The Brussels Post, 1903-4-9, Page 5St. , .4U'4'3i BUSINESS CARDS. iR=�s-tt'-^•3�rt�ri 1 i ONEY-'.PO LOAN AT 5 PIM 1t J. pout, F,g, SCOTT, 130001el% Wf IL MaO1 ACKEN v • leeaor 00 Marriage Licenses. Of. Nco ut Grocery, lnrnberl'y atreeG )trussel8. WARMS FOR SALIfr '1'lliil UN. DE03001NIC13 118 fOYnral 8001) Farms for Sale end to rent, easy tonne in 'Townships of Morris cud are Y. B' 8. hUU1"L', Ittu300) 091. MORRiSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, *T1.A0111'.B OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, sism-trz=mx.5, O T. ROBERT GUNNINGHAM3 INSORANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, E. Estelle Griffin THANKER OF VOICE C1 1/1 13 10 8 Pupil of Mies Eva N. Rnblyu, of .Loudon. Pu1Oa prepared for Oouaerv.ntory ax'r,n0. t_-s"t\ilt TIME Brusselsevery Tuesday. L088o119 given at the home of W. B. Kerr, John street, J. LECKIE, LIFE ANO FIRE INSURANCE, • LOAN AND REAL TESTATE AGENT, MONp:Y''1'O LOAN AT 4i, 41 .11 5 Por Cont. (Mice over Hurolev's Drug Store, Nov. 3rd, 1002. 00.13m Brussei0, Wellington Mutual Fife I11FI11'attee Co., E3TADLIanan 1840 I001013nc0 taken Ou the oath and premium note system at current rules. lit fora insur- ing elsewhere 0011 on tbeundereigned Agent of the 0ompany. 301001RGE 100uk1010, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. S SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - 1.' • nun, willsell for b,•tter p1 000, to better men in loss 33103 en') loot <Maraca then any other Auottonoor in Fust Huron or be r. on't charge guy thing, Dates and orders can always be arranged at thlo omee or by personal application. T0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, - Tho undersigned, who is well acquainted throughout tto rent tart of the County and who Intellect business with a barge cir- cle of farmers in and around this locality, begs to inform rho community that he has taken out an Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron and offers his services to 011 purposing to holds ties, TH09. N1.1WSOME, Brussels. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK - J• Honer CitµInn.0 of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - 03100 of domesticated animals 1n a compet- entmanner, Pni'ti'mlar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry Calls promptly at- tended to. Office earl Inermary-Four doers North of bridge, Tnrnborry et., Brussels. DUAL AIdD CONVEYANCING. - NM. SINCLAIR- ' o Barpdstor, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, he. 0i11ce-S tewares 13loc1 1 door Nor the 1 Central Betel. Solicitor for the Standard Sank. G E. BLAIt3, BARRISTER, SOL- • ICITOtt, &o, BRUSSELS.- Ufllee over Standard. Bank ; Solicitor for Towu0hip of Grey, Bnwiolc Mutual duct the Metropolitan Bank. Private mud Oompauy money to loan at lowest rates, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, DI, It., U. nl., • Trinity University, Fellow TrMMMg Medical. College, Member College of Phys Maus and Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery bldinburgh. t�rTolephooe 140,14, Residence -krill attest, 100000010. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Gradnato of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and First. ohms Honor Graduate of Toronto Uuivoreiby, Office next to Brewer's Photograph gallery, BRUSSELS. IT'S ALL RIGHT and Stnilonte may anter at any thee. SPRING TERM BEGINS MAIL, 80, Two courses-,Oommereial and Shorthand. 8010 for College Journal. 0. A. FLE11I1'IG, A. L. MoINTYI3E, President, Secretary, SfflNCLES British Columbia lied Cedar Shingles Ann -- North Shore Pine and Cedar POR SALE AT FRS Brussels Planing Mills Also Dobre and Sash of all Pat terns on hand 0r made to cadet ail Short Notice, Estimates Varnished for all Irind3 of Building°. Workman - obi)) and Material Guaranteed, P. A.t,Y.W-;.:.i.kV T Our ldotto 1 ilHag l Orado Work Only % CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT, Uar t+ra'ivatee readily 300010 good 10031ton0 bemms0 our high grade train. lag 100)1µ1'0n thorn t9 r0nder 0301.01019 34 001030°1 33u0111330 31300 wabb µrat, Lk 011300 wmlt000 331113 ian00 no limo t8 tvaoto upon. rho other 111313, Oem• 11101100 33 000x00 now and be ready for a po0itioufu the Pull, Write for band - N0M0 catalogue, Principal. wJ., ELLIOTT,I 'Str ct tidos, Hettl?itt1.1, The Hensel! football team has re or. ganized. Oharle3 A. MaDonol! spent a couple of days in °atawe, Tho band has taken in several new members and will have tweuty inetra meets before long, W. I1. H trbnru ie getting in a big quantity of glues for the purpose of erect. lug another greenhouse. Et would certainly be a oommendable sot on the part of oat' village Junta to give some attention right away to the drainage or 0owerage of the town. At present there 30 not one papally con. satiated sewer within the limits of the corporation. Mrs. Thos. Horton' received a telegram informing her that her husband wa0lying dangerously ill with typhoid in Brandon hospital. Mtn. Horton left on Tuesday morning of last week for Brandon. Much slmlathy 3300 felt and expressed for her. Mr. Horton went to the Woet about four weeks ago with the objeot of looatiog there. I,ttelanow. Wm. Douglas left for Edmonton, The Luoknow Fire Brigade have pur. ohaeed new snits for themeelvee. W. J. Little sold hie well bred driving mare to Robert Irwin, of Ripley. For the three mouths ending Marob 11th, there were 45 persons in I3ruve county fined for various offenose. The penalties amounted to 6348 Rev, 0. 0. Owen, of Memorial ohnrob Lo,idou, 0n13 brother to Rev, 0. H. P. Owen, of Lnoknow, has accepted a call to Christ's Olmroh, Vancouver, B. O. Ata meeting of the. managing oom- mitteo of the lacrosse team it was defi- nitely decided to enter a junior team in the 0. L. A. for the Doming season, Mr. and Mfrs, Agar lett for London on Weduenday of lent week, where they will make their home in future, Mr, Agar tva, app 'feted general manager in Weet. ern Ontario for the Perrin Plow Co., and London being a more central point, the company woe dseirona that Mr. Agar eh( old locate in the Forest City. NVlir exit .etm, Rev, Wm. MoDonogb, of Stratford, preached in the Methodist church on Sauday. Robt, Carrie, er., of Bost Wowanoeh, hae moved to Wingham aid 000npiee the Ilona he recently purchased from E. 0. 03arit3. 13. and Mrs. Yonbill have returned tram an extended visit to Marion, loth Una, where they spent the Winter with their daughter, Mrs. Potts. Mre, Dingley has let the contract to E•I, herr for oreatiuu of a fine residence on Patrick street. Chas. Barber has the 000treot for the toaadation of et meet, John Away, County 0omm'00iouer, 3100 been laid up with erysipelas in one of his feet. He expects however to be able to attend to his business in a few dove. Rev. Welter Rape), B. A., the amuse fel Preobyteriau evangelist, has written Rev. R. Hobbs, that he expeota to oom- m0100 evangelistic) eervioe0 in Wingham Methodist ehar011 about May let. $1,000 reward will be paid by the widow of the late Selwyn J. Smith, for informotion that will lead to the deter, lion and conviction of the person or per. 0on0 who waylaid nod robbed her hue band. It ie only a few weeks ago Biooe Joe. Fleury received word of the death of his brother John, in Malawi, England. Last week, he received the sad news of the death of another brother William, aged 78, who died very suddenly while en. gaged at Ilia work. The 6 year-old daughter of 11Ir. Wil- liams, of the Brunewiok hotel, met with a serious fall. She fell from the londiag upstairs to the floor below, a distance of about 17 feet. She 330.0 considerably hart and her face at, bat fortunately 10 bones were broken. d.1eatowel. A union 0orviee will be !held io the l3aptiet Ohnroh on Good Friday, at 11 a. m, Rev. J. 5, Uardfe will preach. Bert. Hael1iug has returned totown from his trip up to New Ontario. Be reports that the ouun1ry is rapidly $lung up with settlers, eepoolally in the neigh- borhood of Liokeard. Lietowel Golf Club hae; been reorgan- ized for the humming 0333000, with the following offioore :-Preoideut, B, For- sayeth ; Vice -Free., F. W. flay ; Seore- taryTreae., W, Olimte. P. J. Livingston and 0. H. Smith, who were in the wreak at Flora, have been Settled with bythe rand Trunk 00,, Livingetoreceiving $75 and ms. Smith 140. As neither were eeriouely injured, the settlement le quite Batisfao. tory to both gentlemen. The Lodioa' Oo.operntivo Dirtle of the V. B. Church Will hold an Master Mar- ket on April 11th. There will be for Dale froth homs.mado bread, pies of all kinds, and Easter eggs. The objeot of sale Will be to raise part of the payment on the uburoh to be met in the Pall. 131'13280 Snow, -The Live Stook Aeeo. elation organiz:d, with the following officers President, W. Spare ; Treas. arer, Chris. Lilltex ; Seorotary, A. 8t. Geo, fdawitine ; Directors, John Scott, P. Garrooh, John Wateon3 B, P, Brook, S. J. Stevenson, J. Livingstone, H. 13. Mer. phy, 0. George, J. A. Belly, J. F. Wilson, Johnston Kidd, J. M. Bays. It woe de, (tided to hold the Spring Show on Pridaq, April 1711,. A good lief of p03800 is being offered fdn entire 3300000 and an 10013ent Dhow ie looped for. T1vo pont. potent judges will award the prieep, FJ 0 ae a, ...-_.. .. •._ __.._.:...lssi ' .f.'.n...2:—e4a'+ H 0 LL "THE WORLD'S FAVOiII, E" w 0 O PANT IIs shades will please you. Its weight will surprise you. Its covering properties will astonish you, Its handsome appearance will win you. Its "Economy" means money to you. Its real Lead & Oil base will give confidence to you. "813.3411V YOUR EYE8 TO QUALITY AND THE WORLD I8 FULL OF CHEAP THINGS." Insist on gutting IIollywoode A. cK Y& CO. -AGENTS AT BRUSSELS. An organization media of the Mato. wel Lowe Bowling Club wee held on the 26 h ult., when 111e following offhoerm were elected ; Hon,.Pree,, A. W. Feather. atone ; Pres., F. R. Blowett ; Vioe•Pree , Joe. Ainley ; Sen'y, Geo. Bray ; Treas., J. L. Gillioo ; Exeontive Committee, the tfliners for 1903, the retiring President, A. Yule, and A. St, Geo. Hawkins, J, M. Sobinbein, W. R. Logie, R. A. Olimie and Jno. Gabel. It was decided to re- duoe the membership fee to $3. Elac a lee Ir. David Miller, who hae been spending the Winter with friends and relatives here returned to Spokane, Washington, Mrs. Jonuthau Kydd, Exeter North, who hae been ailing for over a year and who Underwent a surgical operation about 4 weeks ago, is, we are pleased to report, o0nvsleeoing, F. W. Knight, who hae been (modal,. fug a store at the North Dud of the town for some years, has moved with his croak to Yorktoo, Aeea., where he will agnia open out in a similar basioeee. What might have resulted in a serious accident owumed ut Wm. Salmon's wood bee. It appearo that Geo. Kellett had a mart cut 0µw thrown 08er hie shoulder and when turning around quickly ib name in oontaot with Wm. Snell. The eharp teeth of the inotroment were im- bedded in hie head at some length and at the same time severed an artery, from -which the blood flowed profneely. The basement of the James Street church was well filled on Tuesday even• lag of lest week, with a largo number of Epworth Leaguers of this town and that of the neighboring ones, Orediton and Henoall being well represented. Those present were well pleased with the speak. er of the evening, Mr. Darwin, who spoke in the interests of the Forward Move• meat ot the missionary canoe of the North west territory. Clan Cote. The annual meeting of the Curling Olob was held Wednesday evenfog of last week. Walter Coate has been appointed Steward of the Government Boat Oak lenge at Dolliogwood. The invitations are out anoonnoing the marriage of Major H. B. Oombe to Mies Julia Isabel Dunmore, on Wednesday, the 16th of April, W. G. Medd, can ot H. Medd, Hallett, accepted the position of cheese inatruotor and inspector for the county of Norfolk, at a salary of $100 a month. Bert. Romboll 30(10 ticketed through to Indian Bead, Asea., by W. Jackson ; he goes to seep hie fortune in the far West, Bert. ie a good reliable young EIRE, and will he sure to do well. Ile i0 aaoompinied by Mesere. Goodwin and 8w01,o30. • A meeting of the West Huron License Board wag herd at the Inepeotor'e offlae. on Monday of last week, Chairman Jae. Stevens was pr, sent, and Hugh, Wegner- rie, Rlyth, and W. R. Robinson, Mode. rich. The number of liaeneee asked for last year 3300 29 tavern and 2 chop. This year the number is 31 and 2. New applicants, Sam, Pike, Clinton ; N, G. Boggs, Darlow, and Alex. Orr, Wingharn. 1NJ01101/ AT A FIRE. -During a fire, while two teams were racing to the fire eteamer, One of them collided at the corner of the Town Hall with a hose part drawn by hood. Charles Carter was struck and thrown against the oart, and badly bruised. and possibly some ribs broken and injured internally, Oa of the boreee etruok the tongue of the hone cart which pierced its Bide, breaking some ribs and perforating lenge nod bowels. 131vcto. The regular monthly meeting of Blyth council was held on Tuesday evening. J, F. Nivine hae purohased the gaarter are lot East 'of hie reeidonoe on West. Moreland street from John McGill for $45. The abort to be .given ander the auepioee of the Methodist carat ohoir will be given in Industry ball on Wed- nesday evening, April 22od. Alex. Lowery, who was resident of Blyth for many years, and who left here one year ago for Sean, Michigan, died at the latter plane on March 12th from gang retie. He was ill nearly three mouths. A, Taylor who recently retired from the grooery buoineoe here, has Bemired a poeition with T. B. Esoott & 0o., whole gale groaere, London, aa traveller, and left on Monday morning for the Owen Sound dietriot. John Edmonds, brother of Rev. J. Ed. monde, of Blyth., died in Burlington, on Wednesday, 25th alt., at the age of 71 years, Paralysis was the mote of death. Rev, Mr. Edmonds attended the funeral which took plane on Friday and was very largely attended. At a meeting held in Form I, of the Blyth public eel000l for the purpoee of organizing a football team for the ooming Beason the following officers were °looted ; -Hon. President, A. H. Plummer; Preei. dent, R.111. McKay ; Vioe•president, 3, A. Jamkaon ; manager, J. J. Bailey ; Beoretery.treasarer, D. MoLean. The captain will be chosen at a later. date. lirodevicn. There is some talk of an attempt to revive lacrosse in Goderiah. The town hae fenced off the new park fgro8t. Patrick's Ward eohool play rounmd. Moja Beak represented Goderioh Oouuoii, No. 157, at the Grand Council of Uhosen,Friende at London. Rev. G. F. Salton, Mrs. Salton and sone Harold and Lynn, of Hamilton, ware vieiting last week at the home of 0, G. Newton. During the leak week there hae been a great exodus of mariners to Buffalo, Chicago and other plaoee to prepare for the early opening of navigation. Geo. and Mrs. Aoheeon returned on Monday of last week from California, where they spent the Winter. They were away just five months, had a very pleasant sojourn in the South and have bath been benefitted physically by the ohaoge, £c°dd es' Shoes. Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. First-rate workman- ship. Made to wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy 10. comfort, very durable. When you discard thew you want another " jt st like the last ones." Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of the buying, I•Iere are a few:-- -Ladle& Dongola Buttoned or Ln Up•Io date Late and Fashion -We have the Brussels money for the victoria Shoo, one of the finest and genteel] 811008 for Ladles that ie made. See our Spring styles, HARM' ���y'1 '1 DISPARTM1130 T,-floavy and Light Harness 12 A 7 at Lowest Prices. Sweat Canton, Lap Rugs, Robber Rugs, Trunks and Satchels. -Some BARGAINS for times wanting Second Eland Single Harness, --Repairs in 8Iaraeas, 0011µr0, Boots and nom cod Shoo, heavy solea, $ .25 A aeNitit a IE 13 X11 The notion of Mayor Lewis fa . fle ;rig a 13000'-) ..1 $100 ter the arrert of the Bend x•, brutallyaeeanited Nile Aitken, 19 '.dy endoreed by tvery good 3331)310„ ' Opt. Naos 388702 to be b000ming faehlonab.e, W. A. MoKim removed the fence from the front 0f hie property on Oharoh street, and 2, Smeeth that from the 10.,3,1 of hie 210013ebe8 ou Neleoa Otr08L TIt0 Poblio Worke oummittee met and opened Holders for a supply of trees for Spring planting. 'iliey acoepted 200 from F. 13. Holmes, de hatred at 8 oent0 each, and the balance will be taken from Joseph Baeohler at 3 Dente in the bush, Wesley Vanetone, who has been a reei• dent of Regina, Aeea„ N, W. T., for four or five years, ie borne on a visit t0 hie father, Thoe. Vanetone, near Benmiiler, The old gentleman hue been in poor health for Borne montbe, and we regret to any le not Improving. Wesley has graduated in the milling baaineee, end, we are pleased to !eau, ie doing well, Two handsome new side altars have rooeutly been put In at 8t. Peter's uburoh, adding greatly to the appearance of the interior. They are the gifts of Mrs. Me earthy and Mrs. Troy, and wore nun. 030003ed by Rosenblatt, of St. Clemente, Ont., near Berlin, being designed with niches for the beautiful figures of the Virgin and Child and St. Joseph that prsviouely stood in the recesses et the aides of the °haacel. lilrtevItle. Toannznnr 01080I0.-Minntoe of Coun- cil meeting held in Blnevale, March 90, 1903. Members of ()WHICH all present ; the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Mews. kloegrove and Rather. ford, Reports '-The Reeve reported that he let a job of building a -culvert B. line, West, to Geo. Wheeler at $4, Mr, Moegrove reported having let a job of banding a oedor oalvert on 4th to Wm. Vanetone at $3 60. Oonpland, Rother ford, tbet1y•law No. 5, 1903, for the appointment of fegoe viewers for the one. rent year, be reed three times and passed. Carried. Moegrove, Kelly, that By.taw No, 6, for 1908, for the appointment of poand•keeperofor the current year be read three times and paaeed.-Carried, Rutherford, Moegrove, that Bylaw No. 7, 1908, for the appointment of path meters for the arrant year be read three times and passed. -Carried. The following are the appointments :-Fence viewers :-Wm. H. Mandell, Thoo. Akins, Thos. Goy, John Robinson, Sam. Van- etone, Jae. Elliott, Joe. Lovell, Peter Seat, Masse Orme and Robb. Leathern. Pound keepers :-John Little, Ralph Metcalf, Geo, B, Scott, Hugh Tooker, Allan Fralfok, Jas, K'rton, jr,, Peter S. McEwen, Peter Scott, Eleanor Orvio, Wm. Neterfield, John Diment and Wm. Maxwell. Path mestere 1 -Robert Gal- lagher, John Weiler, Wm. Atkio, Geo. Bryoe, John Little, Wm. Mitobell, James Stapleton, Thoe, MoOreight, Samuel Barohall, Isaac Stokes, Reuben Stokes, John Metcalf Wm. Robinson, Thoe. James, Murray Wilson, Augaot Homnth, John Moolyuo, F. J. Lewis, Robt. Weir, Thoe. Haugh, Frank Carruthers, A. Wheelaos, Geo. Taylor, Jae. Robineon, Jae. Wylie, Alex. McDonald jr., John Weir, Sam. Vanetone, Wm, Eagleson, Jae. Nicol, Jae. Elliott, Alex. Hestia, Joe. Lovell, Wm. Wright, Rvbt. Harder, John McEwen, Peter Scott, David H. Moffatt, Robt. Black, Philip Thomas, Ohrie. Brinker, Henry Diment, Thos. Jenkins, Robt. McKenzie, Jae. 0. Ander. eon, Jae. Onoemore, Geo, Yoe, J. J, Mot - fart, Frank Anderson, John Mulvey, Riob. Palmer, Andrew Gemmill, Robert Miller, Benry Muir, Robo. Moffatt, Thos. Neberfleld, John Aoeley, Wm. J. John- eion, L. Waite, Wm. Netetfield, James Williamson. Moegrove, Kelly, that Jdbn Short's statute labor be pat in Road Division No. 26.-Oorried, Moegrove, Ooupland, that the South East half of lot 60, an. I, be planed in road division No, 84.-Oarried. Ooupland, Rutherford, that Alex. Kelly's statute labor be done in road division No. 6 Wingham Town plot and that lot 26, con, 0, be planed in road division No. 34 -Carried, Coup - land, Moegrove, that the following be the Statute labor male for 1908, namely $7 60 for 2 days and for every additional 67 50 or part thereof one day and that the Olerk bring in a By-law at next meeting of Coanoil aoofirmiug the came. -001. ried, Kelly, Rutherford, that Mr. Blom grove employ some person to remove Smeltzer'e fence off street in Bluevale.- Carried. Moegrove, Rutherford, that Mr. Oonplaud meet Councillor from Howick on boondaty and let a job of rebuilding culvert South of Delmore. - Carried. Tenders were received from Wingham Times and Advance offioee re township printing. Ooupland, Ruther• ford, that the tender of the Wingham Advaooe, being the lowest, be acoepted. -Carried. The followingaccountswere passed and cheques issued :-Theo. Hall, $1, printing ; H. B. Elliott, $5.60, print. big ; Goo. Wheeler, $4, culvert ; Wm, Vanetone, $8 50, culvert ; Wm. ()nick. shanks $4, expenses to Clinton ; John Moegrove, $4, expenses to Clinton. Mom grove, that this Council do now adjourn to meet in the Olerk'e Aloe, Bluevale, on Tuesday, bray 26th, at 10 o'olook a. m„ for general boniness and at 1 o'olook p. m., as a Court of Revision of the assess. want roll for the current year. -Carried. 3008 Bona zee, Clerk. Dennie Collins, of Conway, Ont,, was killed by a G. T. R. train at Kingston Junction. Obief of Pollee Zemin, of Woodotook, charged with violating the liquor law at Ohealey, hae been acquitted. Berlin Iio pubi' to school board will erect four roomed additione to the Margaret and Ooortland avenue oohoole. A majority of the farmers in London district have finished their . ploughing, and Bowing will soon be.gen0ral. Jack Farthing, younger son of Rev. J. 0. Farthing, of Woodstock, woe badly bitten by a dog Tuesday of last week. A St. Thome lawyer hae been the victim of an tuitional 0courrenee, reoeiv- in $5 more from a client than he asked. Irn Ingersoll public wheel hoard hae sp. pointed a oommiltee to enquire into the advisability of teaching domeeto aoienoe in 00nne0tion with the schools, Noleon Monteith ie one of the appli. Oltbta for a charier for a company whf010 seeks incorporation at Ottawa, as the Aoeident, Sickneae and Guarantee or Security Enaurano° Company. James White, a retired Caradoo fag. mer, 75 370010 of ago, committed Ouiohie one day last week, He took hie gnu from Ica 100081 place and blew out hie brains, lie had lived in Oaradan and McINNON & Co,, 331=11-1, T;H, 50c SILKS FOR 39c, Leet week we were offered a great bargain in New Blouse (Nike to oleer out a large quantity for spot welt. Travetlere Junin, we are always open for emaps, and when they have anything g special. to offer, we get the tiret ohence at it. We acoepted tate offer and the goods are here ready for inepeotion, Here are the partiottlare : 876 yards New Blonee Sitio, in heavy corded effeote, in fanoy etripeo, Fare Silk, in colors of Pale Bias, Royal Blue, fink, Tur. quote Heliotrope, Mauve, Old Rose, Rioeda, Rose fink, Oireoe, Salmon, White and Orem. This is a rare ohanoe 10se0are choice Pare Silks at 26 per Dent. lase than regular prices. ?nu ehoald see them while the stook is at its beat, they are selling like hot oaken, B. & 1. CORSETS. We are local agento for the oelebroted B. & I., Patent Bias Filled Corsets. They are laoed with three laces, and lit perfectly, We have them in all eizee to fit slight, medium and WI Seem, Before you have your Spring Snit fitted yoo should have a pair of those Coreete. They will add greatly to the appearance ot your dress. We also oarry a fall aasor1meot of Crompton's B. & 0., D. & A. and E. T. Comte, in all the beet makes, from 25o to $1.25 per pair. McKINNON & Co., �LYT.H. Ekfrid for 40 or 60 years, was in good circumstances and no cause is assigned. okt License District OE THE East Riding of Huron, The Eat Heron License Com m100100ere will meet at the AMERICAN HOTEI, BRUSSELS, -ON- lionday, April 20th 1908, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. To lake into consideration the applioa. tione for Tavern Lianas for 1903-04. The number of app'ioatione this year is 17, being the same flambee of linBneee es granted lest year. .1. R. MILLER, Ixsrao'ron, JAMESTOWN, April1et,1903. Strenuous Objections 6❑v R,cHT are never made against feed Supplied by Alf. Backer. All stook like it and thrive on it, and it ie prononnoed by all intel- ligent breeders to be incompariably the beet sold. Try a sample lot and you will never feed anything but our Heller corn and nate. Alf. Baeker. OUR AMERICAN WALL PAPER IS NOW IN STOOK. The Best of this Season's Productions. We have made a epeolai effort to 00onre designs and ooloringe of artietio merit not only in high grades but in those as low as 5 CENTS PER ROLL. BED ROOMS -We have Dainty Florale, producing aharming effeote, at Low Cost. PARLORS -Beautiful Deeigne in Gilt and Creamy Touee, Blues, Greene, etc., io delicate Shadee. HALLS, DINING -ROOMS, &o -Fine Effective Deeigne, in Magnificent Colors, giving Warmth, Richness and Beauty to an apartment. DON'T WAIT till our stook is broken. Make your eeleotiou NOW. If you have any rooms not recently Papered, just call and let 00 tell you how little it ousts to make home bright, attraotive and happy. Fred. McCracken Papers displayed in Smale Block, Brussels._ c s,/ NEW HARDWARE SflRE 1 The Undersigned beg leave to notify the Public that they have opened up a CHOICE NEW STOOK of—"• e :Mr and HEAVY HARDWARE, 1 SAINTS, IC 1 Ou LS SCI in the Simpson Block, Ethel, which will be sold at Reason- able Prices. We have also a Tinware Department and will keep a llret•olae9 Tinsmith, A Specialty made of Repairing and Eavotroughing, Oar motto will be Good Goods and Careful Attention to Business, A SHARE OP PATRONAGE ASKED FOR. Beet makes of Btotree handfed. `MiVllil♦!Iw ►AUEPI RIHI 3T 1