HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-4-9, Page 8.... AL PAPE
Our Stock is large.
Our Patterns are up-to-date.
Our Prices will please you.
We Trim all papers free of charge.
You may Borrow our Sample Books.
We want your trade.; you want our
Papers because you can save money
and get good satisfaction.
Druggist & Bookseller, Brussels.
tag Nan gtems.
A °biel's amang ye takirnotes,
Au' faith he'll prent
THE Pon gives the news.
GOOD FRIDAY is a atatntory holiday.
ASSESSOR COMMLET is pushing hie work.
THE painters and paper hangers are
PASSENGER traffio on the G. T. R, is
A oar of Salt was abipped to Montreal
this week.
Goon Friday and Easter Monday will
be Bank holidays.
Tann will be considerable building in
the country surrounding Braseele daring
SATURDAY, G. 1, Blair, Barrieter, at-
tended Division Court et Wiugleam and
won a Suit for his client.
THE snow storm of Friday and the
frost ao0omponyiag it pat a fall stop to
gardening and agrioultaral parents for a
few days.
WxattanN Sugar Factory is desirous of
arranging for the growing of sugar beets
in Brussels Iooality this year. A rep-
resentative will be here shortly to oall
on the farmers with this objeot. They
promise goad terms.
THE Maeoabee Band is grateful to the
Brussels Amateur Kodak Club for the
gift of the cash in their treaenry when
they disbanded. Band is doing well and
weekly aonoerte will soon oommenoe if
weather proves favorable.
Hoaences,—The time ie et band when
horsemen should be ordering their bills
and route cards for the coming season.
THE POST has a complete set of horse
cats and we are in a position to give
good satiefaotion in this class of work.
Baumann Odd Fellows have had so
wooh work on hand that they have held
apeoial meetinse for the past two weeks
in the giving of degrees. On sonnet of
ivaceaeed numbers on their membership
roil they will be entitled to Send two
delegates to Grand Lodge at its next
meeting. Lodge meets eaoh Thursday
evening in the Graham block,
To BIo Dna BIDER°.—The town Ovum.
oil hae bad their attention called to the
repeated and open violation of the
Bicycle By-law wad have advised Oen,
stable McLanablin to lay information
against every offender and have the
Reeve pronounce on the oases by indict -
foga fine as an emphasis to aid in re-
membaring for the time to some. It is
not boys who are said to be the chief
THE children of the Primary Depart.
meat of Brussels Public Sobool have been
baying en additional week's holidays
owing to the illness of Mies Jean Ritchie
who was Unable to teach this week. We
hope the two weeks' vacation will prove
helpful in restoring her to her customary
vigor. After Easter Mise Ritobie'° labors
will be somewhat lightened by the remov-
al of a olaes to the new department to be
opened in connection with our school.
"Too MIICII RED TAPE —The County
Cannon Committee visitedthe Hoose of
Refuge yesterday, These little jaunts
are considered as perquisites by the mem•
bare of the County Oonnoil and it must
Da be enppoeed that they will forego
then, willingly, no matter how anaemia
eery they may be. Bat while a gentle-
man of such excellent judgment ae Wil.
liam Ooats is impactor of that institution
he ought to be allowed to use it and thus
save twenty five dollars or so thee the
committee's vieit ooate." The above
pre°loos paragraph is taken from the
Clinton Newe•Reoord of haat week, If
the first part of at were true 01 is not
kindly framed of visitors to the "bub"
but when it is a barefaced lie the Editor
should be ashamed of himself in slurring
every member of the; Committee past
and anent. The Co. Oonnoil consider
the Committee a neoeeeity and their re-
port is very largely the bands of action
taken by the Council from time to time.
Measuring otbar people's corn in the
Record's half bushel is not a safe guide.
Gone To PETaonna.—Monday afternoon
of thie week 11. Rothe and family remov•
ed from Brussels to Petrolea where Mr.
Roche will be associated with Jae.
O'Leary, formerly'of Brueeele,hie brother-
in-law, in the management of the Iro•
quoits Hotel, a popular hostlory in that
lively tows, We are sorry to lose the
Roche family from town as they have
proven themselves in the past 10 years to
befiret•olaes citizens, Mr. Beebe has a
emigres mooed as a horseman of wide
experience viz, that in 18 years on the
race track in Onion, United States,
England, Germany fled Austria, during
wbiah time he handled many a speedy
goer, he was never fined nor even taken
takenfrom hie cart. He was a square
man and won many a rase In moving
to retrain, he is not going to a Strange
locality ae he spent 2 years there formerly
and was raised in Lanebbon County. In
the Rifle Club, Curling, &o., he took e,
lively filtered while in town. The Base
Bull and Foot 33a11 boyo will be sorry to
lose Frank Roche as, he d/d ng small
share in winning laurels that came Brum
selsward and hie plan will not easily be
filled, Alin Many Roche end Wafter
remain in Brussels eo we will no doubt
hear 000aeionuily Stone the new Petrolsa,
citizens. We very cordially teo0nlsOond
Mr, and Mre. Roche and !amity t0 the
people of the oil town,
Tres half mile traok is getting in good
R GRAHAtt shipped 2 oars of wheat to
ROBERT FERGUSON shipped a oar of
stock to Toronto on Monday.
PARTIES in town having wood on hand
are finding ready eale. Soft stove wood
costa $2 a oord plus 25o, a oord for deli.
Ganda BABEL'S' left a White Leghorn's
egg in at THE POET last Saturday that
measured 6}o81 inohee. It was a double
yolker and a eine not often surpassed by
that breed.
THE general opinion, ea we neve beard
it expressed, is favorable to the rebuilding
of a foot bridge over the Maitland, pro.
viding a good bridge Dan be erected to
stay without incurring too mach expense.
If the Weaterly end of it ie swung well
over toward tba flax mill the cause of
wreokagein other years would be largely
LAST week's Blyth Standard
aaye : —" Wm. Heffron, son of
Mrs. Patrick Reffree, hae p nrobaeed and
taken possession of a has
in Brussels, Mr. Heffron is a good but.
cher and w111 give the best of satisfaction,
The people of Brussels will find him to
be an upright, poehisg 'business man."
Mr. Heffron nomads Geo. (elver,
OUtmmNGS vs. Huerpetias,—Tbie was an
action broaght trader Tile Masters and
Servants Aot to recover wages. It was
first tried by Magistrates Leckie and
Kerr, who found the servant entitled to
900 00 wages. From the decision tbe
defendant appealed to the Division Court.
Judge Holt, after hearing argument,
dismissed the appeal, allowing the msg.
isbratee' decisiao to eland.
TENNIS,—At a meeting of the Tennis
Club held Wednesday afternoon the fol-
lowing °fhoers were eleoted :—Hon. Prue„
Jobe Leokie ; Pres., Jas, Fox ; See,
Treas., A.E Meltieh; Oaptaio, J. H.
Cameron ; Executive, W. M. Sinclair,
G. F. [flair, F. H. Gilroy, Dr. Feild, Rev.
I. AI, Webb, A, G. Eggleston. It is ex•
petted that considerable interest will be
taken in tbis game during the coming
, Mlss Don SMITH THE OHOIOE.—Bros•
sele School Board met on Wednesday
evening and went over the 18 applications
in their bands for the position of teacher
in the new Department to be opened
after Easter. Mies Dora Smith, dough
ter of Mrs. J. R. Smith, of town, was
obosen and will, it is expeoted, be ready
for work when school opens. Mies Smith
has been teaching at Platteville and is an
A 1 nether. The Board is fortunate in
securing her. Our sohool should now do
better work than ever.
On1T—In Wingbam on Saturday, Apr.
4th, after a severe illness of nine days
from Typhoid pneumonia, the spirit of R.
Aikens was released from ite earthly
tenement and returned to God who gave
it. Deceased was born in Nova Bootie.
67 years ago and emigrated to Outeri°
when 18 years of a age, living in Wing.
ham for the past 80 years. In 1868 he
married Mies Mary. Buchanan, of East
Wawenosh, who, with a family of 4 sons
and 3 daughters remain to mourn hie
loss, An aged father, over 90 and e
brother are still living in their native
pine. Another brother, Ohartes, is in
Florida, and a Meter Mrs. Wm, Chapman,
of Detroit. His children are : Mark, of
Chicago ; John and Mre. J. Pryor, of
Windsor, Ont, ; Mre. E. L. Dyer, of
Walkerville ; Mre. Neal Haines, of Owen
Sound ; and Rob. Rad Will. in Wingbam.
Thefnneral service was oondnoted by
Rev. R. Hobbs, of Wingtatn, and the
remains were followed by a large Don
coarse of friends and relativee and laid
to test in Wingbam oemetery'beeide hie
little son Walter and daughter Myrtle,
there to await the reenrreotion of the
just. Deceased was a brother.in-law to
Mark Buchanan, of Braseele whose
family was represented at the funeral.
Roams bave been oirooiated since the
opening et the Metropolitan Bank in We
village to the effect that it is not a sound
monetary institution and that 'abed not
entered the field with the intention of
doing a regular banking business. These
rumors have unquestionably no founds,
time in fent, as we think the following
will show :—That such men as A. E.
Ames, ,Ilea. B. H. Warden, D. D„ general
agent of the Presbyterian abarah in ()an-
ode, and Chester D. Massey, President of
the Maesey•Harris Go , together with
many other well known business men are
finanoially interested and have tbe
management thereof. That ib has a
oapitai of $1,000,000 and re reserve of
$1,000,000 and that its etoalc is held by a
elan of men who have the ungoeebioned
confidence of all who know them, two of
whom are residents of our village, eboald
satisfy the most doubtful that the linen.
ial standing of the bank is ilret•olaee.
That they are rapidly opening up
branobee at every available point is a
guarantee that they are here to stay ae
one of our soundest and most progressive
banking institutions, That they have
not only their own intereete but the
pnblio at heart is evidenced by banking
reforms they have already achieved,
notably the allowance of interest on
depositore' daily balance, They hove
entered the banking field with the simple
with then they may be judged solely on
their merit and on them alone and they
are appealing confidently to the public
for a share of patronage,
V 1 7 .t,
E, ,ll' O,tPC1',tL . ,
1 f �� fJ11 1fN:Sl ff1'l y 1,000,UUU
way, n, )1, wolt00N, n, p„ y1Ult•J'liaexDaNT
S n r'
0. D. MASSEY, MaUnn
Tlt�. s, BIIADON. W
General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes
Discounted. Sale Notos bought or held for Collodion.
1N 'rual s,l'lans fAa1(—D0poelte of 81.00 and Onwards resolved and
interest at the highest Bank rate alloWed, from date of deposit to date
of withdrawal, an the daily balance.
1.&—Parties holding important papers, notes, &a., may deposit them in
our book vault for safe kosping—free of (Marge,
Prompt and Careful Attention, (food 'brute.
G. F. BLAIR. Solicitor. A, E, MELLISH, Manager, BRUSSELS.
Mxee BENNETT, of Blyth, has decided to
°pen a dreeameking ebep in lrussele and
hae leased rooms: over Mrs. Kirk's !alloy
goods store.
Bunseeii, Public School will have well
ap to 920 00 clear from the "Hiawatha"
entertainment given last week. The
money will be spent in procuring books,
the foundation of a sobool library.
Timeline Oopo .—Last Friday mora•
ing Judge Holt held Diviaiou Oanrt iu
Brussels. The dooket was light, the one
ogee being Willienle & Son vs. Burton,
garnishee after judgment. Order, lir.
soling payment out of moneye in Oourb.
Two consent orders were made in judg.
went anmmous.
THE Easter show window noontime
at the Garfield House was nate and
seasonable, In the South window was a
neat crescent and star, dreesed in white,
and in tee other widow a large arose also
in white. Both were made attractive in
the evening by the attachment of eleotrio
ligbte. Geste' furuishiuge and lace ant.
tains were also planed in the windows.
TUESDAY afternoon the naw oloeed mail
eervice Eastward went into effect from
Braesele. We hope the business people
will make nee of it so es to prove the
contention of those who urged its udviea•
bilary. All matter for this mail will
have to be taken to the postofliae as there
is no mail clerk on train. Mail is made
up at 9 o'olook.
Bann SERVxot,—The following is the
program for Beater day at St, Jehn's
Mural: :—
Morning prayer ;
Opening hymn—No. 179 ;
Grand Obent, Holmansre ;
Gloria, GoizoonaAN ;
Te Doom, OkReoEx
Jubilate, HENLEY
Gloria Tihi, Gonnen ;
Hymue—Nue. 177 and 875 t
Anthem, "Alleluia, Ohrist is Risen,"
NEVIN (Opeuins duet taken by
Miss VinieCardiff and Air. Iona.)
Celebration of Holy Communion at otoee
of service.
Opening hymn—No. 183 ;
Magnifloat, ELvxx ;
Nun° Dimittis, ELITE ;
Anthem, "alleloiet, Christ is Risen" ;
Hymns—Nos. 178 and 180 ;
Belo, "Hoeanna," (Joos GRAINER)
Mr. Jones ;
Closing hymn—No. 27.
MATRxuowIAL. — At "Elmwood", the
home of the bride, near Trowbridge, ou
Wednesday evening of this week, Oupid
won another victory in the 001120 0a0313,
tion of a matrimonial alliance between
Will. J. Goodwin, cheeee maker at Brno•
sale, and Mies Florence, daughter of Jas,
Porterfield. The ceremony was per.
formed by Rev. 0. W. Bristol, of Guilds,
a former pastor at Trowbridge, under a
beaatifal floral aroh. Mre, J, Longmire,
of Atwood, played the Wedding March
in good style and the attendants were Mr.
Ferpuson and Mies Porterfield and Mies
Goodwin and A. Porterfield. Little
Gladys Shannon performed her part as
Maid of Honor very prettily. She oar.
ried the wedding ring on a white satin
cushion. The bride and bridesmaids
wore becoming costumes of white organ.
die and parried beautiful boggets of white
roans and carnatioue respectively. Many
valuable and well selected were the wed.
ding gifts. A sumptuous dinner was
served in first•ohties manner, after the
heartiest oougratalations. The evening
wee most enjoyably spent in games,
recitations, vocal and inetrumeutal mnosic
and other amusements. Mr. and Mrs.
Goodwin will make the home at the
reeidenoe in °0nneotion with Brussels
oheese factory, where they oommenoe
married life under most favorableauepioee,
Teta Pon jolos in the good wiebee.
DEATH or Gann SANDERS.—The Trav
one Reenlist: Record, (Minh,) of March
26th, aaye ;—"Tbe funeral service of the
late George Sanders, who died about
noon on Wednesday, was held on There•
day afternoon ab 2 30 from the residenne
of bis daughter, Mrs, A, Wildman, 522
West Eighth street, The funeral was
attended by a number of the friends and
relatives of the deceased, and his friends
in this region are many. The service
was oondnoted by Rev. 0. T. Stout, of
the Episoopal thorn, etiolated by Rev.
W. L. letterman of the First Methodist.
The funeral wee in charge of L. D. Our.
tie, The singing was by Mrs. Sam Gar.
land and Mre, I. A. Thompson, and the
pallbearers were E, E. Hibbard, A. J.
Helm, Frank Labym and Herbert Joyht.
Friday morning the body of the cleaned
was taken to Filet on the 0 o'olook Pere
Marquette train, wbere it wag laid at
rest in Avondale oemetery' His wife
died about 20 yenta ago. The floral offer.
loge were beautiful, and consisted of mile
Slier,, carnations and assorted Rowers.
A large pillow, given by the children,
with the word, "Father," was vary bean.
Mal. George Sanders was 76 years of
age at the time of his death, He was
born in Devonnbire, England, and name
to Canada with his parents when he was
but 10 years of age. Twenty yore ago
he moved to Flint, and for some time hae
made rTeeveteo Oity his home in Summer.
He went there last July and remained up
to the time of his death, Mr, Sanders
was an active member of the Epie°opal
ehutch of Flint, Four daugtbere and
three sone are left to mourn the Toss of q
loving father. They are Mrs• J. H. Look.
hart, of .Port Huron, Mrs. A. Wildman
and Mre. William Abbott, of Traverse
City, Mrs. Fred. Catlin, of Pilot, George
and Fred. Sanders, of Durand, and Toter
Sanders, of Crown Point, I•id " At the
intetment in Filet the burial service was
taken by the Episcopal minister after
the singing of "Jesus Lover of my Soul,"
a hymn selected by clamoured, and "Shall
we meet again." The pallbearers wore
hie three sons, Fred, and George, of
Durand, and Peter, of Crown Point ; hie
two sonsdn•law, J, H. Loskart, of Port
Huron, fled Fred. Catlin, of Flint ; and
Wm. Miller, of Brussels, Ont., a stepson,
Beautiful floral offerings were added be
the oboioe lot brougbt from Traverse
Oity. Mr. Sanders was well and favor-
ably known to the older people of the
oommanity and was a resident of our
town for upwards of 20 years. airs.
Sanders was buried in Brussels cemetery,
passing away in 1883. George 'Sanders,
eon of deceased, has visited at Brussels
repeatedly since the family removed as
hae first wife was is daughter of Hugh
Williams of this plaoe. The subject' of
this ootioe wee a mann strong social in.
etinots,ihonest and honorable and strictly
temperate. Liver complaint and heart
weakness was the cause of his demise,
having been troubled with them for years.
He was only In bed about a week.
Business le0C11.18.
A quantity of seed peas for Bale at
Alf. Backer e.
KANFAO Dorn and oats sold by Alf.
JUST received, a ohoias lot of glover and
timothy seed. ALF, BARRER
Sponaa piano, Haien, for sale, in good
condition, Apply to Mre..1. A. Creigh•
WANTED.--A ton of Batter weekly.
Eggs 33o. Timothy, Clover and Waverly
Oats for ole.
Giro. E. Bloc, Wingbam,
REPAIRS for Fleury machinery may he
found al Dark's livery barn, Saws filed
and put in good shape. HUGH Wentaore,
FLEURY PLows.—Farmers wiebing to
bay the best plow made should oall on
Jobs Long, agent. I will aleo keep
pointe at Alf. Seeker's office.
Bunsen PUMP Wonns.—Having put in
a maohioe for grinding olippere I am pre•
pared to make old one's out like new.
Scissors sharpened. FEED. ADAMS.
People We Talk About.
Mre, G. A. Deadman is visiting at
Mre. S. T. Plum was visiting at Blyth
last week.
Mrs, W. F. Stewart will epend Easter
at Toronto,
Mre. (Rev.) 11, Paul ie visiting at
Mre. D. 0. Rose and baby are visiting
relatives at Ethel,
Mise Maggio Beaker epend° Easter with
Sebringville friends.
Mies Edna Pugh is fllliog a position in
the Horsley Drag store.
Joe Habkirk has been visiting bis
motber and sisters in town.
Mies E. A. Woods is on the Wok lisb but
will soon be restored we hope.
Mies Miibaasen has returned from her
visit to her home at Elmwood.
Oban. Haien is ill with appendioitie but
we hope he will coon be better.
Jno. and Mre. Landeehoro', of Seaforth,
are vieiting relatives in Brussels,
Mre. Barkley, of Beigrave, is vieibiog
her eon George and wife, Brussele.
Mies Hattie Murray, of Seaforth, was
visiting Miss Teenier Sample this week.
Mre. H. E. Maddoolt and eon, of Tor.
onto, are the guests 01 Bennie relatives.
Mre. Joo. Taman and obiidren visited
her parents, J. and Mre. Oarter, last
wt alt.
Misses Lizzie and Hattie Downing are
enjoying an Easter outing with friends
at Goderich.
Mrs. A, Lamont and ohildren are
visitors at Listowel during the Easter
Mre. T. Fietoher combined business
and pleasure in a trip to Toronto daring
the poet week.
Harry (Cerin has gone to Toronto
wbere he hos secured a situation. We
with him emcees,
Miss Kate Little, of Hellen, was the
guest of the Misuse Little for a few days
daring the past week,
Mies Minerva Jones returned with
Mise 'Tbomeon, her aunt, to Toronto, on
Thursday on a visit.
Mrs. W. M. Sinclair and Mise Ruth
are holidaying with Rev. W. T, (Muff and
family at Strathroy.
Mrs. Eayeroft en, is home from Tees
water where she spent the Winter with
her daughter, Mre. Fergnsou.
Mre, David Ross and grand -daughter,
Miss Gertrude, are spending Easter with
(rhos, and Mrs, Rote, in Cheeley,
Irwin, the little son of Edward Slterain,
Thames abreet, Inas been on the stoic list
but we hope be will soon be o. k,
D. M, Scott, of Hamilton, is in town.
Mrs, D. M. Soots Bud Mies Mildred Scott
are visiting friends in Waodetook.
Dire, Gillespie, of Ripley, le visiting
Ohae. and Mrs. llitohis, ber parents, cor-
ner John and Ring streets, Brtteseie.
Joho Tait, an old and well known
resident at aniseeds, le on the oink ]tet
but we truer hie recovery will be speedy.
W. W. Barris and wife attended the
marriage of W. J. Goodwin and Mies
Porterfield, meTruwbridge, on Wednesday
of the week.
A. McGuire and wife attended the
wedding of W, J. Goodwin and Mies
Porterfield, at Trowbridge, on Wednee•
day of this week.
Jno. Walker and Miss Walker, of Gode'
rich, 5,00 visitors with Banister and Mrs.
Blair. They are tether and sister,
respectively, to the boraces.
Miss Maggie Sample, who has been
vieiting her sisters foe the pant few
menthe, expecte to leave Bennie for
Brandon, Man„ next Alonday,
APR. 9, 103
Standard Bank of Canada,
°tab=STATO.,THTr2=7V 1672��
Dopo t$
Of one dollar end upwards
rseoved and int=teat allow •
ed in Saviuge Bank at
highest rate from date of
deposit to withdrawal.
Baily Balance
Made, Notes Cubed,
and every a000mmoda-
tMon afforded the res.
ponsibls borrower.
FANMER3' SALE NOTES Cashed, Collected ; or may be left for sane aeping Duly
for wiliolt no charge Is made,
This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business.
"Every oonvenienae afforded customers living at a diatanoe,
inspeotor Robb is visiting Toronto and
Kingston, taking in the Provincial
Etlueatioual Association et the former
mrntioued oity.
Mies Mabel Colvin has taken a situation
ae milliner in the etore of Mr. Adams, of
Loudesboro'. She was with the Minn
Habkirk, Bruesets, Int season.
Wm. Hill, of N,braeka, wire bare visit•
ing relatives and friends, Ilia father was a
former resident of this locality and a
nephew of the Iate,,Rev. Wm. Norton.
Aaron Caber areived borne on a visit
last week from Baoao, North Dakota,
where ho has been engaged in a large
grain elevator. He is a s n of Jno.
Oober, of Brussels Carriage Works.
F. H. Gilroy, of the Metropolitan Bank,
ie spending Good Friday and Easter Burl•
day at Monet Forest and Grand Valley.
His parents live at the Bret mentioned
town and his—old friendsat the latter.
Joe Ardell, who has spent the past 8
years in Brussels, ae bonen matter, talke
of taking Horace Greely's advice and "go
West," Winnipeg or Brandon appear to
be the objective point. Joe is a good
meahaniu and a steady goer eo should do
Alderman D. M. Ferguson, of Strut
ford, has been and is still quite poorly,
He took si°k while in New York attend
ing the millinery opening° acid with
considerable diffionity wee able to get
home. We tope he will soou be fully
Fred. and Mrs. Adams and Jas. and
Aire. Turnbull attended the funeral of
Beryl, the little daughter of W. A. and
Mrs, (frith, Seaforth, on Tbareday.
Beryl died on Wednesday, aged 1 year 7
menthe and 21 days. Tbe parents are
deep'y sympatbiaed within their bersuve•
During the past week Jno. F. Waddell,
of Kingston, has been renewing old friend•
ships i" Brneeole after an absence of 20
years. He was engaged in the harness
business when here and was well known
to the then residents, Air. Waddell'e
first wife was a eieter to F. S., P. and W.
F. Scott. The passing years have dealt
very kindly with our former townsman.
He notices many improvennente in Blue -
Oon Tamotsu. — Principal Oameron
will go to Luoknow for a few days of the
Easter vacation ; Mies Scott baa decided
to spend the time under the parental roof
near Gakelet ; Miss Wilson reweave old
friendships at Drayton, where elm taught
before taking her position here ; Miss
Downey goes to Chatham to see her
brother and other old friends ; Mies
Ritchie will likely remaiu io town re.
°operating for the busy task she hoe ahead
of leer in teaching the young idea bow to
ebool. We hope pleasant hours will be
the lot of our teaching staff during the
C11C1i011 CII1310S.
Publio 580010° in St. John's choral on
Good Friday at 11 a. ne,
Tbe Presbyterian Synod of Hamilton
and London will meet at Woodstock on
April 27111.
Next Sabbath evening Rev. R. Paul
will take charge of the Epworth League
service, The topic is au Easter one.
Crossley and Hunter, the evangelists,
commenosd special eervioee in Dundee
Centre church, London, last Sabbath,
Easter Sunday morning there will bo
divine service, with sermon on the Recur•
motion fn the Catholic oharab, Bruesele,
at 11 o'clock.
Sabbath morning last Rev. Jno. Rose,
B. A., preeohed the 9rd sermon of a
series on Gideon. Hie text was "Go in•
that thy might and save Tonal", At the
evening service "Hagar" was the subject.
The Epworth League of the Methodist
oburab, is arranging for a =deist and
literary entertainment in the _ Sabbath
Sobool room for Thursday evening of
next week. A silver oolleo0ion will be
Oo. Endeavor and Sabbath School
Executives meet at Clinton Good Friday
at 10 a. in. to arrange date for the next
joint Oouvsnbioe, draft out program, too.
Last year the Oonveation WKS cancelled
owing to difiionIty an arranging satiefaa
tory date and enuring epeaicere, It was
to have been held at B ybh.
Last Sabbath Rev. I. B. Wallwin, B.
A., of Seafortb, oaonpied the pulpit of the
Methodiet church here and gave two
splendid sermone hie topioe being "The
Holy Spirit,"and "Moses." The evening
subject was chiefly directed to the youth
and was well laden with wise counsel. F.
H. Gilroy tuna a fine solo, and a oontri•
bunion of $20 56 ruse taken for St. James
Charon, Montreal, Mr. Wallwin also
spells at the Sabbath School and League
service. He is not a stranger here and
will always be welcome.
M0DonoALL-7T)111,.—Ab the residence of
the bride's mother, on April 8, by
Rev, deo. Roes, B. A., Mr. Peter
IbiODongaif to Miss Maggie J. Toill,
both of Grey,
GoonwzN—PooT>ecrIRLn,—At the borne of
the bride "Intimate," Erma, °n April
8, by Rev. 0. Bristol, a former pas.
t tor, Mr. Will. 5, Goodwin, of Brea•
tele, to Miser Florence Porterfield.
OnI°H,—I.n Seatorth, on April 8, Agnes
Beryl, infant daughter of W. A. and
Mre, Orioh, formerly, of Brussels,
aged 1 year, 7 menthe and 21 days,
JAmtLIN.—In f}owielt, on April 2, Mildred
Jaoklin, aged 48 yoare.
SANmm11s,--In Traverse City, Mich., on
Marek 25th,' George Sanders, former.
17 of Brussels, aged 70 years,
Manx, Aram 17,—Farm Sbrak, im•
elements, household furniture, &a., Mo•
Kim's Hotel, Walton, at 8 o'olook p, m.
Jae. Campbell, Prop, 11. S. Soots, An.
Gin wanted. Apply to Mae. G. F.
ConrORTAuLE house for sale or to rent.
Mill street, West, Apnly to
WHITE Book eggs, $1 00 per setting of
16. Puliabs laving when 4i mouths old.
It, 0, BRADMAN, Brussels.
good lot for ado on Queen street,
B rutaele. For lurbhor particulars apply to
MARY OAMPBELL, Brussels P. O. 33tf
Lots for nate, beige Nos. 232 and 298 on
West side of Princess street, Brussels. For
Particulars as to price and terms enquire at
THE POST. 85.0f
►g IO
cottage on Diio,tbetb street, Tri good
repair, 7 rooms braider, pantry and wood-
shed, A gond well at the door, Apply
D. MOI(ELVEY, Brusseis.___-
Bulls for sale. Oue is leen old and
the other two younger. Also several regist-
ered Oawe and Heaters. Apply to SA01108
BPEIR, Lot 80, Oon. e, Morris Twp., or Brun
sole P. 0. 02-01
Short Horn Bulls, from imported
stook, for sale. Also cows and heifers,im-
1)orfed and home bred. 72 head to select
from. D. 7.1I1.NF. & SON, Maitland Bank
Stook Farm, ISthel Out, 80-00
an Tnrnborry street, Brussels, known
BR the Somerset property, eligibly situated.
Immediate 00eseseieb, For further partic-
ulars no to p)foe, terms, &a., apply to D,
Me0IITOHISON, Lot 18, Oon. 12, MoRitlop,
or beadbury 1'. 0, 02.01
The Great Smut greveutativoi
Seed time is again fast ap-
proaching and we would like to
draw your attention to the use of
this greatest of all germisidos,
For -mal -de -hyla, for the preven-
tion of smut on grain. farmers
who have need it during the past
fow years cannot speak too high-
ly of its merits.
A pound bottle, costing 40c.,
will treat from 60 to 80 bushels
of oats, wheat or barley, and
there is none better.
dwelling thereon, North-west career
William and Albert streets, Brussels,
40-tf 7, LEONIE, '
for sale. Einem(' for registration.
For prion, tonna and., other particulars, ap-
Oreubrook PNU IR, Lot 22, Con. 130.0ftay,
Saotah Collie dog strayed from the
home of the undersigned on or about Marsh
26. He is a dark eahle fn color, with white
breast, white feet and white tip on tall.
Answers to the name of 13. nee. Any inform-
ation leading to his r000ymy will be suit,
ably rewarded, P. 0110113,
...a_oelved by the un designed ter the 0TP0-
tion of a new Burse sited at Sunshine Moth-
odine church. Plana and Sc'eeidoations nay
he seen at 0, Wilkinson'e, 6th lion. Ttn'tl-
orereceivedup to Saturday, April lett. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily ac-
cepted. B. WILEIN80te, Secretary.
98.2 Sunshiny P.O.
Tenders Wanted.
Whole or separate tenders, sealed and ad-
dressed t0 "ndorsiened, and marked "Teu-
dar," will bo received until Saturday, April
1101, 1903, at noon, for the erection and com-
pletion or a hrlok and stone school house
for School Section No.1, Township of Minna,
at Trowbridge, Plans and speci0oations
may be seen at the residence of Genritc 5,,
A''ams, Lot 8, 0012, 3, Elma ; at the office of
2'HE Pon, Brussets ; and at the ol0oe of W.
E. Binning, Arobibeot, Listowel, The lowest
or any tender Dot ue00e0arily acusptori.
GEORGE L. ADAMS, Secretary,
38.2 Trowbridge P. 0.
Our Saturday Specials are growing more
popular every week. Commencing Saturday
horning, April llth, we purpose giving our
numerous patrons a Special
Every department will share in this Spec-
ial Easter Offering, you can save 15 to 20c on
every dollar during these next 6 days in
Come to the Money Saving Spot
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.
Garfield Block, Brussels.