HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-4-9, Page 6DEAF ARE MADE iTO BEAR NEW INVENTION GIVEN A SUCCESSFUL TRIAL. L'hysioians Present - at Test Made on Inmates of an In- stitution. That the deaf can be made to hear was proved the other after- noon, when a number of physicians, he Duke of Newcastle, and several mtbct' persons gathered to witness a llemonstrution of the "aceousticon," :che invention of Miller Reese Hutchi- son, a young electrical engineer of New York. LIi 1 A T8LEPIIONE, The device is in throe pieces, U o carried in the pocket. which may Y One is the receiver, which is a tele- phone tvfouid be Balled the trans- mitter, and which is hooked on the lapel of a coat. Tho reverse face of the disk is hollowed and la the hul- low are certain gases, which are known only to the inventor. The other two pieces are the earpiece, like a telephone receiver, and a bat- tery. Small wires connect then. This was the instrument whloh carried to the ears of several of the inmates of the deaf mute institution the other afternoon the first sounds they had ever heard. The first sub- ject experimented on was a youth of 18. He was born deaf, dumb, and blind, Two years ago, when Mr. first ap- paratus, 1 - his s Flet ehison hadperfected1 t the 1• us hetried it on boy, 4 at C P east time for�s Lr,t t 1 learned tl and the ad e what the three words, "papa," "mamma," and "hello" sounded like. He did not hear the words again until the other day. and as soon as he hoard them he was able to repeat them—as well as a deaf mete can who has learned to arti,u- late at all—after Mr. Hutchison, The expression on the boy's face when he heard again was so pathet- ically joyous that many of the wo- men were affected to tears. H EARS AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS. The second subject to be experi- mented upon was Mary McGirr, 21 years old. It was much of an anni- versary day for her. On the day of the great blizzard, March 12, 1888, she had as good hearing, speech and understanding as any girl of her years in New York. On that day, returning from school, she caught cold, and the cold developed malad- ies which left her deaf, dumb and blind. She recovered her speech to a. certain extent after she was sent to the institution, but she had not been able to see in fifteen years and not at all in all that time had she. heard a sound. The ear piece was adjusted to her ear, and Mr. Hutchison took up a transmitter, which fitted over his nose as well as his mouth. in order that the subject might catch the nasal sounds as readily as the others. Then he instructed Prof, Van Tassel, who came down from. t ate institution with the young folks, to tell Mary, in the sign lan- guage to repeat the words she heard. Then Mr. Hutchison said to her the same words he had spoken to the previous subject. At the first word the girl looked startled. Then her face lighted up with a smile and she promptly repeated "papa."- So it was with the other words. CLAPS HER HANDS AT MUSIC. Then a pianist struck up a mama, the girl listened intently ter nearly live minutes. She seemed to be lost to everything but the sound of the anusic that flooded her ears. Then the pianist stopped playing and the girl laughed outright. Then she clapped her hands in sheer delight. "What's the matter ?" inquired Prof. Van Tassel. "The music 1 The music P" ex- claimed the girl. "It was li.eauti- ful. Can't I hear some more ?" There was too much pathos in the appeal for some of the women. They promptly hid their faces in their handkerchiefs and had a goad satis- fying ery. The pianist started again and Mary began to beat time with her fingers. The time beating was regarded as one of the nest pos- sible evidences of the success of the experiment, for it showed beyond any doubt that the girl heard cor- rectly. DEAF I'IlOM II]%It BIRTH. The next, subject was a girl, deaf, dumb, and blind from birth, named !,lathering Pedersen. She, too,. beard for the first time in her life and there was not the slightest doubt that the experience brought her the greatest joy she has ever known. `Cwo other girls and a boy were the last subjects, Tho boy was en delighted with the music that when the pianist played a two-step he began to grin and then to dance in time to it. In some ways this was regarded as the best test of the afternoon. The lad had, of course, never heard tmieic before, and when he 'was asked why he matte melt a demonstration over what ho had heard, he said, in the sign lan- guage : "I just couldn't stand still. I never heard anything like that noise before, It was fine," GIVEN GOLD MEDAL. It was boarly 7 o'clock when all the experiments were over. Th e professor said before he letO the laboratory that Mr. tTutchinson's invention would reduce to a mini- mein most of the difficulties that have to he feet in teaching a mote to tele,i "lt the "accousticon" the met. reee 1 er himself or herself talk, ane thus hear what speech sounds like, Thus, Prof, Van 'vas- eel said, the •patient can bola him - Self more than any ono can help ham. Tile, el course, applied to mutes who have learned to talk a little. Mr. Hutchison has been at Work on his invention for several years. Lett year he went to England and showed what his machine Could 'do several f the institutionso r in o fo 1 -u. h deaf and dumb in London, non t e,( Ale:moire saw ono of the tests, and asked the Inventor to give another at iiuciciughsm Palace. He did so, and do (Lacon gave him a gold. »rectal,. rte®, I�aa c�seetiesaseessesme to ,.a ,.r„t• . Ef it? r' l,,tft h y.: "ea"CANAQA'S glossae r,a LEAQIi�Q "4:191 Sr TIAL Ui1[V$1IY NEW CALENDAR NOW READY For Calendar a1u1 ell Iuformatian address k 1 DR Rh�DMEM,TRUHINvERStTY, 1'OlOn(0 t; EMIGRATION SWINDLES. Serious Charges Against Agents in England. There is something like a "boom" in Canada at present, and a number of more or less unscrupulous emi- gration mi- gr ti n agents in different parts of England are reaping a harvest therefrom, says the London Mail. The methods adopted by these revealed h sear were t e other da gentry Emigration bythe Commissioner of tux g for Canada. The agents advertise their willingness to secure positions for intending emigrants on farms. When an applicant for information appears at an agent's office he is interrogated as to his means, and the agent privately regulates his fee accordingly. The emigrant is promised a situation for sums vary- ing from £2 lOs to £5, or "a spe- cially good berth" on a bonus ar- rangement, which may mean the payment by the emigrant to the agent of from £25 to £15 annually, extended over several years. Another dodge is for the agent to promise the emigrant 'instruction in agriculture on ]tis arrival in Canada for a remuneration frequently amounting to £00. The Commissioner is anxious to make it known that emigrants need not go to any of this expense. The agent's aid is superfluous. Thou - sande of Englishmen able and will- ing to work are required on the farms in Canada. A letter of intro- duction which will be given to the emigrant at the Commissioner's of- fice, 17 Victoria street, S.W., will insure him a situation within 2,i hours after his arrival in Canada. IIIc need not have any knowledge of farm work. People who propose to settle in Canada are warned against the steamship and railway fares de- manded by certain emigration agents, The official steamship fare from Liverpool to Ihalifax, St. John (or Quebec is £5 10s. third class ; thence the railway fare to Winnipeg is £2 10s. Every steamship that arrives in Canada includes among its passen- gers emigrants who have paid exor- bitant and unnecessary agent's foes. In many cases their contracts with agents handicap them for years. I•'ifty thousand Englishmen are re- quired in Canada this year, and if the present rate of emigration is maintained the number will be reached. EXAMPLE TO I2ICPf UNCLES. Benjamin .W. Gist, of Falls City, Nebraska, was recently left $10,000 by an uncle. Being already a weal- thy man, his nephews said be ought to divide the bequest among them, So insistent and irritating were their intreaties that be decided to get rid of the money. Drawing $40,- 000 in gold from his bank, ho hired a cab and drove among the poor dis- tricts, distributing gold pieces until the money came to an encl. TELEPHONE CLOCK. A telephone has been attached to a clock in Geneva, and its messages are delivered on the same principle as an alarum. If the owner has an appointment to keep on the morrow, ho has only to set the message re- minding hint of the fact to "go off" at a given time for it to do so, SPRING AILMENTS. The Blood Needs Attention at this Season—Purgatives Should Be Avoided. Spring is the season when your system needs toning up. In the spring you -must have new blood, just as the trees must have new eap. With neve blood you will feel sprightly, happy aid healthy. Many people take purgatives in spring, but this is a serious mistake, as the tendency of all purgatives is to further weaken the system. The 0111' and only sure way to get new blood and new strength is to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They actually make new, rich, red blood— they aro the greatest spring tonic in the world. Dr, Williams Pink Pills speedily banish all spring ail- ments. Mies Dello 0010011, Thhite Reek tablas, N,5„ says :--"1 havo found Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a splendid spring medicine, 1 was very nnnuelt run down ; the least ex- ertion exhausted ine, and 1 had a constant feeling of /ampler and sluggishness. My appetite failed Inc and my sleep at night was disturbed and restless, After I began the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, there was a speedy change for the better, and after taking a few boxes, I felt stronger than I had Bono for years." You ban got Dr, Williams' Pink Pills from any dealer in medicine, or by mail post paidr at 50 cents a 1ex, or six boxes for $2.50, by Writ- ing direct to the Pr. Wil liasr Medi- eineCO.,Brockville, Ont. 7o not let anydealer persuade you to take a slabstitute. Substitutes never e1nbdanyone—the genuine pills have cured hundreds of thousands in all part) brei the world, RICHES OF NATIONS. England and the united States are credited with being the two riebost nations in the world, but what ex- actly constitutes the real wealth of a nation passes the understanding of the average mortal, stays London Tatler. A nation's wealth consists largely in its borrowing capacities, and In this respect England stands first, for beyon el doubt our cl'edit• Is stronger than any other nation in the world. A little over a year ego the United Stales possessed a larg- er amount of gold than that of any other country. In August, 1901, the United States Treasury had in its strong box a sunt of $504,354,- 295 in solid gold; but curiously en- ough this feet alone would by no means constitute the American re - 1 richest government. in ex- istence.there- public Seinoolnaaster—"Now, Robert, can you tell me how ninny pints aro in a quart ?" Publican's hopeful— "Why, yes, sir. One and a half and the froth," b A MOTHER'S RESPONSSBILITY. Every mother• is responsible to some extent for the health of her little ones, and the prudent mother will always keep at hand the .lt;eans for protecting the health of her children. For thIs purpose ose ur the is re absolutely no medicine can compare with Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets speedily relieve and prompt- ly m t - 1Y cure all stomach and bowel trou- bles, tweak up colds, check simple fevers, prevent croup, and allay the irritation accompanying the cutting of teeth. They aro good for children of all tures from birth upwards, and are sold under a guarantee to con- tain noopiate or harmful drug. All mothers who have used Baby's Own Tablets praise them and keep them In the house. Mrs. John Weaver, llllssiield, N,13., says : "1 have a family of six children and heyo used Baby's (`wn Tablets and know that they are the beet medicine I have ever wind for my little ones," Yon can get Baby's Own Tablets from any druggist or they will be sent by mail post paid at 25 cents a box by writing to the Dr. Williams' efedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. T:thelherta—"1 want a pair of slippers for pa—number tens, please, and—squeaky." Genial Shopkeeper— "Squeaky, miss ? I'nn afraid we haven't any of that kind." Ethcl- berta—"1'm so sorry, Couldn't you make I:int a squeaky pair '1 There is a certain young gentleman who visits me frequently, and—and it would he very for him to know just when pa is coming down- stairs." d ,OLL ACT -ES AND PAINS FP.011 A SUDDEN COLD. lelten this difficulty gets a firm Bold it is hard to shake it unless one nets promptly, and uses the :right remedies, about which there is no uncertainty. Something that will cptickly drive out the cold, restore the blood to its normal con- eition, banish the aches and pains, :utdrelieve the bursting, aching head. there are only two remedies that will do this, end they must ire used in conjunction, Dr. August lioenig's Hamburg Breast Tea and Hamburg Drops. both old, tried German re- medies, discovered by that great specialist, whose name they bear, more than 00 yea's ago. The for- mer should be taken hot before go- ing to bed, and the latter according to directions, Follow up the treat- meat until the ccid is fairly broken ,111, then eonlint:e to take the Ham- burg r fora considerable peeled, mail the blood becomes cool and 'tealthy. The two remedies cost only 75 cents, get them from your drug- gist et 0111e, have them in the house, and, when you are about It, get a bottle of St, Jacobs Oil. It will always conte handy in case of house- hold accidents, sprains, bruises, outs, burns, scalds, also for rheu- matism, neuralgia, lumbago, tooth- ache, stiffness of the joints, and all bodily aches and pains, where an xitward application is usually ap- plied. Struggl]ng Merchant—"7f you don't attend to business better, I'll reduce, your income by one-half." Chief Ck'rk—"Eh '1 Only yesterday you said you thought of taking mho into partnership." Struggling Mer- chant—'"chat's what I mean," SOMPITI1ING NEW. Prohlbiy ale best invention in the agricultural implement world for ]908 is the new oiling device on the Massey -Harris Mower Pitman. A roomy oil chamber is placed in each cod of the pitman, and the na- tural action of the pitman throws the oil pp through the oil hole and gives thorough inti constant hili- cation without waste. The (rest feetul1 of the device is that the oil chambers are roomy wed ono filling will last for many hours of cutting. We understand Massey-Itarris Com- pany are making a great hit with this new feature, and that it iD fil- ling a long -felt want. A great obstacle, to missionaries f, c , in Africa is caused by the fact of that ocuntry having no less than 700 languages. Deafness Cannot Be Cared by tonal apPlleations as they cannot reach the. diseased portion of the oar. !there is only one way to sure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused 1»' an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the I'his- tachlan Tube, When this tube 10 inflam- ed you have a rumbling sound or im- closed h))aartianand tl eoresult and'iun-y less the lnilainmaLiei Can b0 taken out and thIs tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bedestroyed for- ou f ten aro caved beer, NI 110 eases t 0 L s by Catarrh,011oitb nlr is nothing but c- 1 n of the mucous ser- vlcsst d oondit o v Hundred Dollars fur 1 give One (C We wit fi any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by ];all's Catarrh d Onrc. Send for circuities, free. 1•', 1. 0II1eN1aT & CO„ Toledo, O. B olla by flruggik'ts, 75e, h all's Feenily 21115 are the boot, Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens, REDUCE E2LPE13$Z 4.0(1 for tl e Octagon Bar. oar tf m SMOKE AFTI01I SIX. In a certain London office a club m leers who f n• n 0 has been o 1od of s have pledged themselves not to use tobaeco in any form till after office horn's. Tho club is called the "Af- ter Six Smokers," that being the hour fixed for a general light up. Members may abstain till later if they like, but it bas been observed so far that the striking of the hour is the signal for the striking of matches. No exception is made of Saturday or Sunday. 1IAVIO YOU CRIIdINAL EYES? A Russian savant lays claim to a discovery for detecting criminals. According to M. Karlu!7, you can tell a criminal by the color of his - eyes. Murderers and thieves have maroon or reddish brown eyes, s tramps slight and set forth.rth. M. ialoff has c1assiTcd eyes into fa- milies and has drawn up rules which he declares to be infallible. 110)1est folk have dark gray or blue eyes. 8 A PLAGUE OF SEALS. The fisheries of Northern Norway have come to a standstill, owing to a tremendous influx of seals along the coast and in the fjords. The seals, which conte from the White Sea, have been fought without avail, The large fishing population has petitioned the Government for help to exterminate the plague, which is partly eating and partly hunting all fish away. Tho Yotntg Marc — "I have known for a hong time pest that you cared for me." The Lady — "Really! How is that?" ']'ho Young Man "Front the fact that your people put themselves out of their way to snub roc." -Lever's Y-7, (Wise Trend) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any ]lanae, 70 disinfects and cleans at the saute time, "I'm sure we shall be on good terms," said the man who had just moved into the neighborhood to the grocer at the corner. "No doubt of it, sir. Especially," ho added, as an afterthought, "]f 'terms are cash." hear Sirs,—This is to certify that I have been troubled with a lame back asp fifteen yea's. I have used three bottles of your !eIINARI)'S LINIMENT and am completely cured, It gives ane great pleasure to re- commend it, and you are at liberty to use this in any way to further the use of your valuable indictee. 11.0I3tIll'1' BOSS. Two Rivers. 8-51) .arrearosymeataauereorroor 47c Friend—"Why do you wear those fearfully old-fashioned collars ?" V,bnkers (a man of affairs)—"73ecause when the washerwoman sends there to anybody else they always return thein." GIRLS OPPOSE WEDLOCK. Organise to Resist Temptations to Marry. The unmarried women of the an- cient town of Guildford, the county Feat of Surrey, England, havo leaped into faun soddenly by an action which has caused London's laughter to be echoed oat the Paris boule- vards. They have formed a "so- ciety for promoting man indifference among women," scoured headquart- ers which they haves named the "Spinsters' Retreat," and have pledged themselves to assist "young W0111011 and those older in years to withstand temptations to enter the marled fitate," They scorn semen a simple device to attain their object as the making of themselves nmattrn,ltivo in the eyes of the hale sex. They stipulate in their first rale that all members must have attained the age' of 17, most wear long shirts, and dress their hair in a becoming manner. They also soya "'Members are in- vited to render their appearance as attractive as possible, but they must; be maidenly in their con- anat." The rules of the order compel the members to have v a wholesome con- tempt of love, to abhor marriage, and to display the society's badge cit least one day a week. Neverthe- less, "members are not debarred from conferring their friendship up- on the opposite soxr but this friend- ship 111051 bo absolutely free of seti- tirnont and everything appertaining to that undesirable state of being." A noted doctor states that 85 per cont of crippled children could be, at least, able to work if their die - eases were treated in tune, titinalllrs LInIii I Ms Carpel In COWS. Not long ago a stock of crockery Was sold at auction and Mrs, Wil- son attended the sale. When she ti re- turned her face was radiant with c joy, "Yon must join the Crena- n Society," tyre ther r Liv Sole Were !] st words y sheSaid ltr� h sa to a husband. 'What on earth for ? exclaimed Mr, Wilson, "Why," replied hie loving spouse, 'I've bought such a lovely vase to hold your ashes 1 'You can't think hots it will 850 off the lnaatlepioeol" 131:5 IDEA. ITundtswill—"I:t seems that in all railroad accidents the first and last cars are always the ones that aro injured." Ojleourke—"Shure, at' I wonder why they don't la:'e tbii1 two cars on the thrall). entofrely." 0itlron—"Well, you see how it is yourself, Mr, Plumber, The girl left the washltouse roam window ()pea ; thermometer touched sero, water - pipe froze, then burst, and as no ono :knew how to shut off the plaguey thing the water ran half the night." Clulnber--"Yes, I see ; very ',bad break, Wants new plumb- ing throughout ; wonder it didn't happen long ago." "Ilow much 1s it going to cost to put it right ?" "Well,don't I k but I' think know I'll take the house in part pay- ment." "How do' you tell the age of a horse, I wonder?" "01, ask the dealer, and multiply by three!" vt ' ... .tip '' ' . r lI, iiii 1;„ i a,. rj _ 1 f ' •LI , . \ -�rij roe • n .11118P, y ll "What Luck!" LIBBY LUNCHEONS made ready in a few moments. The Wafer Sliced Smoked Beef, Pork and Roans, Voal Loaf, Potted Chicken, and lots of good things to cat. Are U.S. Government Inspected Keep in the house for emergencies—for suppers, for sandwiches—for any Limo 511511 YOU want something goad and want It (cleft. You Simply turn a key and the can is open. An appetizing lunch 1s ready in an instant, Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago. 111., U.S.A. Write for our free booklet "Hew to Make Good Things to Mat." tf' "Don't cry 1" he intrcated. Then he perceived that her handkerchief was edged with tate most exquisite face. ''Don't weep 1" he said, cor- recting himself. Par O.+r hla Er Years. Av 010 AND WEL,,TE,ED REaEDY. -- AIN SYlpelmv's ;oot111ngSyrup hes heed used for over 'sixty years.by editions of mothers for their children while teething,with perfeet 00000u. It toothed the child, softens the game, allays all pain, elwee wind collo, ;tad is the bast remedy far Diarrheas Is pleasant to the tee e. Sold by d,nggists in every part 0f the wor d. Tnenty-evo cents a bottle. 141, salmi is incalculable lie sure and ask for hire Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take uo other kind. 1.10 England is not the only country where towns are growing' at the ex- pense of country districts. Thirty years ago Franco had an urban pop- ulation of 11; millions. Now it has reached 10 millions. In the same time Cermany's towns have increas- ed by pearly 16 trillions, Mlnard's Lioirrent Cures Colds, ote, Mrs. Planet—"Before we were mar- ried my husband and T used to sit and watch the stars for hours," Friend—"Yes." Mrs. Planet—"Now he tells me that he cultivated a taste for astronomy in those clays, and that ho stays out late taking observations with several learned friends." WEALTH FOR YOU BECAUSE 8 E HEALTH FOR Y Di Agnew' 9 Catarrhal Powder Only 50 cents for bottle and tube, and is worth—as much as your life Is worth. Catarrh kills thousands through colds, bronchitis, pneu- monia and consumption, and Da'. Agtlew's Catarrhal Powder ctfres all of thein when other prescriptions have failed. It will relieve colds and catarrh and cure headache in ten minutes. ?izitO If, 1-IELn, j1., the well known dis tiller of Railroad, York Co., Pn., states ' 1 have had catarrh of the head and stomach fol two years in the worst form. I tried all ilia medicines I ever heard of, but without relief. I used two bottles of Dr, AgnaW'e Catarrhal Powder. It cured nae entirely, I am now a Wall 1111m1" In thirty minutes x a".Agraew's Cure for the Heart will add strength to that organ. Feedin£ r of blood a 'full supply the bodyb Y Y 1p it fills life with the old time vigor. Ih t—£ Bother --'Are you sure that girl will make you a good wife ?" Son —"Sure 9 Absolutely certain, She Is the most kindly, generous, con- siderate, tender-hearted girl I ever met in my life," ""I am delighted to hear that, How did you and f it out ?" "Ily asking liar for kisses." The beau uet a118cl delicrsacY that belongs to is evidence to epicures and those who Rtmow that the leaves are especially selected and cured. Black, Mixed. Ceylon Croon. Ask for Red Label, F©rtanit CENTS -SHOULD IIbE 9l'IFTY - t -f What' are poorpaiatsmade for ? For Sale. We don't make them. Our paints a right—they are 7T1 de rig t they cover the most surface and give the a n best protection. bCf to 5 cnd za.apostcard, mentioning onsn S this, ,P paper r d e 3o,' honk ehf#ri to anoe b attlul homes tnre,keen painted vial otitr pstbsta, R. ftAP1,9AY $ 80f3, Paint makers, • MONTREAL. L'std. 1142. The Persian Order of the sun of Nasr-ed-din is the cheapest order of knighthood in the world. It can be purchased for a little over $100. 'nerd's Liniment Cures Clstemper. The hest time for literary work, according to Tolstoi, is between the hours of 0 a.m, and 3 pan, WSIEIIE LABOR WAS SWEE'r. Not many young lalies in Canada can boast of having cut the entire crop on their father's farm, The two ,young daughters of Mr. George 1Volis eon do so, however. Mr. Wells' farm is situated one mile south of eVellwootl Station on the famous Carberry Plains. Ile 1111. tivates 1320 acres, Owing to scarcity of help, Miss 1?die and Miss Emma Wells volun- teered to drive their father's Masscy- 8a1718 binalors through the harvest. As a result of their e0'orts, Mr. Wells was the first fanner o1 the Plains to finish cutting. Mow notch of the spirit of Can- ada 01111 Canadians there is in this! This is the spirit which is steadily bringing 0115• fait' nation to the fore. One of Mr. Wells' Massey-II'arris binders is six and the other four years old, and Mr. Wells asserts only seventy-five cents' worth of re- pairs have been put on them up to elate, and that the binder first bought is good for five years yet, to say 110011ng of the younger one. Two boys were 00 their way to school, and conversation passed be- tween theme respecting each other's ages. First Boy—"Then how old are you ?" Second Boy—"Ten. And how old are you 7" First Boy— "I'm eleven. I should have been twelve only I was ill a year." R.H 5/1810851.0 1000 1011 MAINTAIN:PSC ROBUST HEALTH •1771 teen Opiates, 1-18 ..a`a ]lfiss Thin—"Don't you think my new dress is just exquisite 7 They all say so," Fannie—"Oh, lovely 1 I think that dressmaker of yours could make a clothes -prop look graceful. "- Minard's Liniment Cures %iphfflLria, There are 8,064 languages in the world, and more than :1,000 re- ligions, The number of )nen is about equal to the number of women. The average length • of human life is about 8:3 years, and of 1,000 per- sons only one reaches the age of 100 years, pATEs 0C1aluo7sd3*l7n S!&]us alvSGMibroSMIStil=geNC=3Si Write !Alta mlOYm0idoOaoegN —d—aa 4i/1Te5nra.ieseSt ahem Ufe itaxecas,a:anin,o Any . ryedt of dry. mixed w a)' mitt/dile brfak burning, kr early 1eiy rl Stl egsn I110e, f.o.b. your s aloe. dddr ess, SIMi"SON I11,I17K 00.. 1 Toronto St., Taranto, Tole, phone Main 707. 7-10 CLEANING j wAL.K1.6 e I SII OUTING LADIES' . . . SUITS Can be done perfedlly by our French -Process, Tr, II, BRIT131! AME010AN. SYEIH0.00. ISO18TiiEA2.4 TORONTO, OTTAWA ft (4QIDRICO Montreal. 1-44• Page Metal Orasantentekl Fence fan Pino durable andlovPricod. Specially sU tabloforfront r • Iota cemeteries, oroh a ddl onto ir, 5hntcwn a Da'cl etc, Betas a � p s. ta..Us. n f T J eta cab 4 2tf C`JEfllitai IoER RUfl1TJli'3'C't�t"�0 U @. the hoe ben o can et u . 'ISrito hill r n o fence u r P for a Ltcralais. ve y n YIso Pageo.Br mPenco and PoultryNatl ng, 9101ago Wire Pntecallee 11sited kOAtttie. Iweeerepl,10-, and fn. Joltu, 21 li. 7 ftdovieerantr.mownii2&61c/Pssintstiktgiwkocecittaxte,a visr�a ORANGES LEMONS We have Mexicans, WE California Navels, HAVE Valencias, arid TILE Sevilles. BEST Carload every week. All the above at market prices. We can also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syrup and other produce to advan- tage for you. THE BAY/Sial CCMMISfION C@„ Lfmitad., Cor, Woat Market GO, TORONTO. 4i; I Have You Seen it? What 7 Leon Priceless Recto. -30f0 Somata for the nome Farm end every depaltmant of human soba ot, Sot papa Send 'la cents. Mniey rola used IS't•o.lc,e rot worth It. A co0dside line ter etuvmema,=tYfnlum Reiggs, Puhiloher,_larouto 2-14 fieinini©n moue Steamships Montreal 10Liverpool. ]loston 10 Liver. pool. Portland 10 Liverpool. Vin Quemii. torn. Largo and Fant Steamships Superioraoontion for ail climes of mnsangera Selene an1Id5 Staterooms ere amidships. Special irttenIlen hes been dobe 10 1310 Second Saloon and Third•01am necommo,0ation. For rotor Company, and nil pertimrlare, apply to coy rent of Elio Company, or Richards, 31111a .r Co, 1). Torrene0 A Oct. 77 State 81. Bos ton. Montreal aid Portland. t—f ran Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc, EVERY T&IIN GAN NAVE A BRi111S Lowest Pr1oes ever quoted. Fine eat alugne. 600 ilhistrn Lions, mailed fares. Write letter any- thing In 011101,1 or Musical ilnalrameats. bY11ilLI Y I'tOYOE R, CO., Limited. Toronto, Oak, and Winnipeg, Ilon. 1.20 RUBBER COO1S Latest Novelties, all styles. 'Correspondence invited. En- close 2c stamp for circular. THE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., P. 0. Box 11,12, Montreal. 6-57 EMIR PAC G&.' aYLINDER, ENDII1E, DYNAMO, AND MACHINE WILLIAM C. WILSON & C9, T0MOST TO - 'i -2-27 ,h l ,.n:jr l .l..i ;• , A.l•:i..; ; ; a-2-27 )1, �i OUR 1�AAI 4 N '' tSsV �llp`s�,�L a' :PASS'.k� ' aroo. Alar amort ail emeses., Wo' issue 01.010 books (0,' dimes!0 es len •• • 118 a dollar and tip to any nalnant •• Inforesl.el T}t it&ICAfg0 0f5E 714L F• . PEn CCId1', is croai11e11 0.1,11 enc,'.: poundel 1 0100 14 t oar ,lst .0811aa111 r • and In1.Ts,1'. icer furt110r.Pnrt'rnlnra 11,;11 are tn.' reed to pall ab 111) 011100, L:r write.' i• • I0 10 quite eonvt Went to depeslt 11'' • moil. '' sMtr ,y ,. •i (iaa Y .. nl ANO r1 WESTESLI OAl'iAD.4 .4 ..d Ccs PUft T10• iMf� ��� � n rl I pRTQ .. -t a? Torontei Toronto S ra • 14 -.,pry