The Brussels Post, 1903-4-16, Page 1Vol. 31. No. 40
New Advertisements.
Local—R. K. Rost,
Lo041—Mali:8y & Co.
Doming—'2. P. Smith.
Local—W. J. MaOrauken,
NB for sale—'Whoa. Pepper.
Men's Shoes -1. 0. Rioharde,
'erase making—Miss Bennett.
The prioe—J. Fergnaou & Oo.
Deese Goode—hfuelinnon & On,
Hollywood paint—McKay & Go.
Wanted—Standard House, Chicago,
Saturday specials—H, A. Matahet!,
IC: txict gttos,
40 retitle r o o lo.
Mise Ada D)lling ie visiting at London.
Wro. Beddow, of Nebraska, a brother
to Mre, Robe. Brown, hoe been vieiting
her. He was aoaompaniedby Mr. item
Kay, of Burlington, Ont., a brother•in•
Very few of them who should be in.
tereoted in fixing up the cemetery here
have responded so for but it is to be hoped
all who have plots will give them a little
I attention.
141 It is said Tho°. MORae, who is attend•
ing the Medioal College, will spend next
Bummer with Dr. Rutherford, of Listow-
el, and inmidentallY give tbe Listowelel league footballers a helpingtact
Our 'school teaohere will take np the rod
next Monday morning, Of eonree "rod"
ie only figurative language ae the pupils
of today know very little of the old
feebioned "Iaoinge" beiougirg to the
public eobool.
.Tnnze sato W 1 .
Mre, Wm. McKelvey was vieiting at
Harriaton daring the plot week,
G. F. Blair, of Brussels, took charge
of the eerviae in Victoria Hall last cab
bath evening.
We are pteaned to report favorable pro.
grew: in the mute of W. E. Bryant, who
bae been ill with appendtoitie at Toronto,
PASSED AWAY.—It 1s with more than
ordinary regret that we an000008 the
death of Mime Mildred ancient) which tad
event took plane Wednesday night, April
let. Mies Jaoklin had been ill for about
two weeke and at times it wee thought
ehe would recover but with all that the
beet medical skill and kind and loving
friend° coca do in her behalf death
claimed her. She had been suffering for
over a week from a Revere attack of acute
iuflammotion whioh baffled human skill
to relieve, She was the seoond daughter
of Thos. and hire. Jaoklin and was a
kind and- sympathetic lady with a large
number of Mende who will mourn on
amount of her early death. The writer
having bad the privilege of meeting her
88 a modest school girl and a gentle grown
np maiden, Although of a quiet and uu•
pretentious dieposition she 8888 8 lady of
high intelligenoeand nominee -I many good
qualities which 80(10ared her. to those
who knew her beet, She waif eeeentially
a home keeper and while a true help mate
to her parcute elle derived her greatest
pleasure in oonneotion with here immedi•
ate oirole of futtmatn Irieude who all join
in eympathy to the aged parents and
brothern and eietets of deoeaeed in their
time of sorrow. The fcoeral which to.k
place on Saturday afternoon to the Wrox
eter oemlery wee of a very large number
of vehicles filled with sorrowing relatives
and frieads who followed the remains'? to
their last reetieg place end teetifled to the
great respect in which deoeeeod was held
by all who knew leer. Pali bearers were
David Thomson, Geo. McDonald, Jae.
Ball, Thos. Bennett, Goo.liielop and
Ben. Hislop, Service wee 0 0(100ted at
the honee and grave by Rev. A. E Hall,
p8etor, of Gerrie
!'V r•0Xr8r use t•.
Boott Black ieinLondon this week.
erred, Orr, of Wiugham, spent Sunday
in the village.
Mies Caeeie Harris le the guest of rel•
ativee in Wingham.
8. Robinson, of Wingham, spent Mon•
day at his ht me bare.
R. Tranoh ehipped a oar load of hogs
and cattle on Monday.
Alvin Hemphill, of Wa'kerton, spent a
few holidays at hie home here.
Jno. Roberteou and daughter, Mre.
Soots, are vieiting in Kincardine.
Herman Morrison; of Kineardiue, emeet
Good Friday here with his parents.
Joe. Paniin returned to Colorado on
Friday after a three menthe' visit at hie
Jae. Smith, of Hamilton, ie the guest
of hie brother Oliver Smith, on Howiok
0. and Airs. Stuart, of Arthur, are
gueete of the latter's mother, Aire, D.
Mee. A. H. Moffitt and children and
Mies Thompeon visited with relatives in
Ayton over Sunday.
Conrad and Mre. Raise returned on
Monday from a few days' visit spent in
their old home at Milverton.
Miee Mande Sinclair, teacher of the
Pinter department, le epending her vada.
tion at her home in Harriaton.
Byron Simmons, of Toronto, ie spend.
ing a few days in the village looking op
bustoeeg and renewing eequaiutoteee.
Mre. Wm. Wilson is slowly recovering
from a severe attack of la grippe, whish
bae oonfined her to the house for several
weeke. -
JF.& Co.
Again !
We have Special Bargain News for you this
week. At the very beginning of the season we offer you
stylish and desirable Merchandise at less than Wholesale
Prices as follows :
—10 ends of Heavy Plaid Taffetta Silk
Ribbons, 4 inches wide, regular
price 850 per yd, Bargain Price
—6 pieces Broohe, stripe, Taffetta Silk
Ribbons, 5 inches wide, in white
and all desirable colors, regular 25
price 40e, Bargain Price
—2000 yards best quality Flannelette,
80 inches, in light and medium
shades, real value 7e, Bargain price
—1000 yards fine White Linen Lawn,
89 inches wide, regular price 18c •"� 2 1
per yard, Sale Price
—15 pieces heavy Factory Cotton, real
value 6c, Bargain Price
—15 dozen Ladies' Wool Cashmere
Hose, 2 and 1 ribs, real value 30o,
Bargain Price •��
—30 pieces heavy Past Color Prints,
32 inches wide, suitable for Shirt
Waists and Dresses, Bargain Price
—10 dozen Ladies' Habit ,Hip and
Straight Front Corsets, sizes 18
.46 to 24, reg. value'75, Bargain Prion
—15.only Ladies' Walking Skirts, good
quality Homespuns in gray, black
and navy, nicely trimmed and 2 OR
full skirt, Bargain Price '
We cannot afford to deceive you in our newspaper as.
sertions, hence you can't afford to ignore our advertising,
eL, Fergust
Fred. IIazletvood, of Hamilton, is the
guest or hie uncle, W, O. Hazlewood,
Peter Smith, of Owen Hound Smileless
College, le borne for the Ea• ter emotion.
The 1900031 vestry meeting of the
Epieoopal ebnroh was hold Tuesday even•
Aire. Gray, of erneeele, wan the easel
of Mre. Jno, 11a0111t0n, near here, on
Special Hinging of Bader anthems end
hymns wee giver, in the aleurah08 here on
Bunter Sunday,
A meeting of the Women's Institute
will meet at Mrs. John Stey'n on There
flay at 2 30 p, m.
J. Mnt tin, n student of Knox Oolleoe,
will oaoupy the pulpit lu the Presbyterian
oleuroll next Sunday.
0. and Mae. 00018 returned to Hannall
on Wacky, the teeter haven epee( two
weeke with her ,pereute 1. and Mre.
Ilemphiit. •
The second annnalenterteinment given
by the Junior Emmett) League in the
Hall on Friday evening woe moot enemies-
fut. The program, which wan given
entirely by the children, ooneteted of
ohorueee, solos, chide, reeitateous and
Soripture exeeoiees. The eoarf drill and
club ewingintt were perhapn the most
ple,eing featnree of the evening. After
the entertainment a Bumper wee given
0petair8 for tate ohildr,n to which no
doubt all did ample ] I. justice. Rtv. A.
M Ks!ve was auairman for the evening.
The proceeds amounted to 61.6 00. b
Feta BALL—The football match in
Wingbam on Good Friday resulted in a
win for our tenet by a more of 8 to 0.
The 'gums tone very one aided not one
Mot being made on the Wroxeter goal
and only the good wont of the Wingham
goal keeper and the poor shouting of the
Wroxeter forwards saved the Wingham
club frorn a worse deteat, To haee any
Mance whatever in the League the
Wingham club will have to pick up oon
eiderabty. The teems lined up ae fol.
W./taxman . WINGnnar
eroLeau Goal hush
Blackwood 'J!aliord
Robinson } Ilaake {, Dea.
Sanderson Daniela
llewuey i<Backe ,Perrin
1040.°0( Boob
Rae AIrtaball
nitpar ,. Rattenbury
Lina ;rorwarde e B EioGBur es iltivrgay •Initor e
,1Iorrisou •- .' � �'
Pi la Y
et, Gelder, Wooxeter reraree,
el. Porterfield has just openod up a
Veterinary oMsee in our town. We with
him mouses
Miee Grille wan presented with an sp.
propriate gift from the pnpile of her de.
partmeni, Abe baying resigned her eobool
we Easter and returned to her home in
A. Spinke, who died in the Globe Hotel,
'1000uto, from the effeots of gag, intended
to reach hie home here the following
evening, gab
having been sent in Manitoba
for the poet year. Much sympathy 10
expressed towards Mre. Spieke who on
receipt of the uewe hastened to his bed.
aide only to find him 0no0neoious.
Feels tee
Grey township Oonnoil will meet here
next Monday.
The school teachere will geb to work
Monday morning next.
Mre. Samuel Ames was a visitor with
her daughter at Torouto for a few days.
Mies Melinda Milne, who teaches
eohoo( near Wingham, ie epending her
bolidaye at her home in the village.
Mies Mattie Evane and Miee Maggie.
Tindall, of Toronto, were visiting Mies
Mary 81emmote and other friends daring
the holidays,.,, -
We etre sorry to beer that George Bate -
man's health is not in a very favorable
condition, but we hope programs will be
made toward complete reetoratioo.
John Siammon, who has spent three
yeare in Neepawa in Kerr & Graham's,
dry goods store, is now employed in one
of the leading et0te9 in Mooeejaw, and
Speaks well of the oountty round there,
Rev. C, P. Welke was unable to take hie
work on Bentley on amount of illness.
Robert McKey supplied the different
appointments. We hope the rev. gentle-
man Will soon be teetered to his usual
A Olioton paper says of a former
Ebhelite :—Mies Carol Newcombe hen
arrived home from the London Con-
servabory of music, Frain the number
of times her 08nle Use appeared among
the recitals given to 0onneetion with that
college during the term we would sees she
hae done well in her studies.
On Wedoeeday evening, March 25,
quite a number of the members and ad•
herente of the Bayfield Methodiet 012itrole
met at the parsonage, Bbd presented) Miss
Yslland, formerly of Ethel, who hae
been organist for Some time, with up•
wards of 020, and as appreoiativead.
floe or TwAtranauott,—The following
are the tffioers of the Sone of Temperance
for the 01rr8lit quarter 1—W, 2„ Mies
Lanza Shannon ; W. A , Mies Annie
Mason ; F, S , George Dobson ; Treat., S.
Chambers ; R. 8„ Miee Ida Cole I A, R
8., Mies Mary A. Slemmon ; Con., Alex,
Lamont ; Asst, Com, Mtee Dditb Milne •
Chap., Robt. Malley; 1. S., Mise E,
Imlay ; 0. S., Will, Spence; P. W. P„ J.
O. Lamont ; Organist, Mies Slemmon,
The lodge is to a flourishing ooudition
'several • candidates being int Bated tinting
the hoot quarter, Ethel. men boast of
one of the. beet Temperance Societies in
-the county.
W. F. M. S.—The member' of the W.
F. M. 8 intend hewing their annual
Ember Thank a fferingetervioeo next Sim•
day and Monday 4n the Methodistehorob,
They have seo0red Aire, Ouyler, of White
°Meth, who will be at the 0Br91000 on
Bendel, and will address the 0o0grega•
tIon on Mieelonary wont. Ae she was at
one time in the Foreign field no doubt
of will give a prclitable 48, 300ree. On
Monday afternneu at 2 80 Abe will addreee
th0 ladies of the ogugregation on Mission
worst. A oordlal invibeeion le extended
to the women of .the slater dwelt, to
mete end hear Aire, Unyler. A freewill
offering will be taken 8t Bunchy evening.
and Mandayes service prooeede to go to
work in the foreign field, All are wel-
nee e- t•, rw.
Sohoole reopen next Monday,
ie. H. Ooehra08 wee home from Weler•
loo for the Fleeter holidays.
Peter McDonald, tinsmith, has moved
to Berlin where be will follow bin teethe.
John Coulter has sold the North half
of lot 7, 0038, 3, Morris, to Wm. Elet0rn at
Emerson Litblefair has °old hie farm
lot 6, 0eu. 7, Morrie, to George Armstrong,
of Morrie,
Mre, Walter Sharp, of Gaderioh, and
Mrs. Finch, of Olinton, were visiting the
Sherrie and Bradshaw families, 3rd line.
The Burk farm, 61h line, recently
hrho MoLalohlle fBrese le
bought byThos. t e o e
was eo!d by him to Philip Ament, of the
eam0 town.
Last week Frank Lambie, V, 8., left for
Midland, Michigan, where he intends
epending the Bummer in the practice of
hie profeesioe.
We are sorry to beer that Neil MoDon•
aid is not reoru)ting his health ae quick•
ly as hie many friends woald deeire. A
epeoialiet was here during the past week.
We are pleased to be able to state that
Misses Annie and Nettie, daughters of
John Speir, 4 h line, are able to get about
utter asicge of or 8 weeke from typhoid
Prank Cloakey, of Toronto, has been
reuswiag old friendshipsfa this looality.
He is a son of W. H. Cloakey, formerly
of the 8th line. The family is living at
the Provincial capital.
Word bee in en received of the decease
of Mrs. Carr, in Nebraska, her death
cornering 0 weeks ago, She was a ulster
to Robert Armstrong, formerly of the 4th
line, and waste former Morr,site hen home
being on the 6th oon. The old reeideote
of the township will remember her al
though it is yeare since she removed.
'9V tt l t0 te.
Sohool re -opens next Monday.
Mies Minnie McDonald ie home from
The old oheeee factory iebeingremoved
by the recent parchasere.
Friday afternoon of this week will be
the date of James Oampbetl'e mutton
• Jno. McDonald, who had such a close
call in the saw mill a little time ago, is
almost ae well as ever.
Spring work is getting well advanced
in this looality although the oold, wet
weather hae somewhat retarded.
A Dement walk hue been put down and
lawn layod out at Wrn Smith's reeideuoe,
making considerable improvement.
Next week Jonas Beoker and family
removes from Walton to Brnseele where
Mr. Beaker le employed ae wood worker
at Ewan & Oo'e. carriage works.
Mre. Janne McDonald underwent an
operation reoentl
end we hope she will
mon be restored to health Sheh
0o good a'
been me the sink list for severe! months.
James Smillie and Miss Mary were
vieiting relativee and friends et Saar.
bore' during the Easter holidays arriving
homo on Tueeday. They report a great
rush of people on the move taking mdvaa-
tage of reducedrates on railways.
The Ladies' Guild of St. George'e
church elected the following offioere for
the ensuing year reoently : President,
Mrs, John Soarlott ; Vine, Mrs. H. Ham
ilton ; Secretary, Miee Lucy 8boidi08 ;
Treasurer, MieeJane Kelly. The Ladies
Guild will bold meetings the first Wed-
nesday of every month.
Onrm.---There peeped away on Saturday
4th inat., Mre. John West, in the 87th
year of her age. Her maiden name watt
Jane Smillie and Me was a native of
Ayrshire, Scotland. She came to Canada
en 11367, and has lived in the Township
of Boarboro' up to the time of her death,
Tbe funeral took pleat the following
Tuesday and was largely attended by
friends and neighbors, interment being
made at 51, Andrew'e cemetery. Ser.
vice was 000dooted at the house by Rev.
Mr, Toy, of,the Methodist church, and by
Rev. Mr, McDonald, her pastor, at the
grave. Deoeoeed leaves a husband and
four of a family to mourn the lose of a
faithful and loving mother. The deoeae.
ed was sister to Jaime Smillie, of Wal-
Til ne vale.
Aire. Joseph Pugh spent the holidays
in Stratford.
John Ooultee ie home from Philiadelphia
Dental College.
Miee Barbara Thynne is visiting her
sister, Mee. Bailey.
Miss Olive 8o0tt1 spent Easter with
relativee at Clinton.
Master Herold Pugh visited relativee
in Brua0810 lest week,
Miee Annie Stewart is home from
Mitohell for the holidays.
Miee Belle Burgess and James Burgess
are vieiting in Woodebaok.
Mee, R. N. Doff and Miee Alice Doff
visited In Lietowel fast weelr,
Mre. Robert Maxwell, of the Binevale
road, hae been vieiting in Galt.
Mips Lily Patterson, of Wingham,
plaited relativee here last week.
Miss Annie Swann in home from Gode
riob WO School for the holidays.
Miee Mary King ilpent Monday at
Brueeele the g08at of littlo Mise Edith
Harry and 141ra. Grainger, of Moles.
worth, were vieiting in the village this
Misses Maggie and Jeanie Diment, of
Toronto, were holidaying with their
D. McDonald, of Palmerston, spent
Sunday with his Imola, George Mc•
Mrs. Robert Mailo0gh spent the Easter
holidays with her suttee, Mre. Broom.
field, of Gait.
Mr. k'loming, of Milverton, is vieiting
hie aunt, Mre. Wm. Maxwell, of the
Biuevale road.
Albert Denman, of Halstead'* Co'e.
Bank, Montt Forest, spelt the holidays
at lite home here.
Mre. Alexander Moffat rettu'ned to her
home in Oheeley err Monday after spend•
ing a month with friends here.
Wesley Denenau f8 home from Cileton
Collegiate Instituto for the atomism,
&flee Baltic Gimlet, of Wingham, fe
visiting her grandmother, Mrs. John
R. N. Duff le away age week at Welles
villa and Whiteeville, New York Stets,
inspentin„ rollers for John Mitobell.
(r r [1 O' .
Abram Biebop was on tee sick liet lest
Grey Council meeting on Monday, April
201h, at 10 a. m. at Ethel,
Last Sabbath morning R. McKay took
the esevioe at Roe's Cburoh.
Wooley Speiran and Mies Cora spent
Sunday with friends in Morris.
Arthur Hyde, of Stratford, is spending
hie Easter bolidaye with triende on the
12th eon.
A few of the youth and beauty of
008018 sok tank in Union church Sunday
II. W, Liaison, teacher in S. B. No. 3,
is epending his venation at his bome in
Peter J. McDonald spent Sunday with
friends in Walton. What's the attraotion
In Walton Pete ?
Mies Jennie McKibbon, of Leadbnry,
has been visiting at Wm. Armettoog'e,
adjoining Brussels.
Wm. Bateman spent the Easter boli•
days Toronto with is eon and daughter
inh d
who realde in that city.
Mies Della Oliver, of Toronto, le spend.
ing a ample of weeke with Mrs. Henry
Bateman and other friends.
Mies Sadie Buttery, who has beau on
the took fist for the Taut month, is im•
proving nicely we are glad to state.
Mice Ellie MoInto0b was here from
Toronto vieiting the Mlaees MOArthur,
6011 con., during the Easter holiday.
George Oempbsll and Miss Maggie kin
Nair agent Friday evening with friends
in Walton. They report a good time.
George Whitfield, oon. 13, to putting np
8 driving and implemeut bones on hie
One farm, He is determined to have
things cosy.
Mrs. Joe Amee and Mrs. Alex. MoAi.
lister and eon Lye), were gueete of Ma.
tivee in Torauto during the Easter boli.
day geasou,
Jno. MoOartney, 8rd con., is not im,
proving as rapidly in health as hie many
friends would wish but we hope he will
Boon be oonvaleeaent.
The timber is about ready for W.
Miobel's new barn, 18th con, John
Howard will also baild a born to replace
the one he lost by fire.
R. E. Coates, 10th 000., bae been botb•
eyed with 00iatica during the past month
bat we hope the coming of Spring will
dismiss thio very disagreeable oompaolon,
A large straw abed will be bath on the
farm of Reeve Livingston this Seamon.
He ie 800001ng a very convenient and
well appointed outfit of buildings and has
Mao a gond farm.
8001ALEvENINo.—Thursday evening of
lest eek the Yoonb people of Union
Epworth League spent a very pleasant
time at the home of Teasdale Whitfield,
14th oon. The company iodnlged for a
few momenta in a friendly hnndehake,
inoluding that of the dowo.Eaeter•, the
Freuohman, the Tnrk, the society belle
and the Epworth Leaguer, which was
very appropriate as this is the first oo-
0asion of the kind held by the League
eine ire organization. The follow•
lug program was well rendered, S. 13.
Lamont ae ohairmau :—Opening hymn
and prayer; Ohairman'eaddreea; inetru
mental, Wesley Speiran ; recitation,
"The Captain" Miss M. Ratlewell ; selec-
tion from the choir ; Jones' reoitetioo,
Robt. Dougherty ; eolo, Mrs. Wm.
Michael ; reading, "outer Van Twiner,"
8 B. Lamont ; recitation, "The Minister
and hie wife," Miee Mason ; selection
from the chair ; recitation, 'Tbe Minie-
ter'e wife," Aliso L Baker ; instrumental,
Wesley Speiran. Following this pro.
gram wee a social 000teet entitled, "The
Shopping List" whioh proved very inter.
eating. After refreshments were served
the meeting was closed by the sheeting of
"God be with yon till we meet slain,"
Before the o; mpany departed a hearty
vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mre.
Whitfield for the use of tbeiroommodione
residence. We congratulate the League
workers an the emees0 of their "At
MATttoNTAL.—Five o'clock p. no. on
Wednesday evening of iaet week saw a
jolly aompatey of 100 gueete at the home
of Mre. Jno. Youih, 8th oon., ready to
witness the tying of the matrimonial bow
by Rev. Juo. Roes, B. A , of Brueeele,
between Peter MoDoogall, a well known
(.areyite, and blies hlapgie J , only dangle
ler of the beaten. The principals took
their places under an evergreen arch in
the dining room as the Wedding March
was being played by ?sties Annabel Me
Kinnon and theta the vows were taken
and the pronouncement made. Bride
wore a very neat and becoming costume of
white mull chiffon, Little Miens Teenie
end Margery Youill, ueioee of the bride,
did their part very prettily en flower
girls. Hearty oongratnlatioue followed.
Wedding gifbe were valuable, well Mogen
and of a very u8elnl oharaoter, ranging
from a $100 cheque. Atter an elegant
supper had been done ample justice to
Ren. Mr, Rose proposed the health of
the bride in a humorous vein and gave
sag,. advice to both benediots and bache-
lors thateh0nld do good. A pleasant
evening WWI spend in vooal and instru-
mental mneis, social ohne, dancing, &o.,
after which Mr, MoDangall and bride
left for their own home, just eoro8e the
line renes, where they 00mmen08 married
life with the beet wishes of many rein
tivee and Mende, Too POST inolndod.
The MoDougail and Yonill faeniliae are
old residents of this locality and have a
wide oirole of atqueintanoee.
Lord Dundonald i1? vieitToronlo nazi
Judge Street has deoided that a line.
band is liable in damages for slanders
uttered by his wife,
A company with a oapital of about 086,.
000,000 is applying for Nom porstion et
Ottawa, with the intention of entering
the field in oppooition'to the Bell Tele.
phone Company,
W. H. KERR, Prop,
People We Know.
Mre, Grilflth spent Easter at Water
Mise Rifle Hunter is holidaying in
Rev, Soo. Rorie, B. A., wee at Elora
last week.
D. Lewie, of Bluevele, wall a visitor in
town last week.
Mies Eva Gilpin wee visiting re:ative8
in ItIoKil+op,
Loire. R. T. Bingeton wee visiting ber
sen at Wingham.
Mies Nine Rogers of Mt. Forest, was
home for Easter.
,tire, Neil MoLe.nohlin was a viettor at
Uemiltoo over Beater.
R. Wolfe, of the Standard Bank, was
holidaying at Brantford.
James and Aire Ballantyne were visit-
ors in Toronto a few days,
Mre. 3, Leckie re in Toronto on a visit
with relativee and friends.
F. E. Clark, of 'reroute, wan visiting at
Thos. Bone's, Turnberry etreet,
S. Beattie and wife apeut the Seater
holidays with their sone at Wiarton.
Geo. Olvar was visiting relativee at
Tupperville, Kent Oo., for a few days.
Mre, Robert Anderson and eon Olarenoe
were visiting relatives ae New Bamberg.
G F. Blair and A. Ooueley were in
Goderiob on Wednesday on a boeinese
sod eon were
with relative:
in Whitechurch on Good
Chas, Sager, of London, wee shaking
hands with Brueeele friends daring tbe
past week.
Mies Myrtle Ferguson, of Atwood, wap
vieiting Miee Mabel Z comer for a few
days this week.
Mfeels Eve McCracken and Mary
Forbes have been visiting at Walkerton
and Paisley.
Charlie and Bert. Hiogeton were visit
ing relativee at Teeeweter daring the
Easter emotion.
Chris. Seel, a former Brnseelite, has
moved from Cadillac, Mich,, toMeanwat•
Ma in the same State.
W. D. Ooustay, of Stratford, was home
for Easter. He i8 emp:oyed in the G.
T, R. shops o1 that city.
Mies Lizzie Sample and Mr, $winker,
of Loudon, enjoyed the Easter vaoabiou
with relativee In Brussels.
Albert West, a000mpaoied by Mine
Maud Proctor, of Blyth, and Miee Gerrie
Shane, of Ripley, spent Sunday in town.
Mre. Blain, of Sarnia, was vieiting her
sisters, Mre. A. Coueley and the Misses
Sample, of Brussels, returning on Mons
B. and Mre. Panabaker, of Heepeler,
were meets with Joe.Oober and family.
Mrs. Panabaker and Mr. °ober are brother
and sister.
Johu Pugh left last week for Settle Ste.
Maria where he will work at hie trade as
bricklayer and plasterer. He's a good
Hire. F oott was lied toInger-
n er-
. S 8 w ori
e 11 owin Got � r' a illness F her
o g he ea fou n o
sister, Mrs. Storm, of Hamilton, who was
visiting there.
Mre. St. Peter, of Kansas, is here on a
visit to her brother, Jno. Tait, Queen
street. Mr. Tait is very mach improved
in healtb.
Mre. Harbottle and daughter Nellie
were here for a few days from Wiarton
visiting the for'mer's parents, Jno. and
hire. Howard.
W, J. Gilroy, of Mt. Forest, was here
on Saturday on 0 short vieft with Melton,
who 18 0n the staff of the Metropolitan
Bank, Brneselo.
Miee Jean MaLacohlin and blaster
Jack Ballantyne were vieiting Mre. R.
W. Matheson, at Laoknow, for a day or
two thio week.
James and Mre. MaGnire, of Mount
Forest, and Geo. Rankin, of Wiugbam,
were visitors at A. MoGnire's and B. H.
Jaokoon'e daring the past week.
Wm. Hain, of Kincardine, George, of
Oheeley, and Henry, of Michigan, were
here attending the funeral of their brother
(Charles on Wednesday of thio week.
George and Harvey Bnehanan have
been epending their Easter venation
under the parental roof. They are both
school teachers and doing good work.
Mre, Holmes, of MoKillop, eieter•in-law
to Mre. Ewan and the Misses Holmes, of
Brunets, hag been very ill with hemor•
rhage of the lunge. Her many friends will
be pleased to hear of her complete
Dr, Jno. Scott, a one time Bruseelite, ie
a Republican candidate for Alderman in
the oily of Peoria, Illinois. The election
will take plane next Tnesday. We oau't
vote hub we contribute oar good wishes
for Dr, Soolt's retarn.
Will. J. Stewart, eon of Alex. Stewart,
Queen ebreet, Brneeels, hae been Beet
from Pioton to Brantford agency of the
Standard Bank, We expect to Bee Mr.
Siewert drop into the management of one
of the branches one of these days es he is
a competent employee,
Wm. MoFadzean and family left Brut: -
eels on Wedneaday for Lauder, Man.,
where they purpose making their home.
They have been reoidente of this twenty
for a good many yeare end carry with
them the beat wishes of the community,
Mr. Mo2adzean will take up blaokemith.
ing in his new location. He is ten ex.
perienoed hand at this trade and will no
doubt do well.
The Blyth Standard of last week
says :—"Thomas Ballantyne and family
left on Wedoeeday of last week for Bet's.
eels, where Me. Ballantyne has eeohred a
good position in the woolen hili. They
have tbe beet wishes of many friepde
here for good health and prosperity in
their new home." They have the beet
wfehee of the people 11ere oleo along the
some linea. Tam Pon extando a wet.
In the list of names of those to whom
cheques have been tent for the balaneo of
the 010,000 donated by Sir W. 0. Mac-
donald, of Montreal, for Dash prizes to
encourage boys and girls ou Oanadiae
farms in the work of improving seed grain
by eeleetion, we notice the names of two
from Huron, W. J. Armstrong, of don-
stance, reeelved 076 as seoond prize in
the Fall wheat mass and 060 es third
prize in Mete. Wilbert ?tones, of Gode.
doh, got 446 as fifth prize in oats,
Will. Hayorof8 spent Good Friday In
Willie Good spent Easier Sunday in
Wingham with relativee.
Mies Maggie Amoot visited friends in
Seaforth on Good Friday.
Mise Freda VanStune, of Wingham, ie
visiting ber amuain, bliss Edna Good.
Miro Merles, of Wingbaro, wee renew-
ing old ecqua1ntenoee be and around
Alba Jane McNair and Wee Florenoo
MONanghton, were venting friends fu
Grey township during the past week.
N. B. Gerry, wife and ohildreu, et
Blyth, and Bert. Gerry, of Listowel,
were eieitcr8 in Br0eeel0 an Good Friday,
Oziae and Mre. Dudley and daaghter,
of 81. Mary, spent Easter with the
former'e parents, Jae, and Mre. Dudley,
Mrd,H , Luo
know, Ham,
Hs f
town on Wednesday, coming for wee in
the par.
pose of attending the funeral of tbe late
1barlie Hoist.
The Hamilton papers of Saturday
etate that Rev. G. F. Salton, formerly of
this town, is innocuity ill of eryeipelao,
end that the dootore have forbidden any
person to see him.
Mrs, (Rev.) B. J. Allin, of London, for.
merry of Brussels, hae been dangerously
ill bat is recovering now we are pleased
to bear and able to sit up. We hope she
wilt soon be 0ouvaleseeut.
Mre.George Lindsay, of W
in ham
mother of Aaron Liudesy, of town, has
been on the BIM het as the result of a
fall. The old lady ie about 70 years of
age so i' not ae well able to stand these
experieuoes ae a younger pereon,
The many friends of J. P. Brine, of
Seaforth, father of Mrs. P. Soott, Bros.
eels, . will be sorry to learn that he has
been eerionely in. He has somewhat
improved and although well advanced is
years we hope to see him around again
soon. Mr. Brine is nearly 84 years of
age and hae been a very aativeman. The
Seaforth Expositor eels of him ;—"Tbe
last Division Court day here was the
fleet court in 48 year' at which J. P.
Brine was not in attendance in hie ea.
petits as bailiff and court orier. There
are not many public officials who can
show mete a record!' Mr. Bettie'0 ofli.
Mel duties extended to this locality in
the early days to that he was not an
infrequent 910110x.
The Bishop of Huron will make hie
anon! tour of the deanery of Enron
from May 6111 to 10th inolneive.
Social on Thursday evening of this
week under the auspices of the Epworth
League. Musical and literary program.
Next Sabbath's international Sunday
School lesson will be "The law of Love."
Interesting notes may be read on it in
this issue.
Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., preaohed two
Easter sermons on Sabbath loeb and the
choirit rendered antheras appropriate to
this festival.
At the service held in St. John's Murata
on Good Friday morntog a very appro-
priate dieconree wart given by the rentor
on "The Unjust Judge."
Sunday evening, Mr. Powell, a student
from Western University, London,
preaohed in St. John's oherob. Rev.
Webb gave an Exeter sermon in the
We are pleased to notice that A. D.
McLeod, 13, A., who supplied Melville
church pulpit here last Summer, bae
completed hie coarse at Knox College,
Toronto, and will now be open to accept
a call, we Buppoee.
Tbe Seaforth Expositor of last week
Bays •—Rev, Mr. °ovens, of Brussels,
preached in tbe Methodist Morale on
Sunday last, Rev. Mr. Wallwin and he
having exchanged pulpits. Mr. Gonne
is an able preaoher and his many friends
hereabouts are always pleased to have on
opportunity of listening to him.
VEoToY Mmtmr:to.—The anunal vestry
meeting he connection with St. John's
church was held last Monday evening, the
incumbent, Rev, I, M. Webb, in the °heir.
About 0100 was reported in the treasury
at the °lose of the year's business.
Following are the oilioe bearers for the
inerrant year :—Membere' Warden, Jas.
Jones ; Minister's Warden, Dr. Fetid ;
Sideemen, Harvey Bryant, Fred. Oardiff,
Boy Ainley and Jno,Oousley. Repreeen.
Wive bo Synod, Jno. Cardiff. Meeting
adjourned until next Monday evening
when financial report will be further die.
mussed. The paet year hae been a sun.
meant one and both motor and oougrege.
tion are to be congratulated,
The tranefer committee of the Methn•
diet March met in Toronto. Among the
the tranetere meds were the following :
W. W. Colpitto, Manitoba to Toronto ;
1. 0. Pomeroy, Hamilton to London ;
G. R. Tucker, London to Manitoba ;
Wm. Patterson, Newfoundland to Lon-
don; Alfred Audrewe, Manitoba to Lon-
don ; L. W. Reid, London to Manitoba ;
W. II. Taylor, Manitoba to London ; 0.
G. Corneille, London to Manitoba ; G,
W. Kerby, Montreal to Manitoba ; A,
Langford, D. D., Toronto to London ; E.
N, Baker, London to Toronto ; G, F.
Salton, Hamilton to Montreal ; Heber
W. Crewe, 1, 0(10u to Hamilton ; W.
Kettlewell, Hamilton to London,
Rev. T. W. Ooeene preached bwo 00r-
mone appropriate to Easter on Sabbath,
the morning text being St. John 12 and
24, and in the evening the words were
"Now hi Christ risen from the dead and
beam= the first fruits of them that elept."
Speoial music for the day was also given,
Iu the morning tbe Moir gave "Christ
the Lord is efeen today" and "0 1 Day
of .Nearirreotion," At the sante service
Mies Lizzie Samp,e, 0f Loudon, sang
in good voioe "Anthem Celestial". In
a°nneotion with the evening eervioe the
same Indy was listened to With pleasure
in the fine solo, "A dream of Paradise",
Mr, Zwioker, of London, rendered "Oats
vary" a base nolo very effectively, "floe.
anah to the King," 'Calvary," (in whioh
Miee Sample took the ,0otd) anti
'IIallejunh for the blood" were
the ohoir nowhere, The day throng -boat
fu 0ermou,eaored song, Sabbath school
and League set forth the gladness of the
Saviour's resurrection, Rev. R. Paul
tool' the topic at the Epworth League.