and who has bad business with It largo cir-
cle of farmers in and around Ude looall 1',
begs to lnlornt the OOmnr unity- that be ban
taken 011E an Auctioneer's License for the
County of Huron and offers Isis services to
all purposing to bold sales.
TBOS. NEW8010Jel, Brussels.
- • Honor of t17e Ontario Vet-
• ornery College, ie prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animals In a anannet-
ea. manner. Parti^.ular attention paid to
Veterinary 1)eutletry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Moe and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Toroborry at., Brussels.
Barrister, Solicitor, •Oonveyaneer,
Notary Public, eta, glee—Stewart's Block
1 door North of ()antral Hotel.
Solicitorforthe Standard Bank.
oleos o1ver Bteneard Batik ; Solicitor for
Metropolitan 1 of Grey,
Private nu d Ctual ompany
money to loan at lowest rates. •
DI. 1r., C. N.,
Trinity University, Fellow. Trinity atedloal
College, Member Dlle6t•,e of Phyelei1ne and
Surgeons Ont, Lioeutiate of the Itoyel Col-
lege of i'bysioiano and Licentiate of 1lid-
wifory,lbdiuburgb, 1�'Tolophoue No.14,
1taeidenee-M111 street, Brussels,
DR. R. P. FEiLD,
ranee '18T
Graduate of the Naval College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and lrlrst•alass Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. 00100
nest to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
�' f1 1 li tl $ 8 t t
.::..: �. a^••�••row.,..mea�sum•«w'..yLwhuac„w:wrai,cE,um,tuci!.,.�u�"5r'a.. '., w.u:,uer+�.w1.W� +:.��we..�--�.,a., r
- y 1
&.'�7t-^:.E;.2� i:...fi8r�E, v.. a{, :r•� w6�&":r� "if;';.9!>-'v�r.f;`_A
Our Ifitt0 1 "High Orado Work Only
Otte CO3•adettees readily m0em•8 good
positions beau's() our high grade train.
lug;roparea 0110111 10 render lirat•cia3e
servlers. Beninese 'MOD. want Ilrot• J vr'tl8
ulnae workers and Have no time to
waste upon the other lihal. Cony.
mehme a course now and he ready for
it position hi the Fall, Write for 2,10,1(1• 1as
001110c00 catalogue.
W, J, E1.L2O1"T, Principal,
gai5.trict 4iew ,
ILForcLwieli, rX
Alex. Orr, of the Albion Hotel, toots a iii;
flying trip to Toronto.
The Royal Templere have moved into J-
the b'oroaters' Hail, and will make It
their plane of meeting hereafter.
EIre..A, Mo0urdy left for Detroit, DC
whore she will go under a treatment for
her eyes, White there elm will be the
peat of her brother and sister.
A largo umber of neighbors and
friends aaaembled et the home of James
and Mrs, 0attauaoh of this town, to bid
them farewell, prior to their departure
for the Northwest, end pre.ented• them
with a valuable fur overcoat, and a
beautiful pair of bed blankets, aogompan•
led by an afldrese, to wticb Mr. Outten.
0082 mads a suitable reply,
Lace ,lltro•ty.
The 2401 of May will be celebrated in
Methodist Sunday School Anniversary
was hold last Sunday.
Oh'trloo Wood and Will Allin attended
the 0. L. A. convention in Toronto, laet
Wm. Atiin has sold his farm in Aeh•
field on the West boundary, to Maloolm
Ben ton,
Mre. W, H. Stewart and little daugh-
ter, Margaret, of Toronto, are guests of
Niro. Bidden.
Mies Emeline Robertson has accepted
a position with the D. S. Perrin O•, , of
London, as book keeper and stenographer.
Eteotion of officers of the loud Orohard
Aoeooiation was held, and P. Oorrigan
WELT eteoted Presideul, and K. Oameton,
f urr•ies.
Geo. Arden, who left for Allendale, has
secured a eit0atloa ae ffl•elnem on the G.
T. 1t.
Dire, Wm, Doig left laet week, for Til.
tonbug where the will visit her pareuta
for three weeks.
Robt, D,nglae, principal ot our pnblia
school, bee tendered hie reeigoatiou to
take effect ou the first of Sono.
Wm. Stinson and Harry Grainger, who
have been chipping atook from this eta
Mon for a number of years, have gone
into partnership.
Philip Zimmerman, of the 4th eon.,
bee a Freak fn the ''papa of a 0x18 born
without a tail, 21 will have to learn to
Bing "Sheo fly, don't bolter me."
Mies Jeeeie McLaughlin hoe been eo•
gaged to teach at Gough'e echoed on the
8t11 ecu., and will oomtnenoe after Easter
holidoye. Jae. Brluker, the present
towbar, intends taking a mune at the
O,veu Sound Business College.
`loon loo tit•
Wm. Bethune has left for Owen Bound,
to resume his duties on the C. P. R.
steamer, Manitoba.
Stephen Lamb, lumber merobant, of
this rows, reoeived a eoaelgunlent of ten
care of hemlock lumber.
W. Aitubeson, eon of Wm, Aitoheeoe,
of this town, hoe ntooesefaliy passed hie
lraduatiug examinatiou at Knox Ool-
James Constahle, who has oarried on a
very 0000sseful barbering buelnese in the
Commercial hotel, hue diepoeed of hie
bneinees to L. Close.
Dlr. Williams, of Mitchell, wee here on
Wedneeday of last wait, valuating the
machinery and plant in the woollen foo
tory, before the Uonnoil hand over the
money to be loaned to John Disk.
The ladies of the Senior and 'junior
Ladieo' Aid, of the Peeabyterion Ohurah,
are busily engaged preparing for the
bazaar and entertainment in Oardno'e
belt, on the 241.1 and 26th of this month.
Ed. Runt, who has had Merge of the
Commercial hotel stables for a great
many years, hae putahaeed Wm. Grieve's
farm, in MDKI lop, near Seaforth, and
hart already moved onto it. Mr, Grieve
takes Mr. Hunt's reeideno0, on the South
eido of the railway track, in part pay.
meet, and has removed to town,
IT'S ALL RIGHT ' S,Itatoevel.
and Stn(1eute May enter Listowel Spring Show takes plume on
Friday, April 17th.
et my Limo. SPRING TE1011 B17GIN8
MAlt, 80, 'Tw0 courses—Commercial and
Shorthand...Send for College Journal.
0, A, FLEDIING, A. 0, MoTNTY1tE,
Preetdont, secretary,
British Cohhttubia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pet
terns on hand or made to order
et Short Notice,
Estimates Furnished tor all
kinds of Buildings, Workmen.
fillip and Material Guaranteed,
P. A1,1„ E w4 . T
S. M. Smith has diepo"•ed of hie photo.
graph Mishima to Arthne & Son, of
Shoeoe, who are now ill poaecoeioh.
The grocery store of R. A. Ulimie wart
entered by some one, thr•.ngh the skylight,
who appropriated some mina and loose
change left in the cash register, amount•
ing to about $16 in all, end then deoamp
ed throng)) the book door, which Was
nnborred. '.file way in which entrance
wee gained palate to the burglary having
been the worst of some one who was
acquainted with the premiere, and not to
a profeeeionai.
L. Bolton, D 2 S., left for the North.
met, Mr. Bolton has reoeived a Dom.
mission from the Dominion Government
to survey six lownehipe in the Stmitato88.
wan dietrlut, about eeventy miles Weise
of Bettolord. Duncan McMartin, of Lon.
don, .accompanies him ae aeeietant eac-
veyor, stud the following young men from
Wetown and neighborhood have been
employed °e linemen ; Ab, Brioller, Bram
Ronald, 'Toe, Kay, Alvie Daum, Oliver
Barber, Robb, Brown, and Meagre. Nen,
zie3 and Milburn. The parly'veill not
return until November next, The young
men receive $60 a month and their way
and keep provided. They count on
having a pleasant Summer's Outing.
oloeieg exoroieeo of the Listowel Business
College were held on Wednesday after.
noon of teat week.. The following Btu•
dente having completed the 0onree, were
awarded Diplomas 1 Mite Mary IMloLauoh
Un, Brueuele 8 Mi•+e Pearl Turnbull,
Diem ; idiee'Tory Wilson, F. $1. Squire,
fled F. Bradley', Limo wed, In the medal
(=twit the 'oompetitiou wee keen, and
OUP Opening having' been, a grand
success, we are ready with, a choice
selection of Millinery Goods, Trim-
med, Untrimmed and Reacdy-to-
zvear Hats in, great variety and at
Lowest Cash, Prices.
Special attention given to
Mourning and Wedding Orders,
Call and examine otb7' stock.
prai T
Jeet0e Ve"euulf(Y GoNR.-1!lxt'r'salo,la
.1 peg"' 0 le heard on all eines from
A4 r y,.v • i enple, when it was learned on
vacantly ,.1 ruing of last creek that
"Jini•," .11 i1:aoghey, (ae he woe wort
to he cal„ 0) who rode a favorite with
them all, had been palled upon to give
up hie earthly career. He Wee alwaya
locked npuh, till about six months age 40
be a strong togged boy with great pros -
pearl, but while ebjoying himself over at
Bayfield during the wet orate!) of tart
Summer he oontraeted a u.Id wbioh
rapidly turned to that fell destroyer, oon,
eumption. Hemorrhage after hemor.
rhage be roue celled upon to bear, wbioh
soon began 10 tell on his once good
physique. For the peat m,nlh he had
been oat but little, but with all that
physical skill oould do he finally passed
away on Tuesday morning. He was
yet young being only 18 years, 10 months
and 17 days old. He leaves behind him
a 60081 broken father, mother, four els•
tare and two brothers to mourn hie ab.
Bence, It seems but yesterday that be
could be aeon riding hie wheel which he
loved to do in Summer or drive hie favor•
ite horse in Winter. Bat all !hie will bo
no more. All that remained of the
deceased was interred in St. Joeeph'o
cemetery, Hallett on Thursday forenoon,
The pall bearere were George Roberton,
Will. and One Ooylor, Joe. R-ynolde, Joe.
Blake and J. Mointyre, Rev. Father
Pinoonneeult extending the rights of hie
scored ohuroh to the departed one.
the judges, B. Rothwell, F, 0. MoDowell,
and A. J. Oundiok, awarded ae follows :
For the beet kept set of books -1, H. M.
Sobiubein, Gowanotown, Medalist ; 2, J.
M. Taylor, Wingham ; 3, J.M. Ferguson,
Red l3ay ; 4, W. A. Btt0banatt, Donegal.
Gleateet Improvement in Writing -1,
Ohms, Witter, Lletowei, Medalist ; 2, J.
111, Taylor ; 8, H. M. Sohinbein ; 4, Jno,
E. Snyder, Best Specimen in Writing -
1, H. M. Soaintein ; 2, Ches. Witter ; 3,
J. M. Taylor ; 4, J. M. Ferguson. The
prize in this oats, roes to J. M. Taylor.
The College re opened on Taeedny,
April 14 h,
113elg rove.
Mies Flora Platt is dressmaking in the
vil'age, •
Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Brown were visiting
in Brownsville.
The Geddes mill bas finished sawing
its stook of logs.
Andrew Taylor shipped a oar of ohoioe
fat oattle to Toronto.
Ed. Wightman is eerionely ill but we
hope he wili Well be o. k,
Wm. Beogough, who has been very i11
all Winter, is improving eomewhet,
The Foresters intend putting in a
cement platform in front of their hall.
Po-lmaater Sproat i0te11de putting up
a large woodshed in oonneotiou with hie
Mrs. Brnoe, sen., who underwent an
operation for oanoer, is able to be about
Tue managers of the Presbyterian
church are patting op a woodshed in oou-
080180n with their mange.
Robt. Wightman, 6th line, Wawaoosh,
ENS sold hie land across the road and
adjoining David Snell'e farm, to the lat-
Mr. Mo0uaig, of Luoknow, has several
thousand feet of rook elm lying at Bel -
grave etatio0,the prior paid being $18
per 1000 feet.
Belgrave is going to pat down
a cement sidewalk from MoOlelland'e
corner to Geddes' corner, which is very
mach needed, tie the old plank walk is
badly broken up.
W el$il Una.
J. Strnul le oritioaily ill. Dancer is
the cause,
Mise Martha Maxwell, of town, has
gone to 1effalo,,for training as a nurse.
Councillor Dui/nage removed to the
residence be purchased from M. H. Mo.
Flies Hattie Reid is spending the Eno
for holidays with her brother George, in
Wingham Independent Foreetere will
ran an vxoanion to Sarnia aid Detroit
during June,
Will. Roderus lett for London whe'e
he bas secured a eituatiou in a hardware
Dire. H. 13..Elliott, who hoe been
enffer,ng with ery3ipelne for some weeke
petit, will be fully recovered in a few
Thos, H. Taylor has purobased the
Oongregalionai oboroh property. The
price was said to be $1000. He will pull
the ohurob down and ergot a dwelling on
the lot.
Will, Soott, a Wingham boy, who had
hie arm very badly scalded last Summer
while noting ea waiter on one of the 0.
P. R. lake steamers, is now in Owen
Son 1111 hoapital.
The annual meeting of the Wingham
Baptist ohuroh was held on Taeedny
eveniO3 of lust week, and the annual re.
port presented a very eatietaotory state.
meat of the finances. The general fund
shows an expenditure of $869 81. On
the repair account, $447 26 was expended,
alt of wbioh was reported paid except
about $60, and since the report was is.
sued, this balance on the debit Bide has
been wiped oat, so that the church bo•
gine the Renal year with a clear sheet..
The total amount raised for all purposes
was $1,216,38, nearly $860 more than in
the previous year. The Deacons are -
Wm. Homath, A. Kelly, J. P. Wellwood,
W. J, Mallogh and P. Fisher.
R. S. Pelton ie offering for eale The
Bee oftles bai'ding.
There ie Rome talk of eudeavoriog to
form it league for junior football in this
Station agent J, H. Moore and hie
assistants bandied 26,000 pounds of
freight one day.
Goo, Kiump was compelled to shoot
one of his hounds owing to the animal
having one of its lege broken by a kink
from a horse.
Henry Johnston drilled an 80 foot well,
last week, for Walter Hamilton, 8th eon„
West. The water Domes to within ten
feet of the top.
S. 8. Boyd left on Tneaday morning of
last week for Carlyle, Aes., atter a pleas,
ant visit of some weeks among relatives
in thin vicinity,
Win: Buchanan, implement agent, is
ereoting a commodious implemeue thou
on hie lot near the elevator. Ohne. Par.
ker hos the contract,
The following is the report of the
standing of pupils of S. S. No. 7, for the
month of Marob. 6th olaes-Annie Hall,
Annie Wherry. Senior 4th -Mary
Blatchford, Josie Blatohtord. Junior
4th -Flora Wherry, Willie Wherry,
Meryl Richmond. Senior Ord -Ralph
Love, Davie Ovaos, Bella Hamilton.
Junior Ord -Graham Bell, Allan Hoaae,
Donnie Love, Senior 2nd -Rath Home,
Mabel Richmond, Mary Klinefeldt.
Six new robber coats have been added
to the firemen's paraphrsnalia,
W. A. Gifford, who has been attending
Viotoria IInivereity, ie home for Easter
Ed. Rowed, who for the past three
yeare has been G. T. R. freight agent is
Clinton, has been transferred to London.
J. G. Stewart, who has been in the
grocery business in Clinton for thirteen
yeare, hoe diepoeed of his stook to Berry
Oantelon who is now in poeeension.
A shooting match at Brantford on
Good Friday between the Clinton and
Brantford Gan (Rube, twelve men a eide,
at 25 birds, resulted in favor of the home
club by nine birds. Snore-Olinton, 280 ;
Brantford, 245.
The Doweley property, the house and
ofioe occupied by Dr, Doweley some
years ago, was put up for Bate by auction
but was nob gold, the reserve price of
$1800 not being reached Several yeare
ago Dr. Doweley refused $2600 for tine
The ooanoil will in all probability
oppose the Good Roads scheme before
the County Oonnail. At least the discus.
Bion tended that way. His Worship, the
Mayor, oould not see why Clinton Mould
be taxed for Good Roads whereto not a
Dent of the (node would be orient in the
Change in Business
Has purchased the choice and well assorted stock ofd
Groceries, Confectionery,
Fruits, Canned Goods, &o.
From L. G. KRUSE and will carry on the business
---Particular attention given to the Ice Cream and
—A choice article of Tea at 27c. per pound.
—See oar Newport Chocolates and Now Fruits,
—Fine Maple Syrup.
in the old.
Asking the favor of the esteemed patronage of the public and
promising prompt and careful attention,
Yours truly,
I/ r e a, 6i x111 A8 R
The services at Knox ohuroh are being
held in the basement while the redecor-
ating of the interior in being done..
Engineer MoPhail, of the Seibold, made
a stir one day by Blipping and falling
overboard, He had a good swim before
he was polled out,
Principal Tigerb of the Pubtio Sobool
applied for an iooreaee of salary and a
motion was peeved unanimously to give
him $760, au increase of $60.
J. M. Field, B. A., has porchaeed the
cottage of the late Ira Lewis at the
corner of Lighthouse and Wellington
etreet0, We enderetend he paid mime.
thing over $2,000 for it,
B. D, Grant hoe returned to town for a
week or so, His friends are delighted to
see him in splendid health. He has fully
recovered from hie reoeot serious illness
and twice better than ever.
Eddie Campion, of the G. T. R. offices
Guelph, is home for a time. He likes
Guelph all right, but the hours required
by the company are very long and Eddie
ham not been in the beat of health,
A. Straiton, G. T. R. station agent
returned Monday evening ot last week
from Montreal, where be bad been taking
hospital treatment. Re was somewhat
tired after the journey bat we are pleased
to learn that he expecte to be about in a
Week or so,
Geoffrey Holt is here from Trinity
IInivereity to spend the Easter holidays
at the parental reeideooe. Io addition to
the arts cooree, in which he expects to
graduate at the completion of the oollege
year, Geoffrey is taking the Goatee for the
degree of Mee. Bao.
There was a good turnout at meeting
in Rougvie'e store for the reorganization
of the gun club, and the following offioere
were chosen : President, T. McDermott ;
vioe•preeident, D. McIver • emaretary
treasurer, N. D. Rongvie. The executive
committee consists of the oftioera and W.
A. Iolo3Om and W. Rateon. The mem
berebip fee waS pieced at 60a. end it was
decided to offer a trophy for oompetition
among laoal shooters.
The Signal eays :-We learn that the
H. B. & G. Eleotrio Railway Co., in view
of the recent vote in Colborne township,
proposes to change its plane somewhat.
It is the intention to build the.lake shore
line, eventually to reaoh the Georgian
Bay, and a branch will run along the
12th couoeeeion of Colborne to Nile
thence to Dungannon, thane° to Look.
now and Wingham. The western per•
tiou of Colborne township will be staked
for a email bonus, and propositions will
be submitted to the ratepayers of Ash
field and West Wawano=b as soon as the
°barter ie amended in a000rdanoe with
the applioat.ion now before the Legiola•
131 v t is,
E. Livingston arrived home from 8t.
Joseph's hospital, London.
Baiuton Bros. sold a large goantity of
wool to Lookridgo Bras„ of the Brussels
wcoten mill.
John Girona has Bemired the position
of brakeman on a freight train ruuniug
out of London.
A. Wettlaufer has sold the necessary
briok for a new brink residence to John
Glonehor, of Hullett.
0. H 13eese is erecting a verandah in
front of the Blyth flour mill. It will be
88 feat long and 14 feet wide.
Wm. 3o0reight went to Stratford
where he bad secured the position of fire.
man ou a Grand Truuk l000motive.
Master Raymond Kelly, who spent a
portion of his vacation fn Blyth last Sum.
mar, died at the home of hie parents in
Detroit on Thursday, 2nd Met. from
brain fever. He was 12 years of age.
T. W. Scott tendered his resignation as
village clerk. The resignation was ao•
°opted, with expressions of regret from
every member of the board, N, 1:1, Young
was appointed to the vaoauoy ae $60 per
Philip Willows wag palled to Joliet,
Illinois, on Monday of last week by the
death of his eon, W. J. Willows, who
died on Saturday from Bright'e disease.
The yonog men was in the 29th year of
hie age.
The following officer° were elected by
the looal Fruit Growere' Aseo :arrest.
deet. A.b ioe.
H, jambs , v provident, A. W.
Blown ; eooretarytreaenrer, Frank Met.
colt ; direalore, George Fothergill, George
Taylor, D. Fargnhereou, John MoDowell,
J. E. Coombe, John Brigham and Henry
A meeting to re.organfze tho Blyth
rifle clab was held in the Bank of Hamili
ton and elected the following otflcera ;-
Hon. president, James MoMnrohie ; preei.
dent, 11, MaOommins ; captain, J, B,
Tierney ; lieutenant, S, H, Gidley t
eeerelery•troaeurer, P. H. Douglas, ; man-
aging committee, 0. Fraser, N. 13, Gerry,
N. Taylor and D, Stalker.
A meeting to reorganize the Blyth
baseball Clair was held in the Qaeen'e
hotel. There lues a good atteodanoe of
baseball enlhueleate and the following
Olean were elected for the enening year i
--?resident, A. E. Bradwin; vioe.proei-
dent, Wm. Mason f e°o;Otary.treasnrer,
W. N. MacDonald i manager, Albert
Rubinson ; oaptein, John Stewart ; es
eentiv0 OOtnmitteo, P. H, Doaglae, John
E, Moore and 5, L, Haines,
1 cCI ]"NON & Co., Blyth.
Cur Dress Goods department is now tilled to overflowing with
the newest things In Spring dregs goods. This week we received a large
0115010810 (a direst importation) which pate our stook in ellgnnt shape
for the Spring trade. Now is 0110 limo t0 select your Drees Uoatume or
Skirt while the amok is at ite beet. We find a growing demand fora bet-
ter quality of dress goods and we have bought very largely in the better
olaae of goods, but we have not overlooked the lower prioect goods, We
make it to point to keep a stools to meet the dementia of all pnreee. Saotoh
Boitingo, 50 to 55 incline wide, ,ill pure wool, in Rake, knioker and weave'',
in bright finish, in oolore of biaok, brown, oavy, fawn and mixtures, at
51, 51 25 and 51 50 per yard. . Frenoh Venetians, 56 to 68 inches
wide, all pure wool, Frenoh dye, sloes bright finish, in bteek, navy and
brown, at 760, 51 and $1 60 per yard, . . . Frenoh Vigoreasx, 42 to
44 booboo wide, in oo'ore of grey, fawn, blue and fanny mixtures, very
special at 600 per yard.
We have jnot received a large assortment of Ladies' Waterproof Coate,
iu all the latest deeigoe, in oolore of gr001, Oxford, lawn, brown,-
rown,navy and bleak, in lengths of 64, 56, 68, 00 and 82, at $2.60, $3, 54,
$6 $7 60 and $10.
M EMNON & Co., Myth.
License District
East Riding of 'Huron.
The East Aaron Lioeuee commissioners
will meet at the
Monday, April 20th,
1901, AT 1C O'CLOCK A. M.
To tape into consideration the applion-
tione for Tavern Limnos for 1903-04
The number of app ioatione this year
ie 17, being the same number of licensee
ae granted last year.
r. 11. 8010L11t,
JAtttBTOWN, April 101,1003.
Strenuous .Objections
are never made against feed supplied by
Alf, Beaker. Alt stook like}it and thrive
on 11, and it is pr000uaoed by all intel-
ligent breeders to be ineompariably the
best Bold. Try a sample lot and yon will
never teed anything bat our Kellar Dorn
and oats.
Alf. Baeker.
t�a �
The Best of this Season's Productions.
We have made a special effort 00 eeanre deeigne and ooloringe
of artietio merit not only in high grades bot in those ae low as
BED ROOMS -We have Dainty Florale, producing charming effeote, ab Low
PARLORS -Beautiful Daeigne in Gilt and Creamy Tonee, Blues, Greene, &o.,
in delioate Shades.
HALLS, DINING6-ROOMS, &o -Fine Effective Deeigne, in Magnificent
Oolers, giving Warmth, Riohnaee and Beauty to an apartment,
DON'T WAIT till our stack is broken. Make your selection NOW.
If you bane any rooms not recently Papered, just call and let ns
tell you how little it poets to make home bright, attractive and happy.
Fred. McCrac ei
Papers displayed ed in Smale Block Brussels._
The Undersigned beg leave to notify the Public that
they have opened up a CHOICE NEW
OILS ct1
in the Simpson Block, Ethel, which will be sold at Reason-
able Prices.
We Have also a Tinware Department and will keep a Oret•olase'Tinsmith.
4, Speoiolty made of Repairing and Eavetrougbing,
Our motto will be Good Goode and Careful Attention 10 Bneineee,
Beek makes of
Sievert handled.
ICRAU PE1 86 •,1' Gil