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c t rnosti ''vst.
THURSDAY, APR. 9, 1908.
Bnome tire wagono are en essential to
the keeping of good roads and municipal'.
tiee shouid see to it that aBy law le
pneeed to cover this important item ae it
menus many a dollar Bayed where heavy
and constant teaming le carried on,
TRH hearing of the Gamey (Merges bee
been postponed until Monday of next
week ae his eolicitore were not ready
when the 0ommieeion metlaat Friday in
Toronto. Proof is often a more di/limit
item ot produotion than mere assertion.
Wnextvee oo Oonwix le booming the
Good Roads Movement and in addition
to purchasing another steam roller bas
decided to appoint a Saperiotendent of
roads to take charge of the work. This
ie along the right line and no doubt beue-
fiois! results will fallow if the appointee
does his duty.
Fon fear the Court would get lonesome
o ooaple of protests have been entered in
000neotiou with the Ontario Legislature,
West York, in which Hon. Mr. Davie le
the representative, and Centre Bruce,
represented by Hugh Clark, are the
targets. If there is crookedness it should
be punished bat if for saw -off purposes
only it is a featnee of polities that
should be frowned down.
.A. writer in the Cosmopolitan eeee how
the large emigration of Americans into
Manitoba and the Nortbweet and the
investment of capital from the U. S. is
going to epeedily eventuate in the annex.
ation of at least that portion of the Dom-
inant to Ueole Sam's poeseeeione, If the
scribe never baa a beadaoke until hie
theory ie realized he wont have much
000aelon to grumble as in oases we know
of the new oomereare better satisfied with
Canadian rule and government than with
that across the border.
Ease Heim License Commissioners
have added another olauee to their annual
Resolutions to hotel license holders
which says that in future violatioue of
the law will be taken into account in the
renewal of licensee. This throws the
responsibility upon the proprietors, and
if licensee are eanaelled on this account
the blame will reet upon themselvee.
Simeoe Co. is proceeding along the same
line. Chairman Jamieeou said "He
would ask the hotel keepers to Bee that
the law ie kept. It it were not kept all
he bad to say wee that the men who
broke it would lose his license, The
Board bad decided to firmly adhere to
that prinoiple". This mares puts a
premium on a well kept house and shute
off the frequent and persistent violator.
Its enforcement in every 0o. would do
good, coupled with a vigorous carrying
oat of other provisions of the Licence
A Goan system of electric railways
throughout the country, connecting the
principal towoe, would go a long distance
in solving the gaeetion of Good Roads
and where feasible plane are exemplified
the maniaipalitiee to be served should
not hesitate in assisting liberally in
their aonetruotioo. In emotions where
electrfo roade are running a large proper.
tion of the ordinary tray el is done away
and in many oases fermere sell off one or
more homes by the utilization of the new
eyetem. The express oars and the
freight oars do a large proportion of the
necessary marketing often, obviating the
necessity of taking the team off the farm
for these tripe. We have no hesitation
in predioting that the next 10 years will
eee great forward strides in thie line of
development and Huron County preeente
a wide Heid for operation with indieatione
of remunerative results.
Tern Toruuto Star called attention to
the increasing absentee style adopted by
some M. P's. in their attendance at the
Commons, When the first vote was
taken 60 out of 214 members were absent
and 'hie is no unusualoaonrrenoe. These
stay•awey members should attend to their
duties or resign. If the Hoose can get
along all right with 150 members while
the other 00 or 70 attend to bosineee at
home the truant playere should be grant.
ed a long vacation, If a lot of the red l
tape business were abolished, morning
eeeeione held ae well ae afternoon and the
"windy" member shut off there would be
no motion for dragged opt sessions oc•
oupying 4 months atbig expense to the
oountry. There should be shorter meth.
oda of traneaoting public Matinees than
those often adopted and we believe if the
publication of Hansard were shut off a
lot of the eeneeleea, ale motors would go
oat of bnsineea and would adopt some
cheaper method of letting their conetitn•
ente ascertain how they eau talk,
PRAMIQAL education ie the design aimed
at by all public institutions to -day and
the rel0rne consequent upon the corn.
bination of both theory and practice are
eelfevident. The Orchard Institute, 000
of whiob emu held in Brueeelelaet Friday,
is oneof the illustrations o$ this very
thing and we believe it the Farmers'
institute uaetinge and flail Vales ren
more along the same line ot domona'rat.
ing greater good would 000ree. Poultry
fattening, killing, dreeeing and peeking;
butter malting ; exhibite of beim hogs,
and the right class of beef cattle ; pr0aiug
and grafting in the orchard, &o., are
Along the line of every day ueoeeeity Bo
ti kimoet everybody at 0000 feels au
interest in that calculated to be of money
value to them, We strongly favor the
teaching of Domestic Science end Manuel
Training in the Publio'wheels asstepping
etoaee toward a well stored mind and a
proper understanding of the physical,.
There le a wide Held for the pulpit, the
preen and the platform to join in ae
advocates of measnree that will have a
tendency for good.
Friday afternoon the Orchard Institute
enuounoed for was held in the Donnell
ahember and despite the very disagree
able day was fairly well atteuded, well op
lei one hundred pereone being prevent.
The chair was occupied by Thos. Mo.
Milan, President of East Huron Far.
mare' tnetitute, coder the auepioee of
whiob inetitotinn the meeting wit, called.
Nr, McMillan spoke a. few appropriate
words end then introduced A. E. Sher.
riogtoo, who is Superintendent of the
Coterie Fruit Experimental elation,
located at Walkerton, who, in an easy
and ,ff-hand manner, dismissed many
different phases of fruit oultnre. and the
importance of pruning and grafting, the
two )atter being illustrated by praotioel
experiments before the epeotatore who
had an opportunity of viewing the work
and questioning. Following are some of
the many pointe made by Mr. Sherring
ton :-Prone in March, cutting limbo off
to make tree uniform, ont close to tree
end paint all wounds. Early pruning
advised beoaose viper of tree is net de.
treated from to name extent ae later. If
annual pruning he done a saw will not be
neaeeeary. Plant hardy stook and rapid
metorere snob ae Tatman Sweet, Ben
Davie, &o., and graft on theee snob fruits
ae Northern Spy, King Tompkins and
other good varieties bat slow growers,
thereby receiving quicker growth and
better fruitage. Grafting should eons.
mance 2 years after planting. There is
individuality in oroharde as well ae any-
where else hence, neaeseity of procuring
beet possible scions. Reject blank heart
ed trees as they will die and eee that the
soione are taken from bearing wood.
Prune deranged roots off before Betting
oat young stuck and dig good big holes,
working in the loose rich Boil well around
the Coote. Spring planting is beet. Iu
replacing old trees pot in good soil in the
old holee and good results will follow,
Save Irmo eporee on old trees ea as to
have Trait growing from trunk to outside
of tree. Cultivate orobarde if good goal•
ity ie desired and in . old orchards good
results would be attained if every second
tree were removed ae many of them are
too thick. Trees should be 40 feet apart
each way and the low limbo removed eo
that a horse could walk under treee, Io
a young orohard if spawn are thought to
be too wide a few trees of Daohese or
plume aould be planted and after orchard
had matured could be removed. A wind.
break of spruce on Westside of orohard
has beneficial reunite. Plow orchard in
the Spring. one horse beiug need and a
wide ulevia on plow so as to get close to
tree and after giving good ooat of baro•
yard mauare work in with a disc harrow.
Manure should be spread evenly over
orabard and plowing shallow eo ae not to,
mat many roots. Dina one a week until
end of August to keep soil broken up but
atop in time so that the wood will be
matured before frost 000ree as trees will
grow rapidly while eoil is being cultivated.
Sow a cover Drop of common red elever,
Use all the wood aehea poeeible ae it hia
good fertilizer and assists in imparting
color and flavor to haft. The clover
proves a trap for the falling leaves and
%leo keeps the snow thereby retaining a
covering Mager in bile Spring. Fruit
butte will develop when wood growth le
oheoked, Iu bleak knot eporee develop
in February and Jnly, they mast be out
off and burned or the damage will Boon
be beyond repair. From 2 to 3 bade
should be on the scion i0 grafting. The
best grafting wax ie composed of i lb.
tallow, i Ib. beeswax end 1 lb. rosin,
melted together, then pogred into veseel
of water and after grail:ieg hands work
Spraying ie a ueoeeeity ae well es cal.
tivetion and proper care in handling
fruit. Spray trees before they bear, note.
ing better than the Bordeauz mixture.
Leaves are the lunge of the trees and
MOM bt kept healthy and fruit keepe
better where careful spraying ie attended
to. Apple trees'should bo sprayed 3 or
4 times a year, first ae the tree begins to
leaf. Have a good pump, plenty of hoee,
at feast 85 feet so ae to go all round the
tree, and spray from outside of tree.
The finer the spray the better, 2nd
eprayibg just before blossom, but not
while in bloorn as the law is etriot againet
it. The lime used should be elaoked fo
warm water.
ear. Sherrington is thoroughly posted
and wag able to reply to the fusillade of
queries is good style. Mr. McMillian
called upon P. J. Carey, Dom-
inion Fruit Inspector, of Ooboarg, Oat.,
and Custom Bosse, Montreal, the
other member of the delegation who gave
e praotluel address and of no i000neider.
able interest. He said this was the beet
meeting they had attended in the present
aeriee and it augured well for the fruit
interests of the community, Hie work
was to eee that proper peaking, branding
was done and judging the different varie•
ties. Believed in the wide planting, and
that spraying should be done on bare
wood. We cannot have proper quality o1
apples without it. Last year wag a bad
one for boob And it was a d'Mout t matter
in some dietriote to get No. 1 quality,
Our exportation in 1002 was about 8 mil-
lion barrels. Better ears of orohorda ie o
matter of neaeseity the same with dairy,
etook, &o., if we are to retain our position
in the 011 Country markets. The Fruit
4N.arke Aot was gone into and dieoaeeed
very frilly. In olden days the auatom
wee to bay the orchard out and out and
Mr. Carey gave some amusing, yet never.
thelsee disreputable inaidente of soma of
the things found in some of the bevels.
Now the caller meet have 20 barrels on
the market th be allowed to sell by
sample. Broken late are told by the face
sample, Fraudulent peeping wits made
a great handle of in the 01d Land. The
facie mn81 repreettnt the paoltoge end no
honest peeper meed fear the jrrillt Merge
Aot as it is hie Leat safeguard but le prop.
arty a herd hitter to the man who does
dieheeest work.
Section No. 7 of the Ant days t -"No
person *hall sell, ort fear, txpuso or have
ie hie poseeeion for lade, any fruit plait-
ed in any p'taltaee iu Wit lob the
timed or ehowu sorrow Rives a false
representation of tile contents of Buell
package ; end it shat! bo uoneldered tt
false representation when more than
fifteen per cent, el each frith is aabstan•
flatly entailer in a fee then, or inferloe fn
grade to, or d,ffsrent in variety, the faced
or shown turfaue of etude peekagn."
The standard must carry out the brand
and Seo. N u. 0 deals wltli it as fol owe
"No perm: shat eel', or tff r, txp me or
have in his pessee-fon for sale, any fruit
paoked in a oloeed package, open which
paokege le marked any deelguatiou whish
represents such fruit tot of No. 1 or XXX,
liueat, beat or ex're gond qct Ally, utile -e
such fruit oenaist of crew growu specie
mane of one variety, sound, of nearly
uniform size, of good colour for the
variety, of internal 'shave, and not lese
than ninety per cent. free from scab,
worm holes, bruieee and other defeats,
end properly peaked."
Some say it is a hardship on a buyer
to be held anoountable for what gauge of
men may do in the orobarde in his ab
seaoe but the law gets after these violators
iu a abort out oleo in Sec. No. 8, that
should not be loet eight of by those who
might be inclined to careleaeneae, Here
ie the wording of the clause
person who, by himself or through the
&gamey of another person, violates any of
the proviefona of thie Aot shall, for each
offence, upon summary oonviotion, be
liable to a fine not exceeding one dollar
and uot less then twenty lice Dent, for
each package which is paoked, Bold, offer
ed, exposed or bad 10 his poeeeeeiou for
sale contrary to the provielooe of this
Aot, together with costa of proaeuutiou ;
and iu default of payment 0t euoh fine
and ousts, shalt bailable to imprisonment,
with or without hard labour, for a term
net exceeding one mouth, utile.e such
Hue and the coats of entoroing it are
sooner paid."
There were seven prosecutions last
year, none of them farmers, over viola
clone. The difference in price between
No. 1. grade and the lower grades ranges
from 8 shillings to seven ebillinga in the
Old Country.
Almost a fabulous pries will be paid
for the right o!a-e of apples, ae high as
15 per barrel hoe been paid but mixed
barrels are of little nee, a distinct line
beating them out always, Put up a fine
grade and don't throw the necessity of
nulling on Inepeotor or anybody else. If
28% more of the calla were left at home
it would be all the better for the Canadian
apple shipper and grower, 80,000 barrels
were packed at Brighton district last
eea0o0, The London World says :-
"Few fealty coneignmeule have ovine
from Canada," and this means
et good deal aa there have been ae
many ae 62 grades at the firet with Boom
of fiotitions names in order to evade the
law if trouble should arise. Now every
man's name as shipper mast be pot on
the barrel and his poetoffioe address
given, while the number of grades have
been reduced to 3, outlined as follows in
the Aot in olaute (o) of See. 4: -"With a
designation of the grede of fruit, which
shall include one of the following six
marks : for fruit of the first quality, No.
1, or XXX; far fruit of the eeooud
quality, No. 2, or XX ; and for fruit of
the third quality No. 3, or X ; bub the
amid mark may be accompanied by any
other designation of grade, provided that
designation ie not inconeistent with, or
marked more conspicuously than, the one
of the said six marks wbiob is used 011
the said pottage."
0o -operative peeking and shipping was
strongly recommended by the epees.
er. He thinks general shipper cannot
handle apples properly as in many oases
the Fall apples are picked too early end
Winter applee;too late. Farmers in pack.
Mg their own could avoid this and have
the complete overetght of the work and
eee that every care is taken. Fruit
should net be preetoed too tight in the
barrel and the barrels ebould be well
ranked. An agent appointed names date
of shipping and the fresh paoked barrels
are shipped without delay. A general
brand is usually adopted for a shipment
of this kind from a dietriot. While bar.
rale are aooepted tie the rule bozos are
sought for as the 8 bushels in the former
are often too tooth for the customer and
also too heavy for oanvenient handling. A
box is supposed to bold 40 lbs, and oats
11 cents as againet 86o for au 8 hoop
barrel. Frail shipped in boxes arrive on
market in better form as boxes are yen.
Mated and pleat on side of box permits of
air paeelng between boxee in transit.
86.000 boxes were inepeoted at Montreal
last year and not a bad box found,
There le 60% lees damage to fruit in
boxes than barrele. Trade is rather
againet the box in Old Country markets
yet, however, Governmena is favorable
to farmers doing their own packing and
the producer will be fevered to influence
him to undertake it. There le a thigh ,
standard of honor among reputable oom., to a oommiaeion, or do anny other raison. eeee- --^'-'
telesion leen In the 0,11 Oonutry. Don't able fling to hush th' matcher up." But, 1
ehtp 3rd grade applee et all, No, 1
quality ebon'd be free from Boole. A
Might adored apple Belle beet. Mr. Oarey
said that demtuuetratione would be glean
titinyear in Spraying, e ting &a at
tain planes atrh lin thought from the inter.
eat mitelfeeted Brut/eels should be 0good
point Le these pranlinal illtlett'atiune,
Before Bitting down the 0001ker mention-
ed a Willi her of varieties Of apples that
Bhonld be growth, chief of wbiob were the
Spies end King of Tompkiue, Ontario
and Baldwins were also queen favorably
Of. The evening meeting was cancelled
ee the weather wee 0a inclement, There
be no doubt but gutheringe each ae these
Orabard inetitutee ere a boon to any corn.
munity as they afford ample opportunity
to acquire information appertaining to
local features not always dealt witb in
the bulletins or other literature issued by
the Government along the general lines,
Tug Peer hopes Mr, Oreetmau will see
his way clear to have other demonetra•
tions giten here as the visit of Messrs.
Sherriugtou and Carey was vary matzoh
enjoyed end many praotioal Mute given
that will tend to the bettering of fruit
growing in Huron Go. A local branch of
the fruit Growers' Association may be
organized here and some say they would
favor the o0 operative packing and
Beet Sugar Factory.
For the winding up of the Colonial
Oouetruotion Company, Limited, a peti-
tion hag been Med at Oagaotie Gail, the
applicants being the Beadmore Belting
Oompany of Turouto, wbo hold a judg-
ment againet the Colouie' Couetruetion
Oompany for 0,467, The latter company
was organized with a aapibal of 0100,000
to oonatrnnt a auger faotory for the
Wittrtou Beet Sugar Company, The
factory was to cost 0.00,000, and the
a,tmpenv wag to be, paid 0150,000 dash,
0100,000 in etook artd 0150,000 in the
bonds of the Wiarton Beet Sugar oom•
pany. The ehureholdere of the Colonial
Conetrnotion Company are mostly
Detroit capitalists.
Besides the claim of the Beadmore
Belt Company, writs have been ieeued
againet the Colonial Oonetruntion Ce.m-
pany by the Hamilton Brass Company
and the Cauadiau Sewer Pipe Company,
while Ilene amounting to 080,470 have
been regietered againet the plant and
buildings. The Secretary of the Gon•
etraation Company in an affidavit states
that the company has expended; 6807,000
on faotory at Wiarton. The company
have held the bonds of the Wiarton Con
eirnotion Oompany for some time, but ap-
parently they have not realised upon
them yet.
On The Millinery Opening's.
"Did ye iver notice," says Clancy,
"that tb' male six ehovee on a great dale
more agony in th' way iv weariu' apparel
then 111' female perenaeion, Av 000ree I
mann among th' animate. Man is an
animal, as a giuerel t'ing, but I em
not tallhin' about him jiet note.
Take th' rooster, fur inehtanoe, an'
compare hie gloeey neok an' rainbow tail
wid th' oommoo, ivry day wrapper iv th'
hard wurkin' hin. An' take a lnk at bus
nibe, th' polygamoue gobbler, ea be struts
around among his plainly dressed waives
en' says wid ivry fleet io his wings, 'I am
th' ebtuff, all others are base imitatioue 1'
An' th' paycook I avec Solymou in all hie
glory wasn't togged out lance wen iv these.
An' so it is wld all Ib' riot Iv them. But
man, poor man 1 he ien't in it wid his
onld wain nap when eee gits on bur new
ephring hat, an' hur other dries. An' he
can't change the appairanoe ie kis last
year's bat wid a tither or n ribb'tn. Jim.
oimy clan wear a rid bat an' a rid dries
an' a grana neak'oy, but poor Jtnh moat
he ooutiut wid a rid nioktoy, an' that's me
fur es he dare go in Lb' matthee iv die•
oration." "flow are ye goin' to owe
ont this year ?" I sayer "Will ye have
to buy yer ould wumnean a hat, or will
ye manage to eehoape, d'ye t'ink ?" Isays.
"'Tie a hopeless ease," pays O:anoy.
"Her ladyship is weariu' th' same hat elle
wore in th' ephring iv noiuety wan, the
year Patsy James was born. Av coarse,
she had it rinnyvated ivry ebpring-a new
ribbon here, or a buckle there, or phebby
tb, fitter moved round to th' ither end,
but it'e th' same old hat yit. Th' frame•
work won't abbaud army more punothur•
in', eo its a new hat thie Mime or a
eiparation. 'Twee me intimion to take a
few shares in th' new fonnthry, but it's
alt up now. Ftuothry or no fonnthry,
Bridget Ann meet have th' bat. How is
it wid you, Grogan ; le Mary Ellen eon.
tinted under her prieint robf?" "She ie
not," 1 nye. "She gays her ould hat le
oomplaitely out it ehtoyle, although th'
material le chuff in flonriehin' condi.
tion. I t'ink av it was turned Ind fur dud,
oe webby soidewaye, the oad manage to
plug along wid it fur another twilve
months. Howiver, I'm wilful' to lave it
Must be Sold this Season.
The Finest
line to be seen
in any town
rattly now, what's th' emee iv a twilitaet
headgear av yer feet sin't oovered in tip
to•date ehtoyle? Tithe a man told a I
daoitlt hat, an' it ithabby pair iv ohoen, eh'
where ie he 7 Nowhere 1 Ile ieu't in ie.
Del ye Iver /weir a man yit who wore a
pair av Just Ritiht eb009 wanoe that Nor i
Wild tett ttrntvtitle r!toted ? No,efr• An'
whoy 0 1300'0180 they're J«at Ni4ltt iu
avey way -•-M ale ovle, fit, appairanoe, wear
iu' tear au' plume, Au' MI it more wad
yo have ? Q1tcOa.
N®T!CE !
To whom this may a0noorn 1
The small -pox, at present, is found in
many parts of the eott airy we thereforeconsider it nea0eeary that all who have not
been 1'aaoinated should be foe hwitb, The
Trustee Board of the Public School will
please note this, RI00A1tD PAUL,
Chairman Board of Health,
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot6,Con, 0, Grey, two well bred hogs, a
Wain worth bred by H. George & 8ons,
Or0mptorl, and purchased from Angus
Shaw ;also au improved Yorkshire, 'forms
76e, strictly cash, or SI 00 if cat so paid with
privilege of retention if necessary, 'Pedi-
grees may be Seen on application.
115.4 ARTHUR B. St1ITH, Proprietor.
undersigned wit) keep for service on
Lot Hous. 10 & 13. Grey, the thot•n' bred
Shorthorn Bull,"Captain Forester," sired
by imp. "Call tutu Maylty," a.ud bred by Jae,
A. Orerar, Shakespeare, 011E Pedigree may
be neat on application. Tennis, 81,60, with
privilege of returning if neeeesttry,
53 em Proprietor.
property at Ethel known as the
Methodist Parsonage. Apply to 1110.
0013 ER,Bruseels.
1 e0, 000, 10, 0009. There n1 a 100 agree,
Wunder cultivation, Apply to JOSEPH F.
1tlDY10111), ou the premis10, or afonarieff
0, 0. 21 -ti
.01.TAT1.: 59090.00 will buy the Meilen-
alley Block in the Village of Brussels. These
two line stores must be send to close out the
tla0tmgbey Estado, intending purchasere
should investigate at once. Apply to F. S.
SCOTT or G. P. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the matter of the notate of
John Wynn, late of the Village of
Brnesele, in the County of Huron,
Gentleman, deoeaeed.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Br -
vim] Statutes of Ontario, 1807, MOO, 120,
Soc. 08, that all creditors and others haying
claims against the estate of John Wynn,
late of the Village of Brussels, in the 00mi.
ty of Huron, gentleman, deceased, who flied
on 01' about the 20th day of January, A. D.
1008, at the Village of Bruesela, aforesaid,
are hereby requested to send by post, pre.
paid, or to deliver to Elizabeth Wynn. of the
Village of Brusaels, widow, the Exeoutrix of
the estate, or to G. F. Blair, el the Village
of Brussels, her Solicitor, on orbefore the
]nth day of April, A. D. 190.5, their toil names,
addresses and eleeoriptlons, and the full par-
ticulars of their claims and the nature of
the eec0ritiea Of any) hely] by them. And
notion is farther given that after the said
last mentioned date the said Exeoatrix will
proceed to distribute the aesete of the said
deoeaeed among the persons entitled there-
to, having repaid only to the claims of
which notice shall have been givenas above
required and the said Executrix will not be
responsible for the assets or any part there-
of so distributed to any person of whose
claim nutioe shell not have been received
at the time of such distribution.
G• F. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont.
Solicitor for 1'xecotrtx.
Dated at B3'assele, Mareb 25th,1008.
Notice to Creditors.
Io the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the matter of the estate of
Aokhuret Taylor, lase of the Village
of Bruasele, in the County of Huron,
Gentleman, deoeaeed.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the
Revised Statutes of Ontario 1807, chap. 120,
000.88, that all creditors and other's baying
claims against the estate of Ackhnret Tay-
lor, late of the Village of Brussels, in the
Ouuuty of Huron, Geu iemau, deceased, who
died on or about the 18th day of February,
A. D. 1003, 0t the Village of Brussels afore-
said, are hereby requested to send by nosh,
prepaid, or to doliyer to W. H. Kerr, of the
Village of Brussels, publisher, or It Leather -
dale of the Village of Bruasele, uuderta0or,
the ifxe00tor0 of the estate. or to G. F.
Blair, of the Village of Brussels, their Solic-
itor, on or before the 1111, day tit April A, D.
1000, their fell names, addressee and dee•
oritAlone, and the full partionlare of their
eta ma and the nature of the securities of
,oil bell by them, And notice ig further
given teat atter the Bnwi last utetto dis-
the said Executors will 01100001 t0 dle-
tribute the assets of the said deceased,
among the peremte entitled thereto having
regard only to the claims of which nottoe
shalt have been given ,as above required, and
the said Exeoutore will not he responsible
for the assets or any part thereof eo distil.
bated to any 000000 of wboee claim notice
010111110111070 been received at the time of
snob distribution,
G. F. BLAIR, ]Brussels, Ont.,
878 Solicitor for the Executors.
Dated at Brussels, Morels 26bn,11100.
Notice to Creditors.
Carriages In the Sarrogata Court of the Oounty of
Huron, in the matter of the estate of
effieleeleiffeeeeligESEN Zanies Mn0omb,late of the Village of
Myth, in the Oonnty of Huron,
Gentleman, deemed,
Nottoo is hereby given pursuant to the
Revised Statutes Of.Onttrfo, 1807,chap, 120,
sou Ng, that all (wadi tors and ot10re having
claims against the 00tnte of James tfoOoyhb
Into of the Vdlsge of Myth. in Oho O,.ttoty o1
Huron, deceased, who stied on Or about the
16th day e f January, A.1) 1008, at the Village
of Myth aforeaaid, are hereby roquoeted to
Send by poet,propafd or to deliver to Wil.
Bain Oameron, Ornnbroolc or John (lraig,
Blyth, the Ilxeontore of the EStale, or to
(4 F Blah', of the Village of ilrnaeals, tinge
Solicitor, on or lief ere the 1111 day of Apell
A, D, 13108, their hill nam se, andreesea amt
descriptions, and the full particulars of
ties Of any) held by thorne . And nof the tice to
Nether given that attar the said last sten,
Wetted Mao, the cola eixoeutor0 win emoted
to distribute the assets of the said deoeaeed
AMOtt I( the pet Bong entitled thereto, having
regard only to the efalme of winch notice
shall bays, been given as above requited,
and the said isxom:tors will not bo 10spen-
trblo for the assets or spy part thereof, so
dletrlbutod to any bonen of whose Maim
notice than not have boon received at the
time of Mali dletrieutiou.
0. b"tBLAIR 113oiSOle Out.
Dated at Brussels, literati 2r b r sou ora,
in Ontario
will be found
Ewan an Co.'s Warerooms
-We have a full line, dolling with SEVEN of the best Manufac-
tories in Canada, besides our own matte of rigs.
-You can save looney by examining cur stook before pur(fbasing.
---Satisfaction assured. Prices right.
Sole Agents in Brussels
Above cut is an exact
of our York Suit.
Honest Fabrics,
Careful Tailoring,
Good Trimmings,
Latest Styles,
Perfect Fit,
Our Clothing has all these
and, on top of them all,
that finished touch they
call trsmastness"-that is
it makes a man look dres-
sier than ordinary Custom-
made Garments do, I t
is as near perfection as
experience and human
skill can make it and it
places the wearer among
the best dressers in town,
Our new Neckwear
will be
Open for Easter.
Leading Clothiers and Furnishers.
Tu �,bu
tD {,
SIT n, & li
Dealers in all Kinds of Hardware,
All Over
The largest and mosteacoa,eatl paint
deniers in Oho world Ben Ohuralrs A1,tbav-
�r World.
calls ICnd ivalneB end u dewy open
�Q -Ming and and M brand rub off welly,
-LhOy poet and Male and rhe ori welly.
Aintastir,ogrook harder with age. 001,1 wate080(10 brush is alt
Mays needed. We reonmmend it for Its bealtlWluses-the once with
which It Is n luetl-It• ,IUrnblllIy. Let no chow you the twenty beautiful
time (and white), of March's aJabnatlne. (Neversold in bulk,)
ALA rA 1 14E.
'AetwrrEEM IESPI is' i
S+r•4;1 THF --
/ 0,
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