HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-4-9, Page 2THE MikkETS
Prices of Grath, Cattle, etc
in Trade Centres.
Toronto, April 7e -Wheat The
•Market Continues quiet, No. 2 red
winter and white quoted at 66ec,
mIddlo freights, and at 09e east. No.
2 epring nominal at eltic on. Midland
-and No. 2 goose at 06c on Midland.
Manitoba wheat stoutly, No. 1 hard,
afiee grinding in transit; No, 1
northern, 8ie. all rail, grindiug
transit; No. 1 hard, 86e "i1borth Bay;
No. 1 Northern,- 84e, North Bay ;
lake ports, and No. 1 Northern at
78c f.o.b., lake ports.
Oate-Market is dull, with prices
unchanged. No. 2 whit9 quoted at
20c high freights, and at :29,ic mid-
dle freight.
llarley-Trade is quiet, with No. 8
extra quoted at 1.5c middle freight,
and No. 3 at 43c middle freight.
Buckwheat -Market dell at about
-- 450 west, and 47c east.
Corn -Market quiet arid - prices
easy. Canadian feed corn quoted at
41 to 42c west, and at 42e her,
No, 8 American yellow at 47c on
track Toronto, and No. 3 mixed at
Flour -Ninety per cent. patents un-
changed at $2.63 niiddk freights, In
buyers' sacks, for export. Straight
rollers apecial brands for domestic
trade quoted at $33.20 to 33.33 in
bles. Manitoba ;lour steady. No. 1
patents, 84.10, and seconds, 63.80.
Strong bakers. 63.70 to $3.80, bags
included, Toronto, -
MIWeed-Bran unchanged at $17
here. At outside points bean is
quoted at $16.50 to 81.7, and shorts
et $1 8. Manitoba bran, in sacks,
$20, and shorts at 8e1 here.
Beans -Trade is quiet. Medium,
61.65 to 61.73 per bush, aud hand-
picked, 61,90 to 82.
Dried apples -Trade inactive, with
prices nominal at :lee per Ib.; -eva-
porated, 6 to 61c.
Honey -The market is quiet, with
prices unchanged. Strained sells at
8 to 8.1c per Th., and comb at $1.23
to 81.50.
Hay. laded -The market is quiet at
unchange, d prices, Choice timothy,
$9.50 to $10 on track. and mixed at
Struw-The market is quiet for car
lots on track at $5.50 to Sn a ton.
Maple syrup -The market is quiet,
with receipts small. Wine gallons
sell at 65 to 00c, and Imperial gal-
lons at 81-10.
Potatoes -Market is steady, with
fair offerings. Car lots Etre quoted
at S1 to 61.05 a bag, and small
lots at $1.20 to $1.25.
Poultry -Market is quiet and
prices unchanged. We quote :alley
picked, fresh killed turkeys, 17 to
18c per Iti; geese, 10 to 12c. per
Ib. ; ducks, 61 to 81.20 per pair ;
chickens (young) 85c to 61 ; old
hens, 50 to 70c per pair.
Butler - The market eontinees
quiet, with prices of choice grades
Inferior stuff in good supply.
We quote as follows :-Fresh, large
rolls, 17 to 18c; finest, 1-18. prints,
10 to 19c; poorer grades (rolls and
tubs), 14 to 16c; creamery prints,
1, to 23e; solids (fresh made), 1.1)
10 20c; held, 16ec.
Egger -Receipts are fair, and the
demand good. Sales at 111 to 120
leer dozen.
Cheese -Market firm. We quote :-
Finest, 182 to lir; twins, 14e.
Dressed hogs are nominal. Cured
meats are unelmaged, with a. good
demand, We quote :-Bacon, clear,
10 to 10,1c, ha ton and ease lots.
Pork -Mess, 821 to 821.50; do.,
short cut; 622.30 to $23.
Smoked meats -Hams, 13 to 18o;
rolls, 1141c; shoulders, 11c; backs,
14 to 141,c; breakfast bacon, 14 to
Lard -The market is very firm. We
quote i -Tierces, 1.041c; tubs, 11.c ;
palls, 11.2c; compound, 82 to 10e.
Montreal, April 7. -Grain -No, 1
Manitoba heed wheat, 73jc; No, 1
Norther», 72e. March deliyery; No.
1 hard, 71 2c; No, 1 Northern, 7,i1e,
ex -store, May delivery; peas, 014e,
high freights. Oats, No, 9 in store
hero, 302 to 87e; rye, 01c Cant
buckwheat, 48i to itic east. For
May delivery -No. 1 oats, 88c, No,
2 337e; rye, 00e; buckwheat, 56 to
57e; peas, Ste. Flour -Manitoba
patents, 84.20; seconete, $8,90; On-
tario straight rollers, -$8,50 to
$3,05; in bags, 81,70 to 61.75 ;
patents at $3.70 to $4.10, -.Rolled
ortts-Millerre prices, 82 bags and
sacks, 84.15 per bbl. Feed -Mani-
toba bran, 839 to $20; shorts, $21
to $112, bags included; Ontario bran
in bulk, 818 to 818.50 shorts, in
bulk, 820 to 821. ProviSions-
theevy Oanadian short cut pork, $24
to 825; short cut back, 822,30 to
$21; light short cut, 6138 to $24;
compound relined lard, filr to 9c ;
pure Genadian lard, 101 to llo ;
finest) lard, II, to like; hams, 124
to 1.3o; bacon, 14 to 15e; fre)al)
1(111(0 abattoir hogs, 80 to $0,25.
Ironey-WhIto clover, in sections, 12c
PCI section; in 1.0-18 tins, fee;
bulk, 71e; dark, ee lowor. Chereee-
Ontetrio, 18 to 13213 townships, 13e,
Butter -Strictly fresh, 28 to 284c;
:held, 20 in 201e. EggS-New
.12 'to 121c,
Buffalo, April 7.--1"lortr - Steady.
Wheat-Sprieg atilt; NO, 1. hard,
8,31e; No, I. Northern, 80,1.0,-' Winter
non -tined, Corte-FirM; No, 8Yellow,
4(Ie; No, 2 Corn, 40c, Ocein-Qtriet, ;
Wm 2 white, 40a ; NO, 2 inixed, 88e,
Barlose!-AVeatern, 55t ; 171 me OhIo,
5ge, 'Ilye-14.0. 2 quoted at Sfej,e,
Detroit, April 7. -Wheat, elosed-
Cash, 73e; No. 2 red, coati, 75Ie
May, 76c ; July, 78Ie,
Milwaukee, April 7.-W8e13,r---11e1;
Na, 1 Northern, 77e; No. 2 Northern
76e; May, 73,lc. Rye -Finn; No. 1
52e. Barley -Steady; No, 2 60e ;
sample. 42 to 58Ie, Corn -May, 43c
Duluth, April 7. -Wheat -To arrive
No. 1 herd, 751c; No, 1 Northern,
7311e; May, 731e; No. 2 Northern,
72Ic; Mny, 711I to 151e; July, 74e.
Oats -May, 133e.
-Minneapolis, April 7. -Wheat -May
734c; July, 731e; on traek, No. 1
hard, 757,e; No, 1 Northern, 7.4,2e ;
No. 2 Northern, 731c,
Toronto, April 7. - T'here was cm
active demand :or butchers cattle at
the Wedeln Cattle Market to-eay,
The prices of the lower grades, how-
ciN in, were weaker, and there were a
good marry of them on the market.
In exporters buying was fairly ani-
mated in the better descriptions, but
them were too many inferior and
rough ores offered, which buyers do
not care to touch. ,1101111 the best
price reported wets $1.75 for export-
ers'; 64.45 was about the top figure
foe butchers', but there were a num-
. her of exporters' bought for butcher-
ing purposes at higher prices than
these. Sheep weee steady, but
('111 3033 Imre decidedly lower. Hogs
continued weak without et quotable
decline, but the prospects were that
'they would go lower.
The run 03,73) 0 large one, and quite
a number of cattle were left over un-
sold. I11 amounted to S9 cars, con-
taining 1,390 cattle, 209 rtheep, 1,-
022 hogs, and log em,,,s,
The following is the range of quo-
Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs,
thoire.,,...,,..,,$1,5() 61.75
10179 11110 '1,2 4, 0
Lig('t 4.011 (boo
lniEs :1.73 4,00
Cows „. , ;3.40 3.75
Du eche: s*-
Pictel lots ... 4.25
Chohe „, 4,00
Me lona ... 3,40
331,138 . „ , 3,00
Ne'fers 3.50
Feeders , 4.00
Stoel e• s 3.00
Cenners 2,00
Sheep, -
Export ewes .„ ,4,25
Do., bucks 3,30
Grain -fed lambs (1.00
Do., hacks . 5.50
'Barnyard lambs 5.00
Cethes, carh 2.00
Calves, per 100 lbs. 4.00
s8tOar;x1S. 1:0300
Selevts, ISIO to ii2
Ibs„.. .„G.50
Thick fats 6.25
Lights . 6.25
3. (131
A delegation of members oi Parlia-
ment and Senators waited on the
Minister of Marine with Captalu
Bernier, in seppolt of Government
08811t011(0 301' 10 o1ai' . .
The delegation asked that the Gov-
ernment provide a boat for the ex-
pedition. It would cost 680,000,
Mr. Prefontaine, who was favorably
impreesed with the proposition, ask-
ed if the Government could have the
steamer back after the trip WaS
over, and Mr. Bernier said he was
quite agreeable to this,
Sir Fredellele Borden introduced
his bill to amend the Militia PeallOn
Act, Ile explained that this bill
was -intended to provide that mem-
bers of the civil service who hemline
officers of the permanent for of the
1111111110 under tbo Militia Peipion
,Act should have theie count for;
which they paid into the superannu-1
atlou fund. The Online Wan 91011110-
)y 711211107 to that inserted in the
Northwest Mounted Police Act at 1
last seeslon.
Notes of Proceedings in the Can-
adian. Parliament•
the Vitapatrick's bill to amend the
Criminal Act hy the insertion of a
clause respoeting immoral perform-
ances in llreat ITS Was read0.
third tittle.
Mt-, Fielding moved a resolution in
favor of conceding the Civil Service
Act so as to provide that if any
Ora Servant's period of Provoke lu-
chafed a fraction equal to or mentor
than ono -half year, the !reel:ton
should be deemed to be an entire
eeear upon whieh to base su3(o143n1)1111-
1011 allowance. IL, said this had
been the practice since 1 870, Ma the
Auditor -General had taken objection
o nut nu 30')',) IOLA OMNI 0I0
PePart men t of ,lust131101(14 !(10'
the change in the law was neressary,
lloplying to alr, llorden. Mr.
Fielding said that anv man dietniseed
for volitive' partisanship did mil
thereby lose the su peran nue time
money he had paid -mute the fund.
A question by Mr. Puttee elicited
the information from tho acting Min-
ister of interior that approximately
105,31(31) acres of land in the Pro-
vince of Manitoba are held by the
(3. P. It. and claimed to lie exempt
from taxation under the co/avast of
Walter Scott, 331, •P., West Assini-
bola, hasaddressed a memorial to
the Minister of Justice 011 the sub-
jett of complaints against the con-
ditions of the lumber trade in the
Meat, urging the holdirig of an en-
t 09( 11)11133 t
provisions of the anti-m.)11)1113e clause
of the Tariff Act, or serdlon 520 of
the Crinenal Code, dieected ter:tient
combination for restraint of trade.
UV alleges that lumber prices are un-
duly high as a re,sult of agceemeat,
or 10111binatiOn of dealers and man-
ufacturers, and says that they will
only sell to eertain num, Some re-
tail dealers have been forced out of
businciss. Others have been prevent-
ed from going into business. Tire
memorial sets forth that unless a
remedy can be had serious iajury to
the West will result. The cost of
Imilding is staid to be increased out
of all•propor tlon.
The Premier's explanation of the
Redistribution Bill was very brief.
Ile pointed out that a desennial cen-
sus invariably caused a disturbance
in the representation, Under sec-
tion 51 of the British North Am -
1 erica Act Parliament had no (1(817(1-
1. 101:, It became the mero 1ns00-
1 meat Ot the law, and was simply
} varied on to solve a problem in long
((1 4111)011. With Quereo the pivotal
'State, and its 1'e34re11ent:1ton station-
! ary at 65, the unit of represeata-
! by the last census wan found to
1 Le 25,167. Here the Premier sub-
mitted a comparative statement,
!showing 110.1 changes of population
in the ten years that had elapsed 80-
110(3411) 18111 and 1001. It ran:
MIL 1001.
P. E. 'Island 100,078_ 103,259
!Nova Scotia .. 450,896 159,57.1
New Brunswick 821,2133 121 ,1 20
Ontario ... .. 2,1 14,3121 2,1 P2,1117
!Manitoba 552,508 2513.211
Brit. Coluanbia 98,178 1.78,657
'N. 33,' Terri -
tortes. . 66,799 1531,940
Quebec ... 1,458,585 1,648,898
,Dominron of
; Canaria . 4,888,3819 5,371,3115
By dividing the unit or represent-
atioa rito the fignren of 1 901 the
representation would figure out; as
Prince Edward Island,. 3 members
(loses 1).
Nova S....canto, 18 members (losem
New Brunswick, 18 members (loses
Ontario, 86 members (l(1ses (3).
British Columbia., 7 members
(gains 1),
Martiloba, 10 members (gains 8),
17,01'1 811701 Terri terries, 10 mem-
her s (gains 6),
Yukom, 1. member,
Quebec, 65 inemhees (sta(ionary).
The Premier &ow attention to the
Mood featirres of the hilt For in-
stance, all the Provinees east of
Lake Superior would lose members,
all there west., save the Yukon,
would gain, To _the Northwest Ter-
ritories the unit of representation
would not apply, because in respect
to these the Government was not
bound by the letter of the hew and
the constitution. It had been
thought wise to give the West a
representration that would meet the
rapid Increase of 901)111a-tic/a and en-
courage immigrants from England
and the 'United States to become
Canadian citieens, and take a direct
interest in the affaies •of tho Do-
As the bill stands it is a. more
charter of instractioes to ri special
conunittee of Parliament, consisting
or seven members, four Liberals and
three Conservatives. '1110 Premier
stated thnt 011 the second reading of
the bill ho would InOVO for Such a
eoreinitiee, and, (1 the Opposition
agreod, the Whole matter would be
arranged in a way that Would be
satisfactory to the country,
Sir Frederick 'Borden, In reply to
n, queetion, informed Mr. Welter
Soott that It, is 1101 the intention of
the Government to ask Poeliament
to make a grant of land scrip to
Manitoba and Northwest volunteers
Who f,:ervad ander arins in Smith Af-
Mr, Ilickertlike's motion for pro.
hibition of the importation end man -
n -factory of cigarettes 111 Canada was
Adopted on a iliviaioe by et vote of
103 to 48,
The Standing Oedema Committee
lute mcommeederl that the time be
extended for presenting petitions for
private bills to Anvil 30 1-11, • and for
introducing private hills 10 May 7(53,
Employe in Eingston Works Has
a Narrow Escape.
A Kingston &spat eh says :-
Hebert Tiltson, an employe of the
locomotive works, had Et narrow es-
cape from death on Thursday, lie
was adjusting a belt cm a pulley
when his arm became caught in the
lashings. He was pulled off his Met,
and tifted almost to the height of
the shafting. The arm Wan palled
out of its socket, and the. bones
woe broken In two places in the
forearm and mares arm. 'Pinson dis-
played wonderful nerve end coolness.
When his compenionS stopped the
machinery, the injured man coolly
k out 881'1 1 eut 'Lhc Iloli,
thus freelag his arm.
Will Visit Number of 'Western
Ontario Towns,
A. Toronto despatch says ;-The
visit of Lord Minto anil party to
Toronto in April and 'May NVill bo
extended, and he somewhat in the
nature of a farewell tour, it beeng
expected that he will tako part In a
numbee of functions and viait several
towns and cities of Western Ontario.
The (lovorlior-General, after attend-
ing the m118110.1 festival on April 16,
will go back to Ottawa. Ott April
28 he will retura to Tor -oiler, and
take up his resideece in the Inman of
J. W. ',layette, Queen'e Park, which
hes been placed al; his disposal.
Lord Minter will remain until May
St, Xitts Citizens PropoSe They
Should Pay Dividends.
A. St. Catharines despatch says :-
It Is rultioeed that a properly -own -
cgs' aserneation is to be formed in
this (-fly, the object of the 1)850080.
tion living to protect rate-pnyors
from bonus -hunters and protnoiers.
They tidvocate that anyone getting
any bonne Protn this city is to give
stock for the anumet, and the city
rociive dividends the same as any'
0001- steekholder)
Tile petition of the Marmot Wire-
less Telegraph Company, Whiell NVOS
incorporated 10 Ontario on Novem-
ber 1 last, wes presented, Tho ('11111-
1')1112' is seeking a loederal charier,
with full powers to tramme1 bust -
MSS ill any portion of Canada.
Mr, C(1tterle (South Wellingtou) in-
trodeced his bill to amend the Rail-
way Ar.1 in the House of Comments.
The bill provIies that any attempt
made by the employes to contract
away liability should lie under the
supervision of the camel, and not
stand in law, 11n10-14 the agreement
were shown 00 bo made on a wirer -
ate and distinet vonsideeation as to
the trial finige should seem reason-
able. It aleo ramie it optional with
the ('20.)) 10)1')) whether or net they
become men-thees of such insurance
-Forletiee, anei that those employes
already members should have power
0 wilhdralY cm reasonable notice.
It Wan intended that the provisions
of the bill Should apply to all Gov -
eminent railways.
Mr. Puttee (Winnipeg) etrongly cri-
ticized the accommodation olTered
the immigrants arriving in the coun-
t'''. The cars were dirty and in-
efficient and the Government should
eee that sounthieg better ehould be
310110 for them. This treatment
would make a, had Impression and
, should. ho remedied. Sir W11) 10111
51(110031, ill reply to Mr. Put Lee, said
that the Government. (1111 all in itti
•poWor to cheek Suai efiSOS as those
1 11(001 holed. In spite of the groat
rush of immigration Ile agreed that
!Ito escuse should he accepted, 1011.
'pretsarre shoold be brought, to bear
; to enforce good accommodatiou for
!ineme gra nts.
• Mr. Monk called attention to the
raet that rapers relating 10 the
InAan boundary, Bond -Hay Treaty
011131(1(11I 11 3 1 1a'
,'Prtraty, and others had not been
:laid on the table, as asked for and
promirell, Mr. Fielding promised
'they would be produced at an early
date, as they were 121 Irrepaention.
1 Air. 'Stewart (Lisgar) brought up
the question of the line 02 WItomatie
grain weighers used in threshing
I inachires in Manitoba and the North...
Wont. Tie Said that Eta all grain
was weighed by the bushel there was
- difficulty in collecting the amount
!clue antil the department had legal-
ived a machine, Fully 55,0(30,-
(1781Wan owing to grain weighers in
;Mardloba and tl-e Northwest.
1.,000,000 Found in Ban.k Notes
Partially Eaten by Rats.
A. Romer despatch says :-Countess
! d'Onigo, nffiserly reclase, was num-
iciered several weeks ago 111 /yr./muse
!near '1'711113 0. 'The murderer, now a
prisoner. on Tuesday confessed the
ernae, declaring it was committed m
a frenzy of rage at the Countess, be-
cause of her refusal to give him a
!rar:al or money for his starving
!child. The Countess said she had
!neither meal uor money. The pollee
, found in her squalid betIr00111 bank
notes aggregating one million dol -
1111,3), live hundred onc-thoimand lir
" notes had Mon ;madly eaten
: by rata. The total value of the wo-
man's estate is estimated at four
1million dollars. Countess d'Onigo
Wan So peralrioliS that she allowed
111ers...1f only twenty cents daily for
Trans-Atlantio Se-rvico Will be
Opened April 15.
A. Montreal despatch says :-The
neW trans-Atlantic Steantship W-
HIM hetWeen Montreal and La Ito-
ebeile Pallico will be inaugurated by
! the sailing of the steamship liektos
from 1,a Rochelle Panic° on April
, 1131)i, direct to Montreal, This ser -
1 vice will be operated by two 8101101-
0 (8, the liektos and. tho Hesperus,
'Um latter Flailing from tho French
!f,Ort 011 the 15th of May. Its first
I se ill n g from Montreal will be on
' May 6111, and will be upon the sixth
' of each mouth Ulm -eerier. The ves-
sels 10130 of 8,000 tons each, first-
. elass in every particular. •The rail-
way emanation of La Panic° gives
!direct aerenn to Paris, Lyons, LI-
' magus, and other places.,
Han Eills Brother and Sister and
A. Kansas City, Mo., despatch
says :-Iorank Candee, aged dii, has
shot curet mortally wounded his
brother, Nathan, and his sister, Miss
Oline, after which he shot and fatal-
ly wounded himself. Nathan is the
chief clerk in the office of the assist-
ant manager of the Upton Pacific
Railroad in this city, Frank Cancleo
had been in poor health, and is be-
lieved to lutve been demented.
vvill Be the Head, of the Trane -
p ortati on C ommission.
An Ottawa despatch sayet r-Sie
William Van Horne has eonseeted to
aot as chairman of tho Transporta-
tion Commlesiort, Tho appointment
or Sir William and Messrs. Dertrain
and 10111ee05', although decided upon,
has not yet passed Council, Mr.
Kennedy, of auebee, is in England,
Nothing has been hewed from him as
Will 131 Introduced the 0081-
1110118 011 April 23,
A London ticapatobt mays i -Tu the
House of Commons on NVedneatley
Prime Minister llalfoer annortnced
that tho budget woold be Introduced
011 April 3213, tied the Irish Land
I1111 Would Pomo up on second road-,
ing the following 3vook,
Doings of Our Law Makers at
The animal report of the Pros -M-
OM Inspector of Insliranee minter)
that the two licensed buntrance
companies In Ontario havo 1101141
amounting to $237,190, and the (Mb-
Seribed eaPital is $120,276. There
are three joint fire insurance (7(11(0.
310111)3(7, with cash assets of $50,-
(4 '17(15, (3,0 (1 pai a 1(9 stock $13 1,000,
The number of indictee in force is
1.4,019, and the risk involved
amounts to $12,81.6450. The
eleven cash nudeal companies doing
business have aesets of $278,257,
and the number of polletrs in force
is 95,578, and the risk involved
8102,8 I 1,733. The 74 mutual man -
tinnier; have a cash asset: or $2 1 8,-
039. The total neW business taken
during the year by ail the com-
panies alnotinted to $70.028,430.
On the motion to go into supply,
Nit'. Ross explained Guth the 5345,-
000 was Merely the ordlnart depart-
mental expenses for the month of
April. The items were as (o/lows ;
Civil governmen(, 525,001): 01411110 -
tion, 625,000; administration of jus-
tice, $10,000; education, 825,000 ;
public institutions, $06,000 ; agri-
culture, 520,000; immigration and
colonimation, 62,000; repairs to
public building, $8,00(};
works, 610,000; contracts, 560,000;
charges on. Crown lands, $10,1(00 ;
miscellaneous, $50,000; total, $336,-
001", Mr. Ross explained that the
expenses of the investigation would
come out of the legislation or Oa
miscellaneous item.
The motion 1.0 adjourn until April
21 was advanced by Mr, Rosa, 'who
pointed olit three 1'ea110115 why such
action ahould bo taken. First, the
attendance of members of the Clove
eminent aud of private members on
both sides of the House would lie re-
quired at the inveetigation, thus
interfering with the proper trans-
actioa of business in the 'House.
Besides, members would of their
own accord desire to attend the in-
yeatigaticet and hear the evidence
for themselves. Second, it would
be impossible to get a careful and
mielivicled attention to ordinary
business while the minds of members
were being distracted by the inves-
tigation. Third, the Government did
not care to annurrie the full reepon-
sibilities of government witil they
could do so with the full confidence
of the country. If the charges were
prown by the investigation, it
would then devolve upon the Gov-
ernment to consider very scrioasly
what, they should next do, And un-
til the matter was disposed of they
thought it better that they should
if not altogether suspend the ma-
chinery or government, at least hold
their hand.
lJo thought that five or six weeks
after the House reasaembled would
be sufficieut to close up the business
of the session.
Mr. INtlitneer deseribed the proposal
as "wrong, unfair, -unjust, end un -
British." He held that, the House,
having delegated its pOleerS of tak-
ing evidence, ehoule be Nen hand if
neything should arise, during the in-
vestigation that demanded its at-
tention. The members should be all
the more astute while the investiga-
tion Wan 011, but they were being
asked to part all power to do their
duty out of their hands, The mem-
bers would not stay for die invosti-
gation. Nine out of ten of them
would go home. It wan proper, ho
said, that the Premier should ea -
knowledge tho undeeirability of as-
suming the full functions of a Gov-
ernment at the present time. That
statemeat was an acknowledgment
Met the Government, not Mr. Strat-
ton alchur, was on trial. There
would he plenty of subjects they
could discuss, however, that would
not be inconsistent with the Gov-
ermnent's position. The proposition,
moreover, would leave tho Clovern-
ment absolutely uncontrolable by
the Legislature for 1110 next three
wa‘Akclivision was taken and the re-
sult was 40 yeas, 41 nays.
The Mouse Immediately adjournod.13,
Husband Gave Wife P033011 In-
stead or Medicine.
A. Toronto despatch says :-Mciey
:Redmond, aged 64, wife or John
J Redmond, 400 adelattle street
west, died on Thursday night from
the effects of cat -biotic acid poisoning,
the drug having been given her in
mistake 13y her lnishancl. DecoaSecl
had ber:en 111 in bed for sorno days,
and there WaS beside her bed 0.
chair sontaining a number of medi-
cine bottles, (Deluding ono contain-
ing carbolic acid. About 9 o'clock
she Etaked her husband for her medi-
cine, and not knowing what he lima
doing, he gave her the poison. Ill
lenn than an hoer she wets dead,
despite the offorts of Drs.
'Mick and O'Brien to save her bile.
Coroner Crawford was notified, and
in investigating the caeo he closely
OM:lolled everybody in the honso,
and all told the same stoey. Com.
sequently he (Welded not to hold an
- 4
A Boy's Vain Attempt to Saere
is Xather,
A NOW York despatch trays 1 -
'While despondent from efeleness
TIMMY Miler, 0. Preasman, on Wed-
nesdny twisted a tolvel around 11.10
nook and hanged 110118e1f to a hook,
Ms I 2-yetue-olel son raised hie rani-
eer.s feet to a, window sill, whereupon
Miler lacked the elt1R1 In the side,
While the boy lay breathless upon
the floor the father stratigled to
Telegraphic Briefs From All
Over the Globe -
Milk producCoArs-rifil:61fruulltort Pro-
pose to advance. prices
TM Northwest Territories Assem-
bly ham been called. for April 10.
Wm. Hopkins, of London, has pur-
chased a faern of 1,100 !WITH at,
White Plains, Man., for 512,000,
Now Ontario Steamship Co, will
have a new boat built 10 Scotland al.
a cost 01 51,25,0011, to ran ladween
Montreal and Fort William.
The Ontario Sugar' Refinery turned
out 0,000,000 Dm, of sugar lest
year, Wallacehurg, 4,000,000; :Dres-
den, 3,500,000, anti Whitton, 1,-
1300,000 lbs.
:Henry Ilarrington, who plentlell
guilty in Wineipeg of abSeoliding
with seine of the Dominion re:preen
Company's funds, was nelitenced to
three 13011111)8 In jail.
Hon. Thomas Greonway is fighting
the lumber combine in the west, and
will ask the Dominion Government
to 111811(10e a judicial inquiry into
its methods.
Fort 'William has closed a con-
tract with the Anglo-American PoW-
er Co. of 0111114;o to develop tho
waLer power on the KaminIstiqua,
the toWn to receive 1,000 horse -
pewee ot $1.5 tier horse -Power,
At a meeting of the Dominiou
Board of Retail Merchants of Can-
ada in Hamilton ;two resolutions
from Toronto were passecl-one 111
opposition to the establishment of
municipal coal yards, and the other
against 'flie proposition of the 11(118
producers to have eight -gallon cans.
The British cable steamer Iris,
built specially as a tender rout re-
pair ship for the l'acifie cable, is
on her Way io Esquirnault, beieg ex-
pected in Victoria in June, via
Flontaiiitt end Suva, At the lather
place she will tu 80 oa forty miles of
cable, which will lie laid feom Brun -
field Creek up Albuni Canal.
0 DEA1' 1311.ITAIN.
Rights in a grand -tier box at the
Royal Albert Dail, London, have
just sold for 4400.
Mrs. Alexander Milne, the oldest
inhabitant of Montrose, has attaia-
ed her 102nd birthday.
Last year's output of coal in
South Wales was .11,305,000 tons,
an bacrease of 2,000,000 tons over
'(Inc who has never done an un-
kind action" 100110 the words in-
scribed on a„ coffin at Munden, Es-
At Bradford a women has com-
mitted suicide by drinking hot wa-
ter in which she had steeped
Tho House of Lords passed the pre-
vention of corruption bill, which
makes it a penel offence to offer or
accept gifts or bribes with a view
of influencing business.
To kill, scald, clean and helve a
full-grown pig in 7 minutes 5 sec-
onds, which has been accomplished
by a King's Lynn butcher, is assert-
ed to 11(1 a reeora.
A ship canal crossing Scotland
from cast to west between the Forth
and the Clyde is ono of the pro-
posals arising out of the now naval
base On tho Meth of Forth.
Shortly after going fro a fresh Cot-
ton mill in the hope of earning more
money, a Wigan factory girl, aged
10, droweecl herself because she felt
unequal to the harder work.
Illegitimate profit of 115,000 a year
could leo made in this way by a
wholesale AM), said the public an-
alyst 0311011 a Blackburn grocer was
fined. 1120 foe selling pepper aClUlt011-
ateci with grdund olive stones.
' 13y a vote of 32 to 14 the Senate
at Albany, KY., has passed the
thousand -ton barge canal bill.
Five white men have been arrested
at Goodwater. Ala„ for kidnapping
Madison Davis, col Orate and selling
Carlos Boards -Yacht and Eceorts
His Guest to Land,
A Lisbon despatelt says: The Bri-
tish ltoyal yacht Victoria. and Al-
bert, with King Edward on board,
arriVed in the Tagus on Thursday,
and was, greeted with a salute of 21
guns, The fleing of the salute an-
nounced the King's arrival, and
caused Cho greatest commotion
among the people, who flocked
through 1110 streets to the quays,
3310111 which eXelli-siOn steam bo a Ls
crowthid with sightseers alerted, to
meet his 'Majesty and welcome him
to Portugal. The warships manned
sides and yards, anti the sailors
cheered me the state gamey, followed
by several others, proceeded to tho
Victoria anti Albert, intetwiew
betweee their )3,lajcsties on board the
Victoria and Albert laste'd art hour
and a. half, after wbich 71 processiOn
was fanned end the two Kings wont
ashore. Tho historic galley occu-
911181 13,s, the Nimes lett the way. It
was fellowed by a flotilla of various
craft, Their Majesties' progreas WEIS
accompanied by slash of artillery,
and the sailors of the warships
again manned The Xings
5001'a escorted from the quay to the
palate by cavalry. The 0101(105 in
the streets were enthitalastic.
Two Hundred and Fifty Settlers
Enter Northwest.
A North Portal, N. NV, T., 'des-
patch Sayer T3vo innulred &ad fifty
settlers and 35 cora of effects mime
In hero Oti Wednesday from the Unit-
ed Strife% They intend settling
along the 500 Lina and the Saska-
tOon County generally,
zn IN BIG surtnuss,
Cunning Trick of London Thieves
-A School Teacher's
IIerman Ilerg, a seaman, seas
lighting It cigarette in the East In,
die, Dock ltoacl, London, when Wil-
Ilem Connelly cume up, webbed hie
watch chain, and made off with it.
'Phero Wan an exciting chose, aud
Connelly et length dropped a chola.
To Berg's surprise, however, the
eliain proved to ho a worthless sub-
stitute for the orlginal article. lia
gave chase again, alai Connelly was
ultimately caught, and sent to pri-
Kell for thme ntooths by the Thames
liutglstrate. The chain Connelly
threw away was an article lcnown as
a "thieves' decoy." (Maia surd:eth-
ers frequently carry an assoreineut
of those rubbishy things, so that
when premed they can thrOhr away
a chain resembling the one stolen,
and so induce the purame to stop.
Laat summer, at Richmond, in
Yorkshire., a married WOnian named
llarrlet Davison was sentenced to
three months' herd labor for steal-
ing a, pair of nooks rrom Friarago
I.odge, An amusing incident evas
disclosod during the hearleg of the
case. An assistant master of the
Grammar School residing 0.1 the
Lodge Was rOdely awakened by MrS.
Davison entering his bedroom at
5.30 on a Saturday morning. 17e
arose, and attired in his night
clothes, gave chase to the niarket
place, Ho called to three men to
stop the e-0111031, but they took no
hoe. It nfterwards tn.-Inspired they
took him for a lunette.
In anothern northern town er, few
moeleis back, a young fellow »amed
Fred Dates wan riding along on his
bicycle, when a man came running
clown the road after hitn. Catching
up to Dates at last, he pulled him
oil lirs machine, and a policemen
happening to lie standing mar,
Bates, he sold had the day beton;
ridden off, after riding over his
lietle girl, who Wan 11003 in hos-
pital. Bates seemed to resent the
charge very much. "Why," 11e ex-
claimed to the constable and the
gathering crowd, "this man's state-
ment is absolutely false. 11 is im-
' possible for him to have seen me
e-esterclay on ((13(1330310, for I stole
the machine only an hour ego."
Strange to relate, Bates' statement
proved perfectly cermet, and be af-
terwards underwent four months'
imprisonment for the theft.
During the late smallpox epidemic,
a man named Newby, stricken with
the disease, managed to make hls
eseape from hospieal at Barnet by
night. The patient Wan lost sight
of till the following avening, when
a Immo), reaohed the police that ho
had been seen, drinking in a public -
house near Hadley. Acting on this
Information, Inspector Browning sot
oir in pursuit on et bicycle, In Had-
ley Wood be Cattle Up with the runa-
way, who was cabnly strolling along
with a cigarette in his moeth. The
officer naturally gave him et wide
berth, but, by a skilful 11150, elltiCOCI
him past Clare Hall smallpox hospi-
tal, where he wes pounce13 upon by a
couple of porters and taken inside.
A fine, determined Scot Is Alexan-
der Ilurness, a Nineardineshire crof-
ter, who was before Sheriff Robert-
son at Stonehaven recently charged
with threatening anti shooting at a
reservist named Pepper. The two
men had been drinking together, and
had quarelled. Pepper took refuge
behind a greenhOliSe, but Bureess
sent his dog to('100.1'01! in
w ,
at him. Both missed, and Rainless
then knelt down and took more de-
liberate aim. Pepper was bit, but
Wan too far aavey for the shots to
penetrate Ina clothing. So 13toness
got into his dogcart and continued
the chase and the firing until Pep-
per left the road and took refuge In
tho wq.cceoloells
'description 'Was that giv-
en by a doteciive sergeant at High-
gate Police Court of his chase after
a. man named Ralph Brown, who
heed stolen a, pony and trap Teem 81.
Albans. II° traced Brown to Wat-
ford, then to Landon, Edmonton,
Hocklesslon, and elsewhere, arriving
at, each place Jost too late to catch
hint.; At length he caxne up with
him at en inn at Wave, but Dineen
had died in bed two hours before
the detective's aerival.
Even more caret -Mg was teal title
telt' to 0. caroller's jury at Ilkeston,
called to inquire into the 'cleath of a,
collier named Alfred 1711933u01, Wild -
gust and two other 111031 were atir.
prised at midnight by police consta-
ble Lomas in tho net of stripping a
garden and greenhouse. Ono man
rtiaheci at the constable, and was •
felled by a blow from his truncheon.
'Die second ran UV:ay, and Wildgust;
aftor a struggle, elso broke clear,
Lomas gave chase, 01171. three . move
hand-toehand encutinterft f011owed,
Diet tually Wildgnst and Lomari
reached the canal, into which the
former plunged, pluckily followed by
the officer, despite) the fact that he
could not awitn. A desperate strug-
gle followed in the (((333(0 lo or the ca-
nal, and eventually :I.,01110.8, thor-
oughly beaten, nerninbled out' arid
la,y on the bank exhausted. Wild -
gust sank before the eonetable had
eufficiently recoveved to go to his
StOcicholm claims the largeat
elchoolhodse the 'teeth), whieli lute
accommodation for 2,870 children.
XXI tho baSentent taro 100 bathrooms,
where the chiIdron are required to
bathe if their teachers think they
aro not tanght hatilts of elerddinees
at home, SOttp and towels am fur-
nished free bY the city. A whole-
some dineer furnished to poet
obildren at noon ie a11 the puhlie
sphools if they need it, as in Nor -
which ins11xes every Child at
loaSt one warrn meal each day,